View Full Version : Julian assange just warned of a deep state coup meant to install mike pence as presid

15th December 2017, 04:32 AM
The founder of WikiLeaks is warning the public about a Deep State plot to overthrow Trump, and install Mike Pence as President of the United States.
Washington, D.C. – In a tweet this morning, WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, made a prescient observation that the ongoing deep state coup against President Trump is an operation by establishment forces to unseat Trump and replace him with Vice President Mike Pence. Assange noted that Trump’s political capital has “been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc.”

Julian Assange @JulianAssange (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange)

Trump's political capital has been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc. Game is clearly to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.
8:19 PM - Dec 14, 2017 (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/941236265256566784)

Essentially, Assange is saying is that the aforementioned stakeholders who want to see Trump gone have played a long-game, whereby they have worked “to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.”
This, of course, was done as means of severing Trump from his political base, which largely opposes CIA interventionism, Zionism, and globalist banking cartels.
The idea behind it being that when Mueller moves to recommend impeachment, Trump will have strayed so far from the positions that got him elected that there will be a minimal public outcry in his defense.
This follows chatter earlier this year that some saw Mike Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy.” (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-10/mike-pence-deep-states-insurance-policy)
In fact, Wikileaks’ Assange, tweeted back in March, that there was a plan afoot by Hillary Clinton and her loyalists within the Intelligence Community to force a “Pence takeover.”

Julian Assange @JulianAssange (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange)

Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover. She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.
10:20 PM - Mar 14, 2017 (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/841609854540238849)


As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed back in March:
“Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment.”

Julian Assange http://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f539.png@JulianAssange (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange)

Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees.
10:29 PM - Mar 14, 2017 (https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/841612345185046528)


Assange’s position about the Pence coup has been acknowledged by independent journalist, Mike Cernovich, who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, and has previously said that inside sources have confirmed that Pence is working to remove Trump in a deep state coup.
Back in August, Cernovich reported having inside information from White Houses sources (https://z3news.com/w/mike-cernovich-pence-leading-deep-state-coup-impeach-trump/) that claimed Pence was working behind the scenes to count Republican votes in Congress for a possible impeachment vote to remove Trump.
Rumors of an internal coup began during the election campaign when it was reported that Pence began plotting a coup (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/12/05/vice-president-mike-pence-plotted-coup-run-president-condoleezza/) after a tape of Trump boasting about groping women was made public.
The tape’s release, one month before the election, caused dissent among senior Republicans and led to several withdrawing their endorsements and calling for Trump to withdraw as the party’s presidential candidate.
Pence, known as a deeply religious man, was said to be “beside himself” over Trump’s comments on the tape. Pence’s wife Karen was reportedly disgusted and called Trump “reprehensible—just totally vile,”according to the Atlantic.
Sources close to the campaign have claimed that the situation was so serious that Trump held a meeting to determine what step to take next.
Reince Priebus, who would become Trump’s first Chief of Staff, was reportedly bombarded with calls from party officials and donors pleading with him to get rid of Trump, with some suggesting replacing him with Pence and making Condoleezza Rice his running mate.
Priebus reportedly told him he would suffer a huge defeat if he did not drop out.
At the time, RNC lawyers attempted to find a legal mechanism by which they could remove Trump as the Republican candidate, while a group of billionaires attempted to offer Trump $800 million in order to voluntarily quit the race, according to the Atlantic.
The fact of the matter is that Trump, while considered an outsider to politics, has operated as a consummate politician by catering to many of the special interest groups he ran on not allowing to have influence in his administration—which may ultimately be his undoing if his base abandons him as Mueller moves toward a potential impeachment.
As Democratic Sen. Chuck Shumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in reference to Trump taking on the Intelligence Community:
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”


15th December 2017, 04:36 AM

The Deep State Would ‘Nuke A US City’ To Murder Trump And Blame North Korea

http://www.mydailyinformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/deepstate-e1504440499146.jpgMac Slavo (http://www.mydailyinformer.com/author/mac-slavo/) December 14, 2017 0 Comments (http://www.mydailyinformer.com/the-deep-state-would-nuke-a-us-city-to-murder-trump-and-blame-north-korea/#respond)
War (http://www.mydailyinformer.com/category/war/)

Murder Trump (http://www.mydailyinformer.com/tag/murder-trump/), Nuke A US City (http://www.mydailyinformer.com/tag/nuke-a-us-city/)

There isn’t anything the deep state wouldn’t do to eliminate Donald Trump should he get in their way too much. It’s now becoming clear to some that they would even nuke a city in the United States and blame it on North Korea if the opportunity presents itself.
According to Mike Adams from Natural News, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0RCq608cvs&t=13s) the deep state has been trying to get Trump out of office since the moment he was elected. They have tried everything, and are now becoming desperate in their quest to eliminate the most immediate threat to their agenda. But just how far would the deep state go? According to Adams, they aren’t afraid to nuke a city and blame it on North Korea.

“The deep state will do anything and everything to get Trump out of office,” Adams said. If they have to shoot Air Force One out of the sky, they will. If they have to kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Americans, the deep state will do it because they don’t care, they only need Trump gone. “Would they drop a nuke on Seattle to kill Trump? You bet they would,” Adams says. “The deep state is desperately trying to cling to power.”
Adams continues saying that what the deep state has planned now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0RCq608cvs) is “orders of magnitude” larger than what took place on September 11, 2001. He also made a prediction in the event that the deep state succeeds in ridding the White House of Donald Trump:
Now, I predict…and this is not condoning such actions, I’m analyzing it…I’m predicting that any elimination of Trump, either just eliminating him from office or killing him will set off a civil war. An armed revolt across America, probably converging on Washington D.C. where the people..you know, the second amendment activated people who elected Trump into office will finally say to themselves ‘they’ve had enough.’ They’re gonna take their country back. –Mike Adams (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0RCq608cvs&t=13s)



15th December 2017, 05:21 AM
They had absolutely no problem killing over 3000 of their fellow citizens on 9/11/2001 in order to get the country into war to advance their control. So if they see a benefit of nuking a city and contaminating it for the next 5,000+ years to advance their goals, they'll do it.

15th December 2017, 08:18 AM
Some continue in the delusion that Trump acts independently of the masters of Earth.

If Trump leaves the White House, it will be as a disability retirement...or his term ends.

15th December 2017, 10:41 AM
“Would they drop a nuke on Seattle to kill Trump? You bet they would,”

I don't really hate that idea actually!

15th December 2017, 11:26 AM

L.A. sounds better to cover their track of laser weapon testing in the wild fires...

15th December 2017, 05:20 PM
I just hope they get on with it. I'm so tired of these soap opera scenarios going back and forth. Blow it up already!!

15th December 2017, 06:32 PM
I just hope they get on with it. I'm so tired of these soap opera scenarios going back and forth. Blow it up already!!

Be careful what you wish for...things can always get worse. And if a nuclear weapon is detonated within the United States, the "USA PATRIOT" Act will look like the Bill of Rights.

16th December 2017, 02:20 AM
I guess Washington D.C would be wishful thinking.

16th December 2017, 07:00 AM
I don't stress over things I can't control. I can only prepare the best way I can and wait like the rest of us
Be careful what you wish for...things can always get worse. And if a nuclear weapon is detonated within the United States, the "USA PATRIOT" Act will look like the Bill of Rights.

16th December 2017, 07:01 AM
Brilliant idea, I second the motion!
I guess Washington D.C would be wishful thinking.

16th December 2017, 07:12 AM
I guess Washington D.C would be wishful thinking. Glass parking lots are the coming thing, may be worthwhile to invest in deep holes in the ground, deep but nicely appointed holes with all the perks for survival.

16th December 2017, 07:25 AM
Julian Assange is dead!

16th December 2017, 10:36 AM
Julian Assange is dead!

We know that.

16th December 2017, 11:23 AM
“Would they drop a nuke on Seattle to kill Trump? You bet they would,”

I don't really hate that idea actually!

The point is to get the states where they are no longer the hellhole they once were, they become an even worse hellhole. Life is no longer the same, which is the point. More wars and a un-patriot "act" II, III, IV, and V. Saying the "government" is behind any terrorist attack becomes un"law"ful. Where are the SJWs when you need them?? Mark Dice recently had a video saying MSNBC should have cut the mic and gone to a commercial break when a guest said the Republican Party commits acts of terrorism. The calls for limits on freedom of speech and for a new jew terror world disorder are from trump supporters like Mark Dice and others on the right. The traditional left might save the states from further hell. (Not with HRC, though.) Which is why the Dems would like immigration reform, but their bosses would not like immigration reform. trump is the least insane out of the totally insane Republicans and trump the insane is trying to instigate war with North Korea, China, and get the conflict starting with the Iranians.

Let the SJWs hate the American Nazis like trump. And let the Muslims hate the jewish nazis "state" of Israhell.

16th December 2017, 12:46 PM
“Would they drop a nuke on Seattle to kill Trump? You bet they would,”

I don't really hate that idea actually!

Pure Bullshit.

16th December 2017, 01:19 PM
Julian is not the first to say this. I have heard for months that they want to do a false flag small nuke in WV, to start a war in Korea and to get 'mericans staring out CNN yelling, "murder those against the 'government'" and "murder those against Israhell". Like with most things, the jew stages something and gets the goyim to demand big brother, FEMA camps, "safety", war, a politician to win an election.

There have been so many false flags, there is zero reason to believe the "government", ever.

old steel
16th December 2017, 01:32 PM
Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom -

“I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that this is a conspiratorial cabal among the fifth column to basically take away the Presidency of the United States. This whole thing with Russia is just a farce”



16th December 2017, 01:52 PM
Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom -

“I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that this is a conspiratorial cabal among the fifth column to basically take away the Presidency of the United States. This whole thing with Russia is just a farce”



When do we say enough is enough?

18th December 2017, 07:50 AM
We've been saying it but it seems that talk is cheap!
When do we say enough is enough?

18th December 2017, 09:14 AM
When do we say enough is enough?

We can say enough, but saying is not doing anything. Withdrawing from the system is doing something, but that is a hard nut to crack.