View Full Version : The Adventures of Joe Biden..................

17th November 2017, 02:13 AM
The Adventures of Creepy Joe Biden: Serial Young Girl-Toucher

(http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/facebook/offer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fbig-government%2F2017%2F11%2F16%2Fadventures-creepy-joe-biden-serial-young-girl-toucher%2F&pubid=ra-536db77a775cf072&text=The+Adventures+of+Creepy+Joe+Biden%3A+Serial+ Young+Girl-Toucher)

http://media.breitbart.com/media/2017/01/AP_17003826653653-640x480.jpgAP Photo/Alex Brandon

by JOHN NOLTE (http://www.breitbart.com/author/john-nolte/)16 Nov 20176,818 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/16/adventures-creepy-joe-biden-serial-young-girl-toucher/#disqus_thread)
As I wrote on Wednesday (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/11/15/nolte-msms-phony-clinton-contrition-about-destroying-roy-moore/), the biggest media hoax going right now is this sudden contrition over the shielding of Bill Clinton for 25 years against numerous allegations that ranged from sexual harassment to flat-out rape.

There are two reasons we know this is just another fake news wave of media BS. The first is that this very same media is right now shielding Democrat Senator Bob Menendez from the allegations he had sex with underage prostitutes. The second is creepy Joe Biden, the serial young girl-toucher.
For just one moment set aside your personal political beliefs and imagine the media reaction if President Trump, or any Republican, was photographed doing this:
http://media.breitbart.com/media/2017/11/Polit.png (http://media.breitbart.com/media/2017/11/Polit.png)
The reason Biden is allowed to get away with wildly inappropriate behavior involving young, and even underage girls (as you will see below), is because, duh, he is a Democrat and is therefore allowed to do so whatever he wants with young girls.
Also a factor is that our corrupt media sees Biden as their best chance to bring back the glory of the Obama-era by defeating Trump in 2020. And as we have seen with Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, and are seeing right now with Bob Menendez, when it comes to the media’s Cause, women and girls are expendable.
Anyway, the good news is that the media will never get away with covering up Biden’s disgustingly creepy behavior, not in this age of New Media. And if Creepy Joe does decide to run in 2020, the political ads using these videos and photos will be the stuff of legend.
With thanks to Richard Armande Mills (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F) and Ace of Spades (http://ace.mu.nu/archives/372531.php), who did a great job compiling these, I present to you…
The Adventures of Creepy Joe Biden: Serial Young Girl-Toucher.


8:35 PM - Nov 15, 2017 (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930730917118689280)
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqe1KqUIAAYHXZ.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930730917118689280/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqe1KqVQAA1yRW.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930730917118689280/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqe1KrU8AEcFar.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930730917118689280/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqe1KwVoAAD_Cw.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930730917118689280/photo/1)

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqcXjsVwAE6zAt.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930728239491817472/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqcXjuVAAAlutV.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930728239491817472/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqcXjoUEAIENBv.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930728239491817472/photo/1)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOqcXjwUMAA9QSW.jpg:small (https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930728239491817472/photo/1)


17th November 2017, 07:38 AM
Biden was great meme material during Obama's presidency; Trump doesn't make for as many funny memes.

17th November 2017, 07:40 AM
I think Bidet misunderstood what "Vice" means.

17th November 2017, 07:54 AM
At least he's not a gay pedophile! :)

17th November 2017, 09:19 AM
At least he's not a gay pedophile! :)

No pics of biden with little boys?

17th November 2017, 10:07 AM
biden wont be the candidate. take that to the bank.

the get-whitey party needs something from female/minority

17th November 2017, 11:58 AM
biden wont be the candidate. take that to the bank.

the get-whitey party needs something from female/minority

Michael 0'Bama? Got everything, black erectus transgender "sheboon"...

17th November 2017, 01:53 PM
biden wont be the candidate. take that to the bank.

the get-whitey party needs something from female/minority

Good lord, I hope you're not right, but I'm afraid you are. The first black lesbian female to run for president is basically guaranteed to win, in today's SJW world.

17th November 2017, 05:55 PM
Good lord, I hope you're not right, but I'm afraid you are. The first black lesbian female to run for president is basically guaranteed to win, in today's SJW world.
Will he/she wear a strap-on under his/her sheer big boy suit?

I would post a random picture but afraid it might be a bannable offense so I will hold back and leave that to the moderators.

17th November 2017, 10:54 PM
Good lord, I hope you're not right, but I'm afraid you are. The first black lesbian female to run for president is basically guaranteed to win, in today's SJW world.

And , and......... she will be married to her self.

17th November 2017, 11:22 PM
Good lord, I hope you're not right, but I'm afraid you are. The first black lesbian female to run for president is basically guaranteed to win, in today's SJW world.

I don't think so against Trump. Probably a white male has the best chance against him.

If a black lesbian runs against Trump, he'll get 85% of the white vote.