View Full Version : Thousands of Homeless People Given One-Way Bus Tickets to Leave Town

31st December 2017, 11:40 AM
relocations programs are expanding... indeed, one has to wonder about what will the destination be.... after the big crash

80 Percent Of Americans Living Paycheck To Paycheck, Survey Finds


How Cities Are Giving Thousands of Homeless People One-Way Bus Tickets to Leave Town
Relocation programs offer homeless people free bus tickets to move elsewhere.
By Amy Goodman / Democracy Now!
December 29, 2017, 8:18 AM GMT


California Tent Cities Grow Massively!


Homeless in Hawaii Documentary 2017

Tent cities rise amid housing shortage in Silicon Valley

How Silicon Valley's housing boom is creating a homeless crisis

Tent City, USA: Full Documentary

Escape! From the Cult of Materialism - FULL PROGRAM


31st December 2017, 12:19 PM
Leave California and go to Watertown, NY where you will be cryogenically frozen until March. Florida, Hawaii and the Southwest are the only safe areas for homeless, free ticket for homeless to California, should be the solution. Not sending them to their deaths elsewhere.

midnight rambler
31st December 2017, 12:30 PM
Their destination in the future? Why the soylent green plant of course!

31st December 2017, 03:35 PM
Leave California and go to Watertown, NY where you will be cryogenically frozen until March. Florida, Hawaii and the Southwest are the only safe areas for homeless, free ticket for homeless to California, should be the solution. Not sending them to their deaths elsewhere.

Send the homeless to California, but then you guys should get all the Islamic refugees everyone's whining about helping. Fair, is fair. Maybe the colder weather will tame their aggression.

31st December 2017, 03:37 PM
Hope the government help them get back on their feet. When you hit rock bottom, it is really hard to improve your life unless someone will help.

31st December 2017, 03:40 PM
Some times help is needed, but with conditions.

Nothing is truly free, and that is as it should be.

31st December 2017, 03:43 PM
Hope the government help them get back on their feet. When you hit rock bottom, it is really hard to improve your life unless someone will help.

The problem is the government is so inefficient, and corrupt, that all they do is help themselves first. The best way to help, is through the local church, or red cross.

The sad fact is that a lot of homeless can't be helped though. Providing basic needs such as food and shelter is a top priority.

31st December 2017, 04:31 PM
Hope the government help them get back on their feet. When you hit rock bottom, it is really hard to improve your life unless someone will help.

Why is it the governments job to help these people?

1st January 2018, 01:10 AM
well, I learned at least something from "Escape! From the Cult of Materialism "

Adam Smith, on Profits, believed that if individuals were allowed to indulge themselves into profit seeking, societies would become wealthy. big business and billionaires indulge between themselves... they exactly follow adam smith's theory

how no matter how we look at the picture, we can clearly see that it is the "premise of profit seeking" that is the culprit. Remove profit seeking from the equation and the system falls apart because structures are designed by/for profit seeking. So the flaw is embedded in the premise

greed, hoarding money, is a destroyer. But we have been so much conditioned to think otherwise that anybody exposing the faulty premise is seen as a jerk

Isn't it ironic that money spent on non material things brings more happiness?
Why? Because it is the role of money to help us realize that Reality is much bigger than our material possessions. So yes lets discuss about money. Economics must merge with philosophy and metaphysics.

I have come to this conclusion by myself, by going down several rabbit holes, then I noticed that Truth was out there already... Truth was hidden in plain sight, as usual

Can money and power ever make us happy? How much is enough? Our constant desire for more is part of our human nature. Some call it a useful dowry of evolution, others a fault in the human genetic make-up: The old mortal sin Greed seems to be more ubiquitous than ever. Why can't people ever get enough, where is this self-indulgence leading - and are there any ways out of this vicious circle of gratification? "People like to have a lot of stuff because it makes them the feeling of living forever," says American social psychologist Sheldon Solomon, who believes today's materialism and consumerism will have disastrous consequences. Anyone who fails to satisfy his or her desires in this age of the Ego is deemed a loser. But with more than 7 billion people on the Earth, the ramifications of this excessive consumption of resources are already clear. Isn’t the deplorable state of our planet proof enough that "The Greed Program," which has made us crave possessions, status and power, is coming to an end? Or is the frenzied search for more and more still an indispensable part of our nature? We set off to look for the essence of greed. And we tell the stories of people who - whether as perpetrators or victims or even just as willing consumers - have become accomplices in a sea change in values.

Money, happiness and eternal life - Greed (director's cut)


more about fiat money, but like I said, the premise itself is the problem. fiat money just accelerates the destructive trends
97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary (1,911,267 views)