View Full Version : Natalia Veselnitskaya -- Russian female attorney in on Uranium One deal- with Putin?

14th November 2017, 04:34 PM
I do not agree fully with much with Gotcha continual Trump all good meme, but what is curious to me is that I tried to find the very recent news item tying this woman to the Uranium One deal and this was absolutely the only thing I could find.

Of course, the corporate news media does not want to cover this rather bombshell news and why the search engines are getting so poor and will only give very old hits on this woman and her activities in US.

What I find also glaringly lacking is anyone giving an honest assessment of this woman's connection to the Moscow Kremlin and Vladimir Putin. If she was acting for the Putin and the Krimlin in grabbing 20 percent of U.S. uranium, then Putin is not at all to ever be trusted again.

Brother Nathaniel always praises "Christian Russian" and Putin and Russian Orthodox religion, same religion of Brother Nathaniel and how U S money system is controlled by the Jewish international bankers, that part true enough. Brother always gives good information about how international jewish bankers control money. Brother Nathaniel hates Trump and hates traditional Catholicism and always praises Putin and his schismatic Russian Orthodox church. (I am gathering that since Rense.com is losing market chare, BroNate has moved his operation to his YouTube channel - Brother Nathanael.)

But no one speaking about the banksters and the Jews will tell us all about Putin possibly sending this woman over here, with help with VISA by Killary and company, and won't tell us about Putin and the Kremlin behind the whole horrible theft and major attack on U S. national security.

Both the Left and the Right are carefully refusing to tell us the whole truth about Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Until we have some good objective information about her, I don't want to hear how great Putin and Trump are getting along.


Gotcha: Russian Lawyer Met With Hillary Clinton Camp Firm Before Don Jr.

Published on Nov 10, 2017


Gotcha: Russian Lawyer Met With Hillary Clinton Camp Firm Before Don Jr.

"Anyone remember Natalia Veselnitskaya? You might not. If you are a liberal, she was to June of this year what George Papadopoulos is to November: Proof positive that President Trump is like, days away from being impeached and he totally colluded with Russia and OMG why don’t all you conservatives get it? As a refresher, Veselnitskaya was the Russian lawyer with supposed Kremlin ties who met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and others within the Trump campaign back in June of 2016, purportedly with dirt on Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, all she wanted to do was lobby for the end of the Magnitsky Act, which is a suite of sanctions on Russian oligarchs. In spite of the fact that Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine actually told The Washington Post that Don Jr. could be investigated for “treason” for the meeting (proving yet again that the Clinton camp only picks winners), it quickly became clear that no Russian conspiracy or collusion came out of the meeting. Now, an anonymous source has come forward to say that Fusion GPS — the firm hired by Clinton’s campaign to put together the infamous “Trump dossier” — actually arranged the meeting between Veselnitskaya and the Trump campaign. "


14th November 2017, 05:26 PM
Wow, images for 'trump putin asia' are all 404'd Talk about damage control or some shit.

14th November 2017, 07:42 PM
Never undervalue a proper and timely scapegoat. They can sometimes repeatedly be used.

Putin, Trump, Clinton, Comey, any 3 letter agency its like the cycle of life scapegoat fiesta and they all partake.