View Full Version : America.jpg

10th November 2017, 12:23 PM

10th November 2017, 12:48 PM
Now, you know I don't think much of your "religion," but Muslims are right that America is (has become) a land of devils, and devil-worship.

Look at the "bipartisan" campaign of personal destruction against Roy Moore.

10th November 2017, 02:21 PM

Most American women can only dream of actual sexual attention...lol.

10th November 2017, 02:26 PM
I'm not sure what this thread means or where its going, but thought i would poke it with a stick to see if it stunk.

midnight rambler
10th November 2017, 04:23 PM
Bruce is really proud of his manboobs.

10th November 2017, 04:41 PM
WTF is the 7 foot thing on the left? The jew on the right is quite obvious. Girl in the middle I am not so sure about.

10th November 2017, 04:42 PM

Most American women can only dream of actual sexual attention...lol.

I look much better at that angle than that!

10th November 2017, 04:44 PM
I look mush better at that angle than that!

I'll bet it smells like a Norwegian fish market.

10th November 2017, 05:09 PM
Me thinks more like the dumpster behind it!
I'll bet it smells like a Norwegian fish market.

10th November 2017, 06:57 PM

Most American women can only dream of actual sexual attention...lol.

This is a family based forum, seeking wholesome values.

Posting this is just wrong. Remember, some things seen, can't be unseen, and this image just sucks.

10th November 2017, 09:16 PM
Damn it Jewboo, you upset Hitch!

10th November 2017, 10:16 PM
Damn it Jewboo, you upset Hitch!


Probably because Hitch's mom sent me this photo.


10th November 2017, 11:55 PM
WTF is the 7 foot thing on the left? The jew on the right is quite obvious. Girl in the middle I am not so sure about.

Bruce Jenner pretending to be a "woman" on the left, Mel Gibson on the right, and Rosalind Ross, Mel's girlfriend, in the middle.

10th November 2017, 11:57 PM
This is a family based forum, seeking wholesome values.

Posting this is just wrong. Remember, some things seen, can't be unseen, and this image just sucks.

Look at the bright side...the image could be much, much worse.

But yes, eye bleach is required.

11th November 2017, 01:08 AM
Bruce Jenner pretending to be a "woman" on the left, Mel Gibson on the right, and Rosalind Ross, Mel's girlfriend, in the middle.

My goodness I did not recognize Mel Gibson. For being anti semite he fits the part of being full blown semite.

11th November 2017, 01:24 AM
My goodness I did not recognize Mel Gibson. For being anti semite he fits the part of being full blown semite.

My wife said, "is that Saddam Hussein?" :D

11th November 2017, 05:29 PM

Probably because Hitch's mom sent me this photo.


The #1 addiction in America today, is pornography. This by far exceeds alcohol, gambling, etc.

I respectfully ask, you refrain sharing your addiction on this forum.

11th November 2017, 05:39 PM
That is not pornography sir, THAT is is a disgusting example of the female human anatomy! Surely you can tell the difference!!
The #1 addiction in America today, is pornography. This by far exceeds alcohol, gambling, etc.

I respectfully ask, you refrain sharing your addiction on this forum.

11th November 2017, 05:43 PM
That is not pornography sir, THAT is is a disgusting example of the female human anatomy! Surely you can tell the difference!!

It's pornography for Niggers...they like asses like that. But I concur with Hitch...I'd rather not see such shit here.

11th November 2017, 05:43 PM
That is not pornography sir, THAT is is a disgusting example of the female human anatomy! Surely you can tell the difference!!

There is no difference. That's the problem with society. Somehow, pornography is "OK" as long as the women are beautiful.

Disgusting or not, that's pornography. You SIR, are enabling it.

Go to Church and say 10 Hail Marys!!!!

11th November 2017, 05:50 PM
Lighten up guys, the original post of the picture was meant as a joke and you're both going all 10 commandments on that shit!

11th November 2017, 06:15 PM
Lighten up guys, the original post of the picture was meant as a joke and you're both going all 10 commandments on that shit!

I call BS to you. You've admitted you are a pervert who likes porn if the women are hot.

Some of us think that's wrong, that God expects better than that, and expects more out of us. We might not be able to change the world, but we can be an example of what God would want the world to be. Be that example! Don't justify a fat ugly ass picture. Be a better steward.

11th November 2017, 06:25 PM
This is a family based forum, seeking wholesome values.

Some hallucinogenic drug has obviously been introduced into the San Fransican water system.

Mushroom runoff from all the rain last season.

11th November 2017, 07:02 PM
Mel Gibson is the classic Marrano. He pretended to be the anti-Semite and in doing so, I'm sure he outed a lot of anti-Semites in Hollywood.

Jews are actors and they play their roles well.

old steel
11th November 2017, 09:54 PM
It's over, they have won.

We lost.

Where is your God now?

11th November 2017, 10:40 PM
Think again, old steel, it only appears that they have won, and, as we all should know, they are experts as "showing as fact, that which is pure fiction". Time on this earth is virtually endless, and all life forms are born, grow, live, AND DIE. This jew tribe has had a long run and saw their ultimate victory in getting our fathers and grandfathers to fight their battle for them against their last life-threatening challenge, the 3rd reich.

I perceive their current empire is old and only maintains its grip by clever use of their skills at showing a facade to the uninitiated, making it seem as if their is a solid base behind their facade when, in reality, it is empty space. More and more of we europeans are waking up and poking a finger into the paper shell of their facade and seeing there is NOTHING BEHIND IT!

Have heart, the future can be ours - I believe it will be.

old steel
12th November 2017, 12:48 AM
How many years since 1963?

How many since 2001?

Now they are busy remodeling KSA behind Israel to start a major regional war with Iran.

When will they stop winning?

Look at one of the first things he did in office. He debased our coinage

Kabbalist Talmudic Jews love that sort of thing. They like sending signals to the Goyim. Shtooping the Shiksas and doing murders on special days. They work on numerological dates. They like to do their dirty deeds when certain planets are in alignments. Magick Cabala is the secret verbal tradition of the Pharisees. It became written down in 73AD, forming the Babylonian Talmud. Our ((friends)) learned their methods during their time spent in Babylon.

Torah Judaism is only a front.

The magic mystery religion antecedents are Zohar, and before that Hermeticism. Hermeticism has its own strain through the Goyim world, Satanists and Luciferians.

The Swedish American Economist Thorstein Veblen identified the predator priest "leisure class." Early on, the priest class determined planting cycles, settled disputes, and were part of the useful productive class.

As time went on they became part of the leisure class. It is also important to note that money first came into being in the Temples. The first money was rods of gold, that would be cut off and weighed relative to barley. Money was in barley weights as payment from the Temple. The Temple priests traded goods in far away places and used the "metal" to trade what their "welfare" class of widows and orphans created.

Predator Priests can be seen today in religious constructs like Islam and Talmudic Judaism. These priests are still driven to acquire status and power. The Predator Priests have a direct lineage back in time to the beginning......Hermeticism.


Buffet has also noted the Leisure class:

American business entrepreneur Warren Buffett (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett) said that non-productive financial activities, such as day trading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_trading) (speculative buying-and-selling of financial securities) and arbitrage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrage) (manipulation of price-differentials among markets) have vindicated The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (1899), because such activities only produce capital, but do not produce useful goods and services for people.[25] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Theory_of_the_Leisure_Class#cite_note-James_2009.2C_p._62-25)

So, one could say that our ((masters)) will violently protect their leisure class status. Their construct is sophisticated, honed over thousands of years, and is passed down in secret societies. Their religion can morph, but at its root, they are all Hermetic in origin. Hermeticism is the original usury, the taking of something for nothing.

Those that deny Judaisms antecedents are not paying attention, and should be dismissed as ignorant rubes. Or if they do deny, maybe they are butt-hurt Jews themselves. Or, they are usury funded trolls casting hypnosis like a skunk spray.

12th November 2017, 01:17 AM
It's over, they have won.

We lost.

Where is your God now?

God is where He's always been.

We've lost every battle we've fought in the last two centuries, and we're going to lose any further battles. The final battle will be so bad we were warned, and promised, two millennia ago, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

Evil shall not triumph.

12th November 2017, 05:12 AM
They haven't won until I'm out of ammo!!
It's over, they have won.

We lost.

Where is your God now?

12th November 2017, 05:13 AM
It sounds like neither will good triumph. I'm not all that thrilled about how this story ends!
God is where He's always been.

We've lost every battle we've fought in the last two centuries, and we're going to lose any further battles. The final battle will be so bad we were warned, and promised, two millennia ago, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

Evil shall not triumph.

12th November 2017, 06:44 AM
How many years since 1963?

How many since 2001?

Now they are busy remodeling KSA behind Israel to start a major regional war with Iran.

When will they stop winning?

Look at one of the first things he did in office. He debased our coinage

Kabbalist Talmudic Jews love that sort of thing. They like sending signals to the Goyim. Shtooping the Shiksas and doing murders on special days. They work on numerological dates. They like to do their dirty deeds when certain planets are in alignments. Magick Cabala is the secret verbal tradition of the Pharisees. It became written down in 73AD, forming the Babylonian Talmud. Our ((friends)) learned their methods during their time spent in Babylon.

Torah Judaism is only a front.

The magic mystery religion antecedents are Zohar, and before that Hermeticism. Hermeticism has its own strain through the Goyim world, Satanists and Luciferians.

The Swedish American Economist Thorstein Veblen identified the predator priest "leisure class." Early on, the priest class determined planting cycles, settled disputes, and were part of the useful productive class.

As time went on they became part of the leisure class. It is also important to note that money first came into being in the Temples. The first money was rods of gold, that would be cut off and weighed relative to barley. Money was in barley weights as payment from the Temple. The Temple priests traded goods in far away places and used the "metal" to trade what their "welfare" class of widows and orphans created.

Predator Priests can be seen today in religious constructs like Islam and Talmudic Judaism. These priests are still driven to acquire status and power. The Predator Priests have a direct lineage back in time to the beginning......Hermeticism.


Buffet has also noted the Leisure class:

American business entrepreneur Warren Buffett (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett) said that non-productive financial activities, such as day trading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_trading) (speculative buying-and-selling of financial securities) and arbitrage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrage) (manipulation of price-differentials among markets) have vindicated The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (1899), because such activities only produce capital, but do not produce useful goods and services for people.[25] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Theory_of_the_Leisure_Class#cite_note-James_2009.2C_p._62-25)

So, one could say that our ((masters)) will violently protect their leisure class status. Their construct is sophisticated, honed over thousands of years, and is passed down in secret societies. Their religion can morph, but at its root, they are all Hermetic in origin. Hermeticism is the original usury, the taking of something for nothing.

Those that deny Judaisms antecedents are not paying attention, and should be dismissed as ignorant rubes. Or if they do deny, maybe they are butt-hurt Jews themselves. Or, they are usury funded trolls casting hypnosis like a skunk spray.

Best post at GSUS in years!

:o post more stuff like this

19th November 2017, 02:32 AM
Mel Gibson is the classic Marrano. He pretended to be the anti-Semite and in doing so, I'm sure he outed a lot of anti-Semites in Hollywood.

The only one I can think of is Charlie Sheen, Are they friends?

Nevertheless I think it is highly unlikely someone whose purpose is to out anti-semites in Hollywood would make a film like the "Passion of the Christ". Besides Marranos are Spanish crypto's, isn't Mel Gibson of British stock primarily?

19th November 2017, 04:37 AM
The only one I can think of is Charlie Sheen, Are they friends?

Nevertheless I think it is highly unlikely someone whose purpose is to out anti-semites in Hollywood would make a film like the "Passion of the Christ". Besides Marranos are Spanish crypto's, isn't Mel Gibson of British stock primarily?There was Marlon Brando, too. Crypto, Marrano and Donmeh are practically interchangeable.

19th November 2017, 05:57 AM

And this:


Question is did he say that because himself is a crypto or to save his skin?

midnight rambler
19th November 2017, 06:23 AM
Mel’s contrition was to save his own hide, what he said to the jooish cop is what he genuinely felt/believed.

19th November 2017, 06:30 AM
Mel’s contrition was to save his own hide, what he said to the jooish cop is what he genuinely felt/believed.

That is what I think too. Somewhat I can't blame him for looking out for his own interest either. In many ways he has done more than anyone else to expose the kikery of Hollywood, and he have payed a lot for it too.

19th November 2017, 06:40 AM

And this:


Question is did he say that because himself is a crypto or to save his skin?Watched parts of them, lips don't match words. Did he say anything revealing at all?

19th November 2017, 11:57 AM
Wasn't it Winona Ryder who claimed he called her an 'Oven Dodger' at a party? He must have had a few too many then also. I don't think he is a Jew.

19th November 2017, 12:54 PM
Wasn't it Winona Ryder who claimed he called her an 'Oven Dodger' at a party? He must have had a few too many then also. I don't think he is a Jew.Real "anti-Semites" expose Jews. Fake ones add to their victim status.

19th November 2017, 02:51 PM
Watched parts of them, lips don't match words. Did he say anything revealing at all?

He said he thought he was unfairly treated by the kikes after making the "Passion of Christ".

19th November 2017, 03:15 PM
He said he thought he was unfairly treated by the kikes after making the "Passion of Christ".How revealing! That should wake up the masses!

19th November 2017, 03:19 PM
How revealing! That should wake up the masses!

Not quite he was mostly apologizing. But he was using that as a reason for "his bad behavior" when drunk...

19th November 2017, 04:02 PM
Warning for God Fearing people of religeon and children, DO NOT LOOK!

No clue what her face looks like but in my far upheld standards I'd HIT it til my bat was broken...



19th November 2017, 05:20 PM
I'd HIT it til my bat was broken...

After those 2 short minutes its possible she'd wake up.

20th November 2017, 04:54 AM
After those 2 short minutes its possible she'd wake up.
