View Full Version : MVARs ... Get In On The Ground Floor

30th December 2017, 05:22 AM
The power industry deals in kilowatts or megawatts. These are real indicators of real power: Voltage crossed with the current in phase. Real power is generated at a real cost. Out of phase power is vars (volt-amps reactive), Kvars or Mvars. In all of these the current vector is 90 degree offset from the voltage vector. Imaginary power. This comes about because all loads are not resistive. They all have components of either induction (lagging current) or capacitance (leading current).

It takes no power to create an Mvar. They are not useful for anything. The end user generates the Mvars (or Kvars or vars) rather than the power company. Mvars are stored in the magnetic field of inductors or the electric field in capacitors. Currently Mvars are considered a waste product and are discarded every cycle. The field pumped up on one half of the AC cycle is returned on the second half.

I propose consolidating all Mvars generated by everyone in the country and selling them to the rest of the world in exchange for anything else imaginary. Possibly fortune cookies? Bitcoins? The goal would be to balance the trade deficit. A free market in Mvars could be established however it must be stipulated that while this commodity may be sold or exchanged there is no practical way to transport Mvars without incurring a transportation penalty. This transportation penalty is real since current flowing through a wire encounters resistance and this resistance will generate a voltage in phase with the current. Said voltage and current are in phase and require real power. This should not be a factor in the success of the enterprise since success is not real either.

Feel free to pass this message along to your investor friends. Get in on the ground floor and avoid the bubble and/or Ponzi scheme defect that comes with being late to the party.

p.s. A DC system as proposed by Edison generates no Mvars. Nikola Tesla made this imaginary field of science (and economics) practical.

30th December 2017, 05:43 AM

Tears and all !


Thanks for giving me my first grin of the day!

30th December 2017, 07:01 AM
I believe the imaginary should remain in its' own universe.