View Full Version : DNC: White men shouldn't apply for tech jobs

2nd November 2017, 06:02 AM

DNC’s Data Service Manager (((Madeleine Leader))) purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender (sic) straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender (sic) straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”

2nd November 2017, 06:12 AM

DNC’s Data Service Manager (((Madeleine Leader))) purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender (sic) straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender (sic) straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”

LOL Good luck.

2nd November 2017, 06:46 AM
LOL Good luck.

An example of why "the Russians" were able to get so much from the DNC systems? Namely, ideological requirements > technical competence.

2nd November 2017, 07:20 AM
They're essentially saying they don't want qualified candidates, but hey, if they want monkeys to run their IT systems, let's not be surprised when incompetence becomes the defining element of their organization.


2nd November 2017, 12:03 PM
"Open Season On White-Males" stories like this need to be guerrilla-publicized with YT vids & twitter hashtags & such... in this way: RE-HEADLINE, INVERTING THE RACE GROUPS IN QUESTION, ATTRACTING EYEBALLS/TRIGGERINGS FOR THE STORY'S NOT-(((PC/SJW))) OUTRAGEOUSNESS; BUT POINT TO THE REAL LINK WHERE READERS WILL SEE THE UGLY TRUTH.

So the above story would become: "DNC: Joosh & Black Men Shouldn't Apply For Tech Jobs", then link to the real story.

Can you see how this next story would be re-headlined, then propagated? 19m:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uaCo6Tp4W9g/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBlXYFyjJgZHYeyhXscPzmOYYLwBQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCo6Tp4W9g) 18:49
Why white people on The View must apologize for talking to black people (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCo6Tp4W9g)

2 days ago

2nd November 2017, 12:17 PM
more proof of the new and improved two party system

1. gop

2. gwp (get whitey party)

2nd November 2017, 04:46 PM
Why white people on The View must apologize for talking to black people

I apologize for talking to Niggers, all the time...to myself.

2nd November 2017, 05:56 PM
I apologize for talking to Niggers, all the time...to myself.

haha! me too. except i'm mentally kicking myself in the butt....why WHY did you try to correct hiz/herz mistake...dumbass

2nd November 2017, 05:56 PM
You say that but you know what??? How many times have we said that about something like this before and seen it happen anyway? Who's going to put up the stop sign? There are no good guys in power!!
LOL Good luck.

2nd November 2017, 05:59 PM
i've worked for a megacorp oil outfit for decades. i can say with total confidence that their affirm action hiring has cost our site millions of dollars in profits (literally, no exaggeration). this year alone has been more than a million....and counting

and i haven't even taken into account the MONTHS of paid sick time they take every year (overtime to cover it). we had 6 nigs take the entire summer off this year - all paid at full pay

i challenged the hr dept in a public setting -- why they hire these losers. they claimed they were trying to match the demo of the surrounding region. yet mexicans are woefully underrepresented....and nigs over

2nd November 2017, 07:52 PM
i've worked for a megacorp oil outfit for decades. i can say with total confidence that their affirm action hiring has cost our site millions of dollars in profits (literally, no exaggeration). this year alone has been more than a million....and counting

and i haven't even taken into account the MONTHS of paid sick time they take every year (overtime to cover it). we had 6 nigs take the entire summer off this year - all paid at full pay

i challenged the hr dept in a public setting -- why they hire these losers. they claimed they were trying to match the demo of the surrounding region. yet mexicans are woefully underrepresented....and nigs over

Everyone who still has a connection to reality knows that Affirmative Action is the same as filling one's boat full of heavy lead weights.

With "civil rights," you're fucked either way - you either hire these incompetent do-nothings, or, you face tens of millions in fines, or worse.

2nd November 2017, 08:28 PM
Everyone who still has a connection to reality knows that Affirmative Action is the same as filling one's boat full of heavy lead weights.

With "civil rights," you're fucked either way - you either hire these incompetent do-nothings, or, you face tens of millions in fines, or worse.

the thing that blows my mind is that my megacorp has EMBRACED it. all of the corporate propaganda is about diversity - nigs, fags, gooks, muzzies, etc...

makes me wonder if they are not getting some other monetary incentive to behave this way. either that or they are not really a profit-seeking venture, but an arm of global gov

2nd November 2017, 08:32 PM
the thing that blows my mind is that my megacorp has EMBRACED it. all of the corporate propaganda is about diversity - nigs, fags, gooks, muzzies, etc...

makes me wonder if they are not getting some other monetary incentive to behave this way. either that or they are not really a profit-seeking venture, but an arm of the global corporate gov.

Samething in the tech industry. It's all about divershitty and inclusion. :rolleyes:

It makes no sense to me looking at it from a productivity standpoint. I don't know how many times I've had to fix something that a minority employee screwed up because he didn't have the mental acuity to resolve the issue correctly to begin with. Waste of time and money and customers get pissed when its not fixed right the first time.

2nd November 2017, 08:39 PM
Samething in the tech industry. It's all about divershitty and inclusion. :rolleyes:

It makes no sense to me looking at it from a productivity standpoint. I don't know how many times I've had to fix something that a minority employee screwed up because he didn't have the mental acuity to resolve the issue correctly to begin with. Waste of time and money and customers get pissed when its not fixed right the first time.

wow. this is mostly an unreported/analyzed situation - that corps are sacrificing the vaunted 'shareholder value' in favor of social engineering. it is blatant with my corp - we routinely get young new engineers that cant even speak english as well as a chicongoebonics moron. we literally struggle to communicate in routine conversations. recently we got chinese, south american, bahamas, anywhere but US...

2nd November 2017, 08:59 PM
wow. this is mostly an unreported/analyzed situation - that corps are sacrificing the vaunted 'shareholder value' in favor of social engineering. it is blatant with my corp - we routinely get young new engineers that cant even speak english as well as a chicongoebonics morons. we literally struggle to communicate in routine conversations. recently we got chinese, south american, bahamas, anywhere but US...

Lets not let facts and logic get in the way of "feelings".


2nd November 2017, 09:07 PM
the thing that blows my mind is that my megacorp has EMBRACED it. all of the corporate propaganda is about diversity - nigs, fags, gooks, muzzies, etc...

makes me wonder if they are not getting some other monetary incentive to behave this way. either that or they are not really a profit-seeking venture, but an arm of global gov

Found myself wondering the same thing last month regarding ALL teevee commercials that demean White Men. Every corporation is now in open warfare against Whitey...not even trying to be coy about it.



2nd November 2017, 09:34 PM

DNC’s Data Service Manager (((Madeleine Leader))) purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender (sic) straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender (sic) straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”

They have realized how much they cost to murder, once the cisgender white male discover how corrupt and undemocratic their party is and leak to Wikileaks. It is better to have workers who have no objection to unfairness and don't know how to analyze extract and send data of their crimes...

2nd November 2017, 09:46 PM
the thing that blows my mind is that my megacorp has EMBRACED it. all of the corporate propaganda is about diversity - nigs, fags, gooks, muzzies, etc...

makes me wonder if they are not getting some other monetary incentive to behave this way. either that or they are not really a profit-seeking venture, but an arm of global gov

Diversity trumps productivity, with automation you can have a relatively small number of white men that actually work their ass off doing their and others job, while the others are there merely to 'look good'.

3rd November 2017, 07:30 AM
the thing that blows my mind is that my megacorp has EMBRACED it. all of the corporate propaganda is about diversity - nigs, fags, gooks, muzzies, etc...

makes me wonder if they are not getting some other monetary incentive to behave this way. either that or they are not really a profit-seeking venture, but an arm of global gov

Corporations do what their shareholders demand, and the largest shareholders are Jews and degenerates. The Devil doesn't reward the good with worldly riches.

3rd November 2017, 07:32 AM
Samething in the tech industry. It's all about divershitty and inclusion. :rolleyes:

It makes no sense to me looking at it from a productivity standpoint. I don't know how many times I've had to fix something that a minority employee screwed up because he didn't have the mental acuity to resolve the issue correctly to begin with. Waste of time and money and customers get pissed when its not fixed right the first time.

As we have seen with the increasing assaults on hard sciences and math as "White privilege," your attitude of excellence will be increasingly proscribed as "institutional racism."

Rambler's Nigger Down is very apt.

3rd November 2017, 07:34 AM
wow. this is mostly an unreported/analyzed situation - that corps are sacrificing the vaunted 'shareholder value' in favor of social engineering. it is blatant with my corp - we routinely get young new engineers that cant even speak english as well as a chicongoebonics moron. we literally struggle to communicate in routine conversations. recently we got chinese, south american, bahamas, anywhere but US...

As I noted in my previous post, Jews and degenerates are the largest shareholders, and, because they are parasitoids, destruction of the host, resulting in their own destruction, is not their concern. Corporations are just another "social change" weapon.

3rd November 2017, 07:38 AM
Diversity trumps productivity, with automation you can have a relatively small number of white men that actually work their ass off doing their and others job, while the others are there merely to 'look good'.

The problem seems to be popping up in Asia now, as well:


3rd November 2017, 11:09 AM

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark civil rights and US labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

It is kind of a paradox though, how the DNC can simultaneously be recognized as the champion of civil rights, while simultaneously violating the civil rights act in their official business.

3rd November 2017, 01:02 PM

It is kind of a paradox though, how the DNC can simultaneously be recognized as the champion of civil rights, while simultaneously violating the civil rights act in their official business.

Someone should sue them

3rd November 2017, 04:12 PM
Samething in the tech industry. It's all about divershitty and inclusion. :rolleyes:

It makes no sense to me looking at it from a productivity standpoint. I don't know how many times I've had to fix something that a minority employee screwed up because he didn't have the mental acuity to resolve the issue correctly to begin with. Waste of time and money and customers get pissed when its not fixed right the first time.
It does to the jew, who always places propaganda over profits.