View Full Version : Cold blooded murder of unarmed Arizona man by cop, disturbing video

old steel
8th December 2017, 12:16 PM
Cop found not guilty. How?

This is premeditated murder.


midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 12:20 PM
Killer thugs for the state. Summary execution for 'making a mistake'.

Note how they're very careful to use the key card to enter the room, don't want to do any more PROPERTY damage.

Fucking cowards, the man was crying, begging not to be shot.

old steel
8th December 2017, 12:24 PM
If that was my bro executed, spineless coward cop would disappear one night and after being dragged down an endless gravel road there wouldn't be enough left to bury in a matchbox.

8th December 2017, 12:59 PM


The Arizona cop who shot and killed an unarmed man begging not to be killed was found not guilty today.

A jury acquitted Philip Brailsford of both second-degree murder and reckless manslaughter. He was facing up to 25 years in prison.

Brailsford claimed he was in fear for his life, thinking Daniel Shaver was reaching for a gun, even though five other officers at the scene held their fire.

Mesa police were responding to a call at the LaQuinta Inn about a man pointing a gun out of an upstairs window on January 18, 2016. Shaver, who was in the pest control business, was actually holding a pellet gun, showing it off to a new acquaintance he had met.

“Please don’t shoot me,” Shaver pleaded as he crawled towards the cops after being ordered out of his motel room, a fact omitted in several police reports from cops who witnessed the shooting.
Body cam footage of the actual shooting was presented to the jury but has not yet been made public.
According to the Phoenix New Times: (http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/arizona-police-officer-philip-brailsford-found-not-guilty-in-motel-suspect-shooting-9930923)

Brailsford was one of six officers called to a Mesa motel on January 18, 2016, after someone reported seeing the barrel of a rifle sticking out of a window.

He and the other officers took up positions around the fifth-floor room occupied by Daniel Shaver, 26, a pest-control technician from Nashville, Tennessee.

As the jury learned, Shaver had invited a man and woman up to his room for drinks before police got there, and was showing them an air rifle he sometimes used to kill birds. The other man eventually left, leaving just Shaver and the woman in the room.

Excerpts of Brailsford body-cam footage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSUM-v8lpFc) can be seen on YouTube; a judge ruled that the shooting sequence could be edited out of the public version.

Brailsford was fired from the Mesa Police Department after the shooting, where his father was a longtime internal affairs police. No word yet on whether he will be rehired.

Shaver’s widow and mother of his two children, Laney Sweet, filed a lawsuit last year, which is still pending. (https://photographyisnotacrime.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/2017-01-17-verified-complaint.pdf)

8th December 2017, 02:31 PM
Yup, me and a few dozen of my closest friends!
If that was my bro executed, spineless coward cop would disappear one night and after being dragged down an endless gravel road there wouldn't be enough left to bury in a matchbox.

8th December 2017, 02:51 PM
Does anyone else have a fantasy of mowing down an army of "law enforcers" with this:



First mistake of the victim was to "cooperate" by coming out of the room.

This incident just proves yet again that cops are NOT brave. Trigger happy mother fuckers.

8th December 2017, 02:56 PM

I realize some decent folks have tattoos, but if I encountered this cowardly mother fucker on the street I'd regard it as a Wigger aka "threat." A "kill you and laugh" expression on its face.

8th December 2017, 03:03 PM
I'd also like to point out a leftist hoplophobe is just as complicit in the victim's death as the killer cop. They panicked when they saw a pellet gun the victim was demonstrating, which he used in his profession, and called in a "man with gun" complaint. This is an example of "gun control (mentality)" kills.

The Mesa Police Department itself regarded this as a "bad shoot," and canned this mother fucker's ass, despite the fact his daddy is a career MPD thu...uh, "officer," as well.

8th December 2017, 03:35 PM


The Lieyers have this guy walking free amongst us.

8th December 2017, 03:47 PM
Phoenix, AZ — In March of 2016, Mesa Police Officer Philip Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder for gunning down Daniel Shaver, an innocent husband, and father of two. The shooting was captured on body cam footage, part of which was released the following May. On Thursday, a jury, apparently blinded by the badge delivered a verdict of not guilty and the rest of the body camera footage was released—showing a cold-blooded murder.
In October, Brailsford’s defense claimed that the prosecution showing the jury the body cam during opening statements would be unfair to the killer cop. Apparently, this strategy worked.
Jurors deliberated less than six hours and despite the horrifying body camera showing Brailsford execute Shaver, they somehow returned a not guilty verdict. This is a travesty of justice and a testament to the system that protects killers who wear badges.
Last year, an Arizona judge announced that they would be releasing the body camera footage showing Brailsford murder Shaver. When they did release it, however, the city released two videos, both of which were clearly edited and portions redacted.
Now that he’s been acquitted, the full body camera was released showing Shaver being entirely compliant with police. Shaver was on his knees, crying and begging police not to shoot him when the coward opened fire on him, firing five times—killing him instantly.
Mark Geragos, Sweet’s lawyer, called the shooting an “execution.”
“The justice system miserably failed Daniel (Shaver) and his family,” Geragos said.
Police said Shaver, a 26-year-old from Texas staying at the La Quinta Inn & Suites on a business trip on Jan. 18, 2016, had invited a couple he met to his room for drinks. No one was in any danger and the entire incident was a misunderstanding. For the majority of the video, police appear to be in a standoff with people who simply can’t hear them.
“Occupants of room 5-0-2, this is the Mesa Police,” the officer is heard yelling on the video, to which he receives no response.
“Listen to my instructions or it’s going to become very uncomfortable for you,” the officer said. “The female is to step outside the room.”
When ‘the female’ does step out the room, she is escorted away by an officer as she tells him how scared she is.
That’s when cops begin barking confusing orders at Shaver who is doing everything he can to comply. Police tell Shaver to keep his legs crossed and crawl forward, a near impossible feat. As he begins to cry from the stress and the ridiculous orders, Shaver becomes distraught and begs for his life. As he tries to crawl forward with his legs crossed, his pants appear to slip down so he moves a hand, at which point Brailsford executes him.
For several minutes, Daniel Shaver was face down with his hands on his head, all these officers had to do was to walk toward him and place him in handcuffs. Clearly, this did not happen and an innocent unarmed dad was taken from his wife and children at the hands of police.
During the trial, Deputy County Attorney Susie Charbel portrayed Brailsford as a “killer” who claimed he feared for his life to cover up an unjustified shooting.
In her closing arguments, Charbel told the jury that an intoxicated Shaver looked “pathetic” before he was killed and didn’t get a chance to know who shot him, according to AZ Central. (https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa-breaking/2017/12/07/philip-brailsford-verdict-daniel-shaver-killing/927052001/)
“(Brailsford) doesn’t get a pass because he was wearing a police uniform that night,” Charbel said.
“The last thing in the world that Mitch Brailsford wanted to do that night was shoot. His goal wasn’t to kill Daniel Shaver,” Brailsford’s lawyer, Michael Piccarreta told the jury. “Shaver is not a bad person, but his actions are what brought the police that night.”
However, if we look at Brailsford’s custom AR-15, it was clear the first thing he wanted to do was shoot.
Shaver etched “You’re Fucked” into his AR-15 police rifle — illustrating his disregard for human life.

http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/yourefd_1459294715042_35083524_ver1.0_640_480.jpgC onveniently, however, the judge did not allow the jury to see the above photo because he felt it was prejudicial. Had jurors actually been shown the real image of this sadistic killer cop, they would’ve likely been more inclined to see the reality of the execution.
Also, it was not Shaver’s actions that brought police that night. He had committed no crime.
On January 18, Brailsford, along with several other officers, responded to a call about a suspect with a rifle in a hotel room. The ‘rifle’ was nothing more than a pellet gun that was used in Shaver’s business of pest control, and Shaver was not in possession of the pellet gun when he was murdered in cold blood by officer Brailsford.
Brailsford was fired from the department in March of 2016 for multiple policy violations not associated with the murder of Shaver. After he was fired, we learned that he should have never had a badge that night he killed an innocent man.
Aside from his unsatisfactory performance, records released by Mesa Police revealed that Brailsford was accused of beating three people a few months before he killed Shaver.
Two children and a wife will now live the rest of their lives without their loving father because of the actions of this public servant. The one thing that could help get this family closure was to see the man who stole the life of their dad and husband put behind bars. However, because of a broken system, this will not happen.
Watch the video of this execution below, do you think this was an excusable accident in which no one should be held accountable?

8th December 2017, 03:57 PM
Nigger "judge" in charge of the circus "trial":



8th December 2017, 04:33 PM
Watched this several times, what blows my mind is after all the pigs stupid orders he goes and reaches behind himself. To pull up his shorts WTF? Many questions and that cop set it up for the kid to lose but WTF was the kid thinking? In a situation the last thing I would be doing is worrying about my shorts and reaching around after being warned not to move your hands unless exactly as ordered.

Don't get me wrong that kid Pig deserves a life and death of eternal hell but wow, premeditated murder for sure.

And kang judge nigger just approved assassinations of white men by not letting the jury see all the evidence and video. I see kang nigger worked in family division, wonder how many lives he has fucked up in his time. Hang kang nigger and the psycho pig and be done with it already.

8th December 2017, 04:46 PM
Epic lawsuit and the family will win!

Hands down or a rich settlement!

The department fired the shithead a few months later!

The judge was bought off, no other explanation fits!

May karma not be kind twords both! (Pig &judge)

Also have to say Nevada and what looks like a gun in a hotel window, in these times will not end well!

8th December 2017, 05:04 PM
Few and far between, agree Chuck. Problem is that father will never unite with his kids and wife on this planet. Family Will win but it doesn't make up for this epic fail, more lives effected due to the Kang judge and satanic pig.

Epic lawsuit and the family will win!

Hands down or a rich settlement!

The department fired the shithead a few months later!

The judge was bought off, no other explanation fits!

May karma not be kind twords both! (Pig &judge)

Also have to say Nevada and what looks like a gun in a hotel window, in these times will not end well!

8th December 2017, 05:08 PM
What ever you think, I defer to your brilliance...


8th December 2017, 05:14 PM
I think the shooting was justified. Firstly, Shaver was reported to be armed and dangerous. In the aftermath of the Vegas shooting, a person armed with a reported rifle in a hotel filled with innocent people, cops are going to be on full alert.

Secondly, he was not following orders. The cops even told him, we will shoot you if you do not obey. The cops also told him they considered him a threat. He was not following orders, in fact ignoring them, plus his behavior suggested very violent possibilities. Irrational behavior.

Thirdly, he reaches for a gun behind his back. Hands kill. If a person is armed, a threat, and reaches for a gun where a cop can't see his hands. That equals a justified shooting.

8th December 2017, 05:25 PM
I think the shooting was justified. Firstly, Shaver was reported to be armed and dangerous. In the aftermath of the Vegas shooting, a person armed with a reported rifle in a hotel filled with innocent people, cops are going to be on full alert.

Secondly, he was not following orders. The cops even told him, we will shoot you if you do not obey. The cops also told him they considered him a threat. He was not following orders, in fact ignoring them, plus his behavior suggested very violent possibilities. Irrational behavior.

Thirdly, he reaches for a gun behind his back. Hands kill. If a person is armed, a threat, and reaches for a gun where a cop can't see his hands. That equals a justified shooting.
Bigger picture Pete, if so very much justified why did the kang judge only allow censored bodycam video and completely block what the kid pig had engraved on his AK? Because he wants to make it known that it is okay to kill white males.

The female was told to lay down but the kid pig was determined to fuck the assumed bad kid up. No effort was placed on the female, she could have been the one seen in the window holding the pellet gun.

This was murder by a raging pig.

There are so many other options to what kid pig did to take into custody or defuse the situation it is staggering. 4 other cops in the hallway and they all stood back, either condoning what was going to happen or afraid of being killed themselves to do their job and go in front of rabid kid pig.

Read all sides Pete.

8th December 2017, 05:31 PM
I've stated why I believe it was justified. I could give even more reasons I believe as well. Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner. In fact, this situation was likely a suicide by cop one.

8th December 2017, 05:37 PM
I've stated why I believe it was justified. I could give even more reasons I believe as well. Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner. In fact, this situation was likely a suicide by cop one. Extremely violence manner ?

Huge load of total epic fucking bullshit Pete ! A cop on the floor could have handcuffed him once he was down, the first time! Crawling on knees , total bullshit! Once down hands extend approach and cuff! All while being covered by a brother blue!

Fall off a barge lately?


Edit: Shooter commented murder !

8th December 2017, 05:39 PM
reached behind his back at least twice -- dumb moves with SCARED psycho control freak cop

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 05:40 PM
I've stated why I believe it was justified. I could give even more reasons I believe as well. Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner. In fact, this situation was likely a suicide by cop one.

Pete, what drugs are you doing tonight, 'cause surely you've lost your fucking mind.

Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner (based on the body cam video in the OP)?? Yeah, you've got bad chemicals in your head clouding your perception.

If you're merely being sarcastic then you forgot the /sarcasm.

8th December 2017, 05:41 PM
The guy was drunk and trying to pull his pants up which could be deemed a reflex action.

Five cops where too scared to go up and handcuff this guy.

No way this was justified , especially when he was totally innocent ,had a wife and two kids.

8th December 2017, 05:41 PM
reached behind his back at least twice -- dumb moves with SCARED psycho control freak cop

They had him down, hands exposed, that was the time for cuffs..


What ?

6 pigs watching at the time?

Get real !

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 05:44 PM
reached behind his back at least twice -- dumb moves with SCARED psycho control freak cop

There was NO presentation of a weapon when 3-4 cops were drawn down on him. NO EXCUSE! It's the equivalent of shooting someone in the back. Buncha fucking pussy itchy-trigger-finger cowards. Anyone who can't have sound judgment under pressure shouldn't be a cop.

ETA: BTW Pete, this happened PRIOR to the LV incident, LAST YEAR.

8th December 2017, 05:52 PM
Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner (based on the body cam video in the OP)?? Yeah, you've got bad chemicals in your head clouding your perception.

When people act like how Shaver was acting, they will kill you. That's real life. The guy acting all tough in front of their friends is rarely the threat. Watching that video, I kept expecting Shaver to pop up, gun in hand, shooting.

I know my viewpoint probably pisses some folks off here. That's fine. I have no intention of getting into a pissing contest in this thread. I just believe the shooting was justified, in this particular case.

8th December 2017, 05:56 PM
When people act like how Shaver was acting, they will kill you. That's real life. The guy acting all tough in front of their friends is rarely the threat. Watching that video, I kept expecting Shaver to pop up, gun in hand, shooting.

I know my viewpoint probably pisses some folks off here. That's fine. I have no intention of getting into a pissing contest in this thread. I just believe the shooting was justified, in this particular case.

You are wrong my friend (?)

8th December 2017, 06:03 PM
I think the shooting was justified. Firstly, Shaver was reported to be armed and dangerous. In the aftermath of the Vegas shooting, a person armed with a reported rifle in a hotel filled with innocent people, cops are going to be on full alert.

Secondly, he was not following orders. The cops even told him, we will shoot you if you do not obey. The cops also told him they considered him a threat. He was not following orders, in fact ignoring them, plus his behavior suggested very violent possibilities. Irrational behavior.

Thirdly, he reaches for a gun behind his back. Hands kill. If a person is armed, a threat, and reaches for a gun where a cop can't see his hands. That equals a justified shooting.

Obviously, the Mesa Police Department does not concur with you. They fired this mother fucker because it was not a "justified shooting."

The victim was NOT A THREAT, period. The pussy boy coward pig has a moral obligation to not fire until an actual weapon is deployed, not "I think he has one."

Can I "SWAT" your house, and when you make an innocent move, the pigs who respond can kill you? Is that what works for "justifiable homicide" nowadays?

8th December 2017, 06:04 PM
Shaver was acting in an extremely violent manner.

You are clearly delusional.

The ONLY violence was that of the pussy boy coward pig. Extreme indeed.

8th December 2017, 06:04 PM
You are wrong my friend (?)

Well, prove I'm wrong then. I'm all ears. If a possible fire is reported at a hotel, what happens? Lot's of lives in a hotel. The fire dept sends every engine and ladder truck they have available, they expect a fire, they search for it, they are prepared for the worst.

Same thing with LE. If a person is waving a gun around in a hotel. Same response. Every cop shows up, armed to the teeth expecting a battle.

Then add Shaver, reaching behind his back, ignoring very clear commands, the possibility of another gunman in the hotel room itself. Shaver was treated like a felony arrest of an armed and dangerous felon at the time. His behavior is what lead to him being shot.

8th December 2017, 06:08 PM
reached behind his back at least twice -- dumb moves with SCARED psycho control freak cop

NOT ONE OF US knows how we'd react in such a situation. "Dumb moves," perhaps, if one is entirely logical and prudent, but when you've been ordered out of your hotel room by armed thugs then psychologically raped by those armed pigs, we can't say just what would happen, as the brain reacts illlogically when you're scared shitless. And this is the main problem with the "officer has the 'right'" to gun down someone for making illogical moves. Rules of engagement must change to weapon is positively sighted, not "he made a move." And pigs must be held personally responsible for their acts, under the same statutes as we peons are.

Shit like this is charged as a war crime in combat situations.

8th December 2017, 06:09 PM
Well, prove I'm wrong then. I'm all ears. If a possible fire is reported at a hotel, what happens? Lot's of lives in a hotel. The fire dept sends every engine and ladder truck they have available, they expect a fire, they search for it, they are prepared for the worst.

Same thing with LE. If a person is waving a gun around in a hotel. Same response. Every cop shows up, armed to the teeth expecting a battle.

Then add Shaver, reaching behind his back, ignoring very clear commands, the possibility of another gunman in the hotel room itself. Shaver was treated like a felony arrest of an armed and dangerous felon at the time. His behavior is what lead to him being shot.

I have nothing to prove, it is all in the video!

Pig boy had backups I have read up to 6 on the floor eyes watching!
The pig boy was freeking, and lost it and a father died!

End of story!

Other than his backup buddy's need to be charged legally for letting it happen!

The city and shooter will be sued and the family will win!

8th December 2017, 06:11 PM
When people act like how Shaver was acting, they will kill you. That's real life. The guy acting all tough in front of their friends is rarely the threat. Watching that video, I kept expecting Shaver to pop up, gun in hand, shooting.

I know my viewpoint probably pisses some folks off here. That's fine. I have no intention of getting into a pissing contest in this thread. I just believe the shooting was justified, in this particular case.

Your opinion on this reinforces my position about cops: I will never allow myself to be put in the position of the victim, no matter the consequences, and, if the cops force the situation, I will have no problem putting down a cop or more.

Clearly, the "training" has brainwashed you.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:14 PM
NOT ONE OF US knows how we'd react in such a situation. "Dumb moves," perhaps, if one is entirely logical and prudent, but when you've been ordered out of your hotel room by armed thugs then psychologically raped by those armed pigs, we can't say just what would happen, as the brain reacts illlogically when you're scared shitless. And this is the main problem with the "officer has the 'right'" to gun down someone for making illogical moves. Rules of engagement must change to weapon is positively sighted, not "he made a move." And pigs must be held personally responsible for their acts, under the same statutes as we peons are.

Shit like this is charged as a war crime in combat situations.

Some of the youngsters these days raised with video games as their babysitters have no compassion, no empathy, no feelings for anyone, and definitely no fear of Judgement by the Creator. As a personal example a few years ago I was talking to a kid about 23-24 and he said he was going into the Marines so he'd be able to go to the sandbox. I asked "Why would you want to go and risk your life in the sandbox??" He said, "I want to see what it's like to kill someone." This pussy coward cop was likely of the same mindset imo.

8th December 2017, 06:16 PM
Some of the youngsters these days raised with video games as their babysitters have no compassion, no empathy, no feelings for anyone, and definitely no fear of Judgement by the Creator. As a personal example a few years ago I was talking to a kid about 23-24 and he said he was going into the Marines so he'd be able to go to the sandbox. I asked "Why would you want to go and risk your life in the sandbox??" He said, "I want to see what it's like to kill someone." This pussy coward cop was likely of the same mindset imo.

Interesting observation!

Feels like sum truth in there.

8th December 2017, 06:16 PM
Well, prove I'm wrong then. I'm all ears. If a possible fire is reported at a hotel, what happens? Lot's of lives in a hotel. The fire dept sends every engine and ladder truck they have available, they expect a fire, they search for it, they are prepared for the worst.

Same thing with LE. If a person is waving a gun around in a hotel. Same response. Every cop shows up, armed to the teeth expecting a battle.

Then add Shaver, reaching behind his back, ignoring very clear commands, the possibility of another gunman in the hotel room itself. Shaver was treated like a felony arrest of an armed and dangerous felon at the time. His behavior is what lead to him being shot.

A FALSE report of a "rifle" being "pointed around" at the hotel was called in, and the pigs responded. They always ASSume the worst since they are, by nature, cowards. The victim was NOT A THREAT, period, end of story. The Mesa Police Department concurs with my position, not yours. Why is that?

The penalty for "ignoring commands" is NOT death. Unless the victim had a deadly weapon in his hand, and was CLEARLY preparing to engage the cops, there was no lawful nor moral justification to employ deadly force against the victim.

It is clear that "law enforcement" is at war with the American people, and by God, people better act accordingly, or else they'll end up like this poor guy.

8th December 2017, 06:19 PM
Some of the youngsters these days raised with video games as their babysitters have no compassion, no empathy, no feelings for anyone, and definitely no fear of Judgement by the Creator. As a personal example a few years ago I was talking to a kid about 23-24 and he said he was going into the Marines so he'd be able to go to the sandbox. I asked "Why would you want to go and risk your life in the sandbox??" He said, "I want to see what it's like to kill someone." This pussy coward cop was likely of the same mindset imo.

A friend of my kid said something similar about joining the Marines.

"Without God...everything is permitted." A horrifying truth.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:23 PM
A friend of my kid said something similar about joining the Marines.

"Without God...everything is permitted." A horrifying truth.

Volunteering to make blood sacrifices for the Beast System...nice. /s

8th December 2017, 06:24 PM
The penalty for "ignoring commands" is NOT death. Unless the victim had a deadly weapon in his hand, and was CLEARLY preparing to engage the cops, there was no lawful nor moral justification to employ deadly force against the victim.

Ignoring commands while armed with a weapon IS engaging the cops. I say armed, because that is the info the cops had. If your wife said a man with a gun was in your house, you'd shoot the guy dead without even a thought. Yet, a cop, in a hotel with lots of innocent lives is somehow at fault here?

I will say it again. Shaver's actions is why he was shot. Hands kill. How people act, not what they say, kills. It's called real life.

8th December 2017, 06:25 PM
Volunteering to make blood sacrifices for the Beast System...nice. /s

He's deranged from before (bad childhood), so I couldn't talk him out of it.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:25 PM
Ignoring commands while armed with a weapon IS engaging the cops. I say armed, because that is the info the cops had. If your wife said a man with a gun was in your house, you'd shoot the guy dead without even a thought. Yet, a cop, in a hotel with lots of innocent lives is somehow at fault here?

I will say it again. Shaver's actions is why he was shot. Hands kill. How people act, not what they say, kills. It's called real life.

Who among the untrained would be able to keep from being confused/keep their wits about them while getting the fuck beat out of 'em/psychologically tortured with verbal judo??

8th December 2017, 06:26 PM
Who among the untrained would be able to keep from being confused while getting the fuck beat out of 'em'/psychologically tortured with verbal judo??

Agree !

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:26 PM
He's deranged from before (bad childhood), so I couldn't talk him out of it.

Apparently the notion is quite a draw for some.

8th December 2017, 06:30 PM
Who among the untrained would be able to keep from being confused/keep their wits about them while getting the fuck beat out of 'em'/psychologically tortured with verbal judo??

You dislike for all cops has allowed your mind to misinterpret things. That cop, gave very clear orders. He even asked Shaver if he was drunk, just to make sure Shaver would understand his very clear orders. Shaver said no, to being drunk. The cop then warned Shaver they considered him a threat, and to obey his orders, or he would be shot.

Then Shaver disobey orders and reached behind his back for a weapon.

Justified shooting.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:32 PM
Ignoring commands while armed with a weapon IS engaging the cops. I say armed, because that is the info the cops had. If your wife said a man with a gun was in your house, you'd shoot the guy dead without even a thought. Yet, a cop, in a hotel with lots of innocent lives is somehow at fault here?

I will say it again. Shaver's actions is why he was shot. Hands kill. How people act, not what they say, kills. It's called real life.

Again Pete, there was NO presentation of a weapon. Why the Hell can't you connect the dots? Seriously, are you doing mind-altering chemicals which are impairing your judgement?? ???

8th December 2017, 06:32 PM
Ignoring commands while armed with a weapon IS engaging the cops.


Engaging the cops is advancing towards them and/or with a weapon in one's hand.

Pulling up one's shorts while in terror is NOT a capital offense.

I say armed, because that is the info the cops had.

Then they GET info, and act accordingly.

If your wife said a man with a gun was in your house, you'd shoot the guy dead without even a thought.


First, I don't relish killing people, even a punk burglar who is probably just looking for easy loot. "Get the fuck out of my house or you go down" would be my shout.

If I "just shoot the guy dead," that would be charged as murder, and the government would make sure I'd get nailed, hard. A pig like this does it, and gets off, though.

The same expectations for little people are not applied to pigs. Hence, it is correct to say we have a Police State.

Yet, a cop, in a hotel with lots of innocent lives is somehow at fault here?

He murdered an unarmed man who was NOT deploying deadly force based on a FALSE report of brandishing a rifle.

I'll ask again: if I were to "SWAT" your house and you "ignored commands" (by making an innocuous gesture), getting gunned down, you're cool with that? Answer as a human being, not as cop.

I will say it again. Shaver's actions is why he was shot. Hands kill. How people act, not what they say, kills. It's called real life.

I'll say it again: do this type of shit in combat, and you're looking at war crimes charges. It is a gross affront to the concept of humanity to kill the unarmed who are not actively attacking you.

And I'll say: your opinion here tells me one is not dealing with a human being when dealing with a cop, but a machine without empathy.

8th December 2017, 06:37 PM
Then Shaver disobey orders and reached behind his back for a weapon.

You are either a fucking madman, or a troll.

Where's the "weapon"?

When they say they "train police officers," is that merely a euphemism for "we mentally engineer human beings into State-controlled automatons, able to be 'activated' at our will"? Because that seems like what happened with Pete here. He has shown human traits at GSUS routinely, so we know he is - or can be - a human being, but right now, it's like he's been "activated" Telefon-style. Parroting all the horseshit every cop is apparently programmed to do: "you failed to comply, and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized, you failed to comply and had to be neutralized."

8th December 2017, 06:38 PM
Again Pete, there was NO presentation of a weapon. Why the Hell can't you connect the dots?

Because I was in that very situation, but I was alone. An armed and dangerous person reached for a weapon behind his back, and I didn't pull the trigger. I got my ass chewed and written up for it, even though he didn't have the gun he was reaching for. They said I should have shot the guy, but my good luck, the gun fell out of his waistband when I was chasing him. He didn't have what he was reaching for.

If someone reaches for a weapon, and you wait until you actually see IT, you die.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:41 PM
Because I was in that very situation, but I was alone. An armed and dangerous person reached for a weapon behind his back, and I didn't pull the trigger. I got my ass chewed and written up for it, even though he didn't have the gun he was reaching for. They said I should have shot the guy, but my good luck, the gun fell out of his waistband when I was chasing him. He didn't have what he was reaching for.

If someone reaches for a weapon, and you wait until you actually see IT, you die.

Pete, that's pretty fucking lame. If you've drawn a bead on someone THEN they present a weapon, THAT is when you shoot 'em! Dayum, cops these days are such lameass cowards. Reminds me of the turkey shoot in Waco where the local 'authorities' withheld the ballistics reports since most of the bikers were killed in cold blood by Johnny Law.

8th December 2017, 06:43 PM
Because I was in that very situation, but I was alone. An armed and dangerous person reached for a weapon behind his back, and I didn't pull the trigger. I got my ass chewed and written up for it, even though he didn't have the gun he was reaching for. They said I should have shot the guy, but my good luck, the gun fell out of his waistband when I was chasing him. He didn't have what he was reaching for.

Pete just gave us a stunning admission: police are, indeed, trained to murder citizens.

Being human means one is not suitable to be a police officer. Pete didn't pull the trigger because, despite the fact the perp was a punk-ass thug, Pete still recognized him as a person.

And it's very sad Pete is allowing his anti-human "training" to cloud his judgment about this current situation. Perhaps, though, he can't help it, the brainwashing is too deep inside his mind. Most "law enforcement" training is, after all, from "Israel" and the CIA via the FBI.

If someone reaches for a weapon, and you wait until you actually see IT, you die.


The victim being discussed had multiple weapons trained on him. Mere milliseconds away from discharge upon sight of an actual weapon.

Why are cops held to a lower standard than American troops?

8th December 2017, 06:45 PM
Pete, that's pretty fucking lame. If you've drawn a bead on someone THEN they present a weapon, THAT is when you shoot 'em! Dayum, cops these days are so fucking lame. Reminds me of the turkey shoot in Waco where the local 'authorities' withheld the ballistics reports since most of the bikers were killed in cold blood by Johnny Law. Exactly, the officers DiD have a bead on him,

No excuse for shooting unless a weapon was verified and seen. If seen just a trigger pull away,

The young pig was freaked out and trigger happy, because he was freaked out. (probably the reason he was fired)

Pete you are wrong on this one, tho I do understand your training and mind conditioning.

Them vs Us.

8th December 2017, 06:47 PM
First, I don't relish killing people, even a punk burglar who is probably just looking for easy loot. "Get the fuck out of my house or you go down" would be my shout.

If he ignored you and didn't go down, or worse, reached behind his back where you could not see his hands...would you have shot him? If you did, you'd be OK in my book. You have the right to defend your family.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:48 PM
Why are cops held to a lower standard than American troops?

'Cause their role is security guards for the corporate state therefore they've got to keep the rubes in line for the oligarchs. Duh.

8th December 2017, 06:49 PM
Pete, that's pretty fucking lame. If you've drawn a bead on someone THEN they present a weapon, THAT is when you shoot 'em! Dayum,

Nope, that is when they shoot you! Even if you have a bead on them. Studies have proved this, it's actually scientific. If you wait until you see his gun drawing on you, you are too late. You are a dead man.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:50 PM
Nope, that is when they shoot you! Even if you have a bead on them. Studies have proved this, it's actually scientific. If you wait until you see his gun drawing on you, you are too late. You are a dead man.

What's your drug of choice tonight Pete, 'cause clearly your judgement is impaired.

I'm calling bullshit on your 'scientific studies'. lol

"The first one to get shots on target generally wins the fight."

There's no fucking way that one can prevail drawing on a drawn gun*, generally speaking.

*especially when the drawn gun is in the hands of someone with extensive defensive training

8th December 2017, 06:53 PM
If he ignored you and didn't go down, or worse, reached behind his back where you could not see his hands...would you have shot him? If you did, you'd be OK in my book. You have the right to defend your family.

The victim of this thread was not a prime facie criminal, that is, unlawfully inside my home in the middle of the night (or day, doesn't matter). I would do what was necessary if the home invader advanced towards me and/or deployed an actual weapon. I'd hold him at gun point until the cops came to take him away, if he just stayed there (probably piddling his pants).

However, the pussy boy coward pig in this case attacked the victim at HIS temporary domicile, the hotel, based on ASSumptions. Many of them. In this case, the cop plays the role of the attacker. The victim is not a prima facie criminal.

8th December 2017, 06:54 PM
If he ignored you and didn't go down, or worse, reached behind his back where you could not see his hands...would you have shot him? If you did, you'd be OK in my book. You have the right to defend your family. The officers had probably multiple guns on him, yes fire if a gun is seen, but hold fire if not. from the vid, hell man it probably would have taken a second of two for the victim to draw a bead, the officers had him in their sights and fingers on the trigger.

Just this one freaked out young cop was hyping and lost control, the other pigs held fire, because they saw no threat, I do assume.

Pete, you have lost this one walk away, the vid showed cold blooded murder by hyper excited young oinker.

8th December 2017, 06:56 PM
I'm calling bullshit on your 'scientific studies'. lol

OK, for the sake of discussion. I'll assume if you are pointing a gun at someone, your trigger finger is indexed, right? As soon as you see he pulls a weapon. Your eyes must see the weapon, your mind interprets the deadly weapon, sends the signal to shoot.

Even the most highly trained people, they lose 3/4 of a second for your eyes to see it, your mind to interpret the weapon, your trigger finger to react. 3/4 of a second. You are likely already dead, because the guy that pulls the gun on you can shoot you in less time than that. That is the science behind it.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 06:57 PM
Again Pete, the FIRST ONE to put shots ON TARGET generally wins the fight.


8th December 2017, 06:59 PM
Sample United States Armed Forces Rules of Engagement:

6. (U) If US forces are attacked or threatened by unarmed hostile elements, mobs, and /or rioters, US forces will use the minimum amount of force reasonably necessary to overcome the threat. A graduated response to unarmed hostile elements may be used. Such a response can include--

(a) (U) Verbal warnings to demonstrators in their native language.

(b) (U) Shows of force, including the use of riot control formations (see Annex A for information on using RCAs).

(c) (U) Warning shots fired over the heads of the hostile elements.

(d) (U) Other reasonable uses of force, to include deadly force when the element demonstrates a hostile intent, which are necessary and proportional to the threat.

Cops would protest, "we aren't allowed warning shots." Well, you are given TASERs.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 07:00 PM
The officers had probably multiple guns on him, yes fire if a gun is seen, but hold fire if not. from the vid, hell man it probably would have taken a second of two for the victim to draw a bead, the officers had him in their sights and fingers on the trigger.

Just this one freaked out young cop was hyping and lost control, the other pigs held fire, because they saw no threat, I do assume.

Pete, you have lost this one walk away, the vid showed cold blooded murder by hyper excited young oinker.

The fact that NONE of the other cops open fire CLEARLY indicates that NONE of the others perceived a threat. Had they perceived a threat the others would have SURELY opened fire.

8th December 2017, 07:06 PM
Again Pete, the FIRST ONE to put shots ON TARGET generally wins the fight.

If you wait to see the weapon, you likely won't put shots on target. Your eyes will be on the gun you claim you need to see, not on the target you need to shoot to stop the threat. Your eyes will be on his hands, not on his center mass.

That problem adds even more to the 3/4 of second lost, you need to get your eyes back on target, after seeing the weapon. How long does that take? Is your life worth risking that extra time? As shown in your video, the guy in the blue coat pulled a gun and shot a guy dead. Of course the blue coat was the good guy. But, blue coat could have easily been a bad guy and shot you dead, even if you had a bead on him. For the reasons I've explained.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 07:07 PM
If you wait to see the weapon, you likely won't put shots on target.

Indeed. lol

Pete, I think you've smoked enough crack tonight, time to put the crack pipe down.

8th December 2017, 07:11 PM
If you wait to see the weapon, you likely won't put shots on target. Your eyes will be on the gun you claim you need to see, not on the target you need to shoot to stop the threat. Your eyes will be on his hands, not on his center mass.

That problem adds even more to the 3/4 of second lost, you need to get your eyes back on target, after seeing the weapon. How long does that take? Is your life worth risking that extra time? As shown in your video, the guy in the blue coat pulled a gun and shot a guy dead. Of course the blue coat was the good guy.

Kudos for being a certified hard head, polish generics? And or temper too boot ?

Lmfao, you are a good one, tho maybe a tad thick sculled !

Peace !

8th December 2017, 07:16 PM
Kudos for being a certified hard head, polish generics? And or temper too boot ?

Lmfao, you are a good one, tho maybe a tad thick sculled !

Peace !

It always happens, I get roped into these cop threads and I get the usual responses of "being on crack" "delusional", etc. At least this one is a decent discussion.

Nobody seems to have any real argument against what I've said though. Crimethink excluded.

The fact remains, if you come across a guy like blue coat in midnights video. And he's a bad guy. If you have a gun on him, and you wait to see his gun. You are dead. Fact.

8th December 2017, 07:21 PM
You dislike for all cops has allowed your mind to misinterpret things. That cop, gave very clear orders. He even asked Shaver if he was drunk, just to make sure Shaver would understand his very clear orders. Shaver said no, to being drunk. The cop then warned Shaver they considered him a threat, and to obey his orders, or he would be shot.

Then Shaver disobey orders and reached behind his back for a weapon.

Justified shooting.
It is a very good thing that you are no longer a cop. You obviously suffer from whatever fucktardery that asshole murderer suffers from. That poor bastard was scared shitless and confused as hell from the treatment he was recieving. Murder, plain and simple. No earthly reason for it.

8th December 2017, 07:26 PM
It always happens, I get roped into these cop threads and I get the usual responses of "being on crack" "delusional", etc. At least this one is a decent discussion.

Nobody seems to have any real argument against what I've said though. Crimethink excluded.

The fact remains, if you come across a guy like blue coat in midnights video. And he's a bad guy. If you have a gun on him, and you wait to see his gun. You are dead. Fact. Wrong !

but some here do have agendas for a fact.! Later in quiet time, drink a beer or so and watch the vid again, but try not see what you were traind/conditioned to see. the guy was no threat. But died anyway, badly handled.

As I said before, the other officers are not blame free, they watched that train wreck and did nothing to stop it. lots of blame to go around, and the victim, probably was scared shit less to say the least.

Again I say you are wrong on this one..this was a bold unhindered execution that needed not to happen if any other officer which were many stepped in.

Murder by state.

8th December 2017, 07:26 PM
It is a very good thing that you are no longer a cop. You obviously suffer from whatever fucktardery that asshole murderer suffers from. That poor bastard was scared shitless and confused as hell from the treatment he was recieving. Murder, plain and simple. No earthly reason for it.

If I was on that jury, that cop would be on death row. Don't give me that I had to make a split second decision shit. The guy was UNARMED. Hitch you cannot justify MURDER. Pig training anymore is shoot first make sure you go home at night and ask questions later.

Now with that retarded jury, this dumbass pig will tell himself he was justified.

8th December 2017, 07:31 PM
It is a very good thing that you are no longer a cop. You obviously suffer from whatever fucktardery that asshole murderer suffers from. That poor bastard was scared shitless and confused as hell from the treatment he was recieving. Murder, plain and simple. No earthly reason for it.

Well, I'm not a cop because I couldn't do what he did. I have no regrets, it was in God's plan I took a different direction in life.

8th December 2017, 07:33 PM
Hitch you cannot justify MURDER. Pig training anymore is shoot first make sure you go home at night and ask questions later.

I wasn't trying to justify murder, I was trying to justify self defense. Yes, going home at night means you sometimes have to use self defense.

8th December 2017, 07:35 PM
Well, I'm not a cop because I couldn't do what he did. I have no regrets, it was in God's plan I took a different direction in life. And probably you are a better person because of your choice. (retain sanity)

Keep on trucking you hard head , hehe I can call you a wet back, hehe or not quite a shellback, because to earn that you have to cross the equator.. (you are a water man)

Peace, you hard headed pollock.


8th December 2017, 07:35 PM
I wasn't trying to justify murder, I was trying to justify self defense. Yes, going home at night means you sometimes have to use self defense.

There was no self defense in this instance. The guy was UNARMED. This was murder and there is no justification for it.

8th December 2017, 07:39 PM
There was no self defense in this instance. The guy was UNARMED. This was murder and there is no justification for it.

He was reported as being armed and threatening innocent people. He was treated as if he was armed and dangerous. The cop did what he was trained to do. If you want cops to be victims like everyone else claims to be in society, change the training. Cops are trained to protect others, and a big part of protecting other innocent people, is to protect yourself as well. Can't help or stop a threat if you are dead.

8th December 2017, 07:48 PM
eye ball (mark 1 mod 0) are great evidence detectors, despite what the ears say, so to speak. No sight of a weapon by all the eyballs watching (one set =2 eyeballs + how many officers present )

The officers had time, because they were drawn down on him, so IF he had a weapon , the dude did not have a fucking chance to target anyone, trigger reactions quicker than drawing a weapon from a back pocket of wast band from behind the back.

Hard head !

8th December 2017, 07:53 PM
the dude did not have a fucking chance to target anyone, trigger reactions quicker than drawing a weapon from a back pocket of wast band from behind the back.

This will get you killed. I've already explained this, in this thread.

If someone draws a gun on you intending to shoot, and you wait to see that gun, you will likely die. Even if you have a gun pointed at them at the time.

If there's one message I could shout out to you folks, it's that. For self defense reasons, research what I've said. Don't take my word for it, research it.

8th December 2017, 07:54 PM
This will get you killed. I've already explained this, in this thread.

If someone draws a gun on you, and you wait to see that gun, you will likely die. Even if you have a gun pointed at them at the time.

If there's one message I could shout out to you folks, it's that. For self defense reasons, research what I've said. Don't take my word for it, research it.

I have had training, nuff said, I do strongly disagree with you.

as you have not noticed by now.....grin...!


8th December 2017, 08:03 PM
I have had training, nuff said, I do strongly disagree with you.

as you have not noticed by now.....grin...!


I do look forward to a discussion about our different viewpoints. ;) I need to give you a call to catch up.

To all, I know my views are different. I sometimes get passionate about cops, LE, and how our society treats them. I'll shut up in this thread. I know folks assume the worst about LE, and that's really a good thing, checks and balances...

8th December 2017, 08:06 PM
I do look forward to a discussion about our different viewpoints. ;) I need to give you a call to catch up.

To all, I know my views are different. I sometimes get passionate about cops, LE, and how our society treats them. I'll shut up in this thread. I know folks assume the worst about LE, and that's really a good thing, checks and balances... Shit mon, I have been trying to get you to call me for a year + one day, I gave up trying to calling you..

Lmfao !

8th December 2017, 08:25 PM
He was reported as being armed and threatening innocent people. He was treated as if he was armed and dangerous. The cop did what he was trained to do. If you want cops to be victims like everyone else claims to be in society, change the training. Cops are trained to protect others, and a big part of protecting other innocent people, is to protect yourself as well. Can't help or stop a threat if you are dead.

You know hearsay doesn't hold up in a court of law right? I don't know how many times I've heard cops when I used to do consulting work would say that reports are usually full of shit. They had eyes on the suspect, the reports said a RIFLE was reported. Did that guy look like he was carrying a fucking rifle?

Even if he was armed, the cops already had eyes on him as well as rifles pointed at him. It doesn't matter how "quick on the draw" he may of been, cops in body armor no less are quick to a pull a trigger.

Fucking cowards. That's all who "Punish and Enslave" anymore. I hope this pig gets his one day.

8th December 2017, 08:31 PM
You know hearsay doesn't hold up in a court of law right? I don't know how many times I've heard cops when I used to do consulting work would say that reports are usually full of shit. They had eyes on the suspect, the reports said a RIFLE was reported. Did that guy look like he was carrying a fucking rifle?

Even if he was armed, the cops already had eyes on him as well as rifles pointed at him. It doesn't matter how "quick on the draw" he may of been, cops in body armor no less are quick to a pull a trigger.

Fucking cowards. That's all who "Punish and Enslave" anymore. I hope this pig gets his one day.

Thank you for sorta quoting me with more details of thoughts!


8th December 2017, 08:38 PM
You know hearsay doesn't hold up in a court of law right? I don't know how many times I've heard cops when I used to do consulting work would say that reports are usually full of shit. They had eyes on the suspect, the reports said a RIFLE was reported. Did that guy look like he was carrying a fucking rifle?

Even if he was armed, the cops already had eyes on him as well as rifles pointed at him. It doesn't matter how "quick on the draw" he may of been, cops in body armor no less are quick to a pull a trigger.

Fucking cowards. That's all who "Punish and Enslave" anymore. I hope this pig gets his one day.

He did what he was trained to do. You guys taught him to do that.

If you don't like the training and response, take responsibility, admit you are the problem, and work to change it. Nothing will change if everyone claims they are victims.

You sent that guy out to deal with an armed and dangerous person. That 'person' did not comply, and was shot dead. That is the facts. If you want to throw that one cop under the bus for all the blame, you are suggesting, that it's not a societal or structural problem.

You are saying it's an individual problem. What do you want to change? Individuals? or the big picture? Think about that.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 08:56 PM
No, FPS video games taught him that. He thinks he’s living in a FPS video game. The fact that he had whatever was deemed unacceptable inscribed on his AR confirms this. I noted that he took his FPS shooter role very seriously as he had an Aimpoint CompM4 mounted on his AR. That’s a very high end optic - an Aimpoint PRO does the exact same thing for half the cost. He was itching to kill someone and it didn’t matter to him who he killed.

8th December 2017, 09:00 PM
He did what he was trained to do. You guys taught him to do that.

Nope, don't try shifting the blame. Is this your coward cop training kicking in? The people who trained him and developed the training are located in a tiny parasitic country located in the middle east. I'll let you figure that one out.

If you don't like the training and response, take responsibility, admit you are the problem, and work to change it. Nothing will change if everyone claims they are victims.

Ironic coming from a former cop. Blame the training and not take personal responsibility. It USED to be (30-50 years ago) if a cop shot an unarmed man they would find themselves in prison next to the scum bags they locked up. In other words a death sentence.

You sent that guy out to deal with an armed and dangerous person. That 'person' did not comply, and was shot dead. That is the facts. If you want to throw that one cop under the bus for all the blame, you are suggesting, that it's not a societal or structural problem.

More bullshit cop logic. Cops were only "sent" because society has been pussified to the point to always rely upon the state to do everything from counseling marriage disputes to getting involved with a McDonalds order that got fucked up by the retard behind the counter.
You are not a judge or a jury and "did not comply" is cop speak for contempt of cop. You can take that bullshit and shove it squarely right up your ass with the rest of your logic in this case. This is murder THAT IS A FACT. Your justification for murder is kind of sickening honestly. No that cop should be thrown under the bus because he was a pussy pig who shot an unarmed man. If he got a bullet in the back of the head, I would probably open a bottle of wine to celebrate.

You are saying it's an individual problem. What do you want to change? Individuals? or the big picture? Think about that.

Are individuals not responsible for their actions? That's what you are attempting to twist your coward cop logic into by trying to blame everyone in society but the pussy pig who pulled the trigger.

8th December 2017, 09:17 PM
Nope, don't try shifting the blame. Is this your coward cop training kicking in? The people who trained him and developed the training are located in a tiny parasitic country located in the middle east. I'll let you figure that one out.

Ironic coming from a former cop. Blame the training and not take personal responsibility. It USED to be (30-50 years ago) if a cop shot an unarmed man they would find themselves in prison next to the scum bags they locked up. In other words a death sentence.

More bullshit cop logic. Cops were only "sent" because society has been pussified to the point to always rely upon the state to do everything from counseling marriage disputes to getting involved with a McDonalds order that got fucked up by the retard behind the counter.
You are not a judge or a jury and "did not comply" is cop speak for contempt of cop. You can take that bullshit and shove it squarely right up your ass with the rest of your logic in this case. This is murder THAT IS A FACT. Your justification for murder is kind of sickening honestly. No that cop should be thrown under the bus because he was a pussy pig who shot an unarmed man. If he got a bullet in the back of the head, I would probably open a bottle of wine to celebrate.

Are individuals not responsible for their actions? That's what you are attempting to twist your coward cop logic into by trying to blame everyone in society but the pussy pig who pulled the trigger.

I disagree with everything you have posted here, Ares.

Drop the agenda, and let's have a discussion.

8th December 2017, 09:23 PM
Nobody, nobody out of all you guys who are long time members of this forum, has any valid argument to what I've posted in this thread.

midnight rambler
8th December 2017, 09:29 PM
And you don’t take that as a sign that you’re out of touch with reality??

8th December 2017, 09:36 PM
And you don’t take that as a sign that you’re out of touch with reality??

What I've posted in this thread is reality. If just one person reading what I've said, understands, it's all worth it to me.

8th December 2017, 09:43 PM
Nobody, nobody out of all you guys who are long time members of this forum, has any valid argument to what I've posted in this thread.

Why don't you just send us a PM with a "Contempt of Cop" citation? :rolleyes:

You know for that failure to comply bullshit cops will apparently kill someone for.

8th December 2017, 09:52 PM
I disagree with everything you have posted here, Ares.

Drop the agenda, and let's have a discussion.

Sure when you drop your agenda.

Putting on a blue uniform, with a tin badge and given imaginary authority by an imaginary state does not give another human being more power or rights over another.

At the end of the day cops are no bodies with no more power than a "civilian". Their "authority" and that of the state is completely imaginary. But that guy died because the cop was a chicken shit coward.

Go ahead and defend that if you want to. It's obvious who has the agenda in this thread.

9th December 2017, 02:45 AM
I wish I had the time and resources to scientifically study the mind control phenomenon we are witnessing personally in this thread. Clearly, Pete's humanity has been suspended, and his programming, uh, "training," has kicked in, leading him to spew unbelievable whoppers and outrageous excuses for the execution of an unarmed man.

Unless we've went through it - and God help us if we ever did - no one here knows what really happens in modern "law enforcement training." What sort of Mossad-perfected techniques are being employed, to cause our friend Dr. Pete to turn into Mr. Hyde at the arrival of this discussion? I mean, we all know about the Blue Cult and their "brotherhood," but it's clearly more than that...something much more sinister...demonic.

9th December 2017, 02:51 AM
He did what he was trained to do. You guys taught him to do that.

If you don't like the training and response, take responsibility, admit you are the problem, and work to change it. Nothing will change if everyone claims they are victims.

You sent that guy out to deal with an armed and dangerous person. That 'person' did not comply, and was shot dead. That is the facts. If you want to throw that one cop under the bus for all the blame, you are suggesting, that it's not a societal or structural problem.

You are saying it's an individual problem. What do you want to change? Individuals? or the big picture? Think about that.

More examples of the mind control programming I'm referring to.

"You 'made me' do it." That's the mindset of a thug. Exactly what pigs tell we lesser beings all the time.

No, we are all responsible to ourselves, to our fellow men, and, most importantly, to God Almighty, for our individual actions. We always have the choice to say "No." You did, Pete, when you didn't shoot that guy. And were formally reprimanded for the humanity the Holy Spirit protected in you when doing the right thing overrode your "training."

9th December 2017, 02:55 AM
No, FPS video games taught him that. He thinks he’s living in a FPS video game. The fact that he had whatever was deemed unacceptable inscribed on his AR confirms this. I noted that he took his FPS shooter role very seriously as he had an Aimpoint CompM4 mounted on his AR. That’s a very high end optic - an Aimpoint PRO does the exact same thing for half the cost. He was itching to kill someone and it didn’t matter to him who he killed.

Those under 40 are all seriously compromised in being able to discern reality. We've "advanced" to a state of technology where reality and imagination and delusion are indistinguishable sans Divine Power.

What is "real" any more?




9th December 2017, 02:58 AM
I disagree with everything you have posted here, Ares.

Drop the agenda, and let's have a discussion.

The only "Agenda" is that of the Blue Cult. The agenda of "the officer must go home at the end of the shift," AT ANY COST. God-given rights, the family dog, the lives of unarmed men...no cost is too great for this objective.

9th December 2017, 03:01 AM
Nobody, nobody out of all you guys who are long time members of this forum, has any valid argument to what I've posted in this thread.

You still haven't addressed the fact cops are held to a LOWER standard than United States soldiers. Soldiers are engaged in far more unpredictable scenarios, often with little to no backup, yet the Geneva Conventions require them to be humane in acting against possible assailants.

9th December 2017, 05:15 AM
Hitch, this decision by the jury makes a cops job more dangerous as citizens start viewing all police interactions as possibly deadly and will respond accordingly. Like it or not, pigs are vastly outnumbered and out gunned.

When justice repeatedly fails to stay the hand of the state's murderer's, eventually the people take justice into their own hands.

9th December 2017, 07:06 AM
Unless we've went through it - and God help us if we ever did - no one here knows what really happens in modern "law enforcement training." What sort of Mossad-perfected techniques are being employed, to cause our friend Dr. Pete to turn into Mr. Hyde at the arrival of this discussion? I mean, we all know about the Blue Cult and their "brotherhood," but it's clearly more than that...something much more sinister...demonic.

Before I started driving truck over the road I took a course on truck driving that covered rules and regulations and driving for drivers. The course was offered at a Vo-Tech school and they also trained cops.

One morning the truck class and I were walking out to the eighteen wheeler to take it out for a spin and we had to walk right past the cop training class going through a training session. They were teaching them to get down behind their car door and scream stuff like "put you hands behind your head" and "get down on the ground" and they were really screaming. It was a real learning experience for the truck driving class because we knew we'd be running to those sons a bitches out on the hi-way later on.

9th December 2017, 01:35 PM

old steel
9th December 2017, 03:00 PM
I think the shooting was justified. Firstly, Shaver was reported to be armed and dangerous. In the aftermath of the Vegas shooting, a person armed with a reported rifle in a hotel filled with innocent people, cops are going to be on full alert.

Secondly, he was not following orders. The cops even told him, we will shoot you if you do not obey. The cops also told him they considered him a threat. He was not following orders, in fact ignoring them, plus his behavior suggested very violent possibilities. Irrational behavior.

Thirdly, he reaches for a gun behind his back. Hands kill. If a person is armed, a threat, and reaches for a gun where a cop can't see his hands. That equals a justified shooting.

Bullshit! He was laying prone on the floor before he was murdered wearing a T Shirt, no where to hide a weapon there would be an obvious bulge or totally visible from movement.

Ordering the man who was obviously unarmed to cross his legs raise his arms and crawl go ahead and try it, especially with someone pointed a fully locked and loaded rifle at you.

The man was scared shitless, adrenaline and other endorphins pumping into his system which clouds your thinking and your brain goes right into survival mode as in what do i need to do to live?

Trigger happy cop was looking to kill him and he did exactly that, no regard for human life.

Oh yeah i have a good friend who is a detective on the local force, got another friend who is a regular street cop.

Emailed both of them the video and they both told me it was an execution.

9th December 2017, 03:00 PM

Geez, good read here:


9th December 2017, 04:32 PM
my key question - was he trained to do exactly what he did? why didn't they cuff him once he was laying on the floor? if he followed procedures, we have a MUCH bigger problem. the israeli-based training is what we saw...and is pushed nationwide?

old steel
9th December 2017, 04:51 PM
Wait till the tables are turned. Just from the guys that i know who have been fucked over by bad evil cops on a power trip, several have told me they all know guys who are going to go out hunting cops when the balloon goes up and we are WROL.

So yeah, payback is going to be a bitch.

9th December 2017, 06:36 PM


9th December 2017, 07:34 PM
my key question - was he trained to do exactly what he did? why didn't they cuff him once he was laying on the floor? if he followed procedures, we have a MUCH bigger problem. the israeli-based training is what we saw...and is pushed nationwide?

The new police training in place means that when getting arrested you will have to crawl on the floor with one leg crossed over the other with the hands out in front of you,

failure to do this or one mistake will mean instant death,

even if that means that by pulling up your pants means you can do this where as pants falling down will mean instant death because it means you can not crawl.

if you are a bit drunk,

your chances of success are 12%.

This cop was a coward basically,

who thought his namby pamby life was in danger,

possibly, maybe, not really , far from it

but was hyped up on it being another Vegas shooter thing.

Inexperienced or a slow learner,

reminds me of the medical profession who also bury their mistakes and get away with it .

9th December 2017, 09:26 PM
The man was scared shitless, adrenaline and other endorphins pumping into his system which clouds your thinking and your brain goes right into survival mode as in what do i need to do to live?

Thanks old steel. Read what you said here, watched the video again, and you are right.

I was wrong.

Even years later now, my first reaction is to try and defend cops because I've been there. I didn't even realize I was doing that. I was trying to find a reason to justify this cop's actions, and I was wrong in doing so. I have nothing to do with LE anymore, and my life has been getting better and better since, but I don't know why I keep doing that. Trying to justify bad actions, and in this case, murder.

I apologize to this forum.

9th December 2017, 11:31 PM
Thanks old steel. Read what you said here, watched the video again, and you are right.

I was wrong.

Even years later now, my first reaction is to try and defend cops because I've been there. I didn't even realize I was doing that. I was trying to find a reason to justify this cop's actions, and I was wrong in doing so. I have nothing to do with LE anymore, and my life has been getting better and better since, but I don't know why I keep doing that. Trying to justify bad actions, and in this case, murder.

I apologize to this forum.

Apologize to yourself. The "training" (brainwashing) remains. Work on purging it. If I didn't know there was humanity inside you, I'd not have argued with you so vehemently.

10th December 2017, 01:01 AM
Thanks old steel. Read what you said here, watched the video again, and you are right.

I was wrong.

Even years later now, my first reaction is to try and defend cops because I've been there. I didn't even realize I was doing that. I was trying to find a reason to justify this cop's actions, and I was wrong in doing so. I have nothing to do with LE anymore, and my life has been getting better and better since, but I don't know why I keep doing that. Trying to justify bad actions, and in this case, murder.

I apologize to this forum.

I am impressed by your post Hitch, we are all brainwashed, programed , this is a FACT, your self awareness is out standing.

The trick for all of us is to closely observe ourselves more as we can out smart ourselves sometimes.

I live in OZ but from NZ, so my view point is hopefully ( but not always) looking at the forest as opposed to being in the forest and not seeing the trees ect. Concerning Northern Hemisphere carry on which us Southern Hemisphere people dont seem to have at all.

Its all peaceful down here apart from the Northern Hemisphere which really freaks some of us out............ .hahah ,,,,,,,,,,got ya.............. but lets all face it , it is where all the problems seem to be .

Southern Hemisphere = Heaven, compared to Northern Hemi =Hell.........you guys might not agree but I see it..............:o

The programming and conditioning is also an emotional programming and not just the mind.

We all have EMOTIONAL PROGRAMING as well as MENTAL PROGRAMING., even SPIRITUAL PROGRAMMING, the whole thing is a mess, but hey .

Take a look at the post over at the religious forum I posted , its a real knock out.

Yesterday I finally found a simple way for anyone to dig themselves out of a hole.

Go out side and close your eyes and face the sun and warm the eyes up.

Not around mid day if summer time.

Warm up your eye balls does wonders for your mental health (anyones), it takes about a minute, two max.

10th December 2017, 07:54 AM
This topic is such a difficult one to discuss, especially for former LEOs like yourself. Im guessing its hard for you to imagine cops can shoot a man in cold blood like this when you once wore the badge and walked a mile in his shoes. That wasn't how you and your fellow officers did your job. It seems law enforcement has changed and not in a good way I'm afraid!

Thank you for your last post sir!

10th December 2017, 03:47 PM
I believe this was BEFORE the Vegas FF shooting. This punk pig was just itching to kill another human being and it didn't matter what it took he was determined to kill this guy in front of his 'brother hood'

This cop was a coward basically,

who thought his namby pamby life was in danger,

possibly, maybe, not really , far from it

but was hyped up on it being another Vegas shooter thing.

Inexperienced or a slow learner,

reminds me of the medical profession who also bury their mistakes and get away with it .

11th December 2017, 01:26 AM
I didn't hear the police (in the video) announce to Shaver that he was under arrest - shouldn't that right there be the FIRST violation by the police?

Doesn't our constitution guarantee each of us to be "secure in our persons and property..."? Either place us under arrest, and state the details of WHAT FOR, or let the fuck US GO! If they didn't have a reason to arrest this man (Shaver), then what the hell business did they have even being there? If they had a complaint by someone who claimed that a law had been broken (if brandishing a firearm in a window of a motel is breaking the law), then, they should: a) get the name of the person swearing to what law they witnessed being broken, and b) announce to the parties suspected of being the trangressors that THEY ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ("whatever was sworn to by the complaintant").

After making this announcement, and if the suspects were to RESIST ARREST, then the suspects can be shot, but ONLY if deadly force becomes necessary to make the arrest. In this case, Shaver had no idea what the hell was going on, whether he was suspected of breaking a law, being put under arrest (for what?), or, were these gun-wielding bandidos even policemen (they sure weren't acting like police, what with all those idiotic commands - it didn't sound like they were simply "placing a suspect under arrest").

Another question comes to mind (which is NOT that far-fetched): what if one of the other policemen had immediately SHOT and KILLED the trigger-happy cop, for fear that the trigger-happy cop had gone berserk and presented a deadly threat to the other policemen (as indicated by having just shot and killed an unarmed man pleading for his life in tears, and considering the combat assault rifle, the AR 15, that the "gone berserk" cop was wielding)? Would the second policeman be able to get away with it, also, claiming that he feared for HIS life? One can see that, given enough time and enough insanity in dealing with deadly force, it can get very ugly and unpredictable.

11th December 2017, 04:52 PM
It seems law enforcement has changed and not in a good way I'm afraid!

Thank you for your last post sir!

This topic, and the posts from folks on this forum, has taught me that I need to change.

For that, I thank you, and everyone else on this forum.

11th December 2017, 11:40 PM
Etching on trigger-happy cops AR 15 withheld from jury by "judge"!

How is the etched phrase "You're Fucked" on the unauthorized AR 15 by the murderer NOT admissable?

What better evidence could be presented to the jury for them to accuratly glean the mindset of the murderer?

Of course it would help them to be judicial, but it would not be PRE-judicial because it would not be something unrelated to the crime in question (2nd degree murder), and it would NOT be presented to the jury to influence them outside of the crime in question.

This judge is insane, embicilic, and obviously ignorant as to the difference between "prejudicial" and "pertinent". The fact that this evidence would go a long ways to convince the jury that there was no "reasonable doubt" as to the defendant's guilt, it CANNOT be prejudicial just because of that - it also HAS to be shown to be completely unrelated to the crime to which he is charged - 2nd degree murder.

For anyone to have etched onto their firearm that disturbing phrase ("You're Fucked") undoubtedly demonstrates a 2nd degree murder MINDSET, and a jury definitely NEEDS TO KNOW THAT. This judge needs to be held responsible for releasing a cold-blooded psychotic killer back out onto the streets to commit murder again, and again, and again.


Arizonans need to gather ALL pertinent evidence withheld by this low IQ monkey-minded idiot sitting on the bench, and solicit the jury to convene and take witness to all the withheld evidence and see which, if any, would have changed their decision with this withheld information. This convening, and changed decision, should then be brought before an oversight comittee as to the fitness, and potential GUILT, of this feeble-minded embicil serving as a judge.

There are TWO guilty parties here - one, the trigger-happy murder-crazed defendant, and two, the retarded chimp sitting on the bench. The jurors ARE NOT TO BLAME - they are REQUIRED to acquit if they have any "reasonable doubt", and, being denied the full and unabridged video, plus kept in the dark as to the ongoing mindset of the murdering cop, they had no choice but to conclude there was indeed reasonable doubt. Without pertinent evidence, any jury will acquit even a dyed-in-the-wool guilty party.

Have prosecutors ever appealed a very badly conducted trial in which a guilty party was acquitted, and had the trial thrown out by an appelate court, so that double jeapordy would not be an issue? I contend that the murderer has not yet ever been tried for his crime. He was served up a prejudicial show-trial in which his jury could not EVER have deliberated as to his guilt, having been denied very pertinent evidence. Try the son-of-a-bitch FOR REAL, and kick that ignoramous "judge" out into the street - make him liable for damages from Shaver's surviving family.

12th December 2017, 04:00 AM
Etching on trigger-happy cops AR 15 withheld from jury by "judge"!

How is the etched phrase "You're Fucked" on the unauthorized AR 15 by the murderer NOT admissable?

Killer Cop = employee of the State.

"Judge" = employee of the State.

Prosecutor = employee of the State.

"Defense" attorney = agent of the State ("officer of the court").

State Judicial Council (or equivalent) who decrees rules of court & evidence = well, you get the idea.

Anyone who goes into "court" thinking there is any hope for Justice is among the most ignorant of souls. You go to court to do business.