View Full Version : Storm clouds gathering, where will the lightening strike?

old steel
24th October 2017, 09:46 PM
"Two main narratives seem to be emerging, both disastrous for Obama or Clinton.

Narrative #1 - illegal spying on US citizens, FISA & the Steele Dossier.

Narrative #2 - giving Putin access to the US uranium market for cash, via Uranium One."


https://tttthreads.com/thread/923004073355309056 (https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/923004073355309056)

25th October 2017, 12:06 AM
Hate to say this, but these two main narratives can be taken care of and wiped off the map as being real problems for Obama and Clinton if the Deep State Swamp is still alive and well as it appears to be.

There is also the threat of war, and maybe a nuclear war, starting witn probably North Korea. That moves to number one concern for all.

There is the threat of total economic collapse, and maybe worldwide collapse. That could move to number one concern too.

Deep State operative Mueller is busy now "investigating" John Podesta which is probably simply a mop-up operation whereby his deep state buddy, Podesta, will some how be magically made to look clean and innocent, taking care of Uranium One and PedoGate all at once.

How about another major False Flag event or weather event thrown in for good measure.

Obama and Clinton can look like small fry after all these other things are injected.

Always remember that the Bush family and the Clintons are the main evil doers over the last several decades and Obama is on a lower rung. Drug and gun running and assassinating JFK began big-time with Daddy BushFraud as the main evil doer in all this crime. Recent photos of 93 year old BushFraud make it look like he is being pumped up with steroids and Lord knows what to keep him alive for Lord knows what reason -- face very Cushingoid.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6RGMgQYwyMKyFCyonesC9hT9oQcryb EP7r8NSAaVKFEmBzcwC5A

Saint Jude, pray for us.

25th October 2017, 02:08 AM
Uraniumgate- Clinton/Obama
Kennedy murders- Bush/Reagan

This unraveling could make Trump look like the best president ever...

Nice photo of poppy above! I am happy that he looks as healthy and vigorous as he does, it is well deserved, and may he be in this state eternally.

25th October 2017, 04:57 AM
That's the face of Satan!
Hate to say this, but these two main narratives can be taken care of and wiped off the map as being real problems for Obama and Clinton if the Deep State Swamp is still alive and well as it appears to be.

There is also the threat of war, and maybe a nuclear war, starting witn probably North Korea. That moves to number one concern for all.

There is the threat of total economic collapse, and maybe worldwide collapse. That could move to number one concern too.

Deep State operative Mueller is busy now "investigating" John Podesta which is probably simply a mop-up operation whereby his deep state buddy, Podesta, will some how be magically made to look clean and innocent, taking care of Uranium One and PedoGate all at once.

How about another major False Flag event or weather event thrown in for good measure.

Obama and Clinton can look like small fry after all these other things are injected.

Always remember that the Bush family and the Clintons are the main evil doers over the last several decades and Obama is on a lower rung. Drug and gun running and assassinating JFK began big-time with Daddy BushFraud as the main evil doer in all this crime. Recent photos of 93 year old BushFraud make it look like he is being pumped up with steroids and Lord knows what to keep him alive for Lord knows what reason -- face very Cushingoid.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6RGMgQYwyMKyFCyonesC9hT9oQcryb EP7r8NSAaVKFEmBzcwC5A

Saint Jude, pray for us.

25th October 2017, 06:29 AM
Kennedy murders- Bush/Reagan

I don't think Reagan had anything to do with JFK. In fact, Ronnie was supposed to follow JFK as the next assassinated President, but Poppy Bush's plan didn't work out so well.

25th October 2017, 08:04 AM
I don't think Reagan had anything to do with JFK. In fact, Ronnie was supposed to follow JFK as the next assassinated President, but Poppy Bush's plan didn't work out so well.

Neither do I, I see Reagan more as Bush front esp after the assassination attempt, he was controlled since then, as Obama was Clinton front, mostly because he was weak...

25th October 2017, 08:12 AM
Neither do I, I see Reagan more as Bush front esp after the assassination attempt, he was controlled since then, as Obama was Clinton front, mostly because he was weak...

per neuro -- "Kennedy murders- Bush/Reagan"

I too interpreted that to imply Reagan had something to do with Kennedy murders which is incorrect.

Also remember Daddy BushFraud attempted to have Reagan assassinated with Hinkley family friend. Do not know if that was a real, but failed, attempt to knock off Reagan or if it was deliberately failed just to get better control over Reagan.

25th October 2017, 08:13 AM
Reagan took one in the chest. I think they tried to kill him and failed
per neuro -- "Kennedy murders- Bush/Reagan"

I too interpreted that to imply Reagan had something to do with Kennedy murders which is incorrect.

Also remember Daddy BushFraud attempted to have Reagan assassinated with Hinkley family friend. Do not know if that was a real, but failed, attempt to knock off Reagan or if it was deliberately failed just to get better control over Reagan.

old steel
25th October 2017, 11:04 AM
Emails Confirm: Obama DOJ Funneled Big Bank Settlement Money To Liberal Groups - The Daily Caller


25th October 2017, 11:54 AM
per neuro -- "Kennedy murders- Bush/Reagan"

I too interpreted that to imply Reagan had something to do with Kennedy murders which is incorrect.

Also remember Daddy BushFraud attempted to have Reagan assassinated with Hinkley family friend. Do not know if that was a real, but failed, attempt to knock off Reagan or if it was deliberately failed just to get better control over Reagan.

I can see that I confused people with this. In reality, after the shooting Reagan was a puppet to Vice President GHWB and his Cabal of. I was more interested in connecting the dynasties chronologically.

And further I don't think Obama was very much connected with Uraniumgate, he just allowed it to happen, probably because he was afraid of the Clintons. Essentially if Trump bring down these two dynasties, he'll also bring down 36 years of political domination by two crime syndicates that really have united against the American people.

25th October 2017, 12:20 PM
The big news of today about the "dossier" is that the DNC and Hildebeast paid for it, but that is only partial information.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch thinks the FBI made payments also for the dossier and they are all the way to the appellate court trying to get the records but they are being stonewalled beyond belief.


JW President Tom Fitton: 'We are being stonewalled' over FBI Involvement on Trump Dossier
Judicial Watch
Published on Oct 25, 2017
It appears that the Clinton camp was involved in obtaining the infamous Russian dossier that led the Obama administration to illicitly wiretap Trump associates up-to and after the 2016 election. We want to know about any payments made by the FBI and DOJ for the dossier. Your Judicial Watch is in court fighting to get to the truth.

Stay tuned...

England and Russia are involved in this dossier so we are seeing how the Deep Global State works.

25th October 2017, 12:23 PM
The big news of today about the "dossier" is that the DNC and Hildebeast paid for it, but that is only partial information.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch thinks the FBI made payments also for the dossier and they are all the way to the appellate court trying to get the records but they are being stonewalled beyond belief.


JW President Tom Fitton: 'We are being stonewalled' over FBI Involvement on Trump Dossier
Judicial Watch
Published on Oct 25, 2017
It appears that the Clinton camp was involved in obtaining the infamous Russian dossier that led the Obama administration to illicitly wiretap Trump associates up-to and after the 2016 election. We want to know about any payments made by the FBI and DOJ for the dossier. Your Judicial Watch is in court fighting to get to the truth.

Stay tuned...

England and Russia are involved in this dossier so we are seeing how the Deep Global State works.

And Jeb Bush
Ted Malloch on BBC: #FusionGPS dossier paid for by Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton

25th October 2017, 01:05 PM
Hope I am not getting too far off topic for this posting but here is some juicy news on GHWB.

I want to correct my referring to GHWB as a sodomite recently. He is mainly a pedophile but probably has tried a bit of everything.

This particular incident is both nauseating and hilarious. He is trying to pass off his lecherous behavior as "just a joke."



FILE: Former President George H.W. Bush reportedly apologized after an actress claimed he sexually assaulted her. (Reuters)

Former President George H.W. Bush has apologized after actress Heather Lind accused him of sexually assaulting her during a screening of her AMC show.
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The alleged incident occurred four years ago, as Lind posed for a photo with Bush while promoting the AMC show “Turn: Washington's Spies,” the Daily Mail reported.

Lind wrote on Instagram Tuesday that Bush "sexually assaulted" her. She said he touched her “from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side,” told her a “dirty joke,” and then touched her again.

Lind claimed that Barbara Bush “rolled her eyes” at Bush, “as if to say ‘not again.’”

According to the post, which has since been deleted, a nearby security guard told Lind that she “shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.”
Cast member Heather Lind smiles during a photo call for the premiere of the second season of "Boardwalk Empire" in New York September 14, 2011. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT HEADSHOT) - GM1E79F0U0301

FILE: Heather Lind smiles during a photo call for the premiere of the second season of "Boardwalk Empire" (Reuters)

A representative for Bush, now 93, said that the former president might have erred in his “attempt at humor.”

“President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind," the Bush spokesman said in a statement to Fox News.

Fox News' Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

25th October 2017, 02:39 PM
Hope I am not getting too far off topic for this posting but here is some juicy news on GHWB.

I want to correct my referring to GHWB as a sodomite recently. He is mainly a pedophile but probably has tried a bit of everything.

This particular incident is both nauseating and hilarious. He is trying to pass off his lecherous behavior as "just a joke."



FILE: Former President George H.W. Bush reportedly apologized after an actress claimed he sexually assaulted her. (Reuters)

Former President George H.W. Bush has apologized after actress Heather Lind accused him of sexually assaulting her during a screening of her AMC show.
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Police in Israel arrest Palestinian over mistranslated…

Good morning. You're under arrest.

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The alleged incident occurred four years ago, as Lind posed for a photo with Bush while promoting the AMC show “Turn: Washington's Spies,” the Daily Mail reported.

Lind wrote on Instagram Tuesday that Bush "sexually assaulted" her. She said he touched her “from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side,” told her a “dirty joke,” and then touched her again.

Lind claimed that Barbara Bush “rolled her eyes” at Bush, “as if to say ‘not again.’”

According to the post, which has since been deleted, a nearby security guard told Lind that she “shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.”
Cast member Heather Lind smiles during a photo call for the premiere of the second season of "Boardwalk Empire" in New York September 14, 2011. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT HEADSHOT) - GM1E79F0U0301

FILE: Heather Lind smiles during a photo call for the premiere of the second season of "Boardwalk Empire" (Reuters)

A representative for Bush, now 93, said that the former president might have erred in his “attempt at humor.”

“President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind," the Bush spokesman said in a statement to Fox News.

Fox News' Brooke Singman contributed to this report.
He is probably going senile or already there. One of the first things to go, if it exists in the first place, is the 'filter' that keeps us from acting on base instinct. From the picture he sure appears to be senile.

25th October 2017, 04:34 PM
He is probably going senile or already there. One of the first things to go, if it exists in the first place, is the 'filter' that keeps us from acting on base instinct. From the picture he sure appears to be senile.

I really do not care for any bush, but chew on this, may you and yours make it to his age , and still have maybe have your mind working, or not.

But surely do the shit, experience the hell or not of a lifetime , he may or not experienced.

None here (myself included) of total war.

I have known many vets from ww2

Most are dead now. But they that would talk, I listened and it seems that my war maybe was not as big , the killing and heartbreak and the hell was much the same, but never total war.

As I do not like him, the sob is in the twilight of his life, I do honor him, as a person for his fighting for our nation, even if he spawned his shit head Vietnam dogging sone and sorry present his kid was.

Sad to see many here really have no base line of honer, no or anything human.

Relax, give a few years and most war fighters, of the past will be gone , (ww2 in particular) that fought against what now some feel would be a government paradise here on this forum. Sad but understandable seeing who haunts this forum now...what is surprising is If many here gets there way , you all would kill each other off, because they did not totally agree with you.


You have no ideal, nor clue of what total war will gift you all, the strong may cry and the weak may kick ass. but for sure , they that wish for any triggers are fools.

25th October 2017, 04:56 PM
Dogman were obviously a larger twinklen point of light...

Now lightnjng striking wouldn't contain anything in any posts above..

25th October 2017, 05:03 PM
Dogman were obviously a larger twinklen point of light...

Now lightnjng striking wouldn't contain anything in any posts above.. I would love to share an earth shattering joint of world class toke with you.

If nothing else to break your banana skin addiction. I understand their is better things out there, that is better....Hoot


25th October 2017, 06:39 PM
Hope I am not getting too far off topic for this posting but here is some juicy news on GHWB.

I want to correct my referring to GHWB as a sodomite recently. He is mainly a pedophile but probably has tried a bit of everything.

This particular incident is both nauseating and hilarious. He is trying to pass off his lecherous behavior as "just a joke."

