View Full Version : Anthony Scaramucci’s infamous Holocaust poll

11th November 2017, 05:50 AM
~one third not buying skype story. better step up the censorship...damn internet


Anthony Scaramucci’s infamous Holocaust poll cost him a speaking gig, Page Six reported. The extremely short-lived director of communications for the White House apologized Wednesday after his media venture Scaramucci Post put a poll on Twitter asking users how many people died in the Holocaust. Scaramucci pledged to give $25,000 to the Simon Wiesenthal Center as penance.

A staffer for the Scaramucci Post apologized for posting the poll.

“I apologize,” Lance Laifer wrote on Twitter. “The intent of the poll was to highlight ignorance of the basic facts of the Holocaust. I take full responsibility for it.”

A source told Page Six that Scaramucci’s November speaking engagement at the investment firm Neuberger Berman was cancelled, saying that managers at the firm worried that hosting Scaramucci would direct criticism toward the firm.

Scaramucci said the cancellation was due to a scheduling conflict.

“We were trying to raise awareness,” he added. “Still we made a mistake, we apologized, made a donation to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and we are moving on.”

Correction, October 19, 2017, 12:10pm: This story has been updated to show that Scaramucci has currently lost only one speaking gig. A previous version of this story suggested that he had lost multiple gigs.

Correction, October 19, 2017, 2:32pm: This article has been updated to show that the speaking engagement was not paid, as Page Six first reported.


11th November 2017, 05:58 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/10/17/16/456D1B7700000578-4989332-The_Anti_Defamation_League_weighed_in_demanding_th at_the_Scaramu-a-28_1508254518619.jpg



11th November 2017, 06:12 AM
No one asked me if this was resolved or not so for me, it's NOT!!!
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/10/17/16/456D1B7700000578-4989332-The_Anti_Defamation_League_weighed_in_demanding_th at_the_Scaramu-a-28_1508254518619.jpg



11th November 2017, 06:35 AM
No one asked me if this was resolved or not so for me, it's NOT!!!

The ADL is TELLING you it's resolved, and you can always trust in and believe the ADL. They wouldn't lie. /sarcasm

11th November 2017, 06:36 AM
Yeah, I tried running that by my brain and my brain soundly rejected the idea!
The ADL is TELLING you it's resolved, and you can always trust in and believe the ADL. They wouldn't lie. /sarcasm

11th November 2017, 06:41 AM
Yeah, I tried running that by my brain and my brain soundly rejected the idea!

Anything anymore said from a Jew gets stopped at the metaphorical propaganda firewall.

11th November 2017, 09:10 AM
The holocaust is per definition 6 million burned Jews. So the good news is that it hasn't happened yet. Which means we have that to look forward to. I think Israel has about 6 million, and so does US. Take your pick! I am guessing nuked or mega asteroid and for that reason I think Israel would be better, as they are better concentrated there. It could be Yellowstone as well.

11th November 2017, 10:26 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/10/17/16/456D1B7700000578-4989332-The_Anti_Defamation_League_weighed_in_demanding_th at_the_Scaramu-a-28_1508254518619.jpg

Indeed, it is:

1) around 300,000 Jews killed;
2) no "gas chambers";
3) several million "missing" Jews relocated to the USSR and/or "Israel."

Six Million™ is a Kabbalistic number (ask Goldissima). For religious reasons, the number cannot be less.

11th November 2017, 03:40 PM
Indeed, it is:

1) around 300,000 Jews killed;
2) no "gas chambers";
3) several million "missing" Jews relocated to the USSR and/or "Israel."

Six Million™ is a Kabbalistic number (ask Goldissima). For religious reasons, the number cannot be less.


11th November 2017, 05:52 PM
It's 6 Gorillian, isn't it?

11th November 2017, 06:44 PM
Remember the holodomor, where 60 MILLION White Christians perished at the hands of jew "Stalin". Real name jdukahsvilli , or son of the jew. Check out a pic of his father Beso.
so is 60,000,000<6,000,000
or 60,000,000> 6,000,000

12th November 2017, 05:14 AM
Fuck the jews! I'm tired of hearing their ranting about the hall of costs! It never happened!!!
Remember the holodomor, where 60 MILLION White Christians perished at the hands of jew "Stalin". Real name jdukahsvilli , or son of the jew. Check out a pic of his father Beso.
so is 60,000,000<6,000,000
or 60,000,000> 6,000,000