View Full Version : A few cracks in the gender in charge dam

21st November 2017, 03:48 PM
It has sorta been a hoot, what was once normal, when it comes men vs woman and what was considered normal,

is dead !

The genie is out of the bottle, and heads will roll and as we see today, men that were solid in what they do, are fixing to be history.

Casting couch = History = Gone in these days.

I can sorta see a woman for sure now as leader in charge , soon..!

Many in power will be forced out in shame, tho the jury is still out on degrees of and the times that shit like this was social norms.

Guys LIfe as we knew it along with other crap is GONE !

Blame it mostly on social media, and just try to stop it..

Total hoot, and one area that caught me off guard , in so many ways, most men think of gals well , methinks more respect and talks and agreements are in our futures, not mine, tho my years are very limited.


Edit: Bet your family jewels many a man is twettin and twetting just waiting for the hammer to fall on their pointy heads. I have known many and I my self was part of the mix.

But to be true, we (men) mostly or a few thought woman were subservient to us.

I do predict a wild ride from this time forward...

They that are of a clean heart do not cast the first stone.


midnight rambler
21st November 2017, 04:12 PM
The forum’s resident progressive weighs in. lol

21st November 2017, 04:32 PM
Not progressive at all more independent with a free mind, and will, that refuses to be willfully ignorant that sees the good and the bad on both sides. the middles is where it it is at, if not this nation will destroy itself.

But U call on the constitution, but never read it fully, along with the bill of rights and the manga Carta.

All you read is the parts that fit your agenda. Sad because you want this nation to destroy itself.

But excuse me for dreaming, when I am posting in a nest of traitors.


Woman will be on a , hell , it is huge but how huge is the question.

if a man be afraid very afraid...Women are getting balls, so to speak.


Now the hoot, can any of us men , clam they have or are clean in their dating or dealing with women. ? Or if in power, if they spread their legs you did not help them as long as they helped your !!

Comrade , you are a traitor, you gave up your right for me to consider your thoughts long ago.

old steel
21st November 2017, 04:52 PM

These fuckers plan it all out and pass it on to us.

They all need to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

http://theglobalelite.org/globalists/ (http://theglobalelite.org/globalists/)

21st November 2017, 05:24 PM
More and more beautiful by the year... Enjoy.


21st November 2017, 05:25 PM
We all fight history, Question is going forward..?

With out prejudice. And that is the hard one..! ;D


21st November 2017, 05:27 PM
More and more beautiful by the year... Enjoy.


Then as always we have one of the wilful idiots chiming in with agendas..Such is life...


Most hate is directed in the past, the clintons are toste, them made there bucks, many time over, they than need and want change, forget the past, but keep it in mind so the past mistakes are not repeated. Most of the crap now is reliving the past and no eyes to our new wake ups and onward.

Idiot punk.. Worse is many here are willfully idiots, that can not see the future so live in the past.


Edit: Excuse my fucking spelling I am tried, but I bet my intent is crystal clear.

Shunting down and hope for a wake up.

Then I will haunt you all again!


21st November 2017, 05:39 PM
Then as always we have one of the wilful idiots chiming in with agendas..Such is life...


Go to bed Chuck.

21st November 2017, 05:42 PM

Go to bed Chuck.

You are really a funny tool.

Zip over your pointy head..

Live well, but may your kids be a nightmare to you.

And the only one to blame will be yourself..

Small man

21st November 2017, 05:45 PM
The above was not a personal attack ,other than an observation of the poster that i am responding to.

Posting history is everything....

Many sad people here..

Nite all....!


22nd November 2017, 03:22 AM
You are really a funny tool.

Zip over your pointy head..

Live well, but may your kids be a nightmare to you.

And the only one to blame will be yourself..

Small man
It really takes an extraordinary amount of vileness to attack someone through their children.

22nd November 2017, 05:57 AM
It really takes an extraordinary amount of vileness to attack someone through their children.


In many ways ones children and who they become as adults are a direct connection on the parents.

Enjoy your Surströmming indoors from start to finish ! ( Huge couple of cans)


22nd November 2017, 08:13 AM

In many ways ones children and who they become as adults are a direct connection on the parents.

Enjoy your Surströmming indoors from start to finish ! ( Huge couple of cans)


Sure how many children do you have? None? I guess by your reasoning that would make you a waste of life then...

old steel
22nd November 2017, 11:11 AM
Dogman does have a point, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree, except in my case.

I'm crazier than a shit house rat but my kids are par excellence!

Guess they take after their mother.

Go figure.