View Full Version : ICE rampinig up prosecution of employers that hire illegals

25th October 2017, 09:44 AM

WASHINGTON—Tom Homan, acting director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said he has instructed his agents to increase workplace inspections and find employers who hire illegal aliens.

“I just gave the instruction—I want to increase [it] by four to five times,” Homan said at an event at the Heritage Foundation on Oct. 17.

“We’re taking worksite enforcement very hard this year. We’ve already increased the number of inspections in worksite operations. You’re going to see that significantly increase this next fiscal year.”

Homan said the difference with the new approach is that not only will employers be prosecuted, but ICE will detain and remove the illegal alien workers.

Arrests of aliens found at a workplace, but who are not authorized to work, plummeted during the Obama era—from over 1,600 arrests in fiscal year 2009 to 106 in fiscal 2016.

In September, a Pennsylvania-based company was fined a record $95 million for hiring and rehiring employees that company executives knew to be ineligible to work in the United States.

Asplundh Tree Expert Co., a tree trimming and brush clearance company for power and gas lines, is also one of the largest privately held companies in the country, according to ICE.

Company supervisors knowingly accepted illegitimate documents, such as green cards, Social Security cards, and driver’s licenses as evidence of authorized status or employment in the United States, according to a statement by the District Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

“Today’s judgment sends a strong, clear message to employers who scheme to hire and retain a workforce of illegal immigrants: We will find you and hold you accountable,” Homan said in a statement on Sept. 28. “Violators who manipulate hiring laws are a pull factor for illegal immigration, and we will continue to take action to remove this magnet.”

According to ICE, worksite enforcement investigations often uncover egregious violations of the law by employers, as well as widespread abuses.

“Such cases often involve additional violations such as alien smuggling, alien harboring, document fraud, money laundering, fraud, or worker exploitation,” ICE said on its website.

The agency also investigates employers who employ force, threats, or coercion (for example, threatening to have employees deported) in order to keep the unauthorized alien workers from reporting substandard wage or working conditions.

ICE said it will obtain the necessary authority to prosecute an employer before it arrests the employees for immigration violations at a worksite.

President Donald Trump’s immigration priorities laid out on Oct. 8 support mandatory e-verify, which is a system for businesses to check if potential employees are legally allowed to work in the United States. Currently the program is voluntary.

Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said introducing mandatory e-verify would help stop illegal immigration.

“The biggest way to get large numbers of the illegal alien population in the United States to self-deport, is dry up their ability to work,” he said on Oct. 17.

Arizona introduced mandatory e-verify in 2008, and included a penalty to revoke a business license if an employer knowingly hired an alien who was unauthorized to work in the United States.

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sued and it went to Supreme Court,” von Spakovsky said. “And the Supreme Court said it’s perfectly legitimate for states to make the e-verify system mandatory and to threaten the loss of a business license.”

25th October 2017, 05:44 PM
Trump, Sessions, and Homan have the means to turn the immigration tide instantly. It's called "civil asset forfeiture." They use it on the little people. Use it on the corporations that hire illegals. Simply confiscate the business and all assets on the premise when illegals are found employed.

I guarantee illegal employment would fall off a cliff within weeks.

25th October 2017, 05:53 PM
Trump, Sessions, and Homan have the means to turn the immigration tide instantly. It's called "civil asset forfeiture." They use it on the little people. Use it on the corporations that hire illegals. Simply confiscate the business and all assets on the premise when illegals are found employed.

I guarantee illegal employment would fall off a cliff within weeks.

I'm pretty happy we got this far. We will get the wall.

25th October 2017, 06:40 PM
We will get the wall.

Which will do nothing.

The reason the illegals come must be targeted, and that's employment and welfare opportunities.

25th October 2017, 07:09 PM
as i'm a big tariff guy....something unique that i propose.....let the traitors hire foreign.....with tariff (which rips away the incentive, but doesn't stop companies from doing it -- just have to pay up)

25th October 2017, 07:16 PM
as i'm a big tariff guy....something unique that i propose.....let the traitors hire foreign.....with tariff (which rips away the incentive, but doesn't stop companies from doing it -- just have to pay up)

Most of the tariffs are ultimately paid by the customers.

No, the criminals - those who hire them - must be dealt with directly. Only a threat of loss of income and property will stop them.

25th October 2017, 07:24 PM
Most of the tariffs are ultimately paid by the customers.

No, the criminals - those who hire them - must be dealt with directly. Only a threat of loss of income and property will stop them.

disagree. corps will sell at the highest possible price regardless of input costs.

insert 'free trade' as US policy during 20th/21st century chart here - showing the scum in nyc monopolizing ALL of the gains. working class down down down....

free trade = skype snake oil

proof == see nyc.media FREAK OUT whenever the topic is broached. chump gave them a lot of pain talking about it during election. they reacted in expected fashion

25th October 2017, 08:25 PM
disagree. corps will sell at the highest possible price regardless of input costs.

insert 'free trade' as US policy during 20th/21st century chart here - showing the scum in nyc monopolizing ALL of the gains. working class down down down....

free trade = skype snake oil

proof == see nyc.media FREAK OUT whenever the topic is broached. chump gave them a lot of pain talking about it during election. they reacted in expected fashion

I agree that corporations always sell at the highest price (and pay the lowest possible wages, as well), regardless of idiotic capitalist "explanations."

However, I still contend that artificial "persons" would be able to off-load most of the actual cost of tariffs onto "consumers." That said, I do NOT have a problem with tariffs on just about anything; I've said many times I believe in autarkic economics, if it can be made here, it should be made here, with penalties for those who try to do otherwise (for actions which are treason-light - "outsourcing" without legitimate cause should carry criminal penalties).

25th October 2017, 09:55 PM
that was the AMERICAN SYSTEM before skype got their frbny choke hold and replaced tariff revenue on imports with income tax revenue on americans.... it has mushroomed from there into (insert nyc .01% take of national income here)