View Full Version : Wait! There's More Swamp Draining in the House! "The Job Isn't Fun Anymore" bc Trump

Stop Making Cents
24th October 2017, 03:16 PM
Globalist Romney Nut-hugger Paul Ryan is losing a lot of fellow globalist companions in the House


Paul Ryan’s governing caucus is dwindling.
A number of the speaker's closest comrades in the House have called it quits in recent weeks because they're tired of President Donald Trump's antics, depressed over the GOP's dearth of legislative accomplishments this year or have personal reasons. Whatever the causes, the departures are certain to make Ryan's job as House speaker harder, depriving him of loyal lieutenants in a conference already riven by ideological and stylistic divisions

Rep. Pat Tiberi, a loyal ally of Ryan, is the latest departure. The Ohio Republican announced Thursday that he will resign by the end of January to take a job in the private sector

Tiberi will hardly be the last to leave, multiple House GOP sources say.

Lawmakers have grown increasingly frustrated with Trump’s penchant for drama and inability to focus on the legislative agenda, numerous House GOP lawmakers and staffers said. While Trump and most Republican voters blame Congress for nothing substantial getting done, GOP lawmakers are privately exasperated that they don’t have a coherent leader who can help them deliver.
That’s part of what drove Republican Rep. Dave Trott to announce he'd head back to Michigan once his current term ends. Trott stood up at a late July House Republican Conference meeting to complain that the White House was so distracted by the scandal enveloping Anthony Scaramucci at the time that Trump failed to help the Senate pass its Obamacare repeal bill.
Six weeks later, after the health care repeal collapsed in the upper chamber, Trott announced his retirement.

One recently departed House staffer had this to say about the challenges of legislating in the era of Trump: “The job isn't fun anymore. You get beat up in D.C. for everything Trump says or does, only to go home to get beat up for not defending Trump enough by the base. It's brutal.”
The flurry of retirements could create additional headaches for Ryan, who has to scramble for votes to get must-passed legislation over the finish line as it is. Conservatives often balk at bills to fund the government or raise the debt ceiling, forcing the speaker to turn to more moderate or pragmatic members for support.
If those lawmakers keep dropping, Ryan might have to twist more arms.

More traditional Republicans also worry that Trump will upend their carefully laid plans. The president keeps insisting, for instance, that he wants a bipartisan tax bill when GOP leaders have been writing a partisan one. He also ended Obamacare subsidy payments to insurance companies, injecting uncertainty into health care markets. And he cut off work permits for undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors.

24th October 2017, 04:20 PM
Blame Trump for their faggotry.
That is a good one.

24th October 2017, 04:27 PM
Blame Trump for their faggotry.
That is a good one.

I'm really enjoying watching the RINOs announce that they'll not seeking re-election. Jeff Flake announced today that he won't seek re-election. Recent polls showed he didn't have a chance anyway as Kelli Ward has him by double digits.

24th October 2017, 06:13 PM
If you can speed read these articles they have a complete different meaning than as posted.

24th October 2017, 06:33 PM
It seems whatever he is doing it's working...

24th October 2017, 08:30 PM
Some of the swamp creatures are getting out now while the gettin' is good....or so they think!

25th October 2017, 06:42 AM
Anytime a politician wants out due to other reasons; family, retiring, health etc., they figure it's a good opportunity to stage a "swamp draining" to make Trumpstein look good.
Do you guys really fall for it?

25th October 2017, 06:46 AM
Anytime a politician wants out due to other reasons; family, retiring, health etc., they figure it's a good opportunity to stage a "swamp draining" to make Trumpstein look good.
Do you guys really fall for it?

Lack of discernment is a chronic mental health ailment.

This swampcreature infests the White House, with Trump's blessing. There are many others.


old steel
25th October 2017, 09:57 AM