View Full Version : The number of White people in America is substantially less than claimed

28th August 2017, 01:33 PM
Here is one reason I have said so for some time...

And before anyone tells me 23andMe is Jewish, that's not the point...the DNA test only confirmed what the main subject's sister found on paper.


Bob Hutchinson’s mother told him and his siblings almost nothing about her family, no matter how often they asked. “She was good at brushing people off,” said Mr. Hutchinson, 60.

Growing up, there were no photos of his mother as a child in the home, or of her own parents and siblings. She said that she was an only child, that her parents were dead. Her heritage, she claimed, was Italian and Swedish.

Mr. Hutchinson suspected it wasn’t true. Then his sister, digging into the family past, found their mother’s childhood home listed in a 1930 census.

The family had lived in Montclair, N.J., and was described as “Negro.” Mr. Hutchinson, who runs an advertising agency and lives in Pacifica, Calif., and his siblings had never been told they had African-American heritage.


Mr. Hutchinson decided to have his DNA analyzed by 23andMe. The report revealed he is one-quarter sub-Saharan African, which means that his mother was of mixed race. There was no indication of Italian or Swedish heritage.

Mr. Hutchinson also learned that his mother was not an only child, but had a brother and a sister. A genealogist helped him track down some first cousins in Alabama, who said they had been told never to contact Mr. Hutchinson or his family.

28th August 2017, 01:35 PM
"Italian and Swedish."


And his cousins:


The ignorant say, of course, "they look completely White to me."

28th August 2017, 01:47 PM
They do exhibit sub-saharan african features, look at those faces! http://www.cactuz.org/inger/smileys/cheeky-smilies_files/cheeky-smiley-018.gif

28th August 2017, 01:48 PM
The Admixture is bunk, based on human determined assumptions, not science. Nearly everyone gets a result telling them they are ashkenazi jew, based on videos on youtube I watched. Admixture is a complete farce. They are probably saying everyone with a small non-hooked nose is ashkenazi jew (or something as insane), so all these people with small non-hooked noses are being told they are 5% ashkenazi jew. Jews are the most inbred race and all these goyim are showing up ashkenazi jew. I rejected admixture outright. It can be agenda driven and is agenda driven. It is typically women that are being told they are ashkenazi jew, so if they are pretty, a jew can date them as some side shiska who has been told by ancestry.com or 23andme she is really jewish. That her relatives were turned into soap and lampshades in Dachau, while the jews laugh at her stupidity.

The Y-DNA and mtDNA on who's your dad and mom really do work, and their father and mother going back to where there was a mutation. You can't fudge that. That does not tell you a breakdown of you in a fake way like the admixture. Y-DNA will take a group of black descendants of Thomas Jefferson and tell who were the male-line mixed race children of Thomas Jefferson.

Mtdna was used to determine the body of King Richard III.


Y-DNA is different than admixture because it simply is looking at the genes that rarely mutate and all male relatives with a common paternal grandfather share the same genes/Y-DNA.

MtDNA has all the females with a common maternal grandmother sharing the same exact mtDNA.

There was a case of British man who has Y-DNA J2a1b/J2a3b/J2f/J2-M67 (it is all the same, just different names). He was wondering how this rare paternal ancestry (rare in Britain) arrived in England. Converted Greeks to Islam have this like Dr Oz, the Minoans have this, Chechens have this, Greek colonists all around the Mediterranean have it. What everyone agreed on was he was a paternal line descendant of either a roman settler of Britain or a Roman soldier. This is the best theory of his paternal family's arrival to Britain. This mtDNA and Y-DNA is not admixture, it is history and science.

28th August 2017, 02:36 PM

Growing up, there were no photos of his mother as a child in the home, or of her own parents and siblings. She said that she was an only child, that her parents were dead. Her heritage, she claimed, was Italian and Swedish.

The family had lived in Montclair, N.J., and was described as “Negro.” Mr. Hutchinson, who runs an advertising agency and lives in Pacifica, Calif., and his siblings had never been told they had African-American heritage.


Mr. Hutchinson decided to have his DNA analyzed by 23andMe. The report revealed he is one-quarter sub-Saharan African, which means that his mother was of mixed race. There was no indication of Italian or Swedish heritage.

Mr. Hutchinson also learned that his mother was not an only child, but had a brother and a sister. A genealogist helped him track down some first cousins in Alabama, who said they had been told never to contact Mr. Hutchinson or his family.

Strange, the linked article is different than you pasted:

Mr. Hutchinson decided to have his DNA analyzed by 23andMe. The report revealed he is one-eighth sub-Saharan African, which means that his mother was of mixed race. There was some Italian and Swedish heritage.

28th August 2017, 03:01 PM
I dont think you will find in france many pure caucasians either, with the huns and the moors invasion... france, spain will not pass the test.

also with the greek empire, and while it was several centuries ago, mediterranean blood was everywhere... and with all the slaves brought in by rome, well I guess italians frenchs and spaniards, dutchs are all doomed :)

this OP is splitting hair. It is too late to lament. If all races has understood that war is 1st cause of race mixing, we'd be at peace and most people would be happy with tribes or nation

where are the blue eyes coming from?

28th August 2017, 04:32 PM
Strange, the linked article is different than you pasted:

Both quotes are in the article in different places.

28th August 2017, 04:37 PM
I dont think you will find in france many pure caucasians either, with the huns and the moors invasion... france, spain will not pass the test.

Plenty of people "pass the test" in France and Spain. You assume - erroneously - that racial mixing is uniform across the population. Many families have remained pure for hundreds of generations. And the DNA will show this.

this OP is splitting hair.

The main subject in the article is 25% Sub-Saharan African DNA. Genes don't lie. Isn't that what your genome is?

I subscribe to the one-drop rule, so that makes the guy Negro.

It is too late to lament. If all races has understood that war is 1st cause of race mixing, we'd be at peace and most people would be happy with tribes or nation

Genocide was the alternative to that, and is the reason the White race even exists today.

where are the blue eyes coming from?


A Nigger either raped a blonde woman, or, a coalburner threw her genetic heritage away and fucked a Nigger.

28th August 2017, 07:16 PM
These women have found out they are jewish, and there are thousands of others who are being fooled into believing they are jewish, including black women (this falls into the category of the Hebrews were black and we was kingz and sheeit stupidity). Some of the black women were products of a jewish slave trader/owner/master and a black woman, but nothing of sort happened to these white women. Yet we are made to believe the Ashkanazi jews snuck out of their ghettos and had relationships with the white goy women, by the tens and hundreds of thousands.




Proof they make up what is jewish, what is finnish, what is black:


I suppose all these people who buy into the admixture lie that when they are told the jews run the world, they will think "cool, I'm jewish!"

28th August 2017, 07:38 PM
Yet we are made to believe the Ashkanazi jews snuck out of their ghettos and had relationships with the white goy women, by the tens and hundreds of thousands.

No, the Catholic church simply accepted them as Christians/"Christians." Some were authentic conversions, others were Conversos.

Jews have been in the Rheinland since Roman times, and Khazar Jews filtered into Goyish society over the past millennium. There is little reason to doubt that A LOT of Goyim have minute Khazar ancestry.

I should also point this out: the original Khazars were a heterogeneous population, with individuals from pure Aryan (Iranian) to pure Turkic and everything in between. Pretty much an ancient America-style ethnic salad bowl. Some Khazar ancestry would be indistinguishable, except for unique markers due to inbreeding, from Sarmatian or Scythian ancestry (that is, Aryan). As with the Scythians, red hair was often seen (and is common among Jews from the Pale). These Aryan and near-Aryan Khazars would have been readily accepted by Aryan Christians after genuine conversion. Of course, the ugly "typical Khazar" appearance, with the grotesque nose and rat-like face is a Central Asian/Turkic trait.

28th August 2017, 07:50 PM
In 2006, a group of scientists discovered that 40 percent of the world’s Ashkenazi Jews could now be traced back to four women—two years later, a team of geneticists at universities in England and Spain discovered through Y chromosome testing that 20 percent of the population of the Iberian Penisula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry. A large majority of these hidden genetic Jews had converted to Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition, and many had migrated to Italy.''


The women videos that I have looked at are saying 60-70%+ of them are Ashkenazi Jews. It should be about half the rate of Spain [20%], who forced jews to convert or leave.

The jews even have a plan for these women fooled by ancestry.com and 23andme,

A government-appointed committee recommends that Israel create a new status for individuals around the world who have Jewish roots or belong to “emerging Jewish communities,” but are not eligible to immigrate to Israel or spend any length of time there.


These "jewish" goyim women are "everywhere":


She has ancestry reports going back to the 1500s and no Shlomo Shekelberg in the family tree? Yet the jews say she is jewish! "You gotta believe them!"

I just watched 2 women reveal their admixtures and these were below the average, only 1 out of the two women were found to be jewish.

28th August 2017, 11:24 PM
These "jewish" goyim women are "everywhere":


Nine out of ten professional anti-Semites™ would say she is a rat-faced Kike...without the DNA test. Something is especially "off" about her mouth.

Rejecting her minutely part-Ashkenazi DNA test as "false" is irrational.

This is what she say the test claims she is:

Africa North< 1%
Asia South 2%
Great Britain 41%
Europe West 25%
Ireland 18%
Scandinavia 4%
Europe East 3%
Italy/Greece 2%
Iberian Peninsula 2%
European Jewish < 1%
West Asia < 1%
Caucasus < 1%

Some comments claim the "South Asian" is probably Gypsy. Could be.

Keep in mind these DNA markers are not precision...they reflect unique markers in known populations. Some markers can be shared across groups without modern miscegenation. For example, the European and South Asian populations will have significant sharing due to the fact both descend from ancient Aryans...the latter being a lot less so.

I'd like to know her maiden name and family names.

3rd September 2017, 07:20 PM
This woman with a British/Scottish surname, her father's Scottish, found out from ancestry DNA that she is 0% Great Britain. But she is 9% Jewish! lol

I found many others, over half of these white non-jewish women still are coming up jewish, but this one needed a share.


If Arabs are coming up jewish, does this mean the terrorist state of Israhell will let the Palestinians live in the entirety of Palestine, including unlawful Israhell?

What's the point of all these non-jewish white women (((finding out they are jewish))), Adam Sandler can tell you,

(Warning: vile, disgusting diabolical jewishness)

All these white women who would only want to marry someone like their parents, white. Well "their parents are jewish", says the jew.

3rd September 2017, 10:16 PM
This woman with a British/Scottish surname found out from ancestry DNA that she is 0% Great Britain.

As though no one has ever stolen a Scottish surname to hide their real identity...

But she is 9% Jewish!

She looks 90% Jewish.

I found many others, over half of these white non-jewish women still are coming up jewish

Trouble is, this chick isn't White.

5th September 2017, 09:19 AM
My 23andme test shows 0% Jewish and the only surprise was a tiny amount of Croatian. Everything else was pretty much what I was told by my parents.

My mother's German side has been pure for 300+years, only in the boomer generation have they married non-Germans (my father was Italian for instance).

5th September 2017, 10:46 AM
My 23andme test shows 0% Jewish and the only surprise was a tiny amount of Croatian. Everything else was pretty much what I was told by my parents.

My mother's German side has been pure for 300+years, only in the boomer generation have they married non-Germans (my father was Italian for instance).I've never done a 23 and me test, I don't trust them, but apparently it worked for you, so I guess that's good.

5th September 2017, 12:34 PM
I've never done a 23 and me test, I don't trust them, but apparently it worked for you, so I guess that's good.

My 23andMe test is consistent with what I knew and expected, except for the "Scandinavian" aspect. That can be attributed via Ireland or Ukraine, though. The results are not certitude of national/state origin, of course - it only reflects correlation with known populations. Hence, a result showing "Scandinavian" doesn't mean you are Scandinavian, only that you share DNA segments with the Scandinavian population (which would be expected from centuries-old genetic contributions to Ireland, Britain, and Russia/Ukraine). Actually, the same could also be true for "Ashkenazi" ancestry, since it reflects correlation with known Khazar Jewish DNA...but the Khazars were and are a heterogeneous population, with a major Aryan contingent (Scythian/Sarmatian, for example).

The inability to be absolute is also reflected in majority-German individuals (for example, me) having their ancestry classified as "French & German," rather than just "German." Movement across artificial borders cannot be perfectly correlated with DNA.

5th September 2017, 03:56 PM
My 23andme test shows 0% Jewish and the only surprise was a tiny amount of Croatian. Everything else was pretty much what I was told by my parents.

My mother's German side has been pure for 300+years, only in the boomer generation have they married non-Germans (my father was Italian for instance).

Glad your's came out normal. A theory of why so many are coming up odd is when they determine what is jewish, they take the jews and try to make them 75-100% jewish in their results, even though they might be Khazars or some other new jewish people. So everyone else must suffer too with the "knowledge" they are jewish, when they aren't. Also they are taking some genes that are native and common to many in Italy, Greece and the rest of the Greek and Roman World and calling anyone with those genes, jewish.

Another white woman is told she is jewish and she practically ignores it:


5th September 2017, 05:25 PM
Another white woman is told she is jewish and she practically ignores it:


NOT a White woman. That's clear form her visage. She'd fit right in in any Shul (Synagogue).

Oh, wait, you're the one who claims Aryans are not White Europeans:
