View Full Version : Someone needs to put these greasy fucking gooks in their place.

old steel
1st September 2017, 12:10 AM
It's the only way.


North Korean soldiers told 'war is imminent'http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/north-korean-soldiers-told-war-is-imminent-as-tensions-with-us-rise-even-higher/ar-AAr3OTb?li=AAggNb9

1st September 2017, 12:26 AM
Because they refuse the central banker?

1st September 2017, 11:29 AM
old steel needs to put these greasy fucking gooks in their place.

Fixed it for you.

Call the US Army at 888-550-ARMY - recruiters are standing by for YOUR call!

1st September 2017, 11:31 AM
Because they refuse the central banker?

No, because the "world community" installed and tolerates Swiss-trained Fat Boy Kim as despot of a desperate people.

War on the Korean people is not only immoral, it's completely unnecessary. If Fat Boy is a problem, remove the problem.

1st September 2017, 12:00 PM
No, because the "world community" installed and tolerates Swiss-trained Fat Boy Kim as despot of a desperate people.

War on the Korean people is not only immoral, it's completely unnecessary. If Fat Boy is a problem, remove the problem.

Like this right?



1st September 2017, 02:07 PM
These gooks would have been dealt with if rabbi harold soloman truman didnt stop gen douglas macarthur from giving them a righeous whooping.

1st September 2017, 03:09 PM

None of them look asain.

1st September 2017, 03:27 PM
No, because the "world community" installed and tolerates Swiss-trained Fat Boy Kim as despot of a desperate people.

War on the Korean people is not only immoral, it's completely unnecessary. If Fat Boy is a problem, remove the problem.

If there was a Rothschild controlled central bank there; and they they ask "how high" when the US says to jump, there would be no issue. Iraq and Libya were the last to not have one.

1st September 2017, 08:02 PM
Like this right?

Absolutely not. You enlist a committed Korean nationalist and promise to keep his wife and children safe and in luxury for the rest of their lives to load Fat Boy Kim's coveted Swiss cheese with Ricin or Polonium. He dies a hero, Kim croaks, and millions of North and South Koreans survive to see the reunification.

1st September 2017, 08:05 PM
If there was a Rothschild controlled central bank there; and they they ask "how high" when the US says to jump, there would be no issue. Iraq and Libya were the last to not have one.

North Korea is propped up the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which in turn is funded by the People's Bank of China, which in turn is run by Rothschild Holdings China dba People's Bank of China.

Fat Boy Kim is just the latest "madman" asset of the world government, to be the Jack-in-the-Box "threat," popping up on command as needed for (((their))) goals.

midnight rambler
1st September 2017, 08:29 PM
North Korea is propped up the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which in turn is funded by the People's Bank of China, which in turn is run by Rothschild Holdings China dba People's Bank of China.

Fat Boy Kim is just the latest "madman" asset of the world government, to be the Jack-in-the-Box "threat," popping up on command as needed for (((their))) goals.

Once one gets a comprehensive cognizance of the extent of (((their))) machinations it is downright disconcerting.

1st September 2017, 08:38 PM
Once one gets a comprehensive cognizance of the extent of (((their))) machinations it is downright disconcerting.

The Devil is real, and is the mastermind behind all of this. No human or group of humans, even with super-genius level IQs, are THIS smart.

1st September 2017, 08:41 PM
North Korea is propped up the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which in turn is funded by the People's Bank of China, which in turn is run by Rothschild Holdings China dba People's Bank of China.

Fat Boy Kim is just the latest "madman" asset of the world government, to be the Jack-in-the-Box "threat," popping up on command as needed for (((their))) goals.

exactly right....and people fall for same gag every two or three years

1st September 2017, 08:50 PM
one of the hypes they coupled with the launch (or repositioning) of this bad boy


old steel
1st September 2017, 11:00 PM
Oh FFS i must of hit the bottle a little too hard last night you know i really do get a kick out of those slopeheads marching around in their little yellow skins.

What's not to like?




Surrounded by tech support.


Turn if off, then back on.

old steel
1st September 2017, 11:11 PM
If only we could express to our brothers in North Korea the joys of central banking they would embrace it with open arms.

Why, didn't Denis Rodman explain it to little Kim?


2nd September 2017, 07:16 AM
If only we could express to our brothers in North Korea the joys of central banking they would embrace it with open arms.

I'm not sure where this idiocy about "North Korea doesn't have a (Rothschild) central bank" came from.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_the_Democratic_People%27s_Republic _of_Korea

And this funds that one:


NOT ONE STATE on Earth doesn't have a fiat currency central bank. And fiat currency central banking is the foundation of Babylon banking, which is the modus operandi of the Rothschild Crime Syndicate.

A few Muslim states have TALKED ABOUT implementing a real (commodities-based) currency, but none have actually done it. Until then, they are ALL in servitude to the Mystery Babylon System, run by the Rothschild Luciferians...that "red shield" is the Shield (Star) of Remphan aka "David." ALL the merchants of the Earth are dependent upon that system, whether "Christian," "Muslim," "Hindu," "Shintoist," or atheist.

The Mystery Babylon System is here, and every land on Earth pays homage to it.

2nd September 2017, 05:27 PM
They show up in my back yard I'll kill as many as I can. Other then that, what the actual fark am I going to do about it?

They can't beat the central bankers (neither could we) so I know how this story ends.

midnight rambler
2nd September 2017, 06:38 PM
WTH is that??

one of the hypes they coupled with the launch (or repositioning) of this bad boy


2nd September 2017, 09:12 PM
WTH is that??It looks like a deepwater rig that someone photoshopped.

2nd September 2017, 09:19 PM

2nd September 2017, 09:32 PM
+10 points for Chuck! Looking more like a reality gameshow than not. Can't wait for the next (((official))) question from this forums leaders.

2nd September 2017, 09:51 PM
WTH is that??

"Ballistic Missile Defense" seaborne radar.

See also: complete waste of taxpayers' money. *

Of course, it hasn't been operationally tested in a live-fire exercise. Will it work in calm seas? Maybe.


* http://graphics.latimes.com/missile-defense/

SBX “represents a capability that is unmatched,” the director of the Missile Defense Agency told a Senate subcommittee in 2007.

In reality, the giant floating radar has been a $2.2-billion flop, a Los Angeles Times investigation found.

Although it can powerfully magnify distant objects, its field of vision is so narrow that it would be of little use against what experts consider the likeliest attack: a stream of missiles interspersed with decoys.

SBX was supposed to be operational by 2005. Instead, it spends most of the year mothballed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

The project not only wasted taxpayer money but left a hole in the nation’s defenses. The money spent on it could have gone toward land-based radars with a greater capability to track long-range missiles, according to experts who have studied the issue.

2nd September 2017, 10:07 PM
It would have made more sense to put another one of these on Midway:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_State_Phased_Array_Radar_System (previously PAVE PAWS)

We have one unit at Beale; there are four others.

