View Full Version : Tennessee church shooting suspect identified; 1 killed, 7 wounded

24th September 2017, 03:07 PM
Tennessee church shooting suspect identified; 1 killed, 7 wounded

Suspect in Tennessee church shooting identified (http://video.foxnews.com/v/5587365331001/suspect-in-tennessee-church-shooting-identified)

Police say one person was killed, multiple people wounded

One woman was killed and seven other people were hurt after a shooting suspect, identified as 25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson, opened fire at a Tennessee church Sunday, police said.

Samson, identified as African-American, is suspected of opening fire at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, southeast of Nashville, just after 11 a.m. He fired “multiple rounds,” police said in a news conference.


Police identified Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, as the suspected gunman who opened fire at a church in Antioch, Tennessee, on Sunday. (Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)

Metropolitan Nashville Police Department tweeted (https://twitter.com/MNPDNashville/status/912060798750674944) that Samson had been released from the hospital and will be charged with murder, in addition to attempted murder.

A church usher, identified as Robert Engle, 22, confronted the masked gunman at one point and was pistol-whipped, causing "significant injury around his head," police added. They said Engle went to his own car, grabbed a pistol and headed back into the church.

Law enforcement confirmed Samson, a legal U.S. resident, brought two guns to the church Sunday. They said he immigrated from Sudan in 1996.

It was initially reported that the gunman shot himself, although police said it's unclear whether he shot himself or the gun unintentionally discharged during his scuffle with Engle.

Police said that Burnette Chapel churchgoers recognized Samson as attending their church one to two years ago, but noted he hadn't attended services "in quite a while."


One woman was killed and seven others wounded when a gunman opened fire at the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ on Sunday. (Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)

The woman who was shot and killed in the church parking lot, identified as Melanie Smith, 39, was walking to her car when she was hit, police said.

The gunman, with his blue vehicle still running in the parking lot, then entered the back of the church and shot six people – three women and three men – who were rushed to the hospital, police said.

Police identified those being treated at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and in stable condition as: William Jenkins, 83; Marlene Jenkins, 84; Peggy Span, 65; and Linda Bush, 68. David Span, 60, was also being treated at Vanderbilt, but was listed as in critical but stable condition.

Katherine Dickerson, 64, was in stable condition at Skyline Medical Center. Engle was also being treated at Skyline.
Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson called Engle a "hero" for his actions at the church Sunday.

Nashville police chief Steve Anderson says of the usher who stopped the gunman:"He's the hero. He's the person who stopped this madness."
— Emily Siner (@SinerSays) September 24, 2017 (https://twitter.com/SinerSays/status/912049894571069440)

Several witnesses claimed the shooter was wearing a “clown mask” when he opened fire, but police said what he wore more closely resembled a ski mask.

The FBI is responding to the incident, but is not leading the investigation at this point. Police said the Justice Department is looking into the shooting and contemplating opening a civil rights case.

Megan Barry, mayor of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County, said in a statement (http://www.nashville.gov/News-Media/News-Article/ID/6817/Mayor-Megan-Barry-Statement-on-Burnette-Chapel-Church-of-Christ-Shooting.aspx) that the shooting "is a terrible tragedy for our city. My heart aches for the family and friends of the deceased as well as for the wounded victims and their loved ones."

The shooting today at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ is a terrible tragedy for our city. Full statement: https://t.co/vk6DOxuMPc pic.twitter.com/x3UsUPDmA9 (https://t.co/x3UsUPDmA9)
— Megan Barry (@MayorMeganBarry) September 24, 2017 (https://twitter.com/MayorMeganBarry/status/912026131477483520)

The church has a weekly service starting at 10 a.m. Sunday. The surrounding area was closed off as police investigated the situation.

24th September 2017, 03:10 PM

police said the justice department is looking into the shooting and contemplating opening a civil rights case.

24th September 2017, 03:11 PM
>:(More white on black crime- proof we need more immigration!

24th September 2017, 04:33 PM
>:(More white on black crime- proof we need more immigration!

And more psychotropic meds.

24th September 2017, 05:28 PM
The shooter was a black man. Think the DOJ will fast track $29 million dollars for the victims?

25th September 2017, 06:33 AM
....and its a negro!

After identifying the shooter, who had two pistols, in the afternoon, police said Samson was a legal U.S. resident but not a U.S. citizen, who came from Sudan in 1996.
Samson was medically cleared for release by Sunday afternoon and was set to be arrested and charged with homicide and attempted homicide.
Although its unclear if race or religion played a role in the shooting, authorities, including the federal Justice Department, have opened a civil rights case.

Samson, who is black, alluded to an attack Sunday morning, posting cryptic messages on Facebook.

27th September 2017, 05:07 AM
Media Ignore Mass Shooting In Tennessee Because It Doesn't Fit Their Leftist Narrative

The media, eager to bury the story of the mass shooting at a church in Tennessee on Sunday in which a Sudanese immigrant, who is black, murdered a white mother of two and wounded six other people, including the pastor, has totally ignored the incident, conveniently using the NFL/ Trump controversy as grist for its mill.

Emanuel Kidega Samson, from Sudan, first murdered Melanie Smith, 39, in the parking lot, then entered Burnette Chapel Church of Christ and started shooting. He was only stopped by the heroism of an usher, Caleb Engle, 22, who was pistol-whipped in the face, but held tight until Samson accidentally shot himself. Engle then retrieved his firearm from his car and stood guard over Samson until police arrived.

Matt Walsh, in a powerful column at The Blaze, pointed out:

Maybe you read about this story on page 14 of the newspaper. I’m not exaggerating, either. The New York Times put this mass shooting on page 14. The front page was dominated by athletes kneeling. Or perhaps you heard it mentioned in a 12-second blurb at the end of a cable newscast last night. I flipped through a few different channels and didn’t hear it even mentioned one time, but maybe they got around to it. Of course, in a 60-minute broadcast they had to allot at least 59 minutes to cataloging the posture of NFL players. If you managed to sit through all of that, you may have heard the “P.S. There was a mass shooting at a church today okay that’s all goodnight” at the end.

Walsh noted:

The church shooting does no favors to the liberal narrative, so it must be ignored. The shooter was black. He’s a Sudanese immigrant. He killed a white woman. He was stopped by a good guy with a gun. If the races were switched and you removed the pesky pro-Second Amendment element of the story, perhaps it may have fighting chance to compete with choreographed protests in professional sports for airtime.

Engle has tried to downplay his incredibly heroic act, issuing a statement lauding the police and first responders. That, of course, garnered him no media attention.

Walsh concluded with a brutal takedown of the media’s moral lassitude: “In case you’re wondering, media: This why people despise you.”

30th September 2017, 06:53 AM

Talking does nothing!

4th October 2017, 02:33 PM
kosher (((left vs right corral))) sheepdog Mark Dice; he's correct (if not late to the party) here wrt JSM omitting the racist TN church shoot 'em up (spoiled by a by a gun totin' whitey which Dice forgot to mention)... but also embedded in this half-truth vid, is Dice's acceptance of the official Orlando HomoCaust Hoax story, as being done by a (((scary/gay moozlem)))... :rolleyes:

But hey, 129K views & 3200+ YT comments atm, in just 9 hours; Dice certainly has a platform,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/G48jO-JeuLU/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCTSt2ioz9uuzGNmz53jCXvR1f4dw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G48jO-JeuLU) 4:05
Black Man Shoots Up White Church - Media Ignores Anti-White Hate Crime (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G48jO-JeuLU)

9 hours ago