View Full Version : The Reset

old steel
19th September 2017, 11:12 AM
If you have any wealth then this is an important book. It presents the thesis that The Age of Capital has ended. It’s over and finished, the System known as Capitalism is presently defunct.

This thesis was reviewed by my network of Capitalists and then sent to a top level network in January, 2017. In April their reply was that the thesis is true. The reader is invited to make up his own mind. This has profound implications for all accumulated wealth on the planet.

All content is Systematized by Cathal. All chapters were authored by numerous subject experts. For example, content pertaining to Nuclear destruction of Russia is authored by those with working knowledge of such. The reader should understand content is not theoretical, actual power factions are presently and actively pursuing this proven solution, as they believe such a war is winnable.

That also highlights the level of desperation at the Top.
You see, the alternative is The Reset which is just as dangerous. How to change the System Framework within which the economy operates, alongside operational and legal changes to ownership, without System and social disintegration?

Think of all the people you know, and how they’ll react. The Reset is dangerous and that’s why ‘the can’ has been kicked for ten years. I’d like to personally thank the FED and other public officers for keeping the System stable for so long. It is popular to criticize such public servants, but as you’ll come to understand, such criticism is, at best, misdirected.

Of course they’re responsible for building the biggest Ponzi scam in human history which is on the brink of collapse; but as you’ll see, they had no choice.

Capitalism is a Usury driven system of growth which demands that future production is always greater than past production.

If it isn’t ‘growth’ must by synthesized by magic money; and before you complain contemplate the alternative: Collapse of the System which keeps you alive. It is assumed that the reader has read volume 1 and 2, without which, universal understanding is not possible.

The situation is grave. I do not exaggerate when I say your very survival depends on understanding the contents of this book. If you have any wealth, you are about to compete head to head with the most knowledgeable, most powerful and most evil humans on the planet.

In an event called The Reset.

Reader, I wish you the very best of luck.


19th September 2017, 12:04 PM
Capitalism is a Usury driven system of growth which demands that future production is always greater than past production.

That is a flat out LIE.

Capitalism is the free voluntary exchange of ideas, goods, and services, but has been corrupted by (((money changers))) to borrow now for increased growth and pay later.

No body anymore wants to naturally grow their business from a small startup a family business anymore. They want to startup one month and setup an IPO the next month.

old steel
19th September 2017, 01:32 PM
Although Capitalism is a much better system than Socialism or Communism there are major differences between Capitalism and a Free Market or Free Enterprise system.


19th September 2017, 03:11 PM
With all due respect to the OP:

$24.95 per volume. Seems to me capitalism is still alive and well.

19th September 2017, 04:10 PM
With all due respect to the OP:

$24.95 per volume. Seems to me capitalism is still alive and well.

Hahaha, didn't even look to notice that.

19th September 2017, 04:57 PM
I don't look forward to any economic reset. CHANGE has always been Jews harvest. They steer changes and know everything, especially timing in advance. Even if a change is something that doesn't suit them at all, if they know it's inevitable they steer it to their maximum benefit and minimum damage.
If they decide the Federal Reserve has reached it's age and limit, they will replace it with another system, even a ostensibly gold backed system if need be, which of course would be global and have built in weaknesses that they can use to their advantage later. The death of the Fed will not include exposure, confiscation or any other punishment for the Jewish banking elite, but merely being replaced by another system, with an overt Jew like Bernie Sanders steering it.

old steel
19th September 2017, 05:38 PM
With all due respect to the OP:

$24.95 per volume. Seems to me capitalism is still alive and well.

I don't think anyone here needs to buy a book to tell them what is staring us in the face.

Talmudic Zionism is the most corrupt, evil ideology on earth.

19th September 2017, 06:24 PM
Although Capitalism is a much better system than Socialism or Communism there are major differences between Capitalism and a Free Market or Free Enterprise system.


Capitalism is the others side of the communism coin. Jews dominate both. Free market is what we had before with some minor incursions of the royalty and nobility for "protection" and church for social security outside family and spiritual salvation. The average person payed less than 20% for their services

19th September 2017, 09:45 PM
Capitalism is the others side of the communism coin. Jews dominate both...



20th September 2017, 10:47 AM
That is a flat out LIE.

Capitalism is the free voluntary exchange of ideas, goods, and services, but has been corrupted by (((money changers))) to borrow now for increased growth and pay later.

No body anymore wants to naturally grow their business from a small startup a family business anymore. They want to startup one month and setup an IPO the next month.

(((Capitalism))) is nothing more than re-branded and re-purposed mercantilism. (((Capitalism))) is about the manipulation of money, credit, and debt for profit. (((Capitalism))) is about the capture and subjigation of markets for the purposes of wealth extraction. That products get produced in this process is almost incidental to the goal of domination and wealth extraction. (((Capitalism))) is antithectical to free markets and liberty.

20th September 2017, 10:55 AM
(((Capitalism))) is nothing more than re-branded and re-purposed mercantilism. (((Capitalism))) is about the manipulation of money, credit, and debt for profit. (((Capitalism))) is about the capture and subjigation of markets for the purposes of wealth extraction. That products get produced in this process is almost incidental to the goal of domination and wealth extraction. (((Capitalism))) is antithectical to free markets and liberty.

Capitalism existed before (((Jews))). Whether you want to recognize it or not really isn't up to me. If it's "antithectical" to free markets then why is one of it's tenant hallmarks is private property ownership? Isn't that liberty?

20th September 2017, 11:15 AM
Capitalism existed before (((Jews))). Whether you want to recognize it or not really isn't up to me. If it's "antithectical" to free markets then why is one of it's tenant hallmarks is private property ownership? Isn't that liberty?

(((Capitalism))) is a political, pseudo-economic ideology that was concocted in the second half of the 19th century to justify the activities of robber barons and banksters, and back-dated into history. Yea, "property rights" like the pesants of England had when they were kicked off the common land, in order to break it up into parcles and sell it back to them on 30 year payment plans.

old steel
20th September 2017, 12:18 PM
An actual photo of the Fed preparing to unwind its balance sheet, just released!


20th September 2017, 12:40 PM
(((Capitalism))) is a political, pseudo-economic ideology that was concocted in the second half of the 19th century to justify the activities of robber barons and banksters, and back-dated into history. Yea, "property rights" like the pesants of England had when they were kicked off the common land, in order to break it up into parcles and sell it back to them on 30 year payment plans.

Try 17th century, but whatever it doesn't matter when it's always the (((Jews))) fault. Stupid Goyim don't know better and keep buying into the bullshit eh?

20th September 2017, 01:39 PM
All content is Systematized by Cathal. All chapters were authored by numerous subject experts. For example, content pertaining to Nuclear destruction of Russia is authored by those with working knowledge of such. The reader should understand content is not theoretical, actual power factions are presently and actively pursuing this proven solution, as they believe such a war is winnable.


How Russia is preparing for WWIII

midnight rambler
20th September 2017, 01:48 PM
(((High finance capitalism))) is NOT equivalent to free enterprise in any way, shape or form. (((High finance capitalism))) and (((Communism))) are the flip sides of the same dirty coin.

20th September 2017, 04:16 PM
Try 17th century, but whatever it doesn't matter when it's always the (((Jews))) fault. Stupid Goyim don't know better and keep buying into the bullshit eh?

No, free/private enterprise evolved in the 17thy century, the pseudo-economic ideology of (((Capitalism))) was crafted in the latter part of the 19th century and back-dated into history, commandeering segments of the expanding free/private enterprise system as a front to garner public support for their rapacious system. After all, if you believe that what they do is what you do then you would less inclined to attack them for what they do.

20th September 2017, 05:02 PM
(((High finance capitalism))) is NOT equivalent to free enterprise in any way, shape or form. (((High finance capitalism))) and (((Communism))) are the flip sides of the same dirty coin.

High finance capitalism is however the logical outcome of capitalism. Once when (((the group))) of capitalists control a sufficient large part of the economy, (((they))) move to take over the monetary system and the governance of the countries economy, military and justice system, and then you don't have a free market any longer nor a democracy. Obama gets a million dollar for speaking an hour to a group of banksters, not because what he has to say is important or groundbreaking, but because he did their bidness as their puppet for 8 years. The only difference between him and Trump is that Trump has already been payed for the job he is doing for them now. JFK was taken out, because he started believing that as the president of the US he could start making decisions that were not approved by (((them))).

I know that you and most people here, you all know these things, I just wanted to articulate them.