View Full Version : Billionaires Explaining To You Why A College Degree Is Useless

13th September 2017, 03:10 PM
I am sooo busy (well I have no time to chat with people thinking that investigating the human mind is witchcraft, would welcome the end of days nor post stupid pictures) but here another vid I ran across today

I just wanted to share these cynical and funny statements... PRICELESS!!!

thanks to the billionaires!!!!
Business Debt Will Surge To $75 Trillion By 2020, S&P Global Ratings Cautions


have a good week!

13th September 2017, 03:31 PM
Just because you're a billionaire doesn't make you smart. College education (and the degree that comes with it) is necessary for many modern industries (for example medicine, engineering, biotech, etc.). I would ask these same billionaires how many of their staff have college educations, and if they truly believed what they say (that such degrees are useless), they should fire the educated staff and hire folks without educations. They could save lots of money that way.

13th September 2017, 04:03 PM
I have no time to chat with people thinking that investigating the human mind is witchcraft

Nope. Not what you were told.

Psychoanalysis - a Jewish "science" - is witchcraft.

Psychoanalysis is the investigation of the Jewish mind; hence, why Fraud and his proteges, including Jung, came up with so many bizarre and twisted "diagnoses."

If you want to investigate the human mind, you'll need to ditch the "Psychoanalysis," and use legitimate tools that apply to Goyim.

As for college degrees being "useless," that simply isn't true. Even the "liberal arts" or social "sciences" degree has value. The question is whether it has sufficient value in the labor market to justify $35,000 in student loans. If you can get one for free, then it's worth your time. But degrees in real sciences are far more valuable, even if they come with a pile of debt.

Billionaires* can get away without college degrees for several reasons. First off, they have IQs above 135. Second, they are often born into money. Third, most of them are tribesmen, and the exclusive networking provides them opportunities no "ordinary" people (read: Goyim) have access to.

The vast majority do not have 135+ IQs, do not have parents' money, and are not Jews. Unless they have some other "special marketable traits," either natural talent in a valuable blue-collar profession, or you're young, beautiful, and sexually loose, odds are you'll just be, at best, lower-middle-class in middle age. It's either a degree, or permanent gilded serfdom...and probably that even with the degree.

* Musk actually has two Bachelor of Science degrees; one in a legitimate field, physics, the other in economics.

13th September 2017, 06:33 PM
A college degree is nothing more than a piece of paper that says "I have the perseverance to stick through X years of brainwashing and I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in cultural Marxism."

14th September 2017, 03:52 AM
the ancient greekd knew a lot more about the psyche than Freud and created the word psychology... it is not because the freudians destroyed psychology that the word itself is synonymous of witchcraft. That is how divide and rule is done

Jung may have been a control opposition at the time (to promote freud instead, without a war nothing progresses in the NWO world) perhaps and I am willing to conceive that but obviously you have not read him at all.

But your psychology is that of the biblical admites, a bible written by the early masons.. um-um. Have you ever thought of the psychological damage caused by the "patriarchal* cult of the virgin and the whore has done to men and women alike... here is your gender war!

to each his town, better. I align myself with the gnostics: salvation by knowledge. We live in a great deception and it is up to us to gather the pieces of the puzzle, and if one piece happens to be held by a control opposition, I will look for it

Nope. Not what you were told.

Psychoanalysis - a Jewish "science" - is witchcraft.

Psychoanalysis is the investigation of the Jewish mind; hence, why Fraud and his proteges, including Jung, came up with so many bizarre and twisted "diagnoses."

14th September 2017, 05:39 AM
I align myself with the gnostics: salvation by knowledge.
LOL in that case you are doomed!

21st September 2017, 08:25 PM
Just because you're a billionaire doesn't make you smart. College education (and the degree that comes with it) is necessary for many modern industries (for example medicine, engineering, biotech, etc.). I would ask these same billionaires how many of their staff have college educations, and if they truly believed what they say (that such degrees are useless), they should fire the educated staff and hire folks without educations. They could save lots of money that way.

Maybe they were subliminally saying that Liberal Arts degrees and [insert identity-politics group here] Studies degrees are worthless without just coming out and saying it.