View Full Version : URANIUMGATE: The Queen Bee Gets Stung By ‘The Putin Sting’

20th October 2017, 02:03 PM
http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/hillary_queen_bee_ben_garrison.jpg (http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/hillary_queen_bee_ben_garrison.jpg)

URANIUMGATE: The Queen Bee Gets Stung By ‘The Putin Sting’
The Clinton Crime Family Crashes & Burnshttp://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/static.politico-1-1024x555.jpg (http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/static.politico-1.jpg)
Vladimir Putin plays 5 D chess while Hillary and Bill Clinton fumble with checkersState of the Nation (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=87000)
Truly, it doesn’t get more radioactive than the Clinton’s “Uranium One” scandal now known as Uraniumgate.
This particular multi-year crime spree will be the one that finally takes down the Clinton Crime Family, once and for all.
The Back StoryThere is a critical piece of Russian history that revolves around President Bill Clinton, President Boris Yeltsin, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. That history covers the relationship between Russia and the USA throughout Clinton’s two terms.

Boris Yeltsin bore the greatest burden because of the timing of his term as President as he watched the oligarchs steal everything in sight. His well-known drinking problem and heart condition were surely the result of having to go along with the whole charade. Nevertheless, he knew that in the future stewardship of Vladimir Putin, Russia would be “protected”. For just as the vulture capitalists from both Russia and the West executed their plans (and contracts) to strip Russia bare, so, too, had an ultra-secret group of Russian patriots and nationalists, loyal politicians and government officials made an even stronger compact to take it all back … when the right time presented itself.
(Source: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=8159))
Yeltsin had nearly a decade to size up his American counterpart. Both he and Clinton were in power at virtually the exact same times. It was clear to the Russians that Clinton was purposefully installed by the Bush political dynasty to present a friendly facade. President Clinton’s handlers knew that if anyone could charm the Russians out of their vast oil and gas wealth, it was the Slick Willie.
http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Screenshot-2016-02-16-at-1.02.17-PM.png (http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Screenshot-2016-02-16-at-1.02.17-PM.png)
A young Bill Clinton sitting with his longtime partner-in-crime George H.W. Bush
There were many other cynical objectives that Deep State had in their bringing together Clinton and Yeltsin whenever they could, which are well beyond the scope of this exposé. However, only when those numerous plots and intrigues are properly considered in the aggregate does the sheer depth and breadth of the betrayal of Russia by the Clinton Administration come into stark relief.
It’s important to note that Putin was right next to Yeltsin during much of this period having served under him first as Director of the Federal Security Service, and then as the Secretary of the Security Council. Prior to those appointments, Putin was made Deputy Chief of the Presidential Property Management Department in 1996, and then Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff in 1997. Putin was appointed First Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff for regions in 1998 and Head of the Commission “for the preparation of agreements on the delimitation of power of regions and the federal center attached to the President” during the same time frame.[1]
The crucial point here is that Putin was right in the thick of things watching every move the Clinton Administration made regarding its stealthy assaults on Russian property and sovereignty. Putin’s various positions put him in the catbird seat with respect to monitoring the national energy resources that the Bush oil interests unabashedly coveted.
The bottom line is that Putin learned that Clinton moniker’s — Slick Willie — was well deserved. As a trained lawyer, he had occasion to review many of the unfair agreements and cynical understandings that emerged out of the inter-governmental relationship between the two nations, as well as those between Presidents Yeltsin and Clinton. Some of those agreements were so one-sided in the USA’s favor that they have since been torn up by Putin.
More Back Story: U.S.-led war on YugoslaviaIf there was any doubt in Putin’s mind that Bill Clinton could not be trusted for even a moment, it was dispelled by the manner in which he promoted the U.S.-led war on Yugoslavia. It’s very important to understand that it was Serbia which felt the fury and fusillade of the 1999 NATO military campaign that Clinton’s deceitfully sold to the world.
The Serbians are a Slavic people who belong, by and large, to the Christian Orthodox religion. So they have much in common with those who live in the Russian Motherland. In other words, when you attack a Serbian, you attack a Russian. Putin was right next to Yeltsin during the peak of the slaughter that the Yugoslavian war turned out to be. Again, he learned that the Clintons could never be trusted. That unlawful war of unprovoked aggression against the Serbs was actually the beginning of Cold War 2.0. Clinton’s complete lack of conscience in destroying Belgrade will never be forgotten (or forgiven) by the Kremlin.
Secretary of State ClintonWhen Hillary Clinton took her position as Secretary of State (SOS) under Obama, Putin knew there would be major international incidents deliberately engineered to maintain American hegemony. However, it appears that he underestimated the naked perfidy exhibited by the forever scheming SOS Clinton.
The illegal war against Libya, that was set up by SOS Clinton seems to have caught Putin off guard. That the brutal and illicit NATO invasion even occurred is a testament to the now-transparent deception that was employed by the State Department at the United Nations. The relevant Security Council Resolution 2016 agreed to by Russia to prevent war was ultimately used to duplicitously start one. The subsequent destruction of Libya and savage assassination of Muammar Gadaffi has haunted the Kremlin like no other diplomatic debacle in the third millennium.
Then SOS Clinton proceeded to set her sights on Syria. This time the Russians would not be caught flat-footed. In spite of watching her like a Russian bear gazes at its salmon prey, Putin ‘seems’ to have gotten tricked again. However, in this case he eventually took decisive action against the Zio-Anglo-American conspirators like never before. By destroying ISIS throughout the Northern Levant, not only did Putin prove that the Islamic State and fake caliphate were created by the CIA-directed Obama Administration, he exposed Hillary Clinton as a stone-cold genocidal maniac and war criminal.
Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’ (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=23524)
Of course, well after the apocalyptic Syrian War was well under way, there was the Ukrainian Civil War that was literally started by Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at the Maidan Square in Kiev. That Obama, Clinton, Nuland et al. would take advantage of the 2014 Winter Games to stage the Kiev coup d’état while Putin himself was defending the Olympic venue against false LGBT accusations leveled by the American press corps was just another reason to profoundly distrust Hillary.
How does an expert 5 D chess player get taken advantage of by an amateur checker player? He doesn’t!President Putin is not stupid. Nor are his exceedingly astute colleagues in the Kremlin. They know the Clinton con game like no one else on Earth. Russia faces existential threats today because of what Bill and Hillary Clinton put into motion during their respective tenures in the US government. However, the predominant Russian posture and temperament is such that they tend to give their adversaries a second chance. They are also way too trusting. But this seemingly misplaced trust always translates to the dramatic exposure of the real perps.
In the case of SOS Clinton, she chose to view the Russian generosity of spirit as weakness. In so doing, Hillary got wrapped up in a ‘little’ scandal that is now known as Uraniumgate. The real Uraniumgate is nothing like the mainstream media (MSM) present. The MSM reports are merely soundbites which are covering up a much, MUCH bigger scandal, as usual. In fact, there are very good reasons why it simply “doesn’t get more radioactive than the Clinton’s “Uranium One” scandal”.
http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/JPURANIUM4-master675-v2.jpg (http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/JPURANIUM4-master675-v2.jpg)
Who’s really laughing here?
KEY POINT: Whether Putin’s Kremlin calculated the Uraniumgate scheme to entrap both Hillary and Bill is impossible to know. What is more likely the case is that the deal evolved in a manner whereby the Russians had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Conversely, whereas the upside potential for the Clintons seemed limitless, the downside risk was equally bottomless. However, when you’re running the Clinton Foundation as a personal piggy bank, it was easy for Bill to ignore the massive exposure.
What a 5 D chess player does do remarkably well is foresee moves that no one else can imagine. Certainly Putin saw that the globalists would attempt to install Clinton in the White House, a scenario that would be utterly disastrous for Russia. In order to avert such a dire eventuality, perhaps Team Putin made their furtive moves and clandestine maneuvers toward sealing the Uranium One deal in order to preclude any future treachery by Hillary the POTUS. Knowing that such Clinton mischief would likely lead to World War III, no matter what Putin’s agents really did or did not do, they did so for the benefit of the world community of nations. Yes, that’s just the way they think in Moscow.
The crux of this thesis is this: that when a world leader acts in the best interest of the planetary civilization, he does not even think of setting up his adversaries or taking them down. He knows that the Universe will take ‘good care’ of his enemies when the time is right. Which is exactly what has happened to the Clintons. After months of screaming “The Russians are coming! ! !” … guess what? They’re finally here in the form of so much Clinton wrongdoing with regard to their dealings with Russia. What’s really behind all the fabricated anti-Russia hysteria? (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=68902)
KEY POINT: It has been a Clinton MO for decades to accuse their enemies of exactly what they themselves are guilty of. This allowed them in the past to always be on the offensive, and rarely on the defensive, even when they are guilty of so much hardcore criminal activity.[2] The incredibly sore losers on the Democratic side have levied false conspiracy charges against the Trump campaign for so long that now the country is ready to hear about the real Russian conspiracy—Uraniumgate.

UraniumgateHow in the world did Slick Willie and Crooked Hillary ever get caught with their hands in such a radioactive cookie jar?
Answer: Frank Guistra.
Were it not for Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra’s enormous donations to the Clinton Foundation the Uranium One scandal would never have blown up the way it did. As follows:
Among the Donors to the Clinton FoundationFrank Giustra
$31.3 million and a pledge for $100 million more
He built a company that later merged with Uranium One.
(Source: Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=87038))

The only way to correctly understand the true relationship between Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra is to read what the former POTUS had to say about him at a fund-raiser for the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative:

“None of this would have been possible if Frank Giustra didn’t have a remarkable combination of caring and modesty, of vision and energy and iron determination,” Mr. Clinton told those gathered, adding: “I love this guy, and you should, too.”
(Source: URANIUM ONE: Even the NYT has well documented the suspicious cash flows to the Clinton Foundation (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=87038))
The $64,000 question is how did the ex-prez and Frank Giustra ever get hooked up in the first place.
In addition to being a global mining magnate whose company had tentacles in major metal and ore deals in countries from Kazakhstan to Columbia, Giustra is also the founder of Lionsgate now known as “Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation”. The American, Canadian-domiciled film production and distribution company is responsible for some of the most successful political documentaries in U.S. history, all of them serving the Left’s agenda until recently. This feat is particularly noteworthy since documentaries are rarely a rewarding financial investment.
Mr. Giustra is also a major player in the Canadian philanthropic community, in addition to the unparalleled donations he made to The Clinton Foundation. However, there’s one recurring issue that has arisen about some of his Canada-based charitable organizations.
http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Screen-Shot-2017-10-19-at-7.15.33-PM.png (http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Screen-Shot-2017-10-19-at-7.15.33-PM.png)
Bill Clinton, Frank Giustra and children attended to by The Radcliffe Foundation
Why does The Radcliffe Foundation project founded Frank Giustra’s use the pedophilia logo? (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=87054)
Now that’s a question, the answer to which, can only be found within the Russian intel community. It’s a well-known fact that the Russian intelligence agencies keep a very close track on all international pedophilia operations. That’s why Putin unilaterally terminated all adoptions by American citizens; he knew the Russian children could end up just about anywhere.
The most alarming possibility here is that Giustra is the covert kingpin of the Canadian franchise of Pedogate. And that all of the unusual (and mammoth) deals that he was able to negotiate with Clinton in tow around the globe were facilitated by this little data point. There is a growing body of evidence that points directly to a well organized conspiracy that set the Clintons up, much of which they were completely unaware of. This is exactly how a CIA black op works—you’re only told what you absolutely need to know within the context of a highly compartmentalized operation.
PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A. (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=68600)
The Putin StingThere’s really only one way to understand this extremely complex and convoluted sting operation aimed at the Clintons. In order to comprehend how the Clinton’s crossover criminal enterprise (State Department & Clinton Foundation) was implemented at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government, it must be viewed through the lens of a C.I.A. black operation.
The Clinton Foundation: A Typical ‘CIA-Directed NGO’ That Is Completely Above The Law (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=45349)
Because Putin is a former KGB agent, as well as ex-Director of the Federal Security Service, he knows exactly how the spooks think. The Clinton’s problem is that they were unaware that they were being set up … by agents both foreign and domestic. This is where the plot really thickens.
What is of paramount significance to apprehend, however, is that Putin himself did not even have to set a trap. The Clintons’ avarice and proclivity to swindle served to set a trap for themselves. All Russia did was pursue a national strategy which demanded the strict control a vital asset — uranium. Toward that end, the Russian state endeavored to take control of Uranium One, which they did. All the details of the various transactions are documented well by the MSM, and have not been refuted by either Clinton a single time. In other words, the evidence available in the public domain indicates that they were caught red-handed, and protected by the F.B.I. throughout the entire crime spree and its coverup, while rogue elements within the C.I.A. were running interference with Clinton foes.
KEY POINT: The Clintons were drawn into the plot not only by Hillary’s statutory responsibilities at the Department of State, Bill’s close relationship with Giustra was way too convenient not to exploit to the max. There was simply no way that Bill and his friend Frank would not get involved in the deal of a lifetime irrespective of the looming liabilities. Which begs the question again: Just who is Frank Giustra?
Russia Smear CampaignIt should now be clear why the CIA-controlled media has launched the most aggressive smear campaign in modern history against Putin’s Russia. Not only is the U.S. Intelligence Community deeply involved in every aspect of the Uranium One deal, they are directly responsible for pulling the plug on Hillary’s election prospects. Therefore, they had no choice but to cast the blame on outside forces that were powerful enough to tip the election outcome. Russia was the only state actor that had sufficient motive and influence.
But why would the C.I.A. sabotage their own political asset—an NWO globalist beholden to her Committee of 300 masters as much as Manchurian Candidate Obama was? Because the Illuminati decision-makers need and want war—World War! The totally fake news about Russian hacking and meddling in the 2016 election is essentially a false flag psyop. Its explicit purpose is to generate fear and loathing toward Russia.
The Untold Back Story Behind The Nonstop Fake News About Russia (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=58492)
For decades now Russia has served as the global boogeyman that the statists have used to unite the American people against. In this specific regard, the Cold War was fastidiously manufactured in order to socially engineer millions of Americans to hate all things Russian. This was purposeful deception has been reinforced by both government and corporate entities, as well as by chosen operatives throughout civil society.
The end goal of this chapter of the famous Great Game is to wage war against the Russian Motherland to conquer the nation and, once again, subjugate the people. In this way, the Western predatory capitalists and banksters hope to steal the vast wealth of natural resources and industrial base. They also desire to abscond with highly advanced weapon technologies that only Russia possesses. Some of the most powerful satellite-based weaponry renders the U.S. Navy obsolete.
In light of the perceived necessity to initiate the hot phase of World War III, the taking down of the Clinton clan is practically nothing to the cabal. Whenever it concerns the incitement of a new Bolshevik Revolution, whether in Russia or the USA, the globalists will use everything and everyone within their grasp. The fact that 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution is also quite significant in the timing of so many unprecedented, inscrutable and tumultuous events, especially the unrelenting “Russian scare” campaign.
The Las Vegas mass shooting and Harvey Weinstein takedown also fit this pattern. Many are still trying to figure out why a 2nd Hurricane Harvey was unleashed in 2017 knowing that it would cause HARVEYGEDDON.

KEY POINT: If they can crush a guy like Harvey Weinstein,
they can annihilate anyone, anytime, anywhere. They chose
Harvey because he’s the biggest and the baddest of them all.
Sure, there are those who are more powerful than Weinstein,
but he’s the most notorious of the Hollywood power-brokers.
Now everyone has seen how vulnerable they are to being
HARVEYed, should they leave the Purple Revolutionreservation. There was no better way to deliver the message. And especially that no one is indispensable, and everyone is perishable as far as “Bolshevik” revolutions go.
(Source: This is why they took down Harvey Weinstein (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=86592))
ConclusionFor the protection of Mother Russia, Putin knew that the Clintons must be deposed from the American government—forever. The rapacious oligarchs during the Yeltsin era were greatly empowered by the Clinton Administration, just as the seditious traitors in Moscow during Hillary’s term at State were supported in their failed attempt to overthrow Putin. Both Clintons had proved themselves to be extremely dangerous to the Russian people.
Because of Russia’s special destiny during this pivotal moment of world history, the forces of light have clearly collaborated to safeguard Russia at every perilous turn of events. Concurrently, the forces of darkness — both wittingly and unwittingly — have conspired to weave a web of criminal intrigue and corrupt machinations so dense that even the Clintons cannot not extricate themselves from it.
Hence, “The Putin Sting” was not really a scheme cooked up in the bowels of the Kremlin; rather, it was a spontaneous series of Russian business transactions and American governmental actions that were deliberately exploited by the Clinton Crime Family. In other words, the Clintons stung themselves to death, and it was the Queen Bee — Hillary –who delivered her own deadly sting to their multi-decade criminal enterprise.
State of the Nation (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=87000)
October 19, 2017
Editor’s Note
The ongoing Clinton crime wave goes way back to the still-unsolved serial murders in Arkansas notoriously known as ARKANCIDE. (See: SHOCKING CLINTON CRIMES EXPOSED: Just when you thought you heard it all! (Must View Video (http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/10/shocking-clinton-crimes-exposed-just-when-you-thought-you-heard-it-all-must-view-video/).
[1] Vladimir Putin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin)
[2] Who is the real source of all the anti-Russian propaganda? (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=68132)
Recommended Reading
Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=22223)


21st October 2017, 06:06 AM
