View Full Version : There will be a crash

17th October 2017, 01:21 PM
Despite some pimple headed pin heads here that just love to drag my old drinking rants over and over...;D

My spider senses are starting off, look at the frigging world thing, and not looking on line. trump is a piece of trash, all mouth but a coward at heart, with no soul. Look at the stock market breaking rechords (big bizz loving the hint of proffets, The geopolitical thing, which the hair on the back of my neck is staring to stand up. Bunch of shit,

Now trump, is your best chance, and despite what he says about another 7 years in office, he will be lucky to make his first, plus pissing off many that voted for him, plus they that did not, another plus is the ones that did not vote ever for ether party. But I suspect they will vote soon.

Despite all that , look at the stock market history, and also look if so inclined on what triggered the crashes 1929 is a great bench mark

Again spidy senses are bugging me...

I am sure and ready for the snarky remarks from my not friends, (the ones with an agenda)

Did I mention trump is probably the worst mistake this nation ever elected in its time record.? 75 years ago he may have fit but tody, due to internet instant connections, no.


Bet the same two or so will have their say about me and drinking..sad, but shows they have nothing to counter than attack, and not discuss or counter my points.

Half Sense
17th October 2017, 03:40 PM
I don't care if a man drinks. Sometimes people make better sense when they drink. You, probably not. How do you look at the frigging world thing, and not look online? You got a telescope? Or did you get your news from Jimmy Kimmel?

old steel
17th October 2017, 03:43 PM
Dogman we'll trade you globalist cuck Turdope for Trump and then you can have a leader who says "if you kill your enemies, they win"

He can say it in French too so, win win.

Oh while i'm at it, he also said all those thousands of Muslin immigrants that he took in have more of a right to be here than folks that were born and raised, lived here for generations,

17th October 2017, 03:54 PM
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to our country! All the lies and crimes of the liberal elite are being exposed. This all would have been covered up had Hillary won.
Trump is doing an amazing job handling all these problems and disasters. No other president has ever done this much in their first 9 months.
Trump is crushing the liberals, they are losing their minds spewing hatred for Trump, they are losing a lot of money.
The Liberal party is collapsing along with Hollywood and the NFL, they will never be in power again. Hopefully many will be going to prison before this is over.

17th October 2017, 04:15 PM

17th October 2017, 04:17 PM
I don't care if a man drinks. Sometimes people make better sense when they drink. You, probably not. How do you look at the frigging world thing, and not look online? You got a telescope? Or did you get your news from Jimmy Kimmel?

Yes have two

17th October 2017, 04:18 PM
Dogman we'll trade you globalist cuck Turdope for Trump and then you can have a leader who says "if you kill your enemies, they win"

He can say it in French too so, win win.

Oh while i'm at it, he also said all those thousands of Muslin immigrants that he took in have more of a right to be here than folks that were born and raised, lived here for generations,

You will still loose

17th October 2017, 04:20 PM
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to our country! All the lies and crimes of the liberal elite are being exposed. This all would have been covered up had Hillary won.
Trump is doing an amazing job handling all these problems and disasters. No other president has ever done this much in their first 9 months.
Trump is crushing the liberals, they are losing their minds spewing hatred for Trump, they are losing a lot of money.
The Liberal party is collapsing along with Hollywood and the NFL, they will never be in power again. Hopefully many will be going to prison before this is over.

All from one that hates this country,

Sadly you may get your wish!

My op was more on triggers, stock market and war!

17th October 2017, 04:24 PM
Then we have some here, that if lucky rubbing two brain cells together will make a Original thought!

Do your history on the stock markets and c!, also triggers for war!

Have fun guys out of this one, the wind has a certain stink!


17th October 2017, 04:27 PM

17th October 2017, 04:31 PM

But not uninspected!


17th October 2017, 04:34 PM

But not uninspected!



old steel
17th October 2017, 04:45 PM
You will still loose

No, i'm not afraid to die and i'm good with a gun, real good.

Gonna take a swat team to take me out and most of them won't make it back.

17th October 2017, 04:46 PM
Drive drunk? Yes, there will be a Crash.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/A_car_sits_in_the_755th_Aircraft_Maintenance_Squad ron%27s_parking_lot_July_15%2C_2013%2C_at_Davis-Monthan_Air_Force_Base%2C_Ariz.%2C_to_represent_an _accident_resulting_from_drunk_driving_130715-F-WQ860-006.jpg/512px-thumbnail.jpg

Choose a Designated Driver, Dogman!

17th October 2017, 04:46 PM
Get the personal crap, watch the markets, if inbe prepared to get out in less than an eyeblink! Also watch the idiot in Chief and for whatever good stock us for a shit the fan thingy!

If things hit the fan, nobody will be , you may think, but really not , prepared!

17th October 2017, 04:50 PM
Drive drunk? Yes, there will be a Crash.

Choose a Designated Driver, Dogman!knew you could not resist, Fred, !

Also the predicted drink thing has happened!

Fred thank you for providing my point!

Sad but not uninspected!

17th October 2017, 04:51 PM
Get the personal crap, watch the markets, if inbe prepared to get out in less than an eyeblink! Also watch the idiot in Chief and for whatever good stock us for a shit the fan thingy!

If things hit the fan, nobody will be , you may think, but really not , prepared!

knew you could not resist, Fred, !

Also the predicted drink thing has happened!

Fred thank you for providing my point!

Sad but not uninspected!

Hey, we have to razz you, you know that.

In basic principle, you are correct: there will be a Crash. What goes up must come down, and what goes up ridiculously high will come down terrifyingly hard.

17th October 2017, 04:59 PM
All from one that hates this country,

Sadly you may get your wish!

My op was more on triggers, stock market and war!

Trump is the most pro America patriotic America loving president of our time.

His base is stronger then ever! He has all conservatives, police, military, truckers, bikers, evangelicals/religious groups, miners, middle class American workers and more standing with him.

What do the liberals have? Hollywood, liberals, perverts, homosexuals, pedophiles, Satanists, NFL thugs, Illegals, Muslims, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA. Nice group, huh?

17th October 2017, 05:00 PM
Hey, we have to razz you, you know that.

In basic principle, you are correct: there will be a Crash. What goes up must come down, and what goes up ridiculously high will come down terrifyingly hard.

Now you are acting as a thinker, good thing!

Sad to see your major direction is wrong, IMHO!

But most if not all will prove out of my words!



17th October 2017, 05:05 PM
Trump is the most pro America patriotic America loving president of our time.
His base is stronger then ever! He has all conservatives, police, military, truckers, bikers, evangelicals/religious groups, miners, middle class American workers and more standing with him. What do the liberals have? Hollywood, liberals, perverts, homosexuals, pedophiles, Satanists, NFL thugs, Illegals, Muslims. Nice group, huh?

Sorry dude, you bought into a self centered idiot without a soul, of epic proportions ,sad you you cannot see it.


17th October 2017, 05:22 PM
Sorry dude, you bought into a self centered idiot without a soul, of epic proportions ,sad you you cannot see it.


I'm a sucker for patriotism, love of country, US sovereignty, strong borders/ending DACA/deporting illegals, pro military, Christian values, pro 2A rights, conservative Supreme Court justices, tax reform, better healthcare. I'm crazy like that.

Despite what you think of Trump as a person, look at the optimism and pride he's brought back to our country. Long over due.

Liberalism is dead!

17th October 2017, 05:43 PM
I'm a sucker for patriotism, love of country, US sovereignty, strong borders/ending DACA/deporting illegals, pro military, Christian values, pro 2A rights, conservative Supreme Court justices, tax reform, better healthcare. I'm crazy like that.

Despite what you think of Trump as a person, look at the optimis pride he's brought back to our country. Long over due.

Liberalism is dead! Thank you, showing you do not love this country, your words here in the past said I hate this country. witch is make up with many of not near your thoughts. Your country would be a mono if all the same, which is not america. no my friend? dont care. the america you urn for never existed.

Bunch of backyard cowards, with self important opinions and wishes.

If it ever does I am glad I am at the end of my life,

Would you fight when younger for this country in general. ? Most would run , I think not, and if not you and others are cowards, with self important thoughts. The war I fought in was wrong, wrong, but I still fought but also did my part politically to make changes..which in time is one reason we have things so fucked up now.

Trump, has never worried about eating other on what he wanted to eat, he has not a clue on how us poor boys lives. Sad, but bunch of willing idiots never do their own homework.

trump may be your god, but he does not care for you and he is dragging this nation beyound mud level, tho I suspect many here want that, hope I am dead and gone , by the if so, living in the world he would leave you.

I am not a dem nor rep, more like a center independsnt, which over all is the only way this country or world will work.

The crash is comming, and trumpster is driving us that way..


17th October 2017, 05:51 PM
Thank you, showing you do not love this country, your words here in the past said I hate this country. witch is make up with many of not near your thoughts. Your country would be a mono all the same, which is not america. no my friend? dont care. the america you urn for never existed.

Bunch of backyard cowards, with self important opinions and wishes.

If it ever does I am glad I am at the end of my life,

Would you fight when younger for this country in general. ? Most would run , I think not

Why don't you dig up these non existent words you speak of. I've always supported our military and our country. This country has been very good to me!

You sure are showing your hatred for our country. I'm sorry things haven't gone as well for you. Maybe the next go round will be better...unless you don't believe in God?

More and more I'm convinced Trump is divine providence.

17th October 2017, 05:59 PM
Why don't you dig up these non existent words you speak of. I've always supported our military and our country. This country has been very good to me!

You sure are showing your hatred for our country. I'm sorry things haven't gone as well for you. Maybe the next go round will be better...unless you don't believe in God?

More and more I'm convinced Trump is divine providence. Going by your past pissed off posts, your posting history says a bunch about you. YOu hate this country,

Divine providence more like a straight line to total hell.

You like two others here I am done with you, may life be highly interesting for all of you.

17th October 2017, 06:02 PM
Going by your past pissed off posts, your posting history says a bunch about you. YOu hate this country,

Divine providence more like a straight line to total hell.

You like two others here I am done with you, may life be highly interesting for all of you.

I'm not going to waste anymore time with you, you are a lost cause and a lost soul. Sorry for you. Over and Out!

17th October 2017, 06:11 PM
Chuck, Liberals at their best. I just do not understand where they get this information to think this way. Sure Trump is not the best but the best we have and I SURE don't agree with all his shit but he needs to work with/ and work against in an office filled with absolute shit. Figure a pro god man against Satan, only so much you can do in a day.

JMO which I am sure everyone will jump on.

Thank you, showing you do not love this country, your words here in the past said I hate this country. witch is make up with many of not near your thoughts. Your country would be a mono if all the same, which is not america. no my friend? dont care. the america you urn for never existed.

Bunch of backyard cowards, with self important opinions and wishes.

If it ever does I am glad I am at the end of my life,

Would you fight when younger for this country in general. ? Most would run , I think not, and if not you and others are cowards, with self important thoughts. The war I fought in was wrong, wrong, but I still fought but also did my part politically to make changes..which in time is one reason we have things so fucked up now.

Trump, has never worried about eating other on what he wanted to eat, he has not a clue on how us poor boys lives. Sad, but bunch of willing idiots never do their own homework.

trump may be your god, but he does not care for you and he is dragging this nation beyound mud level, tho I suspect many here want that, hope I am dead and gone , by the if so, living in the world he would leave you.

I am not a dem nor rep, more like a center independsnt, which over all is the only way this country or world will work.

The crash is comming, and trumpster is driving us that way..


17th October 2017, 06:13 PM
Good, peanut types that are all words should stay i in the gallerys..Understand I understand I am counter viewpoint for most here extream types..Sad but true, which is one reason this forum has lost so many members that were real people and brought joy and other emotions to this forum.

Place is dam near an echo chamber.

Very very sad , compared to what it used to be, the precedent ass hats seems to have won . Others went back to real life and living. Good news I am close to leaving here also, so the asshats can jump for joy.

But not quite yet !


17th October 2017, 06:18 PM
Chuck, Liberals at their best. I just do not understand where they get this information to think this way. Sure Trump is not the best but the best we have and I SURE don't agree with all his shit but he needs to work with/ and work against in an office filled with absolute shit. Figure a pro god man against Satan, only so much you can do in a day.

JMO which I am sure everyone will jump on. Lmfao, some people are uninformed and others are , ...what can I say. think it would be hard to describe some other than they are heard followers and are sorta idiocic in their choices.

17th October 2017, 06:19 PM
Good, peanut types that are all words should stay i in the gallerys..Understand I understand I am counter viewpoint for most here extream types..Sad but true, which is one reason this forum has lost so many members that were real people and brought joy and other emotions to this forum.

Place is dam near an echo chamber.

Very very sad , compared to what it used to be, the precedent ass hats seems to have won . Others went back to real life and living. Good news I am close to leaving here also, so the asshats can jump for joy.

But not quite yet !


What you saying Chuck?

17th October 2017, 06:25 PM
I have learned what I wanted to , by answers there, sadly , it was what I expected. Cebu had hopes for you , but not anymore, some never learn and want to stay with the idiotic herd.

Be well and closing this thread, because lowlifes here now rule and do not think.

Sad, was looking for debate on the markets and trump bump and shit, bunch of idiots that blindly follow an rich idiot. But sadly all of us will pay for these mistakes and mindlessness.