View Full Version : lmao! set new record on getting banned - god.like.produc...

31st December 2017, 09:21 PM
ha ha --

banned on my third or fourth post -- it won't even let me VIEW the piece of sh-t site. i posted an unapproved image re skype and hate speech


31st December 2017, 11:44 PM
What's the image?

1st January 2018, 01:36 PM
What's the image?

same message as my avatar - just a random one i found online

1st January 2018, 01:41 PM
so when they banned me they have a message box where you can plea your case. i plead my case - stating that i was just posting a cartoon found online. they came back -- denied, ban stands.

i've never had an IP ban before - where i cant even read the site. that sh-thole takes their skype-cucking serious

1st January 2018, 02:03 PM
so when they banned me they have a message box where you can plea your case. i plead my case - stating that i was just posting a cartoon found online. they came back -- denied, ban stands.

i've never had an IP ban before - where i cant even read the site. that sh-thole takes their skype-cucking serious

Use Opera, it has a built in VPN.

old steel
1st January 2018, 02:45 PM

1st January 2018, 06:31 PM
video is old -- from march 2019. have anything more current?

1st January 2018, 06:48 PM
What was your name there? Im on there constantly. They have technology that has banned me by- get this , WATCHING WHAT IM TYPING before i post! Anything to do with jewish evil or us gov collusion im am banned before i can post.

1st January 2018, 06:58 PM
so when they banned me they have a message box where you can plea your case. i plead my case - stating that i was just posting a cartoon found online. they came back -- denied, ban stands.

i've never had an IP ban before - where i cant even read the site. that sh-thole takes their skype-cucking serious

What is the purpose of even fucking around (((there))).

1st January 2018, 06:59 PM
Just post anon and type "jason lucas tavistock" see what happens

1st January 2018, 08:08 PM

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1st January 2018, 09:11 PM
What was your name there? Im on there constantly. They have technology that has banned me by- get this , WATCHING WHAT IM TYPING before i post! Anything to do with jewish evil or us gov collusion im am banned before i can post.

my handle was something very original --- cheka

for anyone that wants to know why i use that handle -- it's to promote awareness. so some twit puts my name in google to see what i'm up to --- he gets the red terror :o

1st January 2018, 09:16 PM

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but what if i'm a fag that wants g...l...p to bake me a cake? did the courts just set precedent for me to be allowed in there - and to do whatever the hell i want?

2nd January 2018, 05:43 AM
Just post the word tavistock ....

3rd January 2018, 11:01 AM
I Agree to The Terms of This Membership Contract.

I don't keep promises to machines.

4th January 2018, 07:02 AM
Just post the word tavistock ....
Cheka, get THIS, i posted this post over HERE on gsus and without posting at godlike or even visiting i was permabanned!
what kind of agency runs that place, with that kinda oversight over the whole web? Its possibly coincidence but..... #tavistock tavistock jason lucas tavistock. Creepy.

4th January 2018, 08:12 AM
What, you don’t get enough of the lunatic fringe right here?

4th January 2018, 08:32 AM
What, you don’t get enough of the lunatic fringe right here?

you can never have enough LF

4th January 2018, 08:35 AM
Cheka, get THIS, i posted this post over HERE on gsus and without posting at godlike or even visiting i was permabanned!
what kind of agency runs that place, with that kinda oversight over the whole web? Its possibly coincidence but..... #tavistock tavistock jason lucas tavistock. Creepy.

wow. that is crazy!

i've was considering joining sssst-ttorm f. ron tt but that place has to be crawling with many vipers from the den

many of the posters are wise - so really no need to do any work there

6th January 2018, 07:16 PM
If you just got banned from GIM2, is this where you go?

6th January 2018, 07:35 PM
If you just got banned from GIM2, is this where you go?


edit - i deleted the rest of my post. too harsh

6th January 2018, 07:43 PM
I think I bashed Israel once too often, Oh well, I'll wonder around till I find the gun forum...

6th January 2018, 08:09 PM
I think I bashed Israel once too often, Oh well, I'll wonder around till I find the gun forum...

if you did bash once too much --- good job. go to gooodlikeprod and get some more. they are a trip

just checked = didnt see your bashing. sure you're banned -- doesnt show it on avatar thing