View Full Version : Marc Faber Racist Diatribe Costs Him CNBC, Fox Slots; Sprott Board Seat

old steel
17th October 2017, 12:27 PM
Telling the truth will get you in a world of trouble these days because free speech is only allowed if politically correct.



17th October 2017, 12:29 PM
nice marketing move. his subs will surge

old steel
17th October 2017, 10:19 PM
The Fed and Treasury exchange worthless loans.

These loans become the currency you use.

Then they claim that you're the one in debt.


18th October 2017, 02:22 AM

For his part, Faber said he was more concerned with the state of free speech in the world—and, in particular, in America. “If you have to live in a society where you cannot express your views and your views are immediately condemned without further analysis and analysis of the context in which [they’re written]—if you can’t live with that, then it is a sad state of where freedom of the press and freedom of expression have come.”

18th October 2017, 05:51 AM
Good on him. He has grown in my eyes. More people in all walks of life should speak their minds and own their words. Freedom of speech implies freedom of thought and freedom of thought, freedom of speech.

18th October 2017, 07:02 AM
Tell the truth and you will not be forgiven. You are an outcast for the rest of your life.

18th October 2017, 01:36 PM
I like the one guys comments at bottom of the OP link.

"Even when you're reading Faber you tend to read it with a thick Gunther Austrian accent in your head... :)

18th October 2017, 01:54 PM
The mass media decides who has free speech on the air. If they let someone exercise it that way, it's for a reason.

18th October 2017, 03:45 PM
The mass media decides who has free speech on the air. If they let someone exercise it that way, it's for a reason.

Very, very few understand the nature of the Psychodrome that is carefully prepared and cultivated for the Goyim. A spectrum of permissible "thought," from extreme left to "conservative" (once called "liberal"), from fanatic atheist to Zionist Judeo-"Christian," from rabid interracist to universalist "non-racist."

The wide variety of approved ideas and opinions confuses the great majority into believing actual freedom of thought and expression exists, when, in reality, it does not. The individual who has failed to recognize the invisible boundaries of approved "thought" learns instantly the grave consequences once even the most minor breach of those parameters occurs.

18th October 2017, 03:55 PM
The wide variety of approved ideas and opinions confuses the great majority into believing actual freedom of thought and expression exists, when, in reality, it does not.It's much easier to control hundreds of millions of people who think they have free will, freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

I'm expecting Marc Faber's influence to increase, all the while he leads the goyim the wrong way.

Note that goys usually spell that first name "Mark" while Khazars prefer "Marc".

18th October 2017, 06:53 PM
Very, very few understand the nature of the Psychodrome that is carefully prepared and cultivated for the Goyim. A spectrum of permissible "thought," from extreme left to "conservative" (once called "liberal"), from fanatic atheist to Zionist Judeo-"Christian," from rabid interracist to universalist "non-racist."

The wide variety of approved ideas and opinions confuses the great majority into believing actual freedom of thought and expression exists, when, in reality, it does not. The individual who has failed to recognize the invisible boundaries of approved "thought" learns instantly the grave consequences once even the most minor breach of those parameters occurs.

That is just brilliant man.

Still everyone knows who you are not allowed to criticize... Case in point; a friend/colleague of mine on Facebook, posted this quote from Voltaire: If you want to know who makes the rules, you only need to find out who you are not able to criticize. And he asked what group are you not allowed to criticize today? I replied ask Margot Wallström, the Swedish foreign minister, and attached an article written by an Israeli debator, which compared her to Olof Palme, the Swedish prime minister who most likely was murdered by Mossad in 1986, for being too friendly with the Palestinians.

Margot Wallström got in trouble last year because she dared criticizing Israel for its actions in the West Bank, a couple of weeks later it was discovered she had received a rental flat in inner city Stockholm owned by a Union, by jumping the que normal people have to go through. Most people thought nothing of the connection between her criticizing Israel and the disclosure. Neither would they think that the comparison to the murdered Prime minister of Sweden in 1986, although flatteringly, actually was a veiled threat to her. She hasn't criticized Israel since then, so probably she got the message.

However my friends post got no feedback nor likes from anyone but me, so I do think people understand whom you are not allowed to criticize. Normally this poster gets a lot of feedback/likes on his posts.

18th October 2017, 09:17 PM
It's much easier to control hundreds of millions of people who think they have free will, freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

“Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.”

(“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”)

-- Goethe, in 1809

I'm expecting Marc Faber's influence to increase, all the while he leads the goyim the wrong way.

Note that goys usually spell that first name "Mark" while Khazars prefer "Marc".

If Faber is promptly relegated to obscurity from now on, I will consider him authentic. If not, if he is "forgiven," I will presume your assertion he is controlled "opposition" is correct.

19th October 2017, 07:06 AM
Very, very few understand the nature of the Psychodrome that is carefully prepared and cultivated for the Goyim. A spectrum of permissible "thought," from extreme left to "conservative" (once called "liberal"), from fanatic atheist to Zionist Judeo-"Christian," from rabid interracist to universalist "non-racist."

The wide variety of approved ideas and opinions confuses the great majority into believing actual freedom of thought and expression exists, when, in reality, it does not. The individual who has failed to recognize the invisible boundaries of approved "thought" learns instantly the grave consequences once even the most minor breach of those parameters occurs.

I've always regarded Jesus' teaching that we are in the world but not to be of the world kind of like this. Pretty much everyone I know, Christian or not, is only capable of processing thought through the lens of modern American society and culture. To them, the only correct form of Christianity is modern American Christianity. They cannot fathom thinking bigger or beyond the status quo, and could never even consider something like Christian Germans in the 30's/40's.

19th October 2017, 08:12 AM
I've always regarded Jesus' teaching that we are in the world but not to be of the world kind of like this. Pretty much everyone I know, Christian or not, is only capable of processing thought through the lens of modern American society and culture. To them, the only correct form of Christianity is modern American Christianity. They cannot fathom thinking bigger or beyond the status quo, and could never even consider something like Christian Germans in the 30's/40's.

The primary determining factor, even beyond formal, compulsory "education," is the controlled mass media. Even the teachers in formal, compulsory "education," and nearly all preachers, get their ideas from - "thought led" by - Talmudvision and "news" media, primarily.

"Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." That applies not only to the Truth of Jesus Christ and His purpose & mission, but also to having one's eyes opened to the reality of this world, that we are at war with - or, more accurately, they are at war with us: "principalities...powers...the rulers of the darkness of this world...spiritual wickedness in high places." Once it is realized and understood that demonic forces rule this existence, the Truth can be grasped even by a dullard. Even Forrest Gump can have a more Godly perspective of what this world is really about, and what runs it and drives it.

Something from a Godly-enlightened soul decades ago...

The devil once said to his demons below,

"Our work is progressing entirely too slow.

The holiness people stand in our way

Since they do not believe in the show or the play.

They teach that the carnival, circus and dance,

The tavern and honky-tonk with game of chance,

Drinking and smoking, these things are all wrong;

The Christians don't mess with the ungodly throng.

They are quick to condemn everything that we do

To cause unbelievers to be not a few.

They claim that these things are all of the devil;

That Christian folks live on a much higher level.

Now fellows, their theology, while perfectly true

Is blocking the work we are trying to do.

We will have to get busy and figure a plan

That will change their standards as fast as we can.

Now I have a vision of just what we can do.

Harken, I'll tell this deception to you.

Then find ye a wise, but degenerate man

Whom I can use to help work out this plan.

There's nothing so real as the things that you see;

The eyes and the mind and the heart will agree.

So what can be better than an object to view?

I say, it will work and convince quite a few.

The home is the place for this sinful device;

The people deceived will think it quite nice.

The world will possess it, most Christians can't tell

That it is all of the devil and plotted in hell!

We'll sell them with pictures of the latest news;

While they're still looking, we'll advertise booze.

At first it will shock them; they'll seem in a daze;

But soon they'll be hardened and continue to gaze.

We'll give them some gospel that isn't too strong,

And a few sacred songs to string them along.

They'll take in the ads, with the latest of fashions,

Soon watching the shows that will stir evil passions.

Murder and love-making scenes they'll behold

Until their souls will be utterly cold.

The old family altar which once held such charm

Will soon lose its place without much alarm.

Praying in secret will also be lost

As they look at the screen, not counting the cost.

Compromise preachers, who don't take their stand

Will embrace this new vision and think it is grand.

They'll help fool the people and cause them to sin

By seeking this evil and taking it in.

Influence is great and this you can see;

Just look at my fall and you'll have to agree.

It won't take too long, my demons, to tell

That the vision of Satan will populate Hell!

Divorce will increase, sex crimes will abound;

Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground.

The home will be damned in short order I say

When this vision of mine comes in to stay.

Get busy, my cohorts, and put this thing out;

We'll see if the church can continue to shout.

The holiness people who stand in our way

Will soon hush their crying against show and play.

We'll cover the earth with this devil vision.

Then we'll camouflage it with the name television.

The people will think they are getting a treat

Till the Antichrist comes and takes over his seat.

He'll rule the world while the viewers behold

The face of the beast, to whom they were sold.

We'll win through deception, this cannot fail;

Though some holiness preachers against it will rail."

19th October 2017, 08:16 AM
I've always regarded Jesus' teaching that we are in the world but not to be of the world kind of like this. Pretty much everyone I know, Christian or not, is only capable of processing thought through the lens of modern American society and culture. To them, the only correct form of Christianity is modern American Christianity. They cannot fathom thinking bigger or beyond the status quo, and could never even consider something like Christian Germans in the 30's/40's.

Franks is the History of the world then, or has he leaped to complete alien?