View Full Version : $500 million dc Bible museum, Jesus left out

17th October 2017, 06:19 PM
rubbing our noses in it now


Many Christians have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. next month, but have the museum-creators forgotten what the Bible is really all about?

According to TheBlaze.com, some critics have pointed out that Jesus seems to be oddly absent from the museum’s many displays on the “history, narrative, and impact of the Bible.”

Writing for The Washington Post, Michelle Boorstein, Julie Zauzmer, and Sarah Pulliam Bailey note, “Jesus is also curiously not central to the museum’s presentation of the biblical story. Visitors walk through a multi-room saga of the Old Testament, and they can visit a re-creation of a 1st-century village in Galilee where actors will tell them what the villagers think of this controversial preacher Jesus. They can watch a movie about John the Baptist. But the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is almost absent.”

Those involved in the Museum of the Bible project, however, say they are expecting criticism from both conservatives and liberals.

“The fact that it is as broad and ecumenical and nonsectarian as it is, I think there will be criticism from the religious left and the religious right — which would mean to me that we probably got it just about right,” said board member Mark DeMoss.

Steve Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby and chair of the museum project, added, “The museum has fence posts — limits. It doesn’t overtly say the Bible is good — that the Bible is true. That’s not its role. Its role is to present facts and let people make their own decisions.”

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17th October 2017, 06:21 PM
rubbing our noses in it now


Many Christians have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. next month, but have the museum-creators forgotten what the Bible is really all about?

According to TheBlaze.com, some critics have pointed out that Jesus seems to be oddly absent from the museum’s many displays on the “history, narrative, and impact of the Bible.”

Writing for The Washington Post, Michelle Boorstein, Julie Zauzmer, and Sarah Pulliam Bailey note, “Jesus is also curiously not central to the museum’s presentation of the biblical story. Visitors walk through a multi-room saga of the Old Testament, and they can visit a re-creation of a 1st-century village in Galilee where actors will tell them what the villagers think of this controversial preacher Jesus. They can watch a movie about John the Baptist. But the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is almost absent.”

Those involved in the Museum of the Bible project, however, say they are expecting criticism from both conservatives and liberals.

“The fact that it is as broad and ecumenical and nonsectarian as it is, I think there will be criticism from the religious left and the religious right — which would mean to me that we probably got it just about right,” said board member Mark DeMoss.

Steve Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby and chair of the museum project, added, “The museum has fence posts — limits. It doesn’t overtly say the Bible is good — that the Bible is true. That’s not its role. Its role is to present facts and let people make their own decisions.”

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More fucking liberal bullshit.

midnight rambler
17th October 2017, 06:52 PM
More fucking liberal bull shit.

The truth is we don’t want to offend our good friends the Chosenites.

17th October 2017, 07:00 PM
The truth is we don’t want to offend our good friends the Chosenites.


17th October 2017, 07:51 PM
I was going to post about this...glad cheka got to it...


With the input of Jewish scholars, they added lines to the script of a film to be shown at the museum so it includes not just Protestant biblical interpretation but also more context about the development of the rabbinical Talmud.

17th October 2017, 07:57 PM
President of Hobby Lobby, Chairman of this "museum," Steve Green:


Christian, or Marrano?

These policies of this "museum" surely border on Denying the Christ.

What is Green's fascination with looting artifacts from Babylon, BTW? -



midnight rambler
17th October 2017, 09:07 PM
What a POS that Zionist Christian is.

old steel
17th October 2017, 09:18 PM
What a POS that Zionist Christian is.

Traitor piece of shit.

19th October 2017, 06:33 AM
We should pool our money and do one for The Hall Of Costs and the Role of the Jew in media and finance! We can just present the facts and let people make their own decisions!
More fucking liberal bullshit.

19th October 2017, 08:42 AM

old steel
19th October 2017, 11:37 AM
We are in a war with the godless globalist commie leftists and it is being forced upon us by the usual suspects, the Talmud toting tribe!



Imagine the riots if that sign called for aborting any group other than Christians.

19th October 2017, 03:08 PM
We are in a war with the godless globalist commie leftists and it is being forced upon us by the usual suspects, the Talmud toting tribe!

Correction: they are at war WITH US, but we aren't fighting back.

20th October 2017, 02:30 AM
Jesus is aside issue ,its the book and bits and pieces that are more important in a materialistic society.

20th October 2017, 05:00 AM
Fat fucking progressives need to be eliminated!
We are in a war with the godless globalist commie leftists and it is being forced upon us by the usual suspects, the Talmud toting tribe!



Imagine the riots if that sign called for aborting any group other than Christians.

old steel
20th October 2017, 11:31 AM
The Christ-killers are behind all of this (along with our goy politicos they bought and paid for) and are masters of deception (you have to be to have been the people who betrayed and murdered God's Son and then had the chutzpah to blame it on the Romans) and are masters of distraction e.g. "Hey goys, watch this new movie, starring George Clooney/Matt Damon, filled with anti-American memes and sodomy." "Hey goys, buy the latest shiny Jewphone 8 for your kids. It's only $1000.", etc while they have gutted and strip-mined America's jobs and wealth for the last 100 years.

And all so that they can skim the proceeds off of every transaction, bank their wealth, use America's laws/military/security to protect them, their wealth, and Israel. The kikes are not known as 'The Men Behind The Curtain' for nothing. But goyim, remember muh Holocaust.