View Full Version : What happens when the deranged have children

midnight rambler
2nd January 2018, 12:27 PM

2nd January 2018, 01:55 PM
Seems more like skewed data to reflect ones bias.

Here is the original breitbart article.

The study (https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/CHIS-Transgender-Teens-FINAL.pdf) – which has (https://ww2.kqed.org/futureofyou/2017/12/23/a-quarter-of-california-adolescents-may-be-gender-nonconforming-so-what-does-that-mean/) a margin of error of about six percent – was based on the inclusion of two questions in the California Health Interview Survey (http://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/publications/Documents/PDF/2017/gncadolescents-factsheet-dec2017.pdf) that were asked of 1,594 California young people between the ages of 12 and 17.

Looking at the study, they talked to 1600 kids out of 3 million. They surveyed five hundredths of a percent of the 12-17 age group supposed total. It's 0.000533333. I think I got that right.

Sounds like agenda making headlines by the authors. The real headline should have been that half of the age group population identified as latino.

2nd January 2018, 02:37 PM
most of the new generation is toast

I heard the story of a 10yo boy already addicted to porn, his parents found out after a while. They had no idea he would start that early looking for it.

then a woman told me that she went on a cruise with her 2 kids, 12 boy and 10 girl, and hubby... the boy who is really cute was sexually harassed by girls his age

2nd January 2018, 02:46 PM
My daughter (elementary school aged) has a friend who told her a few months back that after listening to Katy Perry (she wrote the "I kissed a girl and I liked it" song) she's bisexual now. Obviously this is a case of a young impressionable mind whose parents allow her to listen to hip/cool modern music glorifying faggotry and deviancy wanting to emulate her favorite signer. Of course a certain percentage of the kids are going to want to emulate their favorite celebrities. I told my daughter plainly that her friend is just saying she's bisexual to be "cool" because Katy Perry says it's cool to be that way, and that this is one of the reasons we don't let you listen to that music.

2nd January 2018, 04:18 PM
most of the new generation is toast

I heard the story of a 10yo boy already addicted to porn, his parents found out after a while. They had no idea he would start that early looking for it.

then a woman told me that she went on a cruise with her 2 kids, 12 boy and 10 girl, and hubby... the boy who is really cute was sexually harassed by girls his age

the boy is cute? he's not that hot without makeup

2nd January 2018, 06:50 PM
My kid don't have TV or Radio. She does watch movies I download and listen to my drunken music choices which are usually ok. For drama she hides...


No fear, we got each other. Guess how you bring the up.

3rd January 2018, 07:03 AM
I was addicted to porn when I was 10 also. The difference was I couldn't get my grimy little hands on any back then!

sexually harassed by girls his age

Can you walk me through being sexually harassed by 10 year old girls might look like? Me thinks the scent of bullshit has permeated through the air!
most of the new generation is toast

I heard the story of a 10yo boy already addicted to porn, his parents found out after a while. They had no idea he would start that early looking for it.

then a woman told me that she went on a cruise with her 2 kids, 12 boy and 10 girl, and hubby... the boy who is really cute was sexually harassed by girls his age

3rd January 2018, 11:50 AM
The outfit that conducts this survey (California Health Interview Survey at UCLA Center for Health Policy Research) is utterly incompetent, woefully biased, or both.

I got a letter from them in the last few months, saying I had been chosen to participate, and they'd be calling me to interview me. They stuck a crisp $2 bill inside to show they were serious, and said more compensation would come after the interview.

I waited the two weeks the letter spoke of, and when a phone call did not come, I called them. They said they would have someone call me. Never did.

Their "scientific sampling" is likely utter bullshit. They probably called 1600 kids in West Hollywood and Sodomcisco and got these "results."

3rd January 2018, 04:39 PM
The "deranged" (possessed WITH DEVILS, just say it)
produce this -
