View Full Version : Journalist: Hillary Clinton 'Pedophile Sex Tape' Will Prove Pizzagate is Real

3rd November 2017, 06:25 PM
Investigative reporter Liz Crokin confirms existence of Clinton pedophilia video

An investigative journalist has confirmed that a "pedophile sex tape" featuring Hillary Clinton does exist and that it's about to be released to the public, finally proving that Pizzagate is real.Liz Crokin has dedicated her career of late to exposing elite "Satanic" pedophile rings, involving high-level political figures, corporation heads, and entertainment industry moguls.The existence of a file found on the disgraced former congressman, and convicted pedophile, Anthony Weiner's laptop, named "insurance file" has long been rumored.Sources within the NYPD said the file was a "Rosetta Stone" of information connecting major elites to horrific crimes, with some of the content of the files being so horrifying, that some of the hardened police officers that saw it were "brought to tears."

Now, Crokin says she has not only confirmed the existence of the "insurance file," but that it is about to be made public.She said that rogue officers in the NYPD have the file and have also leaked a copy to whistleblowing organization Wikileaks.Aside from getting confirmation that the material is soon to be exposed, she says she also has evidence that one of the files is a "pedophile sex tape" featuring Hillary Clinton.According to Crokin, there's a video of Clinton engaging in a sexual act with her aide Huma Abedin and an underage girl.This, along with other files due to be released will finally prove that Pizzagate, and Pedogate, are real, says Crokin.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QODs234yvK4

RWW reports: Liz Crokin cites an article from Newsweek about a Russian internet troll who claimed to have worked for a propaganda agency that produced a fake Clinton sex tape.The report suggests that it was designed to be released during the 2016 election to help Donald Trump.Crokin insisted that a real Clinton sex tape does exist and that the Newsweek article was just an effort to condition the public into dismissing it as fake once it is released.Asserting that it was no coincidence that Newsweek posted this article since the magazine is an arm of the “deep state” and employs known pedophiles.Crokin claimed that there were so many videos featuring high-level political figures doing horrible things to children found on Weiner’s laptop that when NYPD officers watched them, “it made grown men cry.”It is only a matter of time before all of these files are released, Crokin said, “and if and when this happens, let me tell you, no one will be able to deny that Pizzagate isn’t real. "Nobody will be able to deny that the likes of the Clintons and John Podesta and many, many politicians and many members of Congress are involved in the satanic rape and torture of kids."
