View Full Version : Hallucinating Reality

25th October 2017, 03:46 AM
Didnt watch the doc but I am aware that perceptions shape reality and that time does not exist on a cosmic scale, so what are we fighting for exactly in this darwinian and collective hallucination ???

This only makes the case for a money-free society... but the masons would hate masses to gain this awareness, which they always have known to exist. Remember that ((they)) have to allow the Truth to be out there, so they can obtain our consent if we do not act upon it. That is how ((they)) are able to TWIST/INVERT the Natural Law of the Cause and Effect.

Is the planetary 'hallucination' about wealth responsible for the top 1% manipulating the illusion -- or otherwise?

In the video below, Seth believes that once the brain has made its predictions, it hallucinates an experience that we perceive as reality. Thus, in a sense, we are predicting ourselves and our world into existence in real-time. This neuroscientist asserts that making computers smarter will never make them sentient. That with this understanding comes a greater wonder along with a greater realization that we are part of... not part from... the rest of Nature and that when the end of Consciousness comes, there is nothing to be afraid of. (17mins)

Leading Neuroscientist Explains How the Brain Hallucinates Reality (article)

17 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyu7v7nWzfo

Time doesn't exist! The Illusion of time Full Time Travel Documentary HD
383,408 views, 54mins

To take down the NWO, it will only take a change in mindset... but ready are you to lose your shirt (tame the ego) in the process....

25th October 2017, 04:08 AM
Good one Goldie, fool us into believing everything in reality is an illusion, a hallucination. Talk about inverting and twisting. Trust your senses folks, God gave us them, so that we could detect predators sneaking up on us. This predator is there to tell us that what our senses tells us is an illusion. Did you include a complementary video designed to hypnotize the viewers this time as well Goldie?

25th October 2017, 04:28 AM

cannot argue with somebody who doesnt (want to) comprehend metaphysics

Those who control reality are ILLUSION masters... and 80% of the people fall for it... but awareness is growing

read the articles/watch vid

Good one Goldie, fool us into believing everything in reality is an illusion, a hallucination. Talk about inverting and twisting. Trust your senses folks, God gave us them, so that we could detect predators sneaking up on us. This predator is there to tell us that what our senses tells us is an illusion. Did you include a complementary video designed to hypnotize the viewers this time as well Goldie?

25th October 2017, 04:28 AM
Time doesn't exist! The Illusion of time Full Time Travel Documentary HD
383,408 views, 54mins

To take down the NWO, it will only take a change in mindset... but ready are you to lose your shirt (tame the ego) in the process....

Again nice one Goldie, apart from the eye of Osiris and the hypnotic imagery in the beginning, the list of corporate sponsors on that video is impressive! Way to take down the NWO!

Excellent work Agent Singular_me!

25th October 2017, 04:30 AM

cannot argue with somebody who doesnt comprehend metaphysics

I do understand it very well. Fortunately I am aware of the bullshite you are trying to foist upon us, as some form of "higher" reality.

25th October 2017, 05:02 AM
it is the UNseen that rules over everything... because we cannot know everything, ever never... so ((they)) want us to stay stuck in our subjective reality, thinking it is real.

It is an axiom, and Natural Law

just imagine an iceberg, its tip is what people call reality. The illusion that is Fear makes the world dangerous and shapes antagonism

no BS, you are victim of atheistic science, like many

Hindus call it Maya, this concept is more than 4000 years old. Indeed what has gone wrong since then???

25th October 2017, 05:43 AM
it is the UNseen that rules over everything... because we cannot know everything, ever never... so ((they)) want us to stay stuck in our subjective reality, thinking it is real.

It is an axiom, and Natural Law

just imagine an iceberg, its tip is what people call reality. The illusion that is Fear makes the world dangerous and shapes antagonism

no BS, you are victim of atheistic science, like many

Hindus call it Maya, this concept is more than 4000 years old. Indeed what has gone wrong since then???

Your promoted videos corporate sponsors agree with you! Bring down the new world order with the aid of Howard Hughes and Alfred Sloan. You are worse than smoke and mirrors, no discernment whatsoever.

25th October 2017, 06:27 AM
Goldissima's "reality":


She has no illusion who her Master is: Lucifer.

25th October 2017, 07:22 PM
Singular might be on to something here with this video.

I had an experience a few years back. I was in my camper staying at a jobsite. I was working the midnight to noon shift, which means I was trying to sleep when most people were awake. Including other campers there. At about 8 pm I'm lying in bed trying to sleep, I can hear other campers partying and having fun, and just thinking that at best I can get 3 hours of actually sleep before getting up at 11 pm to get ready for another exhausting 12 hour shift.

I then hear a car pull up nearby, and more people get out and start making noise. I look at the clock and it's 8:20 pm, and I'm just getting frustrated and irritable. Now there are even more people making noise. A minute later, I hear what sounds like kids running past the camper, right next to it. My eyes are open at this point, thinking that was weird. Then, I hear footsteps from several people walking around the camper, whispering. I can't hear what they are saying, but I can hear whispering. They stop next to the door to the camper and they are whispering to each other.

At that point, my adrenaline starts to flow. I told myself, "these people are going to break into the camper, I need a plan on what to do." I decided, as soon as they touch the door, or any part of the camper, I'm going to leap out of bed yelling like a madman and try to scare the shit out of them. I will then grab a weapon that I have handy.

I'm sitting there silently, just waiting to take action. The next thing that happened....I woke up. It's silent outside, and I look at the clock and it's past 10 pm. I go wtf just happened.

What happened, I learned later, was I had a wake induced lucid dream. My body was so exhausted, it fell asleep, but I was conscious and awake the whole time. I never actually lost consciousness, even though my body was, so there was a detachment of the mind body going on, and I had a hallucination so real that even 3 years later, it feels like a real experience, not a dream.

I do believe there's a lot more towards reality than perception at the time, so I found this video very interesting.

25th October 2017, 07:48 PM
Einstein theorized that mass disrupts both space and time. If this is so then each man's body being mass is capable of distorting both space and time. The body has five senses: touch, taste, smell, hear, sight. It has no senses for time. It has no senses for space. These concepts are a product of the brain and each concept lacks real existence.

midnight rambler
25th October 2017, 08:11 PM
We are in a holographic sim which is locally programmable.

25th October 2017, 08:28 PM
Einstein theorized that mass disrupts both space and time. If this is so then each man's body being mass is capable of distorting both space and time. The body has five senses: touch, taste, smell, hear, sight. It has no senses for time. It has no senses for space. These concepts are a product of the brain and each concept lacks real existence.

Einstein claimed a lot of things.

I believe humans can sense the fourth dimension aka time. At least some of us can.

midnight rambler
25th October 2017, 08:38 PM
For some reason this video starts at just under 15 minutes in...(anyone got any suggestions on how to fix that?)

Is time a creation of life in response to gravity?


25th October 2017, 08:39 PM
The attacks on the concept of reality are yet another form of Bolshevism.

Quantum Bolshevism? Psychological Bolshevism?

There is but ONE reality, and while humans do perceive aspects of it differently, it still exists apart from our individual perception.

Attacking universal standards, and insisting that 2+2=5, 3 or 2.76...or "whatever you feel it means"...is the quintessence of Bolshevism.

Are we all elements merely within the Mind of Yahweh Almighty? Perhaps, yes, in a very real sense...but the Creator has created four dimensional spacetime for us to exist in. We do not "hallucinate" reality. Instead, we perceive glimpses of those "dimensions" beyond our own, the proverbial "thinning of the veil." God's Holy Spirit allows us to see things that exist, but outside of "normal" perception. Likewise, extradimensional beings, commonly called demons, pass into our reality. Further, whether it is part of God's Design, or, merely the consequences of mad scientist experiments (e.g., the LHC), it seems that more people in our era are viewing events, things, from other points of spacetime. These are not "hallucinations," but rather remote viewing. St. John, the author of Revelation, surely had a Holy Spirit-induced glimpse into our very-near spacetime, when he wrote down that which describes now or near-now.

"Alternate realities" are solely the purvey of the Judeo-Freemason/Luciferian New Age. If you believe in this, you are in a very true sense a Kabbalist, since Kabbalah is where most of this hatched from. Einstein's "science" is nothing more than the "wisdom of the Sages" brought into 20th Century language.

Why else is Einstein the icon of "super intelligence"?


midnight rambler
25th October 2017, 08:41 PM
Fred, sometimes I think you're overcome by confusion that you're unable to fathom (as in you don't know what you don't know and are unwilling to admit you just don't know).

25th October 2017, 08:46 PM
Where Kabbalah Kisses Science


The Union Between Kabbalah And Quantum Physics


Kabbalah and Quantum Physics of Mind and Matter


25th October 2017, 08:49 PM
Fred, sometimes I think you're overcome by confusion that you're unable to fathom (as in you don't know what you don't know and are unwilling to admit you just don't know).

Nice attempt at patronization.

Sometimes I think you're a New Ager pretending to be a godly man.

I understand everything you and Goldissima and others "stand for" in this thread, and elsewhere.

25th October 2017, 10:29 PM

sing - keep it up. i like reading what they are pushing

old steel
25th October 2017, 11:52 PM
Hi Fred,

“Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.”
1 Corinthians 8:2

26th October 2017, 01:28 AM
is the war on terror an illusion of not ... is central banking an illusion or not??? ??? ???

yes illusions are sinking this world and do REAL damages, people who cannot stretch it will confuse the consequences with the causes.

It is not because the damages are real that there is no illusion... all lies are illusions, and so is satan, satan is the denial of the Truth


If you believe in this, you are in a very true sense a Kabbalist, since Kabbalah is where most of this hatched from.

CT is just at a dire stage of fundamentalism... refusing that math rules the universe to start with and refuting the influence of all celestial bodies on his psyche, that ELECTRICITY (force of life) connects all atoms together and holds it together... in fact he even REFUTES THE WORD from the Bible... GOD SPOKE THE WORLD INTO LIFE...

denying Vibration/Math as a Godly Force, A DIVINE PRINCIPLE, is close to atheism... divide and rule, the NWO wins... CT rages against the kaballah, makes him dismiss that the ENTIRE bible is kabalistic and that the Vedas (india) had too their own numerology, such as the mayas and many others... CTis afraid of connecting the dots because afraid of losing faith in the bible... and without the bible he is nothing, while the Bible says also the Truth.

CT will first have to resolve his inner conflicts: the fear of spiritual science and that metaphysics is also science. He believes in God but will only believe in atheistic science to prove God... TALK OF A CATCH 22 :)

Best of luck CT

Fundamentalism is an ILLUSION that does real damage: HELPS THE NWO

more in my next posting...


26th October 2017, 01:51 AM
CT 's kabalistic nightmare...:)

Revelation 21

The New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb
9 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.
11 It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.
12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.
13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west.
14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15 The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls.
16 The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long.
17 The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick.
18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass.
19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,
20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.

26th October 2017, 01:53 AM
you do not know what you are talking about and too refute the Greater Reality, that lies are illusions, hence distort Reality... if people had seen the that deporting slaves to america was promoted by a lie: PROFITING FROM SLAVE LABOR.. america would not be dealing with a racial issue...

but now the illusion has gotten way bigger: WE ARE ALL SLAVES...

best of luck fighting the illusion... the Truth is that slave labor, even in china, is A CRIME and can only be resolved with EMPATHY... encouraging the bloodshed and turn a blind eye to the problem is all good for THEM.

if you truly think that what I am saying is humanism, is it really time to smell the coffee cheka


sing - keep it up. i like reading what they are pushing

26th October 2017, 02:25 AM
The attacks on the concept of reality are yet another form of Bolshevism.

NOPE... all violence is caused by a lie/illusion/hallucination... this is THE GREATER REALITY/TRUTH

You cannot fathom this, I guess. So you have to call what you do not understand Bolshevism. The blame game only works til a certain point... at the end of the day, one still has to take personal responsibility, which is what the Greater Truth want us to do... we are headed toward a collision course with our egos as a result.

More blame game will make the hallucination more violent, these trends are exponential. A Natural Law

You blame bolshievism for something you cannot grasp. Bolshevism is a HALLUCINATION/LIE doing REAL DAMAGES

26th October 2017, 02:40 AM
Where Kabbalah Kisses Science


The Union Between Kabbalah And Quantum Physics


Kabbalah and Quantum Physics of Mind and Matter

I wouldn't go as far as saying all quantum physics/ cosmology is bs, but most of it are, and the reason is that it has been hijacked by these insane kabbalistic numerologists for the last 100 years, who have been churning out fantastical theories, without any support in observations (=science), but "proven" with mathematical equations so complex, that not a single person, not even themselves, can wrap their mind around it and question its accuracy.

Thus you have highly educated and otherwise intelligent people who simultaneously believe such nonsense that we live in an 11 dimensional reality, but the fourth dimension, time doesn't exist, and the three dimensions of space that we actually live in and perceive with our 5 senses is an illusion. Sure our perception of reality do differ, because our brains and senses are limited, but beyond our subjective imperfect interpretation there is an objective reality, which really doesn't change because we put on glasses, a hearing aid, or drink ayahuasca. A stone really is a stone, and it will always cause damage to you if it is thrown at you, even if it is true that both the stone and you consist of 99.999999% of empty space. It may not hurt you, at the time, if your pain centers of your brain is sedated with morphine. It doesn't mean that the drug changed reality, it just changed your perception of reality.

This type of numerological magic is applied across sciences, for instance in statistics to twist and distort our perception of reality. They use it to "prove" to drs that drugs, vaccinations and invasive procedures are safe. Case in point I read an abstract, 15 years ago, where they did a cohort comparison of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and the conclusion was that there was a difference in favor of the unvaccinated children in terms of prevalence of asthma, allergies and eczema, but that this difference failed to reach STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE if the children were subdivided in groups according to Drs visits (unvaccinated children had far fewer Drs visits). Thus the conclusion in the abstract was that vaccinations were safe. This intrigued me so I actually payed a few dollars and ordered the research paper. There were a cohort of approximately 20,000 vaccinated children that were compared with about 2,000 unvaccinated. The raw data (in the appendix) showed that vaccinated children had about 10 times higher risk (12%, or 2,400 children), of having asthma against unvaccinated (where 1.2% or around 25 children) had asthma diagnosed. Similar numbers for eczema and allergies. Then they proceded to divide the children in 4 different groups according to number of Drs visits during the first 2 years. Most of the unvaccinated children ended up in the 0-4 dr visit group (what is the point of going to the Dr if you are not going to be injected with vaccine and your child is well), and this group was excluded from further analysis, because you can't be diagnosed if you don't go to the Drs (the implication is that parents who choose not to vaccinate would also ignore going to the Dr. So the other three groups that were compared 5-8, 9-14, 15+ children ended up having very few unvaccinated children, which means that it becomes very difficult to reach statistical significance (within 95% chance of the results being due to chance. Still in every group there were far smaller % of children unvaccinated, that were diagnosed with asthma/allergies/eczema.

The thing is that if these cut off points (of Dr's visits) had been put at let's say 0-3, 4-8, 9-15, 16+ or it had only been reduced to two or three groups there would have been a statistical significance to the results. So it is obvious that the numbers were "massaged" with statistical magic, to get the desired results "vaccines don't cause asthma/allergies/eczema"... While the truth is that it increases the risk about 10-fold. But you actually don't get to the full truth of this unless you are a Dr, that actually orders the full article instead of reading only the abstract online (probably way less than 5% would go through the hassle of reading the actual article), further if you only read the article, and doesn't analyze the raw data yourself, you may get the impression, that parents choosing not to vaccinate would avoid going to the dr when their child can't breath or get rashes, and probably less than 5 percent of those that read the full article, would bother to crunch the numbers and actually comprehend what it means.

The thing was that I don't think the researchers of this article actually wanted to suppress the truth. But they were FORCED to massage the numbers with statistical Mumbo Jumbo numerology, to get a result that was acceptable to the pharma owned "respectable" journal it was published in. And if they wouldn't get it published in a journal of repute (pharma bitch rag), they would not get grants from the government for future research, which would mean the end of their careers as researchers. And that is the reality.

26th October 2017, 02:55 AM
cut the crap, Neuro and CT

we will forever be hallucinating ourselves with something... either lies or Truth because we do have IMAGINATION that makes us want to project into the future and shape it...it is INESCAPABLE

all math out there comes from atheistic science (driven by profits and intellectual cartelization)... thus all lies/hallucinations... hence most science will have to be rewritten

26th October 2017, 03:02 AM
You obviously choose to ignore the Revelation 21... fine by me but it wont make you right

modern math are a lie/illusion, there only are 9 numbers to deal with... ((they)) make it complex, so their correlations are less than obvious (and all good for fundamentalism and atheism alike).

Anybody going by sacred/living geometry will find the real universal equations/codes, because the Universe is geometrical. Every celestial body IS WHERE IT HAS TO BE... :) And there is a math behind it.

That is why the circumference of Earth is embedded in the ancient pyramids... bronze age people could not have known about it.

Quantum physics is in its infancy but eventually it will establish the electric cords functioning like a spider web that are holding the cosmos together.

Fundamentalism is doomed, the universe is holographic, so everything is about perception and imagination.... and ((THEY)) know it. This is a Natural Law


I wouldn't go as far as saying all quantum physics/ cosmology is bs, but most of it are, and the reason is that it has been hijacked by these insane kabbalistic numerologists for the last 100 years, who have been churning out fantastical theories, without any support in observations (=science), but "proven" with mathematical equations so complex, that not a single person, not even themselves, can wrap their mind around it and question its accuracy. ..........

[b]The thing was that I don't think the researchers of this article actually wanted to suppress the truth. But they were FORCED to massage the numbers with statistical Mumbo Jumbo numerology, to get a result that was acceptable to the pharma owned "respectable" journal it was published in. And if they wouldn't get it published in a journal of repute (pharma bitch rag), they would not get grants from the government for future research, which would mean the end of their careers as researchers. And that is the reality.

26th October 2017, 03:36 AM
Parents are lied to on a daily basis, that vaccinations are safe and doesn't create health problems on a massive scale. But Goldie tells me to focus on the numerology in Revelations 21, for the umpteenth time instead. Just like the Drs who tells mothers that had their baby brain injured, and subsequently died, got autism, polio paralysis, epilepsy, ADHD, that the reality they personally experienced isn't real. She claims that reality is a hallucination, and as proof she gives us a corporate produced video promoting a jew "thinkers" insane fantasies in the name of taking down the NWO.

I am really surprised that fewer here manage to see through her absurdities and inconsistencies in twisting and diverting REALITY! For fucks sake she is continuing to promote a proud self admitted Luciferian 33° mason in her sig line. Open your fucking eyes!

26th October 2017, 03:54 AM
Hi Fred,

“Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.”
1 Corinthians 8:2

You "forgot" the next verse:

"But if any man love God, the same is known of him."

- 1 Corinthians 8:3

More importantly:

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

-- Jesus Christ, quoted at Matthew 24:24

Manly P. Hall, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking...just a few of the false messiahs that this world values. Even the "smartest" individuals of the modern age have adhered to these idols, because they rejected the Truth, searching worldliness for alternative "truth." (John 3:19; 8:47)

There is ONE reality, and ONE Force that holds it altogether:

"And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." (KJV)

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." (NASB)

-- Colossians 1:17

Anything that denies the singular reality of Jesus Christ is anti-Christ. That includes the neo-Gnosticism of midnight rambler or the Judeo-Freemasonic Luciferianism of Goldissima.

26th October 2017, 04:00 AM
cut the crap, Neuro and CT

THIS is your reality:


"The seething energies of Lucifer are in (your) hands."

26th October 2017, 05:58 AM
Einstein claimed a lot of things.
Einstein claimed energy and mass are interchangeable. If you believe in the A-bomb or H-bomb then you acknowledge the same.

I believe humans can sense the fourth dimension aka time. At least some of us can.
Belief and religion. No more need said.

26th October 2017, 06:49 AM
Einstein claimed energy and mass are interchangeable. If you believe in the A-bomb or H-bomb then you acknowledge the same.

He claimed more than that...

Belief and religion. No more need said.
You are a time denier? Perhaps you even deny the reality Einstein is dead since a long time?

26th October 2017, 06:51 AM
This is a very short and concise video re childhood vaccinations.


26th October 2017, 07:17 AM
He claimed more than that...
Space and time constraints prohibit the need to go further into his claims.

Perhaps you even deny the reality Einstein is dead since a long time?
Wouldn't that be his reality?

26th October 2017, 07:36 AM
Space and time constraints prohibit the need to go further into his claims.

Wouldn't that be his reality?

Einsteins subjective perception of reality died with him, but reality continued unfolding over time...

Welcome to the forum! Who pays you to shitpost here?

26th October 2017, 08:02 AM
Einstein claimed energy and mass are interchangeable. If you believe in the A-bomb or H-bomb then you acknowledge the same.

Belief and religion. No more need said.

Your brevity is refreshing.

26th October 2017, 10:17 AM
Einsteins subjective perception of reality died with him, but reality continued unfolding over time...

Whose reality? Or rather which reality? Would Einstein's reality have expanded to include atomic weapons if he had had TV and rock and roll to limit his intellect or soccer, football, basketball, tennis, etc for that matter?

26th October 2017, 10:30 AM
Whose reality? Or rather which reality? Would Einstein's reality have expanded to include atomic weapons if he had had TV and rock and roll to limit his intellect or soccer, football, basketball, tennis, etc for that matter?
There is only one reality, the rest is just subjective interpretations of it, depending on vantage points and perception, including Einsteins.

E-equalsemktwo would still be true whether Einsteins perception of reality had gathered it or not. And most likely he stole it from some one else anyway...

26th October 2017, 11:21 AM
There is only one reality


26th October 2017, 11:31 AM
and let's not forget that the Universe exists as soon as we look at it :)

thanks for dropping by

Whose reality? Or rather which reality? Would Einstein's reality have expanded to include atomic weapons if he had had TV and rock and roll to limit his intellect or soccer, football, basketball, tennis, etc for that matter?

26th October 2017, 11:34 AM
the hallucination of the strawman... a lie making real damage.

its live now but it will be saved

STRAWMAN - The Real Story of Your Artificial Person - Your Entire Life is a Lie

26th October 2017, 01:20 PM
There is only one reality, the rest is just subjective interpretations of it, depending on vantage points and perception, including Einsteins.

E-equalsemktwo would still be true whether Einsteins perception of reality had gathered it or not. And most likely he stole it from some one else anyway...

I will only buy the above BOLONY if it were served here, by HT.

26th October 2017, 04:48 PM
I will only buy the above BOLONY if it were served here, by HT.

Well you are special, and I suppose you still are in full support of Goldie's Luciferian agenda?

26th October 2017, 04:52 PM
Well you are special, and I suppose you still are in full support of Goldie's Luciferian agenda?

it takes 2 to make a tango, "Neuro"... You have that ALL sewed up, Sweetish


26th October 2017, 04:59 PM
it takes 2 to make a tango, "Neuro"... You have that ALL sewed up, Sweetish

As I guessed, you are too much of a coward to give a straight answer...

26th October 2017, 05:04 PM
As I guessed, you are too much of a coward to give a straight answer...

Quit using English, like you have any idea what the words mean when placed together.

26th October 2017, 06:42 PM
Quit using English, like you have any idea what the words mean when placed together.


26th October 2017, 07:48 PM
Einstein claimed energy and mass are interchangeable. If you believe in the A-bomb or H-bomb then you acknowledge the same.

Belief and religion. No more need said.

Ah, so Einstein is your Pope and Kabbalstic Nuclear Alchemy is your rite of faith?

Mass and energy being "interchangeable" remains a theory, best suited for Holowood productions like Star Trek.

Are nuclear explosives the conversion of mass to energy? So say the Jewish physicists, whose work was (is) based upon centuries of Kabbalah and Talmudic teachings. Obviously, the math doesn't actually work out, forcing the priests of Nuclear Judaism to admit "only a small percentage" of the mass is (allegedly) converted to energy. * If the uranium or plutonium were converted, even in a small bomb, a large chunk of the planet would be missing.

Largely forgotten is the work of Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark, both recipients of the Nobel Prize for Physics, when that still meant something. Lenard and Stark challenged the "Jewish Physics" of Einstein. Of course, people like you dismissed their work as "anti-Semitic" and "pseudo-science," but they had a grasp of things that illustrate Nuclear Judaism is largely religion, not actual science.

As for my "belief in" the perception of time, I have experienced it, so it's not merely a "blind faith" you dishonestly imply.

* for the Hiroshima bomb, it was 0.1% or about 700 MILLIgrams, allegedly.

26th October 2017, 07:53 PM
Your brevity is refreshing.

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong"

-- Attributed to H.L. Mencken

26th October 2017, 07:54 PM
and let's not forget that the Universe exists as soon as we look at it

The Universe exists whether we look at it or not, or whether we even exist at all.

26th October 2017, 09:27 PM
5 things Albert Einstein got totally wrong


What Einstein got wrong


Nonetheless, the self-chosen Master Race, including Jewish Time magazine, and plenty of Goyim infected with Luciferian Gnosticism, worship Einstein as the crème de la crème of intellect:


And you're expected to worship him, too!

26th October 2017, 09:31 PM
The Garden of Eden...millennia ago...

Satan tells Eve, "God is a liar, you will not surely die, you will become as a god if you listen to me."

The Trash Heap of Mystery Babylon...now...

Satan tells the world, though the Jewsmedia and "science," "God is a liar, reality is what you make it, you will become as a god, creating your own reality, if you listen to me."

And that is the kernel of the illumination of Luciferianism...

26th October 2017, 09:48 PM
“Respect for facts and aptitude for exact observation”, [Johannes Stark] wrote, "reside in the Nordic race. The spirit of the German enables him to observe things outside himself exactly as they are, without the interpolation of his own ideas and wishes, and his body does not shrink from the effort which the investigation of nature demands of him. The German’s love of nature and his aptitude for natural science are based on this endowment. Thus it is understandable that natural science is overwhelmingly a creation of the Nordic–Germanic blood compo*nent of the Aryan peoples."

Just look, Stark implores his readers, at all the great scientists whose portraits are presented in Lenard’s Grosse Naturforscher (Great Investigators of Nature; 1929): nearly all have “Nordic–Germanic” features (even, apparently, Italians like Galileo).

In contrast, the Jewish spirit in science “is focused upon its own ego, its own conception, and its self-interest”. The Jew is innately driven to “mix facts and imputations topsy-turvy in the endeavor to secure the court decision he desires”. Of course, the Jew can imitate the Nordic style to produce occasional noteworthy results, but not “authentic creative work”. The Jew suppresses facts that don’t suit him, and turns theory into dogma. He is a masterly self-publicist, courting and seducing the press and the public – just look at Einstein.

What Germany needs, then, is a truly German, “Aryan physics” (Deutsche Physik) that rejects the overly mathematical fabulations of relativistic physics in favor of a rigorously experimental approach. And in a formula calculated to ingratiate him to the new leaders, Stark adds that “The scientist does not exist only for himself or even for his science. Rather, in his work he must serve the nation first and foremost. For these reasons, the leading scientific positions in the National Socialist state are to be occupied not by elements alien to the Volk but only by nationally conscious German men.”

In other words: the Aryan can naturally see the world and the Universe as it is, apart from himself; the Jew sees the world and beyond as his own conception.

The peculiar tendency to recognize only matter and not spirit must be mentioned here since it is an outgrowth of natural science. The great achievements of natural science in understanding hitherto insufficiently known portions of the totality of the world have led to an arrogant dismissal of what is incomprehensible....

In recent times, the successes of technology have produced a special form of arrogant delusion with respect to matter. The actualization of practical possibilities opened up by a greater comprehension of nature gave rise to the notion of the "mastery" of nature. "Man has slowly become the master of nature." Such utterances on the part of spiritually impoverished "grand technicians" acquired a great influence because of the impressive display their new techniques and inventions made possible. And that influence has been even strengthened by the all-corrupting foreign spirit permeating physics and mathematics. In the face of this development, the spiritual sciences -- increasingly estranged from the comprehension of nature and not cultivated in a truly German manner -- have utterly failed.

-- Philipp Lenard, Deutsche Physik

26th October 2017, 09:53 PM
here's where i mock the nobel 'prize'.....roughly equal to the cracker jack 'prize'

skype sucking their own dcks - pathetic

26th October 2017, 09:56 PM
here's where i mock the nobel 'prize'.....roughly equal to the cracker jack 'prize'

skype sucking their own dcks - pathetic

Prior to World War II, the Nobel Prizes generally meant something. Since, it's a Kosher circlejerk of sorts.

The coup de grâce for the Nobel Prizes was awarding Barry Soetoro the "Peace Prize" simply for being a Nigger. The Prize for Elie the Wiesel was the mortal blow.

26th October 2017, 11:39 PM
Thus it is understandable that natural science is overwhelmingly a creation of the Nordic–Germanic blood component of the Aryan peoples."

seems like both, aryans and the talmudists, believe that they are the chosen ones... but Nature goes beyond what one sees...metaphysics is the science of the Unseen that will always be there and which is only PURE ENERGY... That is why science is atheistic and destroys the planet. Matter is the result of Energy. And not otherwise.

In other words: the Aryan can naturally see the world and the Universe as it is, apart from himself; the Jew sees the world and beyond as his own conception.

BS.... electricity and its byproduct, electromagnetism, connects every living atom within the entire Universe. It is PHYSICS and it doesnt require a phd to grasp that.

Here comes the aryan and the jewish distortion of the Truth. God is WITHIN, Man is the Temple Of God since he has the ability to understand the Principles of Creation... the Force of Life is in every living atom, meaning that God is His entire Creation. Man did NOT create any Natural Laws so all he can do is to OBEY them and when it does so, he walks with God and generates a Greater Good that benefits Mankind...

As we can see mind control (and any thinking processes) creates reality, that so many people believe in bolchevism is an evidence for sure... as much as the germans (any other world citizens) who hallucinated themselves into believing that Hitler (their leaders) could save the day WHILE not understanding the root of Good and evil to start with. Every bit of violence and hatred injected into the system is EXPONENTIAL due to the Natural Laws working in concerto.. so some kind of judgement day will be our OWN making.

Only the respect for Creation and quest for peace and empathy harmonizes Natural Laws because Creation is itself an act of LOVE. Hence why Jesus stressed about loving our neighbors and Divine Love, which when refuted calls in for evil. Christianity is all about Natural Laws but most christians do NOT see it because the message is too diluted into metaphors (done on purpose of course, like many other religious textbooks. They all are confusing their followers about the Nature Of Objective Reality)

666... God created man the 6th day... so 666, reflects the trinity of Man, body, mind and spirit... MEANING THAT MAN IS HIS OWN ENEMY AND EMBODIES EVIL when not following God' Natural Laws and not grasping his divine purpose... the bible is metaphorical, so anybody believing that 666 is the devil actually REINFORCES man' s own enemy within... his ignorance of the Laws. Ignorance calls for evil. Thought is a vibration, remember. Proven scientifically.

One walks within God's Natural Laws (following the Laws Of Light, proven today scientifically) or not... simple... thats the only choices, and one leads to enLIGHTenment and the other one to annihilation.

27th October 2017, 04:20 AM
One walks within God's Natural Laws (following the Laws Of Light, proven today scientifically) or not... simple... thats the only choices, and one leads to enLIGHTenment and the other one to annihilation.
Why don't you just admit you are a follower of Lucifer?

27th October 2017, 04:59 AM
5 things Albert Einstein got totally wrong
We deal with concepts of time classified as present, future and past. Past is past. Beyond change. Einstein is a memory of the past. Present is subject to immediate change and how we arrange the future is within our control in the present. Future is hypothetical. Manage the present and the future falls into line with expectations in the present.

27th October 2017, 05:02 AM
The Garden of Eden...millennia ago...

I also remember the creator mentioned something about man becoming a creator. What good is being a creator if you refuse to create?

27th October 2017, 05:27 AM
Why don't you just admit you are a follower of Lucifer?

With every post, she admits it implicitly. "Laws of Light" = Laws of the Lightbringer, Lucifer.

27th October 2017, 05:31 AM
We deal with concepts of time classified as present, future and past. Past is past. Beyond change. Einstein is a memory of the past. Present is subject to immediate change and how we arrange the future is within our control in the present. Future is hypothetical. Manage the present and the future falls into line with expectations in the present.

Who's sockpuppet are you? I have my suspicions.

27th October 2017, 05:36 AM
I also remember the creator mentioned something about man becoming a creator. What good is being a creator if you refuse to create?

Which "creator" is that, Jah-bu-lon?

Humans are not "creators," as we are not gods. Only Satanism, whether called Freemasonry, Luciferianism, or Kabbalah, teaches that the created can become Creator.

27th October 2017, 05:48 AM
Man is the Temple Of God...666... God created man the 6th day... so 666, reflects the trinity of Man, body, mind and spirit...

More Satanism.

God's creation is "satanic."

(in reality, the John tells us six hundred threescore and six is the number of "a man.")

Goldissima, here is some real - meaningful - numerology for you:


The "Red Shield" of Rothschild ("red shield" in German) is, well, you know...the "number of a man"?

27th October 2017, 06:43 AM
I have my suspicions.
Perhaps that is your reality?

27th October 2017, 06:45 AM
Which "creator" is that
The one who claims such status.

Humans are not "creators," as we are not gods. Only Satanism, whether called Freemasonry, Luciferianism, or Kabbalah, teaches that the created can become Creator.
Your use of 'we' indicates you are human. Perhaps you need to know that man is not human. Someone created a man. Man created a human. As a member you have declared your creator.

27th October 2017, 07:04 AM
Truth is: witch hunters are just as responsible as witches for their hallucinatory creations.

Just as "Einstein's story" is entertaining,

Witch hunters ride hallucinatory ointment on their pitchforks when witches ride the same on their broomsticks.