View Full Version : Dems Running Campaigns That Tell Voters Not To Vote For A Man

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2017, 03:30 AM
Democrats Are Now Running Campaigns That Specifically Tell Voters Not To Vote For A Man In Order To Stop Sexual Harassment

Democrats Are Now Running Campaigns That Specifically Tell Voters Not To Vote For A Man In Order To Stop Sexual Harassment

Alex Thomas
November 30th, 2017
SHTFplan.com (http://www.shtfplan.com/)
Comments (48) (http://www.shtfplan.com/conspiracy-fact-and-theory/democrats-are-now-running-campaigns-that-specifically-tell-voters-not-to-vote-for-a-man-in-order-to-stop-sexual-harassment_11302017#comments)
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Despite losing the 2016 election largely because the Democrat Party refused to move away from divisive identity based politics they have apparently not learned their lesson, with at least one powerful female Democrat deciding to piggyback off the wave of sexual assault allegations sweeping the country by openly telling Michigan voters to vote for her because she is a women.

Democratic candidate for Michigan’s Attorney General, Dana Nessel, has released an ad for her campaign that directly implies that voters should choose her simply because she does not have a penis and therefore cannot sexually assault someone she works with like many male politicians (on both sides of the aisle) have been accused of over the past month.

“Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? That would be the candidate who doesn’t have one,” Nessel says with a straight face as headlines of male sexual harassment play across the screen.

Nessel attempted to explain the fact that she is now attempting to guilt voters into voting for her as a way to show that they are against sexual harassment in an interview with a local news outlet.

“If you get more women in office, if you get more women in positions of authority, you’re less likely to have issues where someone is pulling out their penis at an inappropriate time in the the workplace,” she told WWJ’s Charlie Langton.
“I’m not saying that all men harass and I’m certainly not saying that women are incapable of sexually harassing, but I know from many years serving as an assistant prosecutor prosecuting sex crimes, honestly, the vast, vast majority of those cases do involve men. So I thought that point needed to be made.”

So there you have it. The Democrats apparently plan to run on a platform that uses guilt to force Americans to vote for them or risk making it look as if they do not care about the issue of sexual harassment.

Absolutely disgusting.

2nd December 2017, 07:43 AM

Absolutely disgusting!!!

Twisted Titan
3rd December 2017, 11:35 AM
This is gonna backfire in spades

When work is done and all the fellas get together for drinks to ham it up.

Think YOU are gonna get invited?

When the boss is looking to promote a new assistant that might have to work odd hours.

Think YOU are gonna get it???

How's that feminist agenda working out?

3rd December 2017, 01:52 PM