View Full Version : Escaping the Traps of Corporate Impostor Government

14th September 2017, 11:24 PM



19th September 2017, 02:10 PM
Thought for today
If WE THE PEOPLE do not enforce our Constitution, we are the subjects of whatever political misfits have control over the political system. Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr.

19th September 2017, 04:14 PM
Let me know where to meet ya. I'll bring as many weapons and as much ammo as I can carry!
Thought for today

19th September 2017, 04:50 PM
Let me know where to meet ya. I'll bring as many weapons and as much ammo as I can carry!

How much do you have?

19th September 2017, 09:35 PM
I could tell ya but then I'd have to kill ya!
How much do you have?

1st October 2017, 06:38 PM

* Are you one of the 300,000,000+ IDP's in America or the millions around the world? What are internally displaced people?


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Three hundred million plus Americans alive today, and generations of Americans preceding have unknowingly lived from cradle to grave under a Babylonian debt slavery system. Americans were betrayed and robbed of their private American national - private state national - non Incorporated birthright status and natural law form. The Corporate de facto UNITED STATES Couped mostly foreign agents banned from Government because of TONA (explained below) operate in office KNOWING that each American has been illegally made a debt SLAVE soon after birth through a deceit that involves the crimes of indentured servitude, personage and barratry. A Talmudic Babylonian debt slavery scheme where an individuals future labor over a lifetime is pledged to the foreign UNITED STATES Corporation which is a creation of the UNITED STATES shadow government of Rothschild Zionists, Talmudists and other Black Nobility Satanist crime cartels that couped the fifty Nation states and the Great Union in the 1860's. The coup was orchestrated at the misnamed civil war - a war in which NO WAR was ever declared - yet EMERGENCY WAR POWERS were declared illegally as explained herein. European so called High Contracting Powers couped the Great Republic and the fifty Natinoal states between 1812 and the 1970's with an all out push to take down America on 9/11 which is still on going and accelerating and now includes Weather Warfare technologies directed at the American people who have no idea that such TESLA Weapons exist.

America has been operated as a private little thief-dom to an expanding Family dynasty crime cartel ever since the 1860's as recent events in DC reveal as we watch untouchable families from the Dynasty prove that they are above the so called law. While the crime cartel uses Americans wealth, labor, ingenuity to wage war on the world, Americans - Not the ZIONIST - JESUITICAL criminals behind the illegal wars are legislatively placed on the hook to pay their WAR and GENOCIDE tab and pick up the blame for these crimes orchestrated in America's and Americans name!

While America builds up negative karma for these global atrocities, dumbed down Americans are recruited to staff the JESUIT FOREIGN private military called UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, UNITED STATES ARMY (CROWN CORPORATIONS registered in England as shown below) (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/#USAF) and they are the ones being illegally SENT OFF to genocide OTHER sovereign nations unlawfully set upon and mallgned by ZIONIST lies and propoganda told to young Americans that fall for the lies and disinformation re-inforced by Hollywood lies and disinformation. Propaganda manufactured by ZIONIST corporations which are part of the enter-trainment, edu-trainmen divisions of the JESUIT - ZIONIST controlled US Corps. Military Industrial Complex. Other investigators have identified this crime cartel and captioned them under one appropriate title, the Khazarian mafia (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/131-km-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia).

This coup of the American Nation was enabled by a private foreign corporation called UNITED STATES that has been masquerading as the lawful we the people National government since 1868. It has been operating for foreign criminal interests EVER SINCE. Foreign trans-national parasitic family crime cartels have been waging war on humanity since before the time of the Roman cult. Since the overthrow of the great American Union by this crime cartel in the 1860's, Billions have been robbed of their life, liberty, property, estates, unalienable rights by a deeply evil parasite class that move among us - pretending to be our friends. The criminal parasites behind this coup self identified themselves and confessed to their plan in the Secret Treaty of Verona - yet none were arrested and their Institutions remain fully operational to this day and operating as a front for these criminals that plan the next phase of their global coup for their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

The coup of the United States of America Organic National Government was enabled by foreign agents BANNED FROM TAKING OFFICE IN AMERICA at the time they enabled the overthrow of our legitimate government. This law remains in force today and is called the Titles of Nobility Act XIII and its existence proves UNITED STATES is NOT an American we the people government. BOUGHT and PAID FOR de facto congress in the 1860's - no different to what we find in DC today over-through The United States of America Union of Great Republics and in later years the Organic physical states.

Agents of the Crown, Holy See and the ROTHSCHILDS ZIONIST JESUIT foreign banking Interests aka the High Contracting powers (CROWN - VATICAN HOLY SEE) that self confessed to their plot to Overthrow America in the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 were exposed in the House by Senator Curtis in 1916 who validated the coup some fifty years after the fact. Despite this proof the Un-Holy Roman Cult and the associated Jesuitical Secret Societies couped our lawful governments and knowingly converted every American in to an Internally-Displaced-People, they continue to operate among us in the light of day - stealing for us - caging our people - stealing our children - even though their crimes have never been answered for!

The couped Corporate congress in the 1860's moved to UNLAWFULLY define Americans as UNITED STATES CITIZEN’s deliberately to enable their enslavement using legal sophistry. They deceptively changed the meaning of words to enslave Americans. Today this parasite criminal class operate ABOVE THE LAW of the land and enjoy every benefit of society as if they were Royalty even while they continue to perform acts of depravity that includes molesting children, sacrificing children, stealing children, caging people for no lawful crimes, peonage, bondage, indentured servitude, canibalism and every crime known to humanity including waging war on sovereign nations. They now have North Korea, Syria, Yemen, iran, Venezuela in their cross hairs each who at this time is without a Rothschild Bank and that like Libya, Iraq, Iran defied the Rothschilds and announced they will no longer sell Gold denominated in US Dollars.

The parasites among us manufactured the couped congress that sanctioned the developed of a Zionist Talmudic banking slavery system operating in America in violation of Organic constitution, the Titles of Nobility Act enacted in 1810 and that became law in 1819. Those violating the laws of this nation included Lincoln who HAD NO AUTHORITY to become President due to his TONA violation. Lincoln was illegally in office when he caused the Southern states to walk out of congress voiding the national government that no longer had a quorum to govern! The Union government operated without delegated authority and it later created the UNITED STATES Corporation to then RULE AMERICA through FIAT. All acts by this imposter national government SINCE are for these reasons in fact legally invalid because the people that enacted a litany of illegal laws were in office illegally due to TONA - i.e. NO DELEGATED WE THE PEOPLE AUTHORITY. This fact corresponds to EVERY ACT since to this present day. This UNITED STATES relies on the people believing its acts are laws when an investigation of this history immediately confronts one with the fact it is a Corporation of NO AUTHORITY!

Agents of this foreign imposter UNITED STATES Corp. e.1871 have been asset stripping America and the people since the 1860’s. Imposters running this CROWN Corporation deceitfully called UNITED STATES may have as well called the corporation Pinky and Perky Corporation for it would of had the same legitimacy to do what it has done since the 1860's - which is NONE. These same criminal cartel in 1933 STOLE all the Gold from the original Organic Government and the American people using color of office, color of law.

UNITED STATES used an unlawfully created National Emergency in 1933 that it created through FRAUD and made the American people debt slaves to the UNITED STATES DC Corporation ILLEGALLY created and illegally acting as a National Government, created in (e.1868-1871) and that did deliberately bankrupt itself in 1933 to enslave Americans in a pre-planned plot against the American people that it has since perpetuated across the planet, placing all nationals of a nation as property of a Corporation named after each company. This made shareholders of a nation as chattel of a nation! Sovereigns as as owners to debts slaves! The fact of the matter is that the American people or the physicals states were never a party to the Bankruptcy, yet they were UNLAWFULLY made legally liable for the so called National debt to this day since March 9th 1933. The American people are in fact the Priority creditors to this fraud as explained by annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/).

Foreign CROWN - Un-Holy Roman cult agents - Jesuits have used America for its criminal activities and ran up debts for the foreign controlled DC UNITED STATES Corporation successors that have been funding the creation of a parallel ONE WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT - SLAVE PLANET that is intended to be ran by satanic freaks. Those now OPENLY engaged in actively genociding the global population through Quiet War - silent Weapon techniques.

As of the time of this writing, it is well known that those behind this global coup are confirmed Satanists and have been running the DC UNITED STATES Corporation RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization) unlawfully over the American people since 1933 and using every EVIL means to keep this FRAUD a secret from the American people. The controllers have relied Psychological warfare machine to operate as if it were a FREE PRESS.

There is considerable evidence that those foisting this fraud over America have relied on blackmail of so called officials, who appear to have been ensnared using evidence of officials caught participating in pedophile rings, child sacrifices and even canibalism. Those at the core of this fraud are the Black Nobility behind the un-Holy Roman Cult and its church have been engaging in these crimes for millennia. The Vatican proclamations called BULLS were written on the sacrificed Skin or children and heretics.
Those at the core of this cult believe that for them to bring forward their savior they must do the opposite of the commandments and practice ever ill known to man which is why they take the most innocent among us and sacrifice them, drink their blood and eat of them as was exposed in the Pizzagate expose that was quietly buried by the criminal powers that are in DC.

One third of the DC Cesspool behind this un-holy Roman cult has since been reported to be Satanists, pedophiles and MUCH WORSE as exposed in the Piza-gate investigation further exposed below. These parasites have funded global death and slavery through thieving life, liberty, property and children from Americans since the 1860's lives. They have deceived Americans in to giving their lives to fight endless unlawful ZJONIST Bankster wars for ZIONIST interests now known to be enabling the Greater Israel Project!
It is time for America to unlearn, to leave ZION and go back to the physical states and re-institute lawful we the people governance. UNITED STATES and all similar Rothschilds Country corporations created across the world are as you will see governments of no lawful authority! Turn off the TV - everything you are being fed is a lie! Unlearn, re-educate - go to the memu on the left and read through the documents there that validate this introduction.

http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/images/Screen-Shot-2017-01-30-at-6.03.31-PM.png (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/definitions/142-jurisdiction)
and what is the true meaning of
"in this state", "in the state" (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/definitions/134-definitions-in-this-state-in-the-state)?

For the sake of you and yours, America, the world, all life on earth - turn off the TV, un-learn - re-educate and pass forward. Your life may depend on it!

Everything you have been told your entire life by government, media IS A LIE! We do mean everything!

~more at link (http://www.internallydisplacedpeople.org/joomla30/)~

1st October 2017, 07:28 PM

