View Full Version : 23andMe confirms khazar theory, pressured to hide it

1st September 2017, 07:20 AM

The genomics company 23andMe has retracted a statement made on the profiles of some users with Ashkenazi heritage that they may be descended from an extinct tribe from the Caucasus known as the Khazars, inadvertently wading into a political-genetic debate with far-reaching implications for Jewish identity and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The company said in a statement that it will remove any reference to the theory from its site.

23andMe, which offers direct-to-consumer genome testing services, sent out an email last week to customers, announcing updates to the genetic reports corresponding to different haplotypes, or genetic groups defined by certain DNA variations. The email promised that “a major update” of the company’s genetic history reports would help its customers “gain insights into fascinating and unusual details about your genome, details that set your story apart.”

One of the details in question? That a large portion of Jews may be descended from the Khazars, a semi-nomadic tribe in the Caucasus that was largely destroyed in 10th-century C.E. — and not from the Israelites of the Israel/Palestine area from several thousand years ago. This theory, known as the “Khazar theory,” has been discredited by geneticists all over the world.

“The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews has been traced back to a population of Jewish people living between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea before the Roman exile,” the report on the 23andMe website read. “However, research suggests that Ashkenazi Jews who belong to your haplogroup may descend from a single male who… may have been a member of the Khazars, an enigmatic Turkic tribe that lived in Central Asia, and that converted to Judaism in the eigth century A.D.”

Now, in response to inquiries from the Forward, 23andMe is saying the inclusion of the Khazar theory in the company’s latest genetic report — one of many released to customers on Friday — for some Ashkenazi Jews was “an error.”

“We apologize for this material not being struck from the reports before they were released to customers, which should’ve happened in the editing process,” Andy Kill, a spokesman for 23andMe, wrote in an email. “We do not endorse ‘Khazar theory,’ and are removing any language referencing the theory from the product today.”

As of Tuesday evening, Kill said 23andMe would note the removal of the Khazar theory on the profiles of the users it was sent to. The company had not yet determined if it would issue a public apology or a press release about the inaccuracy of the report.

The company also did not release the number of people who received the report. The haplogroup in question — called variously R-M512 and R1a — is present in about 50% of Jews who descend from the tribe of Levi.
Don’t Buy the Junk Science That Says Yiddish Originated in Turkey
Jordan KutzikApril 28, 2016

But questions remain: Why didn’t 23andMe realize that the Khazar theory is widely discredited? How many of 23andMe’s customers received this inaccurate “update”? And does the company know what the political motivations of the theory are?

Andrew Golden, a 23andMe customer who noticed the Khazar theory’s prominent place in his latest genetic report, said he was “surprised” to see the discredited theory presented as a real scientific possibility.

“It certainly phrased it as being as likely as anything else that [the Khazar theory] is reality,” he said.

Golden said he first encountered the Khazar theory in college, where he thought it was a “neat idea” — until he learned that “it had no strong basis in history,” and had been used by anti-Semites to delegitimize the Jewish connection to Israel.

“There are times that because of politically difficult realities you should make sure that it’s a bit more than conjecture before you throw it all out there,” he added.

The Khazar theory, espoused variously by Jews, neo-Nazis and supporters of the Palestinian cause, has most recently been championed by Eran Elhaik, an Israeli-American genetics researcher. Elhaik’s analyses drew from the genetic data of 367 self-reported Ashkenazi Jews. A 2013 study drawing on over 1,700 samples from 106 Jewish and non-Jewish populations and co-written by 30 geneticists refuted the Khazar theory.

Elhaik has also claimed that Yiddish, a language widely understood to be a composite of Hebrew, German and Slavic languages, has its origins in eastern Turkey and not in Germany.
A screenshot of one user’s 23andMe profile containing the reference to the Khazar theory of Jewish ancestry.


A screenshot of one user’s 23andMe profile containing the reference to the Khazar theory of Jewish ancestry.

While the theory that Jews are descended from Khazars has been discredited, many historians think that the aristocracy of the Khazar empire did in fact convert to Judaism in seventh-century C.E. However, some researchers have questioned the validity of the historical evidence often cited when detailing the Khazarian King Bulan’s obsession, and eventual conversion, to Judaism.

“The stakes were that it was political, because if Ashkenazi Jews don’t descend from people from the Middle East, then their Zionism is scientifically discredited,” Steven Weitzman, professor of Jewish history at the University of Pennsylvania and author of “The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a Rootless Age,” said of the Khazar theory controversy.

Perhaps the most famous use of the Khazar theory was by Shlomo Sand, an Israeli historian, in his book “The Invention of the Jewish People,” published in English in 2009. Sand’s book was widely criticized for ignoring DNA evidence that supports a lineal descent of Jews from an ancient population in the modern-day Land of Israel.

@jdforward Received this report from 23andme (ancestry/health genetic testing co.). Stating discredited Ashkenazi “Khazar” theory as if fact pic.twitter.com/QXjhD2u8VG— (((Avram Gelbus))) (@MostaganemSkies) August 27, 2017

Harry Ostrer, a geneticist and author of the book “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People,” told the Forward in August 2016 that Elhaik did not meet basic policies for sharing data among genetics researchers pursuing the same subject matter. Ostrer also said that Elhaik had an “anti-Zionist agenda” with his work.

Ostrer said that the main problem with the Khazar theory was that it was impossible to prove. There is no known group of people that descends directly from the Khazars: When the Khazar empire was crushed, its people fled into Europe, Asia and the Middle East, blending in with the local populations. Genetic samples from known Khazar descendants would be needed as control samples to confirm that some Ashkenazi Jews have Khazar ancestry.

“The question is, ‘Could they have mixed with Ashkenazi Jews?’ Yes, that is possible,” Ostrer said. “Were they the founders of Ashkenazi Jews? No, that is not possible. The evidence supports shared origins of European Jewry. That has to be accounted for.”

Eighty years after the Holocaust, in which about 6 million Jews were killed in the name of purifying the Aryan “race,” the business of direct-to-consumer genetic testing is booming, and it’s never been cooler to spit in a sterile plastic tube. Ten years ago, 23andMe started holding “spit parties” at New York Fashion Week to get publicity. Now the company has a valuation of over $1 billion. People who use genome testing services routinely post videos on YouTube of themselves learning their ancestry in real time.
Can 23andMe Tell Us If Jews Are A Race — And Is That A Good Thing?
Ari FeldmanJuly 30, 2017

23andMe does not try to isolate a “Jewish” gene — just Ashkenazic genes. 23andMe lists “Ashkenazi Jewish” as a reference population within the larger European population. Ancestry.com calls Jewish genes “European Jewish.” Sephardic Jews are not considered a distinct population by either company, or by researchers — their genetic make-up is not sufficiently different from surrounding North African, Iberian and Greek populations. Ashkenazic Jews often find themselves in the peculiar situation of being 90% Ashkenazi Jewish and 99% European. Sephardic Jews may be told they are mostly Middle Eastern and North African and less than 10% Ashkenazic.

Yet even as many Jews flock to 23andMe to learn more about their genetic ancestry, the company’s inadvertent endorsement of an unscientific theory might cause them to think twice about accepting its genetic reports as fact.

“It sort of assaults your sense of self a little bit,” Golden said. “Let’s be careful with things that are totally unprovable.”

Contact Ari Feldman at feldman@forward.com or on Twitter, @aefeldman

1st September 2017, 07:39 AM
This theory, known as the “Khazar theory,” has been discredited by geneticists all over the world.



1st September 2017, 07:57 AM
Couple points: I saw an article at renegadetribune a year or so back, saying think twice about using 23&Me; joo-founded/owned & you're giving them a DNA sample to do with as they please. Plus they may decide telling everyone and their mother that they have a little bit of joo in them, may neutralize many joo-wise goyim.

Vlogger ReallyGraceful did this little viddy a few months ago-- though she's not known for banging on the JP*,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IrVPoxvXz9s/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCAocy20VW-8Bp8quoEBHlt6wN-jA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrVPoxvXz9s) 13:14
Privacy Is an Illusion: Watch Before Taking a DNA Test (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrVPoxvXz9s)

3 months ago

* Though she did do this vid, sort of a flash in the pan for her

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KDRuOhLLta0/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCaTYJzCp82qTSQxzHz00Br0UkJjA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRuOhLLta0) 10:24
What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRuOhLLta0)

4 months ago

The other point-- the ever-untrustworthy DDuke backed off "the khazar theory" a couple years ago, and AFAIK he maintains that position. He just did this 2 part interview with Brian Ruhe of Canada, haven't listened,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yug5oN2J79A/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLD91BX0ENaYm-coEjNWEgI3rvhUtQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yug5oN2J79A) 1:10:38
David Duke Part 1 with Brian Ruhe on Jewish Race, Russian Revolution, Organized Crime, Khazar Theory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yug5oN2J79A)

11 hours ago

1st September 2017, 11:20 AM
The company also did not release the number of people who received the report. The haplogroup in question — called variously R-M512 and R1a — is present in about 50% of Jews who descend from the tribe of Levi.

Exactly, R1a is a Khazar haplogroup (Khazars are only a part of R1a). Also apart of R1a are Russians, Poles and some other Slavs.

You can't fudge who your father's father's father's father's father's, this is been proven. They can fudge and play around with admixture to get certain results the jew wants.

Netanyahu is an R1a Khazar.


R1a is of no relation to the Arabs and other Semites. And these Khazar jews were saying they were of the tribe of Levi, as true as their lying statements concerning the holocau$t.

1st September 2017, 03:36 PM
I liked the statement:

"Andrew Golden, a 23andMe customer who noticed the Khazar theory’s prominent place in his latest genetic report, said he was “surprised” to see the discredited theory presented as a real scientific possibility."

Yeah, let's not let science create hurt-feelings. Yeah, "discredited theory" -- only by the Ashkenazis.

1st September 2017, 07:53 PM
"Discredited" = factual genetic science that utterly destroys the Khazars' "claim" to Palestine as an "ancestral homeland."

2nd September 2017, 10:33 PM
Vlogger ReallyGraceful did this little viddy a few months ago-- though she's not known for banging on the JP*,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IrVPoxvXz9s/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCAocy20VW-8Bp8quoEBHlt6wN-jA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrVPoxvXz9s) 13:14
Privacy Is an Illusion: Watch Before Taking a DNA Test (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrVPoxvXz9s)

3 months ago

* Though she did do this vid, sort of a flash in the pan for her

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KDRuOhLLta0/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCaTYJzCp82qTSQxzHz00Br0UkJjA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRuOhLLta0) 10:24
What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRuOhLLta0)

4 months ago

ReallyGraceful just did another one re izzy;

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZfIKWxNiinM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDUl6XJXWv6zgflrgtj0gT7P2IejQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfIKWxNiinM) 11:44
The Greatest Betrayal Never Told (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfIKWxNiinM)

1 day ago

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-HOStFimh-XI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/FvYF8Zgoz_c/s48-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/user/reallygraceful)
Pinned by reallygraceful
reallygraceful (https://www.youtube.com/user/reallygraceful)1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfIKWxNiinM&lc=z235j3gbzsjdyb2lyacdp435ytce3jd5lktok04ub4hw03c 010c)
Hey internet friends! Here are my sources.

The Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Oil and Gas advises management on strategic, financial, operational and public policy matters. https://genieoilgas.com/about-us/strategic-advisory-board/
1916 Britain and France conclude Sykes-Picot agreement http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/britain-and-france-conclude-sykes-picot-agreement
Balfour Declaration: Text of the Declaration http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/text-of-the-balfour-declaration
Six-Day War MIDDLE EAST [1967] https://www.britannica.com/event/Six-Day-War
Rothschild's fund Communists/Rothschilds supported the democratic February Revolution http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=7.3
The War over the oil market: Branobel History http://www.branobelhistory.com/themes/oil-production/the-war-over-the-oil-market/
How Much Is Queen Elizabeth Worth? https://www.forbes.com/2001/06/26/0626queens.html
Winston Churchill: “He Who Controls Oil” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aiko-stevenson/winston-churchill-he-who-_b_6866898.html
Jennie Jerome Churchill https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jennie-Jerome-Churchill
Winston Churchill on Zionism vs. Bolshevism http://www.fpp.co.uk/bookchapters/WSC/WSCwrote1920.html
US, Germany: Golan Heights not part of Israelhttp://www.jta.org/2016/04/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/us-germany-golan-heights-not-part-of-israel
Netanyahu vows Golan Heights will remain part of Israel forever http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-vows-golan-heights-will-remain-part-of-israel-forever/
Stop Blaming Colonial Borders for the Middle East's Problems https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/09/stop-blaming-colonial-borders-for-the-middle-easts-problems/279561/
Huge oil discovery on Golan Heights http://www.globes.co.il/en/article-huge-oil-discovery-on-golan-heights-1001071698
Israel to annex Golan Heights after 'billion barrel' oil findhttp://www.theecologist.org/News/news_round_up/2986289/israel_to_annex_golan_heights_after_billion_barrel _oil_find.html
What Benjamin Netanyahu Tried to Negotiate With President Putin in Sochi https://sputniknews.com/politics/201708251056791831-netanuahu-putin-meeting-sochi/
Winston Churchill Religion https://www.winstonchurchill.org/publications/finest-hour/finest-hour-163/churchill-proceedings-winston-churchill-and-religion-a-comfortable-relationship-with-the-almighty
BP and Iran: The Forgotten History https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bp-and-iran-the-forgotten-history/
Winston Churchill's American motherhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/non_fictionreviews/3670257/Winston-Churchills-American-mother.html
BORDERLINES Winston’s Hiccup https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/06/winstons-hiccup/?mcubz=1
After Oscar win, Russian Embassy calls Syria’s White Helmets ‘actors,’ not life-savers https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/01/russias-trolly-twitter-account-just-took-aim-at-an-oscar-winner/?utm_term=.7e8392cd35f4
MAY 26, 1908: MIDEAST OIL DISCOVERED — THERE WILL BE BLOOD https://www.wired.com/2008/05/dayintech-0526/ 
Genie Oil Investigation Part 1 - A Land Mine Ready to Explode! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgmPv6F9U3E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgmPv6F9U3E&t=0s)
White Helmets Debunking Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4T_aHq2WP23lQSeY1cAdYQ https://smmsyria.wordpress.com/ https://twitter.com/smmsyria

18th October 2023, 04:12 PM
"Discredited" = factual genetic science that utterly destroys the Khazars' "claim" to Palestine as an "ancestral homeland."

Makes more sense to be labeled 'anti-Semitic' for understanding the fact that most of the Jews causing problems for the west and especially 'whites' are at least half 'white' themselves than labeling those showing empathy for more indigenous Semitic Palestinians anti-Semitic.

timesofisrael.com: Blog: Ashkenazi Jews Are Indigenous To Israel, Not Europe (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/ashkenazi-jews-are-indigenous-to-israel-not-europe/)

DEC 25, 2018
[O]ur self-identity as an indigenous Middle Eastern people hasn’t always been welcomed. To the contrary, it has been and continues to be ferociously resisted. Despite centuries of being told to ‘go back to Palestine’, today we are told, with alarming frequency, that we are “only a religion” and that we are “foreigners” and “colonizers” in our own indigenous homeland. Too many people fail to recognize this for the insidious psychological assault on our being that it is...

Nearly all of Israel’s “founders” were Ashkenazi. The Zionist credo is, in essence, at least 2,000 years old, but the Zionism that led to Israel’s re-establishment was invented in Eastern Europe, by Ashkenazim. Most of the early olim were Ashkenazi, as were the majority of Israel’s soldiers and leaders circa 1948. That is what anti-Zionists tend to focus on when they challenge Israel’s legitimacy. In their minds, Ashkenazim are really just “European whites” who, for religious reasons, claimed a “mythical” attachment to Israel, proclaiming a right of “settlement” in a land that is “no longer theirs”, assuming it ever was in the first place...

Left-wing antisemitism tends to fall harder on Ashkenazim. That is to be expected. Most Western Jews are Ashkenazi and, as a result, Westerners often associate Jewishness with Ashkenazim in particular. Non-Ashkenazim tend to view this as a privilege, and in many ways it is. But it is ALSO an enormous disadvantage. When SJP and other antisemites scream about “white Jewish colonialism” or claim that modern Jews are “Khazars” who “hold all of the wealth”, they’re not usually thinking about Mizrahim.

...What little East European ancestry does exist in Ashkenazim is primarily the result of rape....

Although Jewish indigeneity to Israel has been gaining more and more acceptance in recent years, Ashkenazi indigeneity in particular continues to be ignored or denied by many. It isn’t just coming from anti-Zionists, either. There are many neutral and even pro-Israel parties who are just as guilty, if not more so. To give some examples…

* 23andme, a popular DNA testing website, classifies Ashkenazim as “European”. This is in spite of the fact that they themselves acknowledge Ashkenazi origins/DNA as Middle Eastern. Their classification of Ashkenazim as “European” has misled a large number of Ashkenazi customers into believing they are “genetically European”. 23andme had previously been asked to fix this classification, but they refused – allegedly citing “political reasons”. Alas, this problem isn’t limited to 23andme. Most commercial DNA companies are just as guilty, although one can easily submit their results to GEDmatch for a more honest look at their genome...

“White” Jew, in common parlance, tends to mean “Ashkenazi”, whereas “Jew of color” means “any Jew who ISN’T Ashkenazi”. Under this definition, Sephardi and Mizrahim qualify as people of color, as these groups are both indisputably Middle Eastern. From here, it can be assumed that all Middle Eastern groups qualify, but Ashkenazim are excluded from this definition. So if all other Middle Eastern groups are included, but Ashkenazim are not, what does this imply about Ashkenazim? That they’re not “really” Middle Eastern. For this reason, the term “Jews of color” has become quite popular among antisemites.

t makes perfect sense to call European converts to Judaism (e.g. Ivanka Trump) “white” Jews. But when applied to Ashkenazi Jews, this term becomes an oppressive form of erasure...

Why do so many people do this?

1. It’s Easier: For the great majority of Zionists, the focus is on preserving Israel’s right to exist. Concepts like Jewish indigeneity, dignity, and even history are of secondary importance. Deflecting “European colonialism” allegations by pointing to Mizrahim may be a superficial response that ultimately accomplishes nothing, but it is also easy and not as likely to encounter resistance as a deeper response including our indigeneity would...

2. Discrimination Against Non-Ashkenazim: In modern Israel’s early years, non-Ashkenazi Jews experienced heavy marginalization under the (overwhelmingly secular) Ashkenazi ruling class. Ashkenazim, having spent many centuries under European colonial rule, had internalized no small amount of Eurocentric ideas: about colonized people in general, other Jews and, perhaps most importantly, about themselves. They were taught to view their own Middle Easternness with disdain, and to aspire towards “whiteness”. Inevitably, this internalized oppression caused many Ashkenazim to look down upon the Mizrahim...

3. It Keeps The Anti-Zionist Narrative Intact: The Zionist movement, as we know it today, was born in Central and Eastern Europe. It was predominantly Ashkenazi in the decades leading up to 1948, and the majority of Israel’s fighters in the War of Independence were likewise Ashkenazi. In this sense, it is relatively easy for anti-Zionists to acknowledge Mizrahim (most of whom hadn’t returned until the early 1950s or later, when the Muslim-dominated countries in which they had lived for centuries took their worldly goods and citizenship and expelled them) as Middle Eastern. On the contrary, they prefer to use them as a convenient wedge against Jewish unity, in the same way that the “white Jews” myth is used by antisemites in the US...

4. Prejudice:...By labeling Ashkenazim “white”, antisemites (especially those of the pseudo-left) can erase their status as an oppressed group and deny them recourse to the same communal solidarity enjoyed by other minority groups, while simultaneously reaffirming the Protocols narrative of the “hyperpowerful” Jew.
timesofisrael.com: Blog: The “Arabs are Semites too” fallacy (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-arabs-are-semites-too-fallacy/)

JAN 2, 2015
The response that “Arabs are Semites too” is a fallacy of course, as anyone who can use a dictionary can tell. Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and Cambridge all give slight variations of the same definition, which is that “antisemitism” means hatred of Jewish people. Therefore whether Arabs are Semites or not is totally irrelevant to the issue of Arab antisemitism.

18th October 2023, 04:29 PM
livescience.com: Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European (https://www.livescience.com/40247-ashkenazi-jews-have-european-genes.html)

October 08, 2013
On average, all Ashkenazi Jews are genetically as closely related to each other as fourth or fifth cousins, said Dr. Harry Ostrer, a pathology, pediatrics and genetics professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and the author of "Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People" (Oxford University Press, 2012)...

But depending on whether the lineage gets traced through maternal or paternal DNA or through the rest of the genome, researchers got very different answers for whether Ashkenazi originally came from Europe or the Near East...

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas...

The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from local European populations.

"The simplest explanation was that it was mainly women who converted and they married with men who'd come from the Near East," Richards told LiveScience.
nature.com: A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages (https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3543)

08 October 2013
The origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain highly controversial. Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history...

Almost half of mtDNAs in west/central European Ashkenazi Jews belong to haplogroup K, declining to ~15% in east European Jews1,11, with almost all falling into three subclades: K1a1b1a, K1a9 and K2a2a1...

K1a1b1a (slightly re-defined, due to the improved resolution of the new tree) accounts for 63% of Ashkenazi K lineages...
The K1a1b1 lineages within which the K1a1b1a sequences nest (including 19 lineages of known ancestry) are solely European, pointing to an ancient European ancestry. The closest nesting lineages are from Italy, Germany and the British Isles, with other subclades of K1a1b1 including lineages from west and Mediterranean Europe...

K1a9, accounting for another 20% of Ashkenazi K lineages (or 6% of total Ashkenazi lineages) and also dating to ~2.3 ka with ML again includes both Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi lineages solely from east Europeans (again suggesting gene flow out into the wider communities). Like K1a1b1a, it is also found, at much lower frequencies, in Sephardim...

K2a2 accounts for another 16% of Ashkenazi K lineages (or ~5% of total Ashkenazi lineages) and dates to ~8.4 ka. Ashkenazi lineages are once more found in a shallow subclade, K2a2a1, dating to ~1.5 ka, that otherwise again includes only east Europeans, suggesting gene flow from the Ashkenazim. Conversely, the nesting clades, K2a2 and K2a2a, although poorly sampled, include only French and German lineages. K2a2a is not found in non-European Jews...

Haplogroup K is rarer in the North Caucasus than in Europe or the Near East (<4%)...

The fourth major Ashkenazi founder mtDNA falls within haplogroup N1b (ref. 2). The distribution of N1b is much more focused on the Near East than that of haplogroup K, and the distinctive Ashkenazi N1b2 subclade has accordingly being assigned to a Levantine source...

Besides the four haplogroup K and N1b founders, the major haplogroup in Ashkenazi Jews is haplogroup H, at 23% of Ashkenazi lineages, which is also the major haplogroup in Europeans (40–50% in Europe, ~25% in the North Caucasus and ~19% in the Near East)... The Ashkenazi mitogenomes from haplogroup H include 39% belonging to H1 or H3, which are most frequent in west Europe and rare outside Europe...

Haplogroup J comprises 7% of the Ashkenazi control-region database. Around 72% of these can be assigned to J1c, now thought to have arisen within Late Glacial Europe30, and 19% belong to J1b1a1, also restricted to Europe. Thus >90% of the Ashkenazi J lineages have a European origin...

The haplogroup T lineages (5% overall) are more difficult to assign, but at least 60% (in T2a1b, T2b, T2e1 and T2e4) are likely of European and ~10% (T1b3 and T2a2) Near Eastern origin...

The main lineages with a potentially Near Eastern source include HV1, R0a1a and U7a5 (~8.3% in all)...

If we allow for the possibility that K1a9 and N1b2 might have a Near Eastern source, then we can estimate the overall fraction of European maternal ancestry at ~65%. Given the strength of the case for even these founders having a European source, however, our best estimate is to assign ~81% of Ashkenazi lineages to a European source, ~8% to the Near East and ~1% further to the east in Asia, with ~10% remaining ambiguous (Fig. 10; Supplementary Table S9). Thus at least two-thirds and most likely more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry.
wikipedia: Ashkenazi Jews in Israel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews_in_Israel)

Political trends

The majority of Ashkenazim in Israel today tend to vote for left-wing and centrist parties, favoring especially Blue and White (political alliance) and Yesh Atid, while other Jewish subdivisions such as Mizrahi Jews in Israel tend to favor more right-wing parties such as Likud, with the distinction sharpening since 1980. Ashkenazi prominence on the left has historically been associated with socialist ideals that had emerged in Central Europe and the kibbutz and Labor Zionist movements; while Mizrahim, as they rose in society and they developed their political ideals, often rejected ideologies they associated with an "Ashkenazi elite."