View Full Version : Triangular spacecraft Patented in 2004?

6th November 2017, 03:44 AM
those who want to know the mysteries of the universe will only endorse the science deriving from sacred geometry/numbers establishing the wavelengths shaping every atom.

I found this on the Electric Universe Theory FB page, a member well versed into physics. There are several groups like this one and they are all worth it. Really.

Publication number US20060145019 A1
Publication type Application
Application number US 11/017,093
Publication date 6 Jul 2006
Filing date 20 Dec 2004
Priority date 20 Dec 2004



This invention is a spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner. The line charges create a horizontal electric field that, together with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume providing a unique combination of both lift and propulsion.

MORE (and lots of math)

6th November 2017, 05:41 AM
those who want to know the mysteries of the universe will only endorse the science deriving from sacred geometry/numbers establishing the wavelengths shaping every atom.

I found this on the Electric Universe Theory FB page, a member well versed into physics. There are several groups like this one and they are all worth it. Really.

Publication number US20060145019 A1
Publication type Application
Application number US 11/017,093
Publication date 6 Jul 2006
Filing date 20 Dec 2004
Priority date 20 Dec 2004



This invention is a spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner. The line charges create a horizontal electric field that, together with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume providing a unique combination of both lift and propulsion.

MORE (and lots of math)

Like a "lifter".


6th November 2017, 04:54 PM
wowowww... tnx for sharing this... amazing

went on the YT page, have you seen this by any chance

Proof Faster than Light Black Budget Antigravity Technology is Real

and that one, with the triangle shaped aircraft
Antigravity Technology So Advanced You Wont See It For Another 50 Years

I am sorry this is another point against monetarism... as a result we have black budget aircrafts that cannot even be sold otherwise the economy would collapse.

6th November 2017, 10:09 PM
I saw that in a myth busters episode. They had a model that was floating in the air. Although it doesn't have any moving parts, sending high voltage electricity through the wires, creates an ionic turbulence in the air that gives a downward thrust. It is impressive but it isn't antigravity.

7th November 2017, 05:48 AM
I saw that in a myth busters episode. They had a model that was floating in the air. Although it doesn't have any moving parts, sending high voltage electricity through the wires, creates an ionic turbulence in the air that gives a downward thrust. It is impressive but it isn't antigravity.

True. I think the correct term is "ionization levitation". It does work though.

old steel
7th November 2017, 10:29 AM
I saw that in a myth busters episode. They had a model that was floating in the air. Although it doesn't have any moving parts, sending high voltage electricity through the wires, creates an ionic turbulence in the air that gives a downward thrust. It is impressive but it isn't antigravity.

They grudgingly admit

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_field (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_field)

8th November 2017, 12:20 AM
They grudgingly admit

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_field (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torsion_field)
Weak, Goldie will never do that!

8th November 2017, 01:03 AM
I like that :)

from wiki link
Torsion field (pseudoscience), a field alleged to make faster-than-light communication and paranormal phenomena possible

sure the entire unviverse is submited to supranatural forces, and when the scientific method is elusive, scientism calls it "pseudo-science".

I really dont know whether the definition is true or not... but scientism loves the use of "pseuddo-science" to ridicule paranormal and the supranatural, meanwhile the world is control by it, but rather its very dark side.

Everything is energy is a pseudo-science premise, right

8th November 2017, 02:58 AM
I like that :)

from wiki link
Torsion field (pseudoscience), a field alleged to make faster-than-light communication and paranormal phenomena possible

sure the entire unviverse is submited to supranatural forces, and when the scientific method is elusive, scientism calls it "pseudo-science".

I really dont know whether the definition is true or not... but scientism loves the use of "pseuddo-science" to ridicule paranormal and the supranatural, meanwhile the world is control by it, but rather is very dark side.

Everything is energy is a pseudo-science premise, right

A pseudo-science is when you cloak a fraud with a scientific sounding explanation. I realize this has no meaning for you.