View Full Version : (((Spontaneous Protests))) in Iran

30th December 2017, 04:47 PM


30th December 2017, 04:55 PM
This vastly increases the danger of an US/Israel/Saudi strike on Iran. If Tehran responds as any other government would, (((they))) may take the opportunity (use as an excuse) to strike Iran's nuclear and strategic assets, in order to destabilize the government while these (((spontaneous))) elements do their Kosher thing.

30th December 2017, 05:36 PM
I am not impressed with this either.

30th December 2017, 06:49 PM
Perfect thread title.

30th December 2017, 06:55 PM
This vastly increases the danger of an US/Israel/Saudi strike on Iran. If Tehran responds as any other government would, (((they))) may take the opportunity (use as an excuse) to strike Iran's nuclear and strategic assets, in order to destabilize the government while these (((spontaneous))) elements do their Kosher thing.

yup. like syiria, 'they' will demonize ANY gov response with tall-tales and hype turned up to eleven

30th December 2017, 07:16 PM
The situation in Iran is almost entirely synthetic, nearly identical to what happened in Ukraine.


30th December 2017, 07:22 PM
yup. like syiria, 'they' will demonize ANY gov response with tall-tales and hype turned up to eleven

The situation is external agit-prop grafted atop some low-level, legitimate demonstrations about living costs. "Regime change" talk is being spewed by both the (((State Department))) and managed elements within Iran itself.

Iran's government could surely deal with the actually organic demonstrations, largely by simply ameliorating the conditions that caused them. They could also deal with these (((elements))) that are hijacking the organic protests and are spreading agit-prop. However, Tehran will be crippled in dealing with internal strife if multiple strikes against infrastructure occur.

We'll soon be hearing of "massacres of peaceful protesters" and more in the coming days. The Jewsmedia will vomit in unison on all channels. The only variations will be "conservatives" will say "Trump must act, and act hard," and "liberals" will say "Trump isn't doing enough to protect the peaceful protesters."

30th December 2017, 07:24 PM
We'll soon be hearing of "massacres of peaceful protesters" and more in the coming days. The Jewsmedia will vomit in unison on all channels. The only variations will be "conservatives" will say "Trump must act, and act hard," and "liberals" will say "Trump isn't doing enough to protect the peaceful protesters."

It begins:


31st December 2017, 01:46 AM
iran invasion has been planned for a long time, but this twist is another fact proving the INversion of a natural law: Love (of/for God) is all there is, so lets turn anything into FORCED interventions in the name of a "loving democracy"

31st December 2017, 01:56 AM
The situation in Iran is almost entirely synthetic, nearly identical to what happened in Ukraine.

I think its different than Ukraine.

Iran got taken over by theocrats in 1979 and there are many Iranian people who rightfully hate them.

It doesn't mean that Israel won't try to take advantage of Iran in its weakened state. But that doesn't negate that the people there want change. Change would be good for Iran as long as they don't' get subverted in the process.

31st December 2017, 02:07 AM
I think its different than Ukraine.

Iran got taken over by theocrats in 1979 and there are many Iranian people who rightfully hate them.

It doesn't mean that Israel won't try to take advantage of Iran in its weakened state. But that doesn't negate that the people there want change. Change would be good for Iran as long as they don't' get subverted in the process.

You are merely positioning yourself to defend your Shabbos Goy Trump when he attacks.

It is 100% certain anything that replaces the Islamic Republic of Iran will be far worse.

Khomeini was a direct result of the subversion of Mohammad Mossadegh. Want to encourage Iranians to respect "the West"? Stop trying to screw them over.

31st December 2017, 04:32 AM
Waiting for the "snipers".

31st December 2017, 06:31 AM
I think its different than Ukraine.

Iran got taken over by theocrats in 1979 and there are many Iranian people who rightfully hate them.

It doesn't mean that Israel won't try to take advantage of Iran in its weakened state. But that doesn't negate that the people there want change. Change would be good for Iran as long as they don't' get subverted in the process.

Iran is actually one of the most democratic countries in the Middle East, the candidates have to be approved by a religious council, but I guess that is similar to US where candidates must be approved by the zionists.

31st December 2017, 07:54 AM
I've been following the Saudi-Arabia/Yemen conflict somewhat and a theme they are pushing lately is that the Houthi rebels supposedly gets rockets from Iran. (((They))) certainly want to paint a picture of Iran as problematic to the sedated western tv-viewer and scumbag politician.

31st December 2017, 08:42 AM
The situation is external agit-prop grafted atop some low-level, legitimate demonstrations about living costs.


Somewhere in Iran is some crypto agit-prop jew funded by Soros stirring up the college kids...


31st December 2017, 04:47 PM
Pathetically transparent regime change in progress. Of th 7 nations that in '06 DIDNT have a rothschild central bank, i believe only iran and n korea remain. Pure coincidence im sure.

31st December 2017, 09:14 PM
ha ha - listen to their issues


1st January 2018, 08:45 AM
ha ha - listen to their issues

:D Youtube commenters these days are pretty jew-wise:

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-AwP6wFdEVKk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/gvngXr5rLR4/s76-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEOlG3GZAjPhQIqRUH4NDg)
BroI〈 en drum Machine (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEOlG3GZAjPhQIqRUH4NDg) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_WKo7uwiVA&lc=UgyG9xCQYMCKbINUIBV4AaABAg)

Looks like the same bullshit they pulled with Syria and Libya. i want no part in this, the west needs to stay out of another war for israel.

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-pcr1S8euUVY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/EPifcnBfN3E/s76-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIm-AgkjiGDF3BEHHfop6Mg)
Venture14 x (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIm-AgkjiGDF3BEHHfop6Mg) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_WKo7uwiVA&lc=UgyqQ6_U6MzWMaLltTB4AaABAg)

Another (((democratic revolution))) on the horizon.

2nd January 2018, 02:22 AM
the shah and komenei were both western puppets, so here we go again

"spontaneous" explained in 1 slide


2nd January 2018, 10:25 PM
the shah and komenei were both western puppets, so here we go again

"spontaneous" explained in 1 slide

As spontaneous as a CIA-Mossad-Soros directed revolution can possibly be!

3rd January 2018, 11:02 PM
Pathetically transparent regime change in progress. Of th 7 nations that (https://bookofra-play.com) in '06 DIDNT have a rothschild central bank, i believe only iran and n korea remain. Pure coincidence im sure.

The end of the regime, that's for sure.

old steel
3rd January 2018, 11:09 PM
So theoretically, the cabal has the capability to take down any country on earth, from the inside now.

That is a reassuring thought.

4th January 2018, 02:21 AM
nothing new under the sun


'With more than 20 people dead following anti-government protests across Iran, footage of mass demonstrations and violent clashes involving police and protesters have been shared liberally across social media in recent weeks.

First among these is a post from conservative media contributor Kambree Kawahine Koa who published a video to her Twitter feed that purported to show a mass anti-government demonstration in Iran. Kawahine Koa told her more than 83,000 followers: “Whoa! 300,000 March for democracy in Iran! Incredible!”

However, Twitter users were quick to debunk the claim, pointing out that the video is actually of protests in Bahrain in 2011. In a series of tweets posted on New Year’s Day, the Bahrain-based Twitter user who re-posted the video said that she had been surprised to find that it was viewed 50,000 times in just two hours. Up to then, it had been viewed a mere 18,000 times in seven years.

“I wanted to know what was causing this sudden interest & I discovered that US press & American activists had picked it up & republished it as depicting protests in Iran even though my original Arabic tweet clearly stated the protest was in 2011 [in] Bahrain,” the user’s post read.'

Read more: These fake images of ‘Iran’ are being shared on social media

4th January 2018, 02:50 PM
The protests in Iran will go nowhere. Persians are not primitives. My understanding is that the protest were about economic issues and the "west" (Mossad) inserted their paid agitators and tried to make it look like the country was imploding - it's not. They used riot footage from Bahrain to hoodwink the gullible. It's all propaganda. The President of Iran reached out to the protestors and acknowledged their legitimate grievances and put in motion policies to address the issues.

The Pro-Iranian demonstrations to support the government were massive.

Just read your above post, Singular. Sorry for the repeat.