View Full Version : Goodbye 2017

31st December 2017, 10:52 AM
Today is the last day of 2017, one of the best and worst years of my life. Some awesome things happened for me and my family this year, but some really shitty things also happened this year. This was definitely not a boring year, that's for sure.

31st December 2017, 10:58 AM
May this next one be one hell a lot better, than this one to all!

Tho life really IS a crapshoot! And seems all the crystal balls are broken.

So onwards thru the fog !


midnight rambler
31st December 2017, 11:05 AM
It’s reasonable to expect a whole lot more excitement in the coming year. The Chosenites are on track for (another) banner year.

31st December 2017, 12:41 PM
Hello 2018, the year they bring in the coin to rule them all. As prophesied by the Rothschild rag the economist, 30 years ago.


31st December 2017, 01:20 PM
Rumors abound that this IS the last. Alot of scuttlebut re: the nukes stolen by the Israelis and 3 cities whoes names keep popping up . Den hous vegas. Prolly nothing but...

31st December 2017, 01:32 PM
AND next year some will say the same!

BUT spilled fuel and an outrageous amount of sparks could end in a unhappy ending!

Some here MAY get what they are praying or wishing for...

Which will suck for the rest of us!


31st December 2017, 04:09 PM
Today is the last day of 2017, one of the best and worst years of my life. Some awesome things happened for me and my family this year, but some really shitty things also happened this year. This was definitely not a boring year, that's for sure.

Happy New Year franks, and GSUS. 2017 was a wild year for me too, faced some hard challenges and setbacks, but had some big wins as well. Went by quick, very quick. I think I finished the year out ahead.

I hope 2018 will be mellow in comparison, and hope JDRock and Neuro are wrong with what they share in this thread.

31st December 2017, 04:30 PM
Happy New Year franks, and GSUS. 2017 was a wild year for me too, faced some hard challenges and setbacks, but had some big wins as well. Went by quick, very quick. I think I finished the year out ahead.

I hope 2018 will be mellow in comparison, and hope JDRock and Neuro are wrong with what they share in this thread.
I am not wrong. The Economist, owned by the Rothschild family, published that article January 9 1988. The Rothschilds elite has this honorary thing that they will always tell what they are going to do publicly before they do it.

31st December 2017, 04:34 PM
Happy New Year franks, and GSUS. 2017 was a wild year for me too, faced some hard challenges and setbacks, but had some big wins as well. Went by quick, very quick. I think I finished the year out ahead.

I hope 2018 will be mellow in comparison, and hope JDRock and Neuro are wrong with what they share in this thread.
I hope so too, its hard to vet a gut feeling but thought id put my feeling on the record.

1st January 2018, 09:03 AM

First baby of the New Year in New York


1st January 2018, 09:35 AM
Happy New Year All. 2017 was a good year in many respects, but like Madfranks it was also one of the worst for me, having lost my father this year. Writing this I cannot help but think of losing Liberty Tree and Ponce over the last couple of years. I hope the best to you all.

1st January 2018, 09:41 AM
Happy New Year All. 2017 was a good year in many respects, but like Madfranks it was also one of the worst for me, having lost my father this year. Writing this I cannot help but think of losing Liberty Tree and Ponce over the last couple of years. I hope the best to you all. Loss of loved ones is part of life, but you have proven that you are a true human with feelings...unlike some here.

Happy new year Mark..!

May the new one outshine the old one...

I also miss both of those human critters..Wish they were still with us, human jewels lost.

1st January 2018, 11:35 AM
Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad JQP. Hope 2018 is kinder to you!
Happy New Year All. 2017 was a good year in many respects, but like Madfranks it was also one of the worst for me, having lost my father this year. Writing this I cannot help but think of losing Liberty Tree and Ponce over the last couple of years. I hope the best to you all.

Twisted Titan
2nd January 2018, 06:01 AM
Hello 2018, the year they bring in the coin to rule them all. As prophesied by the Rothschild rag the economist, 30 years ago.


I really want to see if this comes to past.

Trump is such a disruptive wildcard I can't truly say.

This shit is epic

Twisted Titan
2nd January 2018, 06:05 AM
Happy New Year All. 2017 was a good year in many respects, but like Madfranks it was also one of the worst for me, having lost my father this year. Writing this I cannot help but think of losing Liberty Tree and Ponce over the last couple of years. I hope the best to you all.

I share In that having lost My Mom

I remember somebody saying A loved one can only die if they are forgotten.

And the Duty falls on The Elect to keep carrying that banner onward.

2nd January 2018, 07:58 AM
I really want to see if this comes to past.

Trump is such a disruptive wildcard I can't truly say.

This shit is epic
I don’t think it is up to Trump at all. For it to come to pass they need to crash the dollar, and to do that they need to crush the US economy. They could have done it in 2008, by not injecting trillions of dollars into the banking system. The bubble that Time was real estate and the derivatives related to it, and derivatives at large. This time around it is government bonds (that is an amazing bubble, that have been inflated by an absurd 0% rate policy since 2008), the fiat currencies (the expansion of which has been necessary to be able to buy the government bonds), and finally the crypto currencies. I used to think that bitcoin et al, was about to implode a month ago or so, but it didn’t happen. The total crypto currency market cap is today a bit more than $600 B, which is huge, but it’s collapse wouldn’t trigger a collapse in world economy,it’s less than current evaluation of Apple. I think therefore it needs to inflate much more in the first half of 2018, at least 10-fold, probably more, my guess would be $10-20 Trillion, which would be equivalent to 10-20% of the current value of all real assets in the world. During this expansion you would expect to see bitcoin being overtaken in market cap by other coins . Like Ether, Bitcoin cash, NEO, DASH

2nd January 2018, 08:37 AM
I used to think that bitcoin et al, was about to implode a month ago or so, but it didn’t happen. The total crypto currency market cap is today a bit more than $600 B, which is huge, but it’s collapse wouldn’t trigger a collapse in world economy,it’s less than current evaluation of Apple.

There's the answer right here. Bitcoin, and cryptos may get so big, when it collapses, it actually does take down the world economy. Then, a world gov and world currency will jump in to save the day.

The question still remains, where is all this wealth feeding cryptos coming from? It has to affect the stock market and the economy. Wealth is not created, it just transfers hands. For example, say I buy 3 bit coins, for $40,000. My bitcoins are stored in a digital wallet that I keep safe. Just like gold/silver, I just pulled $40,000 out of the system and hid it. The term opportunity cost comes to mind. Say I didn't do that, and bought $40K boat. The guy I bought the boat from, goes and buys a $40K car. The salesman at the car dealer, gets a bonus, and on and on it goes.

The reason this example is valid, is that everyone I talk to who has bitcoins, is just sitting tight. Not spending them, but just holding on to see what happens. So, the velocity of money, ie bitcoin, is it really fast enough to support it's massive value now? The wealth being poured into cyrptos has to be coming from somewhere. That means less cars being sold, less computers, etc.

midnight rambler
2nd January 2018, 08:42 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble but wealth IS created. Wealth is created anytime someone harvests crops, cuts and takes timber, mines minerals, raises livestock, etc.

2nd January 2018, 08:49 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble but wealth IS created. Wealth is created anytime someone harvests crops, cuts and takes timber, mines minerals, raises livestock, etc.

In a healthy capitalistic economy based upon sound money, yes. Our system is fueled by debt creation. 80% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. That means they have no wealth to begin with, but massive amounts of debt, yet they are somehow buying crypto currencies? Driving up the market to 600 billion dollars worth, worldwide? Something stinks here.

midnight rambler
2nd January 2018, 09:28 AM
FUCK (high finance) capitalism! Give me free enterprise.

2nd January 2018, 10:46 AM
I keep thinking 2018 might be the year that everything, the economy, currencies, completely collapse. I think the bitcoin bubble might initiate this collapse.

Bitcoin is very interesting because the only thing that gives it value, is people basically chasing it. I think it's reached a point of just pure greed. Plus, it's completely anonymous. So, what if North Korea, of even the US, just print a bunch of money and secretly buy up all the bitcoins they can. Governments can buy bitcoin anonymously, why not right? Print a bunch of money, inflate the bitcoin market to a few trillion dollars worth. This huge massive bubble. Then, dump all the bitcoins on the market at once and cash out. The music stops there, and everyone, all the people, are left scrambling for chairs, and the price of bitcoin completely crashes down taking economies with it.

There would be another huge transfer of wealth, from the people to the government. Plus, the government can blame bitcoin for the crash, and everyone rushes to the safety net the government promises.

2nd January 2018, 12:06 PM
I keep thinking 2018 might be the year that everything, the economy, currencies, completely collapse. I think the bitcoin bubble might initiate this collapse.

Bitcoin is very interesting because the only thing that gives it value, is people basically chasing it. I think it's reached a point of just pure greed. Plus, it's completely anonymous. So, what if North Korea, of even the US, just print a bunch of money and secretly buy up all the bitcoins they can. Governments can buy bitcoin anonymously, why not right? Print a bunch of money, inflate the bitcoin market to a few trillion dollars worth. This huge massive bubble. Then, dump all the bitcoins on the market at once and cash out. The music stops there, and everyone, all the people, are left scrambling for chairs, and the price of bitcoin completely crashes down taking economies with it.

There would be another huge transfer of wealth, from the people to the government. Plus, the government can blame bitcoin for the crash, and everyone rushes to the safety net the government promises.

The collapse of bitcoin if/when it happens won't take down economies with it, until economies are dependent on bitcoin. That's not in the cards for 2018.

2nd January 2018, 12:58 PM
The collapse of bitcoin if/when it happens won't take down economies with it, until economies are dependent on bitcoin. That's not in the cards for 2018.

There's a housing bubble, a bond bubble, a car debt bubble, a huge student load debt bubble. All these bubbles just need something to trigger them to burst. Bitcoin could cause that, if a lot of people see their wealth disappear if it crashes. People have taken out loans on their houses to buy bitcoin, for eff's sake. A person can't pay his college or car debt, if he loses all his value in his bitcoins.

A chain reaction bubble bursting implosion of the world economy.

2nd January 2018, 01:08 PM
There's a housing bubble, a bond bubble, a car debt bubble, a huge student load debt bubble. All these bubbles just need something to trigger them to burst. Bitcoin could cause that, if a lot of people see their wealth disappear if it crashes. People have taken out loans on their houses to buy bitcoin, for eff's sake. A person can't pay his college or car debt, if he loses all his value in his bitcoins.

A chain reaction bubble bursting implosion of the world economy.

How many people have taken out loans to buy bitcoin? Hundreds? Maybe thousands? In a national economy of hundreds of millions, and a global economy of billions, this isn't even a sneeze on the radar.

2nd January 2018, 03:43 PM
How many people have taken out loans to buy bitcoin? Hundreds? Maybe thousands? In a national economy of hundreds of millions, and a global economy of billions, this isn't even a sneeze on the radar.

Now, it's not a sneeze on the radar. Nobody has an answer to my earlier question, what's to stop any government from printing a bunch of money and buying up bitcoin? The gov has the money power, and the military power to back up such a move. Bitcoin goes to $500,000.

Then, it will be on the radar. Then they can crash it because they hold the power in anonymous bitcoins to do it. Just dump them all on the market. Take a bunch of profits and watch everyone's excitement and trust in bitcoin go down the toilet, along with their wealth.

2nd January 2018, 05:12 PM
Now, it's not a sneeze on the radar. Nobody has an answer to my earlier question, what's to stop any government from printing a bunch of money and buying up bitcoin? The gov has the money power, and the military power to back up such a move. Bitcoin goes to $500,000.

Then, it will be on the radar. Then they can crash it because they hold the power in anonymous bitcoins to do it. Just dump them all on the market. Take a bunch of profits and watch everyone's excitement and trust in bitcoin go down the toilet, along with their wealth.
I think the run up in bitcoins from $400 to $20,000 was primarily fueled by venture capitalists, which had made the early adopters rich beyond dreams. These venture capitalists essentially finance it by zero percent interest loans from the federal reserve bank. I thought that the bubble was going to burst as it reached $10,000 a month ago, and then $20,000 2-3 weeks ago, but it didn’t, sure bitcoin is around $15,000 now, but the most prominent alt coins has taken up the slack, and bitcoin has held well over $10,000 and is advancing the last few days. So overall crypto market valuation is still over $600B, which it reached 3 weeks ago. As a whole crypto market has just consolidated the last 3 weeks, which imho means that the bubble will resume soon. Extraordinary gains will happen the next few months. Especially in currencies like bitcoin cash (my favorite), Ethereum, Ripple (pre-mined banker coin), Dash, Litecoin, NEO. And probably some of the hundreds of coins that are valued at less than a billion bucks will gain even more. This is going to be the mother of all bubbles, surpassing anything that has ever been seen in human history in magnitude and scope. The general public are not even in yet in any significant numbers, they will be!

2nd January 2018, 05:22 PM
I think the run up in bitcoins from $400 to $20,000 was primarily fueled by venture capitalists, which had made the early adopters rich beyond dreams. These venture capitalists essentially finance it by zero percent interest loans from the federal reserve bank. I thought that the bubble was going to burst as it reached $10,000 a month ago, and then $20,000 2-3 weeks ago, but it didn’t, sure bitcoin is around $15,000 now, but the most prominent alt coins has taken up the slack, and bitcoin has held well over $10,000 and is advancing the last few days. So overall crypto market valuation is still over $600B, which it reached 3 weeks ago. As a whole crypto market has just consolidated the last 3 weeks, which imho means that the bubble will resume soon. Extraordinary gains will happen the next few months. Especially in currencies like bitcoin cash (my favorite), Ethereum, Ripple (pre-mined banker coin), Dash, Litecoin, NEO. And probably some of the hundreds of coins that are valued at less than a billion bucks will gain even more. This is going to be the mother of all bubbles, surpassing anything that has ever been seen in human history in magnitude and scope. The general public are not even in yet in any significant numbers, they will be!

So, basically what you are saying is .gov is sitting this one out, for the time being. They are watching, and seeing that we are our own worst enemy.

This really is an unprecedented social experiment. Can we have a truly "free" and uncorrupted global currency?

Time will tell. I still would double down my bet that a, pump and dump, is on the near horizon. I don't think that would be good for humanity, but .gov is waiting to pounce on the opportunity.

Remember, bitcoin is anonymous. That works in "their" favor, not yours.

2nd January 2018, 09:06 PM
So, basically what you are saying is .gov is sitting this one out, for the time being. They are watching, and seeing that we are our own worst enemy.

This really is an unprecedented social experiment. Can we have a truly "free" and uncorrupted global currency?

Time will tell. I still would double down my bet that a, pump and dump, is on the near horizon. I don't think that would be good for humanity, but .gov is waiting to pounce on the opportunity.

Remember, bitcoin is anonymous. That works in "their" favor, not yours.

.gov is actually not important, it is the money creators that fuel the markets and the government. They have us.gov on the hook for $20T +, they can crash either or both whenever they please. I would imagine their agents are now in control of 50% of bitcoins, and probably a bit less in the other major crypto currencies. Those outside money is what caused the 2017 crypto eruption, they can continue to fuel these markets without anyone raising their eyes too much if they start pulling money from the bond market, which they pretty much has promised to do already, iow deflating the bond market—-> raising interest rates——>decreasing bond value——>other investors dumping bonds for crypto currencies ——>dropping USD. Eventually they pull out everything they have from crypto’s in waves, crashing it to close to zero= the world is ready for the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Just saw that IPhone X is an anagram for it... ;D

By the way Bitcoin isn’t that anonymous, it can be traced back to your address and if that address was ever used by you to purchase something or exchanged it into an exchange where you had to leave your personal specifics it can be traced to you,they can also ask the person before or after you in the ledger where this coin came from or went to.