View Full Version : Trump Draining the Swamp: Flake Quits Because He Can't Take Trump

Stop Making Cents
24th October 2017, 03:03 PM

Mccain, Mcconnel, and Flake have a circle jerk bashing Trump and praising Flake

24th October 2017, 06:17 PM
Running.. or using walkers, they can't hide.

Best show on Earth.

24th October 2017, 10:11 PM
just watched blood thirsty ziocuck linsee gram interview on fox -- he praised chump the whole interview. chump/bannon have them by the ballz

25th October 2017, 02:18 AM
just watched blood thirsty ziocuck linsee gram interview on fox -- he praised chump the whole interview. chump/bannon have them by the ballz

I get the impression THEY ARE AFRAID NOW. very afraid. As in their DAY of RECKONING is approaching, and they kind of know that all the shit they have done may be put on the table, but if they start behaving really nicely Chump almighty MIGHT even save them, at least somewhat! LOL

25th October 2017, 06:51 AM
Flake is flaking before the scandal forces him out.

No one is "afraid" of Trump.

25th October 2017, 07:20 AM
That's funny, before Trump was elected none of this stuff was happening. While what you say may be true I'm thinking at least some of this has to do with Trump pushing some buttons somewhere.
Flake is flaking before the scandal forces him out.

No one is "afraid" of Trump.

25th October 2017, 07:53 AM
That's funny, before Trump was elected none of this stuff was happening.There was no reason to stage them with Obamastein in office.
While what you say may be true I'm thinking at least some of this has to do with Trump pushing some buttons somewhere.There are plenty of buttons being pushed from somewhere, and these staged swamp drainings are a fine example of them.

25th October 2017, 07:56 AM
I can't disagree with any of this! We all have to wait and see what plays out. We all have our theories but honestly, know knows what's going ion in the swamp these days?
There was no reason to stage them with Obamastein in office. There are plenty of buttons being pushed from somewhere, and these staged swamp drainings are a fine example of them.

25th October 2017, 08:11 AM
We all have to wait and see what plays out. The purpose of controlled opposition is to have us "wait and see" instead of action.

25th October 2017, 08:12 AM
I'm always in favor of taking action. How should we begin?
The purpose of controlled opposition is to have us "wait and see" instead of action.

25th October 2017, 10:45 AM
I'm always in favor of taking action. How should we begin?You're always in favor of violence. Action means actively waking up the teevee addled masses.

25th October 2017, 11:35 AM
You're always in favor of violence. Action means actively waking up the teevee addled masses.Yep , calling for violence is huge for him/her..Sorta like a fisherman using bait to hook a big one. Just like a fed sting op would do! At this time violence will do nothing for any agenda, unless the masses are really fed up with the current system and all else has failed. At this time, tho times seem sorta ripe, no way it can/would work other than set the majority against the one calling for violence, to the determent to all that do not like the system at hand.

So this one could be a alphabet operator fishing to fish for the stupid ones that they could catch and put away.

Just saying


Guys I have never said I like the system, I just do not agree with whatever systems you want to replace the current one with other than a constitutional democracy for all that believe the same, despite religion/creed nor race. People are people.

Which I know goes cross wise with most here, but calling for violence is at this time seems like a fed thing, fishing..


25th October 2017, 11:36 AM
Flake is flaking before the scandal forces him out.

No one is "afraid" of Trump.

Many are afraid of Trump, being successful

25th October 2017, 11:46 AM
History has shown, we as humans are lovers of war, there has been a balance for the last 70 or so years of relative peace in a general world view, except large and small bush wars.

Many here , wish to upset the teapot , good for you, but be prepared to reap what you sow, which your kids or their kids fighting and dying for what you sow now.

Funny thing about us humans, we never seem to see what we do locally effects what happens on a global stage and scale .

And that my friends is sumpthing none of us can prepare for, because there will be more of them than us on the local level. What happens when you run out of ammo and they will still be coming? Better to be with the majority when that happens, you may still have kids that live beyond you.

Anything else = Major B.G.D.A.D. (Blood,guts,death, and destruction)

25th October 2017, 12:21 PM
I would love to see the Bush criminal cartel implicated in this conspiracy

Ted Malloch on BBC: FusionGPS dossier paid for by Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

25th October 2017, 12:26 PM
Many here , wish to upset the teapot , good for you, but be prepared to reap what you sow, which your kids or their kids fighting and dying for what you sow now.

Seriously? No one here has absolutely no influence whatsoever on world politics, nor national and probably very little local. We don't sow a fucking thing, but pretty much every post you dedicate to wishing misery on this membership, because we have opinions that are different from the mainstream politics, that you are an ardent supporter of, brought to you by CNN, and has brought us to the brink of the end of the world several times since the end of WWII, and made the unproductive bloodsucking banker elite rich beyond reality, and everyone else far poorer. Not only should the white working man support the Jewish bankster elite, but he is also responsible for the livelihood of every other minority who can't support themselves, and as a thank you he is spat upon.

Any time any member has tried to seriously debate you, you have scurried off, indignant huffing and puffing, with the tale between the legs, saying something along the lines that you have no interest in engaging in a discussion.

Really why are you here Dogman? You are clearly not happy in our company, and despite your constant assertions that it was better before, I and probably most other here remember you as a miserable cunt back then as well, who [drumroll] had nothing but contempt for the current membership, and longed back to the good old days of a higher quality membership. I bet you have been a miserable cunt all your life, and the thing is you get even more miserable when drunk, plus you lose the ability to spell anything, and you lose all concept of context...

old steel
25th October 2017, 12:37 PM
The masses will never wake up.

Revert back to Vietnam, those young folks that fought and died for nothing never had a chance, they were drafted.

Either be conscripted or go to prison.

When they came back they were spit upon by Americans because of the slant the MSM put on their service.

Fast forward to any other false flag event i don't care, Ok bombing, any of the mass shooting events to 9/11 and beyond.

If 9/11 didn't waken the masses, nothing will.


We are in Yo-yo time.

Your on your own.

25th October 2017, 12:39 PM
I do respectively disagre!

Time will prove who is right!


25th October 2017, 12:41 PM
The masses will never wake up.

Revert back to Vietnam, those young folks that fought and died for nothing never had a chance, they were drafted.

Either be conscripted or go to prison.

When they came back they were spit upon by Americans because of the slant the MSM put on their service.

Fast forward to any other false flag event i don't care, Ok bombing, any of the mass shooting events to 9/11 and beyond.

If 9/11 didn't waken the masses, nothing will.


We are in Yo-yo time.

Your on your own.it is not the occurrence of the event that wakes (or puts to sleep), it is the presentation of it. That's where our action is needed.

25th October 2017, 12:45 PM
it is not the occurrence of the event that wakes (or puts to sleep), it is the presentation of it. That's where our action is needed.

Been years, but dam man, closest you have been near being right!

But wrong in your core in general!


old steel
25th October 2017, 01:26 PM
People don't want to know because knowing requires action on their part, not gonna happen.

Much easier to turn on MSM and agree, requires no action.

Oh, but we can dream....



25th October 2017, 01:35 PM
Seriously? No one here has absolutely no influence whatsoever on world politics, nor national and probably very little local. We don't sow a fucking thing, but pretty much every post you dedicate to wishing misery on this membership, because we have opinions that are different from the mainstream politics, that you are an ardent supporter of, brought to you by CNN, and has brought us to the brink of the end of the world several times since the end of WWII, and made the unproductive bloodsucking banker elite rich beyond reality, and everyone else far poorer. Not only should the white working man support the Jewish bankster elite, but he is also responsible for the livelihood of every other minority who can't support themselves, and as a thank you he is spat upon.

Any time any member has tried to seriously debate you, you have scurried off, indignant huffing and puffing, with the tale between the legs, saying something along the lines that you have no interest in engaging in a discussion.

Really why are you here Dogman? You are clearly not happy in our company, and despite your constant assertions that it was better before, I and probably most other here remember you as a miserable cunt back then as well, who [drumroll] had nothing but contempt for the current membership, and longed back to the good old days of a higher quality membership. I bet you have been a miserable cunt all your life, and the thing is you get even more miserable when drunk, plus you lose the ability to spell anything, and you lose all concept of context... Maybe because I was here from the beginning along with other good people, but I may be one of the last survivors of the NORMAL REAL people on this of this forum. But also I also do not care with the way gov here is run, along with most here.

But I do disagree on how to change the system that most here want.

YOU are not a citizen here, your opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one but being not from this country and probably never will your opinion, to me is and are shit.

Before you others say left ,I am independent, but can both sides and can agree with both sides politically when it comes to the middle.

Neuro, I have always enjoyed your posts but not so much in trying to act like one hat lives here in my country. In that I will lump you along with the russians and other shitheads that try to fuck with the nation I call home..




But for dam sure you are not my type nor a woman with a brain for sex..for mutual fun and games..


25th October 2017, 01:43 PM
People don't want to know because knowing requires action on their part, not gonna happen.

Much easier to turn on MSM and agree, requires no action.

Oh, but we can dream....


9385 Many ways you are right, most people live in bubbles, that are made up of family/jobs and close friends. Period !

If it aint local they really do not give a flying crap nor hoo hoo.

Only when sumpthin effects them personally that most people will start giving a flying crap and looking above the muck of their personal bubbles.

Major truth, that some can see but most idiots can not see.