View Full Version : Austria, Sweden and Germany Decorate Anti-Jihadi Cement Blocks for Christmas

25th November 2017, 07:36 AM
Merry, Merry !

You’re going to just LOVE the New Europe!
Instead of erecting barriers on their borders, the leadership is building barriers around historic landmarks, government offices and Christmas Markets!

View all the "festive" pics at link.

26th November 2017, 01:42 AM
It'sis the season to be jolly!

26th November 2017, 05:03 AM
The longer I live the more senseless nonsense I see in this world. If this is the best man can do with religion I ain't impressed! Religion is bullshit....EVERY religion. It turns people into hateful, fearful, whimsy, angry, insane idiots....in the name of 'God' of course!

Twisted Titan
26th November 2017, 05:56 AM
Religion is a cheap and horrible stand in for people that try to set themselves up as God on earth.

The Most High when He set up His system gave us good laws and guide lines to follow to the letter

For example. He gave us a simple one. NO GRAVEN IMAGES and when he had a temple there was not a single image ...with the exception of several cheribim holding up some drapes and he made a point to say they are not to be bowed to.

Yet look at every other religion idols,statues and pictures are everywhere and they are venerated.

So what you see....is the falling away from the one true faith and it will only get worse as time goes on.

26th November 2017, 06:00 AM
The longer I live the more senseless nonsense I see in this world. If this is the best man can do with religion I ain't impressed! Religion is bullshit....EVERY religion. It turns people into hateful, fearful, whimsy, angry, insane idiots....in the name of 'God' of course!

I agree, religions are created by man to control fellow man, and I would place the atheistic and secular belief systems in that category as well, and they are perhaps even worse, like cultural Marxism, which now is the official doctrine of the Swedish Church, where it has replaced Lutheranism.

Enough of this 'everyone is equal' bullshit , that seems to find growing grounds especially within Christian religions. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that god didn't create people equal, he created them different with different traits, strengths and weaknesses.

26th November 2017, 07:09 AM
I've always lived by the saying my Mom told me when I was very young....let your conscience be your guide. If it feels wrong then it probably is! I have made mistakes, like anyone, and have learned from the mistakes because of how I felt afterwards. Lead a righteous life, to thine own self be true, do no harm to others and allow no harm to come to you from others. Respect others as you would be respected. It's all there for people to either accept of not to accept. We don't need religion to get along, just a conscience! If the Supreme Being in our universe doesn't think that's enough to achieve a heavenly reward then I suppose I've had it wrong all these years!
Religion is a cheap and horrible stand in for people that try to set themselves up as God on earth.

The Most High when He set up His system gave us good laws and guide lines to follow to the letter

For example. He gave us a simple one. NO GRAVEN IMAGES and when he had a temple there was not a single image ...with the exception of several cheribim holding up some drapes and he made a point to say they are not to be bowed to.

Yet look at every other religion idols,statues and pictures are everywhere and they are venerated.

So what you see....is the falling away from the one true faith and it will only get worse as time goes on.

26th November 2017, 07:12 AM
Have you noticed though that some people are more 'equal' than others?
I agree, religions are created by man to control fellow man, and I would place the atheistic and secular belief systems in that category as well, and they are perhaps even worse, like cultural Marxism, which now is the official doctrine of the Swedish Church, where it has replaced Lutheranism.

Enough of this 'everyone is equal' bullshit , that seems to find growing grounds especially within Christian religions. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that god didn't create people equal, he created them different with different traits, strengths and weaknesses.

26th November 2017, 07:25 AM
Have you noticed though that some people are more 'equal' than others?

Really? (((Who?)))


26th November 2017, 07:53 AM
Have you noticed though that some people are more 'equal' than others?

Yeah the (((pigs))) among us...

26th November 2017, 08:56 AM
9479You mean these pigs?

Yeah the (((pigs))) among us...

26th November 2017, 01:50 PM
9479You mean these pigs?


11th January 2018, 11:12 AM
