View Full Version : white guilt dead, cops revolt against affirm action chief

9th November 2017, 06:49 AM
it's only been chief for a year -- impressive the amount of damage done in such a short time. 25 cops quit, installed inept leadership (more nigs, no doubt), lawsuits soaring..



The Port Arthur Police Association conducted a vote of its membership regarding the leadership of the Port Arthur Police Department. The vote started at 8:00 am October 27, 2017. Voting by the membership ended at 8:00 am November 6, 2017. The membership was asked to respond to the following question:

As a Port Arthur Police Officer, do you have confidence in the Police Chief, and the administration he has put in place, to effectively and efficiently manage the Department in a manner that promotes a good working environment among Officers, provides leadership to Officer's, and provides the citizens of Port Arthur the services and protection they deserve?

Members of the Association were asked to answer "yes" or "no" to the above question. The vote was anonymous and conducted on line via a secure web site. Based on the vote of the Association's membership, 85% of the voting membership responded "NO", indicating the overwhelming majority of the voting membership lack confidence in Police Chief Patrick Melvin and the administration he has put in place.

The association agrees that changes within the department were necessary and recognizes that a new chief will make personnel and policy decisions based on their management style and philosophy. Patrick Melvin was hired as Police Chief for Port Arthur on or about September 29, 2016. Chief Melvin's leadership and management style has resulted in approximately 25 members of the department leaving since he was hired. Many of the Officers that elected not to stay under Chief Melvin's leadership were long time Officer's and Supervisors at the department that had countless years of experience to offer to the department and the City.

A significant void in leadership occurred as a direct result of Chief Melvin's leadership style and philosophy. That void in management was filled with persons that lacked leadership experience. The result has been a further decline in the number of Officers and deterioration of morale among the Officers that remain. The lack of experience and leadership within the department was obvious during the tragic event of Hurricane Harvey making landfall in Southeast Texas. In addition, under Chief Melvin's leadership, the City has experienced more litigation against the City by Officers than at any other time in the history of the department, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees being incurred by the City.

The Executive Board of the Association welcomes the opportunity to discuss the direction of the department and these serious issues in detail with City Council and/or City Management to create a positive working environment that will benefit the City and the Citizens of Port Arthur.