View Full Version : ¡Viva la República Catalana!

27th October 2017, 08:44 AM
Catalonia declares independence from Spain


27th October 2017, 08:46 AM
This probably won't last, but the beauty of it is that it illustrates the grotesque hypocrisy of the Washington Criminals and the EUSSR when they spew about "democracy" and the "right of peoples." Both the US Federal regime and the EUSSR Commission have denounced the Catalans' independence.

Maybe Russia should supply the "freedom fighters" in Catalonia, LOL.

27th October 2017, 09:04 AM
Maybe Russia should supply the "freedom fighters" in Catalonia, LOL.

Wouldn't that be a hoot!

27th October 2017, 10:04 AM
This probably won't last, but the beauty of it is that it illustrates the grotesque hypocrisy of the Washington Criminals and the EUSSR when they spew about "democracy" and the "right of peoples." Both the US Federal regime and the EUSSR Commission have denounced the Catalans' independence.

Maybe Russia should supply the "freedom fighters" in Catalonia, LOL.

People are free to choose but only if they choose correctly. Same with the vote of independence in Iraqi Kurdistan. Meanwhile the Royal asshole regime of Saudi Arabia has the full backing of the freedom lovers in power in the West.

27th October 2017, 11:43 AM
People are free to choose but only if they choose correctly. Same with the vote of independence in Iraqi Kurdistan. Meanwhile the Royal asshole regime of Saudi Arabia has the full backing of the freedom lovers in power in the West.

Where were the pious noises about "respecting law and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia"?


(to Madrid's credit, they do NOT recognize the "Republic of Kosovo")

Kosovo is the ethnic heartland of the Serbian People, and has been so for a 1,000 years. Catalonia (with Aragon) has been distinct from Castile for almost as long.

As for the Sucki Arabia regime:

Does this female robot have more rights than a Saudi woman?


27th October 2017, 12:09 PM
European Soviet Union Supreme Soviet Chairman declares no one in the EUSSR will recognize the Republic of Catalonia:


27th October 2017, 02:13 PM
This probably won't last, but the beauty of it is that it illustrates the grotesque hypocrisy of the Washington Criminals and the EUSSR when they spew about "democracy" and the "right of peoples." Both the US Federal regime and the EUSSR Commission have denounced the Catalans' independence.

Maybe Russia should supply the "freedom fighters" in Catalonia, LOL.

That was made very apparent in our own civil war when the South attempted to declare their own independence. The North forced them back into the union at the barrel of a gun and a boot on all of our collective throats has been there ever since.

27th October 2017, 02:34 PM
I like the pentagram in their flag.

27th October 2017, 06:50 PM
That was made very apparent in our own civil war when the South attempted to declare their own independence. The North forced them back into the union at the barrel of a gun and a boot on all of our collective throats has been there ever since.

Always nice to have a modern example.

27th October 2017, 06:58 PM
I like the pentagram in their flag.

The historical (and official) Catalan flag is just the red and golden stripes (used since at least 1082 AD). The blue field with white star (La Senyera Estelada) was added as a symbol of independence, possibly inspired by the lone star of Texas, and definitely Cuba & Puerto Rico (both who extricated themselves from Spanish rule). This flag is unofficial (when you see Puigdemont, et. al., in an official capacity, he has just the red & golden striped flag).

I'd prefer it not be there, as well, but I consider the massive opposition to the Republic by Rothschild Iberia dba CaixaBank & Banco Sabadell and dozens of other globalist corporations, as well as the Rothschild apparatus in Brussels itself.

Stop Making Cents
28th October 2017, 06:13 AM
Apparently Catalonia is loaded with Muslim scum

28th October 2017, 08:04 AM
Apparently Catalonia is loaded with Muslim scum

Over 7% of the population, mostly in Barcelona. Independence threatens the globalist effort to uniformly contaminate all of Europe with sub-humans.

28th October 2017, 09:07 PM
The root of globalist opposition to the Republic of Catalonia:

The rhetoric of hatred (sic) promulgated by official Catalan government media against everything “Spanish” is more alarming than ever. The nation, postulated as a homogeneous entity, has taken occupation of the space where an undeniably diverse society lives.

29th October 2017, 07:25 AM
Over 7% of the population, mostly in Barcelona. Independence threatens the globalist effort to uniformly contaminate all of Europe with sub-humans.What percentage of the population is Arab?

29th October 2017, 08:23 AM
all gimmicks... just like brexit

this is not a group fight

29th October 2017, 08:55 AM
The euro must've been gaining too much ground on an english pound.

29th October 2017, 09:26 AM
all gimmicks... just like brexit

this is not a group fight
It appears the Catalans and their elected officials disagree. But why should you care about that when you launch your theories twisting and distorting reality.

22nd December 2017, 08:45 AM
Spain's crisis re-ignited as Catalan separatists win vote


22nd December 2017, 09:20 AM
This is a very interesting development, and reinforces my belief that we are in a period of global decentralization, not centralization.

22nd December 2017, 03:40 PM
This is a very interesting development, and reinforces my belief that we are in a period of global decentralization, not centralization.

What the little people want is of no consequence to those who run this planet.

Revelation's prophecy is coming, regardless of peoples' desire to be free of distant and unjust control.

That said, the Catalan vote is a beautiful slap in the face of the EUSSR autocrats.

22nd December 2017, 05:09 PM
This is a very interesting development, and reinforces my belief that we are in a period of global decentralization, not centralization.
Nah. It's like catching a fish; when the line goes slack, that is when it is actually being reeled in. The fish is fooled into not struggling while the line gets shorter. Just consolidation is all. You know, order through chaos and all that.