View Full Version : THE TRUTH About The Apocalyptic California Wildfires ???

17th October 2017, 02:25 PM
5G microwave technology blamed... true or not... scary!!




NorCAL Torch Fires; How the Firestorms Were Created

Weather Wars; Geoengineering on a Massive Scale from the Ground Up

18th October 2017, 12:52 AM
I watched 2 of them already... MUST WATCH

18th October 2017, 06:04 AM
I watched 2 of them already... MUST WATCH
I don't have time to watch videos. Mostly the videos I try to watch are full of useless information and the meat of the video could be condensed into 1/25 of the whole. I don't need extraneous bullshit. Give me a transcript and I'll eat it up in seconds. If you post a video I'll likely not watch it. If you can give a concise summary, not written in gibberish, I will assimilate that.

18th October 2017, 04:18 PM
I am sorry, one always scan through it with the mouse viewer.... there often is a summary on the original page, here it is. I didnt post the summary because I assume that people will click and see for themselves... I am sure many did already

Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. the car tire rubber and glass were nowhere to be found and homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble. Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt which means these fires generated there own direct heat, like a directed energy butane torch, except they are using directed energy LASER technology to pulse the plasma clouds, stir the wind for energy and release up to a trillion watts of laser power at any one source. This is why cars and homes completely melted but shrubs, leaves, plants and neighbors houses, were untouched.

if true, microwave technology is the new weapon to burn down/torch entire neighborhoods in a few minutes... entire streets into ashed but strangely many threes are still green

it is just spectacularly eerie as everybody could be next

Expand your awareness, thats the key and you always will find some new pieces/gem of data.

CT and Neuro thanking your comment is ridiculous...

18th October 2017, 04:40 PM
I don't have time to watch videos. Mostly the videos I try to watch are full of useless information and the meat of the video could be condensed into 1/25 of the whole. I don't need extraneous bullshit. Give me a transcript and I'll eat it up in seconds. If you post a video I'll likely not watch it. If you can give a concise summary, not written in gibberish, I will assimilate that.

Exactly! why do these folks make a 30 minute video that can be summed up in2 minutes? I have been finding these overly long videos with zero information besides a tidbit or 2 a lot lately, so I have been avoiding anything over 10 minutes.

18th October 2017, 06:08 PM
I am sorry, one always scan through it with the mouse viewer.... there often is a summary on the original page, here it is. I didnt post the summary because I assume that people will click and see for themselves... I am sure many did already

if true, microwave technology is the new weapon to burn down/torch entire neighborhoods in a few minutes... entire streets into ashed but strangely many threes are still green

it is just spectacularly eerie as everybody could be next

Expand your awareness, thats the key and you always will find some new pieces/gem of data.

CT and Neuro thanking your comment is ridiculous...

From the video description:

"Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. the car tire rubber and glass were nowhere to be found and homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble. Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt which means these fires generated there own direct heat, like a directed energy butane torch, except they are using directed energy LASER technology to pulse the plasma clouds, stir the wind for energy and release up to a trillion watts of laser power at any one source. This is why cars and homes completely melted but shrubs, leaves, plants and neighbors houses, were untouched."

"If true" you say. I say the whole thing is suspect as soon as I read obviously incorrect statements such as "Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt"

I have personally melted glass in a campfire. Tires melt at very low temperatures. I am willing to keep an open mind but these statements poison my opinion of the opinions tendered in the video.

old steel
18th October 2017, 06:16 PM
Same thing happened here with the wildfires in the mountains, then yesterday a wind from hell and fires popping up everywhere destroying homes and property, one 34 year old volunteer firefighter was killed in the line of duty.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Look at this. Guess the trees and the gas station were fireproof.



midnight rambler
18th October 2017, 06:37 PM
The statement about taking thousands of degrees to melt tires is one of the most asinine things I’ve ever heard. Anyone who says something so fucking stupid is completely clueless and has never seen a tire on fire. Tires are around 30% oil by weight.


18th October 2017, 07:09 PM
Now wait a gosh darn minute there pilgrim!! How is that possible? Am I being asked to ignore what I see yet again?
Same thing happened here with the wildfires in the mountains, then yesterday a wind from hell and fires popping up everywhere destroying homes and property, one 34 year old volunteer firefighter was killed in the line of duty.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Look at this. Guess the trees and the gas station were fireproof.



18th October 2017, 09:08 PM
All you fucks who think you "know" what's going on here don't live here. I do.

Just because you are an idiot savant who pretends to "understand" or have some sort of power of "discernment" doesn't mean you actually know shit.

This conspiracy shit about "lasers" and "electromagnetic energy shutting down electronics in the area" is 100% unadulterated bovine excrement, and is nothing more than a self-serving insult to every one of our friends and neighbors who suffered. FUCK YOU.

As I noted before, the causes have been explained to we people on the ground here, and no evidence whatsoever has been presented to counter that. There was NO "electromagnetic interference" from "exotic weapons" - I have enough electronic toys that most of them would have shut down or went haywire if such phenomena occurred. This did not happen. I'm not alone in being "aware" of the real aspects of geoengineering in this area...California Skywatch was founded in now-burned Redwood Valley. I'm not alone in being able to authoritatively dispute this crap.

18th October 2017, 09:09 PM
Exactly! why do these folks make a 30 minute video that can be summed up in2 minutes? I have been finding these overly long videos with zero information besides a tidbit or 2 a lot lately, so I have been avoiding anything over 10 minutes.

Most such videos are just some imbecile jabbering away for his/her own ego.

BTW, love the new avatar, LOL.

18th October 2017, 11:36 PM
BTW, love the new avatar, LOL.

Thanks bro.

19th October 2017, 02:25 AM
lol... do you have an explanation for the trees?

Most such videos are just some imbecile jabbering away for his/her own ego.

Do you have an explanation as how fast the fires spread. I dont mind any critique but you do not come up with a possible scenario to explain how BLOCKS of houses did burn down to ashes that fast and why most trees are untouched?

in the very first posting, I said: TRUE ...or NOT... the pic posted by Old Steel is not an understatement....

my ego, because you cannot disprove Mathematically-Driven Natural Laws as a belief system merging science and metaphysics? :) let it go... it took me 5 years to make sense of it that is why I am moving ahead with people who have been pondering all this for quite a while already. There is a LOT of awareness going on and spreading very fast now. People who understand that the blame game will never work out but taking full responsibility for what is, which is a Natural Law onto itself voiding racial/cultural issues because Truth is Objective. This is why ((they)) were able to get away with it for so long.

19th October 2017, 02:46 AM
PS: when it is a 30min video and do not know the channel, I am not watching to the end but often listen to first 10mins and if I really like it, I scan through and listen here and there. In this case I watch 15mins at least of 2 of them

also, I may chose to play it in the background when doing something else, and when a detail picks my attention, watching the video at that very moment and replay it. I usually do this in the morning though... because I am a writer and have followers.

I'd want to hear from somebody who had/have an explanation for the trees still standing amid the ashes.

There are two ways to look at it: 1) noticing elements of the story that do not make sense to trash more bizarre facts ... or 2)trying to explain the bizarre facts first.... society is more trained to do #1. I often do #2 because that is how one expands one's awareness

From the video description:

"Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. the car tire rubber and glass were nowhere to be found and homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble. Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt which means these fires generated there own direct heat, like a directed energy butane torch, except they are using directed energy LASER technology to pulse the plasma clouds, stir the wind for energy and release up to a trillion watts of laser power at any one source. This is why cars and homes completely melted but shrubs, leaves, plants and neighbors houses, were untouched."

"If true" you say. I say the whole thing is suspect as soon as I read obviously incorrect statements such as "Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt"

I have personally melted glass in a campfire. Tires melt at very low temperatures. I am willing to keep an open mind but these statements poison my opinion of the opinions tendered in the video.

19th October 2017, 03:46 AM
Peoples suspicions could be confirmed if burned out victims are not allowed to rebuild.

19th October 2017, 05:40 AM
All you fucks who think you "know" what's going on here don't live here. I do.

Just because you are an idiot savant who pretends to "understand" or have some sort of power of "discernment" doesn't mean you actually know shit.

This conspiracy shit about "lasers" and "electromagnetic energy shutting down electronics in the area" is 100% unadulterated bovine excrement, and is nothing more than a self-serving insult to every one of our friends and neighbors who suffered. FUCK YOU.

I don't think anyone here is purposefully trying to deny any of the suffering that is happening but I do think that there are interests that love to steer people to extremes and thus discredit valuable and insightful research. There is lots of 'Booooolshit' out there and it serves take the heat off of the real offenders. State and local policy that is really to blame, may go unexposed because many are looking too far afield for some Supra-elite conspiracy.

19th October 2017, 06:41 AM
do you have an explanation for the trees?

Yeah. It's called water.

Do you have an explanation as how fast the fires spread.

60 mph wind gusts good enough for you?

explain how BLOCKS of houses did burn down to ashed that fast and why most trees are untouched?

Sometimes fire has a mind of its own. We've seen this year after year. A whole slew of houses torched to ash, and one house/shed standing amidst them. Same with trees, but the trees contain moisture and are naturally more resistant to embers than bone dry wood.

because you cannot disprove Mathematically-Driven Natural Laws as a belief system merging science and metaphysics?

First, you would need to actually propose a reasonable, plausible hypothesis before I could disprove it.

"I read this in some, like, books I got at the, like, Spirituality Unlimited bookstore, and they 'proved' it to me."

Half Sense
19th October 2017, 06:48 AM
It's an attack on the wine and weed producers.

19th October 2017, 07:14 AM
Sometimes fire has a mind of its own. We've seen this year after year. A whole slew of houses torched to ash, and one house/shed standing amidst them. Same with trees, but the trees contain moisture and are naturally more resistant to embers than bone dry wood.

Thank you. I've actually performed property condition assessments after forest fires, and it is stunning to see how selective a fire can actually be. At one residence, the detached garage was burned to the ground, nothing left but the concrete foundation. Next to the garage I saw an RV melted to the ground, it's aluminum engine reduced to a blob of metal on the dirt with nothing but the steel frame standing. But the actual house, maybe 20 feet from the garage and RV, basically untouched, miraculously. And trees, some of them still green while others were black and charred to a crisp.

19th October 2017, 07:51 AM
I don't think anyone here is purposefully trying to deny any of the suffering that is happening but I do think that there are interests that love to steer people to extremes and thus discredit valuable and insightful research. There is lots of 'Booooolshit' out there and it serves take the heat off of the real offenders. State and local policy that is really to blame, may go unexposed because many are looking too far afield for some Supra-elite conspiracy.

Indeed it is unlikely that anyone here is consciously attempting to diminish the suffering of our region, but these self-serving conspiracy theories based on lunacy are an affront both to those who suffer, since their motivation is self-aggrandizement, and to conspiracy fact in general, since it brings discredit on really sinister activities.

Fake conspiracy theories are injected into public discourse for the purpose of obscuring conspiracy facts. Those who do it do so largely for egomania - "looky, I'm getting attention!" - and even isolated sociopathy, but some surely do so also because they are commissioned disinformation warriors, government or well-funded NGO (e.g., Soros-empowered scum).

19th October 2017, 07:52 AM
It's an attack on the wine and weed producers.

There are rumors of arson, and I don't dismiss that, but at least here in our county, no arson explanation has been founded (yet). There is one Spic down in Sonoma who set at least one, though.

19th October 2017, 07:48 PM
Santa Rosa couple claims PG&E negligence led to wildfire


20th October 2017, 01:19 AM
for his/her own ego

I definitely cannot argue at that low level of consciousness. So be my guest. There is no debate with somebody who thinks that God is separated from His creation, while his Mathematical Signature is in every living cell and shapes in Nature. And that Numbers could also lead to a better understanding of chemistry and biology since everything is energy, the result of a frequency having its own set of math. When math do not serve God but greed and a lack of integrity, yes Numbers translate into evil. Atheistic science prove this.

Sure and I have an ego for grasping that and contend that science and metaphysics must be merged. LOL

God separate from his creation... um-umm

20th October 2017, 01:50 AM
I hanged a shelf in the washroom yesterday. My soul is not in that shelf today. Creator and creation is separate. Gods greatness didn't increase by creating universe, it was there from the beginning. Universe is a reflection of Gods greatness, but entirely separate from it.

20th October 2017, 02:14 AM
Exactly! why do these folks make a 30 minute video that can be summed up in2 minutes? I have been finding these overly long videos with zero information besides a tidbit or 2 a lot lately, so I have been avoiding anything over 10 minutes.

Its called .........you dont really care enough( not that I watched it either but I believe these fires where lit by you know who................America is being attacked its obvious..........

20th October 2017, 04:45 PM
for those who cares only...

Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas, CA Fires, Tom Delonge & Paranormal Investigations
Destroying The Illusion
Published on Oct 20, 2017

20th October 2017, 04:52 PM
for those who cares only...

Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas, CA Fires, Tom Delonge & Paranormal Investigations
Destroying The Illusion
Published on Oct 20, 2017
Maybe there should be some way to look at a transcript of these videos. I am not going to waste even 10 minutes trying to determine if it is good info or junk. With a transcript I could blow through it in a flash.

20th October 2017, 05:03 PM
... I usually would post anything from "destroy the illusion" , but the most interesting segment is at 20 to 25mins. Just scanned it quickly. The ex FBI says that it may be a space weapon

I am seeking for a valid answer regarding the untouched trees amid 7,000 buildings that were torched down in a few mins. This story is very bizarre... I am telling you

There is something strange about California (nothing conclusive in this one but a series of questions)
The Outer Light -- 12mins long

Maybe there should be some way to look at a transcript of these videos. I am not going to waste even 10 minutes trying to determine if it is good info or junk. With a transcript I could blow through it in a flash.

20th October 2017, 06:04 PM
Richie/Boston, 4m 33s:

And They Shall call down fire.......In the sight of men . (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxwEX2UzWsM)

1 hour ago

20th October 2017, 06:58 PM
... I usually would post anything from "destroy the illusion" , but the most interesting segment is at 20 to 25mins. Just scanned it quickly. The ex FBI says that it may be a space weapon

I am seeking for a valid answer regarding the untouched trees amid 7,000 buildings that were torched down in a few mins. This story is very bizarre... I am telling you

There is something strange about California (nothing conclusive in this one but a series of questions)
The Outer Light -- 12mins long

I'm with Goldie here, this shit just does not ad up. I understand the way fire is random but this really don't fit the picture.

20th October 2017, 11:09 PM
Kirwan discusses on Rense:
Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20171020/Rense.20171020.3of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20171020/Rense.20171020.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan (http://www.kirwanesque.net/) - The Wine Country Inferno


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgPxd65EiHc)CA Fires: Clear Evidence Santa Rosa Destroyed For Agenda 21/2030 Development (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgPxd65EiHc)
neverlosetruth (https://www.youtube.com/user/neverlosetruth)
859 views1 day ago
Please circulate aplanetruth.info's video far and wide. The link is below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQy5CDDzhoc.

21st October 2017, 02:37 AM
Clear Evidence Santa Rosa Destroyed For Agenda 21/2030 Development

More BULLSHIT from a self-serving kook on JewTube.

Santa Rosa was NOT "destroyed." Far, far from it.

21st October 2017, 02:14 PM

Wow, waved away with all caps bold & fancy coloring :o... obviously no arguing with that! :-X It's settled then folks; we can lock this thread up, move along nothing to see here. :rolleyes:

21st October 2017, 02:29 PM
Wow, waved away with all caps bold & fancy coloring :o... obviously no arguing with that! :-X It's settled then folks; we can lock this thread up, move along nothing to see here. :rolleyes:

Tell us, what is your POINT of posting such disinformation?

A presentation that starts with a false premise in the title reflects the overall tone of the "content."

21st October 2017, 02:43 PM
Tell us, what is your POINT of posting such disinformation?

A presentation that starts with a false premise in the title reflects the overall tone of the "content." As much as I do not like what you stand for, some may make a living dealing discord. The guy with gay glasses on this forum is top of the list on a local level. You know the shit is real, just like the lv shootings. But some ether enjoy or make a buck by their posts , tho also there are some just plain sickos out there.

You go out of the way to poke needles in me and to you I look at like a misguided or countering dude that does not agree with your agenda, but methinks we all can agree some acts of nature, or shitheads , can effect real people with sadness loss of life/property and fill in the blank____ of misery.

And some just cannot help it because their heads have been rotted by only looking for the worst , even if it has to be invented to get their high, sucking others in the direction of thought they want.

Considering your acts tword me.

Dude your area has and still is going through an horrible experience, which is very very real.

You have no ideal how hard it it is now posting to be covering your back, when it comes to reality.


Or not, I really do not give a shit when it comes to some here anymore.

Patclo How much are your making to do what your are doing , by outside governments, St Petersburg for example to do what you do? You seem to have unlimited time to do your research for your posts and make time line notes on your vids of areas of attention and earn a normal living.


Who is your real paymasters.?

21st October 2017, 03:19 PM
^ & ^^ /facepalm :rolleyes:

the 22 min vid reco'd in my reply #31 above; starts with trailer for the new flick "GeoStorm (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=geostorm+trailer+2017)" which "cohen-cidentally" just opened Oct 20 :o



Published on Oct 12, 2017
Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share

check out aplaintruth channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh5gttgxwzObJ_G28RuZgjw/videos?disable_polymer=1) for some others, incl this one: :D

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KprjZqT_PW4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLB2T0c2oX3Xj2jVuQx_5eFWM139fA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KprjZqT_PW4) 13:54
Evacuee Shelter Abuse @ NCal Sonoma County Fairgrounds Reported (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KprjZqT_PW4)

3 hours ago

22nd October 2017, 03:00 AM
You get intense firestorms when you have big fires burning, you don't need secret science fiction directed energy weapons.
Likewise horrendous earthquakes and hurricanes happened prior to Haarp.

I am not saying there doesn't exist any conspiracies, but everything isn't one, and it is a good idea to practice some discernment. For example looking at the picture of Dresden above, does it seem likely that only 25,000 perished (as is claimed in Wikipedia) in that inferno, a city of half a million with at least another half a million refugees at the time? The bombing was done in three waves, the second wave was timed so that it would destroy the city's firefighting capabilities, as they were out fighting the fires after the first wave in full force. Pure evil inflicted on a city that had no military importance.

22nd October 2017, 03:12 AM
where are the green untouched trees in this pic ???

your nostalgia is out of place in this case... thank hitler for having made germans believe they would win the war... this war is exclusively psychological (mind) and spiritual.

You get intense firestorms when you have big fires burning, you don't need secret science fiction directed energy weapons.

sure, and some make fun of my tinfoil hat :)
secret weapons were used... look at the pictures, even side roads do not reveal ANY damage. many houses even look like vaporized
Published on Oct 12, 2017
Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share

Wildfire 2017 California-Drone footage-KMart Burned

(WITH BETTER TEMP DATA - must watch)
Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??) 229,544 views
for eyes that can see, there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉) are DOUBLE the temperature of house and forest fires (1100℉) ... and you might expect Rod Sterling to pop out at any moment in this footage..bc it's like the Twilight Zone!!

22nd October 2017, 03:19 AM
where are the green untouched trees in this pic ???

your nostalgia is out of place in this case... thank hitler for having made germans believe they would win the war... this war is exclusively psychological (mind) and spiritual.

Well that is another point that could be discussed, but the conspiracy I alluded to in this case, has to do with the victors of WWII distorting the truth of what happened in Dresden in February 1945, at a time when Germany already were effectively beaten into the ground, clearly this constitutes the worst war crime in WWII. And the perpetrators were hailed as heroes, ever after. This really have nothing to do with Hitler

22nd October 2017, 03:47 AM
where are the green untouched trees in this pic ???

your nostalgia is out of place in this case... thank hitler for having made germans believe they would win the war... this war is exclusively psychological (mind) and spiritual.

sure, and some make fun of my tinfoil hat :)
secret weapons were used... look at the pictures, even side roads do not reveal ANY damage. many houses even look like vaporized
Published on Oct 12, 2017
Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share

Wildfire 2017 California-Drone footage-KMart Burned

That seriously is weird! Seeing rows of houses burned down to ashes and trees in between remaining pretty much intact!

22nd October 2017, 04:17 AM
(WITH BETTER TEMP DATA - must watch)
Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??) 229,544 views
for eyes that can see, there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉) are DOUBLE the temperature of house and forest fires (1100℉) ... and you might expect Rod Sterling to pop out at any moment in this footage..bc it's like the Twilight Zone!!

But the pics of normal burned down house fires which she compares with shows there are trees and bushes that didn't catch fire, and remain green. The fact that you can't see a kitchen granite countertops in the burned down houses could easily be explained with the fact that granite countertops rests on cabinets made out of laminated board, which would burn very well and the countertop would fall on the ground. The car burning, asking what was burning, was the tires. In high temperature differentials Glass frequently crack. I didn't see any molten metal in any of the pics. Sure cars were burned out but they didn't melt.

Many trees actually survives Forrest fires, the basis of which is the underbrush burning, trees alive have protection mechanisms for fires, fresh wood has high water content. Something house building material doesn't have, so especially a very hot but fast moving fire, might ignite and burn down the house, but it probably wouldn't light up a nearby tree

22nd October 2017, 07:07 AM
neuro... LOL... vaporized houses are normal

definitely best off... every min is worth it. watch it all, 5 min segments, at the time

it is a real geostorm-like event

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??)

22nd October 2017, 08:01 AM
neuro... LOL... vaporized houses are normal

definitely best off... every min is worth it. watch it all, 5 min segments, at the time

it is a real geostorm-like event

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??)

I am not saying it is normal. But go out and try to make a live tree in separation burn. It isn't that easy... it is much easier to burn a house down.

22nd October 2017, 08:11 AM
More BULLSHIT from the CRIME THINKING worthless cretin himself arrives on queus

^^ CrimeSTINKING idiot ^^!

22nd October 2017, 08:14 AM
^^ CrimeSTINKING idiot ^^!

Ever look in a mirror lately ?



22nd October 2017, 08:16 AM
garbage deleted

Goldissima's signature line:

“It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense of the human soul, mind, and body.” ― Manly P. Hall


(the above quote is authentic: http://www.manlyphall.org/text/the-lost-keys-of-freemasonry/chapter-iv-the-fellow-craft/)

NOW does everyone understand?

22nd October 2017, 08:24 AM
The Talmud Jew worshiper StreetsofGeld attributes a false quote to me:

More BULLSHIT from the CRIME THINKING worthless cretin himself arrives on queus

^^ CrimeSTINKING idiot ^^!

Temper, temper, little person.

I'll take your anger as evidence I am being effective here. :)

Rather odd that you are in agreement with the Luciferian in this thread.

22nd October 2017, 08:32 AM
I am not saying it is normal. But go out and try to make a live tree in separation burn. It isn't that easy... it is much easier to burn a house down.

Don't try to argue with it, friend. I've made the error of assuming that it was just a muddle-headed hippie type, well-intentioned though confused. However, it's all become clear now. It is a practicing Luciferian. The first tactic of the Devil is sowing confusion, and this tactic explains the insane theories that it peddles here. These aren't honest posts, but deliberate disinformation.

22nd October 2017, 08:36 AM
Dam kettles calling pots black !

Gotstolove it!

For the irony at least..


No ! More like ..


22nd October 2017, 08:38 AM
As much as I do not like what you stand for, some may make a living dealing discord. The guy with gay glasses on this forum is top of the list on a local level. You know the shit is real, just like the lv shootings. But some ether enjoy or make a buck by their posts , tho also there are some just plain sickos out there.

You go out of the way to poke needles in me and to you I look at like a misguided or countering dude that does not agree with your agenda, but methinks we all can agree some acts of nature, or shitheads , can effect real people with sadness loss of life/property and fill in the blank____ of misery.

And some just cannot help it because their heads have been rotted by only looking for the worst , even if it has to be invented to get their high, sucking others in the direction of thought they want.

Considering your acts tword me.

Dude your area has and still is going through an horrible experience, which is very very real.

You have no ideal how hard it it is now posting to be covering your back, when it comes to reality.


Or not, I really do not give a shit when it comes to some here anymore.

I do appreciate your post here.

I don't think you truly understand what I "stand for." But alas, I've learned to live with it. Too difficult to try to help people separate the Hollywood from the factual history. But yes, we can agree on those things we both recognize as good.

Confusion is of the Devil, and these posts of deliberate disinformation appear to be a conscious effort to "muddy the waters" in the search for truth. The lack of discernment, in failing to dispense with self-evident nonsense, would be especially disconcerting, if it could be safely assumed the poster actually believed it. On the contrary, the allegation is so absurd that the poster could not have actually believed it.

22nd October 2017, 08:38 AM
Don't try to argue with it, friend. I've made the error of assuming that it was just a muddle-headed hippie type, well-intentioned though confused. However, it's all become clear now. It is a practicing Luciferian. The first tactic of the Devil is sowing confusion, and this tactic explains the insane theories that it peddles here. These aren't honest posts, but deliberate disinformation.

Exactly! Hide the real conspiracies by claiming everything is a conspiracy. There is no confusion in this! Goldissima aka Singular_me is a practicing Luciferian Satanist. She never even denied it.

22nd October 2017, 08:40 AM
Dam kettles calling pots black !

Gotstolove it!

For the irony at least..


No ! More like ..


I admit I have a temper. I admit I believe in things many here deeply dislike. But the difference between the certain "they" and myself is that I am committed to the search for and embrace of facts. Show me I'm wrong, and I'll admit it, and adjust my position accordingly. Good luck with "they."

22nd October 2017, 08:43 AM
I do appreciate your post here.

I don't think you truly understand what I "stand for." But alas, I've learned to live with it. Too difficult to try to help people separate the Hollywood from the factual history. But yes, we can agree on those things we both recognize as good.

Confusion is of the Devil, and these posts of deliberate disinformation appear to be a conscious effort to "muddy the waters" in the search for truth. The lack of discernment, in failing to dispense with self-evident nonsense, would be especially disconcerting, if it could be safely assumed the poster actually believed it. On the contrary, the allegation is so absurd that the poster could not have actually believed it. No delusions, I do fully understand what you stand for.

22nd October 2017, 08:44 AM
Exactly! Hide the real conspiracies by claiming everything is a conspiracy. There is no confusion in this! Goldissima aka Singular_me is a practicing Luciferian Satanist. She never even denied it.

Some of the Eastern thinkers it's expressed an affinity for before were respectable and even wise. But Manly P. Hall?! It tipped it's hand, and dropped the cards face up. Hall was more sinister than even Albert Pike, and rivaled Crowley...in fact, I think Hall is more dangerous even to this day than Crowley, since Hall purported to be "wise" and "sane."

22nd October 2017, 08:45 AM
No delusions, I do fully understand what you stand for.

And what is that?

(please turn off the "History" Channel memes before answering)

22nd October 2017, 08:47 AM
CT and neuro now patting each other of the back.

house vaporized, pine trees nearby houses untouched while pine is a very flammable wood, vehicles standing nearby completely torched down but trees stay green... :)

my latest vid is the evidence that something WEIRD has been going on

22nd October 2017, 08:48 AM
Sorry dude I will not play yu games. You know what I stand for.

Nuf said by me, anything more would result in an endless thread where no ones minds are changed..

Have fun with the peanut gallery, you will have more luck..!


22nd October 2017, 08:52 AM
Sorry dude I will not play yu games. You know what I stand for.

Nuf said by me, anything more would result in an endless thread where no ones minds are changed..

Have fun with the peanut gallery, you will have more luck..!


I'll take your non-answer to be an admission that you only think you know what I "stand for." :)

22nd October 2017, 08:55 AM
Neuro View Post
Exactly! Hide the real conspiracies by claiming everything is a conspiracy. There is no confusion in this! Goldissima aka Singular_me is a practicing Luciferian Satanist. She never even denied it.

AHAHAHA... saying that everything in the Universe is the result of FREQUENCIES/MATH (the Word in the bible) gets you tag as a satanist

sure the trinity, 3, the father, son and holy ghost is a TRIANGLE in sacred geometry, as when people actually repeat this... they repeat the NUMBER 3... and for pointing that out, I am a lucifirian satanist.... there goes IGNORANCE in all its splendor

Good job Neuro, too bad that your mind cannot fathom that the UNIVERSE is but about NUMBERS and that the "Word" in the Bible speaks of a Natural Laws... LET THERE BE LIGHT = EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ELECTRICITY EMANATING FROM GOD'S MIND. FIRST THE FREQUENCY THEN THE LIGHT... it is in the bible. Everything in the Universe follows the laws of electric frequencies. Thoughts ARE frequencies... hence Numbers

That precisely why I am not following any religion, all man made and make humans REPEAT what they do not understand... hence participate in the low frequency ranges managed by the talmudist masons!!!!!

Think your polarity within has been hijacked by low frequencies. No wonder humanity has had religious wars since ever :)

I follow God Within, The One and Only Source Of Everything

Go ahead with you child-like discourse... either the Bible will be rewritten by genuine scientists with a good grasp of metaphysics or it will go down

22nd October 2017, 08:57 AM
Following the teachings of an admitted Luciferian...

...gets you tag (sic) as a satanist


22nd October 2017, 09:01 AM
I'll take your non-answer to be an admission that you only think you know what I "stand for." :) Rotflmfao..nice try punk..

My last responce to u on this thread, not worth my time..Good program on the discovery channel coming up... Or was that a movie somewhere else.?


Or maybe my sorta new girlfriend? It is raining here and a cold front cooling things nicely, think cuddling time and such is in order, with the sound of falling rain in the background..

Amungst other sounds...



22nd October 2017, 09:38 AM
AHAHAHA... saying that everything in the Universe is the result of FREQUENCIES/MATH (the Word in the bible) gets you tag as a satanist

sure the trinity, 3, the father, son and holy ghost is a TRIANGLE in sacred geometry, as when people actually repeat this... they repeat the NUMBER 3... and for pointing that out, I am a lucifirian satanist....

Yes you are! You never denied it. In fact you always ends these types of statements with "I am a Luciferian/Satanist".

Go ahead with you child-like discourse... either the Bible will be rewritten by genuine scientists with a good grasp of metaphysics or it will go down
Contrary to you I don't think the Bible needs to be rewritten, that surely is another Satanist concept. But your wish for it to "go down" in its current form is noted. As for science and scientists, you really have no idea what it means. You are a scientific moron!

22nd October 2017, 10:29 AM
you cannot make sense of the Universe... case point

nope, I repeat what you accuse me of... and i LAUGH about your immature conclusion. You cannot handle the truth, that the bible worships the number 3, the triangle. The Father, the Son and The Holy Ghost. Most mythologies and religions have the triangle/triad as a premise. Osiris, Isis and Horus

You cannot make sense of THE WORD/VIBRATION... and LET THERE BE LIGHT/ELECTRICITY RULING EVERYTHING. So stay stuck in your fairly tale that doesnt want to question of this important textbook, unfortunately written by man to confuse the masses but filled with real esoteric knowledge

all religious textbooks must be rewritten: the merging of science and spirituality is inevitable if we have to survive as a society. But atheists and fundamentalists are against that... so guess what ? ((they)) win!.. thanks for your help :(

The entire universe is a MUSIC of FREQUENCIES imprinting humans' psyches and there is nothing that you can do about it. They are NATURAL LAWS. Yes music is too math. :)

Yes you are! You never denied it. In fact you always ends these types of statements with "I am a Luciferian/Satanist".

Contrary to you I don't think the Bible needs to be rewritten, that surely is another Satanist concept. But your wish for it to "go down" in its current form is noted. As for science and scientists, you really have no idea what it means. You are a scientific moron!

22nd October 2017, 10:55 AM
you wont address neither that the universe is but electric vibrations that can be translated into maths... and those you support do not GET it either, sorry pal. Thats the role of fundamentalism after all

what I am saying is supported by science and there is nothing you can do about it. That is why the ignorant fears knowledge and seems helpless at grasping the mysteries of the cosmos and why the latter are DIRECTLY connected to the human psyche :)

The Universe is a Mind connected to our OUR minds, God is one with his creation. Evil comes when refusing this connection, willfully or by ignorance.

Ignorance and fundamentalism are scourges, yet people complain about world domination. Early masons wrote the bible, get over it.

Jesus disappears for almost 2 decades and you find it normal. I call it blind faith

LOOK FOR THESE ON YT (well for those who can stretch it)
Manly P. Hall - Love of God
Manly P. Hall - Love of Truth
Manly P. Hall - The Redemptive Power of Love
Manly P. Hall - Integrity, the Endangered Virtue

indeed this knowledge is very subversive to the pillars of the NWO... that is how they get us

then... if you really get it...
Manly P. Hall - Jacob's Ladder That Leads To The Stars
Manly P. Hall - Reflections on Esoteric Christianity
Manly P. Hall - Christian Gospels Not in the Bible
Manly P. Hall - Hidden Church of the Holy Grail
Manly P. Hall - World Soul Under Stress
Invisible Entities & Secret Powers | Manly P. Hall
Demonism in the 20th Century | Demons, Witchcraft & Black Magic | Manly P. Hall

you do not know what you are really talking about, all I say is backed by science anyway. Yes science and metaphysics are ONE.

Following the teachings of an admitted Luciferian...


22nd October 2017, 01:31 PM
vlogger Cindy Garay,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HryBOBObGEk/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDq4OnDWFairf6I_LhUYaU8rqKXvg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HryBOBObGEk) 17:36
Important: Must Watch! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HryBOBObGEk)

3 hours ago

Published on Oct 22, 2017
Yes, this video is a little Ruff & a lot Crooked ,sorry it wouldn't line up right ! However, Americans had better Pay attention to what is happening Right Now! Again, No tags, No description so I can bring this to You! Note, that was me wondering if they were also testing the 5G through the electrical lines? And of course Rothschild control's China too! Were running out of Time America! Btw I meant the metal is melting Not burning!

22nd October 2017, 03:16 PM
the 42 min vid discussed in Cindy Garay's vid above; pub'd yesterday; this vlogger is Emily Windsor-Cregg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC784phka6aEm3TT803L3oYQ/videos?disable_polymer=1),



22nd October 2017, 04:52 PM
BREAKING: Illegal Muslim From Iran Arrested For Starting California Wildfire
By admin34 | Usa News | 20 October 2017

The California wildfires devastated the northern part of the state. Police initially arrested one suspect but released him after an investigation was conducted because the investigation led them to the actual person responsible for the fires: a 23-year-old man named Muhammad Islam.

Islam was born in Tehran, Iran and came to the United States in 2015 on a student visa, which expired when he dropped out of Dartmouth in November 2016. Fox News reported Thursday:

It is unclear what he has been doing since last November. Islam has no social media presence, no phones in his name, no known addresses, and no known aliases.

“It’s like he’s a ghost,” a source at the California FBI told Fox. “The Obama administration just lost him.”

So far, Islam is being uncooperative with the FBI, refusing to answer questions.

According to law enforcement, he was seen exiting a wooded area along California’s Interstate 42. Investigators found a can of gasoline and a blowtorch discarded near the spot where witnesses and photographs place Islam. Fingerprints on the gas can match Islam’s.

Islam was investigated in 2015 when money he sent back home from the United States was flagged as suspicious, but the investigation was closed because the recipient was a family member.

He was also part of radical Islamic groups when he was a teenager, sources at the FBI said. More than 40 Americans have died as a result of the fires.

The FBI says there no need to “jump to the conclusion” that this was terrorism, but if it walks like a terrorist and it looks like a terrorist it’s probably a terrorist.


22nd October 2017, 05:04 PM
LOOK FOR THESE ON YT (well for those who can stretch it)
Manly P. Hall - Love of God
Manly P. Hall - Love of Truth
Manly P. Hall - The Redemptive Power of Love
Manly P. Hall - Integrity, the Endangered Virtue

indeed this knowledge is very subversive to the pillars of the NWO... that is how they get us


The seething energies of Lucifer are the pillars of the NWO.

then... if you really get it...
Manly P. Hall - Jacob's Ladder That Leads To The Stars
Manly P. Hall - Reflections on Esoteric Christianity
Manly P. Hall - Christian Gospels Not in the Bible
Manly P. Hall - Hidden Church of the Holy Grail
Manly P. Hall - World Soul Under Stress
Invisible Entities & Secret Powers | Manly P. Hall
Demonism in the 20th Century | Demons, Witchcraft & Black Magic | Manly P. Hall


Just own up to it, Goldissima, you are a Luciferian.

22nd October 2017, 05:06 PM
BREAKING: Illegal Muslim From Iran Arrested For Starting California Wildfire

This is FALSE.

The illegal Mexican in the Sonoma County Jail is also NOT responsible for starting "the fires."

22nd October 2017, 05:34 PM


More Bovine Excrement ^^

22nd October 2017, 06:30 PM
More Bovine Excrement ^^

my, your "contributions" in this thread have been sooo, umm, scholarly! :D

are all the north bay local yokels, also (((Agenda-21/30 JWO conspiracy))) insiders, like you?! :(??

All you fucks who think you "know" what's going on here don't live here. I do.

Just because you are an idiot savant who pretends to "understand" or have some sort of power of "discernment" doesn't mean you actually know shit.

This conspiracy shit about "lasers" and "electromagnetic energy shutting down electronics in the area" is 100% unadulterated bovine excrement, and is nothing more than a self-serving insult to every one of our friends and neighbors who suffered. FUCK YOU.

So those of us openly exploring this NorCal fires/DEW/CT avenue of inquiry, must all shut up & accept your "Appeal to Local Yokel Authority" fallacy, or else you'll ad-hom us & maybe even label us luciferians....:o :rolleyes: :o

[...] I'm not alone in being able to authoritatively dispute this crap.

22nd October 2017, 07:02 PM
my, your "contributions" in this thread have been sooo, umm, scholarly!

"Santa Rosa was destroyed" sure is "scholarly." :rolleyes:

If you stop posting bullshit, I'll be glad to stop pointing out it's bullshit. :D

So those of us openly exploring this NorCal fires/DEW/CT avenue of inquiry, must all shut up & accept your "Appeal to Local Yokel Authority" fallacy, or else you'll ad-hom us & maybe even label us luciferians....

No, I'll accurately call you a willful DISINFORMATION AGENT.

I've already explained the claimed "phenomena of proof" is bullshit. Period. Name names of people WHO VERIFIABLY LIVE HERE who experienced these "directed energy weapon" phenomena.

Again, WHAT PURPOSE do you have in posting self-evidently false allegations?

BTW, don't you have some Jew-owned Niggerball game to watch?

22nd October 2017, 07:13 PM
BREAKING: Illegal Muslim From Iran Arrested For Starting California Wildfire
By admin34 | Usa News | 20 October 2017

The California wildfires devastated the northern part of the state. Police initially arrested one suspect but released him after an investigation was conducted because the investigation led them to the actual person responsible for the fires: a 23-year-old man named Muhammad Islam.

But then again...

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday the man arrested in connection to setting fires in California is a five time deported illegal alien, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez.


There's sure a lot of contradictory truthiness going on these days.

22nd October 2017, 10:19 PM
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday the man arrested in connection to setting fires in California is a five time deported illegal alien, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez.


Gonzalez is being held for setting A fire, not "fires" and especially not "the" fires. He lit a fire in a public park, Maxwell Farms Park, in the City of Sonoma, claiming he needed to keep warm. The origin of "the" fires was miles away from this.

Should Gonzalez be allowed to "keep warm" - in Mexico and/or jail - permanently? Absolutely. But trying to tie him to "the" fires was absurd and immoral, since it was not to illustrate the truth, but solely for self-serving political reasons.

22nd October 2017, 11:57 PM
the 42 min vid discussed in Cindy Garay's vid above; pub'd yesterday; this vlogger is Emily Windsor-Cregg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC784phka6aEm3TT803L3oYQ/videos?disable_polymer=1),



That Atlantic Global Asset Management is a Ponzi scheme, which is promoted at the end of the video.

Then you have the so called laser filmed from the helicopter during the fires, which looks more like a lens reflection, it has no properties of a laser, being thick and fussy.

Then you had the vineyard that was unaffected while the grassy plain next to it was charred out, meanwhile the woman described the grassy plain as a vineyard repeatedly. Easy to explain that too, in the vineyard they take away every growth between the lines of vines so it doesn't take away nourishment from the grapes, thus the fire doesn't spread.

Then you have the pic of the reindeers struck by lightning, the woman claiming it severed most of the heads, while it is obvious in the pic no head was severed.

Then you had the fire vortex in the Portugal fires, a completely natural phenomenon.

The film from the fire engine settles it. They said the fire jumped from house to house very rapidly, until later in the morning THE WIND died down. You can also see on the aerial map that the houses are really close to each other. Further from the houses we see and hear burning, it seems they were of low quality made out of thin wood planks, just an upgrade from a shed really, and by the looks at it from the aerial photo, it looks like one of those suburbs where all the house are the same built at the same time.

Crimethink labeled it correctly, this is bullshit Pat. How can you even defend this crap?

23rd October 2017, 12:08 AM
That Atlantic Global Asset Management is a Ponzi scheme, which is promoted at the end of the video....Crimethink labeled it correctly, this is bullshit Pat. How can you even defend this crap?

Personal gain, of some sort, is the most logical explanation.

I've watched and tolerated the most outlandish bullshit for many years, but I've been hit with two major events this month, first the Vegas event, where we had family friends in attendance, and then the fires, both of which nuts and liars insist were "fake" and "synthetic," respectively. The personal nature has now made me nauseous, and I intend to fight back actively.

There is surely an "enterprise" of some sort working behind the scenes, well-funded and apparently reasonably well-organized, creating all this "fake news." I imagine this "enterprise" has been working for years, to build up a veneer of "credibility" in anticipation of the 2016 "election" and the alleged "Russian (et. al.) 'fake news'" the Jewsmedia began to harp on. It seems to have really started after 9/11, with the "no airplanes" / "missile pod" garbage - make it so IN-credible that people will eschew ALL alternative explanations besides the official one. We know that Jonestown and "Infowars" is intended to disseminate half-truths, which, as I've said many times, are much more dangerous than complete lies. But it doesn't end there: probably half of the smooth and polished "conspiracy theory" channels on JewTube are also controlled "opposition," funded or at least "handled" by those who hate the truth.

The failure of basic cognitive qualities in the American and "Western" populations has allowed this shit to fester. Even rudimentary discernment would put such bullshit to rest quickly, but, alas, crap like Sorcha Faal is still quoted as "authoritative" by many, even a few here. Some are just stupid when they do this. But, I believe there are "thought leaders" who claim to be "truthers" who deliberately promote and reinforce the absurdities, in order to sow confusion, thereby obfuscating the real facts of synthetic "terror" and now natural disasters. People who actually want to know the truth find it so much harder to ferret out what is real and what is fake, because they're contending with both liars and the insane at the same time. The strategy is to force good-natured people to become so frustrated they give up in search of truth and wander back to "legitimate news sources" (the Jewsmedia).

In short, again, to address what you asked, "How can you even defend this crap?": "the best way to control the 'opposition' is to lead it ourselves."

23rd October 2017, 01:00 AM
Personal gain, of some sort, is the most logical explanation.

I've watched and tolerated the most outlandish bullshit for many years, but I've been hit with two major events this month, first the Vegas event, where we had family friends in attendance, and then the fires, both of which nuts and liars insist were "fake" and "synthetic," respectively. The personal nature has now made me nauseous, and I intend to fight back actively.

There is surely an "enterprise" of some sort working behind the scenes, well-funded and apparently reasonably well-organized, creating all this "fake news." I imagine this "enterprise" has been working for years, to build up a veneer of "credibility" in anticipation of the 2016 "election" and the alleged "Russian (et. al.) 'fake news'" the Jewsmedia began to harp on. It seems to have really started after 9/11, with the "no airplanes" / "missile pod" garbage - make it so IN-credible that people will eschew ALL alternative explanations besides the official one. We know that Jonestown and "Infowars" is intended to disseminate half-truths, which, as I've said many times, are much more dangerous than complete lies. But it doesn't end there: probably half of the smooth and polished "conspiracy theory" channels on JewTube are also controlled "opposition," funded or at least "handled" by those who hate the truth.

The failure of basic cognitive qualities in the American and "Western" populations has allowed this shit to fester. Even rudimentary discernment would put such bullshit to rest quickly, but, alas, crap like Sorcha Faal is still quoted as "authoritative" by many, even a few here. Some are just stupid when they do this. But, I believe there are "thought leaders" who claim to be "truthers" who deliberately promote and reinforce the absurdities, in order to sow confusion, thereby obfuscating the real facts of synthetic "terror" and now natural disasters. People who actually want to know the truth find it so much harder to ferret out what is real and what is fake, because they're contending with both liars and the insane at the same time. The strategy is to force good-natured people to become so frustrated they give up in search of truth and wander back to "legitimate news sources" (the Jewsmedia).

Exactly, promote outlandish conspiracy theories while presenting the real conspiracies, and you have effectively poisoned the well, especially targeting those that still have a rudimentary understanding of physics (iow real natural laws, not the bullshit Goldie is promoting), and you have fragmented those that understand that something isn't right. The stupid who buys everything if told the government did this. The average that understand that some is correct some is false, but can't work out the details, and thus prefer to watch football drink beer and shut up. And the few remaining bright who has actual discernment of facts, but ends up in constant battle with an army of payed shills, trolls and satanists. And outside of this you have the great dumbed down masses that share cat videos on Facebook, and watch idle and njews on telavivzion, and doesn't have a clue of any of this, and really couldn't care less, even if told.

Yes, I believe PatColo "everything is a conspiracy" is a payed shill, who probably promote all this bullshit on several different sites.

23rd October 2017, 01:14 AM
(iow real natural laws, not the bullshit Goldie is promoting)

get over it, the Universe is CONSCIOUS and all is connected by electricity and its derived IMMUTABLE properties... BS?? :)

well indeed, that everything is ruled by the vibrations caused by electricity is STILL a problem for you.. you definitely have a problem with science and wont question WHY ((they)) knew this MILLENNIA ago already and WHY this knowledge is in hands of the masons. :) You are just not into metaphysics because you canNOT stretch it, you have demonstrated this gazillions of times, These topics are not for you, simple. Maybe they will one day, should you get struck by the LIGHT :) That the Universe is a symphony of vibrations is PROVEN by science, so keep calling me a satanist because I side with TESLA, PLATO and PYTHAGORAS, who understood sacred mathematics and geometry which help measure these vibrations, and why mind control, using fear, keeps down vibrations in humans... LOVE being the HIGHEST vibration of the universe.

I have not promoted any conspiracy theories, since WEATHER WEAPONS do exist to start with. You are just mad because I say things DEFYING your (doomed) materialistic/fundamentalist understanding of the cosmos.

if some people are happy with seeing 4 seemingly dead bodies in the LV shooting, I am not and it is MY RIGHT.

You do not believe that any weather weapons were involved in CA, and it is YOUR right...

Get a grip, you lost the debate

23rd October 2017, 01:51 AM
You are a promoter of luciferianism and masonry on this site, you really are clueless of the nature of vibrations and electricity. Your fantasy, ((they)), had no fucking idea about these concepts MILLENNIA Ago. You are a proven disinformant, satanist.

(iow real natural laws, not the bullshit Goldie is promoting)

well indeed, that everything is ruled by the vibrations caused by electricity is STILL a problem for you.. you definitely have a problem with science (THE UNIVERSE IS CONSCIOUS) and wont question WHY ((they)) knew this MILLENNIA ago already and WHY this knowledge is in hands of the masons. :) You are just not into metaphysics because you canNOT stretch it, you have demonstrated this gazillions of times, These topics are not for you, simple. Maybe they will one day, should you get struck by the LIGHT :) That the Universe is a symphony of vibrations is PROVEN by science, so keep calling me a satanist because I side with TESLA, PLATO and PYTHAGORAS, who understood sacred mathematics and geometry which help measure these vibrations, and why mind control, using fear, keeps down vibrations in humans... LOVE being the HIGHEST vibration of the universe.

I have not promoted any conspiracy theories, since WEATHER WEAPONS do exist to start with. You are just mad because I say things DEFYING your (doomed) materialistic/fundamentalist understanding of the cosmos.

if some people are happy with seeing 4 seemingly dead bodies in the LV shooting, I am not and it is MY RIGHT.

You do not believe that any weather weapons were involved in CA, and it is YOUR right...

23rd October 2017, 02:36 AM
if some people are happy with seeing 4 seemingly dead bodies in the LV shooting, I am not and it is MY RIGHT.

As a Luciferian priestess for Anti-Pope Manly I, you want to see all of the dead bodies.


23rd October 2017, 06:03 AM
Personal gain, of some sort, is the most logical explanation.

I've watched and tolerated the most outlandish bullshit for many years, but I've been hit with two major events this month, first the Vegas event, where we had family friends in attendance, and then the fires, both of which nuts and liars insist were "fake" and "synthetic," respectively. The personal nature has now made me nauseous, and I intend to fight back actively.

There is surely an "enterprise" of some sort working behind the scenes, well-funded and apparently reasonably well-organized, creating all this "fake news." I imagine this "enterprise" has been working for years, to build up a veneer of "credibility" in anticipation of the 2016 "election" and the alleged "Russian (et. al.) 'fake news'" the Jewsmedia began to harp on. It seems to have really started after 9/11, with the "no airplanes" / "missile pod" garbage - make it so IN-credible that people will eschew ALL alternative explanations besides the official one. We know that Jonestown and "Infowars" is intended to disseminate half-truths, which, as I've said many times, are much more dangerous than complete lies. But it doesn't end there: probably half of the smooth and polished "conspiracy theory" channels on JewTube are also controlled "opposition," funded or at least "handled" by those who hate the truth.

The failure of basic cognitive qualities in the American and "Western" populations has allowed this shit to fester. Even rudimentary discernment would put such bullshit to rest quickly, but, alas, crap like Sorcha Faal is still quoted as "authoritative" by many, even a few here. Some are just stupid when they do this. But, I believe there are "thought leaders" who claim to be "truthers" who deliberately promote and reinforce the absurdities, in order to sow confusion, thereby obfuscating the real facts of synthetic "terror" and now natural disasters. People who actually want to know the truth find it so much harder to ferret out what is real and what is fake, because they're contending with both liars and the insane at the same time. The strategy is to force good-natured people to become so frustrated they give up in search of truth and wander back to "legitimate news sources" (the Jewsmedia).

In short, again, to address what you asked, "How can you even defend this crap?": "the best way to control the 'opposition' is to lead it ourselves."
Excellent post CT. You nailed it.

23rd October 2017, 10:24 AM
I've already explained the claimed "phenomena of proof" is bullshit. Period.

I've skimmed back over your posts north of my reply #71 above. You've surely, simplistically CALLED the NorCal fires = DEW.jooz.gov CTs "bullshit" numerous times, and you've ad-hom'd said theories' presenters again & again; no argument there! :rolleyes:

But all your simplistic disparagements above are a very different matter, from your EXPLAINING HOW/WHY said theories are "...bullshit. Period." :(??

If I've missed your post(s) where you actually EXPLAINED HOW/WHY said theories are "...bullshit. Period", would you please quote/link to said post(s)? :)

BTW, don't you have some Jew-owned Niggerball game to watch?

No not atm... GSW plays Dallas Mav's (http://www.nba.com/warriors/) tonight @ 5:30 Pacific.

Funny you should ask though. NBA Champ GSW/"Dubs" have started this '17-'18 season with a cold 1:2 W:L record now. In Fri's loss vs Memphis Grizzlies, Dubs' 2 brightest superstars: Steph Curry & Kevin Durant, were EJECTED in the final <1 min of the 4th quarter.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pKXWhRasVKc/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDrEYqKf_R-6Ra7dRBujGmFnSVIiw 1:34 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKXWhRasVKc)

Stephen Curry Chucks His Mouthpiece At The Ref And Gets Ejected With KD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKXWhRasVKc)
Ximo USA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bQolQ5SiRl5gyl9kLg_Gg)

1 day ago

Kevin Durant & Steve Kerr React To Steph Curry Throwing Mouthguard & Ejections (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-lbJ49bams)

LordNBA 70,630 views (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-lbJ49bams)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/q-lbJ49bams/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCz4o6UXx5nDYfXyvJZDKeKm9m0wg2:38 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-lbJ49bams)

....so Dubs have some getting back in the saddle, showing themselves as NBA Champs caliber team they are tonight. And Dallas are no pushovers. So tonight will be a great watch, no matter what happens! :cool:

23rd October 2017, 10:31 AM
the following at Rense doesn't c/paste well (horiz scroll bar?!); I'll post here for posterity, but easier to read at the link.

The October 2017 Fires In California (http://rense.com/general96/octoberfires.html)

By Jim Kiran

The situation on the ground in the Wine Country Fires, October 18, 2017
According to the San Francisco Chronicle


Since that time the reporting on these fires and many others has been very spotty. When it comes to property destroyed, the various sources have tried to be honest, but when it comes to the human death toll * the state, the feds and all those responsible for fighting these fires have lied across the board.

For instance every official has been very reluctant to report this as the blatant attack that it clearly was. And there seems to be no overview of the total amount of damage, the numbers of buildings obliterated, much less so the numbers of both the missing and dead across the entire area * which screams ”COVER-UP”

The Wine Country, Santa Rosa, and at least two other fires, when taken together should have forced the feds and the State of California to Declare a NATIONAL DISASTER for the entire area. None of this has been done; instead each fire is being treated as a separate instance, and virtually none of the agencies involved have even hinted at the truth which involves Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) wherein the fires of the trees that were burned CAME FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Here is some of what was not covered by the “mainstream”, over the last two days alone:

THE TRUTH About The Apocalyptic California Wildfires!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFvzvi5YLY0
32min VIDEO

There Is Something Strange About California
11min 43sec VIDEO

14min 58sec VIDEO

The supposed coverage of these fires massively-failed when it comes to how these fires were started, what the targets of these flames were, not to mention the theft of the private-property that was destroyed, in order to build totally new structures according to AGENA 2130 specifications, on land that had been held privately for generations in the places where DEW was used to start these decimating fires that left the cities looking like some kind of science experiment—rather than the result of a forest fire.

Please watch what you can of the above videos, decide for yourself how much of what they contain needs to be seen and understood by the rest of the planet and if you agree that this information is critical, as to what's been happening for some time now * then send this viral.

The alternative media seems to be obsessed with what happened in Las Vegas. But at the end of the day, I think you'll find that many more people have died throughout these fires, which are now over a hundred miles wide, than were killed in Las Vegas. And as much of the incinerated properties along with a great many of the people that were simply vaporized * we may never know the true numbers of the dead or wounded.

But we have to start somewhere to SOUND THE ALARM, because this amounts to the beginning of a total WAR that's obviously been declared on us by the Deep-State, Israel & FEMA; which we must respond to as human beings, being attacked by our own military and civilian forces...


24th October 2017, 01:26 AM
here is luciferianism, RIGHT in your face... and that of CT

FIBONACCI 144 IN THE BIBLE, get over it, you both lost the debate... thank your child-like fundamentalism for it. The proof that ignorance is responsible for the mess we are in. Even when told the TRUTH backed by facts, people cannot deal with the fact.

Look for pythagoras and music and mathematics... or do you want me to do it and PROVE you wrong AGAIN?


Revelation 14New International Version (NIV)
The Lamb and the 144,000
14 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

THE BIBLE IS MASONIC... PERIOD... however it is not because this knowledge has been occulted by the masons that they have the RIGHT to it... This knowledge, NUMBERS, is the LANGUAGE of GOD telling us about HIS design. The Knowledge is the root of all good, which when HIDDEN causes intellectual, emotional and spiritual disasters.

so now, keep accusing God of being a luciferian

Yes, Plato and sacred geometry are that old, not to mention that sacred geometry is embedded in the egyptian pyramids (that is why bronze age people could NOT have known about it) and in the pine cone held by a sumarian god.... 5000 Years old!!!



Clueless about the property of electricity, NOPE... you wont accept its metaphysical properties and that is why science gets it all wrong, forcing atoms that would not get along in the natural order for example, what allopathy is doing and why it makes everybody sicker. Scientists should know about their metaphysical arrangement BEFORE manipulating Nature. They must learn as how to work with Nature. And the same holds true about the mind which has been hijacked by low frequency ranges.

stretch it if you can now, this article below IS what I believe in, that the merging of science and metaphysics is right around the corner :)

Self-Mastery and the Role of Consciousness in Creating Reality
October 2, 2017
........... Ancient hermetic philosophers, to name one out of a litany of sources from antiquity, have long asserted that mind is primordial to matter and the physical realms.

Walter Russell, a mystic genius from the early 20th century who inspired Nikola Tesla and many others, asserted that the living mind of the Creator is still magnetic light, given dynamic form by pressure differentials in polarized swirling electric fields generated by conscious thought and attention.

Simply put, awareness (the receptive in-flowing, cathode-like, or feminine aspect of consciousness) and will (the active out-flowing, anode-like, or masculine aspect of consciousness) come together and form a union of order we recognize as life. In the physical realms, this life takes on a fractal form, as energy systems produce extreme coherence (order). In the mental realms, life takes on coherence of logic and reason, along with emotion and feelings, giving rise to insight, creativity, and sense-making thoughts.

Bioelectricity, Morphology, & Electroceuticals | Electricity of Life
What if there is a “bioelectric code” along with the genetic code? Thanks to determined work at the Levin Lab, some ideas in biology that were culturally disbelieved are now beginning to dawn on the mainstream consciousness in academia… with surprising displays of what is possible. Electric frontiers in biology are no small matter!

LONG... http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/10/02/self-mastery-role-consciousness-creating-reality/

You lost the debate, sorry. And you lost because you REFUTE that the Universe is Conscious and regulated by frequencies/mathematics, REFUTE the metaphysical element in mathematics... which proves that the Universe is ONE... humanity must learn to collaborate with the Numbers/God instead of manipulating them at the expense of the masses, what masons do


You are a promoter of luciferianism and masonry on this site, you really are clueless of the nature of vibrations and electricity. Your fantasy, ((they)), had no fucking idea about these concepts MILLENNIA Ago. You are a proven disinformant, satanist.

24th October 2017, 04:06 AM
That Atlantic Global Asset Management is a Ponzi scheme, which is promoted at the end of the video.

Then you have the so called laser filmed from the helicopter during the fires, which looks more like a lens reflection, it has no properties of a laser, being thick and fussy.

Then you had the vineyard that was unaffected while the grassy plain next to it was charred out, meanwhile the woman described the grassy plain as a vineyard repeatedly. Easy to explain that too, in the vineyard they take away every growth between the lines of vines so it doesn't take away nourishment from the grapes, thus the fire doesn't spread.

Then you have the pic of the reindeers struck by lightning, the woman claiming it severed most of the heads, while it is obvious in the pic no head was severed.

Then you had the fire vortex in the Portugal fires, a completely natural phenomenon.

The film from the fire engine settles it. They said the fire jumped from house to house very rapidly, until later in the morning THE WIND died down. You can also see on the aerial map that the houses are really close to each other. Further from the houses we see and hear burning, it seems they were of low quality made out of thin wood planks, just an upgrade from a shed really, and by the looks at it from the aerial photo, it looks like one of those suburbs where all the house are the same built at the same time.

Crimethink labeled it correctly, this is bullshit Pat. How can you even defend this crap?

Here you go Patco, this is why it is bullshit!

24th October 2017, 04:22 AM
Goldie we have been over this countless times. I have explained my position on it several times, and each time you claim that I am ignorant re it. And as usual you claim to "win the debate", while there never was a debate to begin with, since that is a skill set you don't possess. Seriously it is not worth my energy to explain it again, you are hellbent on remaining ignorant in your Dan Brown inspired version of pop-reality. But it is interesting that you claim Pythagoras and Plato, are now part of your very own fantasy "((they))".

24th October 2017, 06:42 AM
I'm with Goldie here, this shit just does not ad up. I understand the way fire is random but this really don't fit the picture.

California just had a huge influx of rain some months ago after years of drought, the under growth since the rains is now ripe.

Its only near records for wild fire, not way off any targets.

24th October 2017, 11:14 PM
California just had a huge influx of rain some months ago after years of drought, the under growth since the rains is now ripe.

Its only near records for wild fire, not way off any targets.

Add in some 24/7 media hysteria, and a barrage of wacky internet ideas, and voila you have a laser juggernaut of a firewall.

24th October 2017, 11:33 PM
After the HAARP induced earthquake and directed energy weapon fires in 1906 San Francisco...
((They)) knew about frequencies, harmonics and the love of electricity and used it against the people, for millennia prior to this, as you can see on the photo all the reindeers were decapitated, by the ass, but they saved the trees, and the faggots (:;)\uu\{**}$^^^$

25th October 2017, 12:24 AM
After the HAARP induced earthquake and directed energy weapon fires in 1906 San Francisco...
((They)) knew about frequencies, harmonics and the love of electricity and used it against the people, for millennia prior to this, as you can see on the photo all the reindeers were decapitated, by the ass, but they saved the trees, and the faggots (:;)\uu\{**}$^^^$

Lol.. Okay you win this one...

25th October 2017, 06:25 AM
After the HAARP induced earthquake and directed energy weapon fires in 1906 San Francisco...


((They)) knew about frequencies, harmonics and the love of electricity and used it against the people, for millennia prior to this

Of course, the Disinformation Specialists will claim that Tesla battered San Francisco with Wardenclyffe Tower:


25th October 2017, 04:39 PM
of course that is why FEAR is the best way to keep people's vibratory responses low... frequencies are mathematics, it has been going on for millennia... FEAR... FEAR... FEAR... and you FEAR UNknown.

any idea yet as why luciferian Tesla referred to the number 3,6 and 9 ???

for how long are you going to refute that polarity is not a property of electricity? And wave (rhythm) and vibration, and Gender (cathode and anode)... etc?

Bible sez first the WORD/vibrarion... then the Light... matter is light compressed at different levels, and alchemy knew this.... of course ((they)) buried it and replaced it with chemistry... medicine would be 100-200 years ahead if ((they)) had left alchemists working at their own pace

((They)) knew about frequencies, harmonics and the love of electricity and used it against the people, for millennia prior to this

25th October 2017, 04:57 PM
Gots t to love them that if they do not directly experience a thing, it did not happen..

May i give you all a blessing ,

May you all fully experience, one of these false flags and be directly be a so called actor.

There is sick, and then we have some on this forum, which is far beyond human crudity and thought.

Rest well tonight and other nights forward.



1st November 2017, 08:22 AM
This Renegade show hosted by Charlie Giuliani aired last Thurs, but I just noticed it. I first read the comments, and one of the topics Charlie talks about is the DEW question re the CA fires. Also Agenda 21/30 later in the show.

I just listened to a Patricia Aiken (Bundy ranch fame) interview (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/10/the-graham-hart-show-20171030.html), and she said at one point that the fires appeared DEW'd.

Just started listening-- advance to ~8 mins to cut through a bunch of technical troubles.

Truth Hertz: As the World Burns (10-26-17) (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-world-burns-10-26-17/)

[Download (http://renegadebroadcasting.com/shows/charles/TruthHertz-2017-10-26.mp3)]

Charlie deals with technical issues early on, but has good audio for the rest of the show. He fires off about a number of topics, such as the possibility of directed energy weapons causing the forest fires, the status of his upcoming book, the reasons behind Agenda 21, the state of education, and more.

1st November 2017, 01:17 PM
doesnt talk of microwave technology but highly compelling: premeditation from a to z

Must follow Agenda 21 regulations to rebuild homes destroyed by the fire (10mins)

Supremely weird and extremely damning
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rip out all foundations of homes burned in Santa Rosa Every last doubt about directed energy weapons being used to torch California just vanished. Residents who lost their homes have no choice - they must wait for the Army Corps of Engineers to rip out the foundations of their burned out homes before they can rebuild. Why would the Army Corps of Engineers have to be involved AT ALL if someone did not want them to be? Why is it not as easy as getting a sledge hammer and shovel to start over, or calling a contractor if that is how you wanted to do it?............. No reason at all, unless their real objective is to destroy all evidence that it was directed energy weapons that destroyed many of the homes, as many people online have speculated.


I first tought it was photoshoped by it is not, this is UNexplainable... nothing else is burned but the car

http://www.anotherjsserver.com/zv1.html (scroll down)

anybody not seeing anything amiss here... has a problem

1st November 2017, 01:36 PM
Must follow Agenda 21 regulations to rebuild homes destroyed by the fire (10mins)

More manure.

Many if not most of the usual regulations and permits are either waiver or abbreviated.

Supremely weird and extremely damning
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rip out all foundations of homes burned in Santa Rosa Every last doubt about directed energy weapons being used to torch California just vanished. Residents who lost their homes have no choice - they must wait for the Army Corps of Engineers to rip out the foundations of their burned out homes before they can rebuild. Why would the Army Corps of Engineers have to be involved AT ALL if someone did not want them to be? Why is it not as easy as getting a sledge hammer and shovel to start over, or calling a contractor if that is how you wanted to do it?............. No reason at all, unless their real objective is to destroy all evidence that it was directed energy weapons that destroyed many of the homes, as many people online have speculated.

And even MORE manure!

People who want to rebuild have the choice of publicly-funded debris/HAZMAT removal by the USACE/DTSC or they can hire their own private service. But "free" is good. USACE/DTSC "services" are not mandatory, but if you want their "free" service, you have to let them do it their way.

Again, I live here; the willful liars making this manure up do not. Lies would be much easier if there were no one local checking the bullshit. Many of the foundations are cracked from intense heat, and need to be replaced. Of course, those lacking a grasp in basic science believe heat can't crack concrete...

EDIT: the Luciferian keeps adding to her post, but I'm not going to keep rehashing what has been explained multiple times before (namely, trees resistant to flying embers)...and only a retard cannot understand how fire can melt aluminum and plastic automobiles...

1st November 2017, 01:43 PM
you did not listen to the YT link.. obvious, nor have you the beginning of an answer for picture #3... how can houses be torched down but the trees between them.

But "free" is good. USACE/DTSC "services" are not mandatory, but if you want their "free" service, you have to let them do it their way.

Now you are defending socialism to make your point... I will never do that. You are a statist, so confused. everybody knows that ((they)) write laws for themselves and thus always serve many purposes, something that escapes you.

ALL the LAWS play out in their favor.. that is why statism is itself divide and rule.

have you found an explanation for the numerology in the Bible yet?

not afraid of your fundamentalist 2 cents, there are debunkable, just look in the bible... all so-called new age in it, starts with God spoke the world... VIBRATION... the masons laugh at you for being so narrowed minded. They love people who cannot wrap their minds around the Universe being conscious, hence has natural laws we must understand... you never will, period.

The NWO knows what Light can do and uses/twists it against the masses and to deter people like you from getting IT. ahhhhh the luciferians... fundamentalism itself is a controlled opposition, a devilish plot indeed.

By the time you get that Knowledge is neutral, and that it is all about the mind deciding to follow God (or not) , you will be on your death bed.

the entire bible is kabalistic. sorry get over it. The Veda in India had the same knowledge... this knowledge is not just jewish. The bible is all about Natural Laws and the Cosmic Vibratory Symphony , hence the numerology all over the place. Because music/vibration IS math

EDIT: the Luciferian keeps adding to her post, but I'm not going to keep rehashing what has been explained multiple times before (namely, trees resistant to flying embers)...and only a retard cannot understand how fire can melt aluminum and plastic automobiles...

conspiracy of coincidence or fact??? You cannot see this CT because if you did, it would take down your adamit theory (written by masons)

lucifer talking here (plz note the 21 and 12, both digits reversed)
Revelation 21:12
It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.

ps: The number 12 is used 189 times in the Bible.... just a coincidence :)

1st November 2017, 03:15 PM
I cant really think why anyone would want to start this over some seasonal occurance that happens all the time in California.

Only thing I could think of is insurance companies trying to relieve themselves of some debt by having owners thrown into the loony bin.

These flakes were mostly ok with their state government placing restrictions for years. Hell 1/2 work for state. Gov.

1st November 2017, 08:47 PM
how can houses be torched down but the trees between them.

LOL - those weren't "houses." They were an Applebees, a McDonalds, and an Arby's.

As has been explained multiple times before, trees are full of moisture, and are resistant to flying embers. Common building materials are not. I'm sorry this is beyond your cognitive ability.

Now you are defending socialism to make your point... I will never do that. You are a statist, so confused.

I explained reality, and "defended" nothing.

As for being a "statist," you, not I, have a quote in every post from the Pope of the New Atlantis (Amaruca aka America).

have you found an explanation for the numerology in the Bible yet?

I realize that SSA DNA is a handicap for you, but let me say this simply: sacred mathematics are part of the design of God. I have acknowledged that multiple times.

Your Luciferian Masonic numerology is something else, though.

the masons laugh at you for being so narrowed minded. They love people who cannot wrap their minds around

Masons, you said?


Nothing funnier to a Judeo-Freemason than an useful idiot.

the Universe being conscious

The Universe is "conscious" only in your fantasy world.

hence has natural laws we must understand... you never will, period.

Natural laws like the great disparities in intellect, creativity, and physical nature of the various human and humanoid races...

The NWO knows what Light can do and uses/twists it against the masses and to deter people like you from getting IT. ahhhhh the luciferians... fundamentalism itself is a controlled opposition, a devilish plot indeed.

And again:


the entire bible is kabalistic. sorry get over it.

This is a lie that only a Luciferian Kabbalist like you would proclaim.

You cannot see this CT because if you did, it would take down your adamit theory (written by masons)

lucifer talking here (plz note the 21 and 12, both digits reversed)
Revelation 21:12
It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.

ps: The number 12 is used 189 times in the Bible.... just a coincidence :)

Cite one post of mine where I denied the presence of sacred mathematics in the Bible. ONE POST.

As for the Adamite fact, the very name Adam explains what race Adam was.

You are not an Adamite, and can never be an Adamite. And hence, you hate those who trace their lineage only to Adam. The Bible uses the term "mamzer" for yourself. If you accepted this fact, you could serve God in His way, but instead, you prefer the Devil's teachings presented to you by Manly P. Hall, et. al.

2nd November 2017, 03:47 AM
adamu in sumerian = made of clay. The entire genesis is a sumerian coipycat... and you go after babylon :)

stay stuck in your adamic-chosen--ones and mason driven survivalism. You are no better that the talmudists.

My manly P hall quote has been there for months and you finally attacked it because I dare assert that I know the root of enlightenment

The Universe is s symphony of VIBRATIONS WITH THEIR OWN SET OF COSMIC MATHEMATICS... and ((they)) iNVERT these vibrations to harm mankind... anybody understanding this is ENLIGHTENED

but obviously you definitely are NOT emlightened

Try to debunk maly p hall quote first, but you wont do this because you are sooooo wrapped into FUNDAMENTALISM, you are a controlled opposition, just like atheism.

Since when advocating for the merging of science and spirituality is demonic? I laugh all the way long at your child-like mindset :)

Keep going after the masons.

You are just pissed off big time because I grasp the mysteries of the Universe/God better than you :)

As for the Adamite fact, the very name Adam explains what race Adam was.

You are not an Adamite, and can never be an Adamite. .

2nd November 2017, 05:57 AM
The above "dialogue" (sic) demonstrates how one can never have a productive discussion with a mulatto...the appearance of intelligence, but merely appearance. They just don't "get" it - they only "get" what they want to "get."

(hint: Manly P. Hall, 33 degree Freemason...)

2nd November 2017, 10:03 AM
yes, turn that into a racial issue because adamu IS sumerian.

The Anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians.

nope, you cannot argue against VIBRATION, scientifically proven, which is the evidence of Life. Everything spins and vibrates.... God spoke the Word. And because the powers that be throughout the centuries have used VIBRATIONS (lies vibrate at very low frequencies and keep people into low mental states) against the masses... that does not mean that this knowledge is evil, but what one does with it

let me put it this way: VIBRATION IS ONE WORLD RELIGION IN THE ENTIRE COSMOS but man written religions have buried this Truth so well in their parables and metaphors that every believer believes that his/her faith is the correct one and see any other faith as a menace.... GOOD JOB SATAN!

It is impossible to believe in sacred geometry and not in numerology, both are math. Math is the language of God. Numbers must be left alone if intentions are not motivated by selflessness... or chaos comes this way (turn on your TV). We can only grasp and observe their interactions, the good and bad ones, and follow their organization (designed by God) religiously.

Case point, I had to listen to a dozens of Manly P Hall podcast to get it and immediately began to see that fundamentalism and atheism are united to prevent this truth from spreading. MPH is a great man and society owes him a lot for having kept the Mysteries UNcorrupted for us to defeat the NWO at its own level, THE LEVEL OF VIBRATION.

Additionally because Numbers are in all belief systems, even mythologies, saying that it is JEWISH is where the mind control starts. Qui bono... so thanks for helping them!!!

Laughable, the adamites-chosenites... one must be child-like to even think that God has a fan club... the sumerian myth not a myth ... ALL the races have been genetically engineered thousands years ago. And ((they) are still at it today.

Manly P. Hall - Love of God

2nd November 2017, 10:50 AM

You trying to tell us something? :)

[Manly P. Hall] is a great man and society owes him a lot for having kept the Mysteries UNcorrupted for us to defeat the NWO 9403

They just don't "get" it - they only "get" what they want to "get."


10th November 2017, 12:00 AM
21 mins:

http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/maxresdefault-34-e1510244897197-800x445.jpg (http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/maxresdefault-34-e1510244897197.jpg)
Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of California Fires (http://www.renegadetribune.com/interview-fire-captain-origins-california-fires/)

November 9, 2017 (http://www.renegadetribune.com/interview-fire-captain-origins-california-fires/) renegade (http://www.renegadetribune.com/author/renegade/) 1 Comment (http://www.renegadetribune.com/interview-fire-captain-origins-california-fires/#comments)
Highly Decorated Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the possible directed energy weapons used to start over 16 major fires that began in the middle of the night in Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino Counties. To date, some three weeks after the fires, officials have not gone on record as to the origins of these fires.



10th November 2017, 01:41 AM
hahaha... pissed off that I now prove you WRONG about the CA fires...

yes you do not understand anything, thought IS vibration and the only way to defeat the NWO is by raising one's awareness/VIBRATION... and the highest vibrations are: objective truth and selfless love... both govern the Universe. Mind control is LOW vibrations and induces fears.

But you cannot stretch that far... the Mysteries of the Cosmos -- EMBEDDED in the bible -- will never go away, sorry.. God spoke the word/VIBRATION :) Proven scientifically. Good to show what fundamentalism stands for: against the merging of spirituality and science.

But mainly you have a problem with Objective Truth, which does not favor any races/cultures. The NWO promotes subjective truth (compartmentalization) so humans can never find out. The evidence that the bible was written by ((those)) in the know

You trying to tell us something? :)

They just don't "get" it - they only "get" what they want to "get."

10th November 2017, 02:19 AM
of course, because without weather weapons it is UNexplainable

To date, some three weeks after the fires, officials have not gone on record as to the origins of these fires.



10th November 2017, 02:52 AM

Self-serving, self-aggrandizing bullshit, as usual.

This "highly-decorated fire captain" (sic) flat-out lied when he claimed there was "no evidence of aberrant weather, any fronts coming in."

As I've said multiple times before, we had Red Flag warnings almost daily for about two weeks prior to the fires. High winds were forecast for that night.

To date, some three weeks after the fires, officials have not gone on record as to the origins of these fires.

Another LIE, of course.

Both Potter Valley Fire Chief Bill Pauli and Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman have explained the origin of the Potter Valley/Redwood Valley fire, including exact location, but the "official" report from CDF/CalFire is still pending. A fire investigation often takes months.

10th November 2017, 02:56 AM
hahaha... pissed off that I now prove you WRONG about the CA fires...

The only thing you have proven is that you are a mindless idiot who has no grasp of what you think you "know."

BTW, why did you delete the Manly P. Hall quotes from your post before I had a chance to reply? Are you finally "getting" it that you look like an abject retard when you "denounce the NWO" AND lovingly quote New World Order prophet Hall in the same post?

In case you "forgot," this was your original post 915027:

hahaha... pissed off that I now prove you WRONG about the CA fires...

yes you do not understand anything, thought IS vibration and the only way to defeat is by raising one's awareness/VIBRATION...

But you cannot stretch that far... the Mysteries of the Cosmos -- EMBEDDED in the bible -- will never go away, sorry.. God spoke the word/VIBRATION Prove scientifically. Good to show what fundamentalism stands for: against the merging of spirituality and science.

the 7 hermetic Principles are EMBEDDED in the bible in the form of parables.. and you can scream as much as you want. It is obvious that you have **polarity** issues... all the Principles are also proven by science... and govern society/human interaction.

Science is metaphysics, Sorry that it is too much for your mind... that that is why ((they)) are winning.

debunk the science behind the principles... go debunk (electric) polarity and vibration to start with... and why electricity allows thoughts to circulate in our synapses, so yes the cosmos rules everything, including our minds

NOT FOR FUNDAMENTALISTS, but others who wants to make up their minds

Manly P Hall - Reclaim The Mind (to defeat mind control and NWO)

Manly P. Hall - Christian Gospels Not in the Bible


10th November 2017, 03:58 AM
The only thing you have proven is that you are a mindless idiot who has no grasp of what you think you "know."

BTW, why did you delete the Manly P. Hall quotes from your post before I had a chance to reply? Are you finally "getting" it that you look like an abject retard when you "denounce the NWO" AND lovingly quote New World Order prophet Hall in the same post?

In case you "forgot," this was your original post 915027:

It proves itself to be an unapologetic satanist with pretty much every post, nowadays. Why just not admit it Goldie?

10th November 2017, 07:23 AM
YT channel aplanetruth.info (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5KlMLlrXWDhPklv7wK04g/videos?disable_polymer=1) has about 15 vids up on the NoCal fires now; the ones not below are already in this thread above. The last one below, long time North Bay resident Deborah Tavares (http://stopthecrime.net/) on Rense in 2015 is VG.

Queue requisite, vacuous howls of BULLSHIT! Ulterior motive DISINFO! And of course, SATANIST!! ^^^


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tApc-k6Nhd8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLC4bO31RnbvzbOOtfevNbkPa4GEvw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApc-k6Nhd8) 11:08
"Smart Fire" Takedown of Dr. Judy Wood by Ziggy Kelleher (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApc-k6Nhd8)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LzWyvoGef80/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAILus9Jwh-meogfT6XhcyHXT3txQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzWyvoGef80) 7:50
CA "Smart Fires" Likely Started by Airborne Lasers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzWyvoGef80)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4YbQKOeNq8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDXW30iN3cdDpxfRLHtE_JU0gE9Lw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4YbQKOeNq8) 9:12
CA "Smart Fires"; INTruthbyGrace Explains Microwave Laser Technology Likely Used (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4YbQKOeNq8)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C4CozViUpQ4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAdg2ezBea_cElQf6kZR5Mc43xiDw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4CozViUpQ4) 29:59
Agenda 21 Disaster Capitalists Preying on CA Fire Victims (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4CozViUpQ4)

5 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WOhtjKOw0ug/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCKVUA9CsZ9CIb2Wdr9paOF6b_r4w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOhtjKOw0ug) 6:57
"Bombogenesis" Is This New Weather Term To Be the Excuse for CA Fires? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOhtjKOw0ug)

6 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Slg8p0zWJa8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAQQtI6FGjvg_Ot_sDOlp_srxhPsQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slg8p0zWJa8) 6:53
Proof! Lasers DEW Used in 911 Cal Fires (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slg8p0zWJa8)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SETvyRgMTrM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLALnzcywULh5x12vi6EFL1-z75eHw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SETvyRgMTrM) 32:34
NorCAL Fires Aftermath ~ Proof Agenda 21 Plans Are Being Implemented (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SETvyRgMTrM)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BTmQwS-GoAQ/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBTnuogzxgr4U27JrPnAyovqtJdlQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTmQwS-GoAQ) 20:09
Busted in 2011! Agenda 21 Documentation To Burn Up Northern California (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTmQwS-GoAQ)

1 week ago

10th November 2017, 09:07 AM
Queue requisite, vacuous howls of BULLSHIT! Ulterior motive DISINFO!

Hit a nerve, did I?

You used to post valuable material. In recent years, though, you've moved into self-evident disinformation, for some reason.

And of course, SATANIST!!

Guilty conscience? I've never called you a Satanist. Should I?

Do you, too, worship Manly P. Hall and the Judeo-Freemason "prophets"?

10th November 2017, 11:08 AM
... Are you finally "getting" it that you look like an abject retard...


10th November 2017, 02:50 PM
again we can see why fundamentalism will NEVER recognize that the bible is full of Numbers, just like soooooooooooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy other belief systems.... fundamentalism associates knowledge with the messenger(s).

indeed if (they) kept it secret, there is a reason... and they are very good at it, making people believe that it is the knowledge of evil, while God gave us free will to interpret and use it... in order to co-create with Him or against him. There is only ONE knowledge, which can be INverted to commit evil. So blasting the knowledge does not add up. The Mind must be questioned

WHO ARE THE 144,000 OR THE 144, the fibonacci sequence, that will be saved??

Those that will be saved are which understanding the fibonacci NUMBERS... God' fingerprint at the center of every molecule, THIS IS SEEING GOD, THE REVELATION WITHIN... No Jesus' come back, he is already WITHIN.

so HOW does it come that this knowledge was taught in the mystery schools 2000 years ago?

Some deemed that humans (like CT) would never be able to make sense of 144, so the knowledge became OCCULTED (hidden) and remained in the hands of power.

Manly P Hall is a GOOD mason, the legacy he left behind are the Mysteries as taught in Alexandria to Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and many others. he is a firm believer in God.

But this is toooooooooo much for CT, he is having a hard time as you can see :) The bible is kabalistic, get over it and written by man, unfortunately. The Vedas in india too have their own numerology. And so did have the mayas.

I am not worshiping MPH... but God's Knowledge telling us that Objective Truth and Selfless Love are ALL there is... how evil could that be... yes, it is folks, for the fundamentalists. Selfless Love is Jesus message, not the way he died, which was fashionable at the time.

The Natural Laws are immutable and are not subjected to moral relativism (aka cultures)

Anybody not understanding the Mysteries, canNOT understand the Bible, simple... 12 apostles, 12 hours, 12 gates of the revelation and 12 signs of the zodiac, something to chew on

Manly P. Hall - God & Man
Manly P. Hall - Purpose in Life

Do you, too, worship Manly P. Hall and the Judeo-Freemason "prophets"?

10th November 2017, 03:01 PM
I forgive all of you, nobody in this thread has any idea what they're doing.

10th November 2017, 03:37 PM
HAHAHA... I do :)

challenging fundamentalism is quite something

144.......144......... 144........... 144.......... 144

sacred geometry, numerology and gematria have been in the hands of the bad guys for much too long. Time to take them back... everything comes from the metaphysical. Ignorance is killing humanity

Manly P. Hall - Purpose in Life = excellent, and key to understand why materialism is our prison, a miasma of materialistic addiction as he calls it

I forgive all of you, nobody in this thread has any idea what they're doing.

10th November 2017, 04:07 PM
recognize that the bible is full of Numbers

I recognize your head is full of air.

Manly P Hall is a GOOD mason...he is a firm believer in God.


"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil"

10th November 2017, 04:16 PM
you are soooo squared minded... any idea about the 144,000 or 144 yet? What is doing sacred geometry (numbers) in the bible?

because I know, my head is full of air... very good one...

I am sure that this quote is very selective and used by the fundamentalists to make people fear knowledge, the same fundamentalists not seeing the meaning of 144. Selectively quoting is invalid 95% of the cases

yes, with knowledge comes responsibility, to walk with God or against him...

Manly P Hall - Lucifer

Manly P. Hall - Turn off the TV!

I recognize your head is full of air.

10th November 2017, 04:30 PM
Why one cannot trust a Mason's or Gnostic's claim that they love Jesus Christ and have Him as their Lord and Savior...they embrace another "Christ" - an anti-(in-place-of)-christ:

The son of the dawn is Aurus, the spiritual sun, which is the symbol of the uncreated light which kabbalistically is written אורעוץ Auruz. Aurus is the light of the sun and represented by a falcon or the Eye of Horus; that Eye is the Sun that sees everything. The sun also represents the Ain Soph Aur, the Cosmic Christ; this is why ancient Gnostics said while pointing at the sun: “We believe in our Lord Jesus Christ the Sun.” Of course, they knew the meaning of what they were saying; they did not believe that the personality or the physicality of Master Jesus was the sun, since they understood that the light of Khristus-Lucifer expressed itself through Master Yeshuah, Master Aberamentho as it expresses itself through the physical sun that gives light to this planet and all of the planets of this solar system. Any sun of the universe also represents the Cosmic Christ. This is how we understand and comprehend Christ when we study Kabbalah and Alchemy.

-- from The Secret of Satan

Additional Judeo-Freemasonic/Gnostic blasphemy at:



And Jesus...said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

-- The REAL Jesus Christ, at Matthew 24:4-5

10th November 2017, 04:36 PM
I am sure that this quote is very selective

The day has come when Fellow Craftsmen must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare. Incessant vigilance over thought, action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft’s degree is the degree of transmutation. The hand that slays must lift the fallen, while the lips given to cursing must be taught to pray. The heart that hates must learn the mystery of compassion, as the result of a deeper and more perfect understanding of man’s relation to his brother. The firm, kind hand of spirit must curb the flaming powers of emotion with an iron grip. In the realization and application of these principles lies the key of the Fellow Craft.


You are so dense you are studying Luciferianism and think it's "godly."

10th November 2017, 05:17 PM
(.... ) = what was LEFT out is interesting, see bold :) MPH got IT... it was selective quoting, indeed.

sorry I see NOTHING wrong... like I said, with knowledge comes the responsibility

The day has come when Fellow Craftsmen must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly

Knowledge is NOT the problem but man's ego (the shabby secret of power)

okay you are waging a war on masonry but refute masonic/kabalistic numerology in the bible, makes no sense. The trap of subjectivity

I wage war on the minds corrupting God's Knowledge big difference. That's Objective Truth

mastery of emotion... mastery of the law of vibration

10th November 2017, 07:56 PM
I wage war on the minds corrupting God's Knowledge big difference. That's Objective Truth

Sure you do, stating that the crucifiction didn't happen, is nothing but service to your god, Satan. You are reading the Bible as Satan would, and that you probably would take as a compliment.

11th November 2017, 12:00 AM
sorry I see NOTHING wrong

Of course you see nothing wrong, since you are a Luciferian aka Satanist.

You worship Lucifer and his "seething energies," just like Hall.

11th November 2017, 12:34 AM
the 3 sentences in BOLD void any potentially negative interpretation...

Meanwhile you are stuck with the 144 that you will not try to probe... you fear this rabbit hole because the bible as taught to christians would fall apart. The bible is DUAL. There is another bible which is deeply mystical and esoteric, which christians cannot see, but it is all there. The meaning of the revelation. 144 means that God is within every molecule. 144 was chosen because its 12x12. 12 tribes, 12 apostles, 12 months, 12 hours, 12 months, 12 signs of the zodiac. Thats astrotheology.

there is ONE knowledge, two different minds to apply it. And the NWO can only be taken down with the power of VIBRATION, Objective Truth and Love for our fellows humans, a problem for adamites for sure who regard themselves as the chosenites. Talk of ego here!!

It is my understanding that the Mysteries have divided the initiates 2-3000 years ago, as soon as it was decided that masses didnt have the IQ to grasp the Mysteries, and the meaning of lucifer must be adapted. Back in the roman times, it merely meant the "light bearer", then some USURPED his meaning and turn it into a fallen angel, a negative entity. This is again a divide and conquer situation, that is working pretty well, so the knowledge is rejected. But that does not change the fact that LIGHT is the secret of all life. The biblical lucifer represents man's ego, esoterically speaking

Also many people do not understand that everything is VIBRATION and thus open the door to accept that there is a supranatural component to life that can be used by humans to harm. It is there and there is NOTHING we can do against/about it because this component is a Natural Law and immutable... but the more people understanding that the more chance to defeat the NWO. The only choice we have is to use this knowledge with selflessness to walk with God.... or selfishly and walk with the devil.

The issue is that the Mysteries demand selflessness to be applied positively... and not many people are ready to lose all their possessions to achieve that. Doesnt Jesus advocate to leave everything behind to follow him ??? In the meantime, materialism is taking this world down and many will end up losing their shirt...

As MPH stated: as long as society is caught in a miasma of material addiction, nothing can be done. EGO is the problem and MPH speaks of it a LOT.

It is the EGO that makes people love money... and trust me, the NWO laughs at us all the way long as the flaw is embedded in the premise itself.

Manly P. Hall - Love

The day has come when Fellow Craftsmen must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare. Incessant vigilance over thought, action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft’s degree is the degree of transmutation. The hand that slays must lift the fallen, while the lips given to cursing must be taught to pray. The heart that hates must learn the mystery of compassion, as the result of a deeper and more perfect understanding of man’s relation to his brother. The firm, kind hand of spirit must curb the flaming powers of emotion with an iron grip. In the realization and application of these principles lies the key of the Fellow Craft.


11th November 2017, 01:25 AM
the 3 sentences in BOLD void any negative meaning...

Just embrace him...Lucifer. You know you want to. Manly P. Hall did.

Lucifer is your bearer of Light, keeper of Natural Law, master of numerology (6-6-6). :rolleyes:

11th November 2017, 01:52 AM
I believe in God's Light... and nothing else... and your view if the bible is extremely simplistic, I am afraid.

and you believe in 144 and do not even know what it truly entails but then blast numerology... and the fact that you believe in the 666 makes you a numerology believer against your will. :) see how paradoxical one becomes when denial is at work? ALLLOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

You have no case against me. Light /electricity is what rules the Universe, proven scientifically. Fundamentalism damages people's IQ

knowledge vs ignorance

The bible is deeply esoteric, get over it...

Manly P Hall - Reclaim The Mind

I Beg to Differ with the Darwinian Theory - Manly P. Hall

Just embrace him...Lucifer. You know you want to. Manly P. Hall did.

Lucifer is your bearer of Light, keeper of Natural Law, master of numerology (6-6-6). :rolleyes:

11th November 2017, 02:16 AM
I believe in God's Light...Light /electricity is what rules the Universe, proven scientifically.

Lucifer...the Bearer of Light. Your god.

11th November 2017, 06:15 AM
If it's dark I just turn on the lights and voila....then there was light! No magic involved really...

11th November 2017, 07:16 AM
If it's dark I just turn on the lights and voila....then there was light! No magic involved really...

Again, it takes 2 to tango.

A Joshua without a lightbulb would be nothing. (most often the case)

Just as Crimethink's Biblical God without Manly's Lucifer.

This thread without Singular and Crimethink.

A big goose egg. Zilcho.


12th November 2017, 06:48 AM
CT's replies manifest the fear of knowledge... they ignore ALL numerology in the bible while going after the masons/talmudists. Sign of a mind trapped into the Polarity Of Light.

and GOD SAID (VIBRATION)... LET THERE BE LIGHT.... light and vibration are everything. Supranatural Forces shaping reality matter in the entire cosmos.. these Forces have a resonance and a matematical arrangement. So yes, STAY AWAY from that knowledge, DO NOT TRY TO UNDERSTAND, scientism will fix it all... it is bad for you, you will be called a luciferian! ... ignorance is strength? ROFLOL

That is precisely why I stand against the miasma of material addiction sinking this world. That is indeed soooooooooooo veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy evillllllll. :) LOL

Destiny is calling... I have my world movement to take care about, I am always surprised as how many people are ready to thrown in the towel on materialism. Many are seeing the LIGHT out there. NWO will go down when a majority will let go money as their god, will cease to identify themselves to their possessions. I might meet Micheal Tellinger who is doing the same thing in south africa next Spring.

Also please note that my image of LET THERE BE LIGHT... doesnt show when embedded... forum moderation feature? So you can all view it at the link below


QUESTION: Wilhelm Reich was a brilliant scientist that soon learned that there was this fantastic energy in the universe called orgone,a sexual tension and energy that exists in all living things.... he is a luciferian? Sexual energy reads like baphomet, right?... And Tesla, too luciferian for saying that the 3, 6 and 9 are keys to the Universe? That is what (intellectual, economic and religious) fundamentalism prevents: using these immutable forces for a greater good... unfortunately they are NOT marketable by selfishness, nobody can make profit out of them. That is God's way...

wake up folks! The deception is phenomenal... this is the REVELATION............. 144......... this knowledge doesnt come from the bronze age. Thats obvious.

12th November 2017, 01:01 PM
I was thinking of closing this thread right after posting the following, its on YT. But will leave it open and may reply if the posting shows some wisdom. I am on a mission and have so much to do.

I Beg to Differ with the Darwinian Theory - Manly P. Hall @21 mins more or less
The problem with modern science is to accept: there will always be ONE LIGHT in space through infinity of differentiation with everything that is conceivable - or unconcievable - to man, is part of the potential to this ONE LIGHT . This ONE LIGHT is all and one. All as the total that exists... this one light cannot be analyzed by any of the fragments of itself but it is the source of all fragmentation. This one light is not only the source of all bodies but of a mind of souls and spirits and every type of differentiation that exists in space. This ONE LIGHT is the totality of all manifestations of itself. Plus the nature of his own identity, which is known only to Itself.

Now if we were approaching this level of thought, we probably wouldnt require any kind of conflict between science and religion because both would accept that neither has the full knowledge....

@31mins: the conquest of the material (aka ego) becomes the soul's objective of Humanity

13th November 2017, 02:00 AM
Destiny is calling... I have my world movement to take care about

Really? ;D LMFAO! Don't let the door hit you on the way out...



13th November 2017, 06:25 AM
Destiny is calling... I have my world movement to take care about.

More like another vowel movement.

14th November 2017, 01:14 AM
More like another bowel movement.
Corrected it for you.

15th November 2017, 06:50 PM
like I said, changing the world cannot be a goal but spreading the truth, and obviously you still BOTH do not get it:

That is what (intellectual, economic and religious) fundamentalism prevents: using these immutable forces for a greater good... unfortunately they are NOT marketable by selfishness, nobody can make profit out of them. That is God's way...the money making mentality IS at the very core of the problem

@31mins: the conquest of the material (aka ego) becomes the soul's objective of Humanity

@42mins: science does not exist to create profits, nor glorify itself but the betterment of humanity... or it will destroy itself

@1:11mins: The role of religion is to learn how to use wisely and unselfishly all the skills of mankind.

15th November 2017, 07:02 PM
the bible was written by very questionable people. Google the masonic order/lodge of Constantine if you wish. These people were evil because they hid in the bible an esoteric message that most cannot understand and which does a lot of damages, and is cause of fundamentalism.

Look for Manly P. Hall - Reflections on Esoteric Christianity.... or... Manly P Hall - Bible And Christianity -

I do not believe in the crucifixion because I choose to believe in the message of LOVE, the highest vibration/frequency in the entire universe instead.' I will not believe in any blood sacrifice, which is completely pagan originally.

another childlike comment of your by the way. Believing in the Love message of Jesus, would make a follower of his.

Sure you do, stating that the crucifiction didn't happen, is nothing but service to your god, Satan. You are reading the Bible as Satan would, and that you probably would take as a compliment.

15th November 2017, 11:26 PM
the bible was written by very questionable people. Google the masonic order/lodge of Constantine if you wish. These people were evil because they hid in the bible an esoteric message that most cannot understand and which does a lot of damages, and is cause of fundamentalism.

Look for Manly P. Hall - Reflections on Esoteric Christianity.... or... Manly P Hall - Bible And Christianity -

I do not believe in the crucifixion because I choose to believe in the message of LOVE, the highest vibration/frequency in the entire universe instead.' I will not believe in any blood sacrifice, which is completely pagan originally.

another childlike comment of your by the way. Believing in the Love message of Jesus, would make a follower of his.
It is clear that the word love has no meaning for you, it is just an empty word, a catch phrase. To love someone means that you are willing to sacrifice everything you have, even your own life, for that someone. That is why the crucifiction is essential. It is gods ultimate sacrifice, to have his perfect son spectacularly murdered, by a crowd of egoists who couldn't see beyond their own short term interest. It is an inspiration to us, to live righteous lives like Jesus Christ, stand up to injustices, for the ones we love, even at the cost of expending our own life. It is our ultimate sacrifice, essentially the only thing that is ours to give.

Denying the crucifiction is denying Gods love for us.

But right the Bible is just about the numbers? Yes you read it like Satan. It was an accurate description.

15th November 2017, 11:32 PM
...to have his perfect son spectacularly murdered...



This is the "love" of a real father.


16th November 2017, 12:05 AM


This is the "love" of a real father.

Jesus was different. He was his father in flesh, no separation. You don't sacrifice your children, because they are separate from you, this isn't a sacrifice you can make. You can only sacrifice yourself.

16th November 2017, 02:03 AM
God will never condone any blood sacrifices.... but man does, that is why religions and wars are bed fellows

let there be LIGHT... light is LIFE... in the old days people used to believe in the sun... today the effects of Light have been scientifically proven... it is a vibration shaping Life. That is why the table of elements has a color spectrum. Matter is Light compressed at different levels.

The NWO knows this and they corrupt reality at the vibration level... so to take ((them)) down, we must operate at that level too. Physical retaliation will not work.Violence is a low vibration. All the natural laws embedded in the fabric of the Universe have only positive consequences if choosing LOVE.. which starts with the respect for Creation


This is the "love" of a real father.


16th November 2017, 05:20 AM
The fact that you are not prepared to put your life on the line to protect what you "love" is proof enough that you don't love. And your absurd theory matter=compressed light=love puts you firmly in the position of confusing love with materialism. Or as you have pointed out yourself your god is the universe. Jesus Christ stated that his church is not of this world, iow the kingdom of god is not the universe, or anything material, and that is where souls are and love exist.

Giving your bodily life for the kingdom of god is in fact an act of love, but the decision only belongs to the person who is prepared to sacrifice himself. No one else can do it for you, nor can you do it by proxy, like Pagans do.

16th November 2017, 07:59 PM
You guys are starting to impinge yourself on my knowledge of the noosphere as it is supposed to exist.

Please stop.

11th December 2017, 01:19 PM
YT channel aplanetruth.info (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5KlMLlrXWDhPklv7wK04g/videos?disable_polymer=1) has about 15 vids up on the NoCal fires now; the ones not below are already in this thread above. The last one below, long time North Bay resident Deborah Tavares (http://stopthecrime.net/) on Rense in 2015 is VG.

Queue requisite, vacuous howls of BULLSHIT! Ulterior motive DISINFO! And of course, SATANIST!! ^^^


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tApc-k6Nhd8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLC4bO31RnbvzbOOtfevNbkPa4GEvw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApc-k6Nhd8) 11:08
"Smart Fire" Takedown of Dr. Judy Wood by Ziggy Kelleher (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApc-k6Nhd8)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LzWyvoGef80/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAILus9Jwh-meogfT6XhcyHXT3txQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzWyvoGef80) 7:50
CA "Smart Fires" Likely Started by Airborne Lasers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzWyvoGef80)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4YbQKOeNq8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDXW30iN3cdDpxfRLHtE_JU0gE9Lw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4YbQKOeNq8) 9:12
CA "Smart Fires"; INTruthbyGrace Explains Microwave Laser Technology Likely Used (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4YbQKOeNq8)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C4CozViUpQ4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAdg2ezBea_cElQf6kZR5Mc43xiDw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4CozViUpQ4) 29:59
Agenda 21 Disaster Capitalists Preying on CA Fire Victims (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4CozViUpQ4)

5 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WOhtjKOw0ug/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCKVUA9CsZ9CIb2Wdr9paOF6b_r4w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOhtjKOw0ug) 6:57
"Bombogenesis" Is This New Weather Term To Be the Excuse for CA Fires? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOhtjKOw0ug)

6 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Slg8p0zWJa8/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAQQtI6FGjvg_Ot_sDOlp_srxhPsQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slg8p0zWJa8) 6:53
Proof! Lasers DEW Used in 911 Cal Fires (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slg8p0zWJa8)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SETvyRgMTrM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLALnzcywULh5x12vi6EFL1-z75eHw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SETvyRgMTrM) 32:34
NorCAL Fires Aftermath ~ Proof Agenda 21 Plans Are Being Implemented (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SETvyRgMTrM)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BTmQwS-GoAQ/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBTnuogzxgr4U27JrPnAyovqtJdlQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTmQwS-GoAQ) 20:09
Busted in 2011! Agenda 21 Documentation To Burn Up Northern California (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTmQwS-GoAQ)

1 week ago

[^ will comment in next reply; exceeding max (10) images now]

11th December 2017, 01:23 PM
^ wow, quite a list of YT vid carcasses above from YT channel aplanetruth.info (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5KlMLlrXWDhPklv7wK04g/videos?disable_polymer=1) ... :o Apparently a strike-out of YT's vague/undefineable, means whatever they want it to mean at any moment "Community Guidelines" standard. Given YT's track record this recent ~12 months of censoring Truthers, I'd say aplanetruth's message gets a huge cred boost from that YT move!! :)


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tsu9Sve72Hg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLC7QnsAgrLY5zGDGh3T28ExbuMbbg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsu9Sve72Hg) 25:06

Weather War Terrorism; Lasered & Torched SoCal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsu9Sve72Hg)

1 day ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/41vqvdhUK34/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCmYKfxXvVzfp5a06Epsg9p5f54Qg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41vqvdhUK34) 4:39

RFB; Directed Energy Weapons Again in California Wildfires (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41vqvdhUK34)

4 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ohqsUOmeq8w/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLD_0jcFI_Qy8OE5h_dWp0eQ8D0csA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohqsUOmeq8w) 1:34:44

Sage of Quay Jamie Lee Behind the Scenes of Hurricane Harvey and the CA Fires (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohqsUOmeq8w)

6 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qlMUtnogmDI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDGD410RpY9Ls3V3g86uRv4RR_kDw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlMUtnogmDI) 12:13

Directed Energy Weapons Used China etc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlMUtnogmDI)

1 week ago

Jordan S:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6o54Y7dhOus/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAyQ4x7JFO3v0OPQ6RzFQutiwqBjw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o54Y7dhOus) 18:25
12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o54Y7dhOus)

15 minutes ago

Streamed live 2 hours ago
9th Circuit Court Judge Accused of Harassment - https://goo.gl/zvEYc8 (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=icrYcXXcvNFhcJdDsZcOf6IRwLh8M TUxMzEwNjUwNEAxNTEzMDIwMTA0&v=6o54Y7dhOus&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FzvEYc8&event=video_description)
George Soros Funds "Brave New Films", who Threw Today's Megyn Kelley Press Conference w/ "Trump Accusers" - https://goo.gl/mF5NM7 (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=icrYcXXcvNFhcJdDsZcOf6IRwLh8M TUxMzEwNjUwNEAxNTEzMDIwMTA0&v=6o54Y7dhOus&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FmF5NM7&event=video_description)
North Korea Now Pushing for "Bio-Weapons" - https://goo.gl/JZoXHE (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=icrYcXXcvNFhcJdDsZcOf6IRwLh8M TUxMzEwNjUwNEAxNTEzMDIwMTA0&v=6o54Y7dhOus&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FJZoXHE&event=video_description)
Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ - https://goo.gl/DhDAtJ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=icrYcXXcvNFhcJdDsZcOf6IRwLh8M TUxMzEwNjUwNEAxNTEzMDIwMTA0&v=6o54Y7dhOus&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FDhDAtJ&event=video_description)
"Some YouTubers Think Cali Wildfires are a Conspiracy" - https://goo.gl/STBCQw (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=icrYcXXcvNFhcJdDsZcOf6IRwLh8M TUxMzEwNjUwNEAxNTEzMDIwMTA0&v=6o54Y7dhOus&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FSTBCQw&event=video_description)

Cindy Garay:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OzFKwoyVAtI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAGbenoe4s2GG_YsJiqstSX9q7sFw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzFKwoyVAtI) 19:38
Trump slowly being poisoned by Deep State? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzFKwoyVAtI)

2 hours ago

2 hours ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzFKwoyVAtI&lc=Ugy_hm1_rHJDmoT_yTB4AaABAg)White House Trump is being drugged: http://yournewswire.com/trump-drugged-soros/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&q=http%3A%2F%2Fyournewswire.com%2Ftrump-drugged-soros%2F%25C2%25A0&redir_token=Oxn81gLzxojbNlMVRmBHwhrlzzN8MTUxMzEwNj Y3MEAxNTEzMDIwMjcw) Roy Potter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmo3cUxF4Ao (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmo3cUxF4Ao) Your News Wire: http://yournewswire.com/category/news/page/3/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&q=http%3A%2F%2Fyournewswire.com%2Fcategory%2Fnews% 2Fpage%2F3%2F%25C2%25A0&redir_token=Oxn81gLzxojbNlMVRmBHwhrlzzN8MTUxMzEwNj Y3MEAxNTEzMDIwMjcw) Trump Photos: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OtdY9VyK&id=212D909C171A86BFD94D31C0217A670A458CE3E2&thid=OIP.OtdY9VyKsHqDVuSRRnxRGgFhCw&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn1.ijr.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F05%2FGettyImages-687195018-e1495662193867.jpg&exph=509&expw=1018&q=trump+%26+prime+minister+of+israel+last+photo+sh oot&ajaxhist=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_S6noT1tV*mid_17DE 5CB4AFD953D4DC7E9C23E6FD2AAF647BFA4A*simid_6080560 28301035644*thid_OIP.S6noT1tVqJwJ2-gXkcNdewFNC7&iss=VSI (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fimages%2Fsearch%3Fv iew%3DdetailV2%26ccid%3DOtdY9VyK%26id%3D212D909C17 1A86BFD94D31C0217A670A458CE3E2%26thid%3DOIP.OtdY9V yKsHqDVuSRRnxRGgFhCw%26mediaurl%3Dhttps%253A%252F% 252Fcdn1.ijr.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2017%252F05%252FGettyImage s-687195018-e1495662193867.jpg%26exph%3D509%26expw%3D1018%26q% 3Dtrump%2B%2526%2Bprime%2Bminister%2Bof%2Bisrael%2 Blast%2Bphoto%2Bshoot%26ajaxhist%3D0%26pivotparams %3DinsightsToken%253Dccid_S6noT1tV%2Amid_17DE5CB4A FD953D4DC7E9C23E6FD2AAF647BFA4A%2Asimid_6080560283 01035644%2Athid_OIP.S6noT1tVqJwJ2-gXkcNdewFNC7%26iss%3DVSI&redir_token=Oxn81gLzxojbNlMVRmBHwhrlzzN8MTUxMzEwNj Y3MEAxNTEzMDIwMjcw)

11th December 2017, 03:46 PM
^ wow, quite a list of YT vid carcasses above from YT channel aplanetruth.info (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5KlMLlrXWDhPklv7wK04g/videos?disable_polymer=1) .

they are all here it seems, he may have taken them down, then re-uploaded them


"Smart Fire" Aircraft Lasers Likely Used on CA Fires


15th December 2017, 04:25 AM

15th December 2017, 08:40 AM

That's not a laser, it's a lens reflection.

22nd December 2017, 02:17 AM
from "APlaneTruth.info (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5KlMLlrXWDhPklv7wK04g/videos)" channel's Jamie Lee,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZopaatlBVUM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDoM0NQ1eNE5xt0mqHTvnAnzSmv-A 24:54
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZopaatlBVUM)Let it Burn Baby Burn; The Agenda 21 CA Smart Fires Continues On (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZopaatlBVUM)

3 days ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tsu9Sve72Hg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLC7QnsAgrLY5zGDGh3T28ExbuMbbg 25:06
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsu9Sve72Hg)Weather War Terrorism; Lasered & Torched SoCal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsu9Sve72Hg)

1 week ago

22nd December 2017, 04:16 PM
wow Pat, thanks a bunch for hanging in there!