View Full Version : Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco

20th October 2017, 08:45 PM
Does placing a 'no valuables inside' sign in a car window deter break-ins?

Car burglaries are at epidemic levels in San Francisco
By Mike Moffitt, SFGATE Updated 9:18 am, Friday, October 20, 2017


Is a sign like this one likely to discourage thieves from breaking into your car or truck? Some Reddit users who park their vehicles on San Francisco streets say it does. (Photo used with permission of Reddit user Cyberpatrolunit.) Photo: Cyberpatrolunit/Reddit

18 OF 23Other California cities made it onto the "hot spot" list:

22. Visalia-Porterville area
2,108 thefts
458.4 thefts per 100,000 people

IMAGE 1 OF 23 Is a sign like this one likely to discourage thieves from breaking into your car or truck? Some Reddit users who park their vehicles on San Francisco streets say it does.

In San Francisco, where no automobile parked on the street is immune from glass-smashing thieves, some people have taken to posting signs on car windows announcing that there are no valuables inside.

The hope, of course, is that a thief will read the notice and decide: "Huh. No valuables in this one.I guess I'll break into some other car."

On Tuesday, a Reddit user posted a photo of such a sign and posed the question "Do you think it works?" to the Reddit community. A lively debate ensued.

"Sounds a lot like something that someone with valuables in their car would say," wrote a skeptical Maddox83a.
But iamthewaffler disagreed, citing personal experience.

"It's strong signaling that works VERY well," the commenter wrote. "The intended victim for thefts from cars are people who are from out of town, other "safer" parts of SF, etc who don't know that certain areas are very prone to car break-ins. If you have bothered to print out a sign and put it in your window, that shows you know exactly what neighborhood you're in and the chances of anything valuable being in your car are extremely low.

"These are crimes of opportunity, and if you simply let the would-be thief know that you're from this part of town and aware of the danger, they'll pass right by.
San Francisco Crime Statistics 2017

We broke down San Francisco crime data by neighborhood based on 2017 data.

"Source: my BMW was broken into 6-8 times in 2011-2013 in my neighborhood where I parked it nightly, and has been broken into zero times since 2013 when I started putting a sign in my window."

Several people on the thread had their doubts.

"Maybe they just know your car by now. ;)," cracked timewast3r.

One thing for sure, car break-ins are no joke in San Francisco.

About 85 vehicles are reported to have been broken into every day in the city, according to SFPD data for this year. That includes only cars whose owners reported the crime. The actual figure is doubtlessly higher.

This year a total of 17,970 vehicle break-ins were reported from Jan. 1 to July 31, a 28 percent increase over the same period in 2016. In August, a police shakeup eliminated a citywide task force focused on the epidemic in favor of assigning dozens more cops to walk neighborhood beats.

The effectiveness of that measure has yet to be determined.

A few Reddit users suggested that car owners forget about the sign and simply leave the car doors unlocked. But that prompted stories of homeless people sleeping in vehicles overnight, doing drugs and/or having sex in them, and even using backseats as a toilet.

Other recommendations included:
—Leaving your car a mess inside and out to discourage thieves. Place cardboard over floor carpeting or leave storage boxes of junk on top of seats folded down.
—Leave the glove compartment and center consoles open (take the bulb out if the glovebox light stays on).
—Get rid of your car and just use Lyft, Uber and BART.

One Reddit user said he had tried the sign ploy with no success. He wrote that his vehicle had been burglarized 10 times in the past 30 months. We reached out to the San Francisco Police Department for opinions on these methods, but had not heard back by the time of publication.

William Gee, an insurance agent with AAA in San Francisco, said the best protection against break-ins is to carry comprehensive coverage with a low deductible — $50 or $100 — even on older cars that don't have collision insurance. He noted that making a comprehensive claim, say on a broken window, would not raise your premium as a collision claim would.

But Reddit user design_1987 says the sign is the way to go.

"This works imo. I've seen vehicles in my neighborhood with (the) signs remain untouched for years while others get broken into right next to theirs. Saw this happen a few times so from my own personal experience it seems to be working. Again, its not a guarantee!"


20th October 2017, 09:02 PM
I haven't been to Sodomcisco since 2006. It is a great mystery to me why anyone would live in that shit hole...for any salary...and why corporations stay there...plenty of open space in the Central Valley. Must be shit holes attract coprophiles.

21st October 2017, 06:39 AM
Looks more and more like a jungle every day

21st October 2017, 10:32 AM
I haven't been to Sodomcisco since 2006. It is a great mystery to me why anyone would live in that shit hole...for any salary...and why corporations stay there...plenty of open space in the Central Valley. Must be shit holes attract coprophiles.

Look at all the wonderful people having good clean wholesome fun, San Fran style.


San Fran: Literally a Cesspool—Urine a Problem in City
August 9, 2015 By Stephen Frank 5 Comments

In 1964 during the Goldwater presidential election conservatives had a joke about San Fran. It went like this, “maybe we could cut off San Francisco and let it RECEDE from the union.” San Fran is a city tolerant of “sex, drugs, rock and roll” along with theft of private property, high taxes and a government worthy of Chicago.

The city has put porta-potties on the streets for the homeless. Lamp posts are now collapsing, due to humans and dogs peeing on them. This city smells—economically, philosophically as well as in reality.

“This year, Hizzoner has ramped up public restroom access. Newly staffed Pit Stop public toilets have decreased requests for sidewalk steam cleaning in the Tenderloin. They’ve put a pissoir in Dolores Park. The mayor has budgeted more money for Department of Public Works cleanup crews and for housing to improve the lot of 500 homeless families at a time. The new Navigation Center in the Mission has drawn chronic homeless who resisted programs because they refused to part with their pets and possessions. Last year, the board of supervisors adopted a version of Laura’s Law that allows authorities to compel the mentally ill to accept outpatient treatment. Still, Lee warned, better bathroom facilities won’t necessarily change the habits of street people who “can’t even make a rational decision because they’re so drugged out.”

The “drugs”are the cause of the smell? No, the city tolerance of Leftists politics, crime and allowing criminals on the streets—that is the cause. Government is always the cause.
20111117 california toilet

Stench and the City: SF’s Summer of Urine
Debra J. Saunders, Townhall, 8/9/15

How bad is the urine situation in San Francisco? This is not a joke: Monday night, a light pole corroded by urine collapsed and crashed onto a car, narrowly missing the driver. The smell is worse than I have known since I started working for The Chronicle in 1992. It hits your nose on the BART escalator before you reach Market Street. That sour smell can bake for blocks where street people sleep wrapped in dirty blankets. I talked to Mayor Ed Lee and rode around with police to find out what can be done to clean up San Francisco.

Why does the city stink so? With the drought there has been less rain to wash away the city’s sins. Prosperity has produced a building boom — so there are fewer vacant spaces where the homeless can burrow.

I asked Lee Wednesday why other cities seem so much cleaner than San Francisco. “I think they enjoy serious winters,” Lee answered — cold weather can drive street people to easier climates. Ess Eff doesn’t have really cold weather: “We’re a year-round attraction for various lifestyles.”

Lee said things I didn’t think I’d hear a San Francisco mayor ever say. Like: “I do think that people are being somewhat more irresponsible.” (Remember:
The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it exists.) And: “It’s not so much the urination,” but “historic levels of drug use.”
Changes in California law and policy mean that offenses that once rated as felonies are now misdemeanors. Police can’t lock up drug users as they once did. Prisons and jails are releasing inmates who, Lee added, haven’t worked through their “bad habits.”

This year, Hizzoner has ramped up public restroom access. Newly staffed Pit Stop public toilets have decreased requests for sidewalk steam cleaning in the Tenderloin. They’ve put a pissoir in Dolores Park. The mayor has budgeted more money for Department of Public Works cleanup crews and for housing to improve the lot of 500 homeless families at a time. The new Navigation Center in the Mission has drawn chronic homeless who resisted programs because they refused to part with their pets and possessions. Last year, the board of supervisors adopted a version of Laura’s Law that allows authorities to compel the mentally ill to accept outpatient treatment. Still, Lee warned, better bathroom facilities won’t necessarily change the habits of street people who “can’t even make a rational decision because they’re so drugged out.”

I saw proof of the street drug problem later that morning as I went for a ride with San Francisco Police Lt. Mike Nevin and Sgt. Joe McCloskey who patrol the homeless beat. We had traveled one whole block when we came across a couple passed out in an alleyway with a small pack of dogs — one was their dog, two belonged to a friend. The woman said they’d been living at a nearby homeless hotel, but got evicted for failure to pay a week’s rent. I saw caps from syringes and small plastic bags used for heroin. A Homeless Outreach Team soon arrived to see what services the couple needed. A Department of Public Works truck came to pick up unattended mattresses, blankets and backpacks.

Later we drove to King Street, to a stretch of unused road turned homeless encampment. Enterprising street people had hooked into electricity — there were dozens of cords plugged into power strips; someone had tampered with a fire hydrant for water (but now city workers say it has to be fixed before it can be used to put out a fire). There were couches, expensive-looking tents and piles of refuse. I saw a Vespa and at least a dozen bicycles. Spying a cache of bike frames, McCloskey suspects a chop shop. Another officer opines, “If you are a drug addict, you are going to come to San Francisco.”

Across an overpass, I see new condos — a two-bedroom unit is for sale for $1.5 million. As the city gets smellier and scarier, I wonder, how many suckers can one city find to pay that kind of money in a neighborhood so clearly on the edge?

By now, most of the two-dozen or so King Street squatters have taken off. Two remaining, still packing up stuff, tell me they have spent a month there. A man named Brian from New Orleans says he came to San Francisco four years ago. He spent three days on King Street. “I love the city.” Of course, he does.

“All we are really is a nuisance to them,” McCloskey says. Later he tells me, he’s great at clearing blocks, but that only moves the homeless to a different place.

I have just finished reading a June 2015 U.C. Berkeley Law School Clinic report, “Punishing the Poorest: How the Criminalization of Homelessness Perpetuates Poverty in San Francisco.” The authors maintain that San Francisco “is responding to homelessness with a punitive fist.” Punitive? As in tough?

The report cites laws against overnight camping and lying on public sidewalks, as well as drug possession or alcohol consumption in public places. Such laws are Jim Crow 2015, according to the report; the term “quality of life” is an “offensive misnomer” that works against “poor people, people of color, and homeless people who are disproportionately impacted by these laws.” In short, if street people are self-destructive and anti-social, it’s because of the police.

I have to laugh because Lt. Nevin sounds like a social worker. He makes a lot of the same points as the Berkeley report. You can’t expect drug addicts to get clean without providing housing first, he says. And: “It doesn’t do any good to cite somebody and then run into them a week later and cite them again.” He wants more resources, like the Navigation Center, which take the time needed to steer the chronic homeless into the right programs.

There’s one point in the U.C. Berkeley report that does strike a chord — the argument that many SFPD actions just don’t work. Move a homeless man, and he just goes elsewhere, not into housing. The cycle of citations doesn’t work because street people don’t pay fines. Take away someone’s driver license for not paying fines and he or she can’t get to work. Arresting drug users is futile, I gather, because misdemeanors mean little more than a short stint in jail — hours maybe. Report ethnographer Chris Herring interviewed homeless people who told him arrests were turnaround events that resulted in, maybe, a night in jail, if that. At most, a weekend.

“I do find it cruel to say it’s unacceptable to camp in San Francisco,” Herring told me over the phone. On principle, I have no problem with police citing street people for squatting on and trashing public spaces. That’s vandalism. But if citations don’t work, that bothers me. Maybe there are things SFPD should be doing less, because they don’t work. Or things they should do more to improve — I’ll say it — San Francisco’s “quality of life.” If you think “quality of life” is a slur, you’re part of the problem.

San Francisco is an affluent and vibrant city. It shouldn’t smell like stale piss.