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7th November 2017, 05:49 PM
Shootings: America, you have a problem
World » Americas

Believing in the notion that all Americans are fat and stupid is a sign of stupidity, a form of racism, classifying the exponent as a worthless waste of time and space. Yet how come 300 million people cannot see the obvious when it is staring them in the face? And is Trump afraid of the NRA? America, you have a problem.
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Shootings: America, you have a problem. 61539.jpeg

For those who say I do not know what I am speaking about, I can share that I had military training and fired just about every type of firearm imaginable, from pistols, to rifles, to semi-automatic weapons, to machine guns, heavy and light. I can also share that I finished my course as a first-class marksman and I can further share that I understand the thrill of releasing a magazine full of bullets into a target, so close together that many of the slugs enter the same hole.

In my case, that is where it stopped. Innate responsibility in most of us dictates that you follow the rules when on the firing range (The Three Sierras - short, sharp and shit-hot) and training and discipline means you follow the rules of engagement on the field of battle, some self-respect and code of honor dictate that you treat your adversary with the due respect and in accordance with the norms of international law governing conflict.
Many are those who are irresponsible

Many are those, however, who giggle when trying to hit a flag-post above the firing range instead of aiming at the target; many are those who get a thrill out of firing at the tires of passing vehicles beyond the (large) protective wall behind the targets; many are those who will fire an air rifle at a passer-by through a telescopic sight when they are in their early teens.

Many of these cases mentioned in the paragraph above will grow up to be responsible citizens, will forget their irresponsibility on the firing range and will spend the rest of their days wondering how the driver of the passing car never filed a complaint. A few will not. They will have become hooked on the adrenalin rush that comes with firing a gun - especially those who have fortunately not witnessed the horrors of a live round entering a body and leaving it with a gaping, gushing, pulsating hole for those silent seconds before the victim starts screaming, writhing around in pain and then projectile-vomiting a torrent of blood. Shooting and being shot ain't pretty.
100,000 scenes of extreme violence on TV

And others will have become victims of the average 100,000 scenes of extreme violence witnessed by American kids before they reach teenage years, on television, quite apart from the video games which teach you how to take aim and fire.

So it comes as no surprise to learn that in the United States of America, there have been countless massacres since the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770 when the British opened fire on the "natives" and slaughtered eleven civilians. Going back a few decades, we find a horrific list of examples of mass shootings which produce figures close to those of a civil war, quite apart from other incidents involving firearms up and down the country which makes the figures of mass shootings pale into insignificance.

In 1982 there was the Miami shooting (8 killed), the same number as the incidents in 1989 Louisville, Kentucky, 1993 San Francisco, 2007 Omaha, 2009 North Carolina, 2010 Virginia, 2010 Connecticut, 2011 Seal Beach California; 9 were killed in 1990 in Jacksonville, Florida, 1991 Arizona, 2005 Minnesota, 2015 South Carolina, 2015 Oregon; 10 dead 2009 Alabama; 12 dead 1999 Atlanta, 2012 Colorado, 2013 Washington Navy Yard; 13 dead 1949 Camden, New Jersey, 1982 Pennsylvania, 1983 Seattle, 1999 Columbine Colorado, 2009 Binghampton New York, 2009 Fort Hood Texas; 14 dead 1986 Oklahoma, 2015 San Bernadino; 18 dead 1966 Austin Texas; 21 dead 1984 San Ysidro California; 23 dead 1991 Killeen Taxas; 26 dead Sutherland Springs Texas, 27 dead 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school Connecticut; 32 dead 2007 Virginia Tech; 49 dead 2016 Orlando Florida; 58 dead 2017 Las Vegas.

And President Donald J. Trump says that the latest incident was about mental health issues and not about guns? So how did this nutjob in the church and the others before him kill their victims? By brain waves? It is by now patently obvious that the one with mental health issues is President Trump himself and it is patently obvious that the NRA, the National Rifle Association, is a sniveling, miserable failure as a body, as an organization and as an organism because it is incapable of addressing the problem that the United States of America clearly has for all to see. It is an association of bigots for imbeciles demonstrating a total absence of responsibility. In short the NRA is the greatest danger to American society today.

Clear for all to see? Yes, except the Americans themselves who collectively continue to bury their heads in the sand and pretend there is no boogeyman amongst them. How many more families are going to be left crying by the graveside with their lives destroyed? No guns, no problem.

Dream on, President Trump, dream on. America, you have a problem!

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


Читайте больше на http://www.pravdareport.com/world/americas/07-11-2017/139121-shootings_america-0/

7th November 2017, 06:05 PM
Clear for all to see? Yes, except the Americans themselves who collectively continue to bury their heads in the sand and pretend there is no boogeyman amongst them. How many more families are going to be left crying by the graveside with their lives destroyed? No guns, no problem.

When the government gives up their guns I'll consider giving up mine. Fair enough?

7th November 2017, 06:40 PM
When the government gives up their guns I'll consider giving up mine. Fair enough?

Tell that to someone in the UK.

7th November 2017, 06:50 PM
Tell that to someone in the UK.

Can't have logical conversations with a bunch of cucks.

7th November 2017, 07:08 PM
Come and get 'em!

7th November 2017, 07:56 PM
op author - fem pudgy sjw with Skype feature and pedo glasses


8th November 2017, 03:10 AM
I see this was from Pravda. I bet he would be thankful his fellow citizens had guns if the Bolsheviks started their shit again and murdered innocents at will. Even if he did have a gun he would probably be the type to cower in a corner. What he and those like him don't see is that most of this mayhem is either false flag or engineered in some manner. If those who would harm innocents knew that the innocent were armed, there would be less harm done.

8th November 2017, 06:32 AM
Can't have logical conversations with a bunch of cucks.

Unfortunately, despite the big talk, 99% of the American population who own guns will turn them in, if the penalties for not doing so are loss of government benefits and then loss of freedom.

Britain used to be a land where gun ownership was treasured; even a so-called "socialist," Eric Blair (George Orwell), once wrote this:

“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”

8th November 2017, 06:36 AM
I see this was from Pravda. I bet he would be thankful his fellow citizens had guns if the Bolsheviks started their shit again and murdered innocents at will. Even if he did have a gun he would probably be the type to cower in a corner. What he and those like him don't see is that most of this mayhem is either false flag or engineered in some manner. If those who would harm innocents knew that the innocent were armed, there would be less harm done.

Bolshevists are actually big fans of firearms...for themselves.


But yes, this guy seems more of an "useful idiot" than a committed political warrior.


Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

-- Mao

8th November 2017, 06:55 AM
99%?? Oh no, not even close. I would say less than half will give up their firearms and that half will meet a self inflicted untimely demise.
Unfortunately, despite the big talk, 99% of the American population who own guns will turn them in, if the penalties for not doing so are loss of government benefits and then loss of freedom.

Britain used to be a land where gun ownership was treasured; even a so-called "socialist," Eric Blair (George Orwell), once wrote this:

“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”

8th November 2017, 08:09 AM
99%?? Oh no, not even close. I would say less than half will give up their firearms and that half will meet a self inflicted untimely demise.

You have a point, even in the state of Jew York fewer than 1/3rd of the population even registered their weapons and the penalties are pretty stiff:

Law enforcement experts have estimated there could be nearly 1 million assault-style weapons in circulation across the state, suggesting that many New Yorkers are ignoring a central provision of what had been touted by gun control advocates as a milestone law.


8th November 2017, 08:17 AM
No guns, no problemNo law can magically make guns cease to exist.

8th November 2017, 08:32 AM
They can't guarantee that all guns will be removed and none will ever be manufactured again therefore I'm not giving up mine...ever! Pretty simple really!

8th November 2017, 01:44 PM
They can't guarantee that all guns will be removed and none will ever be manufactured again therefore I'm not giving up mine...ever! Pretty simple really!

It's infantile logic, to believe that all we need to do is pass a law and nobody will ever get hurt by a gun again. Yet, this is exactly what this libtard is saying!

8th November 2017, 03:13 PM
99%?? Oh no, not even close. I would say less than half will give up their firearms and that half will meet a self inflicted untimely demise.

We'll see.

If Bolshevists, and not merely braindead liberals, aim to disarm America, I assure you measures will be taken to make it very painful to retain one's firearms. No Social Security, no VA, no IRS refunds, maybe even a complete lockdown on financial transactions, and no travel ("terrorist" watch list), too. Nearly all guns sold in the last four decades are registered, via Form 4473. "I lost them" won't cut it.

Only the most dedicated would keep their guns, a million or so. I stand by the 1% figure. *

Do you really think there are more than about a million Americans who would actually stand firm in the face of a truly dedicated campaign?

* allegedly 33% to 38% of Americans own firearms. Current US population is 323 million. 323,000,000 x .38 = 122,740,00. 122,744,000 x .01 (1%) = 1.2 million.

8th November 2017, 03:15 PM
It's infantile logic, to believe that all we need to do is pass a law and nobody will ever get hurt by a gun again. Yet, this is exactly what this libtard is saying!

Braindead liberals actually believe that more "gun control" reduces violence, but the Bolshevists (all major "Democrats") know damn well it does not. Their aim is to reduce use and ownership by those decent folks - "law-abiding citizens" - who would oppose them with said firearms.

8th November 2017, 03:23 PM
You have a point, even in the state of Jew York fewer than 1/3rd of the population even registered their weapons and the penalties are pretty stiff:


Same goes for here in California. Most California gun owners refused to turn in or register their "assault weapons."

However, there isn't (yet) the will to use DROS or even 4473s to directly confront owners. The "penalties" at this time are meaningless for nearly everyone who doesn't do something stupid (like get stopped for a felony or major misdemeanor, while transporting such a weapon).

8th November 2017, 03:43 PM
My home defense/carry firearms are considered classic or antique which require no registering on purchase so I'm good. Sold a few a while back to a customer standing in a coin store who happened to be a collector. I had no reason to keep ww2 pistols lol.

CZ82's placed with magazines strategically in and around my place. Kind of heavy for velcro but small magnets hold them good.
Fire, clean and rotate regularly. Boxes and magazines full of ammo placed inconspicuously right in sight. No one in 6 years has noticed.
