View Full Version : Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder, dead at 91

27th September 2017, 11:31 PM
Just incase it slipped by...

Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder, dead at 91+

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine, died Wednesday at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, surrounded by loved ones, the magazine said in a statement.

He was 91. He died of from natural causes, the statement read.

With a bon vivant philosophy, urbane sophistication and sheer marketing brilliance, Hefner was an icon for the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the man-about-town embodiment of the lifestyle he promoted with gusto and a sly wink to readers.
Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner (C) poses during the 2005 "Playmate of the Year" video centrefold party at the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica, California May 5, 2005. - PBEAHUOAKDA

Asked by the New York Times in 1992 of what he was proudest, Hefner responded: "That I changed attitudes toward sex. That nice people can live together now. That I decontaminated the notion of premarital sex. That gives me great satisfaction."

When he turned 85, he cheerfully observed, "You're as young as the girl you feel."

After a round of celebrity cheating by Tiger Woods and Jesse James was exposed, Hefner summed up his own attitude: "I had a lot of girlfriends, but it's not the same as cheating. I don't cheat. I am very open about what I do. ... I think that when you are in a relationship, you should be honest. The real immorality of infidelity is the lying."

The man known to millions simply as "Hef" was born April 9, 1926, in Chicago, the elder of two sons.

His parents were strict Methodists and Hefner went to Chicago schools before joining the Army, attending the Chicago Art Institute and graduating from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana with a degree in psychology.

"Part of the reason that I am who I am is my Puritan roots run deep," he told the Associated Press in 2011. "My folks are Puritan. My folks are prohibitionists. There was no drinking in my home. No discussion of sex. And I think I saw the hurtful and hypocritical side of that from very early on. "

Rest In Peace Hugh Hefner. 🐇Dr. Buss treasured your friendship. You lived life your way. #Maverick #Playboy pic.twitter.com/gdVZNGtiBW
— Jeanie Buss (@JeanieBuss) September 28, 2017

Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner and several Playboy Playmates cheer from a Skybox during Game One of the NBA Finals between the Philadelphia 76ers and Los Angeles June 6, 2001 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. FSP - RP2DRILWFPAA

FILE 2001: Hugh Hefner and several Playboy Playmates cheer from a Skybox during Game One of the NBA Finals. (Reuters)

After working first as a copywriter for "Esquire" – where he reportedly left because he didn't get a $5 raise – Hefner decided to start his own publication and he raised $8,000 from 45 investors to launch "Playboy" in December 1953. (He had originally planned to call it "Stag Night," but was forced to change the name to avoid trademark infringement.)

It was produced in his kitchen and carried no date because he wasn't sure there would be a second issue.

But with the trademark intuition and shrewdness that seemed to always ensure his success, Hefner had acquired a nude photo of Marilyn Monroe for the centerfold, taken before the start of her film career.

The magazine sold 50,000 copies, making it an immediate success. (Hefner later bought the crypt next to Monroe's in a Los Angeles cemetery.)

An empire was launched, with Hefner – who divorced first wife Mildred Williams in 1959 – as its charismatic, cosmopolitan head.
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner cuts his birthday cake as four of his seven girlfriends,(L-R) Tina Jordan, Tiffany Holliday, Buffy Tyler and Regina Lauren, look on during Hefner's 75th birthday party at Studio 54 inside the MGM Grand hotel-casino in Las Vegas March 2, 2001. Hefner, who doesn't turn 75 until April 9, decided to have a party while in Las Vegas to promote the April issue of Playboy Magazine which features girls from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. EM/JP - RP2DRIHTULAA

FILE 2001: Playboy founder Hugh Hefner cuts his birthday cake as four of his seven girlfriends (Reuters)

Often pictured in pajamas – or a silk smoking jacket - and smoking a pipe, Hefner personally promoted the Playboy philosophy as the magazine became an amalgam of nude photographs of gorgeous women and intellectual writing. ("I just read Playboy for the articles," was a standard, if joking, line at the time.)

"If you had to sum up the idea of Playboy, it is anti-Puritanism," he was quoted as saying as the country's mood became more hedonistic.

"Not just in regard to sex but the whole range of play and pleasure."

In addition to the magazine, there were Playboy clubs, with "bunny" waitresses, two short-lived television series and a host of other Playboy Enterprises projects. In 2011 a new television show based on the Playboy Club was launched.

In 1975, Hefner moved to Los Angeles and in 1985, he suffered a minor stroke.

In 1989, he married longtime girlfriend Kimberly Conrad and for a while became a family man with two young sons before the couple separated in 1998.

"My father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom," Cooper Hefner, Hefner's son and chief creative officer at Playboy Enterprises, said in a statement.

28th September 2017, 04:54 AM
what a pity - one of their pizza dealers gone

28th September 2017, 05:10 AM
About time he croaked. Nothing of value was lost!

28th September 2017, 05:20 AM
Let's look at this. He drank, smoked, wenched and probably did drugs, yet he lived to 91. Maybe all the health nuts are wrong.

28th September 2017, 08:02 AM

28th September 2017, 02:30 PM
the obligatory hef vid from long-winded Christian vlogger, A Call For An Uprising-- re hef's CIA connections, MK-Ultra/sex slaves, bloodline angles;

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fy_fLaPgV30/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBmuDk0OXX7ES__c5eqw3qq-K6W-w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy_fLaPgV30) 12:43
HUGH HEFNER'S LEGACY ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK IT IS! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy_fLaPgV30)

2 hours ago

30th September 2017, 11:47 AM
Playmate Calls Hefner "The Devil" Before Killing Herself (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/09/playmate-calls-hefner-devil-before.html)4m 11s:



1st October 2017, 12:29 AM
Let's look at this. He drank, smoked, wenched and probably did drugs, yet he lived to 91. Maybe all the health nuts are wrong.

Lets not kid ourselves. He loved one thing more than women, booze, or drugs. And that was $$$$

1st October 2017, 08:11 AM
Duplicate Thread

My title is MORE telling, this one negates WHO this devil is and reads like a MSM thread name
Shame on Cebu_4_2 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3543-Cebu_4_2)


1st October 2017, 09:43 AM
Duplicate Thread

My title is MORE telling, this one negates WHO this devil is and reads like a MSM thread name
Shame on Cebu_4_2 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3543-Cebu_4_2)


I passed over that thread coz

1. Title didn't tell who/what it was about; mouseover title to preview the first sentence/whatever was still unclear. I don't appreciate titles like, "OMG!" or "DON'T READ THIS!" etc. Tell in the title WTF the thread is about.
2. You posted it.

'sides, see my replies #6 & #7 above, for (((CIA/occult/satanism))) angles.

1st October 2017, 09:50 AM
Two interesting things about Hugh Hefner (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/10/two-interesting-things-about-hugh-hefner.html)
September 29, 2017 by FauxCapitalist (https://fauxcapitalist.com/author/phonycapitalism/)

With the word of Hugh Hefner’s passing on September 27, 2017, there were two interesting things to me that I came across concerning Hugh Hefner over the past few years of alternative research since 2010.

The first is that I learned from Dr. Judith Reisman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Reisman) that he was a virgin in college in the 40s, until he read the fraudulent Kinsey Reports (fraudulent, because they were pseudo-scientific and deliberately misrepresented by Kinsey) — which is really a tale of the changing times of sexual morals in the US, which used to based on a particular Christian ethic and gradually switched to a nihilistic ethnic where virtually everything became legally and often socially tolerated among consenting adults.

The second I only came across this year, in watching interviews with William F. Buckley, Jr., including this 1966 interview with Hefner. And this is where, like a lot of older prominent figures I have subsequently watched early interviews of, he came across as thoughtful and more genuine, whereas in his older age, with his robes, seeming sex obsession as more than just a corporate enterprise, and being surrounded by Playboy Bunnies, he actually developed some intellectual credibility for me.

In that interview, you will hear him prophetically proclaim that (US — and Western) society was moving toward a new sexual ethic, and that it would never return to the old one (rooted in a particular Christian understanding).

If there’s any interview for you to watch, to get a real sense of the man behind his marketing front, this is the one.

48 mins


1st October 2017, 11:15 AM
Rabbi Heff , whacked by his own tribe to keep from testifying about pizza gate.

1st October 2017, 07:28 PM
gay, pedo, monarch slave handler....great guy

2nd October 2017, 06:51 PM
wait for it... this guy's got a chunky 72K YT subs. Plausible, sure... joowywood revolves around pedo-satanism. But then again, 91 is ~15-20 years beyond the avg US male lifespan... categorically one foot in the grave. Anon "LAPD source" = dead end.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cDPAGTWzRdA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDoU6WbCJC1eScjaoes1KtnALs_dw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDPAGTWzRdA) 13:07
Hefner Murdered To Cover Up Hollywood Pedophila! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDPAGTWzRdA)

2 days ago


Police: ‘Pedophile’ Hugh Hefner Was Murdered

September 29, 2017 (http://yournewswire.com/2017/09/) Baxter Dmitry (http://yournewswire.com/author/baxter/) Conspiracies (http://yournewswire.com/category/conspiracies/) 44 (http://yournewswire.com/hugh-hefner-murdered/#mh-comments)

Police have reportedly launched a murder inquiry into the death of Hugh Hefner, with insiders believing it is “extremely likely” the Playboy founder was silenced before he could name Hollywood elite pedophiles as part of a plea deal.

Hugh Hefner was found dead in suspicious circumstances on Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles, just days before he was set to be arrested on child sex charges, according to a Los Angeles police source.

Hefner had been dealing with police on a daily basis for the past three weeks, trying to work out a plea deal, after an investigation, launched in 2009 after a lawsuit was filed against Hefner, suddenly “went hot.”

“The 2009 case went nowhere. We just couldn’t prove anything. There was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but ultimately it just boiled down to her word versus his,” the LAPD source says.

The 2009 case was launched by Sheri Allred, a Los Angeles native, who alleged that Hugh Hefner raped her (http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_documents/0709_hugh_hefner.pdf) when she was 5-years-old.

But in August this year, the case was re-opened after “a significant number of similar complaints were filed. After questioning Mr Hefner we understood that he had mountains of incriminating personal information about a powerful group of Hollywood pedophiles.

“We are talking about dead girls on altars, women being caged and tortured for years, Hollywood execs filming each other performing the vilest acts for blackmail, as the most evil acts are always done on the most innocent.“

“We were building up to one of the biggest pedophile raids in history, certainly the biggest in this city in my lifetime.

“We were working out a plea deal with him, so we could get our hands on the physical evidence and really go after the pedophiles, but then we found him dead.“


Detectives are looking into whether Hugh Hefner was suicided, with the death scene later arranged to resemble a natural death. A team of investigators have been put in place and they are refusing to rule out a criminal homicide charge.

“If we can prove who silenced Hugh Hefner, then we will have a tangible link to some of the most powerful people in the country who perform unspeakable acts with children.”

http://yournewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/22046636_1680905308646627_8466977397536474400_n.pn g

Asked whether Hefner was actively involved in said “unspeakable acts“, the LAPD source said, “Look, we all know his taste. But this does not mean that he didn’t often get bored with all the easy sex with predictable partners. Perverts need to find sicker and sicker things to get turned on.”

“Let the truth be revealed, and let all the elite predators be exposed.”


3rd October 2017, 07:53 AM
dailymail.uk http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4937780/Hefner-s-former-valet-recalls-Pig-Night-parties.html

Hugh Hefner's former valet recalls how 'Pig Night' parties at the Mansion involving hookers, celebrities and cocaine were filmed for blackmail purposes

During a short period in late 1970s, Hugh Hefner's personal valet describes his experience working at the Playboy Mansion
Stefan Tetenbaum recalls sex parties called 'Pig Nights' involving hookers, porn stars and celebrities
Tetenbaum, 67, says that Hefner enjoyed watching well-endowed porn stars have sex with girls rather than participate himself
Tetenbaum also claims that late comedian John Belushi didn't mind being with girls who had penises
The former butler says all the encounters were filmed partly to blackmail his associates into keeping quiet about the parties
The 67-year-old also claims that Hefner was 'brutal' and treated his girlfriends and staff like dirt

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)

Published: 02:09 EDT, 1 October 2017 | Updated: 22:15 EDT, 1 October 2017

more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4937780/Hefner-s-former-valet-recalls-Pig-Night-parties.html

Twisted Titan
6th October 2017, 07:14 AM
His ass is in big trouble now.....

There is no recovery after the breath leaves the body.