View Full Version : Liberal Media Airs Segment Calling For The Entire Republican Party To Be Put In Jail

Twisted Titan
26th November 2017, 10:38 PM
They Are Domestic Terrorists” Liberal Media Airs Segment Calling For The Entire Republican Party To Be Put In Jail

Alex Thomas
November 25th, 2017
SHTFplan.com (http://www.shtfplan.com/)
Comments (71) (http://www.shtfplan.com/conspiracy-fact-and-theory/they-are-domestic-terrorists-liberal-media-airs-segment-calling-for-the-entire-republican-party-to-be-put-in-jail_11252017#comments)
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During a segment on Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” the liberal network allowed a Democratic pollster to call for his political enemies to be arrested and put in prison for failing to adhere to a variety of left-wing viewpoints.

The pollster, Fernand Amandi, made the comments during a discussion about what liberals see as Republican members refusing to push for a Children’s Health Insurance Program. (CHIP) Amandi also conflated the issue with actual left-wing causes like a psychotic fear of Russia and the 100% belief that Senate Candidate Roy Moore is guilty of numerous accusations.

Rather than actually discuss the issue, Amandi instead opted for a straw man attack, using multiple flat out lies to declare the entire Republican Party as a group of literal terrorists.

“I think it leads to the question, is it any surprise that the party that is pro-pay for play, pro-Putin, and now with Roy Moore, pro-pedophilia, the fact that they’re anti-children, is that any surprise?” Amandi shockingly claimed.

Consider for a moment the pure insanity of Amandi’s first statement. Hillary Clinton literally paid for disinformation (http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/bombshell-hillary-clinton-and-the-dnc-colluded-with-russia-in-an-attempt-to-steal-the-election-from-donald-trump_10272017) on her election opponent that came directly from Russian sources but the Republican Party is somehow pro-Putin?

Roy Moore has been accused of a series of disgusting crimes against teenagers and because the entire Republican Party hasn’t immediately believed unproven allegations they are now pro-pedophilia? Keep in mind the Democratic Party itself has purposefully covered up rape allegations against Bill Clinton for over twenty years.

This is the insanity that is the liberal media.

Amandi continued, “And I think Joy, this is emblematic, this CHIP scenario, where you mentioned 9 million children, children, without health insurance. I think if you take a step back, one has to ask themselves, and I think the American people should ask themselves the broader question, what has the Republican Party, in the last 10 years, done to help the American people? What have they done? This is not a political party. This is a domestic terror group.”

So there you have it. Political opponents of the liberal establishment are now being labeled domestic terrorists on par with the likes of Timothy McVeigh.

After labeling any politician he disagreed with a terrorist, Amandi’s next logical step would be to call for them to be put in prison and that is exactly what he did.

“And what I think the American people should consider when they ask themselves that question, with a party that has done nothing to help the American people, is to vote them out and consider possibly afterwards locking them up, Joy,” he finished.

This is now the country we find ourselves in after the shocking election victory of Donald Trump. The entire liberal establishment is directly targeting the rightfully elected president and has now apparently moved on to any politician who is a Republican.

Sadly, the next step will most likely be declaring individual conservative Americans as full on terrorists themselves.

27th November 2017, 07:50 AM
The left is going insane with the loss of "Her Majesty". Keep pushing Marxists, you are not going to like the response that follows.

27th November 2017, 08:32 AM
Why give energy to a thing that lacks existence?

27th November 2017, 11:14 AM
Most of the Republican Party as well as most of the Democratic party belong in prison.

27th November 2017, 12:27 PM
Most of the Republican Party as well as most of the Democratic party belong in prison.

How do you put a party in prison? Isn't it more likely that the party actually is the prison?

27th November 2017, 12:28 PM
One at a time!


27th November 2017, 12:54 PM
I could not agree with you more (who would have thought?) Every politician, R or D need to be arrested!
One at a time!
