View Full Version : Incogman?

5th October 2017, 08:52 PM
Has anybody found a way to get to INCOGMAN?

His website: http://incogman.net/

no longer returns (times out) for the last week or so.

If you have the story, please tell.

6th October 2017, 12:18 AM
W​orks just fine now.

»Donations to INCOG MAN

http://incogman.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/BUY-A-CUP-A-JOE-BIG.jpg (http://incogman.net/donations-to-incog-man/buy-a-cup-a-joe-big/)

To help defray whatever expenses involved with my site, I’ve set up a secure Paypal account where you can make a small donation (whatever you can afford). Don’t worry if you can’t — just as long as you are Pro-White, you’re cool with me already.
If you can afford $5 or $10, I’d appreciate it. If you blow it off, thanks a lot, pal.
Click on the Paypal button below and put a little something on your Paypal account or credit card. I never get any personal information — I just want the dough for coffee and cigarettes.

6th October 2017, 03:19 AM
The link worked for me to.

Visitors to INCOG LAND

8,016,950 number of hits since they took me down in 2010. Does not include spiders or bots.

6,000,000: Ironically, the approximate number of hits from my old WordPress blog site before the Jews had me taken down in July, 2010 and other online attacks since then to silence me.
Currently blocked in many countries, sometimes including the USA. If you see me you’re lucky. Many have to use a proxy server to get here.

6th October 2017, 11:34 AM
Well, it still times out for me, so, maybe someone can help me figure out a work-around.

I am connected here in north Texas (just south of the Red River) using AT&T as my line-of-service ($50/month for an internet connect). I use Firefox as my log-on website and my operating system is windows 7.

I have no idea what a "proxy server" is, but they suggest using one. Can anyone tell me where I can find out how to do that?

If AT&T is doing this to me, then I will quit them immediately even if it means giving up the internet - how dare they decide for me which websites I will go to. Who is doing this and how are they getting to me? I suspect I am paying for this restriction without even knowing how!

I feel so inept and uninformed, and I retired from massive main-frame installations - this is probably very simple but it escapes me. Just how can they do this to me right here in my house? DAMN! This pisses me off.

Thanks, by the way, Bigjon and Tumbleweed.

I wonder what articles I've been missing out on.

I feel blind.

Incogman is a ray of bright light irking at them up from a sea of murk.

6th October 2017, 11:43 AM
Well, it still times out for me, so, maybe someone can help me figure out a work-around.

I am connected here in north Texas (just south of the Red River) using AT&T as my line-of-service ($50/month for an internet connect). I use Firefox as my log-on website and my operating system is windows 7.

I have no idea what a "proxy server" is, but they suggest using one. Can anyone tell me where I can find out how to do that?

If AT&T is doing this to me, then I will quit them immediately even if it means giving up the internet - how dare they decide for me which websites I will go to. Who is doing this and how are they getting to me? I suspect I am paying for this restriction without even knowing how!

I feel so inept and uninformed, and I retired from massive main-frame installations - this is probably very simple but it escapes me. Just how can they do this to me right here in my house? DAMN! This pisses me off.

Thanks, by the way, Bigjon and Tumbleweed.

I wonder what articles I've been missing out on.

I feel blind.

Incogman is a ray of bright light irking at them up from a sea of murk.


1) Change your DNS servers to and to stop using the AT&T.

2) Flush your existing DNS cache (https://www.wikihow.com/Flush-DNS)

6th October 2017, 01:52 PM
Thanks jewboo, I'll research that also.

What I have found is that the current IP address for incogman.net is:

and that any attempt from my home PC gets it redirected so as to time out. There is a way to follow the connect attempts and I could see it making several misdirected attempts to connect to nowhere and then it timed out. So, somehow, some intermediate service has this IP address ( notated so that it substitutes an UNKOWN address causing the endless search. I overrode, in my "hosts" file (within system32\drivers\etc\ directory and added this IP address with the proper webname (incogman.net), but it still gets redirected by some meddling menace who thinks it has the almighty right to decide which website we can, and cannot, go to (son-of-a-bitches need something coming their way...).

I also found out that a "proxy server" is a way of making it appear that your web-request actually originated elsewhere than your own PC (for those who don't want their address to be known), but in this case, it might help me escape those bastards blocking my access to incogman.net.

For Bigjon and Tumbleweed (and anybody else who manages to get to incogman.net) can you identify the general area from where your PC is located, what system you are using, and whether or not you are using a proxy server or any other way to make your origination change (to the server)? Also, if you get a different IP address for incogman.net than (, please advise. Just go to any website and type in on the web address line that string of characters and hit go and see if it takes you to incogman.net - if it does, then, somehow, these bastards haven't gotten around to blocking you yet - but I'll bet those bastards are hard at working to block you too.

If I ever find out just who is responsible
for this, they'll get a piece of my mind!

I mean, if they don't like his pro-white stance, then DO GO THERE! But they sure as hell don't got no call to prevent anybody else from going there - damn! Who the hell do they think they ARE?

Freedom, man, F R E E D O M N ! ! !

6th October 2017, 03:56 PM

1) Change your DNS servers to and to stop using the AT&T.

2) Flush your existing DNS cache (https://www.wikihow.com/Flush-DNS)
Isn't this through the google network? I used to use this but I forgot the reason, prolly cause I have had no issues. I do remember the google proxy made a lot of sites slower but I could access everything without issue. With how everything is tracked now I'm not sure I would use that.

What say you Jewboo?

6th October 2017, 05:43 PM

I tried the method you presented with the numbers you included and it still timed out on me. I also tried variations that didn't work either. I have a brother (a PC whiz who took time out) who can get to it from North Dallas easily (NOT using AT&T), so I am starting to be suspicious that AT&T has implemented a hard-boiled block against getting access to incogman.net. I will call them tomorrow and if that is true, I'll quit both the internet (from them) and the land line - to HELL with any shitbag who thinks they can C E N S O R anyone. My brother tried to get me there through a VPN (virtual protocol network??) and we can't get that to work either - apparently it is AT&T whose got some secret way of making incogman.net always time out no matter how you try to get there through them.

If anyone using AT&T is able to get to incogman.net, please educate me so I won't blame them if they are not the ones doing this.

Thanks - this is absolutely unacceptable.

6th October 2017, 05:49 PM
By the way, Bigjon and Tumbleweed, can you look again and see what date is on the latest article presented at incogman.net? Also the title of the essay - thanks.

If you can make a current post, please inform incogman that we out here are getting time out when we innocently try to access his webpage - he needs to know we ain't forgot about him.

6th October 2017, 05:59 PM
Jerrylynb I use MacBook and I don't know shit about computers but I can go to his site and read anything I want to. I use the local co-op phone company where I live so I won't be much help to you. I just went to his site and this is the article that's at the top of the page.

Just Try Disarming America You Bolshevik Jews! (http://incogman.net/2017/10/just-try-disarming-america-you-bolshevik-jews/)Posted on October 6, 2017 (http://incogman.net/2017/10/just-try-disarming-america-you-bolshevik-jews/) by INCOG MAN (http://incogman.net/author/incog-man/)
Continue reading → (http://incogman.net/2017/10/just-try-disarming-america-you-bolshevik-jews/#more-147274)

6th October 2017, 06:07 PM
Jerrylynnb I just had a thought. Try this link to stormfront and see if the jews will let you look at that site since they are back up.


6th October 2017, 06:50 PM
(, please advise. Just go to any website and type in on the web addres

Yep this works for me.

I have Win 7 pro op sys.

I'm using Opera, and it has a built in VPN: in the privacy and security settings tab.


Enable VPN Learn more (http://help.opera.com/?p=private.html#vpn)

Secure proxy is provided by SurfEasy Inc., a company based in Canada. By using the service you accept the Terms of Service (https://www.surfeasy.com/terms_of_service/).
VPN connects to websites via various servers around the world, so your connection speed might be affected.

My DNS Server is set to my router address and my router is set to which points to ns1.deskmedia.com united states ns2.deskmedia.com

I'm not using the vpn as it does slow things down. I only use it when someone blocks me from accessing content that is not allowed in our country.

I have used firefox and chrome, both felt like surfing the net with training wheels on. One nanny feature after another. About 4 hours with each before I dumped them and went back to Opera.

The reason I left Opera is they had an update that really slowed things down. Their next update fixed it and I love Opera and besides it's based in Oslo.

What else would a Norsk-American use?

6th October 2017, 06:54 PM
Jerrylynnb I am stuck with AT&T and could not get it to load. I played around with some different proxys. I got this one to work. The only one out of 5.


https://il.proxfree.com/permalink.php?url=NG6t5PAXnII8FuQZB80aQToaAiBSb0fD mkjOSLeFJqk%3D&bit=1

6th October 2017, 07:17 PM
Yes, Tumbleweed, I got access to stormfront - used to go there often for "theOldMan" - his essays about early america - McCoys vs Hatfields and stuff - very informative and captivating - made me even more proud to be AMERICAN!

Since you are using a co-op, and my brother also can get to incogman using a local server (Denton, Texas) my suspicion about AT&T is lurching. I'll call them tomorrow (and Monday, for confirmation) to see if they have a fool-proof system of blocking selected websites for all who connect via AT&T - I'll report back if so. My brother walked me through several tricks he is familiar with but nothing worked, as if it is a very deep rooted block. The problem for we yocals out here in the sticks is that AT&T is all we got.

Although I worked for 30 years with mainframes, none of it was with networking (those behemoths didn't need it) so I am more of a dunce than anyone there.

6th October 2017, 07:30 PM
Bigjon, my brother will be coming over in a couple of weeks and show me how to get a VPN (he knows about this pesky, but USEFUL, stuff). I will also take your advice and look up Opera, although I don't have any real complaints yet against Firefox (maybe I just don't know better). Thanks, I finally got onto incogman using the suggestion osoab made. Next post. Jerry

6th October 2017, 07:39 PM
Osoab, I got onto incogman using:


as you suggested. Thanks. What I found was that the photo work within the website is missing (I can live with that, but will pursue overcoming it - incogman has such outlandish pictorial work). Also, when you click "continue reading-->", it commits an error from which you have to leave (no salvage). However, I found that if you use the proxy AGAIN with this "continue reading-->" link, then it takes you to the full article and all the replies, which make up a good reason in themselves for going to incogman (still no photo). Thanks osoab for this advice - AT&T is going to get a good peace of my mind (and lose my business) if it turns out they are doing this TO US without even bothering to let us know about it or have any say in it.

Late edit: This proxfree no longer lets me link to the sub web pages where you can read the full article - reports "an error". This is frustrating - thanks, AT&T! Incogman will be off limits to we unfortunate to be stuck with AT&T. I think I'll quit AT&T over this (no land line, no internet).

7th October 2017, 02:58 AM
Changed DNS servers to and and incogman still doesn't resolve.

7th October 2017, 03:09 AM
No, Cebu, it didn't make any difference. My knowledgeable brother had to show me how to do that and he half expected that to work, but no go. I am having it out with AT&T come Monday (tomorrow if somebody worthwhile will answer). I shouldn't have this much discombobulation and have to bother so many gold-silver posters because AT&T don't think we ought to be reading stuff like that. 'Boils me to a crisp! You can take the "A" out of AT&T because this sure ain't American!

7th October 2017, 04:30 AM
Jerrylynnb I like the comments at Incogman to and as you've indicated they are sometimes as good as the article he writes. This is one of the comments to the article I posted the title to above.

commonly know says:
October 6, 2017 at 12:25 pm (http://incogman.net/2017/10/just-try-disarming-america-you-bolshevik-jews/#comment-929755)
Just Try Disarming America You Bolshevik Jews!
i can’t speak for what happens where i don’t live,
but where i live every one and i mean every one has a sniper rifle.
even pre teen children, as they are schooled in the use of them.
it’s a wide open/ rough terrain/isolated/ hostile place for those unfamiliar with it.
basically we call it DEER HUNTING
and you get to kill, gut and disassemble the body.
and best of all, you eat your kill.
“come and take them”
because you will never be able to go home again.
you will become buzzard shit.
and we will divide the “spoils” among our selfies
wanta fucking bet?

7th October 2017, 09:48 AM
At&t been there, done that.
Bestbuy salesman sold me an atnt phone and said that the rate was good for a year. 2 months later ATnT ups my rate by about 50% and I call and say What the hell is this, they say salesman screwed up.
I say never again ATnT.

7th October 2017, 10:03 AM
Dislike att with more than a passion, would love to see their stock hit -$ 0 and stay there. They did some good backintheday, but not anymore. Who remembers the bell breakup, pure greed.


Which spawned at&t, with the same attitudes?

7th October 2017, 10:18 AM
At&t been there, done that.
Bestbuy salesman sold me an atnt phone and said that the rate was good for a year. 2 months later ATnT ups my rate by about 50% and I call and say What the hell is this, they say salesman screwed up.
I say never again ATnT. Close to the same story , but more to time bought and unused, then Poof time payed for , went byby after a certain date. Still pissed near 8 or so give or take years later. I payed for the time on a card, and they said if you do not use it you lose it within their time frame. fuck them. All calls to them blamed it on the salesman that told me the time will be there for me.


7th October 2017, 12:11 PM
Changed DNS servers to and and incogman still doesn't resolve.


You still need to flush your old DNS. Command prompt run as Admin then type:

ipconfig /flushdns

Then click enter.

7th October 2017, 01:47 PM

You still need to flush your old DNS. Command prompt run as Admin then type:

ipconfig /flushdns

Then click enter.

Did that again successfully but still can't load incogman.

The connection has timed out

The server at incogman.net is taking too long to respond.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

7th October 2017, 03:10 PM
Hellaluyah! I got a genius of a little bother who knows about this shit. He talked me through it over the phone and I got full access now into incogman.net with all of their outstanding photo work, links, the whole shebang! AT&T can just go jump in the lake! What there is (for those of you like me, not knowing much about networking and the internet's innards), there is a way to make it seem like you are gaining access from some other internet hub (NOT AT&T). You use something called VPN (Virtual Protocol Networking). Just go to your search engine and ask for VPN's and pick one (a private email question to me and I'll tell you which one I used - the first one that came up on the search results). Then you pay a small fee per month (I'm paying $7 for the first month - just to see if it worked, then I'll switch to $3.33/mo for a year). Then they give you an "install" program you download onto your harddrive, run it (right click and choose "Run as administrator), and then it will ask you to "connect", after which you can go to Incogman.net just as if you weren't going through AT&T (FUCK YOU AT&T - I got a smart brother!) I am now reading all the good comments there and I got a couple of weeks to catch up on (always miss incogman) so I'll be busy for a bit. The bottom line is it is really easy to dodge this little jewy trick of censorship, so, send me a private email if you need help - I'd love to screw AT&T whenever I can (the problem is, out here in the Texas wasteland, we got NO CHOICES-damnit!)

7th October 2017, 03:22 PM
Just one more mention about AT&T - it wasn't always like this. As a child, Ma Bell was our friend - the operator was likely a local lady who knew every one of us and when we children got to playing on the phone, she knew who we were and would threaten to tell Mommy and Daddy. I got a long love affair with Ma Bell, so, it is only because I realize jews ruined it by now (they always ruin whatever they put their hands on), so it ain't the Ma Bell we thought so highly of back in the day.

I agree with Bigjon, Dogman, and others. Still, it hurts to see stark proof that the
America I grew up with ain't here no more.

7th October 2017, 03:28 PM
Greed will do it every time, and also no jews need to be involved, just human nature for some, despite ancestry.

To be greedy is to be human, in so many ways at a base level

7th October 2017, 04:47 PM
Greed will do it every time, and also no jews need to be involved, just human nature for some, despite ancestry.

To be greedy is to be human, in so many ways at a base level

Bullshit! I have never been greedy and I am human. This is stupid talk again.

7th October 2017, 05:20 PM
Point made..

By the peanut gallery.

7th October 2017, 05:37 PM
Point made..

By the peanut gallery.

Chuck, How can you read when I am on ignore?

7th October 2017, 06:26 PM
I hear crickets, sadly they all follow the other crickets, despite some crickets are leading others into idiocy.



7th October 2017, 06:31 PM
Yes, Dogman, some jews are good folks (I've known them, by golly) and some whites are pure shitheads (I've known them also, bastards).

But what happens with folks like me (that wind up having to work where just enough jews wiggle into management positions) and we have to live for years watching what seems like a tribal trait (screw the goyem, but lie about it for yourself and fellow jews), that we fall into fell sweep pronouncements. I believe we whites could identify our own shitheads were we to have our own nation and, without the jewish tribe living in amongst us, we would discourage that kind of behavior and at least, not provide a base of support when the *goyem* got screwed.

But yes, it is indeed greed, especially if we live in a greater nation that seems to REWARD it, rather than to shame it.

In other words, we whites can live with, work around, and discourage, our OWN shitheads. But, with a whole tribe of jews living right here in amongst us, we are just overwhelmed, and it seems even some whites who WOULDN'T turn greedy DO SO because it is so widespread and profitable.

That's the way I see it - a problem of percentages, support, and shame.

7th October 2017, 06:39 PM
Yes, Dogman, some jews are good folks (I've known them, by golly) and some whites are pure shitheads (I've known them also, bastards).

But what happens with folks like me (that wind up having to work where just enough jews wiggle into management positions) and we have to live for years watching what seems like a tribal trait (screw the goyem, but lie about it for yourself and fellow jews), that we fall into fell sweep pronouncements. I believe we whites could identify our own shitheads were we to have our own nation and, without the jewish tribe living in amongst us, we would discourage that kind of behavior and at least, not provide a base of support when the *goyem* got screwed.

But yes, it is indeed greed, especially if we live in a greater nation that seems to REWARD it, rather than to shame it.

In other words, we whites can live with, work around, and discourage, our OWN shitheads. But, with a whole tribe of jews living right here in amongst us, we are just overwhelmed, and it seems even some whites who WOULDN'T turn greedy DO SO because it is so widespread and profitable.

That's the way I see it - a problem of percentages, support, and shame.

Well said.

7th October 2017, 07:17 PM


7th October 2017, 07:42 PM

I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean.

But, if you messed around as a child and barefooted (like me), on empty pastures recently having been full of cows, you learned to tiptoe from one side to the other for obvious reasons.

Is that something like what you were alluding to? Being extra careful not to take a wrong step?


And I can see why such a sight might seem humorous to onlookers, but, believe me, it is very serious business for the one en acto.