View Full Version : judeo-bolshevists

16th November 2017, 07:02 PM
judeo-bolshevists, judeo-bolshevism

not my creation, but what a hammer term. read it in a 1937 paper. let's see if it makes a comeback :o

17th November 2017, 01:09 AM
judeo-bolshevists, judeo-bolshevism

not my creation, but what a hammer term. read it in a 1937 paper. let's see if it makes a comeback :o

It certainly makes more sense than "judeo-christian".

17th November 2017, 07:54 AM
those in the know will recognize its redundancy. those people are not the target audience

17th November 2017, 08:04 AM
from jr's rare books site, pdf file

small clip from the paper, 1937 -- on their experiences w/skype:

Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation for
the peoples of the world.

This realization has blazed a trail in Germany; in increasing measure, it
is becoming the common property of all nations of culture.

Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies, the
disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every people
is being drawn more and more into the light of day.

Everywhere where
morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where racketeering
and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic dialectics
undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist propaganda
transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the healthy race of the
people is made sick and desecrated -- there one meets everywhere the
tracks of the Jew.

That is the historical experience of every century and of all peoples.
The new and peculiar, which the Present adds to this ancient human
experience, is the appearance of Bolshevism; in its shape World Jewry
rises to the decisive attack upon the peoples of culture.

The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its
peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises, cheating in
gambling, usury, sexual offenses of all kinds, pickpocketing, high
treason, etc.

The Jew is fundamentally and basically criminal. Crime is, for him, the
form of existence inherent in him. He is continuously and inescapably
on the attack against the natural laws of order of the Volksgemeinschaft
[= ethnic community] and the communal life of the various peoples. It
is by no means money per se for which he strives.

This view is a
dangerous prejudice, which is apt to divert the gaze of the investigator
and the politician from the essence. Money is for the Jew only a means
to an end, the end goal is, for him, always the conquest of power, the
usurpation of unlimited power over people. The entire content of the socalled
'religion' of Judaism and its Chosen status is a mere monstrosity
of its morbid greed for power. Thus its 'religion' is directed against
God, its Law against Right, its morals against morality.

Its nature is
contrary to Nature, its ethnic consciousness is anti-ethnic, its
nationalism is internationalist and its politics is crime. Therefore, the
Jew is the true Anti-Man, the ruined member of a sub-racial mixture.
He is the born leader of the Untermenschtum [sub-humanity].

Bolshevism is the form of Jewish criminality 'adapted' to and
rationalized for modern conditions. The Communist Internationale is
its propaganda tool, and the Soviet Union its tool of power politics.
Impotent to achieve and build, Judeo-Bolshevism works at
exterminating and destroying when and where it appears. It is the Front
of the vulgar and the less-worthy, the reservoir for the expectoration of

With the toxin of crime and the weapon of Bolshevism, the Jew
conducts his war of extermination against all that is wholesome, true,
good and noble in the world. He is the embodiment of evil, which
rebels against God and Nature.

Wherein his pestilential breath strikes,
the effect is lethal. Who fights with the Jew, fights with the Devil, just
as the Führer in his book Mein Kampf already said more than a decade
ago: "Inasmuch as I struggle to protect against the Jew, I am fighting
for the work of the Lord."

17th November 2017, 12:43 PM
from jr's rare books site, pdf file

small clip from the paper, 1937 -- on their experiences w/skype:

Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation for
the peoples of the world.

This realization has blazed a trail in Germany; in increasing measure, it
is becoming the common property of all nations of culture.

Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies, the
disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every people
is being drawn more and more into the light of day.

Everywhere where
morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where racketeering
and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic dialectics
undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist propaganda
transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the healthy race of the
people is made sick and desecrated -- there one meets everywhere the
tracks of the Jew.

That is the historical experience of every century and of all peoples.
The new and peculiar, which the Present adds to this ancient human
experience, is the appearance of Bolshevism; in its shape World Jewry
rises to the decisive attack upon the peoples of culture.

The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its
peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises, cheating in
gambling, usury, sexual offenses of all kinds, pickpocketing, high
treason, etc.

The Jew is fundamentally and basically criminal. Crime is, for him, the
form of existence inherent in him. He is continuously and inescapably
on the attack against the natural laws of order of the Volksgemeinschaft
[= ethnic community] and the communal life of the various peoples. It
is by no means money per se for which he strives.

This view is a
dangerous prejudice, which is apt to divert the gaze of the investigator
and the politician from the essence. Money is for the Jew only a means
to an end, the end goal is, for him, always the conquest of power, the
usurpation of unlimited power over people. The entire content of the socalled
'religion' of Judaism and its Chosen status is a mere monstrosity
of its morbid greed for power. Thus its 'religion' is directed against
God, its Law against Right, its morals against morality.

Its nature is
contrary to Nature, its ethnic consciousness is anti-ethnic, its
nationalism is internationalist and its politics is crime. Therefore, the
Jew is the true Anti-Man, the ruined member of a sub-racial mixture.
He is the born leader of the Untermenschtum [sub-humanity].

Bolshevism is the form of Jewish criminality 'adapted' to and
rationalized for modern conditions. The Communist Internationale is
its propaganda tool, and the Soviet Union its tool of power politics.
Impotent to achieve and build, Judeo-Bolshevism works at
exterminating and destroying when and where it appears. It is the Front
of the vulgar and the less-worthy, the reservoir for the expectoration of

With the toxin of crime and the weapon of Bolshevism, the Jew
conducts his war of extermination against all that is wholesome, true,
good and noble in the world. He is the embodiment of evil, which
rebels against God and Nature.

Wherein his pestilential breath strikes,
the effect is lethal. Who fights with the Jew, fights with the Devil, just
as the Führer in his book Mein Kampf already said more than a decade
ago: "Inasmuch as I struggle to protect against the Jew, I am fighting
for the work of the Lord."

Judeo-Bolshevism is today what is called "Progressive".

19th November 2017, 05:34 AM

19th November 2017, 06:32 AM

A fine example of a progressive!