View Full Version : What Every Christian Needs to Hear

11th October 2017, 02:49 AM
the bible is divinely inspired but still written by man and will forever be interpreted by the extend of which one understands the language... dogmas therefore cannot bring about peace

Watts (is yes buddhist oriented) also goes over other belief systems, not just christianity

But Natural Laws scientifically proven

Alan Watts - What Every Christian Needs to Hear


11th October 2017, 10:36 AM
divinely inspired but still written by man

Your premise is WRONG, thus your conclusion is DEAD wrong!!

divinely inspired AND PENNED by man

If it was WRITTEN by men it could NOT BE inspired BY God!

A DUH!!!!

11th October 2017, 12:01 PM
so you are saying that was written by angels then

get real, 400 years to pen/draft it and 400 years or so after the death of christ, indeed what could go wrong after/during all this time?

Just ask the masons... :)

religions are going to take us down... because nobody understands them the same way, even he born again on here, they might agree on specific verses, but leave them 2hrs in the same room debating and they will start to disagree and object. If people knew how much scholars disagree, they would see that religions cannot achieve their goals

dont agree with everything watts says but at least 75%

Your premise is WRONG, thus your conclusion is DEAD wrong!!

divinely inspired AND PENNED by man

If it was WRITTEN by men it could NOT BE inspired BY God!

A DUH!!!!

11th October 2017, 03:18 PM
get real, 400 years to pen/draft it and 400 years or so after the death of christ, indeed what go go wrong after/during all this time?

The New Testament was written down in the First Century AD. Revelation came in the 70s, written by a man who was with Christ on Earth.

Keep in mind - and you should know this, considering your interest in ancient traditions - that oral history was as valid and accurate as writing back then.

11th October 2017, 07:50 PM
If you belong to a religion, any religion at all, it means you belong to a cult.

They have all been created to control people.

There is you and there is the creator , if you need something more than that then you will be side tracked and led up the garden path.

Havnt we all got a moral compass within.

Love life , its that simple.

12th October 2017, 02:18 AM
my father believed in God but was not religious... my mother believed in pre-christianity (faith before the bible was written) so I was raised in a flexible environment

Pre-christians did not believe in the crucifixion but after life and the message of Love (as opposed to fear/hatred), which is has been proven by science/metaphysics today. The crucifixion became a big deal when those drafting the bible decided so. Then it became a faith based on a blood sacrifice as an incentive for pagans so they would convert. At the time of jesus, crucifixions were extremely trendy. Therefore pre-christians didnt glorify the cross, pain and suffering (a plot by vatican and the talmudists for further divide and conquer)

Like the gnostics, I believe in salvation by knowledge ( understanding of the universe because man is a micro version of the universe)

The New Testament was written down in the First Century AD. Revelation came in the 70s, written by a man who was with Christ on Earth.

Keep in mind - and you should know this, considering your interest in ancient traditions - that oral history was as valid and accurate as writing back then.

12th October 2017, 02:25 AM
respect Creation and you will never go wrong :)

If you belong to a religion, any religion at all, it means you belong to a cult.

They have all been created to control people.

There is you and there is the creator , if you need something more than that then you will be side tracked and led up the garden path.

Havnt we all got a moral compass within.

Love life , its that simple.

12th October 2017, 04:00 AM
my father believed in God but was not religious... my mother believed in pre-christianity (faith before the bible was written) so I was raised in a flexible environment

Pre-christians did not believe in the crucifixion but after life and the message of Love (as opposed to fear/hatred), which is has been proven by science/metaphysics today. The crucifixion became a big deal when those drafting the bible decided so. Then it became a faith based on a blood sacrifice as an incentive for pagans so they would convert. At the time of jesus, crucifixions were extremely trendy. Therefore pre-christians didnt glorify the cross, pain and suffering (a plot by vatican and the talmudists for further divide and conquer)

Crucifixion was used for the scummiest criminals by the Romans. Jesus' death on the Cross was a representation that the Son of God was everyman's stand-in, suffering what the lowliest suffered, despite being completely innocent. The personal sacrifice on a completely personal level.

You speak of love. Jesus Christ did, as well:

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Like the gnostics, I believe in salvation by knowledge

Then you believe in Judaism, and all other forms of Satanism. "Salvation by knowledge" is what Satan has taught humanity since the Garden. It's what the Rabbis teach with their Talmud. It's what Marxists preach about their so-called "science."

Christianity is, in part, the lesson that the fallible, tending-to-corruption human mind and heart cannot save itself, and must look to the Manufacturer for remedy.

12th October 2017, 07:18 AM
my father believed in God but was not religious... my mother believed in pre-christianity (faith before the bible was written) so I was raised in a flexible environment

Pre-christians did not believe in the crucifixion but after life and the message of Love (as opposed to fear/hatred), which is has been proven by science/metaphysics today. The crucifixion became a big deal when those drafting the bible decided so. Then it became a faith based on a blood sacrifice as an incentive for pagans so they would convert. At the time of jesus, crucifixions were extremely trendy. Therefore pre-christians didnt glorify the cross, pain and suffering (a plot by vatican and the talmudists for further divide and conquer)

Like the gnostics, I believe in salvation by knowledge ( understanding of the universe because man is a micro version of the universe)

I thought you said your father saved you from your mothers tribe killing you when you were a baby?

12th October 2017, 11:16 AM
I thought you said your father saved you from your mothers tribe killing you when you were a baby?


12th October 2017, 02:25 PM
you already lost the debate there... LOL

have said several times that I had a stepmother (caucasian) and she loved me as much as her own children, my bro and sisters

I thought you said your father saved you from your mothers tribe killing you when you were a baby?

12th October 2017, 02:31 PM
whatever... you didnt investigated pre-christianity, it obvious... that is maybe why you dont see the numerology in the bible either... God created the world in ****6**** days... and rested the ***7***

because I contend that the cosmos is GEOMETRICALLY arranged by an intelligent design. I am a satanist? :) You are really wasting your time here.

because I dont want to believe in ANY faith that is blood ritual based... what is pagan? Because I favor knowledge over blind faith? Because I do not wnat to follow any religion and choose spirituality instead?

Anybody who doesnt believe in the biblical salvation is satanic... wowow...
... you visions are that of a dogmatic believer. And I stand by what I say, religions are going to take the world down. Because that IS the plan.... leave me alone

There is only fear(evil) and LOVE(GOD)...

that crucifixion was one of the most disgraceful and cruel methods of execution and usually was reserved only for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, and the vilest of criminals does not mean that it was NOT trendy... it was pretty common

(This is just one among many)
It was a popular method of dispatching threats to the empire. “Romans practiced both random and intentional violence against populations they had conquered, killing tens of thousands by crucifixion,” says New Testament scholar Hal Taussig, who is with the Union Theological Seminary in New York..... By the time crucifixion was a staple of the Roman Empire

I do not need somebody's death to redeem myself because I can take responsibility for my own actions. That is why blood rituals and wars are two sides of the same coin.

Crucifixion was used for the scummiest criminals by the Romans. Jesus' death on the Cross was a representation that the Son of God was everyman's stand-in, suffering what the lowliest suffered, despite being completely innocent. The personal sacrifice on a completely personal level.

You speak of love. Jesus Christ did, as well:

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Then you believe in Judaism, and all other forms of Satanism. "Salvation by knowledge" is what Satan has taught humanity since the Garden. It's what the Rabbis teach with their Talmud. It's what Marxists preach about their so-called "science."

Christianity is, in part, the lesson that the fallible, tending-to-corruption human mind and heart cannot save itself, and must look to the Manufacturer for remedy.

12th October 2017, 02:56 PM
you already lost the debate there... LOL

have said several times that I had a stepmother (caucasian) and she loved me as much as her own children, my bro and sisters
You may think so... But your lack of self confidence and your constant need to prove yourself tells a different story.

12th October 2017, 03:10 PM
You may think so... But your lack of self confidence and your constant need to prove yourself tells a different story.

It'll be ok, ust so long as any christian does not listen to Neuro.

12th October 2017, 03:16 PM
It'll be ok, ust so long as any christian does not listen to Neuro.

Sometimes it's like you don't think Goldie has free speech... ;D

12th October 2017, 08:44 PM
whatever... you didnt investigated pre-christianity, it obvious... that is maybe why you dont see the numerology in the bible either... God created the world in ****6**** days... and rested the ***7***

You ASSume too much.

I have researched countless traditions and esoteric/occult ideologies. There isn't a single tradition of value or marginal interest you know about I don't know about.

You ASSume that because the occultists love magic numbers, that their interpretations predate the Bible, and not vice-versa.

because I contend that the cosmos is GEOMETRICALLY arranged by an intelligent design. I am a satanist?

You believe in "salvation through knowledge." That is the foundation of all Satanic traditions. "You don't need God, just listen to me and learn knowledge, be enlightened."

Judaism rejects Christ because Judaism is founded upon "salvation through knowledge," the so-called "wisdom of the sages."

because I dont want to believe in ANY faith that is blood ritual based... what is pagan?

You just don't get it. Christianity is not "blood ritual based." It is the story of God's enduring mercy towards his Creation that has continuously chosen to disrespect Him, ignore His design, flip Him off when He said rules were meant to bring life abundant. And ultimately, that God willingly experienced both the joys and horrors of being a man so that an example to all of humanity would be given, demonstrating that God was not distant "dictator" serving only His wants.

Because I favor knowledge over blind faith?

Your blind faith is in the "goodness" of mankind and the "value" of ephemeral "knowledge." In what you claim is "science."

Because I do not wnat to follow any religion and choose spirituality instead?

Your religion is scientism, a variant of New Age religion. The worship of "knowledge," and the blind faith that it will "save" us from ourselves (despite the fact knowledge unbridled by God's morality has always served evil - war, exploitation, control).

Anybody who doesnt believe in the biblical salvation is satanic... wowow...

Not what I said. You said you believe that "you shall not surely die" if you eat from the fruit of "knowledge." That is, indeed, Satanic.

... you visions are that of a dogmatic believer.

God has proven Himself to me. I have no priest but Jesus Christ.

And I stand by what I say, religions are going to take the world down. Because that IS the plan.... leave me alone

Your religion is among the most deadly, the root of the mass casualty rates of World Wars I & II. The pursuit of "knowledge" for its own sake.

There is only fear(evil)

In your religion, "evil" is the opposite of "knowledge," or so-called "ignorance," which all hard/extreme leftists spew about routinely. This makes the assumption that this "knowledge" is actually valuable and beneficial to the individual and to humanity...in many cases, if not most, it is not.

and LOVE(GOD)...

God in your own preconceived image, rather than God in His real Image. Yes, God is Love, but this love is not endless praise & "tolerance"...sometimes the beloved children need a good spanking.

that crucifixion was one of the most disgraceful and cruel methods of execution and usually was reserved only for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, and the vilest of criminals

And Jesus Christ willingly allowed Himself to be subjected to it, for you, and me, and all of humanity, so He could prove He really did understand what our lives are like.

I do not need somebody's dead to redeem myself because I can take responsibility for my own actions.

And with this, you declare yourself perfect, a "god" (or "goddess") in your own right.

That is why blood rituals and wars are two sides of the same coin.

War is blood ritual, and the Prince of Peace showed us the Way to avoid it ever again. But people think they're just too smart, too "knowledgeable," to listen to Him. "We can save humanity through 'science' (knowledge)." Science, which has brought forth ever more efficient killing machines. Humanity is way too immature - sinful - to have control over such terrible things.

12th October 2017, 10:56 PM
Sometimes it's like you don't think Goldie has free speech... ;D

Not at all, she's just learning how Christianity is the most advanced religion.

So advanced that it cannot be followed, by anyone or other religion.

It has won as omnipotent religious destroyer and philosophical devour


old steel
12th October 2017, 11:00 PM
Is the weed any better down in CR than what we have here?

13th October 2017, 04:31 AM
Not at all, she's just learning how Christianity is the most advanced religion.

So advanced that it cannot be followed, by anyone or other religion.

It has won as omnipotent religious destroyer and philosophical devour

Thank you for relaying what she's learning...

13th October 2017, 04:59 AM
Is the weed any better down in CR than what we have here?

He is downing the last gallon of bong water.

13th October 2017, 07:26 AM
Understand the banana peel is particularly good these year!


13th October 2017, 04:44 PM

13th October 2017, 05:12 PM
have no time to discuss the christian salvation... all I know is that I do not need "spilled blood" to believe in God.

listen to Manly P Hall. the real source instead

No, I am not God but the Universe is FRACTAL, HOLOGRAPHIC (Natural Law of Correspondence)... means that man (and even any atom) is a fractal/microcosm of the whole, so contains its properties. The One Is Whole and the Whole is One.

Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A ‘Giant Brain’

your fundamentalist and child-like analogy is the evidence that science and spirituality must be merged. God is a Mind and his entire creation. He is not a separate entity. If we cannot agree on that, there is no debate. Objective Reality is a construct of God's Mind. Indeed that is why religions were invented, how to explain this to illiterate people 4000 years ago as it still is a serious problem today?

God help us

You ASSume too much.

I have researched countless traditions and esoteric/occult ideologies. There isn't a single tradition of value or marginal interest you know about I don't know about.

You ASSume that because the occultists love magic numbers, that their interpretations predate the Bible, and not vice-versa.

You believe in "salvation through knowledge." That is the foundation of all Satanic traditions. "You don't need God, just listen to me and learn knowledge, be enlightened."

Judaism rejects Christ because Judaism is founded upon "salvation through knowledge," the so-called "wisdom of the sages."

You just don't get it. Christianity is not "blood ritual based." It is the story of God's enduring mercy towards his Creation that has continuously chosen to disrespect Him, ignore His design, flip Him off when He said rules were meant to bring life abundant. And ultimately, that God willingly experienced both the joys and horrors of being a man so that an example to all of humanity would be given, demonstrating that God was not distant "dictator" serving only His wants.

Your blind faith is in the "goodness" of mankind and the "value" of ephemeral "knowledge." In what you claim is "science."

Your religion is scientism, a variant of New Age religion. The worship of "knowledge," and the blind faith that it will "save" us from ourselves (despite the fact knowledge unbridled by God's morality has always served evil - war, exploitation, control).

Not what I said. You said you believe that "you shall not surely die" if you eat from the fruit of "knowledge." That is, indeed, Satanic.

God has proven Himself to me. I have no priest but Jesus Christ.

Your religion is among the most deadly, the root of the mass casualty rates of World Wars I & II. The pursuit of "knowledge" for its own sake.

In your religion, "evil" is the opposite of "knowledge," or so-called "ignorance," which all hard/extreme leftists spew about routinely. This makes the assumption that this "knowledge" is actually valuable and beneficial to the individual and to humanity...in many cases, if not most, it is not.

God in your own preconceived image, rather than God in His real Image. Yes, God is Love, but this love is not endless praise & "tolerance"...sometimes the beloved children need a good spanking.

And Jesus Christ willingly allowed Himself to be subjected to it, for you, and me, and all of humanity, so He could prove He really did understand what our lives are like.

And with this, you declare yourself perfect, a "god" (or "goddess") in your own right.

War is blood ritual, and the Prince of Peace showed us the Way to avoid it ever again. But people think they're just too smart, too "knowledgeable," to listen to Him. "We can save humanity through 'science' (knowledge)." Science, which has brought forth ever more efficient killing machines. Humanity is way too immature - sinful - to have control over such terrible things.

13th October 2017, 05:56 PM
She makes good points bt ask her where and what she dooes hold to.

Long day, nite

for others may you reep what u sow.

shit long day,,

13th October 2017, 06:45 PM
"Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? ..

Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it."

13th October 2017, 07:26 PM
numbers the bible... it is all a coincidence... right?

The Mathematics of Genesis 1:1


13th October 2017, 11:21 PM
listen to Manly P Hall. the real source instead

Proof yet again that your religion is of Judeo-Freemasonic origin.

your fundamentalist and child-like analogy is the evidence that science and spirituality must be merged.

You sound like an extreme leftist. Why is that?

God is a Mind and his entire creation. He is not a separate entity. If we cannot agree on that, there is no debate.

As you have no interest in hearing facts contrary to your New Age ideology, there is, indeed, no debate.

God makes clear that before all there is to be seen, He Was. Yes, He is a separate entity.

14th October 2017, 01:48 AM
numbers the bible... it is all a coincidence... right?

The Mathematics of Genesis 1:1


Numerological evidence from a Kabbalist.

14th October 2017, 02:51 AM
Still fact is Jesus may be the King of heaven ,

but all Christan religions are corrupted by .....................the gov..................tax free religion exempt ....ect ect.... this amounts to satan/dark has control of religion.

True freedom is freedom from self and what we think we are,

true freedom is freedom from selfish thoughts and the aspect that we are separate from the rest of humanity ,

when we are not as we all share in consciousness.

14th October 2017, 03:08 AM
She makes good points bt ask her where and what she dooes hold to.

religious people will never choose to listen to the real thing, because they are afraid of knowledge, the problem is that evil is the gate keeper of the root of all good, such as the good is the gatekeeper of the root of all evil

both say DONT GO THERE... so to know the truth, one needs to cross the fire of knowledge and face all delusions. The symbolism of the Revelation

Evil knows the truth so perfectly that it is able to twist, invert and subvert it. But the plot of evil is to make people believe that knowledge itself is evil. Or that there exists evil knowledge. There is only one and sole knowledge that can be used for good or evil. It is all about what the Mind decides to do with it. I consider myself enlightened and my choice is to be co-creator with God and respect life. Thou shall not kill and lie.

When man decides to rule others, evil comes this way. God is not a ruler but a friend if one walks with Him. That is why God gave us knowledge, to understand Creation scientifically and metaphysically. Religious dogmas are an obstacle to enlightenment as they are interpreted subjectively while truth is objective

when one understands that the Mind decides, then everything becomes esotericism. Mental power is an energy, which is why ((they)) are bent on mind control

SERPO: true freedom is freedom from selfish thoughts and the aspect that we are separate from the rest of humanity

RIGHT: when we pray, lets pray as selfless beings.... say manly p hall in the podcast below at 30mins. This lecture delivers so many important insights. Truth always reveals itself according to its own Principles.

Manly P Hall - 'Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them'

14th October 2017, 03:40 AM
religious people will never choose to listen to the real thing, because they are afraid of knowledge, the problem is that evil is the gate keeper of the root of all good, such as the good is the gatekeeper of the root of all evil

both say DONT GO THERE... so to know the truth, one needs to cross the fire of knowledge and face all delusions. The symbolism of the Revelation

Evil knows the truth so perfectly that it is able to twist, invert and subvert it. But the plot of evil is to make people believe that knowledge itself is evil. Or that there exist evil knowledge. There is only one and sole knowledge that can be used for good or evil. It is all about what the Mind decides to do with it. I consider myself enlightened and my choice is to be co-creator with God.

When man decides to rule others, evil comes this way. God is not a ruler but a friend if one walks with Him. That is why God gave us knowledge, to understand Creation scientifically and metaphysically. Religious dogmas are an obstacle to enlightenment as they are interpreted subjectively while truth is objective

when one understands that the Mind decides, then everything becomes esotericism. Mental power is an energy, which is why ((they)) are bent on mind control

RIGHT: when we pray, lets pray as selfless beings.... say manly p hall on the podcast below at 30mins

Manly P Hall - 'Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them'

You have come a long way grasshopper...............

14th October 2017, 04:59 AM
Still fact is Jesus may be the King of heaven ,

but all Christan religions are corrupted by .....................the gov..................tax free religion exempt ....ect ect.... this amounts to satan/dark has control of religion.

True freedom is freedom from self and what we think we are,

true freedom is freedom from selfish thoughts and the aspect that we are separate from the rest of humanity ,

when we are not as we all share in consciousness.The two top religions are bloody, with Christians the bloodiest .

Translation from the rest of your post as I take it and agree with is as humans despite skin color we are all related, with bad actors (family black sheep) we all share the same mud ball/rock that we call collectively earth. Which in the greater scheme of things is nothing. Funny fact most all humans all share the same dreams in life, loving family and wanting to do better or hope for the next generation, will do better than the last.
Wide scope when it comes to bad actors, many here can be called that along with others in the world. Small but vocal percentage of the greater that dream of a society that really can not work.

Religions methinks developed from a basic feer, way way back of the unknown, to answer questions that can not be even today be answered.

Also conveniently a way that a very few can get rich or gain power and control over the many.

Christianity is the bloodiest , but others are also close sorta all in the name of the christ.

Buddhism which has many factions methinks may be closer to getting it right, but who in the holy hell knows what is really right? Compared to any current main stream religion. More geared to yourself and how you deal with life and inner peace along with dealing with people.

14th October 2017, 10:07 AM
Budhism positions any ego man only as cog in a watch. Western free independence egos wont measure down to it.

When done it isn't actually Budhism but a flavor that contains no passion only a schedule of when to do less rewarding actions.

There aint no off world "God" position as focal point for baiting passions.

14th October 2017, 12:01 PM
Budhism positions any ego man only as cog in a watch. Western free independence egos wont measure down to it.

When done it isn't actually Budhism but a flavor that contains no passion only a schedule of when to do less rewarding actions.

There aint no off world "God" position as focal point for baiting passions. Rotflafao....


Gots to love you, but sad you have slowed down on posting vids, you are starting to act like any normal citizen..


Peace !

Let the vid play out and blast from the past.. In southeast asia many died , and this was the music we listened to. Long run the nation changed, somewhat for the good , but mostly for the bad.

Punk ;D

Christianity is still a blood soaked religion.

14th October 2017, 02:24 PM
Proof yet again that your religion is of Judeo-Freemasonic origin.

You sound like an extreme leftist. Why is that?

As you have no interest in hearing facts contrary to your New Age ideology, there is, indeed, no debate.

God makes clear that before all there is to be seen, He Was. Yes, He is a separate entity.

Game, set, match - CT.

14th October 2017, 04:02 PM
Game, set, match - CT.Consenting the source, especially coming from you, (personal badge of honor )I win...Some people are thinkers and or or stinkers, then we have pin heads..

I wonder if you know which category I think you are in?




14th October 2017, 08:21 PM
Still fact is Jesus may be the King of heaven ,

but all Christan religions are corrupted by .....................the gov..................tax free religion exempt ....ect ect.... this amounts to satan/dark has control of religion.

Christianity is not a religion. It is a personal relationship with the Creator of All That Is.

If a "church" has a 501(c)(3) license from Mystery Babylon, it has declared who its master is, for no one can serve two masters. It can claim to be "of Christ," but its submission to anti-Christ government says otherwise.

14th October 2017, 08:26 PM
religious people will never choose to listen to the real thing, because they are afraid of knowledge

I choose Wisdom. Knowledge is what is on Facebook.

the problem is that evil is the gate keeper of the root of all good

Only God is good.

so to know the truth, one needs to cross the fire of knowledge and face all delusions.

The Truth is Jesus Christ, who will set one free when one actually listens to Him.

God is not a ruler but a friend if one walks with Him. That is why God gave us knowledge, to understand Creation scientifically and metaphysically.

God has declared that all who wish to come to Him must enter by the Gate He has declared, which is His Son, Jesus Christ.

Religious dogmas are an obstacle to enlightenment as they are interpreted subjectively while truth is objective


Manly P Hall - 'Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them'

I assert that the New Age nonsense you speak is religious dogma. After all, you depend upon Judeo-Freemasonic priests like Manly P. Hall for your "truth."

I, too, quote Manly P. Hall. I quote him to prove him evil. You quote him to prove yourself "right."

14th October 2017, 08:34 PM
The two top religions are bloody, with Christians the bloodiest .


Marxism is the bloodiest religion of all.

Second is Islam.

Those claiming to do the work of Christ are a distant third.

But a good lodge boy would indeed claim Christianity is the most "evil" in the humanist perspective, eh? Praise Jahbulon!

humans despite skin color we are all related, with bad actors (family black sheep) we all share the same mud ball/rock that we call collectively earth. Which in the greater scheme of things is nothing. Funny fact most all humans all share the same dreams in life, loving family and wanting to do better or hope for the next generation, will do better than the last.


If "we are all related," why not extend this "relation" to gorillas, some of whom have higher IQs that many Black Africans?

14th October 2017, 08:37 PM

So, Dogman, tell us how the aroma is?

15th October 2017, 02:43 AM
the entire universe can only be understood with mathematics, emotions being the result of frequencies, which are too math. Mentalism if the 1st Principle of all Natural Laws therefore.

You wont probe pythagoras nor plato, both of which established that the Universe is geometrical. all of which is scientifically provable. Living Geometry represents the building blocks of Life. Hence why ALL religions have SACRED numbers in them, even buddhism and hinduism, NOT just judaism... even the koran. But that too you will not try to understand as your mind is so set on evil babylon.... even the sumerians and ancient egyptians did know about them... and scandinavian mythologies too by the same token....

Your stance is dogmatic, because even when establishing that many mythological figures were crucified and resurrected after 3 days, like Mitra and Krishna, etc (countless of them) , you will refute the facts. That Jesus died or not on the cross does not make the way he died special therefore. That is why my mother was a PRE-CHRISTIAN believer., she knew that the crucifixion was a manipulation of the early vatican to force the masses into submission (accept to suffer, truth is doomed and wait for Christ to come back).

Me leftists because I believe that co-creation with God is the purpose of Man? Get real. Throw yourself into the fire and be ready to lose your shirt. Evil feeds on the ego and the fear to understand Creation/God. The biblical Jesus has said countless of times that Love is the only remedy. That's the only choice we have: Fear (egotic delusions) vs Love (respect for creation)

The merging of science and spirituality is inevitable to save Mankind from itself. Only people who think God is a separate entity do not want that... the same old same old divide and conquer.

the math and the geometry of evil ??? is something that has been known since the dawn of times and translated in all religious beliefs new age ??? the absolute proof that mathematics and geometry is the language of God!



yes, folks that is why the world is going down the drain!!

PS: The numbers three and nine are significant numbers in Norse mythology and paganism. Number 3 in Norse mythology: 3 norns, the 3 roots of Yggdragsil, creation story, Loki's 3 children. Gullveig rose from the dead on the third day... https://mysticalnumbers.com/number-3-in-norse-mythology/

Proof yet again that your religion is of Judeo-Freemasonic origin.

You sound like an extreme leftist. Why is that?

As you have no interest in hearing facts contrary to your New Age ideology, there is, indeed, no debate.

God makes clear that before all there is to be seen, He Was. Yes, He is a separate entity.

16th October 2017, 10:28 AM
2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate?!

16th October 2017, 08:07 PM
the entire universe can only be understood with mathematics, emotions being the result of frequencies, which are too math....You wont probe pythagoras nor plato, both of which established that the Universe is geometrical. all of which is scientifically provable.

Each time you put out one of these blatant ASSumptions like this, you libel me.

I have never disputed Sacred Geometry as phenomena of God's intended design.

I have had a nice set of Platonic Solids for decades. I have multiple books on scientific aspects of Sacred Geometry (no New Age horseshit, though).

Mentalism if the 1st Principle of all Natural Laws therefore.

"Mentalism," huh? WTF do you mean by that? The standard definition is "mind reading."

This is another example of spewing crap that means nothing, and hence, conveys nothing, while the poster pretends to be "wise."

Your stance is dogmatic, because even when establishing that many mythological figures were crucified and resurrected after 3 days, like Mitra and Krishna, etc (countless of them) , you will refute the facts.

You are so Hell-bent on denying Jesus Christ you'll use just about anything, including the texts of Judeo-Freemasonry. Why would the reasonable person not therefore presume you are one of them, even if unwittingly?

As for Mithras and Krsna, there are no documented texts predating Jesus Christ that claim what you claim they claim. Of course, as the word of the Resurrected Son of God spread, many co-opted the story, and retroed it into their religions. Even Asatru/Wotanism co-opted Christian concepts.

That Jesus died or not on the cross does not make the way he died special therefore.

More nonsense. That He died on a Cross is not the "special" part. That He died to prove He knew what the worst miseries of being human are is the special part. That He willingly suffered what we deserve and volunteered to accept it for us is the special part.

That is why my mother was a PRE-CHRISTIAN believer.

Your mother? The Black one? "Pre-Christian believer" of animistic witchcraft (literally), including elixir of boiled babies as "cures" for disease?

Me leftists because I believe that co-creation with God is the purpose of Man?

The Talmud and all traditions derived from it, including yours, preach "work out one's salvation" - in modern New Age terms, "co-creation" - which is exactly what the story of the Sepent in the Garden of Eden is about. "God is a liar, you don't need God, just seek 'knowledge'."


First thing about the Trinity. You DON'T explain it. It's not truly fathomable by minds confined in this four-dimensional existence. It doesn't make any "sense" any more than quantum superposition makes "sense." A rudimentary grasp of quantum dynamics is what led me back to Christ, actually. As Feynman said, anyone who claims to understand it doesn't.

God has proven Himself to me in countless ways. I accept that I will understand the Trinity only in the next life. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were already inferred in Genesis with the plural "Elohim," and "Our image, according to Our likeness."

Only the essential elements of the Bible are within the grasp of the illiterate, such as John 3:16. Understanding the Trinity and other "esoteric" aspects are not essential to having a relationship with God or salvation. Any more than understanding electricity was essential for those prior to 1700 AD.

16th October 2017, 08:14 PM
2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate?!



Goldissima, "the Count" of GSUS.

17th October 2017, 12:29 AM
More nonsense. That He died on a Cross is not the "special" part. That He died to prove He knew what the worst miseries of being human are is the special part. That He willingly suffered what we deserve and volunteered to accept it for us is the special part.

Exactly! She is reading the Bible like Satan, analyzing each line from a Talmudic kabbalistic numerological perspective, that she fails to grasp what even the most simple concepts actually mean, the big picture.

It is the same thing as modern pharmaceutical medicine where they go in and study the chemistry, the minute molecular reactions of for instance back pain, and decide to alter that chemistry, while the patient actually got misaligned in the spine, and just needed to have that misalignment corrected.

old steel
17th October 2017, 12:30 AM
Yes but, can she channel Madame Blavatsky?

17th October 2017, 05:43 AM
Talk about a pile of bullshit....
the entire universe can only be understood with mathematics, emotions being the result of frequencies, which are too math. Mentalism if the 1st Principle of all Natural Laws therefore.

You wont probe pythagoras nor plato, both of which established that the Universe is geometrical. all of which is scientifically provable. Living Geometry represents the building blocks of Life. Hence why ALL religions have SACRED numbers in them, even buddhism and hinduism, NOT just judaism... even the koran. But that too you will not try to understand as your mind is so set on evil babylon.... even the sumerians and ancient egyptians did know about them... and scandinavian mythologies too by the same token....

Your stance is dogmatic, because even when establishing that many mythological figures were crucified and resurrected after 3 days, like Mitra and Krishna, etc (countless of them) , you will refute the facts. That Jesus died or not on the cross does not make the way he died special therefore. That is why my mother was a PRE-CHRISTIAN believer., she knew that the crucifixion was a manipulation of the early vatican to force the masses into submission (accept to suffer, truth is doomed and wait for Christ to come back).

Me leftists because I believe that co-creation with God is the purpose of Man? Get real. Throw yourself into the fire and be ready to lose your shirt. Evil feeds on the ego and the fear to understand Creation/God. The biblical Jesus has said countless of times that Love is the only remedy. That's the only choice we have: Fear (egotic delusions) vs Love (respect for creation)

The merging of science and spirituality is inevitable to save Mankind from itself. Only people who think God is a separate entity do not want that... the same old same old divide and conquer.

the math and the geometry of evil ??? is something that has been known since the dawn of times and translated in all religious beliefs new age ??? the absolute proof that mathematics and geometry is the language of God!



yes, folks that is why the world is going down the drain!!

PS: The numbers three and nine are significant numbers in Norse mythology and paganism. Number 3 in Norse mythology: 3 norns, the 3 roots of Yggdragsil, creation story, Loki's 3 children. Gullveig rose from the dead on the third day... https://mysticalnumbers.com/number-3-in-norse-mythology/

17th October 2017, 01:13 PM
dogma for the masses are what they are... HOPIUM. Can you grasp that one does not need blood spilling to believe in God ??? Jesus' crucifixion only became the center piece in middle ages, after 400 years of re-re-rewriting the Bible. For early christians that was completely secondary. Just go ask vatican/rome why it decided to put a lot of emphasis on it! Yes, so christians will submit and wait for the end of times.

I fail WHAT?

indeed Neuro, let's talk of the meridians of the human body and how they related to mathematics and the chakras/endocrine glands :)

please include Tesla in your idiotic conclusions... Phi and Pi are the SIGNATURE of GOD. That you hate it or not, this knowledge is out there since the dawn of times

Yes Tesla is satanic and I am very happy to align my thinking with his.. so go ahead and shoot the messenger. I fear that if Jesus were coming back he would be assassinated again when I see such middle age oriented minds. Do you understand that when the bible reads that GOD SPOKE THE WORD, it is referring to VIBRATION? My guess is that you cannot wrap your mind around it either.


That is precisely because of people like the two of you, who cannot make sense of mathematics being of a spiritual Nature that we are farmed.

crimethink View Post
More nonsense. That He died on a Cross is not the "special" part. That He died to prove He knew what the worst miseries of being human are is the special part. That He willingly suffered what we deserve and volunteered to accept it for us is the special part.

Exactly! She is reading the Bible like Satan, analyzing each line from a Talmudic kabbalistic numerological perspective, that she fails to grasp what even the most simple concepts actually mean, the big picture.

It is the same thing as modern pharmaceutical medicine where they go in and study the chemistry, the minute molecular reactions of for instance back pain, and decide to alter that chemistry, while the patient actually got misaligned in the spine, and just needed to have that misalignment corrected.

17th October 2017, 01:28 PM
yes, since you seem to be siding with atheists, it has to be BS ;)

Talk about a pile of bullshit....

17th October 2017, 01:30 PM
you cannot argue about the Universe being mathematically organized either... but never mind, you wont ask yourself the right question: why are they numbers in ALL belief systems. Why isnt living geometry not taught in elementary schools?

yes Jesus walking on water is a miracle but when it is proven that the Mind creates reality it is subversive and satanic, go figure.

Yes but, can she channel Madame Blavatsky?

17th October 2017, 01:49 PM


17th October 2017, 01:55 PM
dogma for the masses are what they are... HOPIUM

indeed Neuro, let's talk of the meridians of the human body and how they related to mathematics and the chakras/endocrine glands :)

please include Tesla in your idiotic conclusions... Phi and Pi are the SIGNATURE of GOD. That you hate it or not, this knowledge is out there since the dawn of times

Yes Tesla is satanic and I am very happy to align my thinking with his.. so go ahead and shoot the messenger. I fear that if Jesus were coming back he would be assassinated again when I see such middle age oriented minds. The average IQ is 100, makes sense


That is precisely because of people like the two of you, who cannot make sense of mathematics being of a spiritual Nature that we are farmed.

Actually I am building my new house according to the golden ratio or phi. It seems your modus operandi is to attack, without answering the significant objections to your philosophy raised. You really don't understand the essence of the Bible, because of your incessant focus on Talmudic numerology. Or perhaps you are just a card carrying satanist, but for reasons of misleading the membership here you are reluctant to admit it. Honesty and pride isn't something that appears to be important in the lives of satanists.

17th October 2017, 02:00 PM
quit using the word satanic, because I just proved that Tesla is indeed satanic according to your child-like visions

You are attacking my intelligence.

The new testament talmudic? LOL ...YOU will understand the bible WHEN you will begin to probe the NUMBERS in all belief systems, even old mythologies... until then, you wont get it, simple. That is precisely why you dont understand my answers by the same token.

It is like talking to CT who believes that the Creator is separated from his Creation, while i believe otherwise, he does not see my answers either. One only sees what one believes in. Truth is always hidden in plain sight therefore.

this persistence to see the talmud/torah only is a blind projection... NUmbers are everywhere even in HOPI (indian americans) and MAYAN mythologies... get real, wake up!!

Mathematics rules the universe, get over it. Math is sacred and can be used to do good or evil. It is not because an elite chooses to commit evil that the Numbers are satanic. Just like the gun... the Mind decides... always

But the bottom line is that many people fear to really understand the metaphysics of the Universe. They are afraid of losing their egos.

Actually I am building my new house according to the golden ratio or phi. It seems your modus operandi is to attack, without answering the significant objections to your philosophy raised. You really don't understand the essence of the Bible, because of your incessant focus on Talmudic numerology. Or perhaps you are just a card carrying satanist, but for reasons of misleading the membership here you are reluctant to admit it. Honesty and pride isn't something that appears to be important in the lives of satanists.

17th October 2017, 04:28 PM
dogma for the masses

Then you are part of the masses, because all you spew is New Age dogma cooked up by Judeo-Freemasons for the idiot Goyim.

Can you grasp that one does not need blood spilling to believe in God ???

Would you deny Jesus Christ any less if He were drowned instead of crucified? Nope.

Jesus' crucifixion only became the center piece in middle ages, after 400 years of re-re-rewriting the Bible. For early christians that was completely secondary.

Is this a lie on your part, or just stupidity?

For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 2:2, 53 AD.

(additional mindless garbage deleted)

17th October 2017, 04:30 PM
You are attacking my intelligence.


It is like talking to CT who believes that the Creator is separated from his Creation, while i believe otherwise

Do I believe Yahweh Almighty, or you? Such a "dilemma."

17th October 2017, 04:34 PM
What every Christian needs to hear is:

Don't make yourself into an alien.

17th October 2017, 04:36 PM
God IS God
and mathematics is HIS language

Man is the Temple of God = God within, it says it all

The idea of a church, going to church is man induced

I have no time to answer more to this thread, especially when comments are blindly dogmatic

are you denying that the bible was written by an early vatican/premasonic agenda??? And that is why it is filled with numbers? :) One must be naive to trust generations of priests (same elite ruling us today) to accurately report on the life of Jesus...

Early Christians have a point!!! They didnt believe in the redemption.... me neither. It is predictive programing.

yes saying that maths is the metaphysical signature of God is new age... :)


Would you deny Jesus Christ any less if He were drowned instead of crucified? Nope.

Do I believe Yahweh Almighty, or you? Such a "dilemma."

17th October 2017, 04:40 PM
Actually I am building my new house according to the golden ratio or phi. It seems your modus operandi is to attack, without answering the significant objections to your philosophy raised. You really don't understand the essence of the Bible, because of your incessant focus on Talmudic numerology. Or perhaps you are just a card carrying satanist, but for reasons of misleading the membership here you are reluctant to admit it. Honesty and pride isn't something that appears to be important in the lives of satanists.



Or, Occam's Razor applies, and your assertion about being a committed Satanist is the correct one.

17th October 2017, 04:41 PM
I have no time to answer more to this thread, especially when comments are blindly dogmatic

The only thing blindly dogmatic is your parroting, in every post, Judeo-Freemasonic New Age crap.

17th October 2017, 04:58 PM

yes spiritual math are dogmatic but made by God... man didnt create it, he discovered it... hence it is called NATURAL LAWS

to each his town

The only thing blindly dogmatic is your parroting, in every post, Judeo-Freemasonic New Age crap.

17th October 2017, 05:01 PM

yes spiritual math are dogmatic but made by God... man didnt create it, he discovered it

to each his town

I'm still confused...are you really this dense, or are you an Oscar-worthy actress?

Let me make this clear for you:


Do you GET that yet?

We are disputing the Judeo-Freemasonic numerology, which is Satanic. You cite Manly P. Hall, without apology!!

17th October 2017, 05:16 PM
But I have been talking ONLY about it... since the beginning... did you get that ??? ???

How does it come the bible mentions the Principle Of Vibration (God spoke the word) and that of Mentalism, and the talmudist-freemasons used thought as a vibration/frequency/mind control to manipulate us? Why would it be it new age? The Bible explains all the Natural Laws in allegories... yet you wont see this.

The bible contains all the ancient knowledge that exists, which you call new age. Jesus disappeared at age 12... which is an important number in Sacred Geometry.

MPH asserts that the lack of integrity corrupts knowledge. In the audio MPH gives a stark WARNING as why we should NOT use secret mental powers to dominate others. Well I recommend everybody to listen to it. MPH NEVER was involved in politics, nor had a cult. He was a pastor and spent all his life giving lectures about the ancient knowledge UNCORRUPTED to help fight those who corrupt it.

The understanding of the supranormal/metaphysical is vital for the destiny of mankind, especially in the scientific field. And religions cannot resolve this.

But at least you prove that all my threads about Sacred Geometry did have an impact, because years ago, you called it new age... so there is a progress. Congrats!

I'm still confused...are you really this dense, or are you an Oscar-worthy actress?

Let me make this clear for you:


Do you GET that yet?

We are disputing the Judeo-Freemasonic numerology, which is Satanic. You cite Manly P. Hall, without apology!!

18th October 2017, 03:01 AM
But I have been talking ONLY about it... since the beginning... did you get that ??? ???

How does it come the bible mentions the Principle Of Vibration (God spoke the word) and that of Mentalism, and the talmudist-freemasons used thought as a vibration/frequency/mind control to manipulate us? Why would it be it new age? The Bible explains all the Natural Laws in allegories... yet you wont see this.

The bible contains all the ancient knowledge that exists, which you call new age. Jesus disappeared at age 12... which is an important number in Sacred Geometry.

MPH asserts that the lack of integrity corrupts knowledge. In the audio MPH gives a stark WARNING as why we should NOT use secret mental powers to dominate others. Well I recommend everybody to listen to it. MPH NEVER was involved in politics, nor had a cult. He was a pastor and spent all his life giving lectures about the ancient knowledge UNCORRUPTED to help fight those who corrupt it.

The understanding of the supranormal/metaphysical is vital for the destiny of mankind, especially in the scientific field. And religions cannot resolve this.

But at least you prove that all my threads about Sacred Geometry did have an impact, because years ago, you called it new age... so there is a progress. Congrats!

But you still don't understand why Jesus Christ was crucified, you even deny it happened.

12th May 2020, 11:41 AM
2hr 51m interview, haven't listened yet... will listen in bits later: https://russia-insider.com/en/satanic-nature-global-elite-christian-view-great-invu-jay-dyer-roosh-video/ri30206

The Satanic Nature of the Global Elite, a Christian View - Great Invu with Jay Dyer by Roosh (Video)
Jay Dyer (https://russia-insider.com/en/jay-dyer) Roosh V (https://russia-insider.com/en/roosh-v) 6 hours ago | 200 words 423 4 (https://russia-insider.com/en/satanic-nature-global-elite-christian-view-great-invu-jay-dyer-roosh-video/ri30206#disqus_thread)

Roosh uses this stream to introduce his audience to Dyer's work. Dyer is a popular YouTuber who specializes on manifestations of the occult in American popular culture, especially Hollywood, and Christian apologetics, i.e. arguments that Christianity is true.

One of the reasons it is a good conversation is that both Roosh and Dyer are serious Orthodox Christians, and Roosh is able to ask the right questions to bring out this aspect of Dyer's work.

The last half of this 2.5 hour stream is devoted to Roosh asking Dyer about his Christian faith and how he came to Orthodoxy, and they discuss Orthodoxy's merits compared to other Christian denominations. Dyer is Russian Orthodox, converted from Protestantism by way of Trad Catholic, and Roosh is Armenian Orthodox.

The last half hour is devoted to answering viewers' questions during the live stream, and it is interesting that most of them were about Christianity.

Roosh is a well-known figure from the so-called 'Manosphere' who has embraced Christianity over the last two years. Both of these YouTubers have large audiences because they are smart and interesting. You can see Dyer's recent videos on YouTube here (https://www.youtube.com/user/jaydyer/videos).

Highly recommended.

