View Full Version : Proof that Adolf Hitler was a double agent.
30th October 2017, 01:41 PM
Proof that Adolf Hitler was a double agent. ( ( preearth ( » Wed May 17, 2017 1:29 am
This is an article from the thread "Hitler had Jewish roots, DNA tests show." It is worth a thread of its own.
Recently, this site ( was taken "off-air" by an .htaccess file that "accidently materialized" in the main directory of On complaining, the site was restored, all except two threads on this forum. This thread, and the thread "WOW; Barack Obama is a Jew." ( After more complaining, these two threads were also restored. So it appears that the whole site was shut down just to censor these two threads.
Given that someone went to a lot of trouble to have, in particular, this thread censored, I assumed that the information in it, was very likely correct. So, I took the idea of Hitler being a Jew, seriously, and searched the net for "Hitler was a Jew" and other such combinations. I came up with an amazing amount of evidence for this idea, and I have to say, it is convincing.
Below is a photo of a German nerve gas storage area discovered by the allies in 1945; A larger photo is here (
After a bit of searching I came across these pages, which I recommend:
http://hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwi ... itler.html ( ... -t388.html (
These present facts from the second world war which show that Hitler was consciously working against the Nazis throughout the entire war. They suggest that many of the high-ranking Nazis were Jews.
In one of these pages it is stated that many of the ideas presented were from a separate source. I managed to track down what appears to be the separate source. It can be found at: ... Hitler.htm (
It presents a picture of Hitler, and other Jews within the Nazis, deliberately making multiple "mistakes" with the intention of sabotaging the German war effort and causing the defeat of the Germans:
Hitler was a Jew, working for the Jews.
In April, 1939, Ambassador William C. Bullitt, called me to the American Embassy in Paris. The American Ambassador told me that war had been decided upon. He did not say, nor did I ask, by whom. He let me infer it... When I said that in the end Germany would be driven into the arms of Soviet Russia and Bolshevism, the Ambassador replied: "What of it? There will not be enough Germans left when the war is over to be worth bolshevising." Karl von Wiegand; reported in the Chicago Herald American, April 23, 1944.
Having the Jew Hitler run Nazi Germany had many advantages:
When Germany attacked France, Heinz Guderian made blitzkrieg come true. By constantly disobeying orders and relentlessly driving his men and tanks as far as they could go, he wrecked havoc, far beyond the expected front line. His disregard for orders amid the fog of war, meant that the Jews in the Nazi high command were not immediately able to intervene, to prevent, Guderian's quick and stunning victory.
Guderian advanced an astonishing 250 miles across enemy terrain in only eleven days. Then, on May 24, with his Panzer forces at Gravelines, only ten miles from Dunkirk, Hitler himself, ordered that the tanks were to halt. Guderian's forces were within hours of capturing more than 300,000 of the best-trained professional soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force, along with some 100,000 of France's best-trained and equipped men. Guderian read the order with disbelief. His commander, General von Kleist, stated that on receiving the order, "I decided to ignore it, and to push on across the canal. But then came a more emphatic order that I was to withdraw behind the canal. My tanks were kept halted there for three days."
By having Hitler order Guderian's tank divisions to sit on their hands while Dunkirk was evacuated, the Jews were able to prevent the complete and utter destruction of the French and British armies, thus keeping alive the possibility of a two-front war. However, although the Jew Hitler was able to rescue some 335,000 men, all their tanks and equipment were lost.
When outraged German generals demanded to know why they were being prevented from forcing the complete surrender of the defeated armies, the Jew Hitler prattled on about his admiration for the British Empire and its importance as an essential element of world stability. Hitler did not explain why it was so important to let the hundreds of thousands of troops escape immediately, rather than say, to capture them, and later release them after having extracting various concessions. Indeed, how could he? This incident alone, should have given Hitler away as the enemy, however, the Germans, naive to such monumental deception, kept obeying orders, and in the end, it was only thought that Hitler was insane.
German aircraft had hit Allied air bases in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands, destroying large numbers of planes on the ground, and crippling air defenses. Although large numbers of planes had been lost, the evacuation at Dunkirk enabled most of the British pilots, who had been based in France, to escape and fight another day. In fact, the number of planes lost, turned out to be much less important than the number of pilots, and potential pilots, that Hitler had rescued.
Although, Britain was now open and defenseless, the Jew Hitler refused to attack.
The Jew Hitler refused to even feign an attack on Britain, in order to draw the British navy to the channel, where it could be obliterated by aircraft.
So, after refusing to take out Jew controlled Britain, the Jew Hitler attacks the Soviet Union, deliberately setting up the dreaded two-front war.
Yes, to reduce the pressure for an attack on England, the Jew Hitler attacked Germany's major ally, the Soviet Union. Why attack your ally, rather than the helpless Britain? The answer is obvious.
The German attack overwhelmed the Soviets. Army Group Center achieved a stunning victory against the forces opposing it, and was positioned to strike at Moscow in the immediate future. Now that it looked like Moscow was sure to fall, the Jew Hitler single-handedly saved the city, by ordering Army Group Center to stop its advance and turn south (a decision opposed by all his generals). The Jews were willing to accept any loss, to save Moscow. Once Moscow fell, the war in the East was over.
The war had gone exceedingly badly for the Soviets and there was a fear that Japan would attack from the East, at this time when the Soviet Union had no way of defending itself. It has been speculated that (the Jew) Roosevelt deliberately goaded the Japanese into war with the United States, in order to prevent this outcome.
Also, a Japanese-American war could be usefully used by the Jew Hitler as a pretext for a declaration of war against the United States and thus allow the United States to participate directly in the European theater. But how could Roosevelt be sure that Hitler would declare war?
On December 11, 1941, the Jew Hitler declared war on the United States, using the pretext of the Tripartite Pact, even though he was no more obliged to declare war on the United States than Japan was obliged to declare war on the Soviet Union, which Germany had been fighting since June 1941. Japan never declared war on the Soviet Union.
The Jew Hitler refused total mobilization of the German people, even though the munitions factories cried out for manpower and all his enemies had long since recruited woman into the work force. The Jew Hitler never bothered to use half the potential German labor force. Even though Goebbels called for total mobilization early in the war, Hitler was able to prevent this until it was too late.
On November 19, 1942, when the Soviet 5th Tank and 21st Armies launched their counter-offensive northwest of Stalingrad, the Fourth Panzer and 6th Armies were in grave danger of encirclement, unless they broke out immediately.
To ensure the 6th Army would be trapped, the Jew Hitler ordered that it should not attempt to break-out, but should hold their ground and fight to the last man. The more dead or captured Germans, the better.
The 6th Army's senior officers complained that unless they broke out immediately, their army would have to be supplied by air for weeks, if not months, which appeared to be an impossible task.
However, the Jew Hitler insisted that the Luftwaffe could sustain the Sixth Army from the air. The Luftwaffe commanders in the field, were unanimous in their belief that this was not possible. Only the Luftwaffe's commander in chief, Göring (another Jew), similarly stated that it would be possible.
When Zeitzler challenged Göring as to whether he even knew what tonnage needed to be flown in every day, Göring spat back, "I don't, but my staff officers do." Zeitzler summarized what would be necessary and Göring retorted, "I can do that." Zeitzler told him he was a liar. With this, Hitler replied "The Reichsmarschall (Göring) has made his report to me, which I have no choice but to believe."
Thus, the Jew Hitler closed the trap on the 6th Army.
To ensure the 6th Army was doomed, the Jew Hitler arranged that 250 of the vitally important Ju 52s be used to transport 81,000 German troops to Tunisia. The Tunisia campaign had little strategic value and no chance of success. But, more importantly, it ensured that the 6th Army could not be supplied by air and would thus provide the Soviets with a great victory.
Von Richthofen reported: "Of yesterday's 47 Ju 52s, 22 made sorties (into the Stalingrad pocket); of today's 30, 9 made sorties. We flew in 75 tons today, instead of the 300 tons ordered by the High Command, which is not possible with the few Ju 52s available."
More than 150,000 Axis soldiers, most of them German, were killed or wounded at Stalingrad and another 108,000 were captured.
This apparent madness, caused significant opposition to Hitler. Ulrich von Hassel held secret meetings with British and American officials, and hoped that a successful coup would translate into an honorable peace treaty. This, however, was not part of the plan, so the Jews had Roosevelt declare that only an unconditional surrender would be acceptable (January 1943). Thus, they saved their man from any coup, and he was free to continue his destruction of the German people.
The Jew Hitler tells the Soviets an attack will occur at Kursk. The Jew Hitler delays the attack for more than four months, until the Soviets had built defensive lines, eight deep. The Soviets concentrate 1,300,000 soldiers with 3,600 tanks, 20,000 artillery pieces, including 6,000 76mm anti-tank guns, and 2,800 aircraft in and around Kursk. An attack anywhere other than Kursk would be fatal for the Soviets, but the Soviets seem to know that the attack will come only at Kursk.
To incur the maximum possible number of German casualties, the Jew Hitler orders German troops to attack, as promised, at Kursk; to attack the most heavily defended lines ever constructed.
The Jew Hitler is amazed by the supermen of the elite SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte, who, in the south, break through all eight defensive lines and take on the reserve Soviet tank battalions.
Less than two weeks into the offensive, worried that the Liebstandarte might win the battle for the Germans, the Jew Hitler strips this elite group of their tanks and sends them to Northern Italy, where they sit on their hands for some months before returning to the eastern front. The pretext of the Sicily invasion, was used.
Before the Normandy invasion, Rommel stated the obvious; that the western tank divisions must be based close to the Atlantic coast. These tanks were necessary to stop the invasion force once it had penetrated the beach defenses. If the tank divisions were based too far from the coast, Allied air power would prevent them from reaching the critical areas, or delay them until it was too late.
Understanding this, the Jew Hitler based many of the tank divisions, half way to Paris.
In an attempt to justify this stupidity, the Jew Hitler stated that one of his commanders, Gerd von Rundstedt, was of the opinion that the panzers should be formed into large units near Paris, where they would wait, allowing the Allies to extend into France, before cutting them off, and that Rundstedt's (crazy) opinion must not be ignored. Of course, Rundstedt was another covert Jew.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, the Jew Hitler formed a strategic armor reserve, which could only be released for action by his authority. Early in the Normandy invasion, the Jew Hitler refused to commit any of the forces from the reserve, using the pretext that his staff were afraid to wake him. Later, he used the pretext that the real attack was not to be at Normandy, where the bombs were dropping and the troops landing, but would come in the Pas de Calais area.
Before the war, German scientists discovered the nerve gases Tabun (1936) and Sarin (1938). To manufacture Tabun, a large industrial complex was built at Dyhernfurth an der Oder, with some 30,000 tons of Tabun eventually being produced. It was weaponized and stored at various locations in Germany and Poland, with a major storage area at Krappitz, some 80 kilometers from Auschwitz. Of course, the Nazis never used the nerve gas, Tabun, to mass-murder Jews at Auschwitz, simply because, the Nazis never mass-murdered any group at Auschwitz.
Even though the use of these thousands of tons of weaponized nerve gas would have won the war for Germany, the Jew Hitler refused to give the order to use it, and it remained in its storage areas untill captured by the Allies.
The Germans had been the first to discover nuclear fission (which is the basis of uranium and plutonium atomic weapons) and before the war, were undisputed leaders in this area. By directing nuclear scientists to research nuclear reactors, rather than nuclear weapons, the Jews in the Nazi high-command were able to minimize the chance that Germany ever developed atomic weapons. However, since research into nuclear reactors naturally leads to nuclear weapons, funding in this area was limited to three million Deutschmarks per annum, and, in 1942, the number of scientists involved in nuclear research was cut from 70 to 44. As far as it is known, Germany had no scientists working on nuclear weapons, at any time during the war.
The Jew Hitler personally sabotaged German jet fighter development, by insisting that a bomber version of the fighter be developed and manufactured. When it tuned out that without bombs, the bomber version, was still a very impressive interceptor, Hitler demanded that they be flown by bomber pilots. Since the bomber pilots did not have the necessary fighter pilot training to perform and survive this type of mission, this proved a total disaster, as desired.
The British double agent, Eddie Chapman (Agent Zigzag), had the opportunity to kill Hitler in a suicide bombing at a Nazi rally. This he offered to do, however, the Jew Churchill (British prime minister) who had kept a personal interest in the Zigzag case, made sure that this opportunity to kill Hitler was rejected. Neither the British, nor the Americans, made any attempt on Hitler's life.
Hitler, Goering and Himmler, have close relatives currently living in Israel (Matthias Goering, the great-nephew of Hermann Goering, Katrin Himmler, the great-niece of Heinreich Himmler and Hitler's nephew's grandson).
"We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry... Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory (Weizmann is alluding to Hitler and other Jew Nazis)." Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel.
I also came across this:
Jews, Nazis, Ukraine and Hitler.
So, how is it that the Jews, Oleksander Turchinov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko, etc, have teamed up with the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis to conduct a coup in the Ukraine. Why is the coup always called a Neo-Nazi coup but never a Jew coup (look it even rhymes). The Ukrainian coup was organized by Jews; they got the most important positions of power. So it was obviously a Jew coup. Then why the Neo-Nazis? Simply so the lying press could say "It was a Neo-Nazi coup." I think these Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are actually a "false flag" group of Jews.
Hitler was the same. Hitler was actually a Jew.
I have gathered yet more evidence from various web-sites and people, and it gets better & better. It is very interesting;
1) Hitler ordered the tanks to stop for 3 days near Dunkirk when only a short distance away. This allowed the entire British army and part of the French army to escape to Britain.
2) Hitler refused to take Gibraltar and turn the Mediterranean into a "German lake". There was nothing to stop the Germans from driving through Spain (their ally) and doing the job.
3) Hitler declared war on the United States.
4) Hitler refused to allow the tens of thousands of tons of weaponized nerve gas that the Germans had produced (at Dyhernfurth an der Oder) to be used. Over 500,000 artillery shells and about 100,000 bombs filled with nerve gas were found in their storage areas (mainly at Krappitz = Krapowice) at the end of the war.
5) Hitler refused to conquer Britain. After Dunkirk, Britain was totally defenseless.
6) Hitler refused to authorise the production of jet fighters. The Heinkel He 178 had its first successful flight in 1939, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler showed no interest in it. The fighter version, the Heinkel He 280, was successfully demonstrated on April 5, 1941, but the Jews Milch/Goering/Hitler refused to put it into production. Hitler wasn't interested in a plane that could travel a couple of hundred miles per hour faster than the others. Same story with the Messerschmidt jets.
7) Jewish financiers gave billions to finance Hitler's rise to power.
8) Only the Nazi's attempted to kill Hitler. The Americans, British and Soviets made no attempt to kill Hitler. It is known that the British refused to allow a number of feasible assassination plans to proceed.
9) An article from "The Jewish World" tells us that Hitler, Goering and Himmler, all have close relatives living as religious Jews in Israel today. Namely,
Hitler's nephew's grandson,
Matthias Goering – great-nephew of Hermann Goering, and
Katrin Himmler – the great-niece of Heinreich Himmler.
See: ... /11_17.pdf (
10) In 1932 the Jewish genealogist Karl Friedrich von Frank published Hitler's family tree. It was pointed out (June 16, 1932, in the newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung) that the name Salomon, which came up repeatedly in Hitler's maternal line, was unlikely to be Aryan. On July 14, 1933, the newspaper Osterreichisches Abendblatt published photographs of graves of various Hitlers from Jewish cemeteries and mentioned a cookbook written in Hebrew by Rosalie Hitler. Also, a number of Jewish families, surnamed Hitler, officially applied to have their names changed due to Hitler's (supposed) antisemitism. [Hitler's Vienna by Brigitte Hamann]
Learn from the past to prevent war in the future. ... nt-page-2/ (
Checking some points.
I have checked a few points mentioned above.
The Karl von Wiegand quote above can be found in "Witness to History" by Michael McLaughlin (born 1940, also known as Michael Walsh). I found a copy of the book here (
The statement by von Kleist was easily located. It appears to come from "The Other Side Of The Hill." (1948) by B. H. Liddell Hart. If not for Hitler, The British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.) would have been completely surrounded by German forces while still deep in the interior of Flanders. They would have been completely cut off from the sea, their only means of escape. There was nothing to stop this encirclement, except Hitler. He was their last hope. So Hitler risked exposure as an enemy agent in order to save them.
Here are some quotes from the book:
Page 112: The escape of the British Army from France has often been called "the miracle of Dunkirk". For the German armoured forces had reached the Channel coast behind the back of the British Army while this was still deep in the interior of Flanders cut off from its own bases, and from the bulk of the French Army, it seemed likely also to be cut off from the sea. Those who got away have often wondered how they managed to do so. The answer is that Hitler's intervention saved them—when nothing else could have. A sudden order from him over the telephone stopped the armoured forces just as they were in sight of Dunkirk, and held them back until the retreating British had reached the port and slipped out of their clutches.
Page 112: But although the British Army thus escaped from the trap in France, it was in no state to defend England. It had left most of its weapons behind, and the stores at home were almost empty. In the following months Britain's small and scantily-armed forces faced the magnificently equipped army that had conquered France—with only a strip of water between them. Yet the invasion never came. At the time we believed that the repulse of the Luftwaffe in the "Battle over Britain" had saved her. That is only part of the explanation. The last part of it. The original cause, which goes deeper, is that Hitler did not want to conquer England. He took little interest in the invasion preparations, did nothing to spur them on, and cancelled at the first plausible excuse.
Page 139: On the 22nd, Boulogne was isolated by Guderian's advance, and next day Calais. That same day Reinhardt reached the Aire-St. Omer Canal, less than twenty miles from Dunkirk—the only escape port left to the British Expeditionary Force. The German armoured forces were much nearer to it than the bulk of the British Expeditionary Force. "At that moment," Rundstedt told me, "a sudden telephone call came from Colonel von Grieffenberg at O.K.H. [Oberkommando das Heeres; Army High Command], saying that Kleist's forces were to halt on the line of the canal. It was the Fuhrer's direct order—and contrary to General Halder's view. I questioned it in a message of protest, but received a curt telegram in reply, saying: 'The armoured divisions are to remain at medium artillery range from Dunkirk' (a distance of eight or nine miles). 'Permission is only granted for reconnaissance and protective movements'." Kleist said that when he got the order it seemed to make no sense to him. "I decided to ignore it, and to push on across the Canal. My armoured cars actually entered Hazebrouck, and cut across the British lines of retreat. I heard later that the British Commander-in-Chief, Lord Gort, had been in Hazebrouck at the time. But then came a more emphatic order that I was to withdraw behind the canal. My tanks were kept halted there for three days." Thoma, who was chief of the tank side of the General Staff, told me that he was right up forward with the leading tanks, near Bergues, where he could look into the town of Dunkirk itself. He sent back wireless messages direct to O.K.H., begging for permission to let the tanks push on. But his appeal had no effect. Referring to Hitler's attitude, he bitingly remarked: "You can never talk to a fool. Hitler spoilt the chance of victory."
Meanwhile the British forces streamed back towards Dunkirk, and cemented a defensive position to cover their re-embarkation. The German tank commanders had to sit and watch the British slipping away under their very noses. "After three days the ban was lifted," Kleist said, "and the advance was resumed—against stiffening opposition. It had just begun to make headway when it was interrupted by a fresh order from Hitler—that my forces were to be withdrawn, and sent southward for the attack on the line that the remainder of the French Army had improvised along the Somme. It was left to the infantry forces which had come down from, Belgium to complete the occupation of Dunkirk—after the British had gone."
Liddell Hart released a second edition of the book a few years later. He added a fresh chapter on Guderian; "the subordinate commander who was insubordinately responsible for producing the staggering German victory in 1940." Here are a couple of quotes from the chapter:
Page 53: In conference on the plan of the offensive they insisted that Guderian's spearhead of armoured divisions, after driving through the Ardennes, must wait on the Meuse for the arrival of the infantry mass. They held that a crossing of the river would not be possible until the ninth or tenth day from the start. In that case the French High Command would have had time, ample time, to reshuffle their dispositions, and bring their reserves to the spot to block the passage. But Guderian [contrary to the plan; i.e., he disregarded the order to wait for the infantry] forced a crossing on the day of his arrival on the Meuse—the fourth day from the start of the offensive. Then, despite the continued trepidation of the Higher Command, he drove on 160 miles through the back areas of the Allied armies, to cut their lines of supply. On the eleventh day of the offensive he reached the Channel coast, cutting off the left wing of the Allied armies. That lightning stroke virtually decided the issue of the campaign.... If Hitler had not ordered a halt, Guderian would have cut off the escape of the British Army from Dunkirk.
30th October 2017, 01:41 PM
Some information in the article "Hitler was a Jew, working for the Jews." has been hard to find. And it is often difficult to sort out what actually happened (for example, what exactly did happen at Kurst). As to Kurst, the 2012 book "Decision in the Ukraine." by George Nipe, seems the best (of the few that I've skimmed). I came across this summary paragraph of the outcome of the battle around Prochorovka:
When the fighting wound down in the blasted fields surrounding Prochorovka, Armee-Abteilung Kempf's tanks were also at a standstill, with 6. and 7. Panzer-Divisions still some ten to twelve kilometers to the south, fighting to break out of the Donets bridgehead. The sacrificial efforts of Rotmistrov's 5th Guards Tank Army and the armor and infantry of Zhadov's 5th Guards Army and the attached reinforcements had halted the Germans by sheer weight of numbers and determination. According to Soviet accounts, the 29th Tank Corps lost 60 percent of its armor, approximately 125 tanks. The 18th Tank Corps reported the destruction of over 30 percent of its armor. Several Soviet tank brigades were essentially destroyed, notably the 181st Tank Brigade, whose mix of T-34s and T-70s ran into the Leibstandarte's Tiger tanks and were annihilated by the 88mm guns of the heavy panzers. Taken as a whole, the 5th Guards Tank Army suffered the destruction of a major portion of its tanks, having only 150 to 200 operational vehicles left [out of about 850 tanks] after its collision with the SS panzer divisions. This figure is supported by Rotmistrov's own account of the battle in his 1984 book, Stal'naya gvardiya, in which he states that by 13 July, he had 400 tanks out of action with battle damage that could be repaired, not counting those that were total losses or unrecoverable at that time. The SS panzer divisions met most of a full-strength, reinforced Soviet tank army and elements of an infantry army in battle and had held their ground, while sustaining only moderate losses of their own armor. The three SS panzer divisions still had a total of 163 operational tanks on the following day, 13 July, having destroyed several times their number of Soviet tanks. The XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps, on the left of Hausser's corps, had a few more tanks, listing 173 operational panzers on the same date. Thus, Hoth's 4. Panzerarmee still had 336 operational tanks, and III. Panzerkorps still had an additional 83 tanks. The Germans tanks thus outnumbered the remnants of 5th Guards Tank Army by approximately two to one after the fighting halted for the day. Hoth and Kempf planned to resume the attack on the following day, reporting to the OKH that massive Soviet forces had been committed against them. The HQ of 4. Panzerarmee commented in the daily combat report that it had been counterattacked along its whole front during the course of the day. The army stated that it had been attacked near Prochorovka by two tank corps, in the north by several rifle divisons supported by armor from two tank corps and on its western flank by two armored corps and a mechanized corps. The successful capture of the hill to the northwest of Michailovka (by the panzer group in the Totenkopf bridgehead) was mentioned. The divisions of both German armies prepared for another hard day of fighting, unaware that while they planned for 13 July, Manstein would be in a meeting with Adolf Hitler and Kluge on that day. During that conference, decisions were made, in the opinion of Manstein, that "threw away a victory."[Manstein is a Jewish name; could it be? He looks Jewish.]
Since one SS division destroyed two tank corps in the early fighting on 12 July, it is likely that two entire SS divisions could have annihilated Rotmistrov's two remaining brigades and retained sufficient strength to advance on the town itself. This would have essentially meant the destruction of the 5th Guards Tank Army and probably would have resulted in the capture of Prochorovka. Had Hoth taken the town, the consequences for the Soviets in the Psel area could have been catastrophic, given the losses inflicted on 5th Guards Tank Army.
In Manstein's opinion, the decisive moment had only then arrived, and he argued that to disengage now while he had uncommitted panzer reserves (XXIV. Panzerkorps) would be a disastrous mistake. The Soviet armored operational reserve in the south, the 1st Tank Army, had already suffered tank losses of catastrophic proportions.
Manstein's further comments regarding his reaction to Hitler's decisions are given in Lost Victories: "Speaking for my own army group, I pointed out that the battle was now at its culminating point, and that to break it off at this moment would be tantamount to throwing a victory away. On no account should we let go of the enemy until the mobile reserves he had committed were completely beaten."
Operation Felix.
Hitler refused to take Gibraltar and turn the Mediterranean into a "German lake". There was nothing to stop the Germans from driving through Spain (their ally) and doing the job.
Spain was ostensibly neutral, but Franco and his crowd owed the Nazi's for winning support in the Spanish civil war. It was extremely unlikely that Franco would have opposed the Nazis sending an army through Spain to take Gibraltar. This should have been as easy as the Japanese taking of Singapore. Just like the big guns in Singapore pointed towards the ocean and couldn't be turned around the big guns in Gibraltar pointed towards the straits and couldn't be turned around. Without Hitler, I doubt the Germans would have had much trouble taking Gibraltar.
A plan, called Operation Felix, and dated November 12, 1940, stated: 1. Relations with France: The aim of my policy toward France is to cooperate with this country in the most effective way for the future prosecution of the war against England. For the time being France will have the role of a "non-belligerent power" which will have to tolerate German military measures on her territory,... 2. Spain and Portugal: Political measures to induce the prompt entry of Spain into the war have been initiated. The aim of German intervention in the Iberian Peninsula (code name Felix) will be to drive the English out of the Western Mediterranean. For this purpose: a) Gibraltar should be taken and the Straits closed; The English should be prevented from gaining a foothold at another point of the Iberian Peninsula or of the Atlantic islands. From "Hitler's Plan To Capture Gibraltar" (1985) by Joe Garcia.
Operation Felix may have been a fake plan concocted after the war. But, if not, then (a faction among) the Germans had the intention to take Gibraltar. That Hitler was able to prevent this happening, without giving himself away, shows the truly amazing con-man, he was.
The Production of Nerve Gas.
Tabun was the first nerve agent (nerve gas) known. It was discovered in January 1936 by the German researcher Gerhard Schrader.
Tabun was made on an industrial scale by Germany during World War II, based on a process developed by Gerhard Schrader. In a large production facility at Dyhernfurth an der Oder, at least 12,000 metric tons of this agent were manufactured between 1942 and 1945.
I have not been able to verify the claims regarding the quantity of artillery shells and bombs filled with nerve gas.
The nerve gas Sarin was discovered in 1938.... by Gerhard Schrader, Ambros, Ritter, and von der Linde.
In mid-1939, the formula for the Sarin was passed to the chemical warfare section of the German Army Weapons Office,... Pilot plants were built, and a high-production facility was under construction (but was not finished) by the end of World War II. Estimates for total sarin production by Nazi Germany range from 500 kg to 10 tons.
Sarin, tabun and soman were incorporated into artillery shells, against Allied targets.
A person's clothing can release sarin for about 30 minutes after it has come in contact with sarin gas, which can lead to exposure of other people. [this is of interest because of the various false-flag sarin events in Syria]
Here are some quotes from "Hitlers Secret Weapons 1933-1945: the essential facts and figures for Germany's secret weapons program" by David Porter. You can download the book from here (
During the 1930s, German researchers investigated the potential use of organo-phosphate compounds as commercial insecticides. While many were highly effective in agriculture, a few were found to be deadly nerve agents.
In 1939, trials to confirm the practicality of large scale Tabun manufacture were successfully carried out at an experimental plant at Munsterlager on Luneberg Heath. In January 1940, work began on the full-scale production facility, code named Hochwerk, at Dyernfurth-am-Oder (now Brzeg Dolny in Poland). The factory complex was run by an I.G. Farbenindustrie subsidiary, Anorgana GmbH, and was completely self-contained, synthesizing all intermediates as well as Tabun itself. The facility had an underground plant for filling munitions, which were then stored at Krappitz (now Krapowice) in Upper Silesia.
Although 500,000 artillery shells and 100,000 bombs filled with Tabun had been stockpiled by the end of the war, none were ever used...
Page 166 shows a photo of Tabun-filled nerve gas artillery shells in a storage area.
Nuclear Weapons.
Concerning nuclear weapons the book states:
The generally accepted history of German nuclear research indicates that from 1942 onwards, little practical progress was made towards a viable weapon - Speer attempted to get Professor Werner Heisenberg, one of the principal experts in the field, to give him some straight answers about the feasibility of producing an atomic weapon in a reasonable time-scale. Heisenberg supposedly told him that even with generous funding, it would take at least three or four years, at which point Speer recalled that, 'we scuttled the project to develop an atomic bomb'. Thereafter, research efforts were largely concentrated on building practical nuclear reactors. This seems incredible unless Speer was yet another Jew.
The accepted history paints a picture of sustained German incompetence [or sustained Jewish sabotage] in the field of nuclear research that is in marked contrast to their achievements in other areas of military technology. This account begins to look increasingly improbable as closer examination of the period throws up a number of inconsistencies.
It is certainly possible [but very unlikely] that the fragmentation of the German nuclear research programme in 1942 was a security measure.
Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker, one of the members of the second Uranverein, filed a draft patent application indicating that the production of plutonium and its military potential were well understood. The application includes the following summary: The production of element 94 [plutonium] in practically useful amounts is best done with the 'uranium machine' [nuclear reactor]. It is especially advantageous - and this is the main benefit of the invention - that the element 94 thereby produced can easily be separated from uranium chemically. The document also specifically goes on to note the use of plutonium to produce an exceptionally powerful bomb: "With regard to energy per unit weight, this explosive would be around 10 million times greater than any other [existing explosive] and comparable only to pure uranium 235." [Was this patent then registered in London and Washington?]
The potential use of nuclear fission to produce a bomb of unprecedented power was investigated by German scientists from 1939 onwards, but they were crucially just behind the US and UK in developing an operational weapon. [The book presents no evidence for the claim that Germany was just behind the US in nuclear weapon development.]
Sabotage of Aircraft Production.
I checked "Jane's Fighting Aircraft Of World War II." and it says "The Heinkel He 178, was test-flown on August 27, 1939, was the first jet propelled aircraft to fly. It was a shoulder-wing monoplane and was fitted with a large-diameter He S-3 turbojet unit which developed a thrust of about 1,000 lbs."
"The Heinkel He 280 was a single-seat jet-propelled fighter which was originally under development in the Summer of 1939. It had a typical Heinkel fighter fuselage.... and was eventually abandoned in late 1944."
"Aircraft of the Luftwaffe, 1935-1945: An Illustrated Guide" by Jean-Denis Lepage, says:
[B]Heinkel He 178
A private venture of the Ernst Heinkel AG Company, the He 178 claims the fame of being the first jet-powered aircraft ever. The small experimental fighter He 178, designed by engineer Hans-Joachim Pabst von Ohain, was successfully tested in August 1939. The He 178 was a shoulder-wing monoplane with the cockpit well forward of the wing leading edge. It had a He S 3 B turbojet engine, a retractable landing gear, a speed of 700 km/h (435 mph), a wingspan of 7.20 m (23 ft 3 in), and a length of 7.48 m (24 ft 6 in). Udet and Milch attended a test flight at the Marienehe base on November 1, 1939, but—in spite of its tremendous potential—the futuristic He 178 did not generate much interest from the RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium = Ministry of Aviation = Air ministry). Just like the later Heinkel He 280, a remarkable twin-jet-engine combat fighter from 1940, the He 178 appeared at a time when the RLM showed no interest in [the] new development....
Goering and Milch were number one and two at the Air ministry. If Milch, Goering (and Hitler) were Jews as claimed then it is no surprise that Air ministry found no interest in these remarkable jet-aircraft.
Louis Snyder, in his Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, states that Milch's mother was Jewish.
There was a complicating factor: Milch's mother was Jewish, ordinarily an impossible situation for an official of the Nazi regime. Goering solved the problem by having Milch's mother sign a legal affidavit stating that Erhard Milch was a bastard son of his father and not a child of her marriage. Milch did not object to this process of Aryanization. This was a standard procedure for Goering, who never took anti-Semitism as seriously as did the Fuehrer. Goering habitually drew non-Aryan officers (Jews) to the Luftwaffe.... [which helps explain why the Luftwaffe failed so spectacularly].
Heinkel He 280
The single-seat, two-jet-engine fighter Heinkel He 280 was a remarkable achievement designed by engineer Max Müller from the Jumo Company. The second Heinkel jet aircraft had a span of 12 m (39 ft 5 in), a length of 10.20 m (33 ft 5.5 in), a height of 3.19 m (10 ft 6 in) and an empty weight of 3,350 kg (7,386 lbs). It had twin fins and retractable tricycle landing gear, and was powered by two Junkers Jumo 004A turbojets mounted under the wings which gave a maximum speed of 817 km/h (508 mph) and a range of 615 km (382 miles). Intended armament was three 20-mm MG 151 cannons, and a bomb load of 500 kg (1,102 lbs) for the envisioned He 280B fighter/bomber version. The prototype He 280 V1 made its first flight in April 1941, and proved its excellent maneuverability and tremendous potential during a mock dogfight with a Focke-Wulf 190 in early 1942 which the He 280 easily won. Yet this attractive and advanced craft appeared at a time when the German leadership showed no interest in jet aircraft....
Hitler's Vienna.
The claims made from the book "Hitler's Vienna" seem to be correct. From page 45 & 46 we have:
Hitler retained (the Viennese genealogist Karl Friedrich von) Frank's services on February 29. The genealogist mailed his report as early as April 8, 1932, on the same day on which the headlines of late newspaper editions announced in huge block letters: "Hitler's Name Is Schucklgruber." In the article the young reporter Hans Bekessi, who later went by the name of Hans Habe, revealed the heretofore unknown history of Hitler's father's late change of name—a revelation that had a spectacular impact. Tens of thousands of copies of the newspaper were hauled into Germany to affect the election campaign....
Yet in the summer of 1932 there was an even far greater uproar in the press. First, on June 16, the Neue Zurcher Zeitung published a letter to the editor regarding the topic of "Hitler's Ancestors": the sender questioned Frank's opinion that "with the exception of the name Wallj [the family chart contained] only German names," and offered that "the family name Salomon, which comes up repeatedly," surely couldn't be "accepted without qualms as a German name.... At least, Adolf Hitler and his followers are not in the habit of simply accepting that name as a German name." In the family tree that Frank published, there appears as a great-great-great-grandmother, as number forty-five, a Catholic Katharina Salomon from Nieder-Plottbach, parish of Dollersheim, daughter of the Catholic farmer Johann Salomon in Nieder-Plottbach. It was the appearance of this Jewish-sounding name that started speculations about Hitler's alleged Jewish background.
In the meantime Bekessi had become an editor for the Osterreichisches Abendblatt and published new revelations starting on July 12; for example, on July 14, 1933: "Awesome Traces of the Hitler Jews in Vienna," with photographs from Hitler graves in the Jewish section of Vienna's Central Cemetery and a cookbook by one Rosalie Hitler, written in Hebrew.
One should mention that Frank claimed that his original genealogy was incorrect and later in the following year, 1933, presented an extended family tree of Hitler with the name Salomon removed. However, this was generally viewed as a cover-up.
The Jewish World.
The article from "The Jewish World" does indeed claim that Hitler Goering and Himmler all have close relatives living in Israel as Jews. Some quotes:
"Hitler's nephew's grandson—right here in Israel—and a Jew!"
"Recent newspaper articles published in both Europe and Canada have detailed the extraordinary metamorphoses of people like Matthias Goering, great-nephew of the notorious Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering, who keeps kosher, celebrates Shabbat and wears a yarmulka; Katrin Himmler, great-niece of SS Commander Heinreich Himmler, who married an Israeli and Oskar Eder, a former member of the Luftwaffe who changed his name to Asher,..."
Did Jewish financiers give billions to finance Hitler's rise to power? I don't know, but apparently the book "Wall Street and the rise of Hitler" ( Antony C. Sutton deals with this topic.
In my web-wanderings I also found this:
Hitler was a British Agent.
"Hitler was a British Agent", by Greg Hallett. I haven't been able to find a copy of this book, but it sounds interesting. I have been told that Hallett is a Jew and wrote "Hitler was a British Agent." to prevent people writing a book called "Hitler was a Jewish Agent." I guess there is some logic to that. I know next to nothing about Hallett, let alone about his motives for writing the book.
Hitler's Genealogy.
An interesting article concerning Hitler's genealogy is:
This is definitely worth a look. Miles Mathis looks at the genealogies of some of the important Nazi's (including Hitler) and pronounces them Jews. He finds that many are related to each other (and to US President Donald Trump)! I have no idea how correct his findings are. Here is a quote:
"Olga Obrist marries an Edward Hedinger. I suspect these are all variants of the same name, but even if they aren't, we have just linked the Henningers and Hettingers through the Obersts. They are from the same town in the same years, and are linked to all these obviously Jewish families. To salt that in, we also get the Görings and Brauns and Hoffmanns. Also the Schicks. Hitler's grandmother was a Schicklgruber, remember? So not only have we just linked (US President Donald) Trump and Heinz to Himmler, we have linked Himmler to Göring, Braun, and Hitler. It looks like they were all cousins."
And to top it off, it appears that;
Hitler's wife was a Jew.
Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler's long-term lover who married the Nazi leader hours before their joint suicide in his Berlin bunker, may have had Jewish ancestry, ground-breaking DNA testing has found. DNA analysis of hair samples from a hairbrush claimed to belong to Braun suggests that the fascist dictator may have unwittingly married a woman of semitic descent, in one of his final acts as the Third Reich crumbled. The revelation appears in a Channel 4 documentary, Dead Famous DNA, broadcast next week, in which leading scientists attempt to extract DNA from relics and analyse their genome to solve mysteries associated with them. Forensic scientists sequenced the hypervariable region of the mitochondrial DNA from a sample of hairs extracted from a monogrammed hairbrush found at the end of the Second World War in Braun's apartment at Hitler's Alpine residence, the Berghof in Bavaria, by an American army intelligence officer. They found a specific sequence within the mitochondrial DNA, a small genome within the mitochondria of the cell that is passed down the maternal line from mother to daughter unchanged over the generations, belonging to haplogroup N1b1, which is associated with Ashkenazi Jews. A haplogroup is a particular sequence of mitochondrial DNA which is passed down the maternal line and according to traditional Jewish law, Judaism is passed down through matrilineal descent....
For the complete story from the Independent (British newspaper), click here (
Like I said there is a heap of stuff to look at. However, I've spent much more time investigating this than I planned and I find the whole subject rather disturbing, quite scary, in fact. So, I'm headed back to my usual work.
30th October 2017, 02:10 PM
I have been and remain in the camp that believe Hitler was an agent of the Rothchilds. There is credible evidence that he lived on after the war, in South America. If he was allowed to live, this is proof positive that he was in their pocket. I believe he committed suicide with Eva Braun about as much as I believe Ossama Bin Laden was dumped at sea and Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole in the ground.
30th October 2017, 03:59 PM
Is it a coincidence that WW2 was the best thing that ever happened to Khazars? It is well established that their modus operandi is to place Marranos in all the key positions before pulling off major stunts. Why would WW2 have been any different?
The end result reveals the original intention.
30th October 2017, 04:38 PM
Is it a coincidence that WW2 was the best thing that ever happened to Khazars? It is well established that their modus operandi is to place Marranos in all the key positions before pulling off major stunts. Why would WW2 have been any different?
The end result reveals the original intention.
The British (Bankster Empire) were responsible for WW1 and 11. They have been after the German's since their unification in 1871 - an economic power much greater than the British, and could only be defeated by the Capitalist and Communist (jews) dropping their faux opposition.
30th October 2017, 05:00 PM
The British (Bankster Empire) were responsible for WW1 and 11. They have been after the German's since their unification in 1871 - an economic power much greater than the British, and could only be defeated by the Capitalist and Communist (jews) dropping their faux opposition.It wasn't about nationality nor ideology, it as about Jews vs, Goyim.
30th October 2017, 07:08 PM
The British (Bankster Empire) were responsible for WW1 and 11. They have been after the German's since their unification in 1871 - an economic power much greater than the British, and could only be defeated by the Capitalist and Communist (jews) dropping their faux opposition.
The "british banksters" in this case are all Jews.
31st October 2017, 12:10 AM
Bigjon, you have unveiled plenty of instances where third Reich military matters was handled very poorly or even with disastrous consequences by Hitler, for no apparent reason, if not by design. I suppose hubris could be one alternative explanation though, but consistently making strategic decisions in conflict with the interests of Germany? Good research!
31st October 2017, 07:15 AM
Bigjon, you have unveiled plenty of instances where third Reich military matters was handled very poorly or even with disastrous consequences by Hitler, for no apparent reason, if not by design. I suppose hubris could be one alternative explanation though, but consistently making strategic decisions in conflict with the interests of Germany? Good research!
It is not mine, I lifted (borrowed) it from BarnacleBob's piece over there.
It makes more sense to me than the view Hitler and the German's where trapped by circumstances beyond their control and forced into 2 wars. Jews were in complete control of Germany by the end of the 19th century and then the story goes they lost it.
I say they engineered both wars.
31st October 2017, 08:36 AM
The "british banksters" in this case are all Jews.
"The family’s ascent to international prominence began in 1744, with the birth of Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He was the son of Amschel Moses Rothschild, (born circa 1710), a money changer who had traded with the Prince of Hesse. Born in the “Judengasse (“, the ghetto of Frankfurt, Mayer developed a finance house and spread his empire by installing each of his five sons in the five main European financial centres in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, as well as Frankfurt."
31st October 2017, 09:01 AM
The entire war Strategy is crystal clear to me that Hitler were working for his enemy handlers in London.
After a couple centuries of subjugating Indians, they came out smellin like fresh cooked chips.
31st October 2017, 09:33 PM
Lacey says these are Hitler's blunders, I say they are his strategy to annihilate Germans, in preference of his own Jewish background.
Declares War on the United States (
On December 8, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt went before Congress and asked for a declaration of war against Japan. Germany was never mentioned. There was little popular support to expand the war; unless Hitler made some gesture of monumental stupidity, the United States at the time had no official reason to declare war on Germany. British and American strategists were frustrated. They had always presumed that once the United States entered the war, defeating Germany would take priority over Japan. But now it appeared America would take on Japan first while Great Britain fought alone against Germany.
Fortunately for them, four days after Pearl Harbor, Hitler committed one of the most monumental blunders in history. While President Roosevelt needed 517 words to declare war and doom Japan, when Hitler went before the Reichstag he required just 334 to seal the fate of the Third Reich.
In the final month of 1941, a perceptive observer may have noticed the first glimmers of hope for the Allied cause, as German prospects took a turn for the worse. Britain was not only unbowed, it was actively counterattacking wherever possible. More worrying for the Germans was the Soviet counterattack in front of Moscow, where fresh Siberian divisions were tearing at the Wehrmacht's Army Group Center.
Despite these rapidly darkening skies, Hitler, upon hearing news of Pearl Harbor, left his Prussian headquarters—where he had gone to personally deal with the Russian winter offensive—and rushed to Berlin. On December 11, he went before the Reichstag to declare war on the United States. It was an act of suicidal hubris. Although Germany was already locked in a war against Great Britain and the Soviet Union, Hitler, when presented with the opportunity to declare war against a nation capable of producing as many munitions in one year as Germany could in five, did not hesitate or flinch. It was not his first serious blunder, nor his last. It was, however, his most colossal.
Why did he do it? This question has long puzzled historians. Hitler was certainly aware of America's production potential, for he had written about it in Mein Kampf. The simplest answer is that despite this knowledge, he remained unimpressed with American military potential. In 1940, he had told Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov that the United States would not be a threat to Germany for decades—"1970 or 1980 at the earliest." Moreover, Hitler had always believed that war with the United States was inevitable. For him, it was better to have that war at a time of his choosing, and when he could count on Japan siphoning off significant amounts of American power. So Germany, for the second time in a generation, found itself in a two-front war against the combined might of the world's greatest economic powers.
Issues Halt Order at Dunkirk (
Still, there was one brief moment when Hitler had it within his power to win the war on one front and remove both France and Britain from his list of antagonists. It had come more than a year and a half earlier, on the coast of northern France. On May 10, 1940, German spearheads brushed aside light resistance in the Ardennes Forest before smashing through the French defensive line at Sedan. Slashing across France, General Heinz Guderian's panzers entered Abbeville, 20 miles from the English Channel, a mere 10 days later. The French army, cut in half and thrown off balance, never recovered its equilibrium.
But even as the Wehrmacht was finishing off France, Hitler's next actions guaranteed the survival of another of his foes, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), thereby presenting his most committed opponent, Winston Churchill, with a gift of inestimable value: an army with which to continue the struggle.
On May 23, the leading panzer units were only 18 miles from the port at Dunkirk, closer to it than most British units. Although the German troops were exhausted from two weeks of continuous marching and fighting, local commanders judged that they could easily capture the port, and thereby trap the British Army in France. Sensing that a crushing victory was near, Wehrmacht commander in chief Walter von Brauchitsch ordered the city taken. But just before the tanks went forward, Hitler issued his infamous "halt order," stopping them outside Dunkirk.
He never mentioned his rationale for the order; guesses include Hermann Göring's assurance that the Luftwaffe could complete the destruction of the BEF, and Hitler's reluctance to risk his valuable panzers in the unfriendly marsh terrain of neighboring Flanders. Whatever the reason, the halt gave the British two precious days to solidify their defenses around Dunkirk, permitting them to carry out the most famous sealift of modern history. In that end, the Royal Navy, assisted by some French warships and a flotilla of 800 private vessels, pulled 338,226 troops off the beaches at Dunkirk, including 118,000 French, Belgian, and Dutch soldiers. These rescued men provided a veteran core around which Britain rebuilt its army.
Overlooks U-boats' Potential
With the Royal Navy protecting the English Channel and the Royal Air Force denying air dominance to the Luftwaffe, England was safe from invasion. Still, Hitler had one weapon that could take Britain out of the war: the U-boat. In 1917, U-boats came close to bringing Britain to its knees. Despite this, Hitler was slow to see their value. If, during the second half of the 1930s, he had taken the resources wasted on the construction of an almost useless surface fleet and instead applied them to the construction of U-boats, Germany could have started the war with hundreds of these silent killers, rather than 57.
Even with their paucity of numbers, the U-boats came within a hair's breadth of knocking Britain out of the war. By the middle of 1940, Germany had only 25 U-boats left in service. Still, they managed to sink close to 700,000 tons of Allied shipping by the end of the year, or over 225 merchant ships. Despite that success, it was not until February 1941 that Hitler issued Führer Directive 23, ordering a crash program of U-boat production.
Germany went on to build more than 1,100 U-boats during the war, with over 450 still in service in 1945. By early 1943, the U-boats had Britain in desperate straits, and winning the Battle of the Atlantic became the Allies' top priority. Then, in March 1943—almost imperceptibly at first—the tide started to turn. A combination of better tactics, new antisubmarine technology, and a broken German naval code turned the North Atlantic into a submarine graveyard.
U-boats continued sinking Allied ships until the end of the war, but their own losses were unacceptably high. In the end, Germany lost almost 800 U-boats and some 30,000 crewmen. Although they sank close to 14 million tons of Allied shipping, that impressive total was overwhelmed by the nearly 40 million tons of additional shipping the United States alone built during the war. Considering that the entire British merchant fleet in 1940 was less than 18 million tons, it is clear that if Germany had started the war with as many U-boats as it ended with, Britain could not have survived long.
Opens Vast Second Front
But Britain did survive, and was still defiant when Hitler made a blunder second only in folly to his gratuitous declaration of war against the United States: the launch of Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941.
Slightly more than two decades had passed since Germany had last launched a two-front war—and suffered devastating consequences. It therefore took a stunning level of strategic incompetence on Hitler's part to initiate a war in the East when the outcome in the West was still at issue. Tenacity, coupled with flashes of tactical and operational brilliance, kept the German army in the field for four bloody years. And once again, the German military almost made good on Hitler's gamble. But such martial attributes were insufficient to overcome the fundamental strategic mistake that placed them deep into Russia to begin with. It took a number of additional blunders on Hitler's part to crush German hopes of a Drang Nach Osten—"Drive to the East."
Fails to Take Moscow
The first of those blunders came soon after Operation Barbarossa was launched. From the outset, Hitler's military leaders knew that speed was of the essence: they were after a quick contest, not a protracted war. And their initial prospects of winning that race against time were promising: after smashing through the Soviet forward divisions, Army Group Center won a hard-fought battle at Smolensk. At its conclusion, more than 200,000 Soviet prisoners were marched into already overcrowded holding pens, and the road to Moscow was laid bare. Now was the time for a strong, direct thrust at the Soviet capital.
More than just a political objective, Moscow was the nerve center for the Communist Party, a major industrial center, and, most important, the nexus for almost every major rail line in the Soviet Union; if Moscow fell, lateral movement of Soviet forces would become impossible. Moreover, the defeat of Moscow would help cut western Russia off from the eastern armies, which were already beginning their move to the city's aid. In 1812, Russia could give up Moscow to Napoleon and suffer few military consequences. Losing Moscow in 1940 would have been catastrophic to the Soviet cause.
But then Hitler shifted Germany's strategic emphasis: rather than send his forces on to Moscow, at the end of August Hitler ordered General Heinz Guderian to take his Second Panzer Army south to assist the slow-moving Army Group South. By way of explanation, he pointed to the natural resources of the Ukraine and the oil in the Caucasus, both of which he saw as vital to the German war effort. When his generals persisted in protesting this shift in strategy, Hitler exclaimed, "My generals know nothing of economics!" Reluctantly, Guderian took his panzers south, netting another 600,000 prisoners in the Kiev pocket. It was the greatest tactical victory of war, but it was not without cost.
When the advance on Moscow—Operation Typhoon—was renewed on October 2, a precious month had been lost. A combination of stubborn Russian resistance, German overextension, and abysmal weather soon stalled the German offensive just short of its ultimate objective. In late November, when Typhoon was called off, lead German elements were less than 20 miles from Moscow. Only two weeks later, the Russians launched a crippling winter counteroffensive. Unlike Napoleon's Grande Armée, which was shredded after its victory by both the Russians and the winter, Army Group Center did not disintegrate. It did, however, suffer horrific losses and was never again in a position to threaten Moscow. Hitler's chance for a quick and decisive outcome in the East dissolved.
Overvalues Stalingrad as a Target
All hope for victory was not lost, however. In the spring and summer of 1942, a restored Wehrmacht launched a new offensive to secure the Caucasus oil fields. It was at this point that Hitler made a series of misjudgments that doomed a German field army and had dire effects on the overall war effort.
After chastising his generals about Moscow being a mere political target of little military consequence, Hitler, remarkably, allowed himself to be drawn into a battle of prestige for control of Stalingrad. Instead of focusing on the oil fields, he divided his force, sending one to head south toward Baku, the other to take Stalingrad. It was a battle he waged ferociously, long after the city had lost any military utility. Division after division was fed into the Stalingrad maelstrom, where whole battalions were virtually obliterated 24 hours after their commitment. For almost three months, the German Sixth Army pounded at the city until only a small sliver remained in Soviet hands.
Myopically focused on capturing the city named for his mortal enemy, Hitler took no notice of the buildup of Soviet reserves on Sixth Army's weakly held flanks. When the Soviets launched an attack to encircle Sixth Army—Operation Uranus—in mid-November, they quickly shattered first the Romanian and later the Italian and Hungarian armies flanking the city. Two days later, Soviet pincers met at the nearby town of Kalach, entrapping the Sixth Army. For several months the doomed army slowly starved, before finally surrendering on February 2, 1943.
Hitler's maniacal insistence on seizing and holding Stalingrad had cost over 750,000 causalities, and the loss of an irreplaceable field army. It was, up to that point, the greatest single disaster the German army endured.
Gambles All at Kursk
Eventually, the Soviet Stalingrad offensive petered out, and the Germans were given breathing space to consolidate a new defensive line and restore their depleted forces. If they were to have any chance of negotiating a favorable peace, now was the time to fortify in depth, build mobile strike forces for counterattacks—such as Erich von Manstein's successful counteroffensive at Kharkov in February–March 1943—and husband their strength to meet the next Soviet offensive.
Instead, Hitler became fixated on a massive summer offensive aimed at an enormous bulge in the Soviet line around the city of Kursk. Ordering simultaneous thrusts from the north and south, he hoped to trap the Soviet forces within the bulge, or salient, and to tear a gap in their line, allowing the offensive to continue to the east.
If it was the Battle of Stalingrad that decided Hitler would not win the war, it was the Battle of Kursk that decided he would lose it. Aware of the massive preparations the Russians were making around Kursk, many German generals were reluctant to attack; even Hitler had doubts, admitting that the thought of the attack made him feel ill. Despite his foreboding, Hitler eventually ordered it to go forward.
It is a testament to German tactical ability that for 10 days the Wehrmacht pushed doggedly ahead. And for one brief moment, it even seemed as if the horrific losses inflicted upon them would not be in vain. The final defensive belt was breached and the armor of the Fourth Panzer Army massed for the final push. It was at this moment that the Russian commander, General Georgi Zhukov, unveiled his final surprise. The Soviet reserve, comprising the 5th Guards Tank Army, was ordered forward to seal the breech. Near the village of Prokhorovka, the Soviet tanks collided headlong with the onrushing Germans. In what became known as the "Death Ride of the Fourth Panzer Army," both sides fought a close-quarters knife fight with tanks. When it was over, German offensive power in the east was extinguished. The panzer divisions, reconstituted at great cost in the first half of 1943, were shattered. With them went Hitler's hopes of victory.
Reinforces Afrika Korps Too Late
Even as the Germans plodded forward at Kursk, Allied forces were landing at Sicily. That they were able to make relatively short work of the island's defenses and follow up with a rapid invasion of the Italian mainland can be attributed to another of Hitler's blunders. Since early 1941, Hitler had allowed the commander of German forces in North Africa, Erwin Rommel, to conduct an economy-of-force operation there. For two years, Hitler's reluctance to commit more than a trifling amount of troops to the North African sideshow forced Rommel to make his reputation by fighting and generally winning despite being heavily outnumbered.
It was only after the Battle of El Alamein was finally lost, and in the wake of the successful Allied landing in western North Africa—both in early November 1942—that Hitler suddenly decided to massively reinforce Rommel's army. Tens of thousands of German troops were flown and shipped into Tunisia in a forlorn attempt to keep a toehold in North Africa. Hitler's decision came long after all hope of victory had vanished, and had predictable results. Approximately 230,000 Axis troops surrendered at Tunis in May 1943, including most of Rommel's legendary Afrika Korps. These veterans were desperately needed and sorely missed in the contest for Northern Europe.
Hesitates at Normandy
By early 1944, it was apparent to the German general staff and even Hitler that the final contest for control of Northern Europe was not going to be delayed much longer, and that the Allies would soon attempt a Channel crossing. In one of his flashes of intuition, Hitler predicted that the invasion would come at Normandy. Unfortunately for German military planners, he did not have the courage of his convictions. When the Allies actually landed at Normandy, Hitler suspected it was a deception and that their real target was northeast of there, in the Pas-de-Calais region. The upshot for the Allies was that 19 nearby German divisions, including six powerful panzer divisions, spent D-Day idle. Their early commitment to Normandy would have made the Allied beaches a living hell, and might even have thrown the invasion back into the sea. Over the succeeding weeks, Hitler became ever more convinced that the Normandy invasion was a ruse, and it was not until the end of July that he finally approved the movement of a single division from Fifteenth Army, which was guarding the coast near Pas-de-Calais. Once again, it was too late. By the time reinforcing divisions arrived, the German line was hanging by a thread.
In a further blunder on Hitler's part, he had ordered the Normandy front held at all cost. This ensured that when his forces inevitably did give way, the surviving skeleton formations would be incapable of conducting mobile operations or making a stand much short of the defensive fortifications along Germany's western prewar borders.
Issues Prophetic 'Stand and Die' Order
But Hitler's "stand and die" orders had more fateful consequences on the Eastern Front.
Timed to closely coincide with the Allied invasion of Normandy, Stalin had ordered Operation Bagration—the destruction of Germany's Army Group Center—to commence on June 22, 1944, the anniversary of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union. Prior to the Soviet attack, Hitler's generals advised him to pull back the army—then trying to hold the city of Minsk—to shorter and more defensible positions, so as to let the offensive hit empty space. Failing to persuade him of the necessity of moving out of the way of the Soviet juggernaut, they begged for permission to establish a defense in depth.
Instead, Hitler ordered most of his forces to hold in their forward positions and countenanced no requests for withdrawal, no matter how desperate the situation. The result was calamitous. In one month's fighting the Soviets obliterated Army Group Center, annihilating 20 divisions in the opening weeks of the offensive—almost as many as the Allies were fighting in Normandy. Only exhaustion brought the Soviet horde to a halt on the Vistula River, across from Warsaw. There they restored their strength and prepared their next big move, into the Reich itself.
Loses Second Gamble at the Ardennes
There was, however, a decent probability that Hitler could have spared East Germany almost two generations of Soviet occupation, if not for his next major misstep. By the end of 1944, Allied armies were poised to enter Germany from both the east and west. Through a maximum effort, the Wehrmacht managed to refit several of its panzer divisions and build a mobile reserve with which to meet the onslaught. The refitted armored formations fell far short of what Germany required to turn the tide of the war. But if these divisions had been deployed to the Eastern Front, they could have held off the Russians just long enough for the Western Allies to advance and occupy most of Germany.
Of course, such thinking never concerned Hitler. Instead, he launched his armor that December at a weak sector of the American front—in the Ardennes Forest—in what has become famous as the Battle of the Bulge. Attacking through the Ardennes was a forlorn hope and doomed from the start. It might delay the Allies, but it had no real chance of reenacting the glorious advance of 1940, which had driven over the same ground. All Hitler gained was a foothold in Belgium that could not be sustained. For that he squandered the bulk of his mobile forces and, with them, Germany's last hope of salvaging something from the disaster about to envelop it.
In the end, it's striking that despite blunder after blunder, Germany resisted the combined might of the world's greatest powers for almost half a decade. This is a testament to the operational capabilities of the German army, which demonstrated remarkable recuperative powers throughout the war. Even as late as 1945, the battered Wehrmacht proved capable of lashing out viciously at its tormentors, inflicting more than two battle losses for every one sustained in the war's final months. But it was all in vain. Prowess on the battlefield could not overcome incompetence at the top. Nor could it erase the fact that the Wehrmacht's vaunted fighting capabilities were harnessed to a vile cause. Humanity should remain forever thankful that that cause was led by one of history's greatest military blunderers.
Jim Lacey is the Professor of War, Policy, and Strategy at the Marine War College. A former U.S. Army infantry officer, he is the author of several books on military history, including the forthcoming First Clash on the Battle of Marathon and Keep From All Thoughtful Men on World War II strategy.
1st November 2017, 02:06 AM
Prowess on the battlefield could not overcome incompetence at the top.
True, but to be honest a large reason for that prowess was probably due to the superior training and nationalist ideology that German youth was brought up in, and an important reason for that was Hitler himself. If the purpose was the destruction of Germany why bother training the youth physically and mentally to begin with?
The late war mistakes could very well be explained by Hitler being drugged out of his mind. Leaves declaration of war against US (which most likely would have happened anyway probably sooner rather than later from the US). Allowing the escape from Dunkirk, was however detrimental to the future of third Reich
1st November 2017, 05:55 AM
True, but to be honest a large reason for that prowess was probably due to the superior training and nationalist ideology that German youth was brought up in, and an important reason for that was Hitler himself. If the purpose was the destruction of Germany why bother training the youth physically and mentally to begin with?Only those who already had those sentiments were recruited. Hitler did very little to educate the German masses about Jews. My mother as born and raised in Germany during that era and knew nothing at all about the Jewish problem. Sure he wrote Mein Kampf (or had it written), but that doesn't put it in the hands of those who need to read it. It was not school curriculum.
1st November 2017, 06:39 PM
"We will provide your opposition leaders."
3rd November 2017, 04:46 AM
Miles takes us on a tour of all the lies the Jews have created to put blinders on most of us.
As we have seen, we can link Paul to the peerage through at least seven names in the peerage, and they are all closely linked. Those names are Gordon, Tomlinson, Fleming, Hughes, MacKenzie, Campbell,and Morton. So, although they scrubbed his more recent lines, they forgot to scrub the older ones very well. What this means, among other things, is that Paul's knighting in 1997 may have been a step down. As with Mick Jagger and many others we have looked at, it appears they knight these people to keep you from realizing they already outrank knights by many steps. Paul is most likely a noble of some rank, best guess Baron or Earl, and you don't knight a noble. It is like giving someone a bronze medal who already has gold medal.
Some will say, “So Paul is a noble. Big deal. That isn't much of a story, is it? Is it supposed to be a cut? Won't many just look up to him more?” Some may. But they will have missed the point here, and with all my papers. What we have seen is that these “nobles” are all or mostly Jewish and that they are lying to you all the time about everything. If that doesn't concern you, OK. They are stealing trillions from national treasuries worldwide, and taxing you for things they aren't delivering. If that doesn't concern you, OK. They have faked most of recent history, and they have done it to control and confuse you. If that doesn't concern you, OK. Many of the things they are delivering, like fluoride, vaccines, pesticides, “health” care, chemtrails, wireless radiation, pollution, sex de-education, pharmaceuticals, PEDs, fake science, modern art, and 24-hour propaganda on all topics are toxic. You are being forced to pay for your own disempowerment and your own destruction. If that doesn't concern you, OK. Go on as before.
3rd November 2017, 05:17 AM
Hitler the jew and the faked world war II (
05 Jan 2012, 05:35 #1 ( 4)
Usually, when you read that Hitler was a jew, you have only informations of suspicion about his mother, his jewish ministers and generals, etc... Sometimes, the paper is smarter and tells you that he was the creator of Israel. You can also be aware of the many discrepancies from Hitler (Dunkirk for example).
But, if you think a little bit, you fall quickly on the following inconsistency : if he was a jew, why did he sent the jews to the camps ? I don't speak of extermination of course. Everybody here knows what to think about that. I speak about the deportation itself. If he was a jew working for jewish leaders, he wouldn't have deported millions of jews into the camps.
So, you are blocked with this logical problem. But, hopefully, with the following analysis, the inconsistency is explained, and you can understand why Hitler had to be a jew. You are then absolutely sure that he was one of them.
Jewish leaders wanted to create Israel. They had made moves toward this goal since 1880. And since the 1920's, they had accelerated their actions to create Israel. Around 1920, it was clear that Israel would be created soon, near the 40's or the 50's.
BUT, they had a very big problem. They could steal the land of Palestine. It was very easy for them. But the jews were very well in Europe, stealing the wealth of the goys. So, jewish leader would have had only some thousands of jews going to Israel. And thus, the creation of Israel would have been a failure.
So, if jewish leaders wanted to have millions of jews going to Israel near 1940 or 1950, they desperately needed someone who would : steal the houses and wealth of the European jews, send them to camps, preferably in foreign countries so they would not know the language of the country.
And this leader had to be able to deport not only jews from his own country, but also from other European countries. So, he had to make wars against other European countries, and to win them for some time (before loosing when the deportation work had been done).
Jewish leaders also had to make sure that other countries would limit the immigration of jews toward them, in order to oblige jews to go to only one country : Israel.
So, of course, the rise of Hitler was not a hazard at all (and a wonderful one for jewish leaders). He was put at this place to realize the plan of the jewish leaders. And of course, he was a jew. Putting a goy at this place, with so much power would have been too dangerous for jewish leaders.
And the war was a faked one. Hitler has won at the beginning because it was planned like that ; because he had to put into camps not only german jews, but also jews from France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Russia, etc... When the work was done, as the plan had been accomplished, Hitler began to lose the war (of course, he didn't commit suicide. He fled away and died much later).
And of course, USA and European countries refused many jews in order to oblige them to go to Israel.
The sudden and very incredible antisemitism of Stalin (who was in fact a jew), after 1942, was also planned for this goal. With Stalin being antisemitic, russian jews were pushed toward Israel.
We can think that the McCarthyism was also a part of that plan. USA couldn't be antisemitic after the war, so jewish leaders replaced that by anticommunism (European jews of that time were often communism, or communism friendly or had communist friends). Then, they were able to keep preventing jews from coming to the USA instead of going to Israel.
The fake opposition between England and the jews after the war, was also created for this reason (and also to keep feeding the paranoia of the common jews).
When you understand that, you can understand why the jews provoked World War I. When you watch the map of the middle east before the war, you see the big turkish empire. After the war, the empire has collapsed and is replaced by many countries of small and medium importance. It's sure that the turkish empire was a big problem for zionist leaders : 1) for the creation of Israel 2) and after that, for is survival (having medium or little countries in front of Israel is better than having a big empire). So, it's obvious that they had to destroy it before in order to be able to create Israel. WWI was also made to create the preconditions of the rise of Hitler and USSR, which were themselves preconditions to the creation of Israel.
05 Jan 2012, 05:37 #3 ( 6)
There are many things which are much too shady about Hitler and which sustain the idea is was jew working for more powerful jewish leaders and that all those events were faked and planned.
1) First of all, in a country dominated by jews as was Germany during the 20's and the 30's, it would have been impossible for a hostile goy like Hitler to come to power. When they control a country, jewish leaders don't let hostile goyims take back the power. So, the rise of Hitler is unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time.
2) The reaction of Hitler about Dunkirk is also incredible. He can capture the entire English army. But what does he do ? He let them flee. What !!? And the Hitler's pretext is that he had a great respect for England ! Wtf !!? No, only a traitor acts like that. A real nazi would never have done that.
He did that because he was a zionist jew. And as the war was a fake one, he had to let the english army flee. Otherwise, England couldn't have continued the war. And the USA couldn't have made the D-day and won the war with the USSR as it was planned.
3) Hitler knew a two-front war was something he had to avoid at all costs. He told many times that it was that which had lead to the defeat during WWI. But what does he do ? He attacks USSR before having destroyed England, thus creating a... two-front war.
4) Hitler doesn't invade the strait of Gibraltar, which would have made him the master of the Mediterranean sea, thus preventing the battles of north Africa, and also the invasion of Italy and of the south of France. The communication lines between England and its empire (like India), would have been much more extended.
Maybe he would have been obliged to invade Spain also. But without the threat of an invasion in the south of Europe, he would have been able to remove troops from other areas, like Greece. And as Spain was exhausted by the war of 1936 (which had ended in 1939), it would have been very easy to defeat it.
Another one than myself has seen other discrepancies :
5) "The Jew Hitler refuses to even feint an attack on Britain to draw the British navy to the channel, were it could be obliterated by aircraft".
Very relevant. England could prevent a landing with their fleet. But their fleet could have been destroyed by the german aircraft.
6) "The Jew Hitler declares war on the U.S., even though he was no more obliged to declare war on the U.S. than Japan was obliged to declare war on the Soviet Union, which Germany had been fighting since June 1941. Japan never declared war on the Soviet Union."
7) "The Jew Hitler (against the advice of all his generals) single-handedly saves Moscow by ordering army group "Center" to stop its advance on Moscow".
8) "The Jew Hitler tells the Soviets an attack will occur at Kursk. The Jew Hitler delays the attack for more than four months, until the Soviets have built defensive lines eight deep. The Soviets concentrate 1,300,000 soldiers with 3,600 tanks, 20,000 artillery pieces, including 6,000 76mm anti-tank guns, and 2,400 aircraft in and around Kursk. An attack anywhere other than Kursk would be fatal for the Soviets, but the Soviets seem to know that the attack will come only at Kursk."
They knew it because the war was a fake one, planned by the jewish leaders.
9) "The Jew Hitler orders German troops to attack the most heavily defended lines ever constructed, at Kursk".
"The Jew Hitler is amazed by the supermen of the elite SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte, who, in the south, break through all eight defensive lines and take on the Soviet reserve tank battalions".
"Less than two weeks into the offensive, worried that the Liebstandarte might win the battle for the Germans, the Jew Hitler strips this elite group of their tanks and ships them to Northern Italy, where they sit on their hands for some months before returning to the eastern front. The pretext of the Sicily invasion is used".
As there was enough jews in the concentration camps, Hitler's mission was over, and then, he had to loose the war. And the unexpected success of the SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte was not at all a part of the plan. So, he sent them far away.
And, of course, it was not because he was caring for his troops. In many other occasions, orders were to be killed rather than retreating.
This stupid strategy of being killed rather than retreating was also a part of the jewish plan. With an elastic defense, the war could have last two or three more years. But jewish leaders didn't need the war anymore. So, Hitler had to choose a stupid strategy which would accelerate the end of the war.
10) "The Jew Hitler refuses total mobilisation of the German people, even though the munitions factories cried out for manpower and all his enemies had recruited woman into the work force. The Jew Hitler never bothered to use half the potential German labor force."
11) "And do you think (the Jew) Roosevelt would have forced the Japanese into the very destructive Pacific war, if he hadn't been certain Hitler would declare war on the United States? How was Roosevelt so sure Hitler would declare war on the United States. What if Hitler had just said, "Piss off, Roosevelt. Enjoy your little war against Japan." Then Roosevelt would have ended up just fighting the Japanese without being able to drag the United States into direct participation in the European war. ..... and it goes on and on ..... instance, after instance, of Hitler single-handedly losing the war for the Germans (and winning it for the Jews)."
05 Jan 2012, 05:35 #2 ( 5)
I have already presented the plan behind ww2. They have put the jew Hitler in power in order to oblige everyday jews to go to Israel. After losing everything and being in the suddenly hostile USSR after the war, the choice of going to Israel seemed a quite good deal for them.
But jewish leaders were obliged to make a plan in two parts. They couldn't have a Hitler all of a sudden. And for their ww2 plan, they had to control every important countries. And it seems that, in 1914, Russia was not into control yet. Great Britain was, France was, USA were, Germany and Austria most probably were. But it seems that it was not the case of Russia.
Or maybe it was. But they had to justify the future hatred against jews and Russia (which had become communist at this time) from the future nazi government. So, even if it was in control, they had to destroy the Russian government and to replace it by a one with a very visible domination from jews.
So they had to create a first European war in order to create the conditions of success for the ww2 plan.
So, with ww1, they were able to :
1) Justify the rise of Hitler because of the Versailles treaty, the poverty caused by the war (and by the jews after the collapse stocks markets of October 1929), the supposed stab in the back from jews in 1918, and the communist-jewish menace from USSR.
2) Justify the war against the now communist and dominated by jews USSR in 1940.
3) They were also able to create the condition of existence for Israel in the middle-east. The Turkish empire was too big and too powerful for the future Israel. They had to split it into several pieces in order to have only countries with little or average size and power. With ww1, they were able to justify the collapse of the Turkish empire in 1920.
3rd November 2017, 04:02 PM
Most of the above is ravings of lesser minds.
America was at war with Germany for months before Hitler finally declared it de jure. *
Pre-empting Stalin's invasion of Germany and Western Europe was hardly a blunder.
America and her industrial output didn't win the war against Germany - Russia's flesh & blood did.
But those who are hell-bent on insisting "Hitler was a Jew" will hear nothing but their pet theory. Hence, I won't go into depth.
Not one of us would be here without the vision & leadership of Adolf Hitler and the sacrifice of tens of millions of good men and women. Bolshevism would have been achieved across Europe and North America by 1950 without the NSDAP.
The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.
On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearney and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that-American destroyers attacked German submarines.
Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships.
The German Government therefore establishes the following facts:
Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war.
The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.
Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the expression of my high consideration.
December 11, 1941.
3rd November 2017, 04:11 PM
Only a Jew or Shabbos Goy would expect Hitler and Germany to keep taking it up the ass from the Jewnited States...
Start looking at the complete facts, and the "Hitler was a Jew working for the Jews" idiocy disintegrates into a pile of poop.
3rd November 2017, 04:21 PM
Not one of us would be here without the vision & leadership of Adolf Hitler I'm here without the vision and leadership of sheckelgroover.
and the sacrifice of tens of millions of good men and women.
Yes, he liked to sacrifice Joy-mans.
3rd November 2017, 05:21 PM
Start looking at the complete facts, and the "Hitler was a Jew working for the Jews" idiocy disintegrates into a pile of poop.
3rd November 2017, 05:29 PM
Lacey says these are Hitler's blunders, I say they are his strategy to annihilate Germans, in preference of his own Jewish background.
Oh. AH was a self-hating jew.
3rd November 2017, 06:18 PM
Start looking at the complete facts, and the "Hitler was a Jew working for the Jews" idiocy disintegrates into a pile of poop.Your methodology is flawed. All the "complete fax" are provided by Jews. Look at the logic instead. Cui bono? Isn't controlled opposition standard Jewish modus operandi?
Wars are Jews harvest. They plan them and finance them. They place their own kind in key positions so that everything will go according to plan. If they have to take out an enemy leader, they do it in right from the get go like they did the Czar. They let Hitler go on for years because Hitler was guiding the outcome just as the rest of the world leaders were.
3rd November 2017, 09:02 PM
Oh. AH was a self-hating jew.
Oh no he loved his people, he hated Germans and made sure they lost the war and sent as many of them as he could to their deaths.
3rd November 2017, 09:14 PM
Most of the above is ravings of lesser minds.
America was at war with Germany for months before Hitler finally declared it de jure. *
Pre-empting Stalin's invasion of Germany and Western Europe was hardly a blunder.
America and her industrial output didn't win the war against Germany - Russia's flesh & blood did.
But those who are hell-bent on insisting "Hitler was a Jew" will hear nothing but their pet theory. Hence, I won't go into depth.
Not one of us would be here without the vision & leadership of Adolf Hitler and the sacrifice of tens of millions of good men and women. Bolshevism would have been achieved across Europe and North America by 1950 without the NSDAP.
The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.
On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearney and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that-American destroyers attacked German submarines.
Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships.
The German Government therefore establishes the following facts:
Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war.
The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.
Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the expression of my high consideration.
December 11, 1941.
The mood of the country in 1941 was that the European wars were none of our business. The Scandinavians and the Germans were not interested in fighting another war for the Jews. Charles Lindbergh made a speech at the Iowa State fair ( that named the Jew as one of the main agitator for war and the Jewish dominated press howled in protest much like you are doing now, it sounds like you were one of those deluded people in the Iowa crowd.
There are far more German's in America than Brits and Scandinavians are just northern Germanic people. And I don't think the Brit's can count on the support of the Irish, Scots and Welsh, who they trod on to form the British Empire
Lindbergh's speech:
Des Moines Speech:
It is now two years since this latest European war began. From that day in September, 1939, until the present moment, there has been an over-increasing effort to force the United States into the conflict.
That effort has been carried on by foreign interests, and by a small minority of our own people; but it has been so successful that, today, our country stands on the verge of war.
At this time, as the war is about to enter its third winter, it seems appropriate to review the circumstances that have led us to our present position. Why are we on the verge of war? Was it necessary for us to become so deeply involved? Who is responsible for changing our national policy from one of neutrality and independence to one of entanglement in European affairs?
Personally, I believe there is no better argument against our intervention than a study of the causes and developments of the present war. I have often said that if the true facts and issues were placed before the American people, there would be no danger of our involvement.
Here, I would like to point out to you a fundamental difference between the groups who advocate foreign war, and those who believe in an independent destiny for America.
If you will look back over the record, you will find that those of us who oppose intervention have constantly tried to clarify facts and issues; while the interventionists have tried to hide facts and confuse issues.
We ask you to read what we said last month, last year, and even before the war began. Our record is open and clear, and we are proud of it.
We have not led you on by subterfuge and propaganda. We have not resorted to steps short of anything, in order to take the American people where they did not want to go.
What we said before the elections, we say [illegible] and again, and again today. And we will not tell you tomorrow that it was just campaign oratory. Have you ever heard an interventionist, or a British agent, or a member of the administration in Washington ask you to go back and study a record of what they have said since the war started? Are their self-styled defenders of democracy willing to put the issue of war to a vote of our people? Do you find these crusaders for foreign freedom of speech, or the removal of censorship here in our own country?
The subterfuge and propaganda that exists in our country is obvious on every side. Tonight, I shall try to pierce through a portion of it, to the naked facts which lie beneath.
When this war started in Europe, it was clear that the American people were solidly opposed to entering it. Why shouldn't we be? We had the best defensive position in the world; we had a tradition of independence from Europe; and the one time we did take part in a European war left European problems unsolved, and debts to America unpaid.
National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America. But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the United States in the war. I shall point out some of these groups tonight, and outline their methods of procedure. In doing this, I must speak with the utmost frankness, for in order to counteract their efforts, we must know exactly who they are.
The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.
Behind these groups, but of lesser importance, are a number of capitalists, Anglophiles, and intellectuals who believe that the future of mankind depends upon the domination of the British empire. Add to these the Communistic groups who were opposed to intervention until a few weeks ago, and I believe I have named the major war agitators in this country.
I am speaking here only of war agitators, not of those sincere but misguided men and women who, confused by misinformation and frightened by propaganda, follow the lead of the war agitators.
As I have said, these war agitators comprise only a small minority of our people; but they control a tremendous influence. Against the determination of the American people to stay out of war, they have marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage.
Let us consider these groups, one at a time.
First, the British: It is obvious and perfectly understandable that Great Britain wants the United States in the war on her side. England is now in a desperate position. Her population is not large enough and her armies are not strong enough to invade the continent of Europe and win the war she declared against Germany.
Her geographical position is such that she cannot win the war by the use of aviation alone, regardless of how many planes we send her. Even if America entered the war, it is improbable that the Allied armies could invade Europe and overwhelm the Axis powers. But one thing is certain. If England can draw this country into the war, she can shift to our shoulders a large portion of the responsibility for waging it and for paying its cost.
As you all know, we were left with the debts of the last European war; and unless we are more cautious in the future than we have been in the past, we will be left with the debts of the present case. If it were not for her hope that she can make us responsible for the war financially, as well as militarily, I believe England would have negotiated a peace in Europe many months ago, and be better off for doing so.
England has devoted, and will continue to devote every effort to get us into the war. We know that she spent huge sums of money in this country during the last war in order to involve us. Englishmen have written books about the cleverness of its use.
We know that England is spending great sums of money for propaganda in America during the present war. If we were Englishmen, we would do the same. But our interest is first in America; and as Americans, it is essential for us to realize the effort that British interests are making to draw us into their war.
The second major group I mentioned is the Jewish.
It is not difficult to understand why Jewish people desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make bitter enemies of any race.
No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on their pro-war policy here today without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy both for us and for them. Instead of agitating for war, the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way for they will be among the first to feel its consequences.
Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastations. A few far-sighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not.
Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.
I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders of both the British and the Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.
We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be their own interests, but we also must look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.
The Roosevelt administration is the third powerful group which has been carrying this country toward war. Its members have used the war emergency to obtain a third presidential term for the first time in American history. They have used the war to add unlimited billions to a debt which was already the highest we have ever known. And they have just used the war to justify the restriction of congressional power, and the assumption of dictatorial procedures on the part of the president and his appointees.
The power of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the maintenance of a wartime emergency. The prestige of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the success of Great Britain to whom the president attached his political future at a time when most people thought that England and France would easily win the war. The danger of the Roosevelt administration lies in its subterfuge. While its members have promised us peace, they have led us to war heedless of the platform upon which they were elected.
In selecting these three groups as the major agitators for war, I have included only those whose support is essential to the war party. If any one of these groups--the British, the Jewish, or the administration--stops agitating for war, I believe there will be little danger of our involvement.
I do not believe that any two of them are powerful enough to carry this country to war without the support of the third. And to these three, as I have said, all other war groups are of secondary importance.
When hostilities commenced in Europe, in 1939, it was realized by these groups that the American people had no intention of entering the war. They knew it would be worse than useless to ask us for a declaration of war at that time. But they believed that this country could be entered into the war in very much the same way we were entered into the last one.
They planned: first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict. These plans were of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda.
Our theaters soon became filled with plays portraying the glory of war. Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity. Newspapers and magazines began to lose advertising if they carried anti-war articles. A smear campaign was instituted against individuals who opposed intervention. The terms "fifth columnist," "traitor," "Nazi," "anti-Semitic" were thrown ceaselessly at any one who dared to suggest that it was not to the best interests of the United States to enter the war. Men lost their jobs if they were frankly anti-war. Many others dared no longer speak.
Before long, lecture halls that were open to the advocates of war were closed to speakers who opposed it. A fear campaign was inaugurated. We were told that aviation, which has held the British fleet off the continent of Europe, made America more vulnerable than ever before to invasion. Propaganda was in full swing.
There was no difficulty in obtaining billions of dollars for arms under the guise of defending America. Our people stood united on a program of defense. Congress passed appropriation after appropriation for guns and planes and battleships, with the approval of the overwhelming majority of our citizens. That a large portion of these appropriations was to be used to build arms for Europe, we did not learn until later. That was another step.
To use a specific example; in 1939, we were told that we should increase our air corps to a total of 5,000 planes. Congress passed the necessary legislation. A few months later, the administration told us that the United States should have at least 50,000 planes for our national safety. But almost as fast as fighting planes were turned out from our factories, they were sent abroad, although our own air corps was in the utmost need of new equipment; so that today, two years after the start of war, the American army has a few hundred thoroughly modern bombers and fighters--less in fact, than Germany is able to produce in a single month.
Ever since its inception, our arms program has been laid out for the purpose of carrying on the war in Europe, far more than for the purpose of building an adequate defense for America.
Now at the same time we were being prepared for a foreign war, it was necessary, as I have said, to involve us in the war. This was accomplished under that now famous phrase "steps short of war."
England and France would win if the United States would only repeal its arms embargo and sell munitions for cash, we were told. And then [illegible] began, a refrain that marked every step we took toward war for many months--"the best way to defend America and keep out of war." we were told, was "by aiding the Allies."
First, we agreed to sell arms to Europe; next, we agreed to loan arms to Europe; then we agreed to patrol the ocean for Europe; then we occupied a European island in the war zone. Now, we have reached the verge of war.
The war groups have succeeded in the first two of their three major steps into war. The greatest armament program in our history is under way.
We have become involved in the war from practically every standpoint except actual shooting. Only the creation of sufficient "incidents" yet remains; and you see the first of these already taking place, according to plan [ill.]-- a plan that was never laid before the American people for their approval.
Men and women of Iowa; only one thing holds this country from war today. That is the rising opposition of the American people. Our system of democracy and representative government is on test today as it has never been before. We are on the verge of a war in which the only victor would be chaos and prostration.
We are on the verge of a war for which we are still unprepared, and for which no one has offered a feasible plan for victory--a war which cannot be won without sending our soldiers across the ocean to force a landing on a hostile coast against armies stronger than our own.
We are on the verge of war, but it is not yet too late to stay out. It is not too late to show that no amount of money, or propaganda, or patronage can force a free and independent people into war against its will. It is not yet too late to retrieve and to maintain the independent American destiny that our forefathers established in this new world.
The entire future rests upon our shoulders. It depends upon our action, our courage, and our intelligence. If you oppose our intervention in the war, now is the time to make your voice heard.
Help us to organize these meetings; and write to your representatives in Washington. I tell you that the last stronghold of democracy and representative government in this country is in our house of representatives and our senate.
There, we can still make our will known. And if we, the American people, do that, independence and freedom will continue to live among us, and there will be no foreign war.
3rd November 2017, 09:32 PM
I'm here without the vision and leadership of sheckelgroover.
First mistake: you follow the Jewish propaganda that his name was ever Schicklgruber. He was born Hitler.
And no, you wouldn't be here without Hitler. You'd either never have been born, or, if you are older than dirt, you'd have been "liquidated" as were nearly 200,000,000 Goyim by Bolshevism under the forcibly-retarded phase.
Hitler and the European heroes gave us about 80 years.
Yes, he liked to sacrifice Joy-mans.
There is ZERO evidence whatsoever that Hitler was a Jew; hence, your idiotic comment - implying that Hitler talked Yiddish - merely makes you look stupid.
3rd November 2017, 09:36 PM
Your methodology is flawed. All the "complete fax" are provided by Jews. Look at the logic instead. Cui bono? Isn't controlled opposition standard Jewish modus operandi?
Wars are Jews harvest. They plan them and finance them. They place their own kind in key positions so that everything will go according to plan. If they have to take out an enemy leader, they do it in right from the get go like they did the Czar. They let Hitler go on for years because Hitler was guiding the outcome just as the rest of the world leaders were.
Your "methodology" is that Hitler lost the war so he "must have been" a Jew. That's not logic.
As for "taking out" Hitler, there were dozens of assassination attempts. Oh, but you say "the Jews staged them all." If that is so, then the Jews are superhuman, and we should worship them... :rolleyes:
3rd November 2017, 09:41 PM
Oh no he loved his people, he hated Germans and made sure they lost the war and sent as many of them as he could to their deaths.
You'd have preferred the Bolshevists have simply walked right into all of Germany, and raped all the women and murdered all the men.
I thought you were an Asatruar, "Victory or Valhalla," and all that shit? What's with the cowardice?
It's a special kind of stupid to dismiss the grave threat Stalin was, and refuse to acknowledge that the Red Army was poised on the frontiers for an imminent massive offensive when the Wehrmacht crashed into them unexpectedly.
3rd November 2017, 09:48 PM
The mood of the country in 1941 was that the European wars were none of our business. The Scandinavians and the Germans were not interested in fighting another war for the Jews. Charles Lindbergh made a speech at the Iowa State fair ( that named the Jew as one of the main agitator for war and the Jewish dominated press howled in protest much like you are doing now, it sounds like you were one of those deluded people in the Iowa crowd.
Are you drunk?
I never advocate war for war's sake. Especially fratricidal wars.
But the fact of the matter is the Jewnited States committed a concerted campaign of acts of war against Germany for months, and Hitler finally responded on 12/11/1941. Did you expect Germany to simply keep "taking" it?
As for Lindbergh, his talk was all meaningless: he went along with the murder of Europe's saviors when Rosenfeld's lust brought about open warfare. He even begged to be reinstated in the USAAF.
4th November 2017, 04:46 AM
Your "methodology" is that Hitler lost the war so he "must have been" a Jew. That's not logic.
As for "taking out" Hitler, there were dozens of assassination attempts. Oh, but you say "the Jews staged them all." If that is so, then the Jews are superhuman, and we should worship them... :rolleyes:Who runs Hollywood? Of course Jews stage events. They could have easily killed him in the beginning because they ALWAYS infiltrate the opposition. They couldn't have killed as many Joy-mans in WW2 if they didn't have Hitler to spearhead the AshkeNAZI party and follow the script to the end.
4th November 2017, 07:41 AM
You'd have preferred the Bolshevists have simply walked right into all of Germany, and raped all the women and murdered all the men.
I thought you were an Asatruar, "Victory or Valhalla," and all that shit? What's with the cowardice?
It's a special kind of stupid to dismiss the grave threat Stalin was, and refuse to acknowledge that the Red Army was poised on the frontiers for an imminent massive offensive when the Wehrmacht crashed into them unexpectedly.
Wow, you raise stupid to a new level stupifying.
Put words in my mouth and knock them down.
What you claim is my claim is what actually happened the Bolshevik's murdered and raped their way across all of Eastern Germany, thanks to your Hitler and the way he conducted the war.
Not only was Hitler a Jew most of his high command were Jews. The Jews had total control of Germany by the beginning of the 20th century and they used it to destroy the Germans both morally and physically.
Jewish Domination in pre-Nazi Germany
Nahum Goldmann reveals
The Zionist propaganda machine, which always headlights the plight of German Jews under Nazi regime, never admits that Jews in Germany were a privileged class.
Every talk about pre-Nazi Jewish domination of economy and medias in Germany are referred to as "Nazi-propaganda about 'The World Jewish Conspiracy'". For instance Henrik Bachner, a Swedish Jew from the ADL-organization "Swedish Committé against anti-Semitism" and a so-called "expert" on anti-Semitism, wrote in the book "Det eviga hatet" (in english "The Eternal Hatred", a book specifically aimed against Radio Islam) that "Jewish domination of the Press was a standing theme in the anti-Semitic baiting in the interwar period and in Nazi-Germany" (page 181).
But Bachner and his fellow Jews are not honest. Actually Jews are very aware of how they - as a minority - had taken control over a large part of Germany´s economy and medias.
And they even brag about it.
But not in mainstream papers or books, but in internal Jewish publications, supposed to be read by other fellow Jews, or their closest friends and allies.
Nahum Goldmann was one of the leading Jewish figures during the twentieth century: He was both the head of the World Zionist Organization and the World Jewish Congress.
In his book "Mein Leben als deutscher Jude" ("My Life as a German Jew"), Dr. Nahum Goldmann describes the "phenomenal rise of German Jewry" as follows:
"German Jewry, which found its temporary end during the Nazi period, was one of the most interesting and for modern Jewish history most influential centers of European Jewry. During the era of emancipation, i.e. in the second half of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century, it had experienced a meteoric rise.... It had fully participated in the rapid industrial rise of Imperial Germany, made a substantial contribution to it and acquired a renowned position in German economic life. Seen from the economic point of view, no Jewish minority in any other country, not even that in America could possibly compete with the German Jews. They were involved in large scale banking, a situation unparallelled elsewhere, and, by way of high finance, they had also penetrated German industry. A considerable portion of the wholesale trade was Jewish. They controlled even such branches of industry which is in general not in Jewish hands. Examples are shipping or the electrical industry, and names such as Ballin and Rathenau do confirm this statement. I hardly know of any other branch of emancipated Jewry in Europe or the American continent that was as deeply rooted in the general economy as was German Jewry. American Jews of today are absolutely as well as relatively richer than the German Jews were at the time, it is true, but even in America with its unlimited possibilities the Jews have not succeeded in penetrating into the central spheres of industry (steel, iron, heavy industry, high finance, shipping), as was the case in Germany.Their position in the intellectual life of the country was equally unique. In literature, they were represented by illustrious names. The theatre was largely in their hands. The daily press, above all its internationally influential sector, was essentually owned by Jews or controlled by them. As paradoxical as this may sound today, after the Hitler era, I have no hesitation to say that hardly any section of the Jewish people has made such extensive use of the emancipation offered to them in the nineteenth century as the German Jews! In short, the history of the Jews in Germany from 1870 to 1933 is probably the most glorious rise that has ever been achieved by any branch of the Jewish people". (p. 116)
"The majority of the German Jews were never fully assimilated and were much more Jewish than the Jews in other West European countries". (p.120)
"My work in those years was essentially of a propagandistic nature. I was too young and unknown to play a part in the leading circles of Germany, let alone of world Zionism, which was partially controlled from Berlin". (p. 121)
4th November 2017, 07:54 AM
Who runs Hollywood? Of course Jews stage events. They could have easily killed him in the beginning because they ALWAYS infiltrate the opposition.
1920s/1930s Germany was not a cesspool like modern America. God knows (((they))) tried, but the body of Germany rejected the Weimar Republik and its "culture."
Millions of Germans sympathized with Hitler, and protected him from a variety of ills. Nor could the Jews put up a phony and have him be worshiped, like Clinton or Trump in modern America.
"The Germans fell for Hitler's lies" is just a Kike meme that you embrace, for some reason.
They couldn't have killed as many Joy-mans in WW2 if they didn't have Hitler
You'd have preferred the German Soviet Socialist Republic would have simply liquidated three times as many, with virtually no resistance, instead? Apparently.
No Hitler = no resistance. Period. Or perhaps you think a coward like von Stauffenberg would have successfully rallied the Germans to hold off the Bolshevists for years?
to spearhead the AshkeNAZI party and follow the script to the end.
There's more of that Jew propaganda about "Nazi." The script being followed is the Kosher one, and you're the one following.
Only Jews and their lackeys call(ed) the NSDAP the "Nazi" Party, then, and now.
4th November 2017, 08:09 AM
What you claim is my claim is what actually happened the Bolshevik's murdered and raped their way across all of Eastern Germany, thanks to your Hitler and the way he conducted the war.
Not only was Hitler a Jew most of his high command were Jews. The Jews had total control of Germany by the beginning of the 20th century and they used it to destroy the Germans both morally and physically.
The Bolsheviks were coming whether Hitler was there to try to stop them or not. In Jew-like fashion, some here insist he was "in on it" because he didn't succeed when no one else tried. Get drowned by shit = you must be shit, the "logic."
The vaunted Nordics just stood there, pansy-assed* just as much as now (in Scandinavia and Minnesota), as their homelands face(d) apocalypse. The Norwegians had the chutzpah to actually side with the Allies!
Now, we see yet another faggy campaign to declare the only guys who actually tried were "Jews." (perhaps this is just envy, that the Deutsche were everything Scandinavians hadn't been for centuries).
With this kind of "thinking" and cowardice, it is apparent the Nordics have outlived their right to live. (oh, wait, next we'll hear "the Jews" forced the Niggers and other ape-"men" on Scandinavia and Minnesota, when in fact Nordics have some sexual fetish for the lowest humanoids - I've seen it first hand, especially during college 9408).
* certain Swedes excluded.
4th November 2017, 08:09 AM
The Jews had total control of Germany by the beginning of the 20th century and they used it to destroy the Germans both morally and physically.
Frauen Warte (, the Nazi Party’s biweekly magazine for women, ran from 1935 to 1945. Each issue of Frauen Warte (translated as Women Wait) featured articles laden with propaganda designed to persuade readers to accept Hitler’s vision for Germany.
:rolleyes: Hitler promoted the Germans both morally and physically.
4th November 2017, 08:28 AM
OK, here's your chance, boys & girls...put up or shut.
1933...Germany stands at the edge of the abyss...Corporal Adolf Hitler was KIA in World War I...Germany's cities are looking like Sodom more and more by the day. The KPD holds the plurality in the Reichstag. The "conservative" leadership in Berlin makes pious noises, yet really worry about how "drastic action" might affect their "investments."
President von Hindenberg asks you to form a government as Chancellor. What is it you do? the absence of Hitler's miraculous resurrection of the German economy in five years, Stalin moves up his plans and tells the Red Army to prepare for a massive attack on Germany and then Western Europe. The Reichswehr is limited to 400,000 troops, recently increased with the consent of the WW I Allied powers in the face of "Stalin's provocations." Reports from eastern East Prussia indicate odd, disturbing activity across the frontier, lots of traffic of equipment.
You are Chancellor. What is it you do?
4th November 2017, 08:56 AM
Millions of Germans sympathized with Hitler, and protected him from a variety of ills. Millions of Americans sympathize with Trumpstein. In the coming years of the Trump administration you will see the parallels. The script is very similar. Most likely the end result will be as well. Kill Whitey.
No Hitler = no resistance. WW2 was the best thing that ever happened to Jews. I doubt their attempt at global Marxism could have been more successful. Besides, taking it any further in that direction would have showed their hand.
Only Jews and their lackeys call(ed) the NSDAP the "Nazi" Party, then, and now.Then why the "Z" instead of "S"? Why would they name it after themselves?
midnight rambler
4th November 2017, 09:35 AM
Then why the "Z" instead of "S"? Why would they name it after themselves?
(((They))) have a word for that, (((they))) call it chutzpah.
5th November 2017, 02:10 AM
Millions of Americans sympathize with Trumpstein.
The Germans of the 1920s and 1930s were not pathological morons without discernment, like the modern American population. Talmudvision has taken its toll on an already weak population.
Even today, Mystery America has to keep an army in Germany to make sure the Germans don't revolt.
In the coming years of the Trump administration you will see the parallels.
No, we won't. Trump is a Talmudvision celebrity and con man. Hitler was a war hero, gifted speaker, and someone demonstrably committed to his pro-Aryan vision.
The script is very similar.
LOL - sure, because Hitler hired Rothschild/Goldman Sachs banksters and other con men to fill his administration.
Most likely the end result will be as well. Kill Whitey.
Why would they do that? Whitey has killed himself, with race mixing, mass abortion, and refusal to have children.
WW2 was the best thing that ever happened to Jews.
LOL - sure, because armed resistance is always preferred to helpless victims. :rolleyes:
(do you think even for a minute about what you write?)
I doubt their attempt at global Marxism could have been more successful.
Then you are a pathetic fool.
If you disagree, please tell us the history of the Portuguese Soviet Socialist Republic.
Besides, taking it any further in that direction would have showed their hand.
Which would have meant what, exactly?
Then why the "Z" instead of "S"? Why would they name it after themselves?
Do you understand how national is pronounced in German? Apparently not.
That you get even basic facts wrong shows why your contention that "Hitler was a Jew working for the Jews" can be intelligently dismissed.
5th November 2017, 04:41 AM
The Germans of the 1920s and 1930s were not pathological morons without discernment, like the modern American population. My mother's side of the family is German. They were upper class with servants. They had a Baron in the family tree. When it comes to the kinds of things we discuss here, they were morons without discernment.
Hitler was a war hero, gifted speaker, and someone demonstrably committed to his pro-Aryan vision. Maybe if you look at the act rather than the result.
LOL - sure, because armed resistance is always preferred to helpless victims. :rolleyes:
(do you think even for a minute about what you write?) There was great resistance to global Marxism thruout the West and Jews knew it. If they had waited until there was a teevee in every Western household they might have pulled it off. Jews are planners. They always have a plan B. WW2 was plan B and it served their purposes splendidly, having had the right people in the right positions to steer things their way.
Jews know they have to wait a generation between wars. They could not get the newly formed communist empires to conquer the entire West. People have only so much tolerance for drastic change and war. It's more effective to give them a breather while glorifying the useful idiots, then let the next generation experience the glory of their wars.
If you disagree, please tell us the history of the Portuguese Soviet Socialist Republic. "My information is better than yours". Jews provide it.
Do you understand how national is pronounced in German? Apparently not. The discussion is about spelling not pronunciation. "W" is pronounced "V" in German. They still spell it "W".
That you get even basic facts wrong shows why your contention that "Hitler was a Jew working for the Jews" can be intelligently dismissed.Again "My information is better than yours". Jews provide it. Stick to the logic and you'll see I'm right.
5th November 2017, 07:28 AM
My mother's side of the family is German. They were upper class with servants. They had a Baron in the family tree. When it comes to the kinds of things we discuss here, they were morons without discernment.
I recall our past discussions about your family. IIRC, they worked for the Jewish newspapers in Germany. They sold themselves for material privilege.
Thankfully, they didn't represent the majority of folks who voted for the NSDAP.
The discussion is about spelling not pronunciation. "W" is pronounced "V" in German. They still spell it "W".
You claim the Jews called NSDAP members "Nazis" because of "Ashkenazim," and the "proof" is because "Nazi" was not "Nasi." I merely pointed out that the "t" in "national," as in Nationalsozialistische, is pronounced with a ts/z sound in German, leading to the epithet "Nazi."
So, yes, this part is about pronunciation. Just own up to your mistake/misinformation.
5th November 2017, 07:46 AM
I recall our past discussions about your family. IIRC, they worked for the Jewish newspapers in Germany. They sold themselves for material privilege.
Thankfully, they didn't represent the majority of folks who voted for the NSDAP. Probably true, but those who did not vote NSDAP were not educated about the Jewish problem at all, in spite of a national school system and a media that supposedly excluded Jews. How was this omission possible if Hitler intended to enlighten the world about the Jewish problem rather than position them as "victims"?
I merely pointed out that the "t" in "national," as in Nationalsozialistische, is pronounced with a ts/z sound in German, leading to the epithet "Nazi."OK, they were NATIs, pronounced NAZI's. In any case, I doubt it coincidental that Ashkenazi happens to have that suffix.
5th November 2017, 11:19 AM
The Bolsheviks were coming whether Hitler was there to try to stop them or not. In Jew-like fashion, some here insist he was "in on it" because he didn't succeed when no one else tried. Get drowned by shit = you must be shit, the "logic."
The vaunted Nordics just stood there, pansy-assed* just as much as now (in Scandinavia and Minnesota), as their homelands face(d) apocalypse. The Norwegians had the chutzpah to actually side with the Allies!
Now, we see yet another faggy campaign to declare the only guys who actually tried were "Jews." (perhaps this is just envy, that the Deutsche were everything Scandinavians hadn't been for centuries).
With this kind of "thinking" and cowardice, it is apparent the Nordics have outlived their right to live. (oh, wait, next we'll hear "the Jews" forced the Niggers and other ape-"men" on Scandinavia and Minnesota, when in fact Nordics have some sexual fetish for the lowest humanoids - I've seen it first hand, especially during college 9408).
* certain Swedes excluded.
This has to be a joke "Logic" from crimestink, consists of ad hominem attacks where anyone who disagrees is a coward.
I think my best recourse is to put you on my ignore list to join dogman as just another say nothing jew.
The Jewish way is to give proxies the credit for their actions, while staying far behind the scenes. I doubt if any of the common people of Europe had any idea of the control exercised by the Jews through their banking and media enterprises.
By deception thou shalt make war, has been the Jewish credo for a very long time.
I would say that Jews are firmly in control of most of Europe and Scandinavia as everyone has a Rothschild bank. And all their various Central banks are built on the same model as the Federal Reserve.
Sweden has long been a Jewish controlled gov.
5th November 2017, 01:04 PM
This has to be a joke "Logic" from crimestink, consists of ad hominem attacks where anyone who disagrees is a coward.
I think my best recourse is to put you on my ignore list to join dogman as just another say nothing jew. Crimethink isn't a Jew, he's just wrapped a little tight and gets unwound when you demolish his hero. Otherwise good poster.
The Jewish way is to give proxies the credit for their actions, while staying far behind the scenes. I doubt if any of the common people of Europe had any idea of the control exercised by the Jews through their banking and media enterprises.
By deception thou shalt make war, has been the Jewish credo for a very long time.Modus operandi is a form of proof, and when almost all information is Jew-provided, logic trumps information.
5th November 2017, 03:09 PM
I think my best recourse is to put you on my ignore list to join dogman as just another say nothing jew.
I would say that Jews are firmly in control of most of Europe and Scandinavia as everyone has a Rothschild bank.
I hope you're enjoying the "diversity" brought to you by Scandinavian-run Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota. :)
Like I said, Mystery America still has an army in Germany to make sure the Germans don't revolt.
8th November 2017, 01:57 PM
I dunno, I've read both sides quite a bit. It's enough to make one's head hurt. There are arguments and counter-arguments for both sides.
The last time I went over this, I felt that AH's Minister of Finance -- Hjalmar Schacht, made a system to strengthen the RM and economy without gold and by-passing central banks. If that is the case, I'll still say -- not a crypto-J.
8th November 2017, 06:35 PM
Crimethink isn't a Jew, he's just wrapped a little tight and gets unwound when you demolish his hero. Otherwise good poster.Modus operandi is a form of proof, and when almost all information is Jew-provided, logic trumps information.
CT is an excellent poster. Good researcher too. I've got a lot of respect for ya CT, even though we disagree some. I think Hitler was the best friend a Zionist could have and the worst enemy a German/Goy could have. He purposefully led Germany to a horrible destruction. He was not stupid and to look at his actions I have no other conclusion than that he was working in the interests of Zionism.
He was either a loser or a winner. I would not worship that loser. I would not worship that winner.
8th November 2017, 09:09 PM
I dunno, I've read both sides quite a bit. It's enough to make one's head hurt. There are arguments and counter-arguments for both sides.
The last time I went over this, I felt that AH's Minister of Finance -- Hjalmar Schacht, made a system to strengthen the RM and economy without gold and by-passing central banks. If that is the case, I'll still say -- not a crypto-J.
I guess what Germany did in the 30's, iow got off the gold standard. The world of central banks did in the 70's with Bretton Woods. Perhaps Germany was a practical experiment by the central banks, and it was a shining example of what could be done with fiat currency, when the rest of the world suffocated under gold standard and central bank induced depression.
Probably US and the world would have crashed into a horrible and civilization crushing depression with the financial scandal of 2008 if on the gold standard, or even before that in 74 or 91. Essentially CB's has practiced Hjalmar Schacht banking since Breton Woods.
8th November 2017, 09:29 PM
CT is an excellent poster. Good researcher too. I've got a lot of respect for ya CT, even though we disagree some. I think Hitler was the best friend a Zionist could have and the worst enemy a German/Goy could have. He purposefully led Germany to a horrible destruction. He was not stupid and to look at his actions I have no other conclusion than that he was working in the interests of Zionism.
He was either a loser or a winner. I would not worship that loser. I would not worship that winner.
There were too many strategic mistakes that originated from Hitler IMO.
8th November 2017, 11:38 PM
CT is an excellent poster. Good researcher too. I've got a lot of respect for ya CT, even though we disagree some. I think Hitler was the best friend a Zionist could have and the worst enemy a German/Goy could have. He purposefully led Germany to a horrible destruction. He was not stupid and to look at his actions I have no other conclusion than that he was working in the interests of Zionism.
He was either a loser or a winner. I would not worship that loser. I would not worship that winner.
There were too many strategic mistakes that originated from Hitler IMO.
Hitler always said he was an artist, not a politician. An artist as in the man who creates things, not a con artist. It is said his last days were spent in a fantasy world dreaming of the museums he would create after the war.
The "mistakes" were mistakes only from the sense of a cold, calculating, purely rational viewpoint. For example, Dunkirk. Hitler could have allowed the field officers to simply annihilate over three hundred thousand Aryan men, but he told them no, explaining it was a peace offering to Britain. That was gravely mistaken faith in "Germany's brothers" in England, nothing else.
Hitler also refused to allow the use of superior German chemical weapons, for which Britain and the USSR had little to no defense (or even equal retaliatory capability). Why? He was gassed in World War I, and was blind for some time from it. A purely emotional, personal decision, not strategically prudent, but the sign of someone with a soul.
Those are the alternatives to "no other conclusion."
The lesson from Hitler and the Third Reich is not that "Hitler was a Jew, working to make the world safe for Judaism," but rather that an Idealist cannot be a completely effective leader in the face of homicidal demons. A "Man Against Time" is a figure for centuries and millennia, but "Men In Time" usually have greater success in the temporary temporal realm. Such is the case with Hitler. He said the world would know he was right, and, in the greatest part, he has been proven right...hence, his position as the most hated man second only to Jesus Christ.
(I don't endorse all Devi has to say, but her work is valuable to read, and understand)
8th November 2017, 11:52 PM
I guess what Germany did in the 30's, iow got off the gold standard. The world of central banks did in the 70's with Bretton Woods. Perhaps Germany was a practical experiment by the central banks, and it was a shining example of what could be done with fiat currency, when the rest of the world suffocated under gold standard and central bank induced depression.
Probably US and the world would have crashed into a horrible and civilization crushing depression with the financial scandal of 2008 if on the gold standard, or even before that in 74 or 91. Essentially CB's has practiced Hjalmar Schacht banking since Breton Woods.
Much of what the Hitler Administration introduced to the world was copied by "the West," as it was not only useful to their purposes, but essential to keeping the Goyim passive. Hitler's "social programs" were actually built atop things first introduced by the Bismarck Administration 50 years earlier. The United States responded with the 1935 Social Security Act, giving us Social Security, as well as unemployment benefits, aid for families with children, and nutrition assistance ("Food Stamps," now, SNAP). *
The Hitler-Schacht-Funk economic "miracle" was born of necessity. Germany had no gold, so a "gold standard" was not an option. Germany also used barter to circumvent the Jewish-dominated "commodities exchanges," trading industrial products for food, for example; a win-win for both Goyish parties, and a big loss for the Wall Street Casino (in America and Europe).
* we can argue about the eugenics implications of these programs, but the fact of the matter is, the world leader in eugenics in the early 1930s was California, followed by Germany & Sweden. Decades later, the proscription of eugenics has led to what most people have a problem with these programs for.
9th November 2017, 12:19 AM
Hitler always said he was an artist, not a politician. An artist as in the man who creates things, not a con artist. It is said his last days were spent in a fantasy world dreaming of the museums he would create after the war.
The "mistakes" were mistakes only from the sense of a cold, calculating, purely rational viewpoint. For example, Dunkirk. Hitler could have allowed the field officers to simply annihilate over three hundred thousand Aryan men, but he told them no, explaining it was a peace offering to Britain. That was gravely mistaken faith in "Germany's brothers" in England, nothing else.
Hitler also refused to allow the use of superior German chemical weapons, for which Britain and the USSR had little to no defense (or even equal retaliatory capability). Why? He was gassed in World War I, and was blind for some time from it. A purely emotional, personal decision, not strategically prudent, but the sign of someone with a soul.
Those are the alternatives to "no other conclusion."
The lesson from Hitler and the Third Reich is not that "Hitler was a Jew, working to make the world safe for Judaism," but rather that an Idealist cannot be a completely effective leader in the face of homicidal demons. A "Man Against Time" is a figure for centuries and millennia, but "Men In Time" usually have greater success in the temporary temporal realm. Such is the case with Hitler. He said the world would know he was right, and, in the greatest part, he has been proven right...hence, his position as the most hated man second only to Jesus Christ.
(I don't endorse all Devi has to say, but her work is valuable to read, and understand)
Still he intervened too many times in military strategical matters, that his generals would have better handled
9th November 2017, 12:35 AM
"Do you know Skorzeny, that the energy which will be freed through the splitting of the atom's nucleus and the additional radioactivity from such a bomb might destroy our planet? .... Even if one could control the radioactivity and could use atom splitting as a weapon the results would be dreadful. When Dr. Todt visited me I read that the energy set free by such a bomb could destroy the whole of Arizona or make as big a crater as the meteor had caused in Siberia. That means that all life within such an area would be destroyed, not only humans but all life. Animals and plants would not be able to live within a radius of 40 km for hundreds of years due to radiation. That would mean an Apocalypse. No land, no group of civilized people could bear the responsibility for such a slaughter. In battle after battle human beings would destroy themselves if such a bomb were used. Only in remote places like Amazonia and the jungles of Sumatra would people have a chance of surviving such a bomb."
-- Adolf Hitler, to Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny, quoted in Meine Kommandounternehmen: Krieg ohne Fronten, Wiesbaden: Dimes Verlag, 1977, p. 150 (German version only)
9th November 2017, 12:41 AM
Still he intervened too many times in military strategical matters, that his generals would have better handled
10th November 2017, 08:53 PM
Well you have the many listed above on the eastern front. Not taking Moscow, insistence on Stalingrad vs Baku oil fields, stand and die orders instead of retreating... putting the efforts on stopping the allied advance on the Western front with the Ardennes offensive, when he could have prevented Soviet forces from reaching the German mainland.
11th November 2017, 12:16 AM
Well you have the many listed above on the eastern front. Not taking Moscow, insistence on Stalingrad vs Baku oil fields, stand and die orders instead of retreating... putting the efforts on stopping the allied advance on the Western front with the Ardennes offensive, when he could have prevented Soviet forces from reaching the German mainland.
I could go into depth on all of these, but I don't think it would change your mind.
Volgograd ("Stalingrad"), for example, had to be taken, since one cannot hold Baku without controlling that regional center. The Wehrmacht could have reached Baku, but then get cut off. Supply lines to Baku would have been several hundred kilometers farther than to Moscow (about the same distance to Iran).
Stopping the Bolshevists (the open ones) instead of the Americans (whose leadership were crypto-Bolshevists) would have been meaningless, since it was the Americans who implemented real death camps, of German POWs ("Other Losses"). Recall also that the Americans made it into what was called "East Germany" (including the major cities of Leipzig, Magdeburg, and Chemnitz), and the cryptos in Washington ordered the troops to retreat so the USSR could advance without opposition. It's unlikely the Germans could have held anything east of the Oder, even with full redeployment to the Eastern Front, so the end result would have been nearly identical.
11th November 2017, 04:03 AM
I could go into depth on all of these, but I don't think it would change your mind.
Volgograd ("Stalingrad"), for example, had to be taken, since one cannot hold Baku without controlling that regional center. The Wehrmacht could have reached Baku, but then get cut off. Supply lines to Baku would have been several hundred kilometers farther than to Moscow (about the same distance to Iran).
However by taking Baku wouldn't that have stopped Soviet panzer with ensuing fuel shortage?
Stopping the Bolshevists (the open ones) instead of the Americans (whose leadership were crypto-Bolshevists) would have been meaningless, since it was the Americans who implemented real death camps, of German POWs ("Other Losses"). Recall also that the Americans made it into what was called "East Germany" (including the major cities of Leipzig, Magdeburg, and Chemnitz), and the cryptos in Washington ordered the troops to retreat so the USSR could advance without opposition. It's unlikely the Germans could have held anything east of the Oder, even with full redeployment to the Eastern Front, so the end result would have been nearly identical.
Perhaps, who knows, and East Germans are today way less cultural Marxist than the west Germans, for sure, but I don't think Hitler planned for that outcome...
11th November 2017, 07:36 AM
Hitler loved London, had he had his war to do over a second time, it would've ended exactly the same.
Cause he were a puppet stooge to her that wanted marriage partnership with WASP royalty.
If he weren't an impotent bi-asexual groomed city slickin Alemano.
The entire show were to turn U.S. back into Europe.
It were a wild success.
11th November 2017, 10:19 AM
However by taking Baku wouldn't that have stopped Soviet panzer with ensuing fuel shortage?
No. Baku was not the only source of petroleum for the USSR. Loss of Baku would have been very painful, but not crippling. Stalin would have simply redirected oil from critical needs for the population to the Red Army.
Since the Germans did hold Rostov on the Don (rail lines to western Russia and Ukraine) and most of the area around Volgograd ("Stalingrad"), they had effectively already cut off a lot of the USSR's supply from Baku, in any case.
Perhaps, who knows, and East Germans are today way less cultural Marxist than the west Germans, for sure
That's very debatable. Germans born and growing up in "East" (Central) Germany 1945 - 1990 were exposed to active, ubiquitous Bolshevist indoctrination.
Atheism ("Confessionless"), as of 2011:
Support for the SED/PDS/Die Linke (successor to the KPD), in 2009:
The Bolshevization of "East" Germany is much more advanced than western Germany. Let us not forget Angela Kasner Merkel is a product of "East" Germany.
Additionally, many do not realize that "East" Germany imported non-Whites (Vietnamese, African Niggers, etc.) starting already in the 1950s.
All this illustrates my point I've been making all along: no Hitler would mean all of Germany would be dark purple/pink, respectively...and many more horrors beyond that, decades ago.
11th November 2017, 10:55 AM
Yes the left is strong in former east Germany, but so is Alternativ für Deutschland... .com%2Fb9a9f4d2-a19f-11e7-9e4f-7f5e6a7c98a2?source=next&quality=highest&width=700&dpr=3
And they are pretty much the only non-cultural Marxist party in Germany, no doubt CDU/CSU would probably revert back to somewhat lukewarm moderate German nationalist after Merkel is gone. Sure East Germany is more atheist than West, however the Northern European churches are very cultural Marxist. Pro-non white immigration, gay marriage, they even let up their places of worship for muslims. Personally I prefer a white nationalist atheist for these traitors. It is far easier to get an atheist converted than a cultural Marxist "Christian".
11th November 2017, 04:37 PM
Yes the left is strong in former east Germany, but so is Alternativ für Deutschland...And they are pretty much the only non-cultural Marxist party in Germany
AfD is just more controlled "opposition." They are no more "non-cultural Marxist" than the US Republican Party, and about equal to Truman Democrats 70 years ago.
Nearly 90% of the 35 AfD members who were surveyed totally or somewhat support Chancellor Angela Merkel’s dictum that “Israel’s security is Germany’s raison d’etre.” Two said they oppose the statement and two had no opinion.
A quarter of those polled had been to Israel.
Over half of the AfD respondents said they “totally” agree with the statement that support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to be anti-Semitic; no other major party had such a strong opposition to BDS.
Seventy-seven percent those polled agreed with the statement that anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism; 23% disagreed.
“Criticizing the State of Israel and on Zionist behavior is not anti-Semitism,” one polled AfD politician said when asked to comment on his response.
Some 88% said Israel’s 70th birthday next year was a reason for Germans to celebrate, while fewer than 4% disagreed with that statement. (For comparison, at the Social Democrats of Martin Schulz — which came in second in the national elections, ahead of the AfD — 11% felt that Israel’s anniversary was no reason to celebrate.)
“German-Israeli relations are special, not only because of history, but also because Israel is the only really functioning democracy in the region,” one polled AfD member said. “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and both politically and from a Christian perspective, a brotherly country,” opined another.
A large majority of polled AfD candidates (86%) also support German arms exports to Israel.
“As long as the Germany provides Islamic regimes such as Turkey or Saudi Arabia with arms, there is no reason why Israel, as a pro-Western, democratic state should be excluded from arms deals,” said Beatrix von Storch, the party’s deputy spokesperson.
AfD is "right wing" only in the sense it is on the right side of the current spectrum of permissible "thought." That right side would be left of center when our world was not so evil.
Personally I prefer a white nationalist atheist for these traitors. It is far easier to get an atheist converted than a cultural Marxist "Christian".
Himmler banned atheists from the SS, and I concur with that decision. Atheism is a form of egotism. Agnosticism or "Non-denominationalism" are another story. A rejection of God is at the root of all modern ills (note my .sig line). At least with "Zionist Christians," if they are honest, and they feel free to believe in the truth, they can be "de-Judaized." Interracists can also be converted, within the same parameters. Atheists, far more often than not, believe in "do what thou wilt." Christians, even if befuddled by "Israel and Niggers are the most beloved of God," generally retain stronger traditional values in other aspects.
11th November 2017, 08:51 PM
So Times of Israel comes and polls 35 AfD candidates of German parliament, so not particularly surprising results of the poll, as criticizing Israel would be political suicide in Germany. But even so it would make the party pro-Zionist more than cultural Marxist, a position that NSDAP seemed to hold as well...
But sure I agree with the notion that essentially AfD is controlled opposition.
12th November 2017, 01:09 AM
So Times of Israel comes and polls 35 AfD candidates of German parliament, so not particularly surprising results of the poll, as criticizing Israel would be political suicide in Germany.
Yet the results were not 100%.
Why would the Times of Israel want to promote the idea of AfD being Zionist? Wouldn't it suit them more to paint them as rabid "anti-Semites" looking for yet another "Final Solution"?
I think they are gloating that even the "right wing" is really on their side, another Goyish Golem under their control.
Although AfD's poster girl, Butch Petry, has founded the new "Blue Party" to make herself even more Kosher.
But even so it would make the party pro-Zionist more than cultural Marxist, a position that NSDAP seemed to hold as well...
If you were Hitler, what is it you would do with the Jews? Knowing only what was commonly known then. Sending them to Khazaria was not considered, as their real origin was not commonly understood. I'd certainly like to see Jews go away peacefully. If that makes me a "Zionist" - whether to "Israel" or Khazaria - so be it; the objective is quarantine.
Who minted this coin is very much in question. "Nazi"? Supposedly it was commissioned by Dr. Goebbels' Der Angriff, but I highly doubt it, especially not in late 1934. Would a Trump supporter embrace as his own the term "Trumptard"? "Nazi" was even more disparaging for a National Socialist.
But sure I agree with the notion that essentially AfD is controlled opposition.
The last serious pro-German political party was banned in 1952:
If a party is a threat to the occupational government in Germany, it is banned (the other banned party, the KPD, was "too radical" for their preferred "slow Marxism" agenda). They've flirted with banning the NPD, but haven't done so, since it's run by clowns.
12th November 2017, 05:49 AM
If you were Hitler, what is it you would do with the Jews? I would have exposed them in school and in the media. I think there is a reason he did not. Most of the German public was ignorant about Jews as they are now. Only those who were in containment groups were knowledgeable and they were herded to their deaths.
12th November 2017, 08:49 AM
I would have exposed them in school and in the media. I think there is a reason he did not. Most of the German public was ignorant about Jews as they are now.
This is simply not true. Why you would claim this is a mystery.
A documentary shown in every German theater nationwide:
The German National Cathechism:
Golem America still has to deploy an army to Germany 72 years later to assure the education Hitler gave the Germans doesn't lead to revolt.
12th November 2017, 08:59 AM
This is simply not true. Why you would claim this is a mystery.I suppose it's an exercise in futility to argue what happened before we were born, as neither of us were there, so it becomes an argument of "my information is better than yours". Sure the anti-Semitic literature and films were out there, but how they were circulated is a matter of "information".
What I do know is this; everyone on my Mother's side of the family is German-born. My mother was born in 1927 so she grew up with the war and her father actually worked high up for the Frankfurter Allgemiene Zietung, which is like the New York Times of Germany.
None of them knew diddly-squat about Jews. Not one.
12th November 2017, 09:22 AM
I've also seen it said on this forum that the U.S. were setup initially as by and for the jews.
This is a rewrite of history by its losers. Only after WW I were the completely engineered Jew race suplanted it roots to the U.S.
The opposition also has hand in rewriting German history. The winners permit that.
12th November 2017, 09:23 AM
her father actually worked high up for the Frankfurter Allgemiene Zietung, which is like the New York Times of Germany. None of them knew diddly-squat about Jews. Not one.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
12th November 2017, 09:33 AM
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."Much truth in this. "Apa" as we called him, placed great value on social position, which made him even more vulnerable to being a useful idiot for Jews to manipulate. But my mother, aunt and uncle grew up during the war and none of them had the slightest understanding of Jewish supremacy. Mostly what they have to say about Hitler is that he was feared by all. Last year my mother told me the daughter of Himmler was in one of her classes in school. People knew to be careful what they said around her. Himmler's daughter was a bleach-blonde. hmmm.
12th November 2017, 09:52 AM
Reminds me of the current Russia hysteria. The guilty always finger the innocent.
When the deed (in this case engineering superior race) were already transgressed prior to the accusations.
Germans would not know of any clone race waiting in the wings prior to WW I either.
12th November 2017, 10:08 AM
Pics of Goebbels the Khazar (note angle of ear):
12th November 2017, 10:18 AM
Know who this Khazar is?
Reinhard Heydrich Note that he didn't have blond hair as a youth, did have fat lips and raked back ears and long nose.
12th November 2017, 10:24 AM
Hermann Göring
12th November 2017, 10:30 AM
Ludolf von Alvensleben.
12th November 2017, 10:33 AM
Richard Baer
When you look at pics of Hitlers entourage and see their faces tensed up, you know they're hiding thick lips so you keep looking.
12th November 2017, 10:40 AM
Klaus Barbie
12th November 2017, 12:47 PM
Viktor Brack
Organiser of the Euthanasia Programme, Operation T4 and one of the men responsible for the gassing of Jews in the extermination camps.
12th November 2017, 12:49 PM
Does hoarder have the guts to post his own photos, so we can assess whether he is a Khazar? :D
12th November 2017, 12:50 PM
Klaus Barbie
The third photo you posted is actually Eichmann.
12th November 2017, 12:50 PM
Hermann Göring
Absolutely nothing "Jewish" about him.
hoarder has jumped the shark.
12th November 2017, 12:52 PM
Gunter d'Alquen chief editor of the SS weekly
12th November 2017, 12:54 PM
Viktor Brack
Organiser of the Euthanasia Programme, Operation T4 and one of the men responsible for the gassing of Jews in the extermination camps.
Hey, everybody: hoarder says the Germans gassed Jews! I never knew he believed in the Holocaust™ tales!
12th November 2017, 01:17 PM
Does hoarder have the guts to post his own photos, so we can assess whether he is a Khazar? :DAd hominem because I have offended your delicate sensibilities? Just keep looking at the pics. look closely.
12th November 2017, 01:19 PM
Hey, everybody: hoarder says the Germans gassed Jews! I never knew he believed in the Holocaust™ tales!Allegedly. What do you think of his face?? Slightly convex profile? Like a rat.
12th November 2017, 01:20 PM
The third photo you posted is actually Eichmann.They all look like ratfaces to me, sorry.
12th November 2017, 01:24 PM
Ad hominem because I have offended your delicate sensibilities? Just keep looking at the pics. look closely.
Do you have something to hide?
I bet you look like Harold Covington. Maybe even Frank "Collin."
Prove me wrong.
12th November 2017, 01:25 PM
Allegedly. What do you think of his face?? Slightly convex profile? Like a rat.
Looks like a German to me. Man, you've really gone off the deep end.
Dr. Brack:
Your latest posts declaring several Germans to be "rat-faced Jews" have done wonders for your "Hitler was a Jew" ravings.
The only ones that have Jewish features were Eichmann, Heydrich, and maybe Barbie. Eichmann admitted his troubles in life surrounding it.
A racial scientist you definitely are not.
12th November 2017, 02:14 PM
Goebells, Goering, GI Joe,, were all key footnotes in engineered creation of a superior jew race for Zion.
12th November 2017, 02:24 PM
Looks like a German to me. Man, you've really gone off the deep end.
Dr. Brack:
Your latest posts declaring several Germans to be "rat-faced Jews" have done wonders for your "Hitler was a Jew" ravings.
The only ones that have Jewish features were Eichmann, Heydrich, and maybe Barbie. Eichmann admitted his troubles in life surrounding it.
A racial scientist you definitely are not.I started a thread about Jewish features a couple years ago but was disappointed to find that there was little interest.
If you think a pointy face and raked back ears are typical German features, you haven't been paying attention.
12th November 2017, 06:54 PM
I started a thread about Jewish features a couple years ago but was disappointed to find that there was little interest.
Perhaps it was because there was little validity to your claims. If you were claiming that Germans were "rat-faced Kikes," why listen to you?
If you think a pointy face and raked back ears are typical German features, you haven't been paying attention.
You seem to want to present this extreme Nordicist image of "the German," which only exists in Jewish media ("Hitler wanted to gas anyone who wasn't blue-eyed and blond").
Germany as a predominately classic Nordic country hasn't existed for centuries. The German Volk are composed of Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean elements, like most countries of Europe.
"Pointy face" and "raked back ears" are something you pulled out of your ass, hardly science-based in any way. (oh, but yes, next you will claim "science is Jewish," and all that...).
12th November 2017, 07:14 PM
Perhaps it was because there was little validity to your claims. If you were claiming that Germans were "rat-faced Kikes," why listen to you?
You seem to want to present this extreme Nordicist image of "the German," which only exists in Jewish media ("Hitler wanted to gas anyone who wasn't blue-eyed and blond").
Germany as a predominately classic Nordic country hasn't existed for centuries. The German Volk are composed of Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean elements, like most countries of Europe.
"Pointy face" and "raked back ears" are something you pulled out of your ass, hardly science-based in any way. (oh, but yes, next you will claim "science is Jewish," and all that...).I have attempted to define what you have attempted to obscure. It's easy to see which one of us is being disingenuous. Khazars do have some distinctive features and granted, there is a lot of overlap between Germans and Jews, but way too many of Hitlers top dogs have very Khazar features. Too many for it to be a coincidence.
12th November 2017, 09:25 PM
I have attempted to define what you have attempted to obscure. It's easy to see which one of us is being disingenuous. Khazars do have some distinctive features and granted, there is a lot of overlap between Germans and Jews, but way too many of Hitlers top dogs have very Khazar features. Too many for it to be a coincidence.
The reason for their very distinctive features is because they are descended from Neanderthals.
According to an article I got from Jim Stone for participating in his latest fund raiser.
From Jim Stone: (
Conspiracy files volume 3 has been removed from both Fundrazr and Ebay. Here's why:
"Hey Jim, they may be doing something dirty on ebay. I tried to buy your $30 CD item 172976474289, and both the buy it now and when added to cart tells me "This item does not ship to Victoria, Australia. Here's what you can do: *Change address *Pick a different item that ships to you." But the item clearly states: Will ship to Australia.
Also, clicking on to "See other items" gives me zero items for you.
Those dirty rotten scoundrelsMy repsonse: YEP.
I noticed Ebay got whacked and pulled the auctions off the front page (they are still on Ebay but whatever, no good that will do).
Additionally, Fundrazr got whacked.Here is the proof:
I have a strategy for putting a stop to this. Conspiracy files volume 3 is too important to allow to be messed with like this. They just lit the fire, and I am no longer blind. I know what I am going to do. Just wait.
For those who successfully donated, TO ACCESS CONSPIRACY FILES VOLUME 3, CLICK HERE ( and for those who tried and were blocked just wait.
it took a couple hours longer than I expected. Everyone who donated up until 2 PM CST should have access now. I will update this again tonight for those who donate.Ebay auctions will work for this too, they get you access.Conspiracy files volume 3 online NOW AVAILABLE
Conspiracy files volume 3 description
Conspiracy files volume 3 is the most important conspiracy file release to date.
A good friend's mom was a major political figure who worked very hard to stop the communist takeover of the United States. During a visit to her home after a long road trip with this friend in 2010 I came across an issue of an all but banned and therefore very obscure publication. The issue of this publication I found outlined the heart of the conspiracy against Western civilization so well I immediately photographed it in it's entirety. I knew she knew about things and had contacts few people have, and I knew this publication was one of the last great vestiges of what America once was.
This month's conspiracy files consists of a large amount of materials from a publication that is totally banned online. Though their domain is still there, you won't find it in a search on any search engine (at least I could not.)I was able to get ahold of the owner and get permission to present an issue I came across and photographed in 2010.
This edition is the one that is available on the Conspiracy files volume 3 on CD.
Conspiracy files volume 3 online will contain:
1. A well done exploration into a majority of the Ashkenazi and other European rooted Jews having neanderthal roots. This is actually true, and they consider themselves superior because of it. This issue clearly explains why a majority of the Jews have a lot less empathy for others than any other race, and have no compunctions about being ridiculously destructive to accomplish their agendas.
2. A flawless and extensive report on the Bolshevik takeover of Russia
3. The destruction of Christian shrines in Israel and their goal of dominating the holy land. (this is a topic I have covered repeatedly)
4. Proof the Protocols are not a forgery, including their history and where they really came from.
5. The story of the Khazars, with documented proof it is not a hoax as has been attempted to be stated by internet trolls doing clean up of a topic.
6. A great writing by Winston Churchill (1920) that proves Winston Churchill hated the Jews and was trying to save Britain from them, but that he was eventually subverted.
7. An examination of Judaism's own problem with religious and racial hatred.
8. An expose of Jewish scholars proclaiming a future New World Order in which the Jewish people will reign supreme.
And much more.
In addition to what is above, I will do a recap of a key experience I had with the Jewish community, which will additionally confirm that everything in this is true. Most readers of this web site have already heard a lot about these topics, and this publication nails them down with irrefutable documented proof.You have heard a lot of these things before. Now you can have them documented, with detail you have never seen before.
This edition of the conspiracy files will be a re-establishment of the root of truth about the Jews and their efforts to destroy us. It is my hope these topics will echo across the web, and re-awaken people who have been put to sleep by the recent Jewish efforts to portray Muslims as the problem. No Muslim gets into any nation to cause problems unless a Jew puts that Muslim there, it is time to get back in touch with who the enemy really is.
Any donation of $10 or more will get you access to this month's conspiracy files, Click here to donate, Thank you very much to those who help!
Access to the files will be done the same way they were done before, they will be posted by Sunday morning (CST), thanks!
UPDATE: I will re-post the access instructions when it is all ready, (for previous conspiracy files, as well as volume 3)
The Ebay auctions and the CD that is supposed to go to Japan will be mailed out as soon as the first of these funds clear. I was broke at the beginning of the month (many readers probably saw the message window server expire, it is back up again
it took a couple hours longer than I expected. Everyone who donated up until 2 PM CST should have access now. I will update this again tonight for those who donate. Ebay auctions will work for this too, they get you access.
Nov 12 2017
13th November 2017, 06:18 AM
I have attempted to define what you have attempted to obscure.
"Obscure"? I have censored the garbage you post in some way?
You have "defined" nothing. You claim, without any rationale, that authentic Germans "look like Khazars." You even admit you're unable to define such traits:
"Khazars do have some distinctive features and granted, there is a lot of overlap between Germans and Jews."
In other words, "when hoarder doesn't like one of Hitler's administrators, he's a 'Khazar'."
It's easy to see which one of us is being disingenuous.
There is no "disingenuity" on my part. My comments in this thread are completely serious and sincere. That includes my objection to your slander against good men.
Khazars do have some distinctive features and granted, there is a lot of overlap between Germans and Jews, but way too many of Hitlers top dogs have very Khazar features. Too many for it to be a coincidence.
You said a typical Celt like Mel Gibson is a "Khazar," so your "credibility" is, shall we say, "limited."
13th November 2017, 08:19 AM
Adolf Hitler congratulates Joachim von Ribbentrop for making a peace and economic pact with Soviet Union, in 1939, a week before Poland is invaded by Germany.
13th November 2017, 10:10 AM
Adolf Hitler congratulates Joachim von Ribbentrop for making a peace and economic pact with Soviet Union, in 1939, a week before Poland is invaded by Germany.
If he were a bit taller and blonde, his profile would go toe to toe with sweet Will Clinton's
13th November 2017, 10:40 AM
Adolf Hitler congratulates Joachim von Ribbentrop for making a peace and economic pact with Soviet Union, in 1939, a week before Poland is invaded by Germany.
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
Ribbentrop "neutralized" Stalin for a limited period, while Germany could build up her strength even more.
13th November 2017, 10:47 AM
Who would you rather have on your side? (pick only one)
Adolf Hitler
Wolf Blitzer
Rosie O'Donnell
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
I trust Hitler the most on that list. No one else comes close!
13th November 2017, 10:55 AM
Who would you rather have on your side? (pick only one)
Adolf Hitler
Wolf Blitzer
Rosie O'Donnell
Nancy Pelosi
Billary Clinton
Donald Trump
I trust Hitler the most on that list. No one else comes close!
Depends, if you were in trouble.
Bill Clinton could get you out of prison for most anything, I imagine... :)
13th November 2017, 11:29 AM
"Obscure"? I have censored the garbage you post in some way?
You have "defined" nothing. You claim, without any rationale, that authentic Germans "look like Khazars." You weasel out of defining the distinctions between German and Khazar facial features. Are you afraid that if you define those features in general terms you will then have to acknowledge that Hitlers entourage tends to possess those features?
You even admit you're unable to define such traits:
"Khazars do have some distinctive features and granted, there is a lot of overlap between Germans and Jews." You are making an absolutist argument. Just because I concede there is overlap does not obscure the features I have identified as Khazar:
You said a typical Celt like Mel Gibson is a "Khazar," so your "credibility" is, shall we say, "limited."How do you know he's a Celt? Lots of Jews take Celtic names and identities. What people claim about themselves is not proof. The fact that about 90% of Hollywood actors are Jews is more indicative than anything else.
So now I ask you. Define Khazar features or STFU.
13th November 2017, 02:48 PM
You weasel out of defining the distinctions between German and Khazar facial features.
I "weasel out" of nothing. You conduct yourself in a Jewish manner, defaming men who sacrificed their lives to defend Europe. You engage in sophistry and slither around to avoid the obvious conclusion. And when someone tries to provide a definition or evidence, you spew something like this:
"My information is better than yours".
Are you afraid that if you define those features in general terms you will then have to acknowledge that Hitlers entourage tends to possess those features?
If I cite real racial science about what the Ashkenazic/Khazar traits are, you will then claim, as you always do, that "you are engaging in a 'my information is better than yours' argument." With you, an honest discussion cannot be had. If I cite Carleton Coon, you will be "he was a Jew / he was 'influenced' by the Jews." If I cite Hans F. K. Günther, you will be "he was a crypto working for the crypto Hitler, obscuring what the Khazars really look like."
You are making an absolutist argument. Just because I concede there is overlap does not obscure the features I have identified as Khazar
I called you on your bullshit, and you get smarmy.
Is there overlap between real Germans and Khazars, or not? If there is such overlap, then there can be no universal standard: "this is a German, and only a German, and this is a Khazar, and only a Khazar." Obviously, your "standard" is "I don't like this person / this guy doesn't 'fit' my agenda, so he's a 'Khazar'."
Gee, that sure sounds like what Khazars do.
What people claim about themselves is not proof.
Prove yourself a Goy. In accordance with the Talmud and the Protocols, destroying Goyish heroes is part of the plan. "The end result reveals the original intention," hence, you must be a Jew.
So now I ask you. Define Khazar features or STFU.
I need prove nothing to you. You have demonstrated you are Hell-bent on defaming the only people that made any real effort to stop the Satanic world campaign. You refuse to agree to any standard or definition but your own, claiming "the Jews" create all other standards and definitions. If we don't agree with you, then are we "using Jewish standards."
13th November 2017, 03:41 PM
If I cite real racial science about what the Ashkenazic/Khazar traits are, you will then claim, as you always do, that "you are engaging in a 'my information is better than yours' argument." I didn't ask you to cut and paste some article about Khazar traits. They are self evident. If I asked you to define Negro facial features, you could say they have larger eyes and eye sockets, shallower set eyes, thicker lips, broader bites etc.etc. So why can't you define Khazar features? If you are not capable of discerning which are Germans and which are Khazars out of a room of ten Germans and ten Khazars, with some degree of accuracy, then say so. If that is your position, the only thing to discuss is the reason for your lack of interest. It would seem that someone who knows as much about Khazars as you do would want to develop the skill of visual discernment by facial features well enough to type them on your keyboard.
I realize that no one can be accurate about it 100% of the time, but it is possible to be accurate say, 70% of the time.
Is there overlap between real Germans and Khazars, or not? If there is such overlap, then there can be no universal standard: "this is a German, and only a German, and this is a Khazar, and only a Khazar." Obviously, your "standard" is "I don't like this person / this guy doesn't 'fit' my agenda, so he's a 'Khazar'." You're right, there is no universal standard, but you can still discern with some degree of probability.
You say you are not being disingenuous. Please give a sincere answer. You have been looking at pictures of known Jews most of your life, you must have some idea what "looks Jewish".
13th November 2017, 08:08 PM
The end result reveals the original intention.
Hoarder makes no sense.
13th November 2017, 10:26 PM
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
Ribbentrop "neutralized" Stalin for a limited period, while Germany could build up her strength even more.
Looking at the picture of Hitler in profile makes it clear that Hitler wasn't any way near aryan in appearance, why would a man who is not aryan want aryan supremacy?
Meanwhile he was at peace with the Bolshevik he invaded the aryan countries of Northern Europe, apart from Zionist controlled Great Britain, whom he tried to make peace with, by saving its troops in Dunkirk.
14th November 2017, 07:28 AM
why would a man who is not aryan want aryan supremacy?
For the same reasons Trump o.k.'d the recent Israeli aid package.
Protection rackets.
14th November 2017, 07:31 PM
If I asked you to define Negro facial features, you could say they have larger eyes and eye sockets, shallower set eyes, thicker lips, broader bites etc.etc.
Interesting. I would place prognathism equal to or greater than everted lips as a defining Negroid trait.
So why can't you define Khazar features? If you are not capable of discerning which are Germans and which are Khazars out of a room of ten Germans and ten Khazars, with some degree of accuracy, then say so.
If that is your position, the only thing to discuss is the reason for your lack of interest. It would seem that someone who knows as much about Khazars as you do would want to develop the skill of visual discernment by facial features well enough to type them on your keyboard.
I realize that no one can be accurate about it 100% of the time, but it is possible to be accurate say, 70% of the time. You're right, there is no universal standard, but you can still discern with some degree of probability.
You say you are not being disingenuous. Please give a sincere answer. You have been looking at pictures of known Jews most of your life, you must have some idea what "looks Jewish".
Detecting a Jew is not merely looking at a set of traits, but a holistic endeavor that also involves the instincts.
Modern Jewish "science" likes to dismiss intuition as of no consequence, even dangerous, in part because "Jewdar" does indeed exist.
Laying out "this is a Jew" and "this is not a Jew" - as an academic discipline - is insufficient, even misleading. The fabled "Jewish nose" is not even a mark of certainty. It is helpful to identify suspects, but in and of itself, or combined with several other "common Jewish" traits, cannot be the certainty you have applied above.
The Jews are right that "anti-Semitism" is genetic. I inherited it (as animals inherit their defensive instincts). However, I do not throw around "Jew!" without responsibility and consciousness of what a false accusation means. For some reason, you don't adhere to that ideal.
I find your false identification of Germans, those in this thread as well as Hitler, as "Khazars" to be dishonorable. "Their ears are wrong" is about as pathetic as one can get. On the other thread, you claim you can tell a Jew by their teeth. One might say these ridiculous assertions are intended to bring disrepute to those who are "Jew-wise."
14th November 2017, 07:49 PM
Looking at the picture of Hitler in profile makes it clear that Hitler wasn't any way near aryan in appearance, why would a man who is not aryan want aryan supremacy?
Wow. Just wow.
You take your definition of "Aryan" from Holowood?
You don't understand that the ancient Aryans were not all blue-eyed blonds? Their average was typical of the average of Europe, prior to the invasions of submen...lots of greenish eyes, brownish hair shades...and red hair, too.
As for Hitler not being in "any way near Aryan in appearance," his intense blue eyes were as bright & blue as any Swede with a German surname. :)
Meanwhile he was at peace with the Bolshevik he invaded the aryan countries of Northern Europe
Uh, you do realize that Britain was going to invade Norway, and Germany simply pre-empted them.
14th November 2017, 07:56 PM
Laying out "this is a Jew" and "this is not a Jew" - as an academic discipline - is insufficient, even misleading. The fabled "Jewish nose" is not even a mark of certainty. It is helpful to identify suspects, but in and of itself, or combined with several other "common Jewish" traits, cannot be the certainty you have applied above.
There is that which is certain (very damn little), that which is possible (just about anything) and that which is probable.
The purpose of defining Khazar features is to assess a level of probability.
14th November 2017, 08:01 PM
Looking at the picture of Hitler in profile makes it clear that Hitler wasn't any way near aryan in appearanceShallow set eyes are un-Aryan. Usually when you see shallow set eyes on a White person it's a Celt and many Celts don't have them.
Aryans must have bred for looks because ugly features are not Aryan features. Maybe this is subjective on my part. Asians might regard faces that look like they were flattened by a steam roller to be handsome.
15th November 2017, 02:00 AM
Wow. Just wow.
You take your definition of "Aryan" from Holowood?
You don't understand that the ancient Aryans were not all blue-eyed blonds? Their average was typical of the average of Europe, prior to the invasions of submen...lots of greenish eyes, brownish hair shades...and red hair, too.
As for Hitler not being in "any way near Aryan in appearance," his intense blue eyes were as bright & blue as any Swede with a German surname. :)
Apart from eye color what aryan physical features do you see in his face, perhaps his prominent chin? otherwise his slanting forehead and nose doesn't look very western European/aryan, more middle eastern/Arab. You must admit he didn't look like the ideal third Reich citizen. I do think Hitler had a darker shade of blue eye color than a typical Swede with a German surname... ;)
Uh, you do realize that Britain was going to invade Norway, and Germany simply pre-empted them.
Let them!
Meanwhile Germany invades Great Britain, after not letting them soldiers escape Dunkirk. :)
Norway would have been isolated from the continent by neutral Sweden and Denmark, and wouldn't, have a great strategic importance. Germany could have focused its forces on France and Great Britain that actually did declare war on Germany, on orders of their Zionist overlords, and then he could have taken on the bolsheviks.
15th November 2017, 09:25 AM
The reason for their very distinctive features is because they are descended from Neanderthals.
According to an article I got from Jim Stone for participating in his latest fund raiser.
From Jim Stone: (
Conspiracy files volume 3 has been removed from both Fundrazr and Ebay. Here's why:
"Hey Jim, they may be doing something dirty on ebay. I tried to buy your $30 CD item 172976474289, and both the buy it now and when added to cart tells me "This item does not ship to Victoria, Australia. Here's what you can do: *Change address *Pick a different item that ships to you." But the item clearly states: Will ship to Australia.
Also, clicking on to "See other items" gives me zero items for you.
Those dirty rotten scoundrelsMy repsonse: YEP.
I noticed Ebay got whacked and pulled the auctions off the front page (they are still on Ebay but whatever, no good that will do).
Additionally, Fundrazr got whacked.Here is the proof:
I have a strategy for putting a stop to this. Conspiracy files volume 3 is too important to allow to be messed with like this. They just lit the fire, and I am no longer blind. I know what I am going to do. Just wait.
For those who successfully donated, TO ACCESS CONSPIRACY FILES VOLUME 3, CLICK HERE ( and for those who tried and were blocked just wait.
it took a couple hours longer than I expected. Everyone who donated up until 2 PM CST should have access now. I will update this again tonight for those who donate.Ebay auctions will work for this too, they get you access.Conspiracy files volume 3 online NOW AVAILABLE
Conspiracy files volume 3 description
Conspiracy files volume 3 is the most important conspiracy file release to date.
A good friend's mom was a major political figure who worked very hard to stop the communist takeover of the United States. During a visit to her home after a long road trip with this friend in 2010 I came across an issue of an all but banned and therefore very obscure publication. The issue of this publication I found outlined the heart of the conspiracy against Western civilization so well I immediately photographed it in it's entirety. I knew she knew about things and had contacts few people have, and I knew this publication was one of the last great vestiges of what America once was.
This month's conspiracy files consists of a large amount of materials from a publication that is totally banned online. Though their domain is still there, you won't find it in a search on any search engine (at least I could not.)I was able to get ahold of the owner and get permission to present an issue I came across and photographed in 2010.
This edition is the one that is available on the Conspiracy files volume 3 on CD.
Conspiracy files volume 3 online will contain:
1. A well done exploration into a majority of the Ashkenazi and other European rooted Jews having neanderthal roots. This is actually true, and they consider themselves superior because of it. This issue clearly explains why a majority of the Jews have a lot less empathy for others than any other race, and have no compunctions about being ridiculously destructive to accomplish their agendas.
2. A flawless and extensive report on the Bolshevik takeover of Russia
3. The destruction of Christian shrines in Israel and their goal of dominating the holy land. (this is a topic I have covered repeatedly)
4. Proof the Protocols are not a forgery, including their history and where they really came from.
5. The story of the Khazars, with documented proof it is not a hoax as has been attempted to be stated by internet trolls doing clean up of a topic.
6. A great writing by Winston Churchill (1920) that proves Winston Churchill hated the Jews and was trying to save Britain from them, but that he was eventually subverted.
7. An examination of Judaism's own problem with religious and racial hatred.
8. An expose of Jewish scholars proclaiming a future New World Order in which the Jewish people will reign supreme.
And much more.
In addition to what is above, I will do a recap of a key experience I had with the Jewish community, which will additionally confirm that everything in this is true. Most readers of this web site have already heard a lot about these topics, and this publication nails them down with irrefutable documented proof.You have heard a lot of these things before. Now you can have them documented, with detail you have never seen before.
This edition of the conspiracy files will be a re-establishment of the root of truth about the Jews and their efforts to destroy us. It is my hope these topics will echo across the web, and re-awaken people who have been put to sleep by the recent Jewish efforts to portray Muslims as the problem. No Muslim gets into any nation to cause problems unless a Jew puts that Muslim there, it is time to get back in touch with who the enemy really is.
Any donation of $10 or more will get you access to this month's conspiracy files, Click here to donate, Thank you very much to those who help!
Access to the files will be done the same way they were done before, they will be posted by Sunday morning (CST), thanks!
UPDATE: I will re-post the access instructions when it is all ready, (for previous conspiracy files, as well as volume 3)
The Ebay auctions and the CD that is supposed to go to Japan will be mailed out as soon as the first of these funds clear. I was broke at the beginning of the month (many readers probably saw the message window server expire, it is back up again
it took a couple hours longer than I expected. Everyone who donated up until 2 PM CST should have access now. I will update this again tonight for those who donate. Ebay auctions will work for this too, they get you access.
Nov 12 2017
28th November 2017, 03:54 PM
Gisela Kline, who became Gisela Winegard.
Gisela Kline, who became Gisela Winegard, was a Nazi spy.
The UK's Home Office in 1938 reported that Gisela was "on intimate terms with the German Military Attache in Paris".
Gisela was a German intelligence officer's mistress, having a child with him, and also became close to a German general.
An MI6 file reveals that Gisela had "engaged in blackmail activities."
Klein is a common Jewish surname.
Winegard is a common Jewish surname.
John Profumo.
In the 1960s, John Profumo, the UK War Minister, had an affair with Gisela Klein/Winegard.
John Profumo also had an affair with Christeen Keeler who was linked to the KGB.
The Profumo Affair has been linked to the assassination of John F Kennedy.
There is a belief that the top people, on the Left and on the Right, all work for the Kosher Nostra.
Profumo first met Gisela Winegard/Klein at Oxford in the 1930s and his affair with her lasted until at least the 1950s. (
Henry Kissinger's friend Victor Louis who reportedly knew all about the Profumo Affair and the assassination of JFK. VICTOR LOUIS, JFK, KOSHER NOSTRA (
Towards the end of World War II, Gisela was captured and imprisoned in Paris by the Allies.
Edward Winegard, an American military officer of German origin, was in charge of the prison.
Edward Winegard quickly obtained the release of Gisela and then married her.
Sometime in 1947-8, while they were living in the south of France, the Winegards fell out with elements of the American Intelligence Service 'for having harboured one of the Chiefs of a German spy ring'.
The Winegards moved to Tangier in Morocco, where they worked for the CIA's 'Voice of America' radio station.
In 1950, she was sacked 'when it was discovered that she had worked for the Germans during the war and was 100 per cent pro-German'.
John Profumo 'had relationship with Nazi spy' ( ./ Profumo had long-term relationship with Nazi spy ( / Sex shame Tory John Profumo was 'black ( litics%2Fsex-shame-tory-john-profumo-11597425&usg=AOvVaw0uU_TFMAsERlI7Q8QXL7a-)mailed' by glamorous Nazi ( litics%2Fsex-shame-tory-john-profumo-11597425&usg=AOvVaw0uU_TFMAsERlI7Q8QXL7a-)
The Zionists are in bed with the Nazis
There are Nazi Jews and there are liberal Jews.
Zionist Menachem Begin became chief of the Zionist youth movement Betar in Poland.
Reportedly, Begin and his Betar members wore brown shirts and used the fascist salute. (Cached ( ) (
Menachem Begin
Hitler came to power in 1933 and he had the support of Zionist Jews.
It has been argued that Hitler may have been Jewish.
(Hitler was Jewish (
In 1933, the Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party.
The World Zionist Organization Congress in 1933 defeated a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43.
The World Zionist Organization 'became the principal distributor of Nazi goods throughout the Middle East and Northern Europe'.
(Cached (
'Hitler was descended from Jews' DNA tests reveal ( cle-1305414%2FHitler-descended-Jews-Africans-DNA-tests-reveal.html&ei=1CH4UPjKCvHB0gXQ_4GYDA&usg=AFQjCNHs_3E0ooKyMRNh0nCgESlRkDuOaQ&sig2=reTEhqTdwTGLtTCzhfPxOQ&bvm=bv.41018144,d.d2k).
Both Hitler and the Zionists believed:
1. There should be a homeland for the Jews
2. Might was right.
Many German Jews disagreed with the Nazis and the Zionists.
Many German Jews were liberals and they wanted to stay in Germany.
28th November 2017, 03:55 PM (
Heydrich, a leading Nazi, supported the idea of a homeland for the Jews.
Heydrich may have been Jewish
(Reinhard Heydrich who masterminded the Holocaust ( ).
In May 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich wrote an article, 'The Visible Enemy', for Das Schwarze Korps, the SS official organ.
He wrote:
"The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them."
(Karl Schleunes, The Twisted Road to Auschwitz, pp. 193-4 - A NAZI TRAVELS T0 PALESTINE AND TELLS ABOUT IT IN THE ASSAULT ... (
Both the Nazis and the Zionists are told to believe in a Master Race or Chosen People.
In 1934, SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler toured Palestine.
(Jacob Boas, "A Nazi Travels to Palestine," History Today, London, January 1980, pp. 33-38.)
Von Mildenstein wrote a series of articles for the Berlin daily Der Angriff that were printed in 1934 under the heading "A Nazi Travels to Palestine."
The articles praised the pioneering spirit and achievements of the Jews who had left Europe and settled in Palestine.
Prince Bernhard, who reportedly was a member of the Nazi Party, would meet his Zionist friends at Bilderberg meetings.
Der Angriff issued a medal, with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other, to commemorate the joint SS-Zionist visit.
The official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, proclaimed its support for Zionism in a May 1935 front-page editorial:
"The time may not be too far off when Palestine will again be able to receive its sons who have been lost to it for more than a thousand years. Our good wishes, together with official goodwill, go with them."
Four months later, a similar article appeared in the SS paper.
(The Order of the Death's Head, Ballantine, 1971, 1984, p. 377. Erich Kern, ed., Verheimlichte Dokumente, Munich: FZ-Verlag, 1988, p. 184. Das Schwarze Korps, Sept. 26, 1935. Quoted in: F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question,1985, pp. 56-57. Zionism and the Third Reich ( (
In his book The Order of the SS (1981), Professor Frederic Reider explains how the Nazi Third Reich and Zionist Haganah worked together to encourage Jews to move to Palestine.
(National Medical Association (
"At the time when Eichmann took over the Sub-department IV B4 in the R.S.H.A., which had been established to settle the Jewish question, he (Eichmann) was not himself anti-Semitic.
"His functions led him to collaborate closely with the World Zionist Organisation and to make contact with the leaders of the secret Zionist organisation, Haganah.
"He even went himself to Palestine in 1937, in the company of Oberscharfuhrer S.S. Sergeant Hagen, the successor to Leopold von Midenstein, to examine the problem....
"By the end of 1939, 150,000 Austrian Jews had left, by choice, to go to live in Palestine, as had also 120,000 German Jews and 78,000 from Bohemia/Moravia. This emigration had been organised by the S.D., with Haganah’s approval, and was carried out clandestinely by boat, despite the draconian measures taken by Britain to stop it..."
"Hitler with Prescott Bush."
Eichman also had the Madagascar Plan, whereby a national Jewish homeland would be set up in Madagascar.
Himmler and Heydrich approved, and on 18th June 1940 Hitler himself told Mussolini 'an Israeli state might be set up in Madagascar'.
The project came to nothing.
(National Medical Association (
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration.
(eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional ( 1107.shtml&ei=QoTVR8DXDYOgwgHUzfyNAw&usg=AFQjCNGsXxvNqaj19VSztlHnjkP7TJSg3g&sig2=TJ7ah0fRo3fy6vulJ7zq2Q)) (
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British -run Palestine.
Reportedly, Himmler's grandfather was Jewish.
(Himmler relative marries Israeli - Israel News, Ynetnews ( C7340%2CL-3168071%2C00.html&ei=44fVR77EG42owQGs9aWTAw&usg=AFQjCNEkMn4Y81cahE5H4MBaHvUDweNtpg&sig2=JDV6-PPCZYvnmXajo2kfzw) / eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional ( 1107.shtml&ei=QoTVR8DXDYOgwgHUzfyNAw&usg=AFQjCNGsXxvNqaj19VSztlHnjkP7TJSg3g&sig2=TJ7ah0fRo3fy6vulJ7zq2Q) )
The German SS secretly supplied weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs.
(F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.)
Posted by Anon ( 00:16 Email This (! ( to Twitter ( to Facebook ( to Pinterest (
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1 comment:
Kaivey ( November 2017 at 01:00 ( 7624282)
Max Blumenthal - Exposing the Shocking and Continuing Alliance Between Zionism and Anti-Semitism
Excerpt - At its annual gala this November, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) feted Sebastian Gorka alongside fellow Trump White House alumni Steven Bannon and Sean Spicer. The ZOA’s president, Morton Klein, has established a special relationship with the Trump administration, going out of his way to defend Gorka against accusations of Nazi sympathies.
On the eve of Trump’s election, Gorka appeared in nationally televised interviews clad in a black uniform bearing the medal of the Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian fascist group that collaborated with the Nazis during the Holocaust. Speaking at a conference organized by the right-wing Israeli newspaper the Jerusalem Post in May, Gorka defended his wearing the medal, proclaiming, "My father was awarded a medal in 1979 by anti-communist members of a splinter order outside Hungary ... I am proud to wear that, as a response to everything that we face today."
Vitzezi Rend has appeared on a US State Department list of "organizations under the direction of the Nazi government of Germany,” and its late founder, Miklos Horthy, reportedly declared, "I have always been an anti-Semite throughout my life.” During the anti-communist White Terror that took place between 1919 and 1921 in Hungary, Horthy presided over some 60 pogroms, and attacks on Jews continued through the 1920’s. When Nazi Germany occupied Hungary in 1944, Horthy participated in the deportation of 437,000 Jews to concentration camps.
14th December 2017, 07:34 AM
One of the classic “what ifs” of the Second World War centers on how—or if—the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, code-named Operation Barbarossa, could have achieved a quick victory. Hitler certainly believed that it could. All one had to do, he insisted, was to “kick in the door” and the “whole rotten structure” of Stalin’s Communist regime would come tumbling down. In many respects Barbarossa was a stunning success. The Germans took the Soviets completely by surprise, advanced hundreds of miles in just a few weeks, killed or captured several million Soviet troops, and seized an area containing 40 percent of the USSR’s population, as well as most of its coal, iron ore, aluminum, and armaments industry. But Barbarossa failed to take its capstone objective, Moscow. What went wrong?
Others have pointed to Hitler’s decision in August to divert most of the armored units attached to Field Marshal Fedor von Bock’s Army Group Center, whose objective was Moscow, and send them south to support an effort to surround and capture the Soviet armies around Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
General staff: within weeks we will take Moscow
Hitler: divert the forces to take Kiev
General staff: but hitler
Hitler: now
Watch any good documentary on Barbarossa and you will be yelling at hitler for ensuing German defeat many times. Also good WWII documentaries from the 90s indicated Hitler stalled advanced weaponry development, because he "thought the war would be shorter". So the jew Hitler put a delay on weapons that could have turned the war.
14th December 2017, 08:09 AM
Watch any (((good documentary))) on Barbarossa and you will be yelling at hitler for ensuing German defeat many times. Also (((good WWII documentaries))) from the 90s indicated Hitler stalled advanced weaponry development, because he "thought the war would be shorter". So the jew Hitler put a delay on weapons that could have turned the war.
Is this what passes for intelligence and discernment on this forum?! Watch a "good Jewish documentary" to "prove" Hitler was a "Jew"? Good God, help us all.
And you people wonder why I still admire the ARYAN St. Adolphus of Braunau.
midnight rambler
14th December 2017, 09:06 PM
Is this what passes for intelligence and discernment on this forum?! Watch a "good Jewish documentary" to "prove" Hitler was a "Jew"? Good God, help us all.
And you people wonder why I still admire the ARYAN St. Adolphus of Braunau.
It blows my mind to see reasonably intelligent people get sucked into believing the joo lies about Hitler being a joo tool.
14th December 2017, 10:51 PM
General staff: within weeks we will take Moscow
Hitler: divert the forces to take Kiev
General staff: but hitler
Hitler: now
Watch any good documentary on Barbarossa and you will be yelling at hitler for ensuing German defeat many times. Also good WWII documentaries from the 90s indicated Hitler stalled advanced weaponry development, because he "thought the war would be shorter". So the jew Hitler put a delay on weapons that could have turned the war.
Actually the article you link to points out that having taken Moscow instead of diverting troops to take Kiev may have not been such a slam dunk in any case. Moscow may not have been of such strategic importance as some assume.
14th December 2017, 11:02 PM
Actually the article you link to points out that having taken Moscow instead of diverting troops to take Kiev may have not been such a slam dunk in any case. Moscow may not have been of such strategic importance as some assume.
Moscow was the railroad hub for all of Russia. Taking it would cripple Russia from moving heavy equipment and supplies by rail. All roads lead to Rome and all Rails lead to Moscow hahaha.
15th December 2017, 12:10 AM
Moscow was the railroad hub for all of Russia. Taking it would cripple Russia from moving heavy equipment and supplies by rail. All roads lead to Rome and all Rails lead to Moscow hahaha.
As usual from the Minnesota retard, this is bullshit.
Notice the double track Voronezh & Rostov out to Tomsk. Additionally, there wasn't much left "to supply" west of Moscow as the Germans approached Moscow, since the Germans controlled everything from Leningrad to just west of Rostov without actually holding Moscow.
27th December 2017, 09:47 AM
Saint Adolphus of Braunau
27th December 2017, 05:11 PM
As usual from the Minnesota retard, this is bullshit.
Notice the double track Voronezh & Rostov out to Tomsk. Additionally, there wasn't much left "to supply" west of Moscow as the Germans approached Moscow, since the Germans controlled everything from Leningrad to just west of Rostov without actually holding Moscow.
Fails to Take Moscow
The first of those blunders came soon after Operation Barbarossa was launched. From the outset, Hitler's military leaders knew that speed was of the essence: they were after a quick contest, not a protracted war. And their initial prospects of winning that race against time were promising: after smashing through the Soviet forward divisions, Army Group Center won a hard-fought battle at Smolensk. At its conclusion, more than 200,000 Soviet prisoners were marched into already overcrowded holding pens, and the road to Moscow was laid bare. Now was the time for a strong, direct thrust at the Soviet capital.
More than just a political objective, Moscow was the nerve center for the Communist Party, a major industrial center, and, most important, the nexus for almost every major rail line in the Soviet Union; if Moscow fell, lateral movement of Soviet forces would become impossible. Moreover, the defeat of Moscow would help cut western Russia off from the eastern armies, which were already beginning their move to the city's aid. In 1812, Russia could give up Moscow to Napoleon and suffer few military consequences. Losing Moscow in 1940 would have been catastrophic to the Soviet cause.
But then Hitler shifted Germany's strategic emphasis: rather than send his forces on to Moscow, at the end of August Hitler ordered General Heinz Guderian to take his Second Panzer Army south to assist the slow-moving Army Group South. By way of explanation, he pointed to the natural resources of the Ukraine and the oil in the Caucasus, both of which he saw as vital to the German war effort. When his generals persisted in protesting this shift in strategy, Hitler exclaimed, "My generals know nothing of economics!" Reluctantly, Guderian took his panzers south, netting another 600,000 prisoners in the Kiev pocket. It was the greatest tactical victory of war, but it was not without cost.
When the advance on Moscow—Operation Typhoon—was renewed on October 2, a precious month had been lost. A combination of stubborn Russian resistance, German overextension, and abysmal weather soon stalled the German offensive just short of its ultimate objective. In late November, when Typhoon was called off, lead German elements were less than 20 miles from Moscow. Only two weeks later, the Russians launched a crippling winter counteroffensive. Unlike Napoleon's Grande Armée, which was shredded after its victory by both the Russians and the winter, Army Group Center did not disintegrate. It did, however, suffer horrific losses and was never again in a position to threaten Moscow. Hitler's chance for a quick and decisive outcome in the East dissolved.
27th December 2017, 06:00 PM
Unsourced Jewish "history" quote: "Moscow was...the nexus for almost every major rail line in the Soviet Union; if Moscow fell, lateral movement of Soviet forces would become impossible.
I'm sorry you are unable to understand a map.
The map I posted illustrates your claim is utter bullshit.
27th December 2017, 06:32 PM
I'm sorry you are unable to understand a map.
The map I posted illustrates your claim is utter bullshit.
Essentially he just reposted the claim that was debunked.
27th December 2017, 06:35 PM
I'm sorry you are unable to understand a map.
The map I posted illustrates your claim is utter bullshit.
I don't know about the map as it is too small and probably does not contain key features such as rail size and what supplies came from what region but I do know that the Soviet Union was a far looser entity than many consider. It was made up of completely disparate peoples (yes, diversity is our strength) with different ideas of what they wanted in a government. It is also quite clear that it was run by homicidal Jews who had completely demoralized the citizenry. If Moscow had fallen, the periphery would never have held. This is certain in my mind and certainly the generals understood this fact. Moscow was always the center. Without a center it would have cratered. Look what happened in the early 90s, and this was simply due to economic frailty from sources far less eggregious than fighting the Nazis. I think it is pretty clear that the average soviet citizen would have welcomed the Nazis after the treatment they were getting from the Jews.
My old neighbor, who emigrated from Germany after the war, told a story of a demoralized Russian soldier (they were not all bad, and not all rapists) who claimed that they were being driven on by Jews in the back who would not hesitate to shoot them for any reason whatsoever.
27th December 2017, 06:42 PM
I don't know about the map as it is too small and probably does not contain key features such as rail size and what supplies came from what region but I do know that the Soviet Union was a far looser entity than many consider. It was made up of completely disparate peoples (yes, diversity is our strength) with different ideas of what they wanted in a government. It is also quite clear that it was run by homicidal Jews who had completely demoralized the citizenry. If Moscow had fallen, the periphery would never have held. This is certain in my mind and certainly the generals understood this fact. Moscow was always the center. Without a center it would have cratered. Look what happened in the early 90s, and this was simply due to economic frailty from sources far less eggregious than fighting the Nazis. I think it is pretty clear that the average soviet citizen would have welcomed the Nazis after the treatment they were getting from the Jews.
My old neighbor, who emigrated from Germany after the war, told a story of a demoralized Russian soldier (they were not all bad, and not all rapists) who claimed that they were being driven on by Jews in the back who would not hesitate to shoot them for any reason whatsoever.
That is entirely possible, losing Moscow could certainly have had that psychological effect on the Russian people, having all powerful Stalin scurrying off from the Kremlin, would make him look weak.
27th December 2017, 07:14 PM
It blows my mind to see reasonably intelligent people get sucked into believing the joo lies about Hitler being a joo tool.
Hoarder has been such a disappointment since GIM1.
:(?? apparently
27th December 2017, 07:18 PM
Essentially he just reposted the claim that was debunked.
Really, debunked by who. You?
27th December 2017, 07:24 PM
It presents a picture of Hitler, and other Jews within the Nazis, deliberately making multiple "mistakes" with the intention of sabotaging the German war effort and causing the defeat of the Germans:
Yeah...we should believe the historical photos and historical "evidence" in this thread started by Bigjon.
27th December 2017, 07:31 PM
I don't know about the map as it is too small and probably does not contain key features such as rail size and what supplies came from what region but I do know that the Soviet Union was a far looser entity than many consider. It was made up of completely disparate peoples (yes, diversity is our strength) with different ideas of what they wanted in a government. It is also quite clear that it was run by homicidal Jews who had completely demoralized the citizenry. If Moscow had fallen, the periphery would never have held. This is certain in my mind and certainly the generals understood this fact. Moscow was always the center. Without a center it would have cratered. Look what happened in the early 90s, and this was simply due to economic frailty from sources far less eggregious than fighting the Nazis. I think it is pretty clear that the average soviet citizen would have welcomed the Nazis after the treatment they were getting from the Jews.
My old neighbor, who emigrated from Germany after the war, told a story of a demoralized Russian soldier (they were not all bad, and not all rapists) who claimed that they were being driven on by Jews in the back who would not hesitate to shoot them for any reason whatsoever.
Stalin changed his plans after Hitler stopped his troops from invading Moscow which was teetering on the edge of chaos.
The autumn of 1941 was a desperate time for the inhabitants of Moscow (
By October 1941 the situation for the Soviet Union looked desperate. At the start of the month the 3rd and 4th Panzer armies had joined together to create a massive encirclement around the town of Vyazma, west of Moscow, with the Germans trapping five Soviet armies. And together with the German victory at the nearby town of Bryansk, more than 600,000 Red army soldiers were captured. The road to the Soviet capital now seemed open to the Germans.
Moscow was defended by less than 100,000 troops and preparations were being made to move the government east, to Kuibyshev on the Volga. A secret document (no. 34) from the State Defence Committee, dated 15 October 1941, records that it had been decided ‘To evacuate the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the top levels of Government… (Comrade Stalin will leave tomorrow or later, depending on the situation)… In the event of enemy forces arriving at the gates of Moscow, the NKVD – Comrade Beria and Comrade Shcherbakov – are ordered to blow up business premises, warehouses and institutions which cannot be evacuated, and all Underground railway electrical equipment.’i
Anastas Mikoyan, a member of the Soviet Politburo, later said that Stalin had told him on 15 October that he intended to leave the Soviet capital. Crucial communications equipment and documents were taken from the Kremlin and packed on board Stalin’s train, waiting at Moscow station. On the night of 16 October, key personnel were told to leave their offices and prepare to flee. ‘There was a car waiting outside [the Kremlin],’ recalls Nikolay Ponomariev, Stalin’s telegraphist. ‘We were driven away. Moscow was completely dark. The weather was wet. I saw we were heading for the railway station. I saw the armoured train and Stalin’s guards walking to and fro on the platform. It became clear to me that I would have to wait for Stalin and go into evacuation with him.’
Meantime, panic was growing amongst the population of Moscow. There were even rumours that Germans had been seen in the city. As a result, some shop owners opened their doors and told Muscovites to take whatever they liked, because soon the Germans would snatch it all. In the chaos, many people tried to flee the Soviet capital. The roads and rivers were blocked with people trying to escape from the city by any means they could.
Now, at this most crucial point in his country’s history, Stalin faced a simple choice. Should he stay or should he go? Should he try and remain in Moscow and risk encirclement by the German army – perhaps even his own capture or death – or should he run east to seek safety in the shelter of the Ural mountains, behind the River Volga?
Indeed, it’s not too fanciful to say that the decision that Stalin now had to take was the most vital of the war. Because if Stalin had left Moscow it is possible – perhaps likely – that the Germans would have captured the Soviet capital and won the war, with Stalin’s authority grievously damaged by his decision to run away.
‘He [Stalin] had erased all his enemies in the previous 15 years,’ says Professor Robert Citino, ‘and it is impossible to imagine the Soviet regime as constituted in late 1941 surviving without Stalin’s presence and Stalin’s presence at the centre of what we would call the political centre of gravity in the Soviet state.’
‘I think it was, from the point of view of morale, very important that Stalin stayed on in Moscow, ‘ says Professor Robert Service, ‘and he was tempted to move off to the Volga region, but at the last moment he changed his mind. He appreciated that if it was known that the leader was staying in Moscow within bombing range of the German armed forces then the morale of the Soviet defence effort would be all the greater.’
‘He [Stalin] was such a key figure that Russia really depended on his authority,’ says Simon Sebag Montefiore, ‘and that’s why in June-July [1941] they [the rest of the Politburo] kept him and he wasn’t overthrown. They realised that they really needed him, and for the same reason him not leaving in October ’41 was, I think, totally decisive because Russia was collapsing. There was no doubt about it.’
Stalin decided to stay in Moscow. His train was unpacked and his offices opened up once again at the Kremlin. Then, at a meeting on 19 October, Stalin toyed with the members of his Politburo. He refused to state his own position on whether the Soviet leadership should stay in Moscow or leave, and insisted on asking each of them in turn ‘Are we going to defend Moscow?’ii Each of them, sensing no doubt the view their boss wanted them to give, replied that Moscow should be defended. Even Beria, the feared head of the secret police, buckled under Stalin’s stare.
Before Stalin’s arrival, talking to his colleagues, Beria had said that Moscow should be abandoned, adding ‘how are we going to defend Moscow? We have absolutely nothing at all. We have been overwhelmed and we are being shot down like partridges.’iii But now, in the meeting with Stalin, he meekly agreed to stay and fight for the Soviet capital.
Stalin decided, in the words of Vladimir Ogryzko, an NKVD commander in Moscow that October, to use ‘fear to crush fear.’ The Soviet leader established a state of siege and the NKVD used the harshest measure imaginable to restore order. ‘It isn’t peacetime,’ says Ogryzko. ‘You’re not going to say ‘Stop or I’ll shoot!’ a thousand times before you shoot, nor are you going to shoot in the air. Of course not. You shoot them on the spot. It was a tough command. Anybody who resisted and didn’t obey orders on demand – especially if they moved away or opened their mouths – was eliminated on the spot without further ado. And that was considered a truly heroic act – you were killing the enemy.’
New divisions arrived from Siberia to help shore up the front outside Moscow – their release made possible by Soviet intelligence which suggested that the Japanese were planning on attacking the Western Allies in Asia, rather than moving north into the Soviet Union. And Stalin led his people that winter – if not to victory – then certainly to the avoidance of defeat.
i Laurence Rees, [I]The Nazis: A Warning from History, BBC Books, 2005, p. 191
ii Interview with V.S. Pronin published in the Voyenno-Istoricheskii Zhurnal (Journal of Military History), 1991, N.10, p. 39
iii Ibid.
27th December 2017, 07:40 PM
Yeah...we should believe the historical photos and historical "evidence" in this thread started by Bigjon.
Hey it is the Jews way to control all sides of any conflict. I guess that's why you are here, Mr. JEW jit sue.
27th December 2017, 07:43 PM
Hoarder has been such a disappointment since GIM1.
:(?? apparently hopeless...lolI haven't believed in Hitler since 2002. Before that I thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
27th December 2017, 07:45 PM
i Laurence Rees, The Nazis: A Warning from History, BBC Books, 2005, p. 191
This holohoax horseshit is written and directed by Laurence Rees (
27th December 2017, 08:23 PM
This holohoax horseshit is written and directed by Laurence Rees (
This has no bearing on the Fact that the Russian government abandoned Moscow by fleeing to Kuibyshev.
27th December 2017, 08:29 PM
I don't know about the map as it is too small and probably does not contain key features such as rail size and what supplies came from what region but I do know that the Soviet Union was a far looser entity than many consider. It was made up of completely disparate peoples (yes, diversity is our strength) with different ideas of what they wanted in a government. It is also quite clear that it was run by homicidal Jews who had completely demoralized the citizenry. If Moscow had fallen, the periphery would never have held. This is certain in my mind and certainly the generals understood this fact. Moscow was always the center. Without a center it would have cratered. Look what happened in the early 90s, and this was simply due to economic frailty from sources far less eggregious than fighting the Nazis. I think it is pretty clear that the average soviet citizen would have welcomed the Nazis after the treatment they were getting from the Jews.
My old neighbor, who emigrated from Germany after the war, told a story of a demoralized Russian soldier (they were not all bad, and not all rapists) who claimed that they were being driven on by Jews in the back who would not hesitate to shoot them for any reason whatsoever.
The map shows double track between western Russia and the Urals which do not go through Moscow.
Yes, the fall of Moscow would have been devastating, but Josef Jewison (Stalin) had made plans to fall back to the Urals, and simply move the capital. It would not have been a knock-out blow, however. The fall of Volgograd (Stalingrad) would have been as, or even more devastating.
As for the Russian soldiers, no, most were not demons. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was an officer in the Red Army, and told many stories about what happened within. The "diverse" types were deliberately used on Germany in the typical Jew ways. And yes, those ghouls in the rear - Jewish political commissars embedded within the Red Army - had anyone who didn't fight "sufficiently" hard enough to satisfy their satanic bloodlust shot or sent to Gulag. Most of the real Russians were just peasant type people who believed the propaganda that the Germans were going to "exterminate them as untermenschen" - a similar way to how the Jew got Americans to fight their racial brethren of Europe. You are correct about Russian (Ukrainian) reaction to German occupation...once the Germans took over, and the real Slavs saw they weren't going to kill them, most embraced the Wehrmacht as liberators...joining them gleefully in auxiliary service (rounding up those who had murdered their kin, i.e., Jews, etc. - and creating a reservoir of elderly victims for Jew "Nazi hunters" to this day).
The collapse in the early 1990s was premeditated by the same elements that created the "Soviet Union." It was not an organic dissolution by any means. The USSR had served its purpose (antithesis to the so-called "Free World") and was dissolved. Almost as importantly, the assets of the People were squandered to Jewish criminals at fire sale prices as Russia adopted a so-called "free market economy," orchestrated by Yeltsin's handler, (((Anatoly Chubais))) [mother: Raisa Sagal], creating filthy rich public menaces like (((Boris Berezovsky))), (((Mikhail Khodorkovsky))), and (((Mikhail Fridman))).
27th December 2017, 08:33 PM
Really, debunked by who. You?
Neuro, Bigjon is proof of the joke that a Norwegian is a Swede with his brains knocked out.
27th December 2017, 08:34 PM
This holohoax horseshit is written and directed by Laurence Rees (
Give these Hitler Haters enough rope, and you'll always find them hanging themselves...eventually. LOL
And Bigjon calling the Jew-Bolshevik regime the "Russian government" is very telling of his actual motives.
27th December 2017, 08:37 PM
This has no bearing on the Fact that the Russian government abandoned Moscow by fleeing to Kuibyshev.
There was a "Russian" government in Moscow 1941-1945?
As for coward Stalin fleeing to Samara, and? You have a point? What is it?
27th December 2017, 08:48 PM
Fails to Take Moscow
The first of those blunders came soon after Operation Barbarossa was launched. From the outset, Hitler's military leaders knew that speed was of the essence: they were after a quick contest, not a protracted war. And their initial prospects of winning that race against time were promising: after smashing through the Soviet forward divisions, Army Group Center won a hard-fought battle at Smolensk. At its conclusion, more than 200,000 Soviet prisoners were marched into already overcrowded holding pens, and the road to Moscow was laid bare. Now was the time for a strong, direct thrust at the Soviet capital.
More than just a political objective, Moscow was the nerve center for the Communist Party, a major industrial center, and, most important, the nexus for almost every major rail line in the Soviet Union; if Moscow fell, lateral movement of Soviet forces would become impossible. Moreover, the defeat of Moscow would help cut western Russia off from the eastern armies, which were already beginning their move to the city's aid. In 1812, Russia could give up Moscow to Napoleon and suffer few military consequences. Losing Moscow in 1940 would have been catastrophic to the Soviet cause.
But then Hitler shifted Germany's strategic emphasis: rather than send his forces on to Moscow, at the end of August Hitler ordered General Heinz Guderian to take his Second Panzer Army south to assist the slow-moving Army Group South. By way of explanation, he pointed to the natural resources of the Ukraine and the oil in the Caucasus, both of which he saw as vital to the German war effort. When his generals persisted in protesting this shift in strategy, Hitler exclaimed, "My generals know nothing of economics!" Reluctantly, Guderian took his panzers south, netting another 600,000 prisoners in the Kiev pocket. It was the greatest tactical victory of war, but it was not without cost.
When the advance on Moscow—Operation Typhoon—was renewed on October 2, a precious month had been lost. A combination of stubborn Russian resistance, German overextension, and abysmal weather soon stalled the German offensive just short of its ultimate objective. In late November, when Typhoon was called off, lead German elements were less than 20 miles from Moscow. Only two weeks later, the Russians launched a crippling winter counteroffensive. Unlike Napoleon's Grande Armée, which was shredded after its victory by both the Russians and the winter, Army Group Center did not disintegrate. It did, however, suffer horrific losses and was never again in a position to threaten Moscow. Hitler's chance for a quick and decisive outcome in the East dissolved.
As Book (Jewboo) has already pointed out, numbskull Bigjon uses Jewish sources in his attacks on Hitler.
I went and did a Joogle search on the above passage Jonnieboy quoted without citing his source. Now I know why he didn't cite the source.
The source: is brought to you by World History Group, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines.
"World History Group," Founder and CEO, (((Eric Weider))) [nephew of the Jewish fitness guru].
28th December 2017, 07:17 AM
Neuro, Bigjon is proof of the joke that a Norwegian is a Swede with his brains knocked out.
Poor crimestink can't even get the joke right. A Swede is a Norwegian with his brains knocked out.
One only has to take one look at the state of those respective countries to know the truth.
Swede's import boatloads of muzzies and kick the Swedes out of their homes to make way for the imams.
Norwegians kick the criminal imams back to where they came from.
28th December 2017, 07:18 AM
As Book (Jewboo) has already pointed out, numbskull Bigjon uses Jewish sources in his attacks on Hitler.
I went and did a Joogle search on the above passage Jonnieboy quoted without citing his source. Now I know why he didn't cite the source.
The source: is brought to you by World History Group, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines.
"World History Group," Founder and CEO, (((Eric Weider))) [nephew of the Jewish fitness guru].
More ad-hominem from our local expert in nothing but mud slinging.
28th December 2017, 07:19 AM
The map shows double track between western Russia and the Urals which do not go through Moscow.
The collapse in the early 1990s was premeditated by the same elements that created the "Soviet Union." It was not an organic dissolution by any means. The USSR had served its purpose (antithesis to the so-called "Free World") and was dissolved. Almost as importantly, the assets of the People were squandered to Jewish criminals at fire sale prices as Russia adopted a so-called "free market economy," orchestrated by Yeltsin's handler, (((Anatoly Chubais))) [mother: Raisa Sagal], creating filthy rich public menaces like (((Boris Berezovsky))), (((Mikhail Khodorkovsky))), and (((Mikhail Fridman))).
I agree with this 100%. I have often wondered when they will be done with the US. The plans are long range. Open to question is how orderly the dissolution/dismemberment/bankruptcy will be. Assets that are not already stripped will be, and the debts liquidated along with population. The whole thing will be repackaged and the game will continue. It is only through conflict that the slave masters can continue their game. "Wars are the Jews' harvest" but to embrace the whole truth we must realize that the Jews are not alone in running this rapacious, parasitic mind-fuck of a machine. It is fascinating to watch as it is horrible when one comprehends it. The Christians by and large are willingly being led to their demise and their own people have been complicit in leading them to this slaughter.
Is it such a stretch to come to an understanding that Hitler was a Zionist agent? It makes very good sense, especially when one takes into consideration the many instances where he hobbled the lightening quick advances of the German war machine. It must have taken them all aback, the unanticipated speed and success of the Germans. Credible reports of Hitler surviving to old age in South America would lead one to think he could only have survived if he was allowed to survive. If he was allowed to survive it was only because he played his part well. Also take into consideration the pump and dump of Germany. Germany was flooded with capital from old money Anglo interests which put them into fine fighting condition (and fighting spirit I should add). The only way this could have been accomplished is with a nod from the Zionist who at this time already had the finances of the US old guard in their pockets. This pump and dump was so obviously prepped and the whole chessboard set by the effects of the Treaty of Versailles.
No, in my opinion, we and those before us have all been played and the sooner we loose our gullibility the better understanding we will have. Without understanding we can never have clear vision and will always be susceptible to such machinations.
28th December 2017, 07:31 AM
Really, debunked by who. You?
Actually it was already mentioned in the article you linked too earlier in this thread. The military strategic advantage of taking Moscow wouldn’t have been that great as some historians may claim... I just highlighted that little tidbit for you. As Woodman pointed out the impact on the Russian psyche could have been great if indeed Moscow had been taken, but you only argued the military strategic importance which is at best doubtful, according to your own sources which you only quote from what supports your own bias.
28th December 2017, 07:47 AM
One only has to take one look at the state of those respective countries to know the truth.
Swede's import boatloads of muzzies and kick the Swedes out of their homes to make way for the imams.
Norwegians kick the criminal imams back to where they came from.
Since 2012, the German travel guide Dumont now describes the city as being unsafe for female tourists. The guide also named Oslo "The Crime capital of Scandinavia".
Norway's capital to get first Muslim only school, to teach Arabic and Muslim values o_teach_arabic_and_muslim_values
Have you moved in a Somali family yet, Jonnie? You know you want to.
28th December 2017, 07:48 AM
More ad-hominem from our local expert in nothing but mud slinging.
I accept your surrender.
Bigjon loves Jewish "history."
Here's some more (((history))) for you, Jonnie:
28th December 2017, 07:58 AM
Is it such a stretch to come to an understanding that Hitler was a Zionist agent? It makes very good sense, especially when one takes into consideration the many instances where he hobbled the lightening quick advances of the German war machine. It must have taken them all aback, the unanticipated speed and success of the Germans.
Yes, it's a stretch...a long one.
Unless, of course, one is like Bigjon, and relies on Jewish "history" to "prove" Hitler was either "incompetent," or deliberately malevolent.
Those of us who have looked well-beyond the (((History Channel))) propaganda know better. There comes a point where "everything is a conspiracy" moves into the realm of insanity, and shoving Hitler into the "he was a Jew agent" conspiracy theory is part of that. No offense.
The mythology of "Hitler impeded his generals" is such a tired, worn-out meme, almost as much so as "Hitler gassed Six Million™ Jews." As I have shown, the "Hitler was a dumb fuck" / "Hitler was deliberately undermining the Wehrmacht" meme collapses under the weight of the facts, in the recent particular case of "Moscow had to be taken to win."
No, in my opinion, we and those before us have all been played and the sooner we loose our gullibility the better understanding we will have. Without understanding we can never have clear vision and will always be susceptible to such machinations.
The Jews fear two men...even the sheer memory of them. Jesus Christ, and Adolf Hitler. Why is that? And, they have worked tirelessly to co-opt the former, creating Judeo-"Christianity." Why not co-opt the latter, as well, leading to people believing Hitler and National Socialism who should know better were merely a con-job?
The preponderance of the evidence that Hitler was fighting for the life of Europe is overwhelming. Sure, one could latch on to a handful of controversial variables, but that's the proverbial trees and forest problem. Hitlerwald (Hitler's Forest) is very clearly one of noble trees being burned to the ground by devils in human form.
28th December 2017, 08:09 AM
Since 2012, the German travel guide Dumont now describes the city as being unsafe for female tourists. The guide also named Oslo "The Crime capital of Scandinavia".
Norway's capital to get first Muslim only school, to teach Arabic and Muslim values o_teach_arabic_and_muslim_values
Have you moved in a Somali family yet, Jonnie? You know you want to.
THE ANSWER: Norway deports record number of Muslims, crime rate drops dramatically
28th December 2017, 08:19 AM
I accept your surrender.
Bigjon loves Jewish "history."
Here's some more (((history))) for you, Jonnie:
Your tactics virtually undiscernible from the way Jews operate. Makes me think you are a Jew.
Here you are trying that old canard of putting up a strawman to knock him down.
I'm not defending or bringing in the holohoax, but you are. A typical Jew tactic.
The Jews fear one thing the most and that is to be discovered in their lies and deceit. Adolf is just another Jew liar. Like you.
28th December 2017, 08:20 AM
THE ANSWER: Norway deports record number of Muslims, crime rate drops dramatically
You really are a dullard, aren't you?
Two minutes of actual critical thinking and you could find this:
Norway on course for 17% Muslim in 2050.
Norway deported 7,312 - that's SEVEN-THOUSAND and TWELVE - Muslims in 2016. The goal was 9,000. Just 191,000 to go!
As for non-White/non-European invaders, Norway has 12.2% outright foreigners, and 5.7% are mixed breed.
Non-White immigration to Norway is 90% of Norwegian population growth!
28th December 2017, 08:23 AM
As Book (Jewboo) has already pointed out, numbskull Bigjon uses Jewish sources in his attacks on Hitler.
I went and did a Joogle search on the above passage Jonnieboy quoted without citing his source. Now I know why he didn't cite the source.
The source: is brought to you by World History Group, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines.
"World History Group," Founder and CEO, (((Eric Weider))) [nephew of the Jewish fitness guru].
is the specific information that Bigjohn cited wrong?
28th December 2017, 08:23 AM
Your tactics virtually undiscernible from the way Jews operate. Makes me think you are a Jew.
Here you are trying that old canard of putting up a strawman to knock him down.
I'm not defending or bringing in the holohoax, but you are. A typical Jew tactic.
The Jews fear one thing the most and that is to be discovered in their lies and deceit. Adolf is just another Jew liar. Like you.
Spewing lies is the tactic of the Jew. As has been clearly demonstrated, it is you, not I, who has been spewing lies.
You shamelessly quote Jewish "sources" to condemn Hitler as a Jew. Giving you the benefit of the doubt means I must think you are merely stupid. Looking at the problem otherwise, means I must consider your motivation to be something more sinister.
28th December 2017, 08:24 AM
is the specific information that Bigjohn cited wrong?
Try reading the thread.
28th December 2017, 08:26 AM
Try reading the thread.
Try answering the question.
28th December 2017, 08:29 AM
Try answering the question.
Already been answered, but you are either too lazy or too dishonest to know/admit this.
28th December 2017, 08:29 AM
You really are a dullard, aren't you?
Two minutes of actual critical thinking and you could find this:
Norway on course for 17% Muslim in 2050.
Norway deported 7,312 - that's SEVEN-THOUSAND and TWELVE - Muslims in 2016. The goal was 9,000. Just 191,000 to go!
As for non-White/non-European invaders, Norway has 12.2% outright foreigners, and 5.7% are mixed breed.
Non-White immigration to Norway is 90% of Norwegian population growth!
We are comparing Swedes against Norwgians, moron.
28th December 2017, 08:34 AM
Spewing lies is the tactic of the Jew. As has been clearly demonstrated, it is you, not I, who has been spewing lies.
You shamelessly quote Jewish "sources" to condemn Hitler as a Jew. Giving you the benefit of the doubt means I must think you are merely stupid. Looking at the problem otherwise, means I must consider your motivation to be something more sinister.
And you shamelessly attack the messenger and never put up any evidence that the information is false. A typical Jew attack.
28th December 2017, 08:36 AM
We are comparing Swedes against Norwgians, moron.
You claim the Norwegians are smarter than the Swedes because they deport Muslims. Yet the reality is that they deported 1% or 2% of the bastards.
Swede's import boatloads of muzzies and kick the Swedes out of their homes to make way for the imams.
Norwegians kick the criminal imams back to where they came from.
Sure, I'm the "moron."
Oh, and BTW, before calling someone a moron, be sure you are not making your own nature plain to see. "Swede's import." LOL
28th December 2017, 08:39 AM
And you shamelessly attack the messenger and never put up any evidence that the information is false. A typical Jew attack.
Your "evidence" is Jewish. You shriek because I (and Book) demonstrated your sources are Kosher. Why are you afraid of the truth? Just admit the Jewish nature of your sources. And while you're at, go all the way, and start preaching about gas chambers, too.
I have thoroughly explained your "evidence" is dishonest and false. Then you cry out in pain as you strike me.
28th December 2017, 08:55 AM
Your "evidence" is Jewish. You shriek because I (and Book) demonstrated your sources are Kosher. Why are you afraid of the truth? Just admit the Jewish nature of your sources. And while you're at, go all the way, and start preaching about gas chambers, too.
I have thoroughly explained your "evidence" is dishonest and false. Then you cry out in pain as you strike me.
You must really be a moron, to think that attacking the source while saying nothing about the information it contains is an honest criticism. Just more lies from crimestink.
28th December 2017, 09:14 AM
As Book (Jewboo) has already pointed out, numbskull Bigjon uses Jewish sources in his attacks on Hitler.
I went and did a Joogle search on the above passage Jonnieboy quoted without citing his source. Now I know why he didn't cite the source.
The source: is brought to you by World History Group, the world's largest publisher of history magazines. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines.
"World History Group," Founder and CEO, (((Eric Weider))) [nephew of the Jewish fitness guru].
More lies from the resident moron crimestink.
The source for my evidence is from Jim Lacey. Not a Jewish name, most likely English.
Bio: Jim Lacey is professor of strategic studies at the Marine Corps War College. He is the author of the recently released The First Clash and Keep from All Thoughtful Men. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
28th December 2017, 12:34 PM
... The Christians by and large are willingly being led to their demise and their own people have been complicit in leading them to this slaughter... naively following jew jesus' "love thy enemy" and "turn thy other cheek goy"
...Hitler was a Zionist agent? It makes very good sense, especially when one takes into consideration the many instances where he hobbled the lightening quick advances of the German war machine. It must have taken them all aback, the unanticipated speed and success of the Germans...
Hitler did foolishly and fatally meddle in military strategy but everything else you suggest does not make sense nor supported by any evidence.
This entire thread is obvious kike mindfucking. Crimethink already exposed the why and how...
28th December 2017, 12:36 PM
Yes, it's a stretch...a long one.
The preponderance of the evidence that Hitler was fighting for the life of Europe is overwhelming. Sure, one could latch on to a handful of controversial variables, but that's the proverbial trees and forest problem. Hitlerwald (Hitler's Forest) is very clearly one of noble trees being burned to the ground by devils in human form.
I was once in your camp. No longer. I have researched and looked at other's research and the evidence is overwhelming for me. I urge you to take a look at the link Bigjon added. This is the problem with idolizing a leader; it makes one blind. It made the Germans blind and led them to destruction. Idolize no man.
28th December 2017, 12:45 PM
This entire thread is obvious kike mindfucking. Crimethink already exposed the why and how...
What is your sockpuppet number?
Ad-hominem is a way of life for morons like you.
28th December 2017, 12:49 PM
Ad-hominem is a way of life for morons like you.
The irony. Uses an ad-hom while accusing ad-hominem.
28th December 2017, 01:03 PM
Orthodox Zionist jews have no other savior then Adolf Hitler.
He parted the racial seas back to Jerusalem and created a superior Israeli race for them, then like Moses got U.S. citizens to back a new bloody Egypt.
28th December 2017, 01:06 PM
The irony. Uses an ad-hom while accusing ad-hominem.
Pointing out the truth of what you say is not ad-hominem.
28th December 2017, 01:17 PM
You must really be a moron, to think that attacking the source while saying nothing about the information it contains is an honest criticism. Just more lies from crimestink.
What it claims is bullshit, as I have explained. The "information" is Kosher retread of the same old shit.
28th December 2017, 01:17 PM
This is the third and final volume of a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.
Each of these events introduced some variant of socialism into a major country — i.e.,Bolshevik socialism in Russia, New Deal socialism in the United States, and National socialism in Germany.Contemporary academic histories, with perhaps the sole exception of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope, ignore this evidence. On the other hand, it is understandable that universities and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects of international politics. The bravest of trustees is unlikely to bite the hand that feeds his organization.
It is also eminently clear from the evidence in this trilogy that "public-spirited businessmen"do not journey to Washington as lobbyists and administrators in order to serve the United States. They are in Washington to serve their own profit-maximizing interests. Their purpose is not to further a competitive, free-market economy, but to manipulate a politicized regime, call it what you will, to their own advantage.
It is business manipulation of Hitler's accession to power in March 1933 that is the topic of Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.
July, 1976
28th December 2017, 01:24 PM
More lies from the resident moron crimestink.
The source for my evidence is from Jim Lacey. Not a Jewish name, most likely English.
Bio: Jim Lacey is professor of strategic studies at the Marine Corps War College. He is the author of the recently released The First Clash and Keep from All Thoughtful Men. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
Your IQ must really be identical to the average low of Minnesota right now...negative 20.
Anyone can go to the link I posted and SEE that what you posted comes from that very link...a copyrighted site.
Did Zionist Occupational Government Tool Lacey originally author it? Apparently. But it's published in a Jewish "history" magazine. He admits this: "Article for World War II Magazine."
Here's your boy, Lacey - or is it Lackey - calling for war with Iran:
He's obviously a trustworthy source. :rolleyes:
28th December 2017, 01:30 PM
I was once in your camp. No longer. I have researched and looked at other's research and the evidence is overwhelming for me. I urge you to take a look at the link Bigjon added. This is the problem with idolizing a leader; it makes one blind. It made the Germans blind and led them to destruction. Idolize no man.
I don't "idolize" Hitler. I respect and admire him for the courage and vision he had. I've said often Hitler made grave errors, but not in military strategy. His errors were in humanity. Namely, trusting people. For example, trusting the British when he sent his best friend on an effectively-suicide mission in a desperate attempt for peace. Or trusting the Soviet agent Bormann or the quack Morrell.
What Bigjon posts is of the same nature as the "history" that "proves" the Holocaust™. If we should trust such "sources" against Hitler's strategies, why not start accepting that he "gassed" Six Million™? It's written with the same motivation.
28th December 2017, 01:31 PM
Ad-hominem is a way of life for morons like you.
Cognitive dissonance or just hypocrisy?
28th December 2017, 01:32 PM
Pointing out the truth of what you say is not ad-hominem.
Dunning-Kruger Effect IN effect.
28th December 2017, 01:37 PM
Each of these events introduced some variant of socialism into a major country — i.e.,Bolshevik socialism in Russia, New Deal socialism in the United States, and National socialism in Germany.
Sutton lost his marbles, and jumped on the "Ayn Rand" / (((Austrian School))) idiot-train of equating National Socialism with Jew-Marxist "socialism" (state capitalism).
This grossly false premise colors the entire work.
28th December 2017, 01:39 PM
"Wir machten aus Hitler ein Monstrum, einen Teufel. Deshalb konnten wir nach dem Krieg auch nicht mehr davon abrücken. Hatten wir doch die Massen gegen den Teufel persönlich mobilisiert. Also waren wir nach dem Krieg gezwungen, in diesem Teufelsszenario mitzuspielen. Wir hätten unmöglich unseren Menschen klarmachen können, daß der Krieg eigentlich nur eine wirtschaftliche Präventivmaßnahme war!"
-- James Baker, Reagan's Secretary of the Treasury and George H.W. Bush's Secretary of State
["We made Hitler a monster, a devil. That's why we could not move away from it after the war. We had mobilized the masses against the devil personally. So, after the war, we were forced to play along in this devil scenario. We could not have made it clear to our people that the war was really only an economic preemptive measure."]
28th December 2017, 01:47 PM
Hitler always said he was an artist, not a politician. An artist as in the man who creates things, not a con artist. It is said his last days were spent in a fantasy world dreaming of the museums he would create after the war.
The "mistakes" were mistakes only from the sense of a cold, calculating, purely rational viewpoint. For example, Dunkirk. Hitler could have allowed the field officers to simply annihilate over three hundred thousand Aryan men, but he told them no, explaining it was a peace offering to Britain. That was gravely mistaken faith in "Germany's brothers" in England, nothing else.
Hitler also refused to allow the use of superior German chemical weapons, for which Britain and the USSR had little to no defense (or even equal retaliatory capability). Why? He was gassed in World War I, and was blind for some time from it. A purely emotional, personal decision, not strategically prudent, but the sign of someone with a soul.
Those are the alternatives to "no other conclusion."
The lesson from Hitler and the Third Reich is not that "Hitler was a Jew, working to make the world safe for Judaism," but rather that an Idealist cannot be a completely effective leader in the face of homicidal demons. A "Man Against Time" is a figure for centuries and millennia, but "Men In Time" usually have greater success in the temporary temporal realm. Such is the case with Hitler. He said the world would know he was right, and, in the greatest part, he has been proven right...hence, his position as the most hated man second only to Jesus Christ.
(I don't endorse all Devi has to say, but her work is valuable to read, and understand)
Annihilate would make der fuhrer as stupid as you.
In a war it is much better to capture men as they then become bargaining leverage to get concessions from the opposition.
28th December 2017, 01:53 PM
Your IQ must really be identical to the average low of Minnesota right now...negative 20.
Anyone can go to the link I posted and SEE that what you posted comes from that very link...a copyrighted site.
Did Zionist Occupational Government Tool Lacey originally author it? Apparently. But it's published in a Jewish "history" magazine. He admits this: "Article for World War II Magazine."
Here's your boy, Lacey - or is it Lackey - calling for war with Iran:
He's obviously a trustworthy source. :rolleyes:
My link is to Lacey's own website (, your link is to somebody who thought it was worth posting on their website.
Do you have any proof that Lacey is a Jew?
I doubt it.
AboutFirst About Me:
I am currently employed by the Marine War College at Quantico VA, as the Professor of War, Policy and Strategy. Prior to that I spent the past half-dozen years at Institute of Defense Analyses working on a number of studies dealing with a number of topics, such as:
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
National security strategy,
The interaction between finance, economics, war, and national security.
In an earlier life I was an Army Infantry officer for a dozen years and then retired out of the Reserves after another dozen. I gave up the business world for writing when my office (2 World Trade Center) collapsed. For a short while, after that event, I did opinion columns in the New York Post and the now defunct New York Sun, before moving on to become an embedded journalist for Time Magazine during the invasion of Iraq. Most of my writing now deals with world events and history, although I do believe I have one or two great novels in me.
Now About This Blog
I should mention that I am considered a bit right of center by most. By a bit “right”, I mean that I often find that Fox News often tilts too far to the left. But, I need to qualify that just a bit. Despite my deep-rooted conservative beliefs I often find myself appalled at the stupid things some conservatives say. Moreover, I am convinced that there are very few issues that reasonable men and woman of good faith cannot find a workable compromise on. Unfortunately, for this great country, few of the people dominating the public debate on today’s crucial policy issues appear to be reasonable people.
This blog is dedicated to addressing issues (mostly dealing with America and its place in the world) with facts, in the hopes that reasonable people can use what they find here to discover common ground. It will also, hopefully, provide readers with the information and arguments they need to win debates with mostly liberal ideologues.
Finally, I hope to use this blog in the shameless self-promotion of my own books………… they make great gifts…. and during the holidays you will find that they are excellent stocking-stuffers for kids and adults of all ages.
28th December 2017, 02:08 PM
Sutton lost his marbles, and jumped on the "Ayn Rand" / (((Austrian School))) idiot-train of equating National Socialism with Jew-Marxist "socialism" (state capitalism).
This grossly false premise colors the entire work.
Der Idiot says so therefore it is so.
28th December 2017, 03:25 PM
I was once in your camp. No longer. I have researched and looked at other's research and the evidence is overwhelming for me...
28th December 2017, 04:08 PM
Do you have any proof that Lacey is a Jew?Nearly everyone who provides written information is a Jew. Every time we get into this Sheckelgruber Hitler thing it comes down to "My information is better than yours". Most likely both sides are providing Jewish "facts" to back their argument.
Solution: Don't argue with information, argue with logic. Cui bono? Modus operandi, modus agenda, means, motive, opportunity etc.
28th December 2017, 08:27 PM
Solution: Don't argue with information, argue with logic... a7b2942d1d6db3.jpeg
28th December 2017, 09:43 PM
Do you have any proof that Lacey is a Jew?
Never said he was. But it is perfectly clear he is a Zionist fanatic who lusts for war for "Israel." He publishes bullshit in Jewish-owned magazines, and you quote it as "authoritative."
28th December 2017, 09:44 PM
Nearly everyone who provides written information is a Jew. Every time we get into this Sheckelgruber Hitler thing it comes down to "My information is better than yours". Most likely both sides are providing Jewish "facts" to back their argument.
Solution: Don't argue with information, argue with logic. Cui bono? Modus operandi, modus agenda, means, motive, opportunity etc.
Jonnieboy thanked you for your commentary, and hasn't a clue what it means.
29th December 2017, 03:56 AM
Nearly everyone who provides written information is a Jew. Every time we get into this Sheckelgruber Hitler thing it comes down to "My information is better than yours". Most likely both sides are providing Jewish "facts" to back their argument.
Solution: Don't argue with information, argue with logic. Cui bono? Modus operandi, modus agenda, means, motive, opportunity etc.
Your logic says that Hitler was a Jew because he lost the war to the overwhelming force of the Zionist allies. Would that logic also extend to Nasser and Assad who lost the 6-day war?
29th December 2017, 05:44 AM
Your logic says that Hitler was a Jew because he lost the war to the overwhelming force of the Zionist allies. Would that logic also extend to Nasser and Assad who lost the 6-day war?
Hitler was responsible for creating overwhelming zionist allied force.
Just like Moses, he threw snakes into Poland and other places, then said "let my people go there"
29th December 2017, 05:47 AM
Your logic says that Hitler was a Jew because he lost the war to the overwhelming force of the Zionist allies. Would that logic also extend to Nasser and Assad who lost the 6-day war?The reason they are overwhelming is because they use controlled opposition Jew leaders in all countries involved in conflict. It ensures that they will not be held responsible and it facilitates writing history in their favor.
As far as Nasser and Assad are concerned, it is entirely possible that they were Jews, but not necessary because Jews were not concealing that they were major players in the Six Day War, as they were in WW2. The Donmeh are deeply entrenched in the Arab revolutions and underworld today.
29th December 2017, 06:55 AM
The French set the stage for WWII by the terms of the Armistice ending WWI.
What goes around generally ends up coming around.
29th December 2017, 07:11 AM
The French set the stage for WWII by the terms of the Armistice ending WWI.
What goes around generally ends up coming around.
Not only the French others had heavy handed armistance terms!
Ww2 was an continuation of ww1 in so many ways!
29th December 2017, 07:31 AM
Not only the French others had heavy handed armistance terms!
Ww2 was an continuation of ww1 in so many ways!
Yeah, you have to start flowing U.S. currency dollars in a proper direction, slowly.
Too fast and some income tax payers may notice.
Once those chips are cashed everyone will be socially secure, well with more Zion policing targets available to attack.
Like Moses, Hitler provided the 11th commandment to all nations of the Earth.
11. Support your local Waffen SS .gov towncar.
29th December 2017, 07:41 AM
Yeah, you have to start flowing U.S. currency dollars in a proper direction, slowly.
Too fast and some income tax payers may notice.
Once those chips are cashed everyone will be socially secure, well with more Zion policing targets available to attack.
Like Moses, Hitler provided the 11th commandment to all nations of the Earth.
11. Support your local Waffen SS .gov towncar. Lmfao !
Humm yous reminds me strangely of this cut..
29th December 2017, 08:09 AM
Hitler Century!
Crossbars, Coins and H for Hitler goalposts all in one snapshot graph.
Is very "Magnetic" regression Back towards Homo-European "Magna Charta", No?
29th December 2017, 08:36 AM
The French Jewish Leaders set the stage for WWII by the terms of the Armistice ending WWI.
What goes around generally ends up coming around.
I don't agree with all of this, but offer it as grist for the mill, to be ground very finely, as I'm sure you will.
The Treaty of Versailles
It has been previously stated that the treaty of Versailles was one of the most iniquitous documents ever signed by the representatives of socalled civilized nations. The injustice perpetrated upon the German people by the terms of the Peace Treaty made another world war inevitable.[1] ( circumstances surrounding the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918 must be understood. The German High Command did not ask for the Armistice because their armies were in danger of defeat. When the Armistice was signed the German armies had never been defeated on the field of battle. The German High Command asked for an Armistice so that they could devote their efforts towards preventing a Communist Revolution. Rosa Luxemberg [Luxemburg], and her Jewish dominated Spartacus Bund, had planned to duplicate in Germany what Lenin had achieved in Russia exactly one year previously.
The Armistice was signed as a prelude to a negotiated Peace. It is of the utmost importance to remember this fact because an Armistice entered into under those conditions is far different from unconditional surrender.
The events which caused the German High Command to realize their danger on the home front were as follows :
Rosa Luxemberg’s revolutionaries infiltrated into the German High Seas fleet. They became very active in 1918. They spread rumours that the ships, and their crews, were to be sacrificed in an all out battle with the combined British and American navies. The rumour-mongers stated that the purpose of the battle was to cripple the combined allied fleets to such an extent they would be unable to defend the British coasts against a military invasion planned to bring the German Warlords Victory. The Communist ‘Cells’ exhorted the German seamen to mutiny because they claimed that the planned invasion of Britain was doomed to failure due to the fact that British Scientists had developed a secret weapon. According to the rumour-mongers invading craft could, by the use of chemicals fired from guns ashore or dropped from planes, be surrounded by a sea of flames. Fire, heat, and lack of oxygen would create conditions in which nothing human could survive. The subversives argued that the only way to avoid such a fate was to bring about a revolution to end the war. The German seamen mutinied the 3rd of November, 1918.
On November 7th, a large body of marines deserted while on their way to the Western Front. They had been told that they were going to be used to ‘Spear-head’ the rumoured invasion of Britain.
Meantime, uprisings had caused shut-downs in many German industrial centres. Subversives talked defeatism. Conditions deteriorated until, on November 9th, the Kaiser abdicated.
The Social Democratic Party immediately formed a Republican Government. The Armistice was signed November on 11th, 1918. The Communist leaders of the Spartacus Bund had placed their ‘Cells’ in key positions within the new government and throughout the armed forces. Their combined efforts created chaotic conditions everywhere. Rosa Luxemberg then played her trump card. She forced the Socialist government to order the immediate demobilization of the German armed forces. This action prevented the German High Command from using their well disciplined troops to prevent the pending revolution which broke out in January 1919.
Before she usurped power in Germany, Rosa Luxemberg was promised the same financial assistance and military aid the international bankers had given to Lenin and Trotsky a year before. The initial stages of her revolutionary effort were financed by the fund they made available through the Soviet Ambassador Joffe. The revolutionary effort only failed to accomplish what Lenin had achieved in Russia when the promised aid failed to materialize after Rosa had launched her initial onslaught. Then she realized her Jewish Spartacus Bund had been betrayed by the very men she considered her friends and supporters. This incident alone should prove that “The Secret Power”, behind the world revolutionary movement, is not concerned about the welfare of the Jews any more than it is about the Gentiles. The majority of the Directors of the W.R.M. are men who descended from the Khazars, Tartars, and other Mongol-Asiatic non-semitic races. They adopted the Jewish religion to suit their own selfish purposes between the 7th and 8th centuries.[2] ( They have used Jews exactly as they have used Gentiles as “Pawns in the Game”.
The purpose of the double-cross was two-fold. The men who plot and plan the World Revolutionary Movement did not want Germany sovietized until after they had used the German people to fight another war against Britain. They calculated a second World War would render both Empires so utterly exhausted that they could then be easily subjugated by the resources of the U.S.S.R.s they controlled under Lenin’s dictatorship. In order to start a Second World War, they considered it was necessary to build up within Germany an intense anti-semitic hatred for the purpose of dividing Europe into two opposing camps — Fascist and Anti-Fascist. The plan required all communized countries to remain neutral, in a military sense, while their agents did everything possible to aggravate the adverse conditions the master-minds created.
After the Jewish-dominated revolution collapsed for want of aid, the German Aryan people took a full measure of revenge on the Jewish people. Thousands of Jews, men, women and children, were rounded up during the night and executed. Rosa Luxemberg, and her right hand man Karl Liebknecht, were captured and shot in the head like mad dogs by a German lieutenant. Thus, once again, a large number of Jews were made to pay the penalty for the crimes of a small group of international gangsters who used them as pawns in the game of international intrigue.
To prolong and intensify the hatred of the German people for the Jews, propaganda blamed the Jews for bringing about the military defeat of Germany’s armed forces; and the unjust and humiliating terms enforced by the Treaty of Versailles. Propaganda strengthened the trend towards National-Socialism in Germany by representing Britain, France, and the United States as selfish capitalistic countries influenced and controlled by the international Jewish bankers. Thus the way was prepared for the advent of Hitler.
Soon after the Armistice was signed the international bankers instructed Lenin to consolidate the Communist gain and to prepare to defend the Soviet States against capitalistic aggression. Lenin announced this as his policy. Trotsky disagreed bitterly. He advocated immediate revolution in all European countries which remained to be subjugated. He wanted to help Germany’s Spartacus Bund in order to keep the revolutionary spirit alive.
Lenin insisted that their first duty was to establish the Communist sphere of influence in all countries of the world located between the 35th and 45th parallels of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. Lenin stated he would only countenance revolutionary action in countries within those limits. The most important countries were Spain, Italy, Greece, certain sections of Asia-Minor including Palestine; certain sections of China, and the area both sides of the border in Canada and the United States. Lenin warned the Third International that it was the duty of the revolutionary leaders in all those countries to organize their parties so as to be ready to take over their governments when outside forces created favourable conditions to revolt. Rosa Luxemberg’s failure was cited as an example of what would happen if revolutionary action was taken independently.
Lenin’s strategic plan is known in military circles as ‘The Musk Ox Plan’ because these northern animals have been able to survive against the attacks of all their enemies by the simple expedient of forming a circle with their heads pointing out and their tails in. Calves are placed inside the circle. Wolves and bears could not attack the herd from flank or rear. If they attacked head-on they were gored to death, or cut to ribbons, by the razor-like hooves of the oxen.[3] (
Lenin justified himself for abandoning Rosa Luxemberg on the grounds that he had thus been able to organize the Soviet armies to withstand the combined onslaught of the Capitalistic countries from 1919 to 1921. In 1921 Lenin informed the members of the Third International that Spain was to be the nest country sovietized. He blamed Rosa Luxemberg as being responsible for the wave of anti-Semitism which had swept over Germany. The Third International then despatched Karl Radek to lead Communism in Germany. He was instructed to use his own initiative as far as recruiting, organizing, and training the party was concerned, but he was warned not to take revolutionary action until ordered to do so by the Comintern. The Comintern was under control of Lenin, and therefore the international bankers.
Having settled internal conditions in Germany to suit their Long Range Plans the international gangsters next turned their attention to Palestine. Palestine occupied a central geographical position in their overall plans for world conquest. In addition to that, they knew that world famous geologists[4] ( had located vast deposits of mineral wealth in the area around the Dead Sea. They therefore decided to sponsor Political Zionism to further their two-fold purpose.
One. To force the nations of the world to make Palestine a National Home for the Jews so they would have a sovereign state which they would control by reason of their wealth and power. If their long-range plans matured to the extent of a third world war they could use their sovereign state to extend the control they exercised over the communized nations throughout the whole world. When this was accomplished they would be able to crown the head of the group ‘King of the Universe’, and ‘God upon this Earth’.[5] (
Two. They had to secure control of the five trillion dollars worth of mineral wealth they knew was hidden in and around the shores of the Dead Sea. Events will show how they went about their dual purpose. After Britain, France, and the United States, had been committed to form a national home for the Jews in Palestine, by the Balfour Declaration in April 1917, Lord Allenby was ordered to drive the Turks out of Asia-Minor and occupy the Holy Land. The fact that Palestine was to be turned over to the Jews was not made known until after the Arabs had helped Allenby accomplish this task. The general impression was that Palestine would be a British Protectorate.
Immediately after Lord Allenby’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem the international bankers ‘persuaded’ the allied governments to appoint their political emissaries as a Zionist Commission. Officially, the members of this commission were sent to Palestine to act as liaison between the military Administration and the Jews. Their real purpose was to ‘advise’ General Clayton so his military administration would further their secret plans. The Zionist Commission went into effect in March 1918.
Members of the Zionist Commission included Major Ormsby-Gore. He afterwards became Lord Harlich. He was a director of the Midland Bank; the Standard Bank of South Africa; and the Union Corporation.[6] (
Major James de Rothschild, the son of Edmund de Rothschild of Paris, who had formerly owned the Rothschild Colonies in Palestine. Major de Rothschild afterwards became a Liberal member of the British parliament. He served in this capacity from 1929 to 1945. He was appointed parliamentary secretary in the Churchill-Labour Coalition Government.
Lieut. Edwin Samuel — afterwards became Chief Censor for the British government during the Second World War. He was appointed Chief Director of Palestine Broadcasting after the State of Israel was established in 1948.[7] (
Mr. Israel Sieff — He was a director of Marks and Spencers, the huge British departmental stores. He was a close associate of all the international bankers. He was appointed Chairman of the Political and Economic Planning Committee. He was a permanent member of the ‘Brain Trust’ which ‘advised’ successive British governments. His standing in Great Britain was very similar to that of Bernard Baruch in the United States of America from 1918 to date. Mr. Sieff rendered the international bankers such outstanding service that he was made a commander of the Order of Maccabees.
Leon Simon — He was afterwards knighted, and placed in charge of the British General Post Office. He controlled all telegraph, telephone, and cable facilities. The remaining members of the commission were Dr. Elder, Mr. Joseph Cowen, and Mr. Chaim Weizmann; all close friends of wealthy Zionists in America.[8] (
Sir R. Storrs says the Zionist Commission was sent to Palestine before the Peace Conference started, in order to create an atmosphere favourable to establishing a national home for the Jews; and also to stimulate its financial supporters.
The international bankers dominated the conference which culminated in the Treaty of Versailles. This is proved by the fact that in January 1919 Mr. Paul Warburg (who drafted the Federal Reserve System in the U.S.A.), arrived in Paris to head the American delegation. His brother Max arrived to head the German delegation. Comte de St. Aulaire says : “Those who look for the truth elsewhere than in the official documents know that President Wilson, whose election had been financed by the Great Bank of New York (Kuhn-Loeb & Co.) rendered almost complete obedience to its beck and call.”
Dr. Dillon states “The sequence of expedients framed and enforced in this direction were inspired by the Jews (i.e. representatives of the international bankers) assembled in Paris for the purpose of realizing their carefully thought out programmes which they succeeded in having substantially executed.”
The Mandate of Palestine was drafted by Professor Felix Frankfurter, the eminent American Zionist, who afterwards became Chief Adviser in the White House to President Roosevelt. He was assisted by the Right Honourable Sir Herbert Samuel, Dr. Jacobson, Dr. Fiewel, Mr. Sacher, Mr. Landman, Mr. Ben Cohen, and Mr. Lucien Wolfe who exercised tremendous influence over Mr. David Lloyd George.[9] ( He was said to possess all the secrets of the British Foreign Office.[10] (
At the preliminary conferences M. Mandel (whose real name was Rothschild ) was private secretary to Mr. Clemenceau of France. Mr. Henry Morgenthau was on the U.S. delegation in a general supervisory capacity. He was the father of the man who afterwards became President Roosevelt’s Financial Secretary. Another man affiliated with the international bankers was Mr. Oscar Strauss who took a leading part in forming the League of Nations and moulding its policies so that they fitted in with the International Gangsters’ Long Range Plan for ultimate world domination.
Mr. Lucien Wolfe says on page 408 of his “Essays in Jewish History” “A small group of other distinguished Jews appear as signatories of the Peace Treaty. The Treaty of Versailles is signed for France by Louis Klotz. (He was afterwards implicated in shady financial transactions and retired from public life. Ed.) Baron Somino for Italy, and Edwin Montague for India.”
Mr. Harold Nicolson, author of “Peace Making 1919-1944” p. 243 states, that Wolfe suggested to him that all Jews should have international protection while retaining all national rights of exploitation. M. Georges Batault says in “Le Problčme Juif”, p. 38, “The Jews who surrounded Lloyd George, Wilson, and Clemenceau are to blame for creating a ‘Jewish Peace’.” Once again the Jewish race is blamed for the sins of a few ruthless financiers.
In the spring of 1919 Béla Kun usurped power in Hungary. He tried to put Lucien Wolfe’s ideas into practice. Béla Kun’s dictatorship lasted only three months, but during that time tens of thousands of Christians were dispossessed and ruthlessly murdered. The victims included working men, army officers, merchants, land-owners, professional men and women, priests and laymen.
The “New International Year Book of 1919” says in part : “The government of Béla Kun was composed almost exclusively of Jews, who held also the administrative offices. The Communists had united first with the Socialists, who were not of the extremely radical party, but resembled somewhat the Labour Parties, or Trade Union groups, in other countries. Béla Kun did not however select his personnel from among them, but turned to the Jews and constituted virtually a Jewish bureaucracy.”
History records that after three months of systematic pillage, rape, and wholesale murder, Béla Kun was deposed. Instead of being executed he was interned in a lunatic asylum. His release was arranged by agents of the powerful group he had served so well. He returned to Russia and was put in charge of the Cheka which terrorized the Ukranians into subjection when Stalin was ordered to collectivize agriculture in the Soviets. Five million peasants were starved to death for refusing to obey the edicts. Over five million more were sent to forced labour in Siberia.
When Stalin tried to turn Spain into a Communist Dictatorship in 1936, Béla Kun was chosen to organize the Reign of Terror in Spain.
The power of the international bankers is well illustrated by an incident that happened during the preliminary conferences held in Paris in 1919. The negotiations tended to stray away from the policy set by the international bankers. Thereupon, Jacob Schiff, of New York, sent President Wilson, who was attending the Paris conference, a two thousand word cable. He ‘instructed’ the president of the United States what to do in regard to the Palestine Mandate, German Reparations, Upper Silesia, The Sarre, The Danzing Corridor, and Fiume. The cablegram was dated May 28th, 1919. Schiff sent it in the name of the Association of the League of Free Nations.[11] (
Upon receipt of the cablegram President Wilson immediately changed the direction of the negotiations. Of this incident Comte de St. Aulaire said : “The Treaty of Versailles on these five questions was dictated by Jacob Schiff and his co-religionists.”[12] ( It must be pointed out again that the rank and file of the Jewish people had absolutely nothing to do with framing the policy which the international bankers insisted Lloyd George, President Wilson, and Premier Clemenceau carry out.
As soon as the allied governments had been ‘persuaded’ to make Palestine a British Protectorate, (as demanded in the cable), the international bankers instructed their agents that the terms of the Peace Treaty were to be made so severe that it would be impossible for the German people to tolerate them very long. This was part of the plan to keep the German people hating the British, French, Americans and the Jews so they would be ready to fight again to regain their legal rights.
Immediately the Treaty of Versailles was signed, the phony Capitalist-Bolshevik war was started. This war enabled Lenin to justify his policy, by which he abandoned the German revolutionaries to their fate in order to consolidate the gains he had already made in Russia. The war against Bolshevism was never permitted to endanger Lenin’s dictatorship. It was ended in 1921. The net result was that the Bolsheviks gained a tremendous amount of prestige, while the Capitalist countries lost a similar amount. This paved the way for the agents of the international bankers to suggest, in the interests of permanent PEACE, that the Soviet States be admitted to membership in the League of Nations.
The British government, always obedient to the ‘wishes’ of the international bankers, was the first to comply with the new ‘request’. France followed suit on October 28th, 1924. After the infamous Litvinov had worked on Henry Morgenthau and Dean Acheson (who were both dominated by Felix Frankfurter and Louis D. Brandeis), President Roosevelt recognized the Soviets on November 16th, 1933. The League of Nations accepted the Soviet States as members. From that day on, the League of Nations was nothing more or less than an instrument in the hands of Stalin. His agents moulded its policy and activities, to suit the Long Range Plans of those who direct the World Revolutionary Movement.[13] (
Once the Communist countries had been admitted into the League of Nations, Grand Orient Masons, who were delegates, or on the staff, took charge.[14] (
Wickham Steed, former editor of the Times, London, was one of the best informed men in the world. On more than one occasion he discussed the fact that the international bankers dominated international affairs. He made this definite statement just after the Treaty of Versailles was signed : “I insist[ed] that [, unknown to him,] the prime movers (to make the Allied Powers acknowledge the Bolshevik dictatorship) were Jacob Schiff, Warburg, and other international financiers, who wished above all to bolster up the Jewish Bolsheviks in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation of Russia.”[15] (
Leo Maxse, writing in the August issue of the ‘National Review’ 1919 stated : “Whoever is in power in Downing Street, whether Conservative, Radicals, Coalitionist, or Pseudo-Bolshevik, the international Jews rule the roost. Here is the mystery of the ‘Hidden Hand’ of which there has been no intelligent explanation.” Once again the word ‘Jew’ should have been ‘Banker’ or ‘Gangster’. It would be just as reasonable to blame all Roman Catholics for the crimes of a few Roman Mafia Chieftains who had given up the practice of their religion for many years.[16] (
When Mr. Winston Churchill visited Palestine in March 1921, he was asked to meet a delegation of Moslem leaders. They protested that the ultimate objective of political Zionism was to give the natural resources of Palestine to the Jews. They pointed out that the Arabs had occupied Palestine for over a thousand years. They asked Churchill to use his influence to correct what they considered a great injustice. Churchill is recorded as saying in reply : “You ask me to repudiate the Balfour Declaration and to stop (Jewish) immigration. This is not in my power ... and it is not my wish ... We think it is good for the world, good for the Jews, good for the British Empire, and good for the Arabs also ... and we intend it to be so.”[17] (
When Churchill gave the Arabs his reply he was in all probability thinking of the threat issued by Chaim Weizmann who had been an agent of the international bankers for many years. Just a year before Churchill’s visit to Palestine, Weizmann had made an official statement of policy which was published in ‘Judische Rundschau’, No. 4, 1920 : He said “We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not ... You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.”
Weizmann’s statement must be studied in conjunction with another declaration made by an international banker to a gathering of Zionists in Budapest in 1919. When discussing the probabilities of a supergovernment he was quoted by Comte de St. Aulaire as saying : “In the management of the New World we give proof of our organization both for revolution and for construction by the creation of the League of Nations, which is our Work. Bolshevism is the accelerator, and the League of Nations is the brake on the mechanism of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding power... What is the end ? That is already determined by our mission.”[18] ( One world government.
The two statements combined show the international extent of their secret ambitions. Eight years after I had finished this chapter of the orginal manuscript the following report came into my possession through Canadian Intelligence Service. Because the statements made at the Conference held in Budapest on January 12th, 1952 supports my contentions made in 1944, and confirms the conclusions I had arrived at in 1924, I insert the report of the speech given in 1952 here verbatim. It was originally made available to an American publication ‘Common Sense’ by Mr. Eustace Mullins, an authority on the Marxist conspiracy.[19] (
“A report from Europe carries the following speech of Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952 :
‘ Greetings, my children : You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new programme. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now Work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years.
‘ The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts, and our caution, tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king, and every Gentile a slave. (Applause from the gathering). You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930’s, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage, while a nationwide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all of the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States.
29th December 2017, 08:36 AM
‘ Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russian, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to help whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall stage anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their larger cities. This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted antiRussian unit.
‘ Within five years, this programme will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commission into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.
‘ We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace, and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.’
Question from the gathering : ‘ Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War ?’
Rabinovich : ‘ There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals, and customs of Judaism, as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us.
‘ We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the Peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay.
‘ To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the white man into weapons against him. His printing presses and radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him. Our interest in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four Programme for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority.[20] (
‘ And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching Light when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.’ Illuminati means ‘Holder of the Light’.”
This speech also confirms what I have contended in regard to the manner in which the Secret Powers have deliberately stirred up anti-Semitism to suit their purposes and also anti-Communism. It proves my contention that the Illuminati have used Communism, Zionism, and Fascism to further their secret ambitions. And they will, if they can, use Christian-Democracy against Communism to bring about the next phase of their long range plan ... World War Three. But the most illuminating feature of the speech is the fact that it discloses the manner in which the Illuminati use a Jewish Rabbi to convince other co-religionists that they will be the governing class in the New World Order — a fact that past history would indicate is very doubtful. Satanism, not the Jews will rule.
Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 the international bankers obtained control over Germany’s military rearmament, and her economic recovery. This accomplished, they entered into the Abmachungen (agreement) with the German High Command. They agreed to have the Soviets secretly supply the German generals with all the arms and munitions they required for a modern army of several million. They also undertook to have the Soviet dictator place complete training facilities at the disposal of the Germans to enable them to train the number of commissioned and non-commissioned officers they would require to officer the new army they planned to bring into being when they considered the time was ripe.
The vast building projects required to put the terms of the Abmachungens into effect were financed by the international bankers.[21] ( They thus enabled both Communist and Fascist countries to build up their economy and war potentials. The international bankers enabled the German High Command to evade all the military restrictions placed upon them by the Treaty of Versailles.[22] (
The vast Krupp Munition and Armaments Plants built in the Soviets behind the Ural mountains were named “Manych”. The German armament firms were granted every concession they asked for. International intrigue on such a lavish scale could only mean one thing. Those involved were preparing for World War II. The governments of the socalled allied nations were kept fully informed regarding what was going on behind the scenes, as I found out when I visited London during the conference on naval disarmament in 1930. This is only another proof that Disraeli spoke the truth when he said “The governments elected do not govern.”
Thus history reveals that from 1920 to 1934 the Secret Power directed international intrigue in such a manner that the leaders of ALLEGEDLY Jewish dominated Communism in RUSSIA were working hand in glove with the leaders of ALLEGEDLY Aryan dominated Naziism in Germany. This phase of history is most complicated. It is difficult for the average citizen to understand.[23] (
Communism and Naziism have several things in common : both are atheistic creeds which deny the existence of Almighty God. They both advocate war, hatred, and force; as opposed to Christ’s policy of peace, love, and teaching. The leaders of both atheistic-materialistic ideologies MUST therefore be agents of the Devil. They further the diabolical conspiracy to win the souls of men away from loyalty and obedience to Almighty God. They both use a form of Grand Orient Masonry for proselytizing purposes.[24] (
The head of the Council of Thirty Three is the president of the top executives council of Thirteen, previously referred to. Because the initiating ceremonies of ALL Grand Orient Lodges require the candidate to swear he will acknowledge no other mortal as above the head of the organization that head is automatically God on Earth. The international bankers have always been the top executives of the Grand Orient Masonry since 1770. Aryan War Lords have always been the top executive of the German Lodges. They select their own successors.
A review of history, 1914-1934, indicates :
(1) That the international bankers fomented World War I to bring about conditions favourable for revolutionary action and thus enable them to obtain undisputed control of the Russian Empire.
(2) To remove the Crowned Heads of Europe. These rulers had to be removed before either group could achieve their totalitarian ambitions.
(3) To force the British and French governments to agree to establish A National Home for the Jews in Palestine.
The government of Britain was forced to aid the international bankers plan for the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 in order to obtain their promise that they would bring America into the war on the side of the allies. It can be assumed that S.S. Lusitania was sunk to provide the necessary incident to justify the changer of American policy, just as Pearl Harbour was used as an excuse for America to enter World War II.
The original draft of the mandate on Palestine reads : “TO TURN PALESTINE INTO A NATIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS”. It was altered at the last minute to read “to establish a National Home for the Jew IN PALESTINE”. This was done to conceal the secret ambitions of the Zionists.
The international bankers deliberately concealed the truth regarding the vast mineral deposits geologists had discovered in Palestine until AFTER the governments of Britain, France, and the United States had agreed to their Mandate of Palestine.[26] (
The international bankers used Zionism to obtain control of a centrally located Sovereign State from which they could extend the control they now exert over the U.S.S.Rs. to cover the entire World.
The conspirators managed international affairs between 1921 and 1934 so that Europe was divided into two camps — Fascist and Anti-Fascist — in preparation for World War II.
1 The injustice perpetrated at Versailles was only exceeded by the agreements afterwards entered into Tehran; Potsdam; and Yalta. It will be proved that the same evil influences were at work in all negotiations.
2 See the Iron Curtain Over America by Pro. John Beaty. Wilkinson Publishing Co., Dallas, Texas. pp. 15-16.
3 Time has shown how far this long range plan has matured, and it explains why China was turned over to the Communists.
4 This was Conningham-Craig previously mentioned.
5 The Long Range Plans published in Chapter 3 proves this is intended.
6 The directors of the Standard Bank helped bring about the Boer war in order to give them control of the gold and diamond fields in Africa.
7 It might have been more accurate to have given him the title of Chief Director of Propaganda for the International Bankers.
8 The importance of Palestine in the plans of those who direct the World Revolutionary Movement is such that several books have been written on the subject. People wishing to be better informed should read—Palestine, the Reality, by J.M.N. Jeffries; The Palestine Plot by B. Jensen; Zionism and Palestine by Sir Ronald Storrs (who was first Governor of Jerusalem); Geneva versus Peace by Comte de St. Aulaire, (who was at one time ambassador to the Palace of St. James, England); The Paris Peace Conference by Dr. Dillon, London 1919; Brief for Prosecution by Major C.H. Douglas.
9 Mr. L. Wolfe published Essays in Jewish History in 1934.
10 See Jewish Guardian June issue 1920. Also The Surrender of an Empire by Nesta H Webster, p. 357, 1933; and The Palestine Plot by B. Jensen, p, 60.
11 This league was financed, and dominated, by five American Bankers.
12 See Geneva versus Peace, p. 90.
13 For further particulars read Moscow’s Red Letter Day in American History by Wm. La Varre, in the August edition of the American Legion Magazine. Also Trotsky’s book entitled Stalin.
14 Read The Hidden Hand, page 28, by Colonel A.H. Lane. Nahun Sokolov, who was President of the Executive Committee of the Zionist Congress, said on August 25th, 1952, “The League of Nations is a Jewish idea”.
15 Read Through Thirty Years by Wickham Steed, London. Vol. 2, pp. 301-302.
16 It was the references to The Secret Power and Hidden Hand by Steed, De Poncin, Mrs. Webster, Maxse and others which caused me to investigate the matter in an effort to find the real answer. Author.
17 The full significance of this declaration was not appreciated even by the author until 1954 when Prime Minister Churchill (during his visit to Bernard Baruch) stated “I am a Zionist and have always promoted Zionism”. He then followed this declaration by strongly advocating ‘Peaceful co-existence with the Communist Nations’. As the Communist States are actually International Financiers Dictatorships it must be assumed that in 1921 as in 1954 Churchill secretly believed they are best fitted, and most able to rule under present day conditions.
18 Geneva versus Peace, p. 83.
19 Mr. E. Mullins is author of The Federal Reserve Conspiracy. Published by “Common Sense”, New Jersey, U.S.A.
20 Study this statement in regard to the meeting of leaders of all ‘Dark’ and ‘Black’ races which met in Bandung in April, 1956 and the policy of sending arms to Israel and Egypt.
21 This was prior to the advent of Hitler.
22 It will be proved that the German Generals, and top-level officials who negotiated the Abmachungen were the ones condemned to death at the Nuremberg Trials as War Criminals. They knew too much.
23 A great deal of light has, however, been thrown on this subject by Mr. Cecil F. Melville, who made a deep study of this particular phase of the World Revolutionary Movement, and wrote The Russian Face of Germany.
24 NOTE.—The German Grand Orient Lodges have never admitted Jews to membership for the obvious reason that the Secret Powers could never have put into effect an international plot of the nature and proportions of the Abmachungen, had their policy been otherwise.
25 NOTE.—The truth regarding value of mineral resources was not allowed to leak out until the United Nations had partitioned Palestine in 1948 in such a manner that over five trillion dollars worth of minerals are now known to be located in The State of Israel. Count Bernadotte of Sweden proposed that the Jews should give up all of the south, and receive West Galilee in the north. His plan was rejected and in September 1947 Count Bernadotte was assassinated by Jewish extremists. (
Table of Contents ( | Introduction ( | The World Revolutionary Movement ( | English Revolution ( | French Revolution ( | Napoleon ( | American Revolution (
| Monetary Manipulation ( | Events Preceding the Russian Revolution ( | The ( Revolution ( | Political Intrigue ( | Versailles ( | Stalin ( |
Spanish Revolution ( | Civil War in Spain (| Franco ( | Reign of Terror (| World War Two ( | WW2 Breaks Out ( | Present Dangers (
29th December 2017, 10:18 AM
The reason they are overwhelming is because they use controlled opposition Jew leaders in all countries involved in conflict. It ensures that they will not be held responsible and it facilitates writing history in their favor.
As far as Nasser and Assad are concerned, it is entirely possible that they were Jews, but not necessary because Jews were not concealing that they were major players in the Six Day War, as they were in WW2. The Donmeh are deeply entrenched in the Arab revolutions and underworld today.
Hitler was a Jew but Nasser and Assad were not Jews despite Neuro nailing your "logic," LOL. You protect the latter from the accusation by blaming embedded Jewish agents, but refuse to accept a Jewish agent (of Stalin), Martin Bormann, was the key to Hitler losing the war militarily.
You know the absurdity of claiming Nasser and Assad were Jews, so you avoid it best you can (with weasel words: "possible but not necessary," LOL), but you find it easy to claim Hitler was, since he is so much more unpopular within the Kosher spectrum of permissible "thought."
The Jews did NOT "conceal" they were a major player in World War II:
That was SIX YEARS prior to open hostilities.
29th December 2017, 10:19 AM
Your logic says that Hitler was a Jew because he lost the war to the overwhelming force of the Zionist allies. Would that logic also extend to Nasser and Assad who lost the 6-day war?
You pretty much dropped an atom bomb on hoarder's "theory."
Using such "logic," one must conclude that all victims of Jewish killers are themselves Jews. They "lost the war" against Jews. :rolleyes:
29th December 2017, 10:20 AM
The wisdom of a civil servant..
Is endless !
29th December 2017, 10:24 AM
The French set the stage for WWII by the terms of the Armistice ending WWI.
Don't try to absolve the British and Mystery America from their guilt. Both rabidly wanted to subdue Germany for economic reasons. The real smoking gun is the Treaty of St. Germain, which prohibited union of Austria with Germany, despite popular will, in 1919. This despite all the hypocritical talk of "self-determination of peoples" (in Poland and Bohemia-Moravia) by the All-Lies.
29th December 2017, 10:25 AM
The wisdom of a civil servant..
Is endless !
Lay off the bottle.
29th December 2017, 11:13 AM
Lay off the bottle.
Weak ,
The truth hurts don't it!
You just confirmed you are a gov servant! (Minion serving the state!)
29th December 2017, 11:18 AM
Don't try to absolve the British and Mystery America
Absolution is French.... and a noun to boot!!!
absolution (n.)
"remission, forgiveness," c. 1200, from Old French absolucion, earlier assolucion, from Latin absolutionem (nominative absolutio) "completion, acquittal," noun of action from past participle stem of absolvere "set free, loosen, acquit," from ab "off, away from" (see ab-) + solvere "to loosen, dissolve; untie, release; dismiss," from PIE *se-lu-, from reflexive pronoun *s(w)e- (see idiom) + root *leu- "to loosen, divide, cut apart." Originally of sins; in general use from c. 1400.
But then it seems the word 'verb' is also a noun. Go figure!!!
verb (n.)
late 14c., from Old French verbe "word; word of God; saying; part of speech that expresses action or being" (12c.) and directly from Latin verbum "verb," originally "a word," from PIE root *were- (3) "to speak" (source also of Avestan urvata- "command;" Sanskrit vrata- "command, vow;" Greek rhetor "public speaker," rhetra "agreement, covenant," eirein "to speak, say;" Hittite weriga- "call, summon;" Lithuanian vardas "name;" Gothic waurd, Old English word "word").
29th December 2017, 11:28 AM
Weak ,
The truth hurts don't it!
You just confirmed you are a gov servant! (Minion serving the state!)
You just confirmed you are a drunk.
I'm not a "civil servant." Unlike you, I don't serve Mystery Babylon America.
Do you deny being a drunk? However, unlike my denial, yours would be a lie.
29th December 2017, 11:37 AM
You just confirmed you are a drunk.
I'm not a "civil servant." Unlike you, I don't serve Mystery Babylon America.
Do you deny being a drunk? However, unlike my denial, yours would be a lie. All said with out any evidence, other that reaching into the my past which is no proof of anything. (which shows you have nothing, in defense of yourself) (common internet ploy)
Fyi...I quit near a year ago....stinkyhead...!
Enjoy your rich and contented life.
You are really not worth my time responding to you.
My major posting history speaks for itself..
And you are a civil servant by your own posting history. you can argue and spew into the wind. Question who would care? Some here will, many others understand and are happy when you are not here.. (other than entrainment)
Wonder why ?
Must suck being you....Sorry abt that , but you only have yourself to blame, despite your transference issues
29th December 2017, 12:16 PM
Fyi...I quit near a year ago....
The First Step is to admit you (still) have a problem.
My major posting history speaks for itself..
Yes, it does...
And you are a civil servant by your own posting history.
Which posts do you refer to?
29th December 2017, 12:31 PM
My major posting history speaks for itself...
29th December 2017, 12:34 PM
Book my responce to stinky holds and fits you also, sucker.....;D
The wonder an older crap head vs a younger....
Amazing, or mostly not..
Still time to not wast my time, with agenda driven types.
Nothing can change.
Except sourdough, pancakes maybe tomorrow if I am lucky, if not day after will work..
That is real vs a bunch of wish , could ,would crap...!
29th December 2017, 03:14 PM
You know the absurdity of claiming Nasser and Assad were Jews, so you avoid it best you can (with weasel words: "possible but not necessary," LOL), but you find it easy to claim Hitler was, since he is so much more unpopular within the Kosher spectrum of permissible "thought."You're not thinking in terms of strategic value. Since Jews were openly players in the Six Day War, it was not necessary for the enemy to be controlled opposition. But when herding two enemies against each other, it is of paramount importance that the key players are controlled.
29th December 2017, 03:47 PM
You're not thinking in terms of strategic value. Since Jews were openly players in the Six Day War, it was not necessary for the enemy to be controlled opposition. But when herding two enemies against each other, it is of paramount importance that the key players are controlled. you do make a good point here, but it seams stinky wants to run balls to the walls.
But what more can one expect from an life long civil servant...
Horder, you go off the rails, mostly but this one is very close to reality.
29th December 2017, 04:04 PM
It should also be pointed out that the Jews themselves are the ones who came up with the idea of the 'Holocaust'. A holocaust is a 'burnt offering'; In other words it is a sacrifice to God. In order to make a sacrifice to God it must be given to God by the one who intends the sacrifice. In other words you cannot claim that someone else's actions are 'your' sacrifice. The sacrifice must be made by you, with intention of pleasing God. Whatever death and horror were suffered by the European Jews, and they certainly did suffer aplenty although not near as much as the untold millions of Goyim, this suffering was intentionally inflicted by the Jews who were running the whole show. They sacrificed their lesser brethren in order to bring about something they could point to as a sacrifice to God and create sympathy in the hearts of men to allow them to create Israel and continue with their plunder and domination of the planet.
The Jews intentionally sacrificed their own and for shits and giggles they killed !00 million Christians into the bargain.
Everything worked perfectly. A helluva nice plan.
29th December 2017, 04:19 PM
The Jews intentionally sacrificed their ownDon't forget there are two kinds of "Jews", Khazars and Semitic Jews. Within a culture and religion of racial supremacy, inclusion of two different ethnic groups is incompatible and highly improbable. My speculation is that the Khazars gleefully sacrificed Semitic Jews if they sacrificed any at all.
The term "European Jew" does not distinguish which kind of Jew, only their place of residence.
29th December 2017, 04:57 PM
you do make a good point here, but it seams stinky wants to run balls to the walls.
But what more can one expect from an life long civil servant...
Horder, you go off the rails, mostly but this one is very close to reality.
Interesting, so you agree with hoarder when he doesn’t blame the Jews for running the opposition, but when he does you disagree?
Well at least you are consistent... ;D
29th December 2017, 05:08 PM
Don't forget there are two kinds of "Jews", Khazars and Semitic Jews. Within a culture and religion of racial supremacy, inclusion of two different ethnic groups is incompatible and highly improbable. My speculation is that the Khazars gleefully sacrificed Semitic Jews if they sacrificed any at all.
The term "European Jew" does not distinguish which kind of Jew, only their place of residence.
Well there were no sacrifice at all, a few Jews were killed in concentration camps for misbehaving, some died at the end of the war due to German infrastructure being bombed to oblivion stopping food supplies to the camps. Some died of natural causes. There was no program to exterminate Jews, despite the best efforts of Zionist leaders to the contrary.
They still have the 6 million holocaust to look forward too.
29th December 2017, 06:46 PM
But what more can one expect from an life long civil servant...
If I were a "life-long civil servant," I could have retired by now, with a six-figure retirement. :)
29th December 2017, 07:53 PM
If I were a "life-long civil servant," I could have retired by now, with a six-figure retirement. :)
Hit a nerve?
Live with it!
Your own post's have exposed you!
29th December 2017, 08:19 PM
Don't forget there are two kinds of "Jews", Khazars and Semitic Jews. Within a culture and religion of racial supremacy, inclusion of two different ethnic groups is incompatible and highly improbable. My speculation is that the Khazars gleefully sacrificed Semitic Jews if they sacrificed any at all.
The term "European Jew" does not distinguish which kind of Jew, only their place of residence.
The Khazar jews are like Netanyahu, whose paternal line is related to the Ottoman Turks, similar to the Khazars (described as a Turkic tribe). There are no semetic jews since 70 AD. The semetic jews have been disowned by Shem, they chose to be children of the Devil. They are Satanic jews, not semetic jews. There is spiritual power in being a Shemite (Genesis 9:26). The God of Shem, not Ham or Japheth. That is the whole war in the mideast, a war on the Shemites, to exterminate any and all Shemites. The jew does not like being condemned as a devil and the jew thinks if they can kill all Shemites and get the goyim to believe they are of Shem, the jew god, the Devil, can be lord over humanity.
Praise be to the LORD, the God of Shem! (Genesis 9:26)
Even the Muslim Shemites have a spiritual power, even though they worship some moon god. Their moon god could be like Laban's household gods.
29th December 2017, 11:40 PM
Don't forget there are two kinds of "Jews", Khazars and Semitic Jews. Within a culture and religion of racial supremacy, inclusion of two different ethnic groups is incompatible and highly improbable. My speculation is that the Khazars gleefully sacrificed Semitic Jews if they sacrificed any at all.
The term "European Jew" does not distinguish which kind of Jew, only their place of residence.
The Semitic Hebrews were/are Mizrahi Jews in Mesopotamia and Iran.
Nearly all "Eastern European Jews" since the Tenth Century are Khazars. A tiny seed element of Rheinland Jews (most of them essentially Germanic over the centuries, since Roman times) proselytized the Khazar Empire.
The real Jewish victims of World War II (about 300,000) were nearly all "little Jews," whose lives were then, as now, meaningless to Big Jews.
5th January 2018, 02:06 AM
I freely admit this is disturbing. What does it mean? I don't know. Deliberate inclusion, a hidden insult to the subject, or just a whole lot of nothing? I tried to do this with my hand...I can't keep my middle and ring fingers together without forcing them to stay that way.
More on that hand sign / gesture:;wap2
16th March 2018, 12:41 AM
The author makes a rather good case that Hitler AND the top leadership in the AshkeNAZI party was Jewish. Not partially, but entirely. Long read though...
In this piece the focus is on Hitler and his role as an agent, and it is claimed that the beer hall putsch in 1923 was a faked event.
16th March 2018, 09:40 AM
Here is his paper on Richard Spencer...
He fingers him as a probable Jew, but definitely an agent.
16th March 2018, 09:59 AM
Here's more strong evidence of high ranking Nazi Jews. No wonder Israeli ruling Party's look and act so much like offspring of the Nazi Party...They probably are.
One thing I really like about Miles Mathis' articles is he backs them up with a lot of very compelling links.
16th March 2018, 10:01 AM
Here is his paper on Richard Spencer...
He fingers him as a probable Jew, but definitely an agent.I was wondering about him..
Spencer is supposed to be a white supremacist and Trump supporter. The job of a Jewish fake White Nationalist is to fit the stereotypes Jews create for us and to pay tribute to other controlled opposition.
If the glove fits...
16th March 2018, 02:38 PM
Here is his paper on Richard Spencer...
He fingers him as a probable Jew, but definitely an agent.
Interesting the comparisons to Churchill.
Keep tensions high, keep emotional cost low.
Why exactly all these stupid Dunkirk movies come out for lately?
Cover for British\Jew Zion's architects in total.
Yeah sure, they were caught offguard...
17th March 2018, 01:28 AM
Here's more strong evidence of high ranking Nazi Jews. No wonder Israeli ruling Party's look and act so much like offspring of the Nazi Party...They probably are.
From your link:
On July 1, 1940, Hitler promoted Bloch to lieutenant colonel. He was awarded the Iron Cross and several service decorations. But, in September 1944, Heinrich Himmler discovered his Jewish parentage and requested that the officer, by now promoted to colonel, be discharged. He was removed from the army in October 1944 and discharged officially by Hitler the following February.
Essentially in late 1944 the outcome of the war was a certainty. Hitler and Himmler saved the lives of the Jews they discharged from the German military. But they had no issue sending their aryan soldiers to a certain death.
17th March 2018, 01:54 AM
From your link:
Essentially in late 1944 the outcome of the war was a certainty. Hitler and Himmler saved the lives of the Jews they discharged from the German military. But they had no issue sending their aryan soldiers to a certain death.
The whole set-up starts becoming so transparent that one wonders how it could have possibly been kept secret. They have been working diligently. We have been asleep. No more. It is a horrifying thing to watch one's people and society being torn apart and devoured by the vampires. It is even worse to see that most of us do not see it, even as we are being eaten alive.
How easy it is to steer a whole country, a whole society: To take control of the reigns of government through means of money, propaganda and institutional control. Dialectics too are a powerful means of steering the populace into its own demise. Racial pride and tribalism have been used to amazing effect to destroy the very thing they are supposed to preserve. We can see today how the instincts toward preserving family, tribe and country have been directed to sports and false flag wars.
17th March 2018, 02:16 AM
The whole set-up starts becoming so transparent that one wonders how it could have possibly been kept secret. They have been working diligently. We have been asleep. No more. It is a horrifying thing to watch one's people and society being torn apart and devoured by the vampires. It is even worse to see that most of us do not see it, even as we are being eaten alive.
How easy it is to steer a whole country, a whole society: To take control of the reigns of government through means of money, propaganda and institutional control. Dialectics too are a powerful means of steering the populace into its own demise. Racial pride and tribalism have been used to amazing effect to destroy the very thing they are supposed to preserve. We can see today how the instincts toward preserving family, tribe and country have been directed to sports and false flag wars.
And of course it is especially hard to see through people who speaks your ‘language’ ideologically, how they could in fact be agents of your own destruction. A leader nowadays is at best a psychopath whose only interest is to promote himself at the cost of others, or he is a gay Jewish actor agent with the instructions of destroying what he says he is for.
2nd May 2018, 10:44 PM
Since these articles have a way of disappearing, I thought I'd better save it.
The shady things about Hitler sustaining the idea he was a zionist jew
There are many things which are much too shady about Hitler and which sustain the idea he was jew working for more powerful jewish leaders and that all those events were faked and planned.
1) First of all, in a country dominated by jews as was Germany during the 20's and the 30's, it would have been impossible for a hostile goy like Hitler to come to power. When they control a country, jewish leaders don't let hostile goyims take back the power. So, the rise of Hitler is unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time.
2) The reaction of Hitler about Dunkirk is also incredible. He can capture the entire English army. But what does he do ? He let them flee. What !!? And the Hitler's pretext is that he had a great respect for England ! Wtf !!? No, only a traitor acts like that. A real nazi would never have done that.
He did that because he was a zionist jew. And as the war was a fake one, he had to let the english army flee. Otherwise, England couldn't have continued the war. And the USA couldn't have made the D-day and won the war with the USSR as it was planned.
3) Hitler knew a two-front war was something he had to avoid at all costs. He told many times that it was that which had lead to the defeat during WWI. But what does he do ? He attacks USSR before having destroyed England, thus creating a... two-front war.
4) Hitler doesn't invade the strait of Gibraltar, which would have made him the master of the Mediterranean sea, thus preventing the battles of north Africa, and also the invasion of Italy and of the south of France. The communication lines between England and its empire (like India), would have been much more extended.
Maybe he would have been obliged to invade Spain also. But without the threat of an invasion in the south of Europe, he would have been able to remove troops from other areas, like Greece. And as Spain was exhausted by the war of 1936 (which had ended in 1939), it would have been very easy to defeat it.
Another one than myself has seen other discrepancies :
5) "The Jew Hitler refuses to even feint an attack on Britain to draw the British navy to the channel, were it could be obliterated by aircraft".
Very relevant. England could prevent a landing with their fleet. But their fleet could have been destroyed by the german aircraft.
6) "The Jew Hitler declares war on the U.S., even though he was no more obliged to declare war on the U.S. than Japan was obliged to declare war on the Soviet Union, which Germany had been fighting since June 1941. Japan never declared war on the Soviet Union."
7) "The Jew Hitler (against the advice of all his generals) single-handedly saves Moscow by ordering army group "Center" to stop its advance on Moscow".
8) "The Jew Hitler tells the Soviets an attack will occur at Kursk. The Jew Hitler delays the attack for more than four months, until the Soviets have built defensive lines eight deep. The Soviets concentrate 1,300,000 soldiers with 3,600 tanks, 20,000 artillery pieces, including 6,000 76mm anti-tank guns, and 2,400 aircraft in and around Kursk. An attack anywhere other than Kursk would be fatal for the Soviets, but the Soviets seem to know that the attack will come only at Kursk."
They knew it because the war was a fake one, planned by the jewish leaders.
9) "The Jew Hitler orders German troops to attack the most heavily defended lines ever constructed, at Kursk".
"The Jew Hitler is amazed by the supermen of the elite SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte, who, in the south, break through all eight defensive lines and take on the Soviet reserve tank battalions".
"Less than two weeks into the offensive, worried that the Liebstandarte might win the battle for the Germans, the Jew Hitler strips this elite group of their tanks and ships them to Northern Italy, where they sit on their hands for some months before returning to the eastern front. The pretext of the Sicily invasion is used".
As there was enough jews in the concentration camps, Hitler's mission was over, and then, he had to loose the war. And the unexpected success of the SS Panzer Korps Liebstandarte was not at all a part of the plan. So, he sent them far away.
And, of course, it was not because he was caring for his troops. In many other occasions, orders were to be killed rather than retreating.
This stupid strategy of being killed rather than retreating was also a part of the jewish plan. With an elastic defense, the war could have last two or three more years. But jewish leaders didn't need the war anymore. So, Hitler had to choose a stupid strategy which would accelerate the end of the war.
10) "The Jew Hitler refuses total mobilisation of the German people, even though the munitions factories cried out for manpower and all his enemies had recruited woman into the work force. The Jew Hitler never bothered to use half the potential German labor force."
11) "And do you think (the Jew) Roosevelt would have forced the Japanese into the very destructive Pacific war, if he hadn't been certain Hitler would declare war on the United States? How was Roosevelt so sure Hitler would declare war on the United States. What if Hitler had just said, "Piss off, Roosevelt. Enjoy your little war against Japan." Then Roosevelt would have ended up just fighting the Japanese without being able to drag the United States into direct participation in the European war. ..... and it goes on and on ..... instance, after instance, of Hitler single-handedly losing the war for the Germans (and winning it for the Jews)."
29th August 2018, 07:04 PM
FBI Doc Confirms Hitler Fled to Argentina in 1945
Hidden in plain sight at, a document confirming the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler at the closing of World War 2 can be downloaded there.
He’s been roaming the entire United States until the ripe age of 92… ( on the image to download your own copy of the FBI file on Hitler post WW2 era.From the above document:
“January 12, 1945 – I received a visit from X, a well known German Agent. He hinted at the possibility of German defeat and gave me a period of two days to think of the most suitable spot in South America as a refuge for Hitler and a group of German Scientists and officers, in case the latter should find it necessary to “disappear from the world scene” temporarily.
January 13, 1945 – I wracked my brain trying to decide what spot would provide the greatest security. I decided to recommend Colombia, my own country.”
– 149, FBI document above
“After having made all the necessary arrangements, which required well over a month and a half, during which period I was constantly in contact with Germany and the
“Hitler Group”…, the landing was made in Bahiahonda on July 19, 1945, at dawn.”
“For six days Hitler and his followers travelled on horseback , only at night, from Bahiahonda to the “La Loma” landing field. At the agreed hour of meeting three contact men and I waited at the rendezvous. We had succeeded in acquiring three small four-passenger Stinson planes, to begin the trip from there to Narino. Then, I was suddenly informed by a high-ranking German officer that Hitler had changed his mind and he had decided not to hide on my property.”
– p 150, FBI document above
Red Flag News ( reports:
Newly declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II.
On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. His body was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Is it really possible that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has purposely been rewritten?
No one thought so until the release of the FBI documents. It seems that it is possible that the most hated man in history escaped war torn Germany and lived a bucolic and peaceful life in the beautiful foothills of the Andes Mountains.
The Intelligence Community Knew.
Recently released FBI documents are beginning to show that not only was Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the director of the OSS himself, Allen Dulles.
In one FBI document from Los Angles, it is revealed that the agency was well aware of a mysterious submarine making its way up the Argentinian coast dropping off high level Nazi officials. What is even more astonishing is the fact that the FBI knew he was in fact living in the foothills of the Andes.
Who is the Mysterious Informant?
In a Los Angeles letter to the Bureau in August of 1945, an unidentified informant agreed to exchange information for political asylum. What he told agents was stunning.
The informant not only knew Hitler was in Argentina, he was one of the confirmed four men who had met the German submarine. Apparently, two submarines had landed on the Argentinian coast, and Hitler with Eva Braun was on board the second.
The Argentinian government not only welcomed the former German dictator, but also aided in his hiding. The informant went on to not only give detailed directions to the villages that Hitler and his party had passed through, but also credible physical details concerning Hitler.
While for obvious reasons the informant is never named in the FBI papers, he was credible enough to be believed by some agents.
The FBI Tried to Hide Hitler’s Whereabouts.
Even with a detailed physical description and directions the FBI still did not follow up on these new leads. Even with evidence placing the German sub U-530 on the Argentinian coast shortly before finally surrounding, and plenty of eye witness accounts of German official being dropped off, no one investigated.
Even More Evidence is Found:
Along with the FBI documents detailing an eye witness account of Hitler’s whereabouts in Argentina, more evidence is coming to light to help prove that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun did not die in that bunker.
In 1945, the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires informed Washington there was a high probability that Hitler and Eva Braun had just arrived in Argentina. This coincides with the sightings of the submarine U-530.
Added proof comes in the form of newspaper articles detailing the construction of a Bavarian styled mansion in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.
Further proof comes in the form of architect Alejandro Bustillo who wrote about his design and construction of Hitler’s new home which was financed by earlier wealthy German immigrants.
Irrefutable Evidence that Hitler Escaped:
Perhaps the most damming evidence that Hitler did survive the fall of Germany lies in Russia. With the Soviet occupation of Germany, Hitler’s supposed remains were quickly hidden and sent off to Russia, never to be seen again. That is until 2009, when an archeologist from Connecticut State, Nicholas Bellatoni was allowed to perform DNA testing on one of the skull fragments recovered.
What he discovered set off a reaction through the intelligence and scholarly communities. Not only did the DNA not match any recorded samples thought to be Hitler’s, they did not match Eva Braun’s familiar DNA either. So the question is, what did the Soviets discover in the bunker, and where is Hitler?
Even former general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote to Washington.
It was not only General Eisenhower who was concerned over Hitler’s compete disappearance, Stalin also expressed his concerns. In 1945, the Stars and Stripes newspaper quoted then General Eisenhower as believing that the real possibility existed of Hitler living safely and comfortably in Argentina.
Is it Possible?
With all of the new found evidence coming to light, it is possible and even likely that not only did Hitler escape from Germany; he had the help of the international intelligence community. Released FBI documents prove that they were not only aware of Hitler’s presence in Argentina; they were also helping to cover it up.
It would not be the first time the OSS helped a high ranking Nazi official to escape punishment and capture. Look at the story of Adolf Eichmann who was located in Argentina in the 1960’s.
Did Hitler escape to Argentina? The answer is yes.
source ( »
Aside from the above documentary evidence, we have also compiled some photos from Otto Korzeny, Hitler’s bodyguard and a close friend to Evita Peron.
30th August 2018, 02:08 AM
The site has some interesting theories...
I really want to believe it, but in aggregate it becomes a bit incredible and hard to swallow.
30th August 2018, 02:43 AM
Besides the site promotes the idea that the world today is run by Nazis, never implying that they were Jews. I don’t think it is unlikely that Hitler fled to South America, but I wouldn’t trust a fake news site like this for evidence.
12th August 2021, 07:09 PM
Besides the site promotes the idea that the world today is run by Nazis, never implying that they were Jews. I don’t think it is unlikely that Hitler fled to South America, but I wouldn’t trust a fake news site like this for evidence.
The Khazarian Mafia 2.0
MAY 1, 2015 ( GEOPOLITICS101 ( 16 COMMENTS (
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a worldwide Organized Crime Syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America.
And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
In our first article ( in the series on the Khazarian Mafia, we detailed its hidden history which for the most part has been wiped clean from the libraries and history books and is not taught in the collegiate history classes.
It is obvious that the Khazarian Mafia leadership is very crafty and specializes in infiltrating and using other groups for cover, especially those based on various popular religions.
The Khazarian Mafia are the world’s top experts at infiltrating and hijacking any political movement, cause or religion and they have done some of their best, most successful espionage through infiltration and perversion of religions like Judaism, Christianity and some parts of Islam. Take their massive success infiltrating Christianity in America to form Christian Zionism which is a complete abrogation of the New Testament and what Jesus taught and completely ignores Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 where fake Judaics are discussed.
The KM’s infiltration and hijacking of Judaism is legendary although their style of Judaism is actually not real Torah Judaism at all but is a clearly false form which is actually best referred to as Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Baal worship, worship of Moloch, the Owl or most accurately known as the “Synagogue of Satan.”
Every summer in July the top leaders of the KM and their subjects meet at Bohemian Grove in the Redwood Forrest near San Francisco, California to discuss and decide USG policies for the coming year. It’s a fact that many of the high level USG policies are actually negotiated here against a backstop of child sacrifice rituals including the notorious “Cremation of Care”, and an intermittent stream of homosexual and pedophilic orgies.
What is the unimaginable evil lurking behind Babylonian Talmudism? call this Babylonian Talmudism secret Satanism or the Luciferianism of the super-elites or those who refer to themselves as the “Illuminati”, the “Circle of Twelve” or the “Disciples of Satan.” Like it or not it is a simple fact that at this very time the Khazarian Mafia actually runs most USG institutions including the US Congress, the Judiciary and the US Supreme Court, with five of the nine Justices known to have been bribed and owned by the Khazarian Mafia. Boehner like wine too much and did he commit Treason? Why hasn’t he been sanctioned, arrested and removed from his position as Speaker of the House for violating the Logan Act and continually aiding and assisting our foreign enemy Israel that nuked America on 9-11-10?
We now know for certain from US Intel wiretaps that these five were illegally influenced to make the Unconstitutional and criminal infamous Citizens United decision which allows foreign based KM crime Kingpins such as Sheldon Adelson to fully support the re-election efforts of numerous Republicans.
We now know for certain that the US Congress is owned and operated by the Khazarian mafia through its Kingpins and Cutouts. How do we know this for certain?
John Boehner violated his Oath of Office and the Logan Act, and commi
14th August 2021, 06:30 AM
double post, can't seem to get rid of this.
A good place for links.
14th August 2021, 06:39 AM
, ,
Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
MARCH 11, 2015 ( GEOPOLITICS101 ( 105 COMMENTS (
The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.
by Preston James ( and Mike Harris
Israel bombing of the Gaza Strip.Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.
The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.
The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.
It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.
It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.
At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly ( for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel.
This disclosure sent shock-waves ( at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shock-waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel ( which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.
We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria:
Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.
800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations:
The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.
The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria, and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.
Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria.
Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship.
1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have has enough and take action:
About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries.
The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped, while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals, and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him.
The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power.
The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:
To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire.
Evelyn de Rothschild poking his finger into Prince Charles.
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest:
The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him.
This Babylonian money-magick involved the substation of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen.
Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them. Eventually the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).
The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:
Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions.
Jacob Rothschild
The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money.
This was the black art of Babylonian money-magick; they claimed to insiders that such technology and secret money power was provided to them by Baal, because of their frequent child bleeding-out and sacrifices rituals to Baal.
Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they interbred with the British Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breedings with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty:
Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.”
In the 1600’s, the KM murder the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700’s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrate and hijack Russia, murder the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest and steal all the Russian gold, silver and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler.
The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty, and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.
If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, like they did to McKinley, Lincoln and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from their deployment of their human compromise network.
The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM:
The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else.
The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People.
The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars.
The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium.
The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschild’s who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent.
The Rothschild’s also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.
The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”:
The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves.
The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions.
The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment.
The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them for losing the Revolutionary War:
When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships.
They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD.
The Rothschilds and their English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession.
Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting.
The Rothschild KM attempts to retake America in 1812 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia but fails, once again because of Russian interference:
This failure enraged the Rothschild KM, and they once again plot eternal revenge against both the Russians and the American colonists and plan to infiltrate and hijack both nations and asset strip, tyrannize and then mass-murder both nations and their populace.
The KM’s attempts to set up a private American central bank are blocked by President Andrew Jackson, who called them Satanic and vowed to route them out by the grace and power of Almighty God.
The Rothschild banksters regroup and continue their covert attempts to install their own Babylonian money-magick bank inside America.
Finally in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America:
In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.
The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America:
The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance.
It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want, because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico.
Soon afterwards, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf.
Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks.
The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed:
The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long standing revenge by the Rothschild controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM).
14th August 2021, 07:00 AM
Your mind creates a maze of quasi-facts of which you have no first hand knowledge and you use these illusions to base your future actions on. Actions based on illusion are by definition 'delusion'.
Sanity is recognition of present day reality without regard to the actions of people long dead.
Adulterated liquor controlled the emotions and actions of many historical (or is it hysterical?) people.
If you find yourself getting worked up by that butterfly that started hurricane Andrew take a vallium.
14th August 2021, 07:08 AM
In an well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria.
The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting was so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article.
But readers who want to know can do some in depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist” which is available on
The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism:
The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media; along with most wealth and economic means of success.
Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets and Sayanims. In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism.
Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up a NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics. architecture was used in the building of the Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court, viewed through windows.
They called this racially-paranoid mass Judaic delusion of world conquest, “World Zionism”, which is really a form of covert Babylonian Talmudism or Luciferianism that had been unknown to mainstream Judaics. The system was designed to use Judaics as cover, but also to anoint them with Babylonian money-power, in order to use them as cutouts, and to later be sacrificed to Lucifer in two stages.
The first stage would be a their planned WWII in Nazi work camps, cut off from supplies, resulting in the deaths of about 200,000 Judaics from starvation and disease, along with about 90,000 non-Judaic inmates from the same causes, according to respected Red Cross official figures. This number is 5% of what the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists) claim.
The second great sacrifice would be a final one, when their New World Order Luciferian King would be placed into power, and when all three Abrahamic religions would be eradicated — especially Judaism, which would be blamed for all the wars and destruction of the world.
By then, the Rothschilds would once again morph themselves into a complete new identity not associated with Judaism in any form, not even World Zionism.
It is important to realize that the Rothschild KM took Germany down to nothing after WWI, created a vacuum for Fascism, and then rebuilt it, creating Naziism and installing Hitler as a counter-force to their Russian Bolshevism.
Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds.
Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class. This mandated the utter destruction of Germany and the German people, because the Rothschilds and the Khazarians could never allow an economic system that did not depend upon usury to exist.
We see the same thing today with the Khazarian war against Islam, because Islam forbids usury. That is why Israel is so vocal and aggressive about destroying the Islamic people of the world.
The KM expected this to be a large WWII and when they supported both sides, this could be used to industrialize the whole world and maximize their bankster money-power.
The Rothschild KM then bribed and induced Members of Congress to send American Soldiers to their pre-stage and engineered WWI:
As a continuance of their well-proven pattern of financing both sides in any war to maximize profits, the acquisition of more federal tax monies and increased international power, the Rothschild Khazarians once again bribed, blackmailed and induced members of Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917.
This was facilitated by a KM false-flag attack with the sinking of the Lusitania.
The Rothschild KM has since developed the usual pattern of covertly staging false-flag attacks as a standard operating procedure for inducing Americans to fighting wars for the Khazarian Mafia.
After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War, and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip.
This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts.
Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well. Rothschild Family Rothschild Kommission
The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:
The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mis-labelled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.
The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for their corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.
Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.
Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.
The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks:
In the meantime the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership.
So they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots, and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals.
Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-Americam “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected.
The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power: Powell holds up a vial of Iraq WMD hoax.
The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is.
The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated.
Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus.
The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued.
Part of this massive plan to dumb-down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people.
14th August 2021, 08:06 AM
The Jewsmedia creates a maze of quasi-facts of which you have no first hand knowledge and you use these illusions to base your future actions on. Actions based on illusion are by definition 'delusion'.Fixed it for ya.
14th August 2021, 11:12 AM
Fixed it for ya.
Except blaming others for your own state of affairs is inherently irresponsible. When you open up your emotions to assault the enemy will use it to their advantage.
26th August 2021, 10:39 AM
'Mayers records that despite "his hostility towards Nazi antisemitism … he made] claims that 'Hitlerism' was a form of Judaism[/B], and that the Jews were partly responsible for race theory."[62] (
'In The Judaism of Hitler, as well as in A Queer Choice and The Crank, Chesterton made much of the fact that the very notion of "a Chosen Race" was of Jewish origin, saying in The Crank: "If there is one outstanding quality in Hitlerism it is its Hebraism" and "the new Nordic Man has all the worst faults of the worst Jews: jealousy, greed, the mania of conspiracy, and above all, the belief in a Chosen Race."[62] (
'Mayers also shows that Chesterton portrayed Jews not only as culturally and religiously distinct, but racially as well.
'In The Feud of the Foreigner (1920) he said that the Jew "is a foreigner far more remote from us than is a Bavarian from a Frenchman; he is divided by the same type of division as that between us and a Chinaman or a Hindoo. He not only is not, but never was, of the same race."[62] (
[I]Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, is believed to have been Jewish. Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."
'In The Everlasting Man, while writing about human sacrifice, Chesterton suggested that medieval stories about Jews killing children ( might have resulted from a distortion of genuine cases of devil-worship. Chesterton wrote:
"The Hebrew prophets were perpetually protesting against the Hebrew race relapsing into an idolatry that involved such a war upon children; and it is probable enough that this abominable apostasy from the God of Israel has occasionally appeared in Israel since, in the form of what is called ritual murder; not of course by any representative of the religion of Judaism, but by individual and irresponsible diabolists who did happen to be Jews." [62] ([71] (
G. K. Chesterton - Wikipedia (
'In Eugenics and Other Evils, Chesterton attacked eugenics ( as Parliament was moving towards passage of the Mental Deficiency Act 1913 (
'Some backing the ideas of eugenics called for the government to sterilise people deemed "mentally defective".
'He blasted the proposed wording for such measures as being so vague as to apply to anyone, including "Every tramp who is sulk, every labourer who is shy, every rustic who is eccentric, can quite easily be brought under such conditions as were designed for homicidal maniacs. That is the situation; and that is the point ... we are already under the Eugenist State; and nothing remains to us but rebellion."[76] (
G. K. Chesterton - Wikipedia (
Posted by Anon ( 09:11 No comments: ( This (! ( to Twitter ( to Facebook ( to Pinterest (
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26th August 2021, 10:46 AM
Aangirfan (
Friday, 1 June 2018
Adolf Hitler and Emil Maurice together in 1924.
There is a belief that Mein Kampf was written by Hitler's Jewish lover Emil Maurice.
Emil Maurice - Spartacus Educational ( / Maurice, Emil ( / Hitler's First Murder - ( / Emil Maurice (
Emil Georg von Stauss, the president of Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable typewriter for the writing of "Mein Kampf."
Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, was a longtime business associate of the Rothschilds.
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker's Typewriter (
Hjalmar Schacht
Hitler did not end interest payments to the banks.
Under Hitler, the Bank of International Settlements continued dealings with Germany.
Hitler's policies helped to further enrich the Thyssen family, Krupp, the Goebbels family, certain US corporations, and the German banks.
In 1934, Hitler got Hjalmar Schacht to manage the Nazi economy.
Schacht was a 'Rothschild agent', a Freemason and he spoke Hebrew.
Hitler and the Banksters, by Ingrid Rimland ( / Nazi War Financing and Banking, by Otto Nathan ( / Ziopedia on MEFO’s ( / Jewish Virtual Library on Schacht ( / Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, by Antony Sutton ( / Hitler's Finances and the Myth of Nazi Anti-Usury Activism (
Rolf Mengele and Josef Mengele.
There is a belief that Josef Mengele, the Nazi, was Jewish.
According to Marc Berkowitz, a survivor of Auschwitz, Josef Mengele had a certain love for the Jewish people, was very knowledgeable about Judaism and even spoke Yiddish.
The Life and Crimes of a Nazi Doctor | (
"Documents and interviews reveal that contrary to popular belief, for most of the time that Mengele was in hiding, the Mossad wasn't looking for him at all."
Why Did Israel Let Mengele Go? - The New York Times (
Both Hitler and Eva Braun apparently had Jewish ancestry, according to DNA tests.
Hitler's wife 'Jewish ancestry (' ( / Hitler's Jewish roots (
The Jews of Europe and North Africa and are mainly people who converted to the Jewish religion.
These are not the Jews of the Bible, who are believed to have originated in Saudi Arabia.
There are as many different types of Jew as there are different types of Christian.
Maria Schicklgruber
Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber 'slept with a wealthy Jew in Vienna'.
Hitler - Rothschild (
Reportedly, as a teenager, Hitler took a fancy to a pretty girl called Stefanie Isak, whose surname has Jewish origins.
(Hitler's secret Jewish girlfriend Mail Online ( )
August Kubizek
Adolf was friends with August Kubizek and they developed a "romantic" and "intimate" relationship.
They both moved to Vienna.
They slept together.
Adolf sometimes spoke to Kubizek of his admiration for the Jewish people.
Adolf met Reinhold Hanisch and they went together to live in a hotel, the Mannerheim, which catered exclusively to gay men and their gay lovers.
In Vienna, Hitler had numerous Jewish friends.
His Jewish friends included, Josef Neumann who sold his paintings, the Galician Jew Jakob Altenberg, the Hungarian Jew Samuel Morgenstern, and the Jahodas, the cultivated upper-middle-class Jewish couple whose company Hitler enjoyed on occasions.
Herr Hitler (
Josef Neumann was a wealthy Jewish homosexual who used to come to the Mannerheim to find young men for sex.
After Neumann, Adolf went to live with Josef Greiner, who was a fan of the Mannerheim.
Emil Maurice
Hitler's 'lover' Emil Maurice (, a German Nazi, had Jewish ancestors.
[11] (
Emil Maurice ( was an early member of the Nazi Party and a founding member of the SS.
He was Hitler's chauffeur and one-time personal secretary.
The key Nazis had many 'Jewish' connections.
I have found that most Jews, most Black people, and most Moslems are lovely, friendly decent people.
My friend Peter is Jewish and, according to his wife, he is very anti-semitic.
Peter explains that he dislikes that small section of Jews who will happily mistreat their fellow Jews.
According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers (,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade ( (
Lulek Lau, 8 year old child orphan, one of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald concentration camp - 1945
In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhand methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes.
(the brains behind the sexslave trade (
According to Israel Shahak, in the Middle Ages, "Jewish physicians, tax collectors and bailiffs could be relied upon by a king, nobleman, pope or bishop...
"Jewish rabbis and rich Jews were part of the governing class.
"Together they oppressed the masses, Jew and non-Jewish."
Makow - Jewish Elite (,d.d2k).
Who are the Jewish Nazis?
Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, is believed to have been Jewish.
Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."
"When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him "Isi" (Izzy), short for Isidor, a name with a Jewish connotation.
"When he served in the navy, many of his comrades believed he was Jewish. Some called him the "blond Moses."
"Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew.
"Half-Jew Alice Schaper nee Rohr, who took piano lessons from Bruno, claimed, "We all knew he was Jewish. ...He looked just like a typical Jew."
"In town, Bruno was called Isidor Suess behind his back. With such rumors going around, it was not surprising that Heydrich felt continually burdened by these allegations, especially when he served as an SS general."
- Bryan Mark Rigg, the author of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
Erik Hanussen
Erik Hanussen, born Hermann Steinschneider, was a Jewish occultist.
'He instructed Adolf Hitler in performance and the achievement of dramatic effect.'
He enjoyed the company of Germany's elite, becoming close with members of Ernst Rohm's Brownshirts (SA (
'He was a supporter of the Nazis despite his Jewish ancestry, which was an open secret.'
Hanussen was close to certain important Nazi officials, to whom he had lent money.
It is claimed that Hanussen hypnotized Marinus van der Lubbe (, who was blamed for causing the Reichstag fire.[12] (
Hanussen disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1933.
Werner Goldberg was a German of Jewish ancestry, who served as a soldier for Hitler during World War II.
His image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier", and was later used in recruitment posters for the Nazi military.
26th August 2021, 10:48 AM
Aharon Shear-Yashuv, the son of a Nazi.
Wolfgang Schmidt, son of SS officer Edmund Schmidt, became a rabbi.
Today he is known as Aharon Shear-Yashuv and teaches at Tel Aviv University.
Aharon has been a senior rabbi in the Israeli armed forces.
Nazi-descended Jews living in Israel ... ( 8%2Faug%2F06%2Fjudaism.secondworldwar&usg=AFQjCNH8xdrPRdntdGNkhm2ceHMqfT9UVg&sig2=5nWCw3BamoIo8xemWmwVzw).
Harald, Magda, Joseph.
Joseph Goebbels' first girlfriend was Jewish.
Goebbels' family came from Holland; he was nicknamed "rabbi" in school.
Revelations (,d.d2k)
"Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star."
Website (
Magda Goebbels was born Johanna Maria Magdalena Behrend.
Magda's mother Auguste Behrend divorced Oskar Ritschel and married a JEWISH businessman named Richard Friedländer.
Magda Goebbels once dated Haim Arlosoroff (
He became a prominent ZIONIST.
Goebbel's descendents include -
Katarina Geller-Herr, who is Jewish.
Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat-Mo, who is Jewish. Her first marriage was to Michael Rosenblat, a German-Jewish businessman.
Anette-Angelika May-Thies, whose first marriage was to Axel May, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) ( international adviser for private banking, who managed the family's investments for about 25 years.
John Amery.
John Amery (, was a Jewish Nazi [4] ( who made propaganda broadcasts for Hitler.
Above, we see Herman Goering (left) and his body-double (right) who was put on trial.
Matthias Göring, from the family of Herman Goering, loves all things Jewish.
"Matthias Göring, with his bright blue eyes and Star of David necklace, feels drawn to Israel."
Nazi Descendents: Matthias Göring Goes Kosher (
On the left, we see Himmler, and on the right we see his body double.
Reportedly, Himmler had Jewish roots.
Himmler's grandparents were Johan Himmler and Agathe Kien.
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
Himmler neice, Catharine Himmler, married an Israeli ( C7340%2CL-3168071%2C00.html&ei=44fVR77EG42owQGs9aWTAw&usg=AFQjCNEkMn4Y81cahE5H4MBaHvUDweNtpg&sig2=JDV6-PPCZYvnmXajo2kfzw)
Katrin Himmler, the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler, married an Israeli.
Amon Goeth
Monika Goeth, daughter of Amon Goeth - the Plaszow Concentration camp commandant says: "I am completely drawn to Judaism."
Hans Eppinger (, an SS doctor, had Jewish origins. [3] (
Walter Hollaender (, a Nazi colonel who performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners, was Jewish[3] (
Erhard Milch (, a German Nazi Field Marshal, had Jewish roots[12] (
Bernhard Rogge (, a Nazi admiral, had Jewish ancestry[3] (
According to author Paul Bogdanor, in his book Kasztner's Crime:
A Jew called Rudolph Kasztner helped Hitler's Third Reich murder almost half-a-million Jewish men, women and children.
Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport almost 8000,000 'ordinary' Jews to Auschwitz.
dailymail ( (
Adolf Eichmann
"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage ("
(A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times ( 2Fstyle%2F12iht-IDlede13.html&rct=j&q=eichman+jewish&ei=AsKbS-GJO4WUjAfFi5G6DA&usg=AFQjCNEO6Mfm3R-RVJxbXJ_r4Xci-CJ7rg&sig2=ekAWRtdoKYgpITadRSKmTg))
In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist.
(Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi ( 2F11%2Fadolf-eichmann-was-crypto-jewish.html&rct=j&q=eichman+jewish&ei=AsKbS-GJO4WUjAfFi5G6DA&usg=AFQjCNHsHevqVdkCxniWd4zvMqAN11mCMQ&sig2=k8WcJm8YMrrwf-QcZAD4dw))
Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 ( to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional ( 1107.shtml&ei=QoTVR8DXDYOgwgHUzfyNAw&usg=AFQjCNGsXxvNqaj19VSztlHnjkP7TJSg3g&sig2=TJ7ah0fRo3fy6vulJ7zq2Q))
Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.
Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.
Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad (
Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.
But Mossad closed the case!
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad (
"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.
"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."
The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.
Mossad closed the case for a second time.
Martin Bormann ( nn_was_rothschild.html&ei=-L-TUcpKwcI7v9mB0Aw&usg=AFQjCNFe8OWvycAxfeb7CBdL4dIM8WvXNQ&sig2=TOey2c_YVXU2OxksmyY8tQ)
Posted by Anon ( 03:00 Email This (! ( to Twitter ( to Facebook ( to Pinterest (
Labels: Amery (, Eichmann (, Emil Maurice (, Eva Braun (, Goebbels (, Goering (, Goeth (, Hanussen (, Heydrich (, Himmler (, Hitler (, Kasztner (, Schacht (, Schmidt (, Werner Goldberg (
26th August 2021, 10:51 AM
Aangirfan (
Monday, 2 April 2018
Hitler was full of rage because people thought that he was a pederast, and mentally unstable, and Jewish.
"Hitler believed that his father was half-Jewish and had died of syphilis."
Hitler suffered from excessive farting and diarrhea.
Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet - by Dr. Fritz Redlich, a neurologist and psychiatrist.
Insane or Just Evil? A Psychiatrist Takes a New Look at Hitler (
Hermine and Fanny Wittgenstein (sisters of Ludwig Wittgenstein ( were re-classified as "Aryan" after paying an undisclosed fortune to the Nazi party.
Six of Hitler's girlfriends died in mysterious circumstances.
"Hitler was never promoted during WW1 because of his 'sexual orientation' and that he was arrested in Munich in 1919 for 'pederasty and theft'.
"Hitler had a love relationship with Rudolf Hess, who was nicknamed 'Fraulein Anna' and 'Black Emma' by other Nazis."
In 1934, Hitler organised the murder of Ernst Roehm and many other gay Nazis.
"However, while gay Nazis were being butchered or imprisoned, Hitler was having a secret affair with his Munich chauffeur Julius Schreck."
The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler - by Siobhan Pat Mulcahy./ 'The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler' (
Luftwaffe Field Marshal Erhard Milch (, (right), whose father was Jewish, was reclassified as Aryan by Adolf Hitler [23] (
The main beneficeries of Hitler's war were the rich elite in the USA - people such as the Harriman family and the Bush family.
mhp: The Hitler Project ( / Fritz Thyssen (
Fred C. Koch built a large oil refinery in Hamburg for the Nazi regime. Hitler paid tribute to Henry Ford in his biography and kept a portrait of him in his office.
The Dulles brothers encouraged American investment in Nazi Germany. Standard Oil of New Jersey fueled the German armies.
Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim "gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks, and received a special party dispensation, declaring him to be an Aryan."
Doing Business with Hitler ( / Hitler's Secret Backers - (,d.d2k).
During World War II, Allen Dulles, who became boss of the CIA, met various Nazi officials in order to maintain an alliance.
The Washington Book Review (
Dulles was a Knight of Malta. People linked to the Knights of Malta include Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Heinrich Himmler, Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler) Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier), David Rockefeller, members of the Bush family, Rupert Murdoch...
White Aryan Men
The Nazis wanted Germany to be White, Aryan, and physically and mentally perfect.
Handicapped children were to be killed off.
Adults with mental problems were to be killed off, unless they had names like Hitler, Heydrich, Himmler or Goering
Only Jews who supported the Nazis were to be considered good Germans.
Hans Eppinger (, an SS doctor who performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners, had Jewish origins. [3] (
Walter Hollaender (, a Nazi colonel who performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners, was Jewish[3] (
Eliezer Gruenbaum ( was Jewish.
In Auschwitz, he became a kapo (, a title given to prisoners supervising forced labor ( or carrying out administrative tasks.[5] ([2] (
After the war he was accused of collaboration with Nazi Germany, and of "mercilessly beating inmates".[5] (
He was also accused of murdering "tens of thousands of Jewish prisoners".[2] (
He retired to Israel.
Abraham Gancwajch ( was a prominent Nazi collaborator in the Warsaw Ghetto ( during the occupation of Poland in World War II, and a Jewish "kingpin" of the ghetto underworld.[2] (
Ans van Dijk ( was a Dutch-Jewish collaborator who betrayed Jews to Nazi Germany during World War II.
Jacob Gens ( was a Lithuanian Jewish head of the Vilnius Ghetto (
Gens and his policemen helped Germans in rounding up the Jews for deportation and execution in Ponary ( in October–December 1941 and in liquidating several smaller ghettos from late 1942 to early 1943.
Stella Kübler ( was a German Jewish woman who collaborated with the Gestapo during World War II, exposing and denouncing Berlin's underground Jews.
Jakub Lejkin ( was a Polish lawyer of Jewish descent. He was deputy commander[2] (, subordinate to the Germans, at the Warsaw Ghetto ( Lejkin played a leading role in the deportation of local Jews to extermination camps. The Germans nicknamed him “little Napoleon” and adored his brutality.[3] (
Both the Nazis and the Zionists are told to believe in a Master Race or Chosen People.
The Nazis are 'Authoritarian' - believing in giving power to a small right-wing elite.
The rich elite, whether Nazi or Zionist or Communist Chinese or Hindu, tend to favour 'Authoritarianism'.
Some of the 'working class' also support 'Authoritarianism'.
Authoritarians have firm views on Crime and Punishment, Patriotism, Race and Homosexuality
Otto Skorzeny in Madrid.
The top Moslems, top Jews and top Nazis all work together, when it comes to criminal activity.
Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's favourite killer, was a colonel in the German Waffen-SS (
In 1948, the Americans helped Skorzeny to escape from an internment camp. [24] (
Victims of the Nazis.
In 1953, General Reinhard Gehlen (, who was working for the CIA, sent Skorzeny to Egypt to become the military advisor to Egypt's President.
Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS and Wehrmacht officers to train the Egyptian army.
Among these officers was Leopold Gleim (, head of the Gestapo ( Department for Jewish Affairs in Poland.
Skorzeny trained Arabs for use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone.
Skorzeny trained Yasser Arafat ([29] (!%252Befraim%252Bhalevy%252Bmossad.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*..
Efraim Halevy, the former Head of the Mossad, is seen above, in Hampstead, in London.HAMPSTEAD, FINDERS, DUTROUX, FRANKLIN ( %2Fhampstead-finders-dutroux-franklin-all.html&usg=AFQjCNGCngNZdYjb_eV0_RltT7SWYN_f9w&sig2=grmRMJ481mY66IG6QUr5tA).
Skorzeny was recruited by the Mossad and worked with Rafi Eitan (
'Yes, I met and ran Skorzeny,' Rafi Eitan told Haaretz.
Read more: http://www.dailymail. (
Skorzeny's work for the Mossad included assassinating a German rocket scientist Heinz Krug who was working with Egypt.
"Supported by Austrian Intelligence", Skorzeny set up a secret pro-Nazi organization named Die Spinne ([35] ([36] (
"Skorzeny, Gehlen, and their network of collaborators gained enormous influence in Europe and Latin America."
Skorzeny acted as an advisor to Argentina's President Juan Perón ([37] ([38] ([39] (
Skorzeny was a founder and an advisor to the leadership of the Spanish neo-Nazi group CEDADE (, which had been established in 1966.[40] ( (
Otto Skorzeny
In the 1960s Skorzeny set up the Paladin Group (
Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas, and its clients included the South African Bureau of State Security ( and Muammar Gaddafi (
It also carried out work for the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 ( and some of its operatives were recruited by the Spanish Interior Ministry to wage a clandestine war against the terrorist group ETA ([43] (
The Soviet news agency TASS reported that Skorzeny's Paladin Group was involved in training US Green Berets for Vietnam missions during the 1960s.[33] (
In May 1943, the Nazi leaders adopted a plan to 'go underground'.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or (
By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.
Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or (
Bormann (right)
On 1st May 1st 1945, Martin Bormann left Germany.
Read online Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile (
Reportedly, Lt. Commander John Ainsworth-Davis and Ian Fleming "led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks."
Reportedly, "Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959."
Martin Bormann ( nn_was_rothschild.html&ei=-L-TUcpKwcI7v9mB0Aw&usg=AFQjCNFe8OWvycAxfeb7CBdL4dIM8WvXNQ&sig2=TOey2c_YVXU2OxksmyY8tQ)
Martin Bormann's son was in Israel in April 1993.
A Quiet Visitor to Israel: Martin Bormann's Son - New York Times ( 2Fworld%2Fa-quiet-visitor-to-israel-martin-bormann-s-son.html&ei=-L-TUcpKwcI7v9mB0Aw&usg=AFQjCNEcCplK_enarfzOVCiwo6TeNVBxkg&sig2=pc0Mh63VCnpAg40WdmUxbw)
"After World war II, Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information.
"The real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the 'Brown Eminence', successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a 'Reich in Exile' in the years following the war...
"Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States.
"Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization. (
"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pres*sure with little effort...
"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization ( of the strata*gem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."
Posted by Anon ( 00:28 Email This (! ( to Twitter ( to Facebook ( to Pinterest (
Labels: Aryan (, Authoritarian (, Bormann (, BUSH (, Dulles (, Eppinger (, Gruenbaum (, Hess (, Hitler (, Hollaender (, Master Race (, Mossad (, Oppenheim (, Roehm (, Schreck (, Skorzeny (
26th August 2021, 10:56 AM
Aangirfan (
Friday, 1 June 20
The top German Nazis were 'Jewish', and were linked to an international cabal.
Thousands of top Nazis are reported to have moved to Argentina after World War II.
These include Martin Bormann, Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie, Adolf Eichmann, Erich Priebke, Walter Kutschmann, Jose Schwammberger, Ante Pavelic, Walter Rauff, and Eduard Roschmann.
The quiet alpine town in Argentina that housed thousands of Nazis ( /
Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South America (
Licio Gelli, the fascist friend of Israel.
Licio Gelli, the fascist who was close to Henry Kissinger and Mossad, moved to Bariloche in Argentina, the town to which Hitler is said to have retired.
Visitors to Bariloche have included Obama, Clinton, Eisenhower and Theodore Rosevelt.
Peron and his friend the Israeli ambassador to Argentina.
Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P2's Grand Master, was a friend of Mossad.
ODESSA: Peron, Hitler, and a Ceremonial Presidential Visit ( . / Aangirfan: P2 AND THE USA ( /
Argentina has links to the Kosher Nostra.
Argentine Jewrys dark secret (,7340,L-3403899,00.html)
Some of the Hitler photos may be photoshopped? Hitler Escaped to Argentina. (
Why were certain top Nazis allowed to retire to Argentina?
Hitler's Nazis, and the Peronists in Argentina, and the top Zionists in Israel all share the same philosophy.
In Mein Kampf, it is written that Nazi philosophy "feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe."
Reportedly Peron allowed many Nazis to come to Argentina after Germany's defeat.
(Evita, the Swiss and the Nazis (
It has been suggested that Hitler was allowed to escape to Argentina.
(aangirfan: Hitler and Argentina (
Golda Meir and Evita Peron.
Israel developed "excellent relations" with Juan Peron's government.
No tears for Argentina - Haaretz ( / Fifty Years of Israel-Argentina Relations (
Reportedly, Juan Perón was part of a team of cartographers who helped to plan the boundaries of the state of Israel.
secretas (
Peron had a number of Jewish advisers.
Peron sympathised with Hitler during the war.
Juan Perón (
Reportedly, Peron had links to the CIA through Licio Gelli.
(Fascism and the Establishment in Italy : Gladio and the strategy ... (
Centre- Giancarlo Valori, the new head of the P2. He is with Peres and Wolfenson.
Posted by Anon ( 01:30 Email This (! ( to Twitter ( to Facebook ( to Pinterest (
Labels: Argentina (, Borman (, Gelli (, Hitler (, Israel (, Mein Kampf (, P2 (, Peron (
Gabreal Jones26 May 2018 at 13:10 ( 769)
Check Out:
´ Hitler in Argentina´. Book by Harry Cooper:
30 april 1945 / Adolph H. is said to have killed himself and his spouse Eva B. in the Berlin Bunker.
30 april 1909 / Queen Juliana, the mother of queen Beatrix, is not the biological daughter of queen Wilhelmina is said to be born.
Juliana was married to German prince Bernhard (the founder of Bilderberg. 1954) who had a connection with Adolf H.
Wilhelmina had syphilis so could not get children.
Wilhelmina is not the biological daughter of the man said to be her father King Willem III (1817 - 1890)
Willem III had syphylis idem dito was married to (German) Emma.
Willem III asked one of his close court minions not to talk, but to Emma.
Willem III is the biological son of Willem II who was married to Anna Paulona.
Anna Paulona was a Romanov,
After 1990 when the Soviet Union is said to have ended, the Russians dug up the bones of Tsar Nicolas and his family to rebury them with honor. To be sure they did DNA tests on known offspring.
Queen Elisabeth has Romanov blood, she did DNA testing, she stood the test.
Juliana and Beatrix they refused, proof enough...
Nevertheless Beatrix (Dirty Tricks) major Shell shareholder and Elisabeth (Bad Elisa) major BP shareholder are known satanists and involved in child abuse and child killing as the rest of the Rothschild Bilderberg club.
Leuren Moret calls them gangsters in tiara and accuses both ladies with the Rothschild dynasty to be behind the genocide prpject of Fukushima.
Last but not least: 30 april is Day numero uno in Satanism: Walpurgisnight.
Firestarter ( May 2018 at 07:10 ( 28)
When King Willem III married Queen Emma he was in his 60s and already infertile. Wilhelmina (daughter of Emma, and later Queen) and her offspring have no right to the Dutch throne.
Toos Nijenhuis testified she was present at similar child sacrifice ceremonies (including sex abuse) in the presence of Prince Bernhard and Joseph Ratzinger (better known as pope Benedictus, member of the Committe of 300).
Disbarred attorney Anne Marie van Blijenburgh said she was present at “parties” in the Netherlands where children from child detention centres were brutally raped and murdered. The notable guests include:
Prince Friso; Mabel Wisse Smit (Friso’s wife); (probably) George Soros; Piet Hein Donner; PM Mark Rutte; Geert Wilders (Dutch Zionist politician with ties to Israel); Ernst Hirsch Ballin (former Minister, member of Raad van State and involved in IRT affair).
More on Adolf Hitler’s fake his death and escape to South America:
Anonymous26 May 2018 at 15:06 ( 625)
Gelli is a jewish surname of people who pretend to be of italian origin. Italy is ruled by
' italian' jews.
Anonymous26 May 2018 at 16:30 ( 671)
Today's Mail on Sunday has an article based on a "leak" (ha!ha!)
"Labour leader met with Board of Deputies of British Jews and Jewish Leadership Council at his Commons office"
"Leaked account described him as 'bored, uninterested and condescending' during the meeting"
Ahhh... A quick reminder of what these highly intertwined organisations, The Board of Deputies of British Jews and The Jewish Leadership Council, are all about.
"The Board of Deputies of British Jews "
- Former President Lord Greville Janner - serial child rapist.
"The Jewish Leadership Council"
- "The passing of Greville Janner marks the end of an era for the Jewish community," Mick Davis, chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, said on Twitter.
The Jewish Leadership Council was founded by, among others, its first Chairman, then President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Henry Grunwald. In 2009, upon taking office as President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Vivian Wineman became the second Chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council. In 2006, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Board of Deputies of British Jews jointly formed a pro-Israel advocacy organisation. In 2010, a 'joint liaison committee' was established to formalise relations between the Jewish Leadership Council and The Board of Deputies of British Jews.
A founding member of the Jewish Leadership Council was Tony Blair's Chief Fund-raiser for the Labour Party, Special Envoy to the Middle East, and long-standing good friend, Lord Michael Levy.
In addition to being a Trustee of the Jewish Leadership Council, Lord Levy is a Patron of the Friends of Israel Educational Trust, which worked with Jimmy Savile and sent the evil child rapist on a "state visit" to address the Israeli Knesset and praise its Lebensraum policy.
Wonderful! So it now seems that these highly intertwined Israeli Lebensraum organisations continue to work in close partnership with Britain's Zionist media organs (The Mail on Sunday only one of many) to ensure that Britain's next Prime Minister will be every bit as pro-'Israeli Lebensraum' as the incumbent and her predecessors...
Anonymous26 May 2018 at 18:30 ( 755)
Argentina has probably the largest population of Jews in South America. But these evil Nazis decided to move there. Just wonder why.
Gabreal Jones28 May 2018 at 11:27 ( 96)
For the quite questionable Argentinian pope,
check out:
Anonymous10 April 2019 at 16:15 ( 276)
Pope Francis is also listed in the Jewish Virtual Library under the section "Biography" at "Bergoglio, Jorge Mario (Pope Francis)".
Have also fun to look up all the Nazi top brass (they're all included except R. Gehlen methinks).
Gabreal Jones28 May 2018 at 11:46 ( 123)
More notes on the Vatican:
(One major minus: the c.e. site has not yet woken up to the smoke screen speeches /deeds of Chabad Lubavitch lap-top/dog Wlad P. )
A side note:
Was the Vatican originally a Shiva Temple?
Gabreal Jones31 May 2018 at 12:33 ( 460)
Check Out:
Gabreal Jones1 June 2018 at 12:09 ( 190)
We live indeed in interesting times.
Notes on the 1st of this new month of the present Gregorian calendar
Check Out:
Remnants of a forgotten Vedic World Order:
England: until 1752 A.D. the English New Year began on March 25.
In 1752 by an act of Parliament England arbitrarily changed over to January 1 as the New Year Day.
March 25 marks the beginning of the Indian Vikram Samvat (calendar) another remnant England was part of Vikramaditya’s Indian empire.
September (sept is seven in French is the 7th month in the Vedic Calendar.
October (octo is 8 in Greek and Latin) is the 8th month in the VC.
November (neuf is 9 in French) the 9th month in the Vedic Calendar.
December (dix is 10 in French, dasa is 10 ib Sanskrit) is the 10th month of the VC
Sanskrit is the source of all the European (Indo-Germanic languages) and Latin and Greek
midnight rambler
24th September 2021, 06:07 AM
Anyone asserting that Hitler was a double agent accepts the joo narrative lock, stock, and barrel.
24th September 2021, 10:21 AM
Anyone asserting that Hitler was a double agent accepts the joo narrative lock, stock, and barrel.
Anyone with a brain can see what happened.
German army stopped by a Jew named Hitler.
Then in a place that did not matter Hitler gave orders to fight to the last man and the whole 6th army was captured.
So the Jews are laughing at those dumb goyim who believe Hitler was their hero.
Jokes on you.
25th September 2021, 11:29 AM
Anyone asserting that Hitler was a double agent accepts the joo narrative lock, stock, and barrel.
Anyone asserting that Midnight Bagler is not a double agent accepts the joo narrative lock, stock, and barrel.
midnight rambler
25th September 2021, 04:50 PM
You joo tool fools gobble joo propaganda enthusiastically much like a faggot gobbles cock, with gusto.
Hitler was fighting the jooish based Communists form the get-go. What are YOU doing to fight the Communists??
25th September 2021, 08:57 PM
You joo tool fools gobble joo propaganda enthusiastically much like a faggot gobbles cock, with gusto.
Hitler was fighting the jooish based Communists form the get-go. What are YOU doing to fight the Communists??
You poor fool, you believe the propaganda by the Jews media that Hitler locked up all the Jews.
When the facts show he created a police state, much like we see the Jews doing today, via their Free Mason proxies.
From 1927 on I reported the rise of Hitler, and by chance was passing the Reichstag when it burst into flames in 1933. This event (used to set up the secret-police-and-concentration-camp system in Germany, on the Bolshevist model) cemented Hitler in power.
From the start of Hitler's regime (on that night) all professional observers in Berlin, diplomats and journalists, knew that it meant a new war.
I and many other reporters during the following years grew alarmed and perplexed by the suppression, “burking” and ignoring of despatches, and by the depictment of Hitler, in Parliament and the newspapers, as an inherently good man who would remain peaceable if his just grievances were met.
late in 1937, I informed The Times that both Hitler and Goering had said that the war would begin “by the autumn of 1939”; I had this information from the Austrian Chancellor.
In the case of “the Jewish persecution” in Germany I found that impartial presentation of the facts gradually gave way to so partisan a depictment that the truth was lost. This transformation was effected in three subtle stages. First the persecution of “political opponents and Jews” was reported; then this was imperceptibly amended to “Jews and political opponents”; and at the end the press in general spoke only of “the persecution of Jews.” By this means a false image was projected on to the public mind and the plight of the overwhelming majority of the victims, by this fixing of the spotlight on one group, was lost to sight. The result showed in 1945, when, on the one hand, the persecution of Jews was made the subject of a formal indictment at Nuremberg, and on the other hand half of Europe and all the people in it were abandoned to the selfsame persecution, in which the Jews had shared in their small proportion to populations everywhere.
When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.
26th September 2021, 03:52 AM
You poor fool, you believe the propaganda by the Jews media that Hitler locked up all the Jews.
When the facts show he created a police state, much like we see the Jews doing today, via their Free Mason proxies.
From 1927 on I reported the rise of Hitler, and by chance was passing the Reichstag when it burst into flames in 1933. This event (used to set up the secret-police-and-concentration-camp system in Germany, on the Bolshevist model) cemented Hitler in power.
From the start of Hitler's regime (on that night) all professional observers in Berlin, diplomats and journalists, knew that it meant a new war.
I and many other reporters during the following years grew alarmed and perplexed by the suppression, “burking” and ignoring of despatches, and by the depictment of Hitler, in Parliament and the newspapers, as an inherently good man who would remain peaceable if his just grievances were met.
late in 1937, I informed The Times that both Hitler and Goering had said that the war would begin “by the autumn of 1939”; I had this information from the Austrian Chancellor.
In the case of “the Jewish persecution” in Germany I found that impartial presentation of the facts gradually gave way to so partisan a depictment that the truth was lost. This transformation was effected in three subtle stages. First the persecution of “political opponents and Jews” was reported; then this was imperceptibly amended to “Jews and political opponents”; and at the end the press in general spoke only of “the persecution of Jews.” By this means a false image was projected on to the public mind and the plight of the overwhelming majority of the victims, by this fixing of the spotlight on one group, was lost to sight. The result showed in 1945, when, on the one hand, the persecution of Jews was made the subject of a formal indictment at Nuremberg, and on the other hand half of Europe and all the people in it were abandoned to the selfsame persecution, in which the Jews had shared in their small proportion to populations everywhere.
When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.
Douglas Reed spelled it all out for us. Our parents' generation was 'played' by the owners of the press as we are being played by them now. Get the Goyim to kill each other, the true Holocaust of the 20th century and make it look like the Jews were the injured party. What a game!
26th September 2021, 05:42 AM
Sometimes it helps to examine the composition of THE WORLD:
REPUBLICAN ..."Everything wrong with the world is DEMOCRAT
DEMOCRAT ..."If a REPUBLICAN said it then by definition it is wrong"
JEW...Everything Gentile is לֹא נָעִים.
CHRISTIAN ...Jews should be crucified too
WOMEN ...Males are wrong
GAYs ...I'm not sick. You are.
RACIST ... WHITES are לֹא נָעִים
MODERATOR on Meet The Press...The guy on stage with the strange goatee and a warped opinion on EVERYTHING
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