View Full Version : Apple Fag Leftist Tim Cook supports human rights...

4th December 2017, 05:08 PM
...except when it interferes with his profit and power.

Apple CEO backs China’s vision of an ‘open’ Internet as censorship reaches new heights


4th December 2017, 05:09 PM
And Joogle leftists are running right along...


4th December 2017, 05:10 PM
Just remember...when a leftist says "human rights," he means the "right" to murder unborn babies, engage in anal sex, and practice a wide-variety of other filthy, degenerate behaviors with impunity.

Spreading the Christian Gospel on the Internet or criticizing a power-mad government...nope.

4th December 2017, 07:50 PM
haha, from the op link:

Alongside Cook in endorsing China’s digital vision were officials from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Serbia, it noted.

Free speech and human rights advocates were less impressed.

“Cook’s appearance lends credibility to a state that aggressively censors the internet, throws people in jail for being critical about social ills, and is building artificial intelligence systems that monitors everyone and targets dissent,” Maya Wang at Human Rights Watch in Hong Kong wrote in an email.

“The version of cyberspace the Chinese government is building is a decidedly dystopian one, and I don’t think anyone would want to share in this ‘common future.’ Apple should have spoken out against it, not endorsed it.”


6th December 2017, 06:40 AM
Apple fag Tim cooked...

6th December 2017, 07:44 AM
I hate white leftists with a passion!