View Full Version : Federal Court, Ninth Circuit about to legalize prostitution

17th November 2017, 06:29 AM
I wonder if California and the states that have a state amusements sales tax will accept payment of taxes in kind.


Newsrooms from coast-to-coast have reported that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco gave the go-ahead to hear…

A lawsuit to legalize prostitution.

The case was brought to court by three former prostitutes! Imagine!

And here’s the scary part:

I fear that the judges have already made up their minds! Check out these press reports. I’ve emphasized the most important piece:

“…Thursday’s three-judge panel indicated times have changed and it’s time to review the law again.”

The “three-judge panel…suggested that the law might need closer scrutiny, given today’s less restrictive standards…”

Is that bad news for all of America?

Absolutely! The danger is that the 9th Circuit is a federal court, and, as I’m sure you know, all too often legal decisions in Federal Courts…

…become the law of the land!

But there’s more. Read this court transcript:

Judge Carlos Bea: “Why is it illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?”

Judge Consuelo Callahan, citing the 2003 Supreme Court case legalizing private, non-commercial homosexual sex: “why wouldn’t a ruling for the right to engage in prostitution be “a natural extension of this Supreme Court precedent?”

if pimps and gangs are no longer constrained by law – our country will end up with prostitutes…

working on your neighborhood streets
near your children’s or grandchildren’s schools and recreation spots
near your husband’s or wife’s place of work or at their favorite lunch spot
...all across America!

But back to the court--

Arguing for the plaintiffs, Attorney Louis Sirkin, said:

“I believe the people in this country
have the right to act this way and to
make a living this way.”

But Stop! Unfortunately, people can use their free-will to engage in immoralities, but it should not be legal to do so in public! And California's current laws discouraging public prostitution are hardly draconian. They are fair with very reasonable penalties.

I believe that all of us and our children and grandchildren have the right to live in peace in our neighborhoods and drive through our cities without prostitutes and pimps legally operating on every street corner.

According to findlaw . com, in California:

A lewd act requires physical contact of a sexual nature, sexual conduct, or sexual intercourse between two people.
It is a crime to solicit prostitution, such as offering to pay money for sex, or to…
Pander prostitution (activity commonly referred to as ‘pimping’)

Again per findlaw . com, current California penalties are:

A first offense: sentenced as a misdemeanor: probation, short county jail time, or a fine
One prior conviction under prostitution laws: 45 days in county jail
Two or more: at least 90 days in county jail

This is good law. It should not be eliminated!

It discourages bad and harmful social behavior. It recognizes we are dealing with broken and imperfect people without demanding the perfection of angels.

Human law cannot, in every situation, mirror the absoluteness of Divine law.

So are these current California prostitution laws, just, fair and reasonable?


Is there any good reason to change them?



To the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals:
“I oppose legalized prostitution
and I urge you to foster virtue,
not vice, and discourage prostitution
not legalize it.”



I am not advocating or not not advocating signing the Petition but here is the petition message.

Honorable Judges
Of The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

I remind you that our decisions and laws should discourage, not legalize and thus encourage an immoral and harmful social behavior such as prostitution.

I believe that to find that prostitution should be legalized would be an affront to the honorable posts you hold and a break with the public trust.

Current California prostitution laws adequately protect the public of all ages and situations from those who would prey upon them.

Uphold the current prostitution laws. Defend the common good. Do NOT Legalize Prostitution.



17th November 2017, 06:31 AM
The 9th Circus needs to be short circuited!

17th November 2017, 07:37 AM
I think legalizing prostitution is a very bad signal of the moral collapse of our society, but if it is legalized, I don't think we will see more pimps and prostitutes on the streets, we'll see legal brothels and sex hotels pop up all around. The only reason they roam the streets right now is because it's illegal and they have no private place to sell their services.

17th November 2017, 07:52 AM
judeo-bolshevism strkes again

17th November 2017, 07:52 AM
It is interesting to think about what we will see or not see in our towns.

The one state where it is legalized is a hell hole of all hell holes and appears to be the vanguard state for installation of the police state.

18th November 2017, 11:53 PM
I think that any system based on greed and profit causes emotional prostitution, physical prostitution is just a byproduct

19th November 2017, 04:59 AM
The feminists have to be torn on this. On one hand, there's that whole " Our Bodies, Ourselves" thing. On the other hand, it's going to greatly reduce their ability to get laid. What to do, what to do?

19th November 2017, 05:14 AM
To offer sex for money is to invite a contract. Specifically a contract that involves illegal tender. Legal tender is not lawful tender. A tender is an offer.

Politicians are prostitutes when they accept tender of money in exchange for legislation. Courts are considering legalizing politicians?

19th November 2017, 05:24 AM
I remember that prostitution was legal in Nevada back in the early seventies. I knew a gal who had been employed at a whorehouse in Carson City as a hooker before I met her. Whorehouses were not uncommon in the West until the sixties.

Look at what prostitution is. A woman gets paid for sex. Ever since women's liberation, women have been getting paid for sex, even more so than before. Why is it that jewelry and furniture have the greatest markup? Because those are the things men buy for women so they can have sex.
Look at the relationships between men and women today. Why do women change boyfriends and husbands so often? Because sex is most valuable during the early part of their relationship. Back when people married, had kids and stayed together all their lives, women got paid very little for sex. Jewish social engineering made them into hookers. They had to outlaw whorehouses so wives/girlfriends wouldn't have any competition from honest women who did not pretend they weren't getting paid for it.

I had asked the ex-hooker about Blacks. She said none ever showed up at the whorehouse she worked at. Today, whorehouses are a bad idea because of anti-discrimination laws.

19th November 2017, 09:51 AM
As if America didn't have enough whores already.

19th November 2017, 11:14 AM
As if America didn't have enough whores already.

Whores are free, prostitutes are like pre-paid ex girlfriends...

19th November 2017, 11:35 AM
I remember that prostitution was legal in Nevada back in the early seventies. I knew a gal who had been employed at a whorehouse in Carson City as a hooker before I met her. Whorehouses were not uncommon in the West until the sixties.

As far as I know, whorehouses are still legal in Nevada. I stopped into one maybe 15 years ago just to check it out. It was surprisingly very upscale. I ended up having drinks with one of the prostitutes at the bar for awhile, and she was extremely intelligent, and awakened to what's going on. She had read the kuran completely, several times, and managed to convince me then that islam wants to take over the world. She woke me up to that, plus she bashed hollywood and the media quite a bit. She even said I wouldn't believe the number of actors and media people come through the place. So many that they actually had a back entrance to the building, so they can not be seen by the public when they arrived in their limos. She wouldn't give me any names though.

If prostitution would be legalized, it would need to be like Nevada, imo. I do think it would cut down on the illegal prostitution, which preys on kids and passes diseases around.

19th November 2017, 12:22 PM
Whores started making more dough than average day workers.

It had to be made taxable.

Income Taxpayers themselves are at the root of the cancer.

19th November 2017, 03:10 PM
So, let me get this right. Whore politicians whoring out their influence to the highest bidder, are suddenly making it "legal" for women to do it without prosecution!? What a crazy world we live in.