View Full Version : EPIC piece on the slave trade

2nd January 2018, 01:12 PM
havent seen this before -- incredible work by the author

heads up -- i had to click on a lot of the images to view


midnight rambler
2nd January 2018, 02:41 PM
havent seen this before -- incredible work by the author

heads up -- i had to click on a lot of the images to view


Yes, indeed, EPIC. Thx for the link.

3rd January 2018, 06:55 AM
Be sure to download the zip file, I did! This information will constantly be removed and it must be preserved and reposted

3rd January 2018, 06:53 PM
havent seen this before -- incredible work by the author

heads up -- i had to click on a lot of the images to view


Be careful with this work. Not all of it is accurate. Yes, Jews dominate(d) both the White and Black slave trade. But sloppy research work leads to being demolished when engaging the Enemy.

3rd January 2018, 07:57 PM
Be careful with this work. Not all of it is accurate. Yes, Jews dominate(d) both the White and Black slave trade. But sloppy research work leads to being demolished when engaging the Enemy.

what did you see? i saw that some of the sources are much better than some of the others. it would take me a week or more to credit/discredit each item. broad brush is good enough -- 'they' had it locked up from stem to stern

3rd January 2018, 09:40 PM
what did you see? i saw that some of the sources are much better than some of the others. it would take me a week or more to credit/discredit each item. broad brush is good enough -- 'they' had it locked up from stem to stern

A few instances of application of "JEW!" that were not / did not seem to warranted. I usually don't go much farther after I see a few glaring errors like that.

For example, neither Wells nor Fargo of Wells Fargo were Kikes.

4th January 2018, 01:33 AM
endorsing competition and profits seeking as a model is endorsing psychopathy... all aftermaths are same, on a business and social levels

that is why money cannot - and will not --make the world go round... you cannot go after the psychopaths if not changing the frameworks and addressing the darwinian illusion plaguing materialism. ((they)) rule because society endorses an illusion... err delusion...

One cannot keep blaming ((them)) when not changing one's mindset first, otherwise one just continues to support ((them)). ((they)) are protected by a flaw embedded in the premise.

The deception IS bottomless, will the Lifting of the Veil occur (the revelation)? Up to each of us and how much the ego can be tamed, because when accepting this, one loses everything in the process but that is the high price of Freedom since societies have ignored it for so long.

Mankind must learn to quit profiting from humans/life/Nature... and ultimately God. The meaning of the Golden Calf. Wall street Bull.

I am writing a piece about this actually :)