View Full Version : US Government Gearing Up To Slaughter 90,000 Wild Horses

21st November 2017, 11:46 AM
that is what happens when one thinks that one needs 1lb meat/daily... sorry, the human body only needs this very amount weekly... massive blood rituals in slaughterhouses condones more blood ritual

but of course, anybody knowing that one gets the proteins from essential amino acids in plants (that is how cows get muscles) dont even need meat, like bypassing the middle man, or/and eat eggs instead

horses are competing or meat inc just wants to defend its bloody profit$?

every time one sees a mass slaughter, following the money is always useful. It works the same way for animals and humans alike

eating consciously is a strict discipline

US Government Gearing Up To Slaughter 90,000 Wild Horses
If recent developments are anything to go by, the United States government could be slaughtering 90,000 wild horses at the behest of the livestock lobby.

The question of what to do with wild horses on land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been a subject of debate for some time with accusations that the horses are competing for precious grass resources in the American West.

Pro-slaughter proponents argue that the population of the horses is too large. Opponents, however, point out that 80% of BLM land grazed by livestock has no wild horses on it at all.

Still, livestock industry groups are lobbying for the killing and slaughter of wild horses and burros and the U.S. government is showing signs that it is preparing to do just that.'


GOT MILK ??? ??? ???

Dairy Industry Killed Off 500,000 Cows In Alleged Price-Fixing Scheme

22nd November 2017, 05:45 AM
Horses are not native to North America. The mustang originated from runaway horses and horses ranchers missed when rounding up their cavvys. The horse is not native to this continent and has no natural enemies or predators to establish a balance with nature. Because of Wild Horse Annie’s Wild Horse and Burro Act the mustang is protected. It is illeagal to capture or kill them. Because of law, government management policies and lacking natural enemies they have overpopulated the western ranges to the point they are starving to death. I have seen herds of mustangs traveling so far from feed to water the are so sore-footed they can barely walk. The coyotes follow along and kill the colts that are too weak to keep with the herd. Wild Horse Annie’s dream turned out to be cruelty to animals.


BLM advisory board urges bold actions for addressing wild horse crises (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/10/26/blm-advisory-board-urges-bold-actions-for-addressing-wild-horse-crises/)

Home (http://freerangereport.com/)/Bureau of Land Management (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/bureau-of-land-management/), Livestock (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/livestock/), Rural Interests (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/rural-interests/)/BLM advisory board urges bold actions for addressing wild horse crises

The Sad Reality

Bureau of Land Management (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/bureau-of-land-management/),Livestock (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/livestock/),Rural Interests (http://freerangereport.com/index.php/category/rural-interests/) | October 26, 2017

The BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro program currently eats up about $80 million (https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/about-the-program/program-data) per year, with $50 million of that going to the care of excess horses in federal holding facilities. Despite increasing rates of horse and burro adoption, the measures now practiced are insufficient to address exploding horse populations, which may grow by up to 20 percent per year.

by Marjorie Haun

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro (WH&B) Advisory Board has released the list of recommendations it will present to BLM officials next March. The advisory board is composed of seven individuals with various perspectives and backgrounds, but all with experience in horse science, management, and husbandry. The board participated in three days of meetings and intensive presentations held October 17th through the 19th. The first day consisted of a tour of the Little Book Cliffs Horse Management Area (HMA) located just north of Grand Junction, Colorado, where the other days’ meetings where held. The board hosted a range of presenters, including cooperative volunteer organizations, experts in wildlife, range health, wild horse population control, and horse rehabilitation and training.

Always a contentious topic, wild horse management has become fiercely politicized, and because of the intentional mischaracterization of proposed management strategies, the subject has also become an emotionally volatile one. One such proposal; humane euthanasia of animals which are sick, old, lamed or unadobtable, is at the center of controversy. Humane euthanasia is allowed under the Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Management Act of 1971 (https://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/92-195.htm), and has always been an option, but largely due to misinformation campaigns and lawsuits from horse ‘advocate’ groups, the BLM has not applied the practice. Another controversial proposal is the unrestricted sale of horses to domestic and international purchasers.

With approximately 150,000 excess horses–above appropriate management level (AML)–on the range and in BLM holding facilities, and some herds facing starvation, dehydration, inbreeding, and severe range depletion, drastic measures may be necessary to stem the protracted suffering of many animals.

The BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro program currently eats up about $80 million (https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/about-the-program/program-data) per year, with $50 million of that going to the care of excess horses in federal holding facilities. Despite increasing rates of horse and burro adoption, the measures now practiced are insufficient to address exploding horse populations, which may grow by up to 20 percent per year. It was made clear at the WH&B meetings that wild horse management is already at a crisis point on America’s western range. With solid science and a spectrum of solutions offered by presenters, the WH&B advisory board worked to create a consensus for the following recommendations:
Explanatory comments added by FRR editor

Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board RecommendationsGrand Junction Colorado, October 19, 2017
That the WH&B NAB have their next meeting in Washington DC and present their most recent recommendations, including those presented in September 2016, to agency officials.* Tentatively to be scheduled early in the calendar year, but before the middle of March 2018.

Phase out long-term holding over the next 3 years and apply that budget to on-range management and adoptions.
Create funding mechanisms to maximize adoptions and or sales, especially through successful programs, and to include international adoptions and or sales.

Increase WH&B funding for reversible fertility control by $3M in FY 2019.

BLM will immediately (within the next 3 years) follow the WH&B Act and remove excess animals from the range to achieve (appropriate management level) AML. Further, BLM will use the help and assistance of all state and local agencies, organizations and individuals in achieving AML.

Maintain AML by using fertility control to slow population growth at levels where removals equal the adoption demand.
Adjust AML where appropriate.

*Most recent recommendations, “including those presented in September 2016,” as mentioned in the first recommendation from the October 2017 meeting include:
•BLM should follow the stipulations of the 1971 Wild Horse & Burro Act allowing excess horses in long or short-term holding facilities to be sold without restrictions on sale, and that horses ill-suited for adoption or sale should be humanely euthanized.

•Excess animals should be removed out of designated sage grouse areas because of their potential for range degradation.
•Requirement for the BLM to study the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of horse-related range degradation, including the effects of livestock removal from herd management areas and reduced livestock AUM’s (animal unit months) on communities

•BLM resource advisory councils (RAC’s) should make recommendations for horse management and rehabilitation based on the needs of specific herd management areas.

For more information on the most recent WH&B meetings, and a list of presenters, please visit the BLM website. (https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/get-involved/advisory-board)
To adopt a wild horse or burro, please go here. (https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/adoption-and-sales)

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22nd November 2017, 05:54 AM
Good luck explaining logic and consequences to someone who lives in their own delusion of make believe reality.

23rd November 2017, 11:41 PM
what do you have to say about the 500K cows slaughtered to keep the price of milk high... profit seeking is a delusion onto itself.

Monty article is an eye opener but from a gov perspectibe, WHILE there are other factors...

how deluded are you to think that man is able to manage nature when corrupting HER natural laws in the first place ??? ???

the point in the OP is that when one has to resort to slaughter that many horses, a scam/hoax is at the core of the issue.

case point: Idiotic animal rights groups combined with inefficient gov policies/lobbies... and cattle owners protecting their income. A recipe for disaster... look at our world ecological situation: do you see the delusion/farce? Why because everybody wants to capitalize on nature. Am I deluded for saying this?

Meanwhile people want their steak every day and overwhelm their liver and kidneys, all good for bigpharma and diabetes/cancer Inc

we live in a MULTI-LAYERED fallacies society, and I am seeing the BIG picture... you obviously cannot. This article posted by monty justifies statism, and I am not going to take it for granted

Good luck explaining logic and consequences to someone who lives in their own delusion of make believe reality.

24th November 2017, 07:44 AM
what do you have to say about the 500K cows slaughtered to keep the price of milk high... profit seeking is a delusion onto itself.

Lady I grew up on a farm, slaughtering animals (Chickens, Pigs, Cows, Deer (during hunting season) etc) is what I did. My parents were poor and it kept us fed.

Monty article is an eye opener but from a gov perspectibe, WHILE there are other factors...

What other factors would those be besides the fact that Horses are not native to this continent and have no natural predators?

how deluded are you to think that man is able to manage nature when corrupting HER natural laws in the first place ??? ???

Look up invasive species.. :rolleyes:

the point in the OP is that when one has to resort to slaughter that many horses, a scam/hoax is at the core of the issue.

You have no point, you never do. You ramble baseless bullshit. When confronted with actual facts and logic you divert and try to twist the discussion to fit your narrative and often times failing miserably.

case point: Idiotic animal rights groups combined with inefficient gov policies/lobbies... and cattle owners protecting their income. A recipe for disaster... look at our world ecological situation: do you see the delusion/farce? Why because everybody wants to capitalize on nature. Am I deluded for saying this?

It's called civilization and has been done for millennia. For that time honored question for which you never have an answer for. How exactly do you feed a society "freely"? Someone has to work to produce the food. Your bullshit fantasy will not cut it in reality on feeding anyone.

Meanwhile people want their steak every day and overwhelm their liver and kidneys, all good for bigpharma and diabetes/cancer Inc

Wrong again, its grains that overwhelm the liver and kidneys. It spikes glucose as well causing the pancreas to excrete more insulin forcing the body to absorb it. It's called Type 2 diabetes and can result in organ failure that you described. Guess which form of food has the lowest glucose levels of any known protein source? Yes that's right, meat.

we live in a MULTI-LAYERED fallacies society, and I am seeing the BIG picture... you obviously cannot. This article posted by monty justifies statism, and I am not going to take it for granted

Yeah you keep telling yourself that when you can't even answer basic questions. You don't see the "BIG" picture, you only see your own rectum as your head is so far up your ass as that is really all you can see.

24th November 2017, 07:56 AM
Plus the fact on many of the same lands cows are being run, and horses and cows like to eat the same things. Not enough rain = not enough grass and stuff.

Cows on the land can and are controlled, wild horses not so much. Tho the herds are sorta thinned by adoptions , so yes culling sometimes becomes necessary. In droughts only so much natural food is available for so many mouths eating it


24th November 2017, 12:22 PM
Has anyone ever tried horse meat? My thoughts are to issue hunting tags to thin the herds and keep them manageable, while providing a food source.

Even if the meat isn't tasty, you could probably make a decent stew, or slow cook a roast.

24th November 2017, 12:25 PM
Has anyone ever tried horse meat? My thoughts are to issue hunting tags to thin the herds and keep them manageable, while providing a food source.

Even if the meat isn't tasty, you could probably make a decent stew, or slow cook a roast. My understanding it is not bad at all, seems like there is a world wide market for the meat. But as in the usa, culture bias makes is sorta of a no no.

Think, in pet food it was good to go also, but not sure of its use now, think recent years it was banned ?


Hitch in the states , some cultures probably would have no issues, but the animal rights types would go way more ape shit insane than they already are, which says one hell of a lot !


24th November 2017, 04:31 PM
I would be willing to give the meat a try. It is 100 percent organic after all. I am on a high fat, low carb diet. I don't know how much fat they have on them, but they are certainly low carb.

24th November 2017, 05:26 PM
Eating horse meat.


24th November 2017, 11:14 PM
:) the problem is that many millions of people think multi-dimentionally, just like myself... and people thinking like david icke or max igan for example are not welcome on here. Your way of thinking is polarized by darwinism.

I have worked 7 years on farms and came to the conclusion that permaculture is the way, working with nature

what works on a small scale (farm) IS NOT applicable on a LARGE scale. . But sure you cannot make sense of Natural Laws, because you regard man's laws (darwin) are superior.

managing Nature... look at the environment... and tell me where man has succeeded, with all his regulations in the end... CONTROL is the main problem tearing this planet apart

People who think that can "manage" nature are deluded.

Just like ignoring the slaughter or 500k cows but going after the 90K horses to make a point. I SUSTAIN that economic dynamics behind the 2 stories are SAME... it is about money and monetizing Nature and senseless speculation that is the prime cause, and which has also caused a surplus of horses at some point. Money make people shortsighted. Just like plastic now massively polluting our oceans now... humans do the same with just about everything. Me deluded ? Yes sure...

any pro-meat diatribe is vain... Dr Berg, one of the most well known physician in KETOSIS diet, does not recommend meat that much because insulin turns meat into carbs unless ingested with lots of fat. Look for him on YT. The first thing diabetic patients are told is to cut down their meat intake drastically because it meat is hard on kidneys and liver.. 1lb worth of meat weekly is more than enough and anything else is MEAT INC brainwashing. Essential amino acids are what help build muscles, and they are found in plants. All these pro-meat-proteins oriented diet are making people sick in the long run.

Unfortunately, my grasp of the big picture is better than yours

Yeah you keep telling yourself that when you can't even answer basic questions. You don't see the "BIG" picture, you only see your own rectum as your head is so far up your ass as that is really all you can see.

max igan
How to Defeat the System Yourself


24th November 2017, 11:29 PM
Just like ignoring the slaughter or 500k cows but going after the 90K horses to make a point.

Look on the bright side, Singular. If we eat 90k wild horses, that should reduce the number to only 410K cows slaughtered for food.

Perhaps we could start up a "save a cow, eat a horse" campaign to get folks used to the idea, and maybe even make up some bumper stickers.

24th November 2017, 11:53 PM
Lol... :)

look on the bright side, singular. If we eat 90k wild horses, that should reduce the number to only 410k cows slaughtered for food.

Perhaps we could start up a "save a cow, eat a horse" campaign to get folks used to the idea, and maybe even make up some bumper stickers.

25th November 2017, 06:59 AM
https://i.imgflip.com/1zz8gh.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1zz8gh)

LOL uh huh, sure it is. :rolleyes:

25th November 2017, 06:41 PM
The Drummond’s have over 400,000 acres and have collected around 29 million dollars running these horses on their land in Osage County. And there are others but I don’t know all their names.

I don’t have the answer but I would rather they be raising beef [ unsubsidized by taxes ] than horses that no one has use for.

26th November 2017, 01:22 AM
monetarism has always been about producing, inflating and disposing the waste... fiat money made it a lot worse.

once the mind gets that, horror like the 90K horses and 500K cows will STOP being repeated.

Yet I am the one who is deluded. ROFLOL

when money is regarded as a god, here is what happens... Devastation of Ancestral Lands in Peru’s Amazon. 6000 Hectares of Forests Destroyed, Converted to Palm Oil Plantations... TO PROCESS UNHEALTHY/TOXIC FOODS???

26th November 2017, 06:48 AM
monetarism has always been about producing, inflating and disposing the waste... fiat money made it a lot worse.

once the mind gets that, horror like the 90K horses and 500K cows will STOP being repeated.

Yet I am the one who is deluded. ROFLOL

when money is regarded as a god, here is what happens... Devastation of Ancestral Lands in Peru’s Amazon. 6000 Hectares of Forests Destroyed, Converted to Palm Oil Plantations... TO PROCESSED UNHEALTHY/TOXIC FOODS???

Yes, yes you are. You think there can be a society without a medium of exchange. You're deluded and only kidding yourself if you think that will ever happen.

26th November 2017, 12:44 PM
the day you start thinking like Max Igan, let me know and maybe we'll have a decent conversation. Your thinking is polarized by monetarism. Multi-dimensional thinking is the only way OUT.

Yes, yes you are. You think there can be a society without a medium of exchange. You're deluded and only kidding yourself if you think that will ever happen.

26th November 2017, 01:53 PM
the day you start thinking like Max Igan, let me know and maybe we'll have a decent conversation. Your thinking is polarized by monetarism. Multi-dimensional thinking is the only way OUT.

No, my thinking is based in reality. Yours is based in complete fantasy. Money means absolutely NOTHING to me. As long as I can provide a roof over my families head and keep them fed I'm fine. I'm smart enough to realize that there is an absolute need for an exchange of value or a civilization will not function. Your failure to even recognize that is why you keep getting called out for believing and living in a fantasy.

When you get your head out of your ass then maybe we can have a decent conversation.

26th November 2017, 01:57 PM
No, my thinking is based in reality. Yours is based in complete fantasy. Money means absolutely NOTHING to me. As long as I can provide a roof over my families head and keep them fed I'm fine. I'm smart enough to realize that there is an absolute need for an exchange of value or a civilization will not function. Your failure to even recognize that is why you keep getting called out for believing and living in a fantasy.

When you get your head out of your ass then maybe we can have a decent conversation.

Well she is farming butterflies, so what can we expect... ;D

26th November 2017, 01:58 PM
Horse meat is fantastic!

26th November 2017, 03:11 PM
I ride horse meat but I don't eat it.

26th November 2017, 03:45 PM
the reality you support is behind the destruction of earth/humanity... the flaw (structural violence and pillage of resources) is embedded in the premise. A devilish construct that makes it a necessary evil ??? Scarcity and profits are bedfellows because wealth cannot be created nor destroyed but merely changes hands. Yes medium of exchange but with a twist that cannot be corrected by the system itself UNLESS people QUIT hoarding money... but then WHO needs it?

there is no other solution ahead: universal basic income and bitcoin for a top 1% that will never abolish usury............ or money free,

87% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, so I dont think many were able to buy cryptocurrencies, most of which are already in the hands of the insiders anyway.

Start thinking like max igan and michel tellinger, it is never too late :)

Tellinger is already active in the USA and I am going to meet with him, in the spring 2018

I am working on my blueprint, I am sure Michael will love it.

Everything starts with a dream/fantasy however... its metaphysical

you are paradoxical: money surely means something to you, see bold

No, my thinking is based in reality. Yours is based in complete fantasy. Money means absolutely NOTHINGto me. As long as I can provide a roof over my families head and keep them fed I'm fine . I'm smart enough to realize that there is an absolute need for an exchange of value or a civilization will not function. Your failure to even recognize that is why you keep getting called out for believing and living in a fantasy.

When you get your head out of your ass then maybe we can have a decent conversation.

26th November 2017, 04:37 PM
the reality you support is behind the destruction of earth/humanity... the flaw (structural violence and pillage of resources) is embedded in the premise. A devilish construct that makes it a necessary evil ??? Scarcity and profits are bedfellows because wealth cannot be created nor destroyed but merely changes hands. Yes medium of exchange but with a twist that cannot be corrected by the system itself UNLESS people QUIT hoarding money... but then WHO needs it?

I don't remember supporting this reality. I'd appreciate if you stopped putting words in my mouth. I never said I support it, I just recognize that it is the way the world works whether you like it or not.

there is no other solution ahead: universal basic income and bitcoin for a top 1% that will never abolish usury............ or money free,

Money free is not a solution. You have to have a medium of exchange, end of discussion. Who is going to risk their lives on changing lights at the top of a communication tower? How about crawling along high voltage power lines for inspection? Are you going to do it for free? Yeah I don't think so. Wake up already. Your delusional fantasy is going to get your ego hurt one day when you finally see the "big picture" and realize that it could not work, or never will work.

87% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, so I dont think many were able to buy cryptocurrencies, most of which are already in the hands of the insiders anyway.

Your source for this assertion? I suspect more bullshit which is par for the course in discussions with you.

Start thinking like max igan and michel tellinger, it is never too late :)

When I want to take a break from reality I'll go visit the loons on fantasy island. Thanks for the offer.

I am working on my blueprint, I am sure Michael will love it.

Everything starts with a dream/fantasy however... its metaphysical

Sure but bringing those dreams into this reality is a challenge that will not be accomplished within a 1000 lifetimes on this world. Your failure to even contemplate that is what is most concerning.

you are paradoxical: money surely means something to you, see bold

Nope not at all. Money is a means to an end. I don't love it, I don't worship it, I use it as it was intended to be used. As a medium of Exchange. I don't want to grow food, so I'll trade it with a farmer who does want to grow food at an agreed upon value. I don't want to build a house so I traded it with a builder who has the knowledge and skill to do it within a price range I was comfortable with..

What part of this whole medium of exchange are you not getting?

26th November 2017, 04:39 PM
Scarcity and profits are bedfellows because wealth cannot be created nor destroyed but merely changes hands.
This is just bullshit communist propaganda. Wealth is created by thrifty people. If you go out and build a house with your hands, from stones you found on your land, you have created wealth that didn't exist before. If you bulldoze a house down you have destroyed wealth.

27th November 2017, 12:32 AM
money has always organized wealth transfers and the pillage of resources... look at history... what communist propaganda?? That is a FACT

Speculating on the Gift Of Life is a great evil... that is why edison was chosen over tesla. Meanwhile, here is another side effect of speculating on nuclear energy... what happens again when profiting from ignorance does to Nature. Japan is poised to flood the Pacific with one million tons of nuclear water contaminated by the Fukushima power plant

Money canNOT survive without profiting from ignorance, or we'd just have an economic zero sum game... with NO winners and NO losers... anybody with at least 115 IQ can understand that. You both, ares and neuro, may never get it.

Man is not an animal... period, he is designed for a voluntaryist system based on the understanding of Natural Laws which are all in synch for a GREATER GOOD when there is no coercion. Monetarism is twisting the game because everybody wants to remain ahead of the game or just stay afloat. There is NO integrity in such a system.

So stay stuck into your darwinian premise but plz stop complaining about the zionists/talmudists who obviously got it and use it against humanity. Materialism will forever remain elusive and a deception, that is what metaphysics tells us. Humanity survival depends on the merging of science and metaphysics. Not comprehending this is the result of either fundamentalism or atheism. 2 sides of the same coin

Ares, I do not care about your answers because your premise is deeeeeply flawed. Period. I have other things to do and am preparing to join enLIGHTened people like Michael Tellinger and Max Igan.

Bitcoin will bring about decentralization... :) Right! LOL

All man's problems begin within himself and then are projected outwardly... then come back home to roost. So what do we do from there?

Manly P. Hall - Be Your Own Psychotherapist
How to use one 6 senses to analyze the environment and educate the Mind, extremely important lecture.


27th November 2017, 01:00 AM
You stated that wealth cannot be created nor destroyed. I showed you wrong. The fact that monetary manipulation has been used throughout history to steal wealth from the wealth creators doesn't negate anything I said.

Jesus was crucified because he went after the moneychangers. But you rather have us discussing the importance of 144 in the Bible. In fact you even deny that Jesus Christ was crucified.

Go and join your prophits, leave us alone with your distorted reality. You promise all the time you have more important things to do, well go and fucking do it then.

8th August 2018, 11:26 AM
Wildhorserange.org has a photo gallery of the horse caused damage to the range land and the starving thirsty horses.

The Taylor Grazing Act was passed to protect the range from overgrazing. The Wild Horse and Burro Act reintroduced overgrazing.

Wild Horse Annie should be alive today to see what she created.


9th August 2018, 04:21 AM
Tellinger is already active in the USA and I am going to meet with him, in the spring 2018

I am working on my blueprint, I am sure Michael will love it

How did it go? Your link says “PAGE NOT FOUND”