View Full Version : university of missouri perfect solution to plunging enrollment

29th October 2017, 11:26 AM
thousands of {--->) go to da skool free


The university is offering to cover all tuition costs for first-time freshmen, transfer and existing students who qualify for federal Pell grants, making the campus more available to diverse and low-income students.

School officials have been struggling with recruitment since student-led protests and incidents of racial insensitivity caused turmoil on campus and among student athletes. The UM System president was forced out amid complaints that he had done too little to curb racism and bigotry on campus, the chancellor resigned and the legislature cut the school’s budget.

Trying to bounce back, Mizzou is offering to pay full tuition for about 3,500 Pell-eligible students. The initiative will help demonstrate to minority and low-income students that their presence is valued to expand the multicultural experience on campus. That wasn’t clear after Mizzou was swamped with undesirable publicity from the protests and accusations that it was slow to react to tensions that had been openly simmering for years.

A great state university should be a welcoming place for high school graduates who have earned their place in higher education. Perception matters, as has been reflected by the university’s sharp decline in enrollment at a time when other universities, such as Missouri State, have seen steady increases. Mizzou’s leadership correctly recognized the need for action to turn its image around.

The offer is for in-state and transfer students, and does not include other schools in the MU system.

Parents and eligible students should take advantage of the university’s generosity and effort to extend a more welcoming hand.

midnight rambler
29th October 2017, 12:23 PM
Nigger down!

29th October 2017, 06:27 PM
We should enroll our white kids here right?

29th October 2017, 09:16 PM
I mean if its just low-income, thats great. There are more low-income white kids trying to get in than anyone else most likely.

29th October 2017, 09:23 PM
I mean if its just low-income, thats great. There are more low-income white kids trying to get in than anyone else most likely.

"Low-income" = low-IQ/low-quality

All White people are rich, just as all White people have "White privilege."

29th October 2017, 09:32 PM
"Low-income" = low-IQ/low-quality

All White people are rich, just as all White people have "White privilege." Bullshit and you know it, more an opportunity thing.

But excuse me for interfering with your reality.


29th October 2017, 10:19 PM
Bullshit and you know it, more an opportunity thing.

But excuse me for interfering with your reality.

Your "reality" is the enemy of that which is right.

Niggers and Spics have nearly unlimited opportunity in this Bolshevist society.

When these extreme leftists refer to "low-income," it always means non-White. Always.

Poor Whites trying to make it: "FUCK YOU!," says your "inclusive society."

30th October 2017, 07:59 AM
Change it! Waite you cannot , moaning and groning being pissed off can not change, what the majority want! Do I want it?


Fight the good fight, always! But until the Internet and social media goes away, good luck! Anything less is doomed! Social media is developing into a world platform and conscious , think world brain which the individual is just one cell of the whole!

It is happening now,

But pissing upwind into a hurricane, really does not work!

All said by independent and pragmatic me!

Life really is too dam short!


Uncle Salty
30th October 2017, 11:24 AM
Ever since U of Missouri got in bed with the SJW movement, enrollment has collapsed.

That's just the facts Jack!

30th October 2017, 12:15 PM
Nigger down!

They really are lowering the bar here, aren't they? What should attract students to a university is the level of education you would expect to receive and how much you could expect to learn. Now it's all about "gibs me dat" freebies and the god of the SJW left, diversity!!

So here's what's going to happen (and quite honestly, this has already been happening across the country, but this'll accelerate it): they're going to pay for low-income and low-intellect brown people to come in a boost the numbers of the school, and when it becomes apparent that most of these apes have no business being in a place of higher education, instead of failing them (which would be racist), they'll grant them degrees in engineering, medicine, etc., and then when they can't compete for jobs, yell racism again and get hired in spite of their lack of qualifications. Then we'll have more stupid brown people running city infrastructure (Flint Michigan anyone?) who have no idea what they're doing and when the city falls apart, take a guess what they'll blame? Racism of course!

30th October 2017, 04:38 PM
You get what you pay for. I found that out very early in life!

30th October 2017, 04:46 PM
Tho some here remind me of yard dogs...hoot

30th October 2017, 08:51 PM